malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
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RIP Kobe Bryant and daughter Gianna
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malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
Hi! Im not sure if you still have any spots open but if you do can I please be on your tag list for the Kylo Ren Series ? 🖤 thank you :)💖
Hey hun, I added you to my taglist!!! New chapter out now x Anyone else wanted to be added to ym taglist be quick! only have six spots left x
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malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
Power of the Darkness ⇝ ii.
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Summary: Before the galactic domination of the First Order, we follow a young Y/N and Ben Solo through their creation as the new found Lord and Lady of the Galactic Empire under the reign of Supreme Leader Snoke. Both are Jedi’s gone dark, making you both extremely powerful and feared by every civilisation in the galaxy. Will the first order come out on top or will the new found heroine Rey and the resistance destroy and last remainder of the dark side?
Pairing: Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Reader Word Count: 1.4k A/n: Chapter two yippie!!! Alsooo, we’re gonna ignore the fact that technically palpatine is anakins father because we aren’t about that incest life lol. I was also thinking of splitting this into three ‘series’ like the movies and follow the timeline in each one? So this ‘series’ is pre-tfa and during tfa, then second ‘series’ is during tlj and third is during tros. Lemme know in my ask box if you like that idea or if I should just keep it as the one? Next chapter is when the action starts ;) Enjoy ! x Part one
Y/N’s eyes snapped open and she was back in her Jedi hut, her heart threatening to break her rib cage with how hard it was beating. Tears begun to spill onto her face, and she held back a sob. Y/N was beyond confused and felt like she didn’t know who she was. Ever since she was little, she felt more of a connection to the dark side then the light, but she trained with Luke to get rid of that connection but that only deepened it.
You now know what the right path is to follow, my child.
Y/N allowed herself to sob once she knew Snoke was no longer in her head. She was confused and didn’t understand anything but one thing. Who she thought herself to be was a lie.
“Again!” Master Skywalker yelled, his eyes thoroughly assessing his Padawan’s. They were perfecting a normal Jedi stance form, but it was clearly too hard for some, making the whole group have to repeat it.  “Again!” he repeated again, Y/N huffed and repeated it, as did Ben.
“If he says again one more time, I’m going to shove this saber up his-”
“Again!”, he cut Ben off; which caused Y/N to stifle a laugh. Surprisingly, the group got it after about one hundred attempts. “Alright, go and rest we will be training again in an hour. Y/N I need to speak with you,” Luke said as he turned around stalked into the temple. She swallowed the lump in her throat and smiled at Ben.
“I don’t know Yasmina, I think she should get kicked out for almost killing you the other night by using sith techniques,” Y/N’s ears perked up when she heard Yasmina, Andria and Matthew talking about her. Her eyes narrowed at them.
“I’m telling you; she’s conspiring to be the next Sith leader. I mean, she’s friends with that weird boy who was related to Darth Vad-” Matthew was cut off by Y/N force choking him. His face went purple and red as he struggled to breath. The girls were yelling by Y/N was blinded by rage, but she was pulled back out when Ben grabbed her shoulder.
“Stop.” He whispered in her ear. She stopped concentrating on it and let go, Matthew took in a large breath very audibly. Y/N narrowed her eyes at them, making them turn away and walk to the other students. Y/N placed her hand on top of Ben’s and sighed. She looked up and noticed Luke staring at her. She sighed and went up the steps to speak with him. He only shook his head and walked back into the temple with Y/N trailing behind.
“You have been disobeying orders and being reckless. What are you doing? You almost killed Yasmina and now Matthew?” Master Luke yelled at Y/N; his hand been thrown about in anger. She went to open her mouth, but he cut her off. “Whatever it is, you need to fix it. From now until future notice, you will not be allowed to train with the other Jedi student; including Ben.” Luke had stated. Y/N’s eyes widened at what he said. Then she felt her anger bubble.
“What? You can’t do that! You can’t just cease my training over things so... so... insignificant! They’re going to have to learn how to battle like that Master Skywalker! This is such bull-”
“Not another word from you. You will only be able to watch and study the movements, but you will no longer take part. That is final!” He yelled, his hand slamming into the table. Y/N’s chair pushed back abruptly as she got up. She slammed the door behind her as she left for her hut. Luke only sighed and sat down, R2D2 whirring and beeping next to him. “I know I was harsh I have to be. Ben’s turned to the dark side and he holds such a terrifying future. But Y/N… I need to get it through to her that the right place is here and not with Snoke.”
