#rail-road basin
batboyblog · 4 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #18
May 10-17 2024
The Justice Department endorses lifting many restrictions on marijuana. Since the 1970s marijuana has been classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, the most restrictive classification for drugs that are highly addictive, dangerous and have no medical use, like heroin. Schedule I drugs are nearly impossible to get approval for research studies greatly hampering attempts to understand marijuana and any medical benefits it may have. The DoJ recommends moving it to Schedule III, drugs with low risk of abuse like anabolic steroids, and testosterone. This will allow for greater research, likely allow medical marijuana, and make marijuana a much less serious offense. President Biden welcomed DoJ's decision, a result a review of policy he ordered. Biden in his message talked about how he's pardoned everyone convicted of marijuana possession federally. The President repeated a phrase he's said many times "No-one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana,"
The Department of Interior announced no new coal mining in America's largest coal producing region. The moratorium on new coal leases has been hailed as the single biggest step so fair toward ending coal in the US. The Powder River Basin area of Wyoming and Montana produces 40% of the nations coal, the whole state of West Virginia is just 14%. The new rule is estimated to reduce emissions by the equivalent of 293 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, the same as taking 63 million gas powered cars off the road.
Vice-President Harris announced that the Biden-Harris Administration had broken records by investing $16 billion in Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Harris, a graduate of Howard University, is the first President or Vice-President to have gone to a HBCU. The Administration's investment of $900 million so far in 2024 brought the total investment of the Biden-Harris administration in HBCUs to $16 billion more than double the record $7 billion. HBCUs produce 40% of black engineers, 50% of black teachers, 70% of black doctors and dentists, and 80% of black judges. HBCUs also have a much better record of helping social mobility and moving people out of generational poverty than other colleges and universities.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced $30 billion dollars in renewal funding for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The program supports 2.3 million families that are in need of housing with vouchers that help pay rent. This funding represents a $2 billion dollar increase over last year.
The Department of Agriculture announced $671.4 million in investments in rural infrastructure. The money will go to project to improve rural electric grids, as well as drinking water and wastewater treatment infrastructure. The money will go to 47 projects across 23 states.
HUD announced a record breaking $1.1 billion dollar investment in Tribal housing and community development. HUD plans just over 1 billion dollars for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program. This is a 40% increase in funding over 2023 and marks the largest ever funding investment in Indian housing. HUD also is investing $75 million in community development, supporting building and rehabbing community buildings in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
The Department of Transportation announced $2 billion in investments in America's busiest passenger rail route, the Northeast Corridor between Washington DC and Boston. This is part of a 15 year, $176 billion plan to rebuild the corridor’s infrastructure and prepare for increased ridership and more trains. So far investments have seen a 25% increase, 7 million riders, over figures last year. a fully funded plan would almost double Amtrak service between New York City and Washington, D.C., and increase service between New York City and Boston by 50%. It would also allow a 60% increase in commuter trains.
HUD announced plans to streamline its HOME program. Currently the largest federal program to help build affordable housing, the streamlining of the rules will speed up building and help meet the Biden Administration's goal of 2 million new affordable housing units. HUD announced last week $1.3 billion dollars for the HOME program, which built 13,000 new units of housing in 2023 and helped 13,000 families with rental assistance
The Department of Interior announced $520 million in new water projects to help protect against drought in the western states. The funding will support 57 water related projects across 18 western states. The projects focus on climate resilience and drought prevention, as well as improving aging water delivery systems, and improving hydropower generation.
The Departments of Agriculture and HHS have stepped up efforts to wipe out the H5N1 virus prevent its spread to humans while protecting farmers livelihoods. The virus is currently effecting dairy cattle in the Texas panhandle region. The USDA and HSS are releasing wide ranging funds to help support farms equipping workers with Personal Protective Equipment, covering Veterinary costs, as well as compensating farmers for lost revenue. HHS and the CDC announced $101 million in testing an monitoring. This early detection and action is key to preventing another Covid style pandemic.
The Senate confirmed Sanket Bulsara to a life time federal judgeship in New York and Eric Schulte and Camela Theeler to lifetime federal judgeships in South Dakota. This brings the total number of judges appointed by President Biden to 197. For the first time in history the majority of a President's judicial nominees have not been white men.
Bonus: The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that transgender health insurance exclusions were illegal. The ruling came from a case first filed in 2019 where an employer refused to cover an employee's gender affirming surgery. The court in its ruling sited new guidance from the Biden Administration's Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that declared that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects trans people in the work place. These kinds of guidelines are often sited in court and carry great weight.
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lulu2992 · 8 months
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia
The almost complete but unused in-game encyclopedia, reconstructed thanks to the oasisstrings file.
Please note that it’s still cut content, so some information might not be relevant anymore.
You can read the oasisstrings file here. Pictures from this encyclopedia were also extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
Part 4: Locations - Henbane River
Tanami Residence
Some idiot drove a dredge into Roy Tanami's property, damaging his bunker beyond repair. Out of options, Tanami swallowed his pride and joined the Whitetail Militia up north.
Vasquez Residence
Home of Mr. Vasquez, former employee of Nolan's Fly Shop.
Hollyhock Saloon
One of the first businesses to fall to Eden’s Gate when they banned alcohol in the county. No one knows if the owners moved or were taken.
Can of Worms Fishing Store
Rods and tackle a-plenty. Owned by Sherri Woodhouse, who does salvage runs for sunken treasure in her spare time.
Deep North Water Treatment Plant
Built in 2002 to treat the toxic water from decades of mining practices. Today, Eden’s Gate uses it to disperse Bliss into the water.
Misty River Gas
A local gas station by the water, owned by Mr. McDevitt.
McCoy Cabin
Home of Darby McCoy who joined the cult against his will. This cabin is both close to the water and the Misty River Gas, an ideal spot for the cult to run operations.
Peaches Taxidermy
Mable's a rough-edged taxidermist. She lives here with her pet cougar.
Barlow Residence
Residence of Dr. Phil Barlow. He was a pharmacist who joined Eden’s Gate.
McClean Residence
Residence of Travis McClean. He was a former Air Force veteran turned prepper. Like so many others, he and his husband are on the run from Eden's Gate.
Eden’s Gate Outreach Center
This was once a place to learn more about Eden’s Gate and the Father’s message. Nothing out of the ordinary, until it became what it is today.
The Pillars of Eden
An outdoor amphitheater and a place of worship for Eden's Gate.
Drubman Marina
The Drubman Marina began in 1992 as an oil sands prospecting venture. Hurk Drubman Sr. became rich, but ost the property in a divorce to his wife Adelaide. She has big dreams for the place.
Silver Lake Campgrounds
A place to camp with a nice view of the mountains, the water, and the Whitetail Mountain Rail Bridge.
Silver Lake Summer Camp
An old summer camp. It was forced out of business by Eden’s Gate about 8 years ago. The cult used this place to stockpile their goods while their bunkers were being built.
Howling Cave
A well-known wolf habitat. The cult frequently takes animals from here and sends them north to Jacob.
Taft Lookout Tower
An old firewatch tower built in 1945. The cult uses it as a checkpoint and surveillance location. As expected, it is heavily guarded at all times.
Raptor Peak
A mountain peak that's a favorite nesting spot for birds of prey.
Camp Cougars
The Resistance has set up a camp to use as a base of operations for attacks against the cult and rescue missions for those on the pilgrimage path.
Dire Wolf Basin
A smoking basin that Eden's Gate has claimed as their own. Also a place of worship for the cult.
Sabre-Tooth Springs
These hot springs and the nearby cave used to be a tourist destination. It's right next to a road, meaning this location spent little in advertising. Today, it only attracts the cult.
Eden’s Convent
The very first building set up by the Project at Eden’s Gate in Hope County. People came here for spiritual retreats and to learn the Word of Joseph. When they left, if they did, it was with a permanent smile on their faces.
Sacred Skies Youth Camp
Formerly a Christian youth camp that was shut down fifteen years ago when the population dwindled. Eden’s Gate quietly bought it ten years ago. They use the land for growing Bliss flowers while living on-site.
