Can I request a scenario with Kouen where his lover helps him shave? I'm sorry if that sounds really weird..
No, it’s not weird at all; I think it’s a really uniquely cute idea!^^
The edges of his eyes twitched in suppressed frustration, his tense frame displaying an uncomfortable frown as he struggled to remain still.
“Remember not to move.”
The redhead sighed in defeat, simply blinking his eyes as an acknowledgement to yet another reminder from the female that was right in front of him. The woman gave no more interaction, her unwavering orbs concentrated solely at a certain area of his face. One of her hands pressed firmly against the side of his cheek with stern power, contrasting the other that neared his features with doubt, the tool in her grasp shaking with hesitance.
He sweatdropped, shutting his eyes with the determination of keeping them closed.
He couldn’t watch it happen.
Slowly, he could feel the cold metal surface resting against his stubbled chin, unconsciously holding his breath as it moved along his facial structure in a straight line with painfully slow momentum; there was nothing he could do but pray now.
“Oh, I did it!”
Her thrilled exclamation rang through the enclosed walls of the bathroom, and his eyes peeped open, a faint hint of red spreading across his complexion as he watched her animated celebration for the success she had achieved.He took a brief glance towards the large mirror that hung across where he stood, not disliking the result produced.
Maybe this wasn’t as bad as it had seemed.
“Right! I still have to finish. Kouen, stay still for just a while more, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Afterall, if it could make her happy, there was nothing he wouldn’t do.
“Ah, sorry!”
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what about a scenario (or HC, which one you prefer) where SnB!Jafar has a crush who was a slave and she has nightmares, cries at night and can't sleep? She's always tired and she can't pay attention to Rurumu's lessons. If Ja'far finds out, what will happen? I don't want to give a lot of details, but I hope that's not weird and that you won't feel uncomfortable with it 😅 also sorry for my bad English, it's not my first language
No not at al! Your English is perfectly great, and thank you for requesting!^^ It’s not weird don’t worry XDD
The boy didn’t move, quietly blinking as his solemn green orbs lowered to the floors of the room, aimlessly focusing on the creases of the wooden surfaces. His silent posture leaned dependently on the sturdy frames of the door, his grave expression peering discreetly into the interior of the slightly agape entrance.
His pale fingers mustered together in a harsh clench, and his freckled features scrunched up in a hesitant manner. The sounds of her detached whimpers were more than enough for his unusually sharp ears to pick up, and the vague trembling of her fatigued form was visible despite the forlorn darkness occupying the room’s atmosphere.
No, even if he couldn’t see or hear any of this, he still would have known.
Right, it had been so obvious all along, and these clear signs simply indicated confirmations to his growing suspicions. Afterall, he had always been sharp. He had to be.
But, what was the use if he couldn’t do anything now?
This was something he was unfamiliar with; he had never attempted anything of this nature before, and he was afraid he never would. He felt afraid, and awkward.
But, he wanted to.
The words that so desperately tried to leave the traps of his stubbornly shut lips, the fist that unconsciously hesitated from reaching out, he wanted to change, to be able to do something.
Especially if it was for her.
He had to at least try.
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Hi! Do you currently accept match up requests?
Hi, I’ve been getting alot of questions about this! In the past, I used to accept matchup requests, but for now I am considering making that possible only for events if that’s okay! Say for example Valetine’s, Christmas etc,,
I hope that’s okay with all of you!^^ If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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Please go follow @magiamino and show them some love and support! They’re a community specifically created for magi!^^
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can you do a yandere senario for Kouha
“Geez (y/n)...didn’t I tell you this already?”
His slender frame was slowly inching closer towards you, the male evidently taking his time to do so, his doe-shaped eyes narrowed in displeasure as he met your eyes.
There was something off on the pout occupying his lips that you had become so used to seeing. It now harboured a sort of——
You couldn’t help feeling afraid, unconsciously pulling back from his nearing form, internally cursing as you felt your shifting footsteps abruptly halt at the touch of a cold, hard surface.
Pursing your lips nervously, you glanced back. He was now much closer than before, simply a fingerbreadth away. You could see his sulking lips deepen, and his delicate arms reaching out, pressing against the spaces beside you softly.