R2 just whirred. “She scares me just as much as Ben does. I just… I need to make sure she doesn’t choose the wrong side.”
R2 just beeped.
“Ugh! This is frustrating” Y/N collapsed onto Ben’s bed, him peering over his textbook. “They can get away with speaking badly about you, his own goddamn nephew, but when I force choke them, well aren’t I the bad guy!” Y/N threw her hands up and groaned.
“I hope you realise there’s a big difference between both of those actions, Y/N” Ben stated, merely flicking his page over. She grunted in response and stared at the ceiling. In that moment, she wanted to scream and cry. She was so fed up from Snoke, to Luke and finding out her true identity. She also wanted to stab Matthew, Andria and Yasmina in their stupid faces. Y/N was beyond pissed. She felt the bed slightly move, then felt the pressure of Ben’s head on her stomach.
It only calmed her down slightly, but she distracted herself by threading her fingers through his black hair. She inhaled deeply and exhaled it all out. “Relax love, everything is going to be okay” he mumbled into her stomach, which slightly tickled. This gave Y/N to think. If they continued their path to be Jedi knights, they would not be allowed to love each other. No emotion only peace. Y/N was only here because Maz wanted her to learn the ways of the Jedi, how to control her force sensitivity.
Although, if it wasn’t for that, Y/N more than likely would not have met Ben. Her best friend, her right hand, her lover. He was her first friend ever at the mere age of eleven and twelve. They were drawn to one another, it was a weird sensation that neither of them could describe, even to this day. It was weird sometimes she swore she could hear him speak, but his mouth never moved. Y/N had always dismissed it as some weird mind game that the force puts on the young apprentices.
“I’m kinda hungry, let’s go see if supper is ready Love,” Ben mumbled against her stomach, making her softly smile at the boy. They waltz into the dining hall and, sure enough, supper was served. They grabbed their usual servings and sat at the opposite end of the table from everyone. “I think you really scared the shit out of Matthew,” Ben noticed, lifting his bread roll in the direction of the boy. Y/MN raised her eyebrows, mouth full of food, and turned in the direction of where the asshole would be, and sure enough, when she made eye contact, he instantly diverted it.
Y/N turned back to Ben and smiled, some of her half-chewed food showing on her teeth. “You are vile,” Ben joked and threw his bread roll at her. Y/N laughed and swallowed.
“Don’t worry, someone will have something smart to say. How much more trouble can I really get in?” Y/N joked. It was tiny things that they would say about you, but as soon as they mentioned Ben, you swore you would kill them. Ben would get enraged, but you would always beat him in harming that assholes that you called fellow pupils. Besides, you didn’t really mind anyways. Y/N noticed Yasmina whispering something to Andria and them giggling. Y/N sighed and shoved more of her food in her mouth.
“I don’t understand how she, out of everyone in the galaxy, was chosen to be force-sensitive and to come here to train. Her parents were nobodies, she’s a nobody. Her parents more than likely sold her off to get some spice and alcohol, I mean look at the state of he-” Andria was cut off by a dinner knife impaling her right hand. She screeched in pain and Y/N’s jaw dropped and stared at Ben. She had never seen him that violent, truly violent. Andria began to wail more, and Luke came bounding into the dining hall. He helped Andria up and escorted her to the infirmary, his eyes glazed with fury. “Ben why did you do that, you know I can hold my own.” Y/N whispered to the boy. He twirled the fork in his hand and stabbed it into the tabletop.
“I know you can, still pisses me off. She needs to learn a lesson and respect us. They all do. We’re more powerful than them.” Ben growled, his eyes narrowing at the fork. Y/N sighed and smiled.
“Ben?” Y/N question, her lips perked up.
“Yeah?” he looked up, his gaze light on the girl in front of him.
“Nice Shot.”
TAGLIST; @gossiprenxo @stray-luna @thecourageousmyanmar @itsallaboutkey @fandomshit6000 @lizmarvel @gracielou0518 @iamaunicorn4704 @blackheartedspider @ah-callie @solariiium @manylivesofkc @annaweirdo21​ @ohhh-boo-tiful​
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malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
Taglist :)
So I have finalised my tag list for the next chapter :) Next chapter will be out soon my loves! If at any stage you would like to be removed just send me a message of ask! I also have eight spots left :)
Tag list:
@gossiprenxo @stray-luna @thecourageousmyanmar @itsallaboutkey @fandomshit6000 @lizmarvel @gracielou0518 @iamaunicorn4704 @blackheartedspider @ah-callie @solariiium @manylivesofkc
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malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
Hi! Could I be added to the tags for the Kylo Ren series? Thank you in advance!❤💙
Yes my hun x
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malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
Hi can I please be added to the tag list for your Kylo series? Thanks!