Joseph’s Word
A statue of Joseph Seed that was constructed almost overnight. It commemorates the Father bringing his Word to the world. It also houses a rare, one-of-a-kind manuscript that is sacred to Eden's Gate.
Purpletop Antenna
Eden's Gate controls the radio towers. There's no signal but Joseph's Word out here.
Dead Man’s Mill
A water mill left over from the gold rush heyday. Everyone in Hope County has a different version of how it got its name, but the most popular story is a man's suicide after the closure of the mines.
Mastodon Geothermal Park
A tourist attraction established in 1836. People used to come here to admire the unique geological landscape. Now Eden's Gate uses it as an execution site.
Chan Residence
Back in the day, the owner of the Sacred Skies Youth Camp lived here. The cabin now belongs to Jasmine Chan, a big game hunter who was recruited into Eden's Gate against her will.
Counselor’s Cabin
This used to be the counselor's cabin when the Sacred Skies Youth Camp was in operation.
Nature Cabin
It once belonged to the Sacred Skies Youth Camp. Kids would come here to learn about animals, or rest after hurting themselves on the nearby zip line.
Throne of Mercy Church
A gold rush era church run by Jerrod Wilson, a preacher and rival of Emmet Reaves in the late 1800s. The church survived until about ten years ago when the cult closed it down.
Administrator’s Cabin
This used to be the administrator's cabin when the Sacred Skies Youth Camp was in operation.
Boshaw Manor
The humble dwelling of Charlemagne Victor Boshaw IV, gentleman fire enthusiast.
King’s Hot Springs Hotel
Once a spot for the posh to "take the waters," a landslide triggered by an earthquake in 1917 closed it temporarily and made it a ghost hunter's gem. It reopened, only to close again in 1994. Eden's Gate has put it to good use.
Moonflower Trailer Park
Once the fanciest trailer park in Montana run by the Boshaws. When the economy dried up and the Boshaws did nothing to retain their tenants, people relocated to the Silver Lake trailer park in the Holland Valley.
Sinclair Residence
Frankie Sinclair dreamed of being a world class French chef. Only problem? He couldn't speak a lick of French. He worked at the King's Hot Springs Hotel until it closed in 1994.
Horned Serpent Cave
A sulfur cave that's part of the volcanically active landscape of the region. It was once an industrial site, but the cult has turned it into a mass grave for Angels who can serve the project no more.
Henbane River Station
Copperhead Rail was created in the late 1800s by Emmet Reaves. It was shut down in the early 70s after the last of the local mining industries dried up. This station has been abandoned ever since.
Grimalkin Radon Mine
Once a part of a radon spa chain, it shut down in the 60s. Guy Marvel fell in love with the aesthetic and figured it’d be the perfect place for his next movie masterpiece.
Lydia’s Cave
In 1912, some loggers saw a girl eating a goat with wolves. She was captured in this cave and brought to a doctor who named her Lydia. She escaped and was last seen deep in the wilds suckling two wolf cubs.
Whistling Beaver Brewery
This brewery and pub opened in the late 1880s. It closed in 1916-1918 for Prohibition and reopened in the 30s. Pushed out of the national market by artisanal beer, the brewery was struggling and quietly sold to Eden's Gate.
The Misery
A dredge that belonged to the Catamount Mining Company. When the mines dried up, they tried to get gold from the riverbeds, but failed and abandoned it. The Resistance tells horror stories about what goes on there now.
Faith’s Gate
A bunker under Faith's guardianship. It is shrouded in Bliss, ensuring that those who are sheltered here will not be frightened when the Collapse comes.
Feeney Residence
Home of Dwight Feeney, a prepper and chemistry aficionado who joined Eden’s Gate when they promised him an important role in the creation of Bliss.
Eden’s Altar
A place of worship for Eden’s Gate. The faithful gather to hear sermons about Joseph’s visions and plans.
Gethsemane Greenhouse
A building used to precisely control the growing conditions of plants. Whatever these plants were before, they are now Bliss flowers.
Lorna’s Truck Stop
Lorna Rawlings used her BINGO winnings to create the best place for hard-working truckers like her husband to refresh and refuel. The cult came to take the place. She said no. She hasn’t been seen since.
Henbane River Chalets
A tourist trap that was shut down by the cult. The lake view was also sought after as a filming location.
Aubrey’s Diner
One of the first places to close when the cult took over. Their grilled cheese was no good.
O’Hara’s Haunted House
A professional clown named Edward O'Hara bought a barn and turned it into a haunted house that was a Halloween tradition in Hope County. Edward himself disappeared, and people disagree on whether or not the cult got him.
Ghost Cat Mine
The old mine has been closed for decades but the headframe warehouse is still there, used by the cult to store their containers of Bliss.
The Last Best Resting Place
An old, overgrown graveyard left from the gold rush era.
Jones Residence
Home of Kanti Jones, a Blackfoot woman and ranger who used to work in Whitetail Park. She was forced into retirement when the park closed. She fought against Eden’s Gate, dying in a shootout in her home.
Nelson Residence
Home of Coyote Nelson. He tried to lay low and enjoy fishing and painting but his peaceful pastimes didn't save him.
8-Bit Pizza Bar
The presence of pizza and an arcade made this the most exciting spot for teens within a hundred miles.
Pepper Residence
Holly Pepper and her girlfriend Charlie were among the first locals to join Eden's Gate. They abandoned this house and were never heard from again. The cult turned the property into a grow op.
Hope County Jail
20 years ago, a riot caused a jail break and a bus full of escaped prisoners ran off the road somewhere in Holland Valley. Later on, the prison closed due to budget cuts. Today, the Cougar resistance takes shelter here.
Nolan’s Fly Shop
Nolan Pettis ran his fly shop and gave fishing tours happily for years, although he was never a famous outdoorsman like local celebrity Skylar Kohrs. The money for his shop dried up and he joined Eden’s Gate.
Johnson Residence
Bob and Penny Johnson struck it rich in cattle futures, then they lost everything. After such a fall from grace, Joseph’s cult seemed welcoming. They handed everything over. No one knows where they are now.
Bright Warden Radon Spa
A health spa shut down in the 60s. Eden’s Gate has been spotted going in and out of this mine, using it as a storage facility.
Founded by rail and lumber baron Emmett Reaves. As the industry dried up, the town died and people moved west to Fall’s End. What remains of the ghost town is now used by junkies and the homeless.
Abercrombie Residence
Home of Melvin Adams Abercrombie. He robbed a bank in the 1940s and got away with it. He used his money to build this property and to prepare for the total collapse of the global financial system.
McCallough’s Garage
Once owned by Steve McCallough. He tried to warn everyone about Eden’s Gate, and even had a getaway car and some supplies ready. One day, his shop got boarded up and Steve was nowhere to be found.
Jessop Conservatory
Dr. Rachel Jessop created this place to protect and research at-risk flora and fauna. After budget cuts gutted her funding, Eden's Gate bought her out and devoted the facilities to developing potent strains of Bliss flowers.
Harrison Lookout Tower
One of the towers built in the 1940s to spot forest fires. It was abandoned ten years ago when funding ran out and the cult bought the property. It overlooks the site of one of Clutch Nixon's legendary stunts.
Seeley’s Cabin
Residence of Dwight Seeley. He worked in the local mines and then got kicked out of his place when the cult took over.
Deer Tiger Mine
Established in 1912, this mine was closed down in the 70s. Eden’s Gate appears to use it for storage.
Puma Mine
Another relic of a bygone gold rush, the Puma Mine has been abandoned for decades.
Ancient Bison Tunnel
A closed-off tunnel. No one gets in. No one gets out.
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Catching Out: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Summary: Spencer has his suspicions about your parents but you refuse to even listen to him. There is nothing going on with your parents... right? No, they’re normal parents that are just overprotective of you. Spencer is just being paranoid.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: So, I know in previous episodes I had mentioned the reader's birthday is in February, but I forgot that when I wrote this episode. I have decided to change it to April since I've also based some other episodes around her birthday being in April. So, from now on, the reader's birthday is now in April.
