magic-and-memories · 2 years
None of these are posted sadly, though it doesn't help that I'm fiddling with all of these at once instead of working on one fic at a time. I literally can't though, if my brain has an idea pertaining to one fic, then I'll go and work on that one fic, until brain comes up with stuff for one of the other fics and then I'll keep bouncing between them. I am getting stuff written down at least, just in bits and pieces instead of one at a time.
Most of my stuff is centering around Dusty and his main two stories + some side fics with various other characters/events in his life, but I also had an idea for a Cars + Planes fic that I'm currently tinkering with. (I absolutely fell in love with the idea of Dusty and Lightning meeting and becoming friends + bonding over racing and teaching each other about their respective types of racing. Then I started thinking about, Now How Could It Happen?, and my brain took off from there so that's another idea added to the WIP pile 😅.)
Humble Beginnings (Possible WIP Title? Not sure, it feels a little off, I'll have to think on that one.) - Mageverse Dusty Backstory! Starts off when he's a young propling all the way till just before the events of the first movie.
A Guide On Behaviors and Term Translations (Definitely WIP Title, Bleh) - Not sure if this counts but it's a jumble of all my notes about my Planes/WoC verse stuff including common behavior between two vehicles depending on their relationship (friendly/tense/rivalry/corebonded ect.), how to understand physical cues/interactions, what different types of corebonds there are and what they entail, and some drabble lines I've jotted down to maybe add to future stories, among other things.
You Are A Racer (Maybe WIP Title??) - Somewhat similar idea to the first movie, in the fact that despite his build Dusty is determined to enter WATG and become a racer, with some key differences that are a result of events that happen in Humble Beginnings. (Which is why I'm supposed to be finishing HB first, if I can get my brain to focus on it and settle down. 😅)
Shadows In The Clouds - (Urrrrgh I never like any of my first names I use for fics, unless they're joke titles. This one is kinda okay but eh we'll see.) Starts not long after the racers take off across the Pacific. It encompasses The Attack on Dusty over the Pacific, his first encounter with The Jolly Wrenches + The Pacific Fleet (not sure if they were ever numbered so I'm going with that for identification), and The Jets, and his recovery from the attack. I decided to separate this particular part of the WATG arc into another fic entirely because it dives into a darker idea of what could have happened to Dusty during this leg of the race if Ned and Zed were really trying to kill Dusty at that point and the resulting chaos it would cause.
It's never outright said in the movie, but you can tell they meant to kill him when they left him stranded over open ocean with no way to find a safe place to land or refuel. And later after just getting done with the press who has asked about Dusty's disappearance Ripslinger comments to Ned and Zed about how he hopes that Dusty 'Will make a better boat than a plane.' then proceeds to laugh about the supposed death of one of his fellow racers, which he caused. (He might not have been the one who did it, but giving the order to The Twins to attack was just as bad as if he'd gone after Dusty himself.) Now imagine what's gonna happen when this Verse's Ripslinger cares a lot less about humoring the new underdog in the race and more about keeping his champion title, at any cost deemed necessary.
I Was Never Afraid Of Flying (Only Of Falling) - (WIP Title ??? I have no idea anymore I'm just rolling with it.) The final part of the WATG arc. The race ends, a champion is crowned. But at what cost?
Quiet Nights Under Star Filled Skies - Various times through his life where Dusty is spending some time talking with someone for one reason or another that keeps ending up with a late night of stargazing.
Come Fly With Me - Short Story of Dusty and Skipper getting to spend some real time flying with some of the jets for the first time. Both parties have to learn how to fly safely around and with each other since Dusty and Skipper both want to visit The Wrenches whenever possible and are also flock bonded with fighter jets now, so this would be very important to learn sooner or later. Unfortunately, a certain cropduster seems to love giving everyone in the fleet + a certain Corsair early core failure by trying to play chicken and tag with the much larger jets. (Which holy shit Dusty they are easily twice your size and almost quadruple your total weight you STOP THAT RIGHT NOW- 🤣)
A Coat Of Fresh Paint - As y'all can see from the design I finally got down and posted, Dusty's paint job has really undergone some makeovers since he first started racing, and then through becoming a firefighter. These are the stories behind his different paint markings.
