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Tripod Turnstile is different from other automation systems. It has arms that work in two-directional developments with the assistance of a sensor and is generally utilized in indoor premises. It likewise assists with forestalling unapproved passages. It can also be accessed with the card, unique finger impression, peruser and scanner access.
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Check out the Latest Wall Type Detector which has 5 detecting zones, up to 700mm detecting range, 5 Digit traffic counter, portable to any place.
Click here for more details: Wall Type Metal Detector
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MAGTECH AI X-Ray Baggage Scanner is an advanced security inspection system that uses to scan baggage without opening the packages. The scanning system comes with the next-gen X-ray imaging system, which comes with semiconductor detectors, digital image processing technology and computer image display technology, to provide users with an efficient, dependable and high-quality image processing system that has service functions.
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We are extremely heart whelmed to announce that we installed at one of the Prestigious Organization in India. They were looking for an advanced Entrance automation system which comes with greater security and fantabulous design, so we recommend our latest "Whiton" barrier to their officials. The officials are satisfied with the final output and we are proud that our security systems purchased a grim on our client's face once again.
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What is Fencing barrier?
Our Magtech Groups introduced fencing barrier this will work as an advanced alternative to traditional fences and gates. Annexing this advanced technology has extended the capability of fencing barriers in providing complete parking access solutions in the entrance of buildings.
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Magtech offers swing obstructions with sets of IR sensors expected to distinguish unapproved sections and routes out. What's more, just permit an approved individual. In a joint exertion with the entry control framework, an individual can confirm and go through the way by swiping their ID card, remarkable finger imprint or showing their face.
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What is DFMD and It's Purpose?
A door frame metal detector or DFMD as the name itself specify used for detecting metal that has been hidden on the body of the person while passing through the door. It is also classified as a walk-through metal detector & Walkthrough temperature scanner. DFMD can detect both Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals.DFMD can be used for commercial and industrial purposes. Widely applicable in hotels, airports, malls, multiplexes and public visiting areas.
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The tripod turnstile is ideal for upgrading security, mass control of the executives, admittance to various regions, and then some. Manufactured by Magtech's security in different plans, tripod turnstiles in India are designed to control the crowd of people at the entrance. by plan, these frameworks are carried out worldwide to make life simpler for buyers, security staff, and occasion organizers. Utilized in both outside use and inside use.
Accessories: Passage counter
                          Card reader
                          Token operation.
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Magtech's Full-Height Turnstile doorways ensure security and individuals the executives at the passage in a particular area, for instance, rail station, Bus terminals, Stadiums, etc requires an entryway. Full-Height Turnstile is insignificant and costs compelling with low power use and high reliability. well fitted for indoor and open-air use in any sport there is a colossal and steady movement among individuals. Its turning arms grant every person to take a time.
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Magtech Flap Barrier is one of the fundamental aftereffects of an automated entrance system from our organization. This overlay block is novel to the traditional organization model. In standard organization, they take a gander at the voyager for the passing, ringing or counting of the explorer. It requires a great deal of work and material, a ton of work wrapped up with very low viability coming about due to the old organization model. In any case, with the help of the Magtech Flap hindrance, these sorts of issues won't occur, and all that will see when the singular enters the premises. Magtech Flap hindrance opens some other time for an inventive organization.
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AT100100D X-beam stuff scanner is one of the notable X-Ray baggage scanner in India is on of the model of Magtech, which assists with examining the gear completely in a flash. At the point when you place baggage over the transport line, the gear takes inside the x-beam scanner the L-molded high-goal indicator will assist with uncovering the checked picture on the screen with different tones like Blue for Non-natural, orange for natural, and dark for risky items. This AT100100D stuff scanner has a major passage, so it ought to be useful to really take a look at freight and reasonable for places like Air terminals, Rail line stations, Manufacturing plants, and Guard regions (Military, Airforce, the Naval force), and Penitentiaries.
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What is HHMD and it's Purpose ?
This item is our top-of-the-line item loaded up with highlights. It has different modes. Signal Mode: It will utter a sound when it recognizes metal. Vibration Mode: It will possibly vibrate when it identifies a metal. High Responsiveness Mode: Distinguishes even little metal items like coins. Low Responsiveness Mode: Doesn't distinguish little items. Recognizes just enormous metal items like weapons, and blades. The Magtech is an elite exhibition Hand Held Metal Indicator intended to meet the specific necessity of the security business. Average purposes will incorporate body looking for hostile weapons in swarm control, air terminal and boundary security, really taking a look at packages and letters for Metal items and any place that secret metal should be identified.
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What is Portable Tyre Killer ?
Magtech portable tire buster conveys a powerful Street Blockage against constrained passage of any vehicle. It is imperative in high-security premises like Parliament, Government offices, Air terminals, Power Plant, and other security foundations. In the event that anybody endeavored to pass through at any speed, its solidified and sharp spikes enter the vehicle tire and cut it rapidly which makes the vehicle stop. The greatest time taken for these spikes to spread out and about is almost 5 seconds. One man is sufficient sending of a compact tire buster. The whole compact tire buster is created in such a way that no digging of the street is expected for its establishment and activity.
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What is Tyre Killer and it's purpose?
Tire killer works quickly, spikes raise from the base surfaces in couple of moments so tires and edges of the unapproved vehicle will be hurt rapidly when the portion or break is attempted, as such the vehicle moves a few meters and is inactivated. This security system also known as tyre executioner.
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What is UVIS and It's Purpose ?
Under Vehicle Inspection Camera examines the vehicle's bottom area to inspect any hazardous items, likewise, UVSS in India will give more exact pictures to safety officers. It works the entire day and night in assessing vehicles and gives a well cleared specked picture.
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What is Security Bollards and it's purpose ?
In Magtech, we utilize hydraulic driven bollard system which are incompressible fluid that is moved by a siphon inside the bollard's chamber to bring it up. The engines give the most high measure of power for moving the weighty steel bollards. The hydraulic powered framework force is more noteworthy than a pneumatic framework.
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