I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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The nearest train tracks around the Modesto home are only a mile away, given it's close enough for the unsub to get off the train and watch the couple he killed for a few nights. There are freight haulers at the train station, and they are willing to talk to you, Derek, Emily, and Rossi when you arrive.
"The guy we're looking for is using freight trains to get around. He targets homes within a mile of the tracks," Derek says after he explained what's going on.
"Bulls and 'bos don't usually cross paths."
"Bulls and 'bos?"
"They call rail cops bulls. We call them 'bos, as in hobos."
"You're saying you rarely see hobos around here?" Rossi asks.
"I see them plenty. To tell you the truth, I'm nothing more than an armed scarecrow. When they see me coming, they get the hell away. Their biggest problem is with each other. If you get two of them in one boxcar, it usually gets ugly."
"So, if a 'bo jumps off one of these trains in a new town, is there someplace he goes first?"
"The jungle. That's what they call the camps. A local one's a couple of hundred yards that way," the man points to where it is.
"Do you happen to have a vending machine in here?"
Rossi thinks if he has food for them, then they might be willing to tell them what they want to know. Your phone rings, and you step off to the side and answer your boyfriend.
"Where are you?" he asks.
"We're just off Highway 99. We just got done talking to the freight haulers. I think I'm going to drive back up to you and leave them down here. Though, I can tell this area is nothing but crops. There are neighborhoods on one side, and the other are all crops."
"They are farmlands. You can't see that from standard road maps."
"The railway track runs parallel to Highway 99 most of the way. I think I'm seeing a lot of what the unsub saw."
"Most of central California is one big valley. It's a flat basin surrounded by mountain ranges on all sides, supported by rivers, lakes, and aqueducts. It's ideal for farming."
"Well, I don't know what it gets us, but I think we should at least factor it into the conversation."
"I agree."
"I'll see you in about an hour." You hang up on him and approach Rossi who has a couple of candy bars in his hand. "I think I'm going to drive up to Sacramento. You two can handle it down here, right?"
"Yeah. We got it."
"I'm going to come with you," Emily says.
By the time you two get to the headquarters in Sacramento, they are ready to give the profile. Spencer told Hotch and JJ about the farmlands, so they have a better-sculpted profile to give.
"Let's get started," Hotch announces. "I'd just like to reiterate that this unsub is not getting around on Highway 99. His travels are linked near railway lines."
"He's targeted five homes and killed eight people in six weeks. We're looking for a male, indigent transient between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five. He's fit enough for the physical demands of train hopping, or 'catching out' as they call it," you inform.
"He'll be bruised from jumping on and off trains, and he might also be beaten up from just defending himself in any kind of turf war. He may look homeless, but he's taking clothing from his victims' homes. So, he'll be the only transient on the tracks in clean clothing."
"The trains and the rail yards are his home. When he gets tired of these, he chooses a house to make his own," Hotch says.
"He'll have a pronounced red, dry rash around his mouth and nose. It's what's commonly referred to as a 'sniffer's rash'."
"How do you know that?"
"He takes household cleaners and sniffs them," you explain. "We believe he's abusing them as psychoactive inhalants. He'll use nail polish remover, glue, paint thinner, lighter fluid, or whatever is the cheapest high available. They're referred to as 'tollyheads' because they derive a high from sniffing toluene, a chemical solvent. Once inhaled, the effects are felt instantaneously."
"We believe he's living out a fantasy in these homes. The fantasy is that it is his house for the night. He spends hours enjoying the comforts of his victims' homes. Upon leaving, he takes clothing, money, jewelry, and small electronics. If you get close to him, you won't miss him. He will smell like a combination of human filth and paint thinner."
"Please spread this around to the other departments in neighboring cities. Thank you."
The profile is disbanded, and you look at JJ who takes a seat tiredly. She places a hand on her stomach, and both you and Spencer walk over to her.
"Are you okay?" you ask and sit next to her.
"He's kicking a lot today," she chuckles.
"In the third trimester, there's an average of thirty fetal movements per hour. Babies kick to explore movement and strengthen muscle," Spencer explains.
"Have you ever actually felt a baby kick?" When he shakes his head, she grabs his hand and places it over the area where her son is moving. "Do you feel that?"
"Doesn't that freak you out?"
"No, not at all. Why? Does it freak you out?"
"Very much so."
"Okay, I see how it is," you nod.
Spencer looks at you with a weird expression, but you don't say anything more about it. You and JJ lock eyes, and she knows exactly what you're thinking. JJ's phone rings, and she answers it when she sees it's Penelope.
"Hey, Garica."
"Bad news alert."
"Hold on a second," you tell her. "Guys!" Hotch, the detective in charge, and Emily walk in when you call them. "Go ahead."
"Earlier, I had Garcia look into all unsolved burglary homicides in central California while paying particular attention to small farm towns."
"I found his DNA in three more cities."
"How did I miss this?" the detective sighs.
"Small towns don't always link their evidence up to state or national DNA databases. It can happen when unsubs cross jurisdictional lines."
"What are the cities, Pen?" you ask.
"Tehachapi, Vacaville, and Orange Cove. They're all farm towns, and all super far away from Highway 99."
"Thanks, Garcia. Could you look into the farm life surrounding those areas? The sales of the crops, maybe?"
"I'll hit you back when I have more."
JJ gets up and waddles over to the fan that is blasting. The air conditioner must either be out or not working well. Being pregnant is hard enough, so you want to make this as easy as possible for her. You grab some cold water and a damp cloth and approach her with a smile.
"Here. It looks like you need it."
"Thank you."
She takes the water and gulps half of it down before placing the cloth on her forehead. You kneel next to her chair and look at her stomach with a smile.
"May I?"
"Of course."
You place your hand on her stomach, and she moves it to the spot where her son is kicking. Your eyes light up at the feeling.
"I'm not going to lie. I kind of miss this. It was different before, of course, but when I felt my daughter kick for the first time... It didn't matter how old I was or what happened. At that moment, I felt pure joy."
"How is she doing?"
"She calls and texts me, but she has her own life. She knows I'm here if she ever needs me though. With your baby, though, I am going to be the best aunt ever. I'm going to spoil the shit out of him." You realize your mistake and smile shyly. "Sorry. I don't mean to cuss around him."
"Would you consider having babies with Spencer?"
You look behind you at Spencer and Emily, and you can't help the smile from forming on your face.
"In a heartbeat," you say truthfully. "I'd be very lucky to have his kids, and they'd be lucky to have Spencer as a dad. I can picture it now. He'd play chess with them, but our baby girl would want to play with her dolls instead. He'd read them bedtime stories and dance with them to the music on an old radio. He'd perform magic for them because they'd laugh and he'd never want to stop making them laugh."
"You're happy."
"I am. He makes me feel like I'm the only woman in the world. It's why this is so hard with my parents. My dad doesn't like him, and it hurts me. I know he'll come around eventually, but I just wish he'd get there sooner."
"It'll be alright. I know it."
Spencer looks behind him at you and JJ in thought. Emily sees the look he's giving you, so she nudges him.
"Are you considering it?"
"Considering what?"
"Having baby geniuses one day?" she smiles.
"With Y/N? In a heartbeat," he says truthfully. You two have been together for over two and a half years. He's not ready to be a dad, but he knows that one day, he'd love to have some with you. "I'd be very lucky to have kids with her one day."
Penelope calls Spencer back, and he calls in you, JJ, Hotch, and the detective.
"I've noticed in the cities, including the new ones we've discovered that there's a spike in the sales of certain crops during the time the unsub is there. In the last week of August, the apples in Tehachapi spiked. In the first week of September, the tomatoes in Bakersfield rose. In the second week of September, the fall squashes in Fresno were high."
"He's in town whenever there is a big harvest. If this unsub is riding trains from town to town during big harvests who doesn't have a car or permanent residence, then we're looking at a migrant farm worker."
There is news of another murder close to where you are, so you quickly head over there. The murder is still fresh, so the victims are still lying on the ground in their bedroom. You can't look at the victims without seeing the unsub beating them over and over again.
"He left a shirt on his male victim again," Hotch says.
"That's not all he left." Spencer holds up the newspaper that was printed a couple of days ago. The headline reads 'Modesto Couple Victims of Highway 99 Killer'. "This was printed before we released to the press he's using trains to get around."