Through Fire Or Flood - Fire And Rescue Arc!!! After The Incident with the tower and The Fill N' Fly fire, Dusty has to train and become certified as a firefighter in order for PWJ to be reopened. Now he just has to figure out how to do that without the team he's been sent to for training finding out about his busted gearbox. Especially since it turns out he is bond compatible with everyone on said team what the heck- (for reference, in this verse bonds can happen between multiple vehicles for a number of reasons (flocks/familial/platonic/romantic ect. I've got notes expanding on all of that in The Guide. Just need to hammer out the finer details and actually get it posted. 😅)
The Lion, The Witch, and The Audacity Of This Bi- (Joke Title, can't think of what else to call it for now) - Short Story that takes place after the two major movie arcs. During one of his races, Dusty has another nasty encounter with Ripslinger and The Twins. They proceed to kick the hornets nest (Hah) by making the mistake of trying to start shit with Dusty while both the PPAA Team and The Jets are there to watch Dusty race. Safe to say hell hath no fury like a Family protecting one of their own. (Especially when said family happens to have a C-119 as the cool dad/uncle/grandpa who will not hesitate to absolutely obliterate anyone stupid enough to try to hurt one of his kids. ☺️)
Dirt Track Or Open Skies, It's All The Same - (WIP Title??) The aforementioned Planes meet Cars fic. The racing world is coming up on two big milestones, the 50th anniversary of the first WATG and the 100th anniversary of the first Piston Cup race. So the board of officials who run and maintain each one had the grand idea to combine the celebrations for both into one big event. From races to stunt shows, they plan to have it all. The kicker though? They want to have a race where both planes and cars can race together. What better way to celebrate so many years of successful racing? But for the race cars, who have never had to look up at the open skies to see their next opponent or for the racing planes, who have never looked down at the asphalt and dirt tracks of the ground races and seen the cars as fair competition it's nothing short of completely absurd. Planes and Cars could never race together in a fair race, right? A certain seemingly out of place cropduster and a reckless rookie turned legacy seemed determined to find out.
That's all the ones I've actually started working on for now, I have a few more ideas noted down but haven't actually done anything with them yet. Ask away!
As for tagging I'll just leave it open for anyone who wants to add on. (Translation: I don't know nearly enough people for that much tagging and I'm scared to bother people with random tags so y'all can join in if you want to!)
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @hollers-and-holmes and indirectly by @isfjmel-phleg
Rules: post the name of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them and then post a little snippit of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. 
Tales Of A Frozen Sailor AU; Jessica's Rescue
The Scorn Prince (New!)
The Princess's Journey (Old)
A Different Kind Of Cinderella (Old)
The Mysterious Mansion
Three Lost Souls
The Hidden Royals
The Rude and the Restless
Guilty Conscience
The Shipwreck Story
Extended Connections (Cars Fic, hasn't been touched in over a year)
That's the main ones that I can think of currently.
I don't have that many people to tag. I would have tagged @lady-merian had she not been tagged at the same time as me.
Then for other tags, @sinivalkoista , @rowenabean , @melliabee , @carsgeek24
Anyone else who wants to is free to do so, and as always there's no pressure to have to do so.
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
Mage (Or as close as I could get it to my sona)
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1. FIRST, create a picrew using this maker, and then 2. SECOND take this quiz on how fandom would see you if you were a fictional character.  3 (THIRD) POST YOUR PIC AND YOUR DESCRIPTION IN THE REBLOG!
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Bastard (Good)
You’re a bastard. A wet cat, if you will. And we love you for it. You’re a little shit, but in the good way. You are the baddest babygirl. You killed a man, but you looked good doing it. You flirted with the hero and the enemy. All of Tumblr is madly in love with you. Congrats, I guess?
Tagging EVERYONE but especially @magicaltear, @the-beeses-kneeses, @wafflesrisa, @mykingdomforapen, @marbat, @scientistsinistral, @halberdierminister​!
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
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Wait, this is USS Saratoga of the Lexington-class which means it's.. CV-3?? That's so freaking cool man! The air raft carrier and it's service history is very interesting to read about ngl.
Also I read on one article that John Lassester's father (Paul Eual Lassester) served as a gunner on USS Saratoga and also as a plank owner on USS Hancock. So this character must be kinda personal.
[The article if you guys want to know more:- https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-SEB-75922]
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
You know, now that i come to think about it, all vehicles, get a longer life in WoC
Like, take Kittyhawk for example- In WoC, we can see that he is still working and isn't decommissioned even in 2011. But if u take reality, Kittyhawk was decommissioned in 2009 already.