You knew he wouldn’t do anything to harm you—it was something you wouldn’t doubt for a second.
Gently leaning his features towards your flinching self you felt your heads touch, the familiar sensation of his fluffy hair tickling your skin slightly calming you. One of his hands had crept up your neck, caressing your cheeks with his pretty hands like he always did.
“You can’t pay that much attention to someone if it’s not me, you know that right?”
There was something dark hiding in the underlying tone of his childishly innocent statement.
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Hi may I request modern AU!scenario where Kouen has a crush on a florist who has a shop across the street from where he works? (I hope it's not confusing)
Nope, not at all!^^
He himself never really knew when it had all started, but when he had finally realised it was too late.
Yet again, he was knowingly walking down this same street with an ulterior purpose, with specific intentions that ruled out the possibility of it simply being a ‘coincidence’.
“Ah, good morning.”
No matter how many times he’d been through this scene he could never get used to it, his breath slightly hitching and his frame faintly tensing. At the very least you never seemed to notice, almost immediately resuming your current tasks after acknowledging the usual polite nod he’d respond to your gesture with, every time.
Was he content with this? He wasn’t so sure. It was barely anything, but the both of you had a connection, this sole interaction that happened every day. Still, the unavoidable feeling of disappointment stirring within him was not something he could confidently deny, nor was he able to ignore the yearning urge for wanting more.
Had you noticed at all?
Afterall, it was always the same greeting, the same friendly beam, and the same brief moment that your bright eyes would meet his, even if it was just a quick glance.
The same thing, repeating over and over. Until someone would break the loop of this tiresome cycle.
His crisp footsteps clicked as he continued down the concrete path, his smart posture striding past your turned back, his gaze leaving the sight of you carefully watering the potted plants before you. Just like he would any other day.
One day, he would find the courage to break out.
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This blog is still active
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Haii everyone! It’s been awhile^^
First off I’m sorry for suddenly leaving for such a long period of time. I still see your support and requests and it’s cheered me up every time I look through them, I’m sincerely grateful^^ Throughout the period of time I’ve been gone (it’s been so longer I don’t even know how long^^;; Alots been going on but I’m really really back!!
I know some of you don’t really give a damn so I’ll keep it brief okay?^^;; sorry for such a long post iTS unNeceSsaRY but it’s too late to go back.
Anyway, I just felt like I should at least say something to all of you as you’ve been continuing to support and enjoy my work, and I really appreciate it :)) Now, I know most of you know very well, Magi ended 0W0 And I have lost some of the groove in the series, so I’m really afraid that I may inaccurately portray some characters in requests and I really don’t want to do that ><
But!! I’m definitely going to continue this blog on, so please don’t worry! THIS BLOG IS STILL ACTIVE AND DEFINITELY NOT DEAD. On that note I’d like to do something to solve these problems and let the blog run more smoothly: I’d like to recruit 1, maybe 2 members to help me with this blog!! Please reach out if you’re interested so we can talk in further detail^^
So in summary~~~~~  I’m back! And I’m going to keep this going because I’m glad so many of you enjoy and cheer up from my writing, and also because I myself enjoy doing this, I really do^^ don’t worry, the request box is always open, so don’t hesitate to request anything or if you have any questions just ask! I’m looking forward to writing for this blog again^^ and thank you once again for your constant support!
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This is a bit of a weird request but may I pls get Ja'far's reaction if he thought his s/o had died, leaving him alone to raise their children, only for them to find her months later with amnesia thinking she's married to someone else who's been lying to her?? if this is 2 weird you can just ignore it lol. also wb im love u.