Hi sweetheart of course you can ❤️
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malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
Tag List for Kylo Series?
I’ve had some anon asks and seen some comments on my new fic about a tag list? Would anyone like to be added? :)
So far I have @gossiprenxo (totally was their idea for me to do a taglist)
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malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
Hi yes why wouldn't i be? ;) i may have returned then went on another hiatus but i promise i'm back
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malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
Power of the Darkness ⇝ i.
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Summary: Before the galactic domination of the First Order, we follow a young Y/N and Ben Solo through their creation as the new found Lord and Lady of the Galactic Empire under the reign of Supreme Leader Snoke. Both are Jedi’s gone dark, making you both extremely powerful and feared by every civilization in the galaxy. Will the first order come out on top or will the new found hero Rey and the resistance destroy and last remainder of the dark side? Pairing: Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Reader Word Count: 1.6k A/n: Hey guys! I’ve been working on this for a week now and i finally decided today that i would share it with you all and drop some peeks at the new fic. I’m also gonna make Y/N, Kylo, Rey, Finn etc. close in age, it will still all flow and make sense :) Anyway, enjoy and if you lie it Like and Re post so I know that this series is worth continuing <3
I don’t remember much of my parents. I was always told they sold me to Maz Kanata to help out in Takodana but I knew it was something more than that. Either way, I always resented them for leaving me there. As I got older, it became clear I was a force-sensitive and was increasingly getting stronger. Maz had sent me away to train with Master Luke Skywalker and several other children as well. That’s where I met him, Ben Solo.
“Benjamin, I swear to the stars, if you don’t get up right now to train- I will suffocate you with your own pillow,” Y/N had threatened the young boy with Raven Hair. She received a grunt in response from him which caused to frown. She picked up the pillow that was on the floor and nearly hit him in the head with it but, he caught her wrist and pinned her on the bed.
“You are easily, the most annoying person I know,” his groggy voice filled her ears. She sent a big, toothy grin his way. He dipped his head, their lips catching on one another’s. Y/N started to giggle, and Ben looked at her with an eyebrow raised.
“Morning Breath,” Y/N stuck her tongue out, eyes scrunched close. Ben grabbed the pillow that Y/N let go of and thumped her right in the face.
They were too in sync. They knew each other’s moves, even before they were to do them. Luke Skywalker had been watching them, he knew they were connected in ways more than one. He knew of their secret relationship; he knew the force connected them as one. It was a power that frightened him because he sensed the bubbling darkness in both his pupils.
“If I say anything, I might cause bigger problems than what we already have R2,” Luke quietly explained to the droid. R2D2 began to whir back and shake slightly. Luke sighed and continued to stare at his pupils, “You’re right, I need to talk to Leia.”
The two pupils continued to fight, oblivious to their master’s gaze. They stopped sparring and practiced moves together. Y/N could not get the sand twister which resulting in Ben nicking her arms every time. The pain was searing, but she knew the pain was a reminder that she was failing. Ben apologized every time he got her, and Y/N would just shake her head.
She finally got it after being burnt at least twenty times, her arm already began to swelter with blisters. “Maybe if you were better you wouldn’t have been burnt that many times,” Ben joked, stuffing his saber into this holder.
“Maybe if you weren’t such an asshole you could’ve missed my arm instead of getting it” Y/N retorted, kicking the dirt as she spoke. “I’m going to go to the infirmary, my arm kinda-”
“I’ll come with you Y/-”
“-It’s okay Ben, you go clean up, I’ll meet you at your hut after, I promise,” Y/N had smiled at him and whiskfully spun on her heel and headed toward the infirmary. She felt Ben stare at her up until the doors shut behind her in one of the temples. Her head suddenly began to hurt, as if something was prying her mind apart. That’s when she heard the voice.
Hello Child.
She froze, no one was in sight and it was a voice unfamiliar to her. Her confusion was amusing to the mysterious voice.
Oh child, I am no where in sight for you. I sense your strong power. Power that shouldn’t abide to such harsh laws that the Jedi Order enforces.
“Who are you? What do you want?” she whispered, her voice shaking as she spoke. The voice didn’t respond straight away but when it did, it sent shivers down her spine.
You will know soon enough. You’ll make the right decision.
She froze. Her breathing picked up the pace. Who the hell was that?