And generally, in WoC, since the vehicles are literally alive, scrapping them would be.. murdering them right? Inhumane as hell if that were the case.
But surely it isn't, which is pretty cool to think about actually. We would still be having some vehicles existing there which do not in our time anymore.
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
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3, 36, 44
you didn't give a limit, so-*intense smirking*
Lol there's no limit, technically! (Although I guess it would get confusing after like five XD) Also I'll tackle these one at a time in their order XP
Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
Definitely OCs. I have done some reader inserts in the past (like, twice maybe?) but my default if I had to pick either is hard on OCs. Though, OCs are still for the most part just an accessory to a canonical setting, and rarely in their own setting. (Unless it's Apollo, all bets are off on him)
Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
Oh God, hmmm...well, since folks lately have been asking about it, I'll leave just a FEW lines of text out of the unfinished chapter 2 of 'Those That Flock Together'...
"You sure are somethin' else," [Bravo] said, his voice going an octave lower than normal.
"Such a pretty thing. It's a shame nobody has you to themselves yet…" Echo added, cornering Dusty from his other side.
Dusty's mind was spinning. These Alphas were driving his instincts insane! He bit his lip, crouching to the floor as the others got impossibly closer to him, centimeters away from his nose cone.
"I hope no one else wants you-" Echo said, and Bravo finished his sentence for him,
"Because we sure do."
That's all you're getting!!! XD
What is the last line you wrote?
*groans and screams in Oh No* I should probably put context to this, and then again, maybe I shouldn't! Lol, this is a second part to a currently running series:
"He was reduced, yet again, to mindless whimpers and bucking hips alone in the room."
Yep, I'm not putting context on that! N o p e! XD
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
THIS ^^^ 🥰👏
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the fighters that flinched when dusty landed….
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watching the chaos and organization as they prepared for Dusty’s landing
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green guy in the back who lowk looked like he was listening in and was concerned after finishing his work until spooked and quickly saluting after stinger came
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the flysenhower and crew watching over them
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the ones who look up to watch the flyover
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And is it just me or does he look like he’s visibly smiling?
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Man, all of them…. Just
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
Yes please to the list question Boe!
As for the double names, I'd wondered about that too. Maybe it's like where planes can take on Legacy Numbers with the right permissions?
Perhaps the aircraft carriers in WoC used Legacy Names instead of numbers due to how carriers are numbered? 🤔
Also, some of my favorite parts during the movie happen during the scene where we can see the Wrenches have been watching Dusty race, especially once he cuts the ribbon and wins.
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-The Wrenches are watching their newest member race, need I say more. 🥰
-The way you can see Echo break out into a big ol grin before jumping and cheering with the others.
-Several of the forklifts literally jump for joy so high that their tires don't touch the ground for a sec.
-That green one in the front jumps, spins, yells, and even high fives (high tines?) two of the other forklifts in just the few seconds after Dusty wins.
~Personal Headcannons~ about what was happening off screen:
-No doubt that the rest of the Wrenches on board could hear the group that was watching the race start cheering but someone probably started telling everyone over comms as well which started a domino effect until the whole crew was yelling and cheering in excitement and talking about what happened.
They're so proud of Dusty.
+The rest of the fleet hearing about why the admiral's crew is going wild over comms and joining in on the merriment.
-The Flysenhower taking his eyes off the horizon for a moment to watch in bemusement as his crew and fleet gets to be overjoyed about Dusty's achievement. He really should get them to settle down, they are still on deployment after all. But for now he decides to let them have this, after several months at sea it's nice to see everyone getting to let loose a bit and be so excited.
-No one on deck would see it, but even Flysenhower has a small, proud grin on his face as he listens to his crew talk about Dusty and his thought to be impossible win.
✨The Jolly Wrenches being proud of Dusty winning the WOTG Rally. ✨
That's is all, thank you for listening to me ramble. 👏
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I honestly forgot this scene existed in the movie. It's so adorable that they're all cheering Dusty on. But while I was watching through, I found something that really got my attention.
On the Wall of Fame, above Echo's head, is a list of carriers. If you look closely, the third from the bottom says USS Eisenhower-
As in the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.
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From what I've gathered, isn't the Flysenhower supposed to be the WoC equivalent to the USS Eisenhower?
