magic--carpet-ride · 7 years
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magic--carpet-ride · 8 years
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magic--carpet-ride · 9 years
I mean....I don’t know if 12 would do you any better than just one...but I like your enthusiasm! It’s needless!
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Uh oh, that won’t make any Gods happy, Miss Lilo. You really need to work on these things because if these things are good then they will make you happy. And I have a feeling that you are unstoppable when you are happy.
Thanks, new friend. It’s all my pleasure. 
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I do…I go to school and I go to the beach and I have been getting some very great smoothies with little umbrellas in them and they make me quite…quite happy. Ahem…how are you, Lilo? 
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magic--carpet-ride · 9 years
Thanks, new friend. It’s all my pleasure. 
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I do...I go to school and I go to the beach and I have been getting some very great smoothies with little umbrellas in them and they make me quite...quite happy. Ahem...how are you, Lilo? 
Of course! I am friends with all who are friends with me!
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I’m Careem. Careem and you are?
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magic--carpet-ride · 9 years
Of course! I am friends with all who are friends with me!
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I’m Careem. Careem and you are?
Hello, my friends.
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magic--carpet-ride · 9 years
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magic--carpet-ride · 9 years
Hello, my friends.
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magic--carpet-ride · 10 years
I will do my very best. The world has too much to offer to be pessimistic with what we were given, anyway. I don't think it'd be too great either, not with the level of greed most of us are unfortunately faced with. But I think greed is just human nature, to burn with desire. Ah, alright, maybe he doesn't mind me so much. He just wishes I'd put my efforts into more than poetry, that's all. I like to think it's less of a car, really, just who I try to aim to be. Alright, my friend, then it will be so. A stack of words of worlds for Miss Wonder.
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I wish could bring myself to hate weddings.
It’s hopeful people like you that keep the world going. Don’t lose your positivity, okay? Exactly, because if we all got exactly what we wanted, well - that wouldn’t be too great. I’m sure your English professor adores you, I think that’s a lie. Oh, I don’t doubt this at all, you’ve already flashed me your gentleman card countless times. Oooh, a whole stack. You spoil me, Careem. You certainly don’t have to go through so much trouble, but if you’d like to, I won’t say no to your selections for me.
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magic--carpet-ride · 10 years
Perfectly put, my friend. I feel the same way about fate, and despite all the horrible things to have happened in the world, I like to hope what does happen is for our needs, not necessarily for our wants. Ah, you flatter me so and I'm pleased you see me in that way. Now if only my English professor appreciated it the way you do. I will always be a gentlemen, Miss Wonder, especially in the presence of such a grand lady like you. I'll prepare a stack if you'd like. I've got so many reads lying around, and I'm sure I'll find good fits for you at the store as well, so it'd be no trouble.
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I wish could bring myself to hate weddings.
Well, we can all hope it turns out well in the end. Fate works in funny ways, I’ve learned, even if we may not find them so funny at the start. How very…poetic of you, Careem. As if every part of you isn’t equally as poetic already. Hm…well for the sake of your healing…I suppose I can allow you to take me to lunch. And you’re treating, just like a gentleman should, look at you. Running out of material, hm? You’ll have to suggest a good read for me as well, I’ve been slacking. 
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magic--carpet-ride · 10 years
Now that is just a shame. I'm sorry to hear of it. Perhaps they'll both be happily surprised to find that they enjoy each other in the end. And if not, maybe they'll find happiness in being lifted in their political stance, as they accomplished with such a ceremony. It's nice to hear I've been missed, brings me a nice, cool feeling inside, in contrast to the heat barging in my door. Yes, heal me and come out to lunch with me one of these days. It'll be my treat, and we can stop by a few bookstores if you don't mind. I need some fresh literature.
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I wish could bring myself to hate weddings.
Well it’s certainly subject to hate when it’s occurring for the wrong reasons. They should be occasions rich in love and such like you said. but sometimes, they’re political moves on the chess board. Isn’t that so sad? Elegance and pure, honest beauty. Ugh Careem, how I’ve missed you and your charming words. They never cease to lift my moods. It has though, and I’m glad you’ve been having a lovely time, but alas, I’m here to remedy the rest. 
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magic--carpet-ride · 10 years
I don't see how anyone could ever hate weddings. They're rich in love and always a day to remember, at least for someone, or more likely, two someones. Not to mention, something in me is just positive you must have fit right in to the wedding scenery too, with your elegance and pure, honest beauty. It's been too long, Miss Hera. So as lovely as my summer has been, it's lacked too much of you.