Ben laid in his hut shirtless as he cleaned his saber of dirt and grime. He was in a conflict, Supreme Leader Snoke of the first order has been enticing him of large promises within the first order. He promised great power to Ben, but he knew that would not suffice to lure him to the dark side. Snoke wanted Y/N too but he wouldn’t tell Ben why, all he would say is they both hold great power. Of course, Snoke seduced him with that thought that Ben and Y/N would be fine to openly love another if they joined the first order. Ben didn’t know what to do.
Thump. Ben jumped at the noise and heard a groan of pain. He went over to his hut door and opened it to reveal Y/N holding her head and her right arm covered in bandages. “Sorry love, my door was locked” he informed.
“Really? Didn’t realise,” Y/N grunted and pushed past him. Something was up with her and he could tell. She sat down on his bed and took in the site of the shirtless boy. He caught her staring and she only just winked back; heat creeped its way up to his cheeks. “My cuts are fine by the way. Nurse Meera just said I need to clean them, and they’ll heal fine. You only got me 12 times though,” She smiled. Ben notice her fingers fidgeting.
“What’s wrong? You’re fidgeting...” Ben trailed off, his eyes watching her every move. She went to open her mouth to say something, but they heard Master Luke announce outside the huts than supper was served. Y/N hopped off the bed and opened that door.
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine Ben,” and she walked out heading toward the hall. Ben stood still then chose to catch up with her. “I really am fine. I think I’m just tired and hungry.” Ben hummed in acknowledgment. He knew something was up but he wouldn’t push it out of her. Dinner went by in a blur, Y/N and Ben kept to themselves and didn’t like most of the kids there as majority of them came form wealthy upbringings. Once dinner was done, nightly training would commence. Luke would pair the training jedi’s up to see their improvements and how the adapt to a different fighter each time.
Y/N was picked to fight against Yasmina and as they battled, the voice reappeared.
Yes. You possess a great technique which renders you merely impossible to beat. Yet, you fight like a Jedi. Fight how your blood wants to fight
Y/N shook her head and was almost sliced on the leg. Yasmina smirked and spun and went to slice, but Y/N smacked her saber that hard it flew out of Yasmina’s hand and into her own. Y/N than began to attack Yasmina has she was defenseless.
Yes, my child, destroy her. Complete the Blazing Supernova.
Y/N’s mind didn’t understand what the voice meant but her body did. She felt her body twist and the sabers began to swirl. She almost sliced Yasmina up, but Master Luke had jumped in and had turned off the sabers whilst using the force and pulled them out of her hands and straight into his own. Y/N blinked a few times, slowly realizing what she just did.
You have done well my child.
“What the hell were you thinking. That wasn’t how a Jedi fights you almost killed a fellow pupil doing that. What was that Y/N,” Master Luke had bellowed at her, but in his eyes wasn’t anger… it was fear? Y/N stood still and tried to speak but she couldn’t find the words. “You have lost you supper privileges for two days. You are restricted to your hut, now go!” he continued to bellow. All eyes were on her, all were stifling laughs at her embarrassment from Master Luke, but Ben stared at her in sorrow.
“Who are you… please just tell me who you are” Y/N whimpered her head was being split into two.
I am Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order. You have proven yourself worthy girl.
Her eyebrows furrowed. The first order? What could they want from a nobody like me?
You aren’t a nobody. Close your eyes and I’ll let your Master Luke Skywalker show you.
Luke was there, talking to Leia through a holographic communication device. They were both worried and fearful. Y/N was confused she was right next to Luke, but no one noticed her.
Focus and Listen.
And that’s what Y/N did.
“Luke, I think you’re overthinking this. She might not have been thinking. She always trains with Ben and we both know they’re the best you’re training. Maybe she thought-”
“No Leia, we both know Snoke has seduced them. They both are losing sight of the light within the force and are spiralling towards the dark side.”
“Luke, they’re only teenagers. We can’t make assumptions on what they’ve done and who they are”
Y/N’s ears perked. Who they are? Her heart hammered in her chest as Luke began to speak.
“Leia, he has Skywalker blood. The same blood that flowed through you, me and our father. He is powerful and he knows it. So does Snoke.”
Y/N realised that the reason why Ben had begun to lock his door was the same reason as she nearly killed Yasmina. Snoke had been talking to him too.
Yes, my girl, Ben has already made up his mind. I will promise you both great power and the freedom to love one another. No time to be restricted to the Jedi Code.
Leia sighed, yet Luke continued, “And its clear as to why Snoke would now want Y/N”.