I'm sure it's just a minor error that slipped through, but it's still funny to think that there are two carriers named Dwight in their universe. XD
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
I wanna hold em, they look so squishy. 😭🥰
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Warning: Adorable
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Why did I never share these?? XD
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
So this happened
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So of course I sketched it
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
Hehe understandable, I've watched the scenes where Dusty is going to/on The Flysenhower many times now to get screenshots for visual references and these are some of my favorite moments from those scenes.
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-Bravos first appearance
My first time watching Planes I remember my jaw actually dropped and I mentally went Woah! when he appeared out of nowhere and spooked Dusty, I was actually feeling a little intimidated too!
And then we see how the Wrenches are absolute marshmallows for Dusty and honestly, 100% understandable fellas. 😂
+When we get to see Echos perspective as he scans Dusty for weapons. It shows us that there is a second jet hiding in the clouds without actually showing him, I loved it.
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-When Bravo and Echo fly with Dusty
The amount of self awareness the jets have to have had around Dusty, especially when flying with him like that, is amazing. They had to be so careful not to outpace or outmaneuver him while guiding him to the ship and on how to land.
+Nice view from their height of the deck. I liked how you could see the forklifts racing around or under the aircraft on deck to get stuff done.
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-Whenever Dusty is standing next to any of the jets.
When I'm drawing Dusty next to any of the jets I'm always second guessing if I'm drawing him too small or not. Then I go to look at my screenshots for reference and I'm delightfully reminded that nope, he's actually just that little compared to them.
(He's at the perfect height to touch noses or cuddles and I'm absolutely gonna have fun with that in my stories/art. ✍️)
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-Admiral Flysenhower keeping an eye on the Wrenches newest member
We never got to hear the Big Boss speak but the little detail of him watching over the crew and Dusty whenever they're on deck was very nice.
(Plus the nighttime scene, just everything about it. Just yes.)
Bonus: Correct me if I'm wrong but-
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Standing between the two Super Hornets that are also checking on Dusty as he goes below deck. I noticed them when I was looking at Echo in this screenshot and had to do a double take like !??!!!
I'm wondering if they're a visitor from the Kittyhawk, but their paint scheme is more like the Wrenches than the silvery white of the KH harriers so?? Idk, I know nothing about them but I already love em, Harriers are awesome.
watching the clip where dusty lands on the flysenhower for reference like
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
Hm, crustaceans huh? All I can think of is maybe a Crawfish (Crayfish) for Maru? Small, grey, and will pinch you whenever they damn well please and it hurts a lot for something so small. 😅
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
Sorry this took so long! Some of the detailing was giving me trouble 😅 But whoo was it ever worth it!
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Here he is! This is my version of Dusty as of current times. (A few years after the events of both Planes and Planes Fire And Rescue) My boy has really gotten decked out since he first started his journey as a little crop duster entering the WOTG Trials.
So, to start. His main body colors. His main paint scheme was a collaboration between Maru and Dottie (with a little help from Chug and Sparky.) Dusty got tired of having to switch paints whenever he changed from fire gear to racing gear, so they eventually came up with an in-between color that could still identify him as a firefighter (with the help of his stripes, but more on that later.) while sticking true to his original orange coloring that he was born with, resulting in a beautiful sunset gradient. It's a mixture I made by blending together the fire engine red he earned after his certification and his original orange! You can tell where I had fun using different shades from the sunset colors, like on his wings, where a stripe of his original orange is layered with a darkening shade of orange to show where his reds where when in firefighter paints.
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Speaking of which, Stripes! He's gotten quite of few of them by now, with the main ones being a large pair of double stripes across the main body/tail section. That's from his firefighter paints, along with the trio of white stripes along his tail and the top two stripes on his tail fin. The bottom two stripes on his tail are from his original crop duster paints before he became a racer! And for the fuel tanks the black tips with a red stripe on the tips of the fuel tanks are a nod to both his racer and firefighter paints, with a pair of smaller double stripes to match the larger ones on the main body. There is also a trio of stripes along his landing gear panels that match the ones on his pontoons, though in this I've added a stripe of his original orange running alongside the red. (I'll have to do a second drawing of him in full firefighter gear and pontoons so you can see the similarities, but for now this was the version I'll be using the most in my works so he got drawn first.)
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Then of course, on to one of the things I had the most fun with during making this design, Detailing! Starting with the racing/identification number, I mixed his original fancy 7 racer number with the 07 he was numbered as after firefighter certification. The 0 is meant to look more like the firefighter style while his 7 looks like his racer one. His number is on both sides of his tail, body, and on both sides of his right ring!