"He's taunting us, telling us he's smarter than we are because we got his mode of transportation wrong. The more confident he gets, the more he's experimenting with his ritual."
"The first few murders were five to eight days apart. This one was just one day since Modesto. If we don't find him soon, he's killing another couple tonight."
"Okay, this couple is Hispanic. The previous couples were Caucasian. He switched his victim profile," you say.
"I don't think he knows or cares what race they were. I think this house was just an easy target."
Spencer's phone rings, and he places them on speakerphone.
"So, we got something," JJ says from the office. "The jewelry stolen from the home in Sacramento turned up at a pawn shop in Modesto. Garcia just sent you a picture from the security cam. The employee said he was about 5'8", slight build, late thirties, and has dark skin with a red rash around his mouth."
"Circulate the picture, JJ," Hotch says.
"I'm already on it."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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radgritty · 13 days
Here's the first part of my Afton/Henry fic
I'm gonna hide under a rug.
The heavy scent of metal shavings and grease filled his nostrils before he even opened his eyes. Fuck. He woke up in the shop. No windows graced the drab concrete walls. The artificial lamplight he fell asleep under was obnoxious and buzzing, aggravating the ringing in his ears. 
He was still wearing workshop goggles on something he'd been dangerously shouldering while having a visit with Jim Beam. Henry's body was drenched in sweat, through his t-shirt. Clinging to the back of his neck, his wet hair should just be put back. The coveralls he wore felt uncomfortable after sleeping in one place. 
“Okay, what day -” he said aloud, spying the calendar near the clock and telephone. 
It was a work day. A day he already had to be in for a small meeting with his business partner, William Afton. All he had to do was clean up and maybe he had a pair of clothes somewhere. It was then he was alerted by a grating beeping from the clock on his desk space. It. It was 10. He needed to be in at 9. “God dammit,” he muttered under his breath. Maybe it wouldn't be noticed, he knew how William was a punctual man, and expected it back. He imagined the irritability, and hurried up. His phone must have rung off the hook. Just a quick basin bath to wash his face and the damn sweat that made everything cold and clammy.
Standing up to even get there, he tripped over the rail of the stool he slumbered on precariously. It clattered to the floor, as well with his body, punctuated with a yelp, too slow to catch himself. He could already feel where he would bruise. As quiet as he possibly could, Henry pulled himself up with the help of his work bench and listened. Nothing he could hear. He brushed himself off, unhinged one of the straps of his coveralls, and ran through his excuse. A car crash, a woman stranded on the side of the road. Oh she just needed to go a couple miles away - oh the traffic - the
Henry scrubbed his hands, but there was only so much industrial hand cleaner could do in work like his. He shook his hands off and combed them through his beard, which he admitted was a little much as of recent. Forgot when he shaved last. The old bar of soap he raked across his face felt good. The tepid water? Strangely cooling. Collecting what he heard was called a “mullet” into a ponytail, he knew it wad a joke, lost only on him. The second strap of his coveralls flopped uselessly as the bib fell. Just some new clothes and spray of Riteguard and he was in the clear.
The door opened.
William Afton's steps were always purposeful, and silent. Henry didn't hear them as he had his shirt over his head. What he was met with was the angular form of his business partner in the doorway, reaching for something (he did not know what) out of his pocket.
When they met eyes, however, a tight-lipped, quizzical concern from his business partner soon became what Henry could describe as disappointment, “I thought I heard the water,” he noted, eyes moving from the dripping tap to a nod at pipes that would occasionally leak in the shop, “When did you come in?” his gaze drifted to the workshop itself.
Henry's voice caught when he tried to explain, “Well, I came across an acc-”
“Spare me,” Afton's voice was flat and arid as the desert. He pointed at the sink, “Make yourself presentable and come to my office,” he clearly had no patience today, which had been getting worse recently.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year
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Gvidaro's ears betrayed him first. It was the feral cats, yowling in the early hours - a bloodcurdling sound, but unnervingly human. As such, it was far worse than the vixens, who might shriek in more distinctive ways - and troubling enough to cut through even the deepest of sleeps.
He shrugged his way out of the blanket and stepped out onto the balcony, and its own embrace of warm night air. The strays were just beneath, trapped in an impasse between two parked cars, each claiming the road for their own domain - threatening conquest, an expansion to their empire, oblivious to their own diminished, sorry state.
Even from the distance, they were a pitiful sight - ribs protruding under matted, patchy fur that might once have been tortoiseshell or calico, ears that might have once been whole, gummed up mouths that might have once been licked clean by a mother's tongue - but still their pride held firm. They were never peasants - just temporarily embarrassed kings and queens.
He hushed them away, and returned to the bed, his body seeking the imprint it had left; as if could return, finding its way back into a half-remembered dream. But that passage-way was sealed, and Gvidaro struggled even to make the journey back into oblivion. He grappled with sleep for a few minutes more, a quarry which eluded him amidst the slip of silken sheets, and then his bladder began its turn to protest.
It was as he stood there, polishing the porcelain, that he noticed the fly. Its form was unmistakeable: wings slicked back, proboscis poised, abdomen already plump with stolen blood. His, presumably, as it couldn't have been Maja's. Perhaps it had been there from the night before; perhaps it had flown in when he'd opened the balcony door. Either way, it could not be allowed to remain.
Gvidaro lost another ten minutes chasing the mosquito around the bathroom, perched precariously atop the toilet lid and on the lip of the bath as it clung to the ceiling, before he finally caught it by the shower-head. He washed the blood from his hands, wondering if it really had been his own, and headed out - but not quite yet to bed.
After his bladder's complaints of being overfull, the glass of his innards now felt half empty, and he needed to replace the water he had lost. Thus his journey took him down to the kitchen, where the tap-water was more suitable to drink (the streams from basin, bath, and even shower might well have been potable, but they were far from palatable to his taste).
He felt his way down through the dark, but not carefully enough. Gvidaro counted seven steps out of thirteen, but stumbled down the last six after missing one, and landed badly on his ankle. It wasn't broken, just bent, and he managed not to cry out, but he already knew that the return journey would be more difficult, if not for the next few days.
He hobbled on to the kitchen, still in search of water, but now in the form of a pack of ice, to counteract the way the flesh was already beginning to swell. He and Maja had seen enough of that lately. The benefit of this hot weather was that he knew he had plenty of ice prepared, for use in everything from his morning coffee to his evening glass of red.
The freezer was a mess in itself, full of ends of loaves and leftover vegetables he'd sworn he'd turn to soup someday, and Gvidaro took a moment to instil some sort of order in the drawers, which turned into ten minutes emptying the fridge as well, and even a few of the cupboards, just to put it all back in roughly the same place.
By the time he finally made it back upstairs to bed, the first light of dawn was peering over the curtain rail, another intruder threatening to disrupt his peace - and this one less easily squashed under a small wad of toilet paper. It felt like this night had been one disturbance after another, a bombardment of his senses as he wanted only to return to sleep.
But still, his nose plugged with perfumed handkerchiefs, his gaze averted, the bedside lamp unused, he remained unmoved by Maja's corpse in bed beside him. She was sleeping, and needed none of his concern. She'd had her bladder removed, and her hearing, and her thirst - all of those little disturbances that might have roused them both. He'd made quite sure of that.
It was strange, how little it bothered him. He'd thought there might be a little trouble sleeping, at first - he'd read about the guilt, the regret, the haunting that kept some men up at night. But Maja didn't haunt him. She was just here - just like she'd been meant to be, before she left. Her presence didn't upset him, because that was what he'd wanted all along. If her spectre lingered in the house, that was only a bonus. He hadn't realised he could mummify that too.
No - he wasn't disturbed by Maja. It was the other things. The cats, and the insects, and the leftovers, and the water, and the pain, and the light, and the water again. Or some nights it was the drunks, or the sobriety, or the heat, or the dark, or the foxes, or a song that kept repeating in his brain, or an image he couldn't get out of his head. But Maja was here to comfort him. He felt her skin against his own, warm and lifelike to the touch. In her arms, he wasn't disturbed. He wasn't disturbed.