Awww it’s not weird at all!! I actually Ind it really interesting and unique!!^^
I love you tooooo~~~╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
~at first he’s devastated, being at a complete loss of what to do. ~though he forces himself to conceal his feelings and keep them to himself, especially since he had to think about his children as well.~despite him being very busy, he tries his hardest to make time and care for his children, being there for them as much as possible.~is very motherly to them, chiding and nagging at them, but with a very gentle and soft tone.~feels very bad that his children had to grow up without their Mother, and not having his full attention.~secretly he’s grateful his hands are so full with duties and caring for them, as this doesn’t give him any time to think about his own mental health and well-being, slowly forcing him down the road of a mental breakdown, though luckily for his strong mentality it would take a while, but make it even more painful.~when he sees his s/o again all his pent-up emotions come bursting out, and before he can process what happened he’s already giving her a tight hug and tears are welling in his eyes.~when he finds out she has amnesia and thinks she’s married to someone else, he’d be heartbroken and in self-denial, needing to be alone for a good while to collect his thoughts and calm himself down.~he will try to have a talk with his s/o, explaining everything to them slowly, and hoping they’d believe him.~though even if they don’t he wouldn’t just give up there, in fact, he’d never give up, and would continue doing his utmost best to make her remember the memories she shared.~absolutely despises the guy that lied to his own s/o, and confronts them about it, having to control himself from slitting the guy’s throat in anger, his eyes having the same gleam as when he was still an assassin.
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Yandere sinbad headcanons
ohohoho Oh mai gawd Wai would you wish for this (●´ω`●)
~~~~definitely the more manipulative type of Yandere, messing with your mind and always more than a few steps ahead of you so he always seems to know what you’re planning.~although he’s the King of Sindria with lots of responsibilities and tasks, he’s always going to know where you are, what you’re doing and who you’re with.~always tries to ditch his tasks just so he can be with you, and if he can’t, he’ll probably drag you around with him while he completes his work.~has a fear that you’ll think he’s neglecting you and will thus turn to other people for attention so he doesn’t trust anyone to talk to you for too long, not even the Eight Generals, especially Jafar.~don’t try to escape from him because he’ll be able to track you down no matter what and he’ll do anything it takes for you to be back by his side. If he does capture you after you try to escape, be guaranteed he’ll lock you in your room for a good and Long while, and he’ll be the only one that gets to interact with you.~“You know I just want you to be by my side forever, right?”
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Could you write a romantic Kouen and Reader scenario?
“Hey Kouen?”
Her voice snatched his attention away from the documents he held in his hand, his eyes briefly looking up to her.
“Do we really….have to continue this war? The more we fight, the more people that get hurt….”
She trailed off, her (r/e/c)-orbs glancing down to her nervous fidgety hands. It was clearly evident she was hesitant to speak to him about this subject, and was conflicted on how she should go about the conversation.
He let out a small sigh, putting down his precious scroll. Though his sigh wasn’t one of exasperation, neither was it one of irritation. He more than understood how she felt, and respected her opinion on the matter. He gestured for her to come over, a gentle smile plastered on his lips as he mentally brooded on what he should say.
He snapped out of his train of thought, facing the anxious female. His hands moved upwards, softly touching hers, not minding the slight flinch of reaction. Pulling her closer to him his smile widened, and he locked eyes with her, his stare loving and deep.
“(R/n)…I understand how you feel.”
He finally uttered out. His words were sincere and from the bottom of his heart.
He stopped, entwining fingers with his lover.
“….If the world becomes one as a whole, there won’t be any more conflict…..and you and I can be together in peace.”
This time her stiff frown turned upwards in a sheepish smile, and he could feel her hands tightening her hold on him.
“Why must you make everything sound so romantic Kouen?”
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Judal kouha and kouen possessive headcanons
~he’s unhealthily overly protective to the extreme 24/7.~gets possessive even when someone is just standing nearby his s/o, and will glare daggers at them menacing enough to kill, while finding any excuse to sling an arm around his s/o just to show off.~will either deny in a tsundere manner any suspicion that he’s being jealous or overprotective, or admit it vaguely in a haughty voice.~“Of course I can’t let anyone else touch what’s mine.”
~I mean he’s probably a yandere, so what do you expect.~almost always close to his s/o just so he can ensure they are safe and not being hit on by trash.~pouts and whines to his s/o when their attention is concentrated on someone else, and won’t relent until they pay full attention to him.~Smiles sweetly to the culprit, although his body is emitting a dangerous aura.~“You can’t pay attention to anyone else except me.”
~rarely gets jealous or possessive, and even when he does, manages to hide it flawlessly with his perfect poker face.~Though upon closer notice his gaze is either fixated on his s/o or he’s constantly stealing quick glances.~When he can’t take it any longer he’ll just call out to you to go over to him in a nonchalant and calm voice, though he expects his s/o to come immediately even in the middle of conversation and his eyes will twitch slightly in annoyance if they don’t.~“(S/o/n), I said come here.”
