maeerht · 6 years
Dear Universe
Dear Universe,
I think you’re beautiful. Not necessarily the you we live in, as in our constant surroundings (though I think those are beautiful in their own way too), but the image we have of you. At least the image I have of you.
I think I have two different universes I see. I see the universe I live in, and you. The being that creates, or is, or loves all life. I say this because it’s important to me that you know what I’m talking about.
I think sometimes our views can be distorted by what we have seen before, past experience, and what we see currently, present experience. I just recently got glasses. Previously to me the moon was just a white blob with some darker spots. The moon is beautiful, like you.
I think that I saw art and thought it hadn’t been blended far enough, or that the shading was too sharp. But that was because of an experience somewhat unique to me.
I think I’m getting off track.
I think a lot of things. About you, about me, about everything else. But the things that I have thought about you are what intrest me. I see you as this beautiful goddess-like character who rules over the universe.
I think I see my two different universes as one a being and the other a place. The being, you, are more of like a god. You’re a personified version of my idea of the mother of the universe. A creator. The place looks dull and boring next to you. But in this concept I have some flaws. Because you aren’t the creator, or the mother, or the god. You are the universe.
I think maybe you are both the place and the person, which makes no sense.
I think in the (maybe not so far) future, my species will travel the universe. As in the place. I guess that means we will travel around you, like blood in a body. I guess the more accurate term would be bacteria in a body.
I think humans are like bacteria to you. Some are bad, leaching life and multiplying, spreading. Some are neutral, unnoticed in the grand scheme of things. And some are good, necessary for your continuation and survival.
I think we are also like bacteria because of our need to travel. I know bacteria aren’t known for travelling, but infecting someone with a bacteria is incredibly easy. Maybe humans are all bad in the big picture. I mean look what we are doing to our home planet. And yes, I know in that situation there are good and neutral bacteria too.
I think I draw this comparison so easily because we are doing bacteria in my science class at school.
But I know. I know that I think. And that is beautiful. I can’t sincerely 100% know anything other than my own conciseness.
I think that is beautiful. I think that is terrifying. I think.
Yours truly, me
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maeerht · 6 years
Dear Universe
Dear Universe,
Hello, you’ve probably never heard of me before, but you made me. Very long ago you did something very special and because of that I’m here today. I don’t know exactly what you did. Science says it was the Big Bang, christians day it was god. I don’t think I believe in god.
But you did something that made so much. Or maybe something happened that made you, then you made me. I’m unsure. Maybe you just popped into existence, although that doesn’t sound very scientific. I really like science.
I like space, physics, chemistry, fire. You made that. I like how space looks. I like how it sounds, or rather doesn’t sound. I like how things fall. How they can be pushed. I like how things react. And I like how they can not. I really like fire because it brings new life with it. Did you know that the Australian aboriginals used fire to tame and regrow the land?
You probably did.
You are so incredible. So big. I like to imagine the universe first as a 2 dimensional shape. Like a huge squiggly blob. All round and natural and stuff. Then I can put into the 3rd dimension. Like extending that shape up and down and rounding it all out.
I know it’s probably nothing like that.
I don’t think I care.
I think a lot of things. My mother says I have an overactive mind. I imagine it as one of two ways. Way one is like a store that just sells radios. The whole store is chocked full of them, but these aren’t ordinary radios. Each radio plays every radio station at the same time, and none of them are in sync.
Way two runs off the train of thought idea. But I don’t think I have just one train of thought. It’s more like a massive train station, in which hundreds of passengers, or thoughts, board every second. The trains run directly up to my brain where they get processed into mostly inteligabe thoughts.
My science teacher says it’s kind of like that.
With all the nerves firing to create a thought. Maybe my nerves are really sensitive, or overactive.
But im just a human, I can’t imagine what it’s like inside your brain. Do you have a brain? Do you even think? Is there even a you?
I’m unsure.
Yours truely, me
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