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I wish could bring myself to hate weddings.
But they’re always so pretty. So I can’t be as mad for having this one drag me away from you all for so long. I do hope you’ve all been having a wonderful summer so far, yeah?
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magic--carpet-ride · 10 years
I wouldn't say weak, just more sensitive. It'll take time, but if you love it here, the immunity will build. There is no need to worry. And if it ever gets just to the point of suffering, there's always a giant pool of water right outside your door. Agrabah...well, it has sand for miles in every direction, which is ironic how I ended up here, yet another sandy area. But Agrabah, I like to think of it as an oven, burns from the inside out. I don't suggest visiting, northerner. You'd never make it alive...no offense.
You've just got to be open minded, my friend! They are dong their job just as you are doing yours. Patience and a smile will go a long way. Excuse me, but...alien hooker stuff? I can't say I've ever even thought about writing something like that. Whoever thought of that must have been...influenced.
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It's difficult to explain...but it's short for Flying Carpet, or Magic Carpet depending on which of my friends you speak to. I--can't seem to think of an appropriate way to say it, so maybe another time. In person, perhaps.
Lucky growing up, yes, but now… I don’t feel that lucky, it made me weak. I can’t walk outside without thinking of getting naked. It also heats up my glasses’ frames and it’s really frustrating, I’m starting to love the island, but the heat is so annoying. - You’re from Agrabah? How is it there?
My professors are cool, they are very attentive to us, and they teach very well, but they are pretty strict and I grew up with lenient people, so it’s a big change for me. You’re a writer? That’s exciting, no alien hooker stuff, right? Thank you, and yes I will enjoy the cool central air. 
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Careem is such a nice name; why Carpet, if I may ask? 
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magic--carpet-ride · 10 years
You are very lucky then, although I wouldn't take back growing up in Agrabah for the world. I'm practically immune to the sun because of it. But ah, the peace of cool air is calling...I think it's time to sit in front of the fan.
I do not know what professors you have, but mine are not that terrible. They just force me to think more than usual, with the extra attention and all. It has been wonderful for my writing. Surprisingly, I like discipline if it makes me into a better person. Still, I do hope your classes get better, my friend. Take it easy and enjoy the central air the dorms have to offer.
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Careem. Although, I have somehow aquired the nickname Carpet over the years. It's a pleasure, Charles.
That is true, but I’m from far up north, I’m not used to this kind of heat, the highest we’d have would be like high 70s. I mean, you would think the professors would be so easy going by this time, like with the heat and the fact that it’ supposed to be summer vacation, but no, they’re stricter than before and they don’t accept any excuses; I mean it’s college, but still have some compassion for us northerners.
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I’m Charles.
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magic--carpet-ride · 10 years
The heat here could be worse, my friend. It's quite bearable compared to the heat that I was faced with back home. But as for the courses, you are right. The professors actually pay attention to you now. It is very stressful.
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Summer courses are so much harder than semester courses, especially with the extreme heat. Is there anybody else who’s finding it harder to get out of bed?
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magic--carpet-ride · 10 years
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magic--carpet-ride · 11 years
Well, it is manufactured, is it not? You ask the same questions every time, ones that are vital, but normal. It never changes. Of course. I would never take more than I give. At least, I try my best. If I ever do, and I probably will because of my excitement, please let me know. You've figured it out. It's much more intimate to discuss our past in person, I like to think.
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Ah, Miss Hera, you are...adorable. And I, myself, am not sorry for saying that.
Tomorrow night's the big event!
Manufactured way? I’ve never heard of it being referred to such before. But you can ask as many questions as you like, if only I get to ask just as many. I would ask why you’ve yet to ask them, but I assume that’s to save things to talk about when we’re face to face, yes?
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Apologizing is for people who are sorry. I am not…oops. You’re welcome.
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magic--carpet-ride · 11 years
Maybe in person we can discuss things that allow us to utilize the manufactured way of getting to know each other. I know I could ask a few questions.
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I make it easy? Now who's the one gassing up heads, hm? Although, I do not complain, my friend. It's nice to hear once in a while.
Tomorrow night's the big event!
Well since you’d rather talk about how grand I am, we could just…do that. I’m kidding of course. But I do much rather our other topics for conversation as well, so you’re not alone.
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Hm…well when you put it that way, I guess I cannot blame you. You make it easy to do so. And I knew you would. The highlight of the whole week? Don’t gas up my head too much, Careem. 
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