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charlesandmartine · 5 months
Sunday 28th April 2024
At ten am after a rather glutinous breakfast, the sort that would set a camel up nicely for a week in the desert, we checked out of our sumptuous Victoria Falls Hotel in preparation for a rather busy day hanging around for the departure at 3pm of the Rovos Rail to Pretoria. We sense the presence of many other closet rail enthusiasts lurking around dark corners of the hotel, each idling away the time before all aboard is called. Nobody seems able to settle, but the train arrived at 10 in the shantie style station immediately across the road from the front of the hotel. The security army tried yesterday to prevent us taking a look at the rather underused platform. Trains are only really seen here twice a week so I guess it's a bit of a big event when one does idle by. No doubt it would take a little while to flit around with a duster and restock the fridge before allowing the replacement batch of the shunters club on. The Victoria Falls Hotel has been superb in every way and we couldn't fault it. The Edwardian splendour was not lost on us. It would have total tranquility were it not for the constant circling of helicopters enabling wallet bulging Americans a different perspective of the Falls.
We made it to the train. By the time champagne, canapes, the welcome speech, and admin tasks were taken care of we weighed anchor and set off at a steady 60 km in a southerly direction. We just sit in the lounge car, drink a G&T and relax. Dinner was served at 7.30 with a perfect rack of lamb washed down with some output from Stellenbosch; Sauvignan Blanc and a Merlot.
This is the fourth such train we have been on and the format is familiar. Our little compartment is small but functional with the main room set aside for daytime relaxing on a long bench/ sofa which magically transforms into a double bed whilst we are dining. Then through a doorway is a bathroom containing a toilet, basin and shower cubicle. Quite comfortable all in all. For those with pots of money the deluxe suite that provides a little extra seating area in addition to the bed area. And for people who have more money than you can shake a stick at there's the Royal suite that also offers a corner bath.
Up early at 5.30 tomorrow for an early breakfast and a game reserve so it'll be an early bedtime. Why can't animals get up a bit later?
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canary0 · 1 year
May 3, Bistrita - Dracula 2023
The train left Munich at 8:35 pm on May 1st, arriving in Vienna early the next morning.
We would have been there sooner, but the train was an hour late. Really unfortunate, because once I arrived from Vienna to Budapest, the place is beautiful. The fact that the railways wanted to get back on schedule meant that didn’t get much of a chance to explore, but I managed to get a few pictures.
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Train station interior: Photo by Thomas Choi on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/DdBEYd4hZ5k)
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Train station exterior: Photo by Gabriel Miklós on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/asIEq0NrNNE)
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Budapest: Photo by Klaudia Olejnik from Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/photos/budapest-hungary-river-city-bridge-7810815/)
You can feel the history, moving into the area that the Ottoman Empire once ruled. The influences are so different, between the oldest architecture in England and here. Like a gateway into Eastern Europe, something like that. I would love too travel here some time when I’m not on business with Mina. She could probably tell me the history of half the buildings here.
Sadly, I left shortly after I took the picture of the bridge. I almost ran late for the train taking off again! I can’t complain, though, as we left in good time and weren’t too late getting into Cluj-Napoca. Even the rail station was lovely.
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Train station: Public Domain image at Wikipedia.com (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluj-Napoca_railway_station)
I stayed for the night at a small hotel about ten minutes walk from the station, Villa Escala. I always thought that if you’re going to travel, you should go places where you can absorb the atmosphere more, and this place was lovely in that regard. The atmosphere warmed the soul, and the furniture wore its history on its sleeve without looking worn out.
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Hotel (Villa Escala): Photo at Booking.com (https://www.booking.com/hotel/ro/villa-escala.html)
Once I checked in, I inquired after the staff where I might find some local fare, and they directed me to a nearby restaurant where I had a lovely dish they called “ paprikás csirke”, chicken paprikash. While apparently not commonly made this way these days, this particular place used an old recipe that included hot paprika, and it was quite a thirsty dish. I finished my carafe and water and needed more. It was interesting in how the burn was more at the back of the mouth and going down than at the front.
Mina: I think you would love this dish. Creamy, spicy, a little tart from the sour cream, and a subtle sweetness. I found a recipe for it you might want to try. (link)
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Chicken Paprikash (paprikás csirke): Photo by Istvan Szabo at Pexels (https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-close-up-shot-of-a-chicken-paprikash-dish-10338434/)
While the cell reception has grown increasingly spotty during my trip, I’ve done some research on the area as I went. The place I’m going is right on the border of Transilvania, Bucovina, and Moldova (that’s the Romanian state, not the country – that’s farther east yet), in the eastern half of the country, tucked up in the Carpathian Mountains. I won’t be quite heading into the latter two states, I gather. I think the castle must not be on any official roads, because I couldn’t find where it’s supposed to be on any roads. I think I can see an impression on Google Earth, but it’s surprisingly blurry. I can’t tell if what I’m seeing is a castle or a strange craggy outcropping. I suppose I’ll see.
Anyway, there are a few different ethnic groups in the area: Saxons (yes, the same ones King Arthur was supposed to have fought – they occupied a really wide swath of Europe), Vlachs (speakers of Eastern Romance languages, possibly descended from the Romans who once occupied the region; indeed, they simply called themselves Romans), Magyars (Hungarians), and Szekelys (who regard themselves as descendants of Huns, and served as the vanguard of Romanian armies in the past). Supposedly, when the Magyas conquered the Carpathian Basin, they found the Huns already there, so it’s possible.
Supposedly the Carpathian Mountains are rich in folklore and stories of all sorts of strange beings out there in the night. I think I must have been thinking about it that night, because my sleep was interrupted by odd dreams. It likely wasn’t helped by a dog howling beneath my window, the paprika, or the picturesque, if rather spooky, graveyard I had to pass between the hotel, train station, and restaurant. Despite that, I must have been sleeping very deeply by morning – it took a couple of wake up calls for me to actually get up.
I had a breakfast of more paprika, a polenta-ish cornmeal porridge called “mămăligă”, and a stuffed eggplant dish they called “impletata”… but since that word just means “stuffed” according the the online translator that has been a lifeline this leg of the trip, I think they might have been having me on a little. Very tasty, though, so I can’t complain too much.
I hurried through the food to get to the train on time, since it was supposed to leave before late, but… Well, the phrase “hurry up and wait” comes to mind. We didn’t get started until at least 8:30. Such is life.
The train took a moderate pace through the countryside, which suited me just fine. I mentioned that Budapest was beautiful, but the countryside of Transilvania has a completely different sort of beauty. Little picturesque towns in the midst of rolling fields and little rivers in the distance, castles settled atop steep hills, watching over the surrounding area like lone sentinels. The streams and rivers had wide, stony margins that made me wonder if they were prone to sudden floods. Every once in a while, we would pass a small village and town close and see people going about their daily lives that made me think of some of those cottage/back to nature sort of aesthetics you see online. It reminds me of a cottagecore mood board Lucy once showed me when we visited, and traveling through this region, I can feel the appeal.
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Romanian Countryside: Photo by Fotografu on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/8h-yUi_l2Jw)
I arrived in Bistrita iwhile it was still somewhat bright, sadly too late to do much in the way of sightseeing, though a little bit of hurry let me take a photo of the church that dominates the central square of the town.
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Bistrița Evangelical Church: Photo by Mian Bulacu (https://backpackglobetrotter.com/2018/09/17/postcards-romania/)
The Count directly me to The Coronana de Aur hotel. It’s a modern business hotel like many others, but it’s hard to find a hotel that’s historic these days. While it’s a little disappointing, as I was hoping to take in a little more of the local feel, it was nice to have a comfortable place to stay before I head off to the Tihuta Pass tomorrow. Having good reception to call Mina before I go is a comfort, too.
When I arrived, the front desk staff passed me a letter from the Count: “My Friend.--Welcome to the Carpathians. I am anxiously expecting you. Sleep well to-night. At three tomorrow a bus will start for Bucovina; a place on it is kept for you. At the Tihuta Pass my carriage will await you and will bring you to me. I trust that your journey from London has been a happy one, and that you will enjoy your stay in my beautiful land.