Along with his numbers, he also has his classic blue lightning bolt down the main body, though a part of it is covered by the firefighter stripes. He also has his Jolly Wrench squadron insignia just behind his propeller, of which the props where painted with the yellow stripe and checkered pattern that the jets have along thier tailfins. Originally I wasn't sure if I'd be able to include much to his design that would indicate the parts of his life he spends with the jets and rest of the crew as an Honorary Jolly Wrench, but then a plot bunny struck me hard when I remembered the pattern on the jet tails. (Story about that particular idea coming to life when? 🤔 Jets bonding with their newest flock member over getting him some new paint details? 😉✍️✍️✍️) Plus the checkered print doubles as a representation of the checkered flag from racing!
Lastly, his initial and name are also decals from his racing paints. The D along his tail is a similar style to his racing 7 while his name is painted both just behind his canopy on either side of the body and on his pontoons! (Again, I'll be able to show that once I do his firefighter gear design.)
Whew! That was so much fun to finally put my Dusty's design down on a drawing! I'm hoping he won't be too much trouble for you @penname-artist . 😅 And Happy Ninth Anniversary Planes!
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As August 9th nears, let's celebrate the anniversary and go out with a bang!
I'm doing a big collaboration project for the 9 year anniversary of Disney's Planes, and we are looking for any and ALL Dustys across the fandom! Human! Animal! Whatever else exists! This is the chance to throw your design into the ring for a one time super ultra cool Dusty and the Dustys fan project!
And to be clear: this is a 100% FREE fan-made passion project and you need NO requirements to be a part of it! Just send me a decent photo and/or description of your version of Dusty and any/all user links you would like to have under your Dusty's 'artist credit' section, and any other preferences you would like for the art piece (ie. "Can my Dusty be posed this way?" Or "Can you leave a link to my social media @ [person name]?") . The final art of all the fan Dustys together will be posted on August 9th to all my major social medias.
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
Lack of experience on a team combined with a not being taught the proper communication etiquette while actively fighting a fire. (Somewhat similar to how Dusty had trouble understanding the towers forklifts when he arrives at the airport in the first movie.)
Can't remember where I read it, but I remember someone explaining that firefighters respond with their call signs so the chief is aware of who just responded to them on the line. On a smaller team like the PPAA a chief could recognize individuals by their voices but it's a good habit to call out properly incase you're ever set up on a larger team with more fighters on it.
Though to be fair neither Blade nor any of the others corrected him so not sure what was up with that? 🤔
Y'all I just noticed the weirdest shit in Planes 2. Did anybody else notice that in the film, Dusty is the only flier who replies to Blade's commands without using his own name or his callsign? And it's weird because everybody else does. We hear "Dipper copies", "Windlifter copies", and "Cabbie copies" but Dusty responds with "Copy that" every time he responds. We know from consistency in both the first and second films that his callsign is 'Crophopper Seven' (see also "Patch come in, this is Crophopper Seven!") as opposed to Dusty, or any other callsign. But he doesn't respond to commands with his own callsign. W h y ?
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
Heh, so my brain decided that the first fanart piece I was working on needed to be turned from a single drawing idea into a full mini comic. 😅 Not complaining though, it feels good to be this inspired to draw something again.
As you can see, added a few more characters in that definitely deserve some more love. I've actually got a few plot/art bunnies running around involving this particular squad of J.W. jets so expect to see more of them here in the future. 😉
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
So something like this? If I remember correctly from the movie it looks like there's some sort of bolts or magnets along the little arch on the side of the helmet that is helping keep it in place/from flying off when they're airborne, in which case I'm guessing they would need the assistance of a Pittie and the proper tools to help remove it when not needed.
As for what's underneath the helmet, no idea. In real life jets the canopy is a type of glass, but that's also because it's where the human pilots sit. Without the need of a pilot I'd lean more towards the idea that it's solid metal underneath. Especially since that's probably where their equivalent of a brain would be along with the ocular system, the last thing you'd want is to have a bunch of delicate components being uncovered and easy to get to if something with enough force broke the glass.
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I just realized their helmets are removable
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magic-and-memories · 2 years
Wip sketch of my first attempt at some planes fanart! Wonder what, or who, has got the resident Super Hornets feeling so protective over the Wrenches youngest... 🤔
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