Y/N was confused. Then Luke said it and her blood ran cold.
“He would only want her because she’s a Palpatine.”
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malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
I don’t remember much of my parents. I was always told they sold me to Maz to help out in Takodana but I thought that they just needed the drinking money. I’ve always resented them for leaving me there. As I got older, it became clear I was a force-sensitive and was increasingly getting stronger. Maz had sent me away to train with Master Luke Skywalker and several other children as well. That’s where I met him, Ben Solo.
an untitled kylo ren x reader series
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malfoysdarkprincess · 5 years
get ready for a new series on kylo ren! 
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malfoysdarkprincess · 6 years
Next Fic??
Hello my loves,
I’m incredibly indecisive on who to write my next fic about! Therefore, I have made a quick survey to see who is more favorable. Please click HERE 
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malfoysdarkprincess · 6 years
About the blog
Hey guys,
I set up a little page on my blog about specific things with my blog. Like what fandoms I write fics for and when i do ships etc.
Find all of that information HERE
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malfoysdarkprincess · 6 years
A hex and a Curse - Draco Malfoy Imagine
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Authors Note; So I’m back!! This is not my best but definitely not the worse. I’m excited to get back into writing... enjoy!
Requested- No, requests are now open again! Pairing- Draco Malfoy x Pureblood fem!reader Word count- 1,347
“Blaise, I’m really close to hexing her. I swear to Merlin’s beard!” she shouted in the Slytherin common room. She earned the stares of Pansy and Draco’s; the last two people she doesn’t want to see. “She’s always on him, I could literally wipe the drool of her chin. She’s such a down-right git.” Y/n continued to complain. She had walked in earlier to find Pansy’s head in Draco’s lap, his hand playing with her hand. She didn’t want to admit it, but y/n was jealous. Extremely.
“She’s always been like that. Why’s it such a problem now, hmm?” Blaise quizzed here. She frowned at him and huffed as she fell down onto the sofa with him. “I mean, it’s annoying for sure- but never has been a problem… unless… somebody’s jealous?” Blaise snorted. Y/n kicked his leg and lent against him.
“I… no! I’m not jealous; why would I be jealous?” Y/n stammered. Blaise laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Okay, maybe I am? It doesn’t matter. Parkinson should know her place the spiteful little sl-”
“Merlin’s beard, l/n. No need for such crude language” Blaise said loudly. She just rolled her eyes and gave him an indecent gesture. Y/n looked back over at Pansy and Draco and saw Pansy incredibly close to his face. Y/n’s eyes narrowed and she grunted at the sight. “Relax y/n, nothing is going-” Blaise was cut off by Pansy kissing Draco. This caused y/n to jump out of her seat and bolt out of the common room. Blaise shouting her name.
She was angry and trying to find someone to unleash her anger on. Y/n lived up to her title of Slytherin princess; an arrogant bully who believed blood lineage mattered. She found her usual group of second years hanging around the corner. She drew her lips into a snarl and pounced her insults at them. However, this wasn’t helping her. She grew more mad and sauntered off from the group. Her anger was bubbling inside her chest. However, she did something she thought she’d never do.
Luna Lovegood, accompanied by Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger, bumped straight into her. Her eyes narrowed and her breathing was ragged. “Are you okay, y/n?” Luna asked so innocently. Then y/n felt it, the tears. No one knew who was more shocked, the group of girls or y/n.
“I’m fine Lovegood.” She attempted to wipe her tears away as she barged past them, but Hermione grabbed her wrist. Y/n recoiled at the touch and grunted. “Don’t touch me mud… Don’t touch me Granger,” y/n ran off. She was confused, upset and surprisingly heartbroken. She found herself at the top of the astronomy tower- her legs finally giving out from underneath her. Why was she crying over Draco? She didn’t like Draco. He was only her friend. Slowly, her memories of what happened replayed in her mind and she was in disgust. She cried in front of people. She growled and punched the pole that helped support the roof.
Little did she know, Draco had instantly pulled away form the kiss. “I didn’t say you could kiss me, Parkinson!” Draco yelled and shot upright. He watched y/n run out of the common room. Blaise called out her name but he knew she was long gone. “What have you done? Why would you kiss me! I only asked you to help make y/n jealous! Not to make it seem like we were dating!” Draco growled, his anger erupting for all to see. He heard Blaise’s footsteps stop behind the sofa were Draco was seated.