Your friend,
(A/N: Hopefully you enjoyed the first foray into this silly endeavor to rewrite the book as if it was happening as of May 3, 2023. This is absolutely not meant to be serious.
I am trying to make it a little more accurate to real world Romania as much as I can (and as much as can be reasonable from an Englishman's perspective). We're part of a connected, small world these days. I think that's going to make the horror of the isolation even stronger.
Anyway. Have fun with the dumb, silly thing I'm making at DD goes. If it's not your cup of tea, you are welcome to move on.
Obviously, this is not mine, Dracula being public domain in the US aside. It's basically fanfic. Some of it will be direct quotes. Probably not much, as having characters in a modern context will change them, and that'll be filtered through my own lens of how I perceive them as well.
Enough excuses, I suppose. It'll be what it'll be.)
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poemsfromthealley · 1 year
fuck it friday
Or, more like Screw It Saturday by now, but I was tagged by the ever wonderful @lynne-monstr, so have some fic!
Tagging: whoever would like to do this! Link me so I can have a peek!
This is from the next chapter of Servant of the Spiral, aka "June finally lost her marbles and combined her favourite childhood videogame with her beloved trashfire YA show"—that SH/Final Fantasy X fusion I started on the down low this spring.
Magnus is a summoner, Alec is his guardian, together they're off to save the world on the most dubious road trip ever. It even begins as a sea voyage.
The morning breeze ruffles Magnus's hair. He needs to shave the sides, but most of the time, it's tucked under his scarf. That's a shipboard habit he never neglects, ever since the hot, fateful day he burned his scalp while laying nets. His head itched for weeks. Alec, standing off the bow on the starboard side, apparently never learned that lesson. His thick black curls blow around the stony set of his profile, and he leans on the railing with such effortless balance that this must not be his first ocean voyage. The ship's engine rumbles steadily under their feet. The auxiliary sails are furled, the deck empty save for the two of them. Magnus settles a diplomatic arm's length away. "I appreciate that tying a rag on your head will smother your entire broodingly handsome look, but sunstroke is no laughing matter." He measures the slant of his smile: for now he wants to ease, rather than charm. "What's your favourite colour? I can find you a matching scarf." Alec graces him with a baffled look. "I wasn't—oh, you're being clever. You realise I left everything I own back in Bevelle. I don't even have a knife on me." The close quarters and limited amenities mean they all get accustomed to smelling each other, but Alec is still wearing his uniform tunic and the loose hempen trousers under it. He must've done what he can with the basin and washcloth in the cabin, but a change of inner layers is surely past due. When Magnus makes a face, it is one of sympathy. "I don't know how Cat would feel about giving you a knife, but clean clothes shouldn't be a problem." Magnus already traded his own robes for the practical overalls most of the crew prefer. "I'm sorry. I should've thought about that sooner." "You slept through the first day." Alec hitches a shoulder as if to dismiss his apology. "Is it always like that? After you summon?" Will this be a problem? Magnus hears underneath.
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whatsjenniupto · 1 year
Nazaré, a town of ups and downs
After my freezing cold walk through Ericeira, I was hesitant about my stay in Nazaré. I was even more hesitant after sitting outside my guesthouse, messaging the owner on the booking app, whatsapping all posted phone numbers on the door, and scrounging around my bags for every snack source available while waiting for entry.
Eventually, the owner's aunt came along, let me in, and gave me a tour of the place in German because that was our lingua franca. It had taken me so long to gain access to the guesthouse that I was now starving in the middle of the day when all the restaurants are closed. Great.
I decided to do a loop around town, but knew I was going to end up at a grocery store buying packs of chicken and cheese before I fell over from hunger. My guesthouse was conveniently located just off one of the main roads, easily walkable to all parts of the city -- which is completely why I picked it even though every single review mentioned how frustrating gaining access to the place was. My review agreed, but the guesthouse did exactly what I wanted it to: allow me to quickly get to the beach -- where I almost immediately decided to instead duck down shaded streets because Nazaré and Ericeira have completely different climates.
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Nazaré was sweltering under the midday sun. It was so bright, I could barely keep my eyes open. I could feel the Death Valley Badwater Basin loopy effect starting to hit me and knew I needed some electrolytes ASAP. I went straight back to the Spar, bought my protein and salt sources, and headed back indoors. Where I stayed until 6pm, shortly before restaurants opened again for dinner.
Ericeira has a microclimate with a northern wind. It's frequently much colder than you think it should be and more humid (hence my not so enjoyable damp, frigid afternoon). Nazaré has much more of a Mediterranean climate with an east/southeast wind that provides warmer and drier temperatures. Ergo, Nazaré is basically perfect at the end of July as long as you avoid the midday sun. Although, if you are the type of person who enjoys swimming in the ocean, you likely will enjoy those hours as well. As I reside ten minutes away from an angry purple sunburn, I was spending from when I finished lunch until when I could get dinner inside.
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Nazaré is divided into an upper town and a lower town, connected by a very, very worth it funicular. There is also a slippery staired path that connects the two, but I feared my life climbing down to the swing and deigned to go no further. (If you look to the right of the funicular, there's a wooden arch in the middle of the hill. That's actually a swing.) I also lost my patience after about three groups of people grabbed the swing while I was waiting for it to empty. All I wanted was an empty swing photo. All I got was annoyed that I had nearly fallen all the way down and now had to pull myself up using the railing since apparently my shoes felt they were on ice rather than hot, middle of the day, worn down stones. Or maybe those two are basically the same thing....
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The streets at the base of the funicular in the lower town are tightly packed multi-level homes that make up the Fishermen's District. The streets gradually get wider and new construction is easily seen surrounding the area. Older women in traditional skirts sit on chairs at the end of streets all day holding up signs offering lodging, many rooms located in those newly constructed buildings. Nazaré is changing. It's no longer a quiet fishing village. It's trying its best to capitalize on tourism. With beautiful beaches, the biggest waves I've ever seen, and incredible restaurants, it's easy to see the draw.
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The iconic boats are also located on the beach in the lower town. Just behind the boats in the top photo are stands where fish is dried and then available for purchase -- unfortunately they were pretty much empty when I was there. I think there was one stand of drying fish. The beach has an accessible boardwalk, allowing wheelchairs to get midway down to the ocean with relative ease. A great addition to any seaside town.
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O Sitio, the upper town, boasts sweeping views over the lower town as well as coast. While there might be a slightly higher concentration in restaurants in the lower town along the beachfront, there are plenty of delicious choices up top. I opted for a grilled fish restaurant as I had one goal after finally connecting that barnacles aren't in season in July because they're spawning -- like most seafood. While disappointed that this trip wasn't going to allow me to try gooseneck barnacles, it was sardine season. And I was pretty excited to try me some sardines.
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fabioperes · 2 months
Loneliest Road in America Road Trip: 3 Days Driving Highway 50 Through Nevada Highway 50, through Northern Nevada, was named the loneliest road in America by Life Magazine. Since then, it has become an unofficial tourist attraction in the state and a fun road trip if you are looking to experience Nevada's raw beauty. This drive follows the old Pony Express route and the Lincoln Highway as it traverses across the state. My dad and I set out to drive the route over 3 days, and here is our road trip that includes ghost towns, rail yards, ancient trees, and haunted hotels. Have you driven the route? Let me know what your favorite spot was in the comments. Patreon - https://ift.tt/gz6GQBw Read more at - https://ift.tt/r74Dehb Stamp Book Link - https://ift.tt/84AZvgp Chapters: -- 0:00 - Intro 1:16 - Day 1 - Carson City 4:05 - Day 2 - Carson City to Eureka 27:21 - Day 3 Eureka to Great Basin 46:49 - Outro — Follow me: Facebook: https://ift.tt/Jklsv1y Instagram: https://ift.tt/an5EwU1 Pinterest: https://ift.tt/D6C0yBY Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/throughmylensco Gear: See all the gear I use here https://ift.tt/lzh9pPc Music: Epidemic Sound https://ift.tt/RVCgWmd via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj9uxk0ASsk
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minni6419 · 3 months
Exploring Sports and Recreation Facilities in Moses Lake, Washington.