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What about a scenario where Sinbad flirts with a girl who he constantly tried to get to go for him and he wants her to do something for him. Seeing through this She puts her hand gently on his cheek, smiling in adoration and says "No thank you Hun". Or you could just make a scenario/head canon where a woman constantly trolls Sinbad. (I don't think we have had a woman do that to him). Or both XD.
I’m sorry this is kinda different than what you asked^^;;;
“(g/n), the weather is beautiful today, but you outshine it by a big margin.”
“Sinbad-san, please shut up for a second. I’m trying to do work.”
His charming smile twitched, hesitating for a second but soon regained its composure. He wasn’t going to give up so easily.
“A-anyway, after this let’s take a walk, it’s-”
“After this I’m going to enjoy the beautiful weather peacefully by myself, so I respectfully decline your offer.”
This time her nonchalant expression and painfully blunt rejection was a bigger blow to the purple-haired man, and his smile turned into a more pained and forced one.
He couldn’t give up so easily.
He was going to win her over, and emerge victorious in the end.
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Hello welcome back precious bun
Awww thank you, you’re too sweet
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i am curious as to what you think Sinbad would react and do if his girlfriend before she became his girlfriend confessed to Jafar while Sinbad walks past and ends up eavesdropping on their conversation. She confesses that she likes him for him when he is not flirting. His flirting never worked in her. I'd love to see a scenario or head canon for that because normally it is his charms that get the ladies. Have fun if you do this~ :D
Ehehe I did~~^^
Sinbad was so confused at this current moment, yes, the one and only Sinbad.
He was a natural, effortlessly charming women left and right silly. His sweet words and charming face played a great role in this, but no one could pull flirting off as well as Sinbad himself, he truly was the master at that activity.
So why?
Not only was she not impressed or moved, her cold expression and annoyed frown clearly showed how uninterested she was. But if he couldn’t win her heart that way, how else could he?
“Stupid Sin. He tried to flirt again.”
His feet stopped immediately, his sharp ears recognising that voice.
Her voice.
He quickly plastered his body against the wall next to the door of that particular room, using his full concentration to hear what was going on.
“Ah, well Sin is Sin.”
Jafar? What was he doing with (p/g/n)?“
"I’d honestly prefer if he’d just talk with me. All those pretentious compliments and sickeningly sweet smile is too much for me.”
“Eh? Don’t you like Sin though?”
His eyes widened a second time, and although he had froze his heart was fluttering with joy. She liked him? The girl he had been trying to earn affection from for so long?
“I do.”
This time his lips curved into a wide smile and a small tiny of red coated his cheeks, all expressing his happiness.
“—but I just wish he would just talk to me normally, and be his usual self. That’d be much more genuine and sincere.”
Never again, he thought to himself, would he flirt with her again.
It was time to be genuine and sincere.
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Miss me? Ehehe don’t worry I wouldn’t either^^ BUT I’M BACK REGARDLESS SO HELLO
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Could you write a cute Koumei and Reader scenario about how they meet one another for the first time?
He smiled at the scene of his lover sleeping peacefully beside him, leaning against his shoulder in support.
It was a nice day, bright and sunny, yet a slight gust of refreshing wind that cooled the temperature down. He had just pulled an all-nighter organizing stacks of paperworks, and just happened to chance upon the outside scenery from his room window.
Deciding that he should take a small breather, he got up from his seat, relieving all his aching muscles of their tension, letting out a groan in the process. Opening the door to his room, he was about to exit it until a small figure in the hallway caught his attention, rousing his curiosity. It was a lady, an unfamiliar face, looking around her surroundings with a very confused and panicked expression, obviously in need of help.
Oh well, he did want to take a break, but he couldn’t very well ignore her and allow her to continue on as she currently was. Walking in her direction he stopped just a few steps away from her and mustered up the friendliest smile he could, extending out a hand to her.
“Hello miss, can I help you?”
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Aaaaah this is late but welcome back we missed you!
Kyaaaa thankyiew so much I missed you too!!!!!
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