“Oh no, Malfoy, you royally screwed yourself here. Good job.” Blaise snickered. “You know Pansy here as such an… obsession with you,” he winked at Pansy. Pansy screeched and threw Goyle’s textbook at Blaise.
“Shut up, Zabini. Not another word from you.” Draco scowled. He sat back down on the sofa head in his hands. “I’m such a git,” he whined. Blaise patted Draco on the back.
“Go and find her Malfoy. You need to clean this up. I should probably hide Pansy before y/n comes back and punches some sense into her,” Blaise joked. Draco nodded his head and walked out of the common room. He walked through the hallways of the dungeons, his footsteps ringing loudly. He made it toward the library when he saw Luna, Ginny and Hermione. They all looked incredibly shocked.
Draco looked behind them and saw a wand on a ground. It was unmistakeably y/n’s. He pushed past the girls and picked it up. “Whatever you did to her Malfoy, you better fix it quick. I’ve never seen her cry,” Hermione stated. He looked toward the empty hallway and frowned. His heart ached; he felt so terribly bad for what he’s caused her. He was wracking his brain; where did she go? Then it hit him. The astronomy tower! He got there as fast as he could attempting to not draw attention to himself. He reached the top and he saw her; crying and… punching something?
“My, my, you’re surely losing the plot, l/n” y/n heard. She knew that voice. She spun; clutching her hand in agony. “Whoa, are you okay? You’re hand… it’s almost the size of Blaise’s ego!” Draco joked and it successfully worked. She giggled but was quick to make a remark back.
“If this is the size of Blaise’s ego; I can’t even comprehend the size of yours,” she winked. Draco walked up to her and put her face in his hands. “Why didn’t you tell me you and Pansy were… dating” y/n stammered. The sentence felt like poison in her mouth that she needed to spit out. He smiled sadly at her. Draco did the last thing y/n thought he would do; and that was kiss her. It was a short and awkward kiss. Y/n never kissed anyone before and Draco knew. She pulled away briskly and yelped. “Draco! But you’re.. you’re…”
“Not dating Pansy. Look, you’ve been my best friend of many years and I wanted to see if what Blaise was saying was true… that you were in love with me. And well, I guess today proved it.��� Draco explained, his hands still at the side of her face. “She wasn’t meant to kiss me. I only asked her to cuddle into me and stuff… I’m so sorry y/n.” he sighed.
She smiled at him and went to pull him into a hug but the pain in her hand caused her to cry out. Draco frowned at her injury. “Can you fix it Draccy?” y/n used his old nickname and pleaded him. He sighed and pulled out his wand and mended her broken wrist. She smiled and attacked him into a hug. “You know, you could have just asked me… you know Pansy has an obsession with you. She wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to kiss you.” y/n laughed, pulling away from the hug.
“Well I do know for next time. But.. I was wondering does this mean..?” Draco trailed off. Y/n raised an eyebrow at him.
“Dating? No. Draco if your father found out this is how you asked me out he would use the crutiatus curse on you in a heartbeat. Take me to Hogsmeade this weekend?” she giggled, kissing his cheek. All Draco could muster was a curt nod of his head. He felt her reach into his pocket and took her wand out, her smile began to beam brighter. “I didn’t know I lost this.. thanks Malfoy,” she ruffled his hair. “Right well, I must be off. I now have two people to hex.” Y/n announced as she headed toward the exit.
“Two? Who are you hexing?” Draco quizzed
“Well Blaise for telling you how I feel about you. And well.. I might actually just curse Pansy instead.” She shrugged and walked out of the astronomy tower. Draco was confused; his head still clouded by the fact that he had kissed her.
“Why would you curse Pan…” Draco began to ask, until realization punched him right in the face. “Oh Fuck. Y/n!”
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malfoysdarkprincess · 6 years
Returning from hiatus
Hi guys, It’s been a while.
I’m so sorry, all of my followers enjoyed my writings and ships I used to do and I had abandoned you all. I had no motivation to write and thought I would be fine a week later... turns out it took almost two years for my return. I have made some slight changes to my account; aka who I’m writing for and what not. I will have a Draco Malfoy fic out in a few hours. I’m excited for my return!
Hugs & Kisses  xoxo
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malfoysdarkprincess · 7 years
the peter parker is not out yet... i know... i’m really sick and just haven’t got the energy to finish it!!! I’ll try to get it out asap!! xx
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malfoysdarkprincess · 7 years
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Farewell Teen Wolf Challenge: Day 3 & 4: Favorite Teen Wolf Girls↠ Allison Argent
“We protect those who cannot protect themselves.”
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