Nestled in the heart of Washington state, Moses Lake offers a vibrant array of sports and recreation facilities for residents and visitors alike. From serene lakeside retreats to state-of-the-art sports complexes, this bustling community provides ample opportunities for leisure and athletic pursuits.
One of the most prominent features of Moses Lake is, of course, its eponymous body of water. Spanning over 6,800 acres, Moses Lake is a haven for water sports enthusiasts. Whether you're into boating, fishing, or simply lounging on the sandy shores, the lake provides endless entertainment possibilities. Anglers can try their luck at catching bass, walleye, and trout, while boaters can explore the lake's numerous inlets and coves. For those seeking a more relaxed experience, picnicking areas and walking trails offer a chance to unwind amidst stunning natural scenery.
In addition to its picturesque lake, Moses Lake boasts a variety of sports facilities catering to athletes of all ages and skill levels. The Moses Lake Surf 'n Slide Water Park is a popular destination for families during the summer months. Featuring thrilling water slides, a lazy river, and a wave pool, the park provides hours of fun in the sun. Meanwhile, the Moses Lake Ice Rink offers a cool escape from the summer heat, as well as year-round ice skating and hockey programs.
For those with a passion for team sports, Moses Lake offers several top-notch facilities. The Moses Lake Family Aquatic Center is home to a competition-sized swimming pool, perfect for lap swimming and aquatic fitness classes. Nearby, the Larson Recreation Center boasts basketball courts, volleyball courts, and indoor soccer fields, providing ample space for friendly competitions and organized leagues. Additionally, the Moses Lake High School sports complex hosts a range of sporting events throughout the year, including football games, track meets, and cross-country races.
Beyond traditional sports, Moses Lake offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventure. The Sand Dunes ORV Park is a mecca for off-road enthusiasts, with miles of sandy terrain perfect for ATV riding, sandboarding, and dune buggies. Hiking and biking trails wind through the surrounding countryside, offering breathtaking views of the Cascade Mountains and the Columbia Basin. And for golfers, the Moses Lake Golf Club offers a challenging 18-hole course set against the backdrop of the lake.
In recent years, Moses Lake has also seen a surge in interest in alternative sports and fitness activities. The Moses Lake Skate Park features ramps, rails, and bowls for skateboarders and BMX riders to hone their skills, while the Moses Lake Disc Golf Course offers a scenic setting for a round of frisbee golf. Yoga studios, martial arts academies, and fitness centers cater to those seeking a more holistic approach to health and wellness.
As the community continues to grow, so too do its recreational offerings. Plans are underway for the development of new parks, trails, and sports complexes, ensuring that Moses Lake remains a premier destination for outdoor enthusiasts for years to come. Whether you're a lifelong resident or just passing through, there's no shortage of ways to stay active and engaged in this vibrant lakeside community.
In conclusion, Moses Lake, Washington, stands as a testament to the abundant recreational opportunities that can be found in the Pacific Northwest. With its stunning natural beauty, diverse sports facilities, and welcoming community spirit, Moses Lake offers something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're seeking adventure on the water, friendly competition on the field, or simply a place to relax and unwind, Moses Lake has it all. So pack your bags, grab your gear, and come discover all that this charming city has to offer.
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businessesindelaware · 4 months
Unveiling the Economic Impact of Geographic Advantages
The geographical landscape, a key player in shaping industries, trade patterns, and regional prosperity, is relevant for policymakers, business leaders, and individuals interested in economic development and geography. Understanding the influence of geographic advantages on economic success unveils a compelling story of natural resources, transportation networks, and strategic positioning that propel economies forward and hold the promise of unprecedented growth and prosperity.
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At the heart of geographic advantages lies the bounty of natural resources. Regions endowed with fertile soil, abundant mineral deposits, or access to waterways often experience economic booms driven by agriculture, mining, or shipping industries. For instance, the agricultural heartlands of the Midwest in the United States owe their financial prowess to the fertile soils of the Mississippi River Basin, which have fueled robust farming economies for centuries. Similarly, the oil-rich Middle East has leveraged its natural resources to become a global energy powerhouse, driving economic growth and prosperity.
Moreover, strategic positioning along trade routes can catapult regions into economic prominence, transforming them from mere locations on a map to bustling global trade centers. Coastal cities and ports, like Singapore, emerge as gateways to global trade, pulsating with vibrant commercial activities and attracting investments. Singapore, with its strategic location along major shipping lanes, has not just transformed, but exploded into a global trade hub, driving economic growth and prosperity. This transformation, from a small fishing village to a global economic powerhouse, is a testament to the transformative power of strategic positioning.
Transportation infrastructure further amplifies the impact of geographic advantages on economic success. Well-connected regions with extensive road, rail, and air networks enjoy seamless connectivity, facilitating the movement of goods, services, and people. For example, the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad in the United States in the 19th century opened up new markets and accelerated economic development in the Western states. Similarly, developing high-speed rail networks in Europe has facilitated cross-border trade and tourism, boosting economic growth in the region. Cities like Dubai have also leveraged their strategic investments in world-class airports and seaports to emerge as logistical powerhouses, catalyzing economic development office and attracting multinational corporations.
However, geographic advantages extend beyond natural resources and transportation networks. Climate and topography also wield considerable influence over economic activities. Sun-kissed destinations like California lure tourists seeking idyllic beaches and outdoor adventures, driving robust tourism industries and contributing significantly to the state's economy. Similarly, mountainous regions often capitalize on their scenic landscapes to develop thriving recreational and hospitality sectors.
Furthermore, proximity to urban centers and emerging markets can catalyze economic success. Regions located near major cities benefit from access to diverse talent pools, innovative ecosystems, and market opportunities. Silicon Valley is a shining example, drawing tech entrepreneurs and venture capitalists worldwide to its vibrant innovation ecosystem, fostering groundbreaking technological advancements and economic growth. This example underscores the importance of human capital in leveraging geographic advantages, as the presence of a skilled workforce is crucial for innovation and economic development. It's a reminder of the value of investing in education and skills development for economic success.
The influence of geographic advantages on economic success is not just a theoretical concept, but a practical reality that shapes the destiny of regions and nations alike. From abundant natural resources and strategic positioning to robust transportation networks and favorable climates, geographical factors play a defining role in driving economic prosperity. Understanding and harnessing these advantages are not just academic exercises but essential for policymakers, businesses, and communities seeking to chart a path toward sustainable and inclusive growth in an ever-evolving global economy. This understanding is a luxury and a necessity for those who want to thrive in the global economic landscape.
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valleyledger · 10 months
Penn State Extension to offer Natural Gas in the Appalachian Basin webinar
Colonel Drake, Titusville, and 1859: The Appalachian Basin energy boom begins. Since the first horizontally drilled and hydraulically fractured well was drilled in Washington County, PA, in 2004, the Appalachian Basin has become the largest natural gas producer in the United States. From pipelines, roads, rail, and processing plants, there have been tremendous investment risks and technology…
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winstonbinch · 1 year
Silverton Mountain - A Backcountry Rite of Passage
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Silverton is serious. Located in a remote part of the San Juan Mountains, it’s close to 7 of Colorado’s 53 fourteeners. The mountains are big and steep. They make the Front Range look like foothills. Navigating the tight switchbacks over Red Mountain Pass on the way into town for the first time makes even someone comfortable with heights pay attention, particularly if you’re driving at night in snow. There are fast passing trucks, no guard rails, and it’s a long way down.
But the extreme terrain isn’t the only draw. Silverton is a unique place. The town was established in 1873, after the Utes ceded it, or more accurately, were pushed from the land. Many of the original buildings still exist, its mining roots still visible. The last mine shut in 1992. A trip here is a journey back in time. While there’s a boutique hotel in town, The Wyman, there’s nothing fancy about Silverton. It’s a rugged, adventure town, and not for everyone. On the Silverton Mountain website, they advertise it as “all thrills no frills.” That’s no lie. 
Alaska is often referred to as the “North Shore of skiing.” It’s where the top skiers and riders go to test their limits, scare themselves, and get a good adrenaline rush. Silverton is an experience in that mold and a good introduction to big mountain backcountry.
I made my first trip in 2009, with two good friends, John Winsor and Alex Bogusky. Having been in Colorado since the early 80s, John was a mountain goat. Alex and I were both East Coasters and relatively new to big mountain backcountry. I grew up in New England and primarily skied in Vermont and Quebec. Alex was originally from Miami, and learned to ski on trips to Colorado.
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Like many East Coast skiers, I could ski fast and hold an edge. I moved to Boulder in 2006, and got hooked on backcountry, touring with John, Alex, and Mike Alkaitis, who also happened to be an AMGA-certified guide, in Rocky Mountain National Park. I also spent many a weekend testing my nerve and skills in the East Vail Chutes, Vail’s notoriously consequential sidecountry, and on the East Wall of Arapahoe Basin. 
After a few seasons living in Colorado, it felt like the right time to step things up. At that point, I didn’t feel ready for Alaska, but I remember reading a New York Times article about Silverton. The first line of the article read, “CHANCES are you’re not good enough to ski Silverton Mountain - or to ski it with grace, anyway.” That was all the encouragement I needed.
I found exactly what I was looking for and then some. Jagged peaks, open bowls, steep couloirs, cliffs, tight trees, adventurous ridge walks, and a terrific guide, Fabio Grasso, now Silverton’s head of snow safety. Not only did it challenge my ability, it tested my fitness level. With only one chairlift, most of Silverton is accessed by human power. The hikes range from 5 minutes to an hour. The mountain tops out at 13,487 feet. Depending on your group’s speed and ability level, you can expect to get 4 to 6 laps. There tends to be 8 people per group with a single guide. Each run you ski all the way down to the road and are picked up in an old beat up school bus. The runs are long. Up to 3,000 vertical feet, and there’s no easy way down. 
A lot of people work a helicopter drop into the day. In addition to the single chairlift, it’s one of Silverton’s differentiating features. It gives your legs a break and is an adventure in itself. But even with two helicopter drops, I remember being completely worked afterwards. This is not a trip you can just roll into without a workout plan. But as exhausted as I was, I was equally exhilarated. The experience changed me. It took my adrenaline addiction to new heights, gave me more confidence, and opened my eyes to the wonder of big mountain backcountry skiing. It sparked a love affair that’s perhaps even stronger today. 
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Two seasons ago, I returned for my first visit in 12 years, having since then opted for trips to British Columbia and Alaska. This time I wasn’t just in Silverton for the endorphin rush. I was there to do some good in support of SOS Outreach, a  non-profit that gives young people in underserved mountain communities access to mentorship and leadership opportunities. 
We were staying at the historic Grand Imperial Hotel, which dates back to 1883, for a weekend of brainstorming, community building, and skiing at Silverton Mountain and touring around Red Mountain Pass with the San Juan Mountain Guides. I was joined by two longtime ski buddies, Tod Francis, an SOS board member, and Dustin Robertson, a fellow marketing consultant. 
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Dustin and I rolled into town a day early, grabbed a burrito and coffee at the Coffee Bear, and then headed up to the mountain. It was MLK weekend. Conditions were thin by Silverton standards. It meant that we needed to walk far for the goods. Early in the day, we made a long hike up to what’s called the “Billboard.” The exact sort of hike that gives Silverton its reputation. It’s roped and the final pitch is basically a vertical climb. To give you perspective, we had a special forces officer in our group. This was his first time at Silverton. He could handle the terrain but was visibly anxious on the climb. Once on top he told us, “I jump out of airplanes at night with night goggles. This was scarier.” Even the bravest of us get a little gripped up there.
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So, is Silverton as challenging as the hype makes it out to be? Well, no, if you’re sending the gnarliest lines at Jackson, Snowbird, Arapahoe Basin, Crested Butte, or Big Sky. Or if you’re already going big in the backcountry or taking trips to British Columbia, Alaska, Norway, or the Alps. It’s also not without its annoyances. If you get stuck in a bad group, your day can be rough. They do a pretty good job of matching people to others with similar ability levels, but people lie. Dustin and I skied with a couple of mogul rippers from Park City, but it’s best to show up with as many friends as you can. I also recommend going later in the season. March or April is when the snow is best. The snowpack is also safer and more stable. You’re likely to get access to more challenging zones. I also suggest skipping the helicopter unless they can guarantee access to the very biggest lines you cannot hike to.  
Silverton is a stop adventurous expert skiers and snowboarders should make at least once. Particularly, if you’re just getting into the backcountry, are up for earning your turns, and enjoy  spartan and remote mountain experiences. It’s a place unlike any other. My time there gave me the courage to pursue even greater objectives. 
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mprojects22 · 2 years
Properties And Homes For Sale In Hyde Park, Sandton, Gauteng
We supply our buildings to all South African provinces, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Eswatini. These are cellular assembled, constructed beneath controlled factory conditions and delivered to website ready for immediate occupation. The Kwikspace insulated panel is coated in 0.forty two mm – zero.forty seven mm aluzinc painted steel, offering improved corrosion resistance and increased sturdiness and longevity of your prefab constructing. Kwikspace has built more than 30 complete colleges. Being totally relocatable they can be simply re-deployed on other sites. From hospitals and medical centres that require therapy space to rural clinics that aren’t easily accessible by road.
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thewoonerffiets · 2 years
How Can Cincinnati Learn from Paris & Chicago?
Paris - Rebuild buildings that match their surrounding context when you change the grid pattern necessitating the demolition of existing urban fabric. When you go to Paris today, you can barely tell that the roads that Haussmann laid out in 1850’s were added to an existing network of streets which necessitated huge amounts of destruction. Today in Cincinnati, you can tell immediately when a street was widened after the urban fabric had initially been formed. Some notable examples include Liberty Street through OTR and the West End, William Howard Taft Rd in Corryville and Walnut Hills, Martin Luther King Drive in Walnut Hills and Corryville, and Victory Parkway in Walnut Hills. Additionally, constructing buildings that fit in with the old urban fabric would be a great emulation of Haussmann’s Paris, but seeing as Cincinnati has barely constructed any new buildings on the new ROW’s which necessitated the destruction of the existing urban fabric, the first step would just be to construct buildings there in the first place.
Liberty St. disrupting the urban fabric of OTR:
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Martin Luther King Drive disrupting the urban fabric of Walnut Hills:
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A Haussmann Boulevard fitting in with the surrounding Urban Fabric in Paris:
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Cincinnati has a large amount of land west of the downtown that's purely dedicated to light industry, rail yards, and an interstate highway. A re-imagination of the area would benefit the city of Cincinnati greatly and said re-imagination is starting to take place with the Brent Spence project. This project will restore 10-30 acres from the interstate to the urban fabric of downtown Cincinnati.
What does the interchange look like now?
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What could the transformed interchange look like?
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However, the Queensgate rail yard and wastewater treatment plant have yet to have a plan in place to move them to more suitable areas, like Sharonville north of the city of Cincinnati proper. If you were able to move it all you could reclaim more than 1,500 acres of currently underutilized land.
The Queensgate Yard:
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These are the areas that could draw inspiration from Chicago more than any other area starting with the park system in Chicago. The original park planner in Chicago was a man named Olmsted who also designed Central Park in NYC. While we can't have him design park space in the city, we can draw inspiration and invest heavily in the park system in Cincinnati. Within this large land mass that we have now reconnected with the city, we also would have the opportunity to place a new grid down in the empty space not dedicated to the park. Chicago has a dedicated street grid with an alleyway in between that plays an integral part in the city. If Cincinnati could take inspiration from this and design the old like the new I believe we could have a more people-friendly street grid for people to exist in.
A great example of new development on underutilized land is the Portlands on the eastern side of Toronto Waterfront. The Portlands, like our proposed idea for the western side of the Cincinnati basin, have parkland incorporated into the urban landscape while also incorporating a river flowing through the area, just as the Mill Creek could in this new area of the basin.
Image of Final Plan for the Portlands:
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Aaron Earlywine, Rt Adkins, Dylan Gomez, James McDermott
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