Ishimaru Post-Execution Information
I'm sure anyone who has been even a bit invested with Ishimondo has heard of the theory that Taka went through...serious stuff after the death of Mondo. I'm here to give you some facts about it, his starvation period, and the final statement.
•Ishimaru stopped eating altogether, he starved himself on purpose.
• The only person would would try to help Ishi was Hiro. Whether it be forcing him to eat, including him in meetings, or just giving him someone to talk to, Yasuhiro was the only one who would do something to attempt to pull Taka out of his grief.
• In the beta version, it's rumored that Taka would have committed suicide, whaaaat?
• Kiyondo Ishida was Ishimaru's unhealthy coping method. He disassociated with the game in order to collect himself to some sort. You could tell this was coming by the way he separated himself from the group (stopped showing up to the morning meetings, never spoke, wouldn't leave his room, etc...), and if he wasn't murdered, he could have possibly come back to his normal state of mind and would have mended himself.
As stated before, it was heavily rumored that Ishimaru starved himself because he was scared that butter made from Mondo could have been used in the food that was given. Think about that. He stopped eating because his friend, his only friend/bro, could have been put in his FOOD. How messed up is that? Many people have noticed that Ishimaru's sprites 'lost weight', but rather it was just part of his very very very expressive facial expressions. Yet, there is a small difference from the anime between pre-execution,
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And post-execution.
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I tried to get the same expression for comparison. His cheekbones seem more pronounced while his complexation is much paler. I know this may not be enough proof to warrant this is true, but I'm just putting it out there.
Final Statement?
Ishimaru needs help, if that wasn't already obvious. Hagakure was the only one who actually tried to help Ishi through his grieving period, which is just terrible. Without him, the class would have descended into chaos .But, I understand. It's a killing game, many people lost their friends. Look at Asahina, she lost Sakura. Well, she also tried to take everyone down with her when she thought they were the reason for Oogami's suicide. They all having their periods of despair, but they overcome it with the help of their friends. She apologized for acting in such a way, and not only did they accept it, they also helped her. This was not an option for Taka, who had to combat his grief, guilt, and despair alone.
Ishimaru didn't get the help he needed which caused to be the next victim. I feel no one saw the serious aspect of his grieving, only that he turned into Ishida, which steered everyone away from him.
I hope to hear your take on this, I'm probably wrong! I will update this if I get more info on it.
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Ishimaru: I mean it's crazy!
Mondo: What?
Ishimaru: we finish each other's s-
Mondo: Summer holiday assignments *presses homework into Ishimaru's arms* HAVE FUN!
Ishimaru: wait
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Ishimaru: *turns on lamp for reading*
Mondo: You might as well call me that lamp...
Ishimaru: Why...
Mondo: Because you turn me on.
Ishimaru: *Slams book shut*
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Mondo: I hope you die.
Ishimaru: Oh yeah? Well I hope you step on a lego.
Mondo: Take that back. TAKE THAT BACK!
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Bro-mance at its finest. What do you mean this didn't happen?
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5 apart cause they're not gay.
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The Sauna
What caused Ishimaru and Mondo to become so close after the sauna, was because they actually communicated. Nothing lewd. At least, in my headcannon.
Ishimaru found out that Mondo wasn't just a deliquiate, he had the constant anxiety of being a good leader to his gang on his shoulders. He strived to become better with everything he did. The fear of never becoming the leader his brother had been, and always living in his shadow.
And Mondo found out that Ishimaru wasn't just some stuffy hall monitor that enjoyed ruining other student's days, but instead someone who wanted to succeed in life using their own hard work as a stepping stone. Someone who wanted to overcome their family name, and instead carve their own path.
In the end, they found out they had many things in common. They understood why the other would act the way they do. This is what caused them to become so close.
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Crazy Diamonds Coat
I, albeit embarrassing, honestly thought that, during his execution, Mondo threw Ishimaru his Crazy Diamonds coat. After playing through Danganronpa once more, I was sad to see that was not the case. But imagine if it was.
Imagine that the night after the class trial, Taka went straight to his room a curled up in his bed with the jacket, the last thing he had from his bro.
Imagine him wearing said jacket over his uniform wherever e went.
Imagine him spending countless nights awake, speaking to it as though it were Mondo, serving as his only source of condolence.
Imagine him unconsciously brushing his fingertips across the fabric when faced with Alter Ego.
Imagine his blood seeping into the golden threads as he lay on the ground, dead, as Yameda try desperately to cover up his crime.
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Power Couple
Ishimaru and Mondo make the perfect power couple for a multiple of reasons.
1) They balance each other out very well.
-Mondo makes sure Ishimaru loosens up and has fun.
-Ishimaru keeps Mondo in line.
2) They take care of everyone.
-It's Ishimaru's 'job' to make sure everyone stays safe.
-It's a second nature for Mondo considering his gang was like a family to him.
3) They are both natural leaders.
-For the same reasons as above, Ishimaru is the head of the Moral's Committee which is his ultimate.
-While Mondo is also the ultimate bike gang leader
4) They both encourage the other to grow, whether mentally or physically.
-They wouldn't want to fall behind their partner/rival.
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Ishimondo as Bo Burnham Quotes
- Mondo: "I like to joke about being gay because it's something teenagers would never joke about."
- Ishimaru: "You shouldn't try to be so perfect. Trust me, perfect should try to be you."
- Mondo: "I don't think I've had a job since I worked for my father's construction company."
- Ishimaru: "Please don't stick with me if I start sucking."
- Mondo: "Who needs a thousand metaphors to figure out you shouldn't be a dick."
- Ishimaru: "I don't want you to think I'm better than people or that I know better than people."
- Mondo: "Where are all the Sour Patch Parents?"
- Ishimaru: "I really like maths."
- Mondo: "In the same of the father, son, and holy ghost. Head shoulders, knees and toes. Turn up your nose, strike that pose. Hey macarena!"
- Ishimaru: "I'd say thank you, but I deserve that."
- Mondo: "Poetic talent is really easy to fake when thy sentences doth no fucking sense make.
- Ishimaru: "A good boy, a bad boy, a good bad boy."
- Mondo: "That's because I think that's when my new dog is going to die and I'm going to kill myself."
- Ishimaru: "Come and watch the skinny kid with a steadily declining mental health and laugh as he attempts to give you what he cannot give himself."
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Ishimondo (And others) With One Brain Cell
Ishimaru: Hey, can I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire???
Mondo: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Hiro: Why were you microwaving a lemon for 40 minutes???
Mondo: I boiling lemons can help get rid of bad smells (I wanted to cover up the smell of burnt oranges) but I don't own any pots.
Ishimaru: Did you burn an orange too? How???
Mondo: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Mondo: Any noun can become a verb if you don't care enough.
Ishimaru: That point is invalid unless you use an example in your sentence.
Ishimaru: BEAUTIFUL.
Mondo: FACT OF THE DAY: The reason why you can't dig a hole through the Earth and come out of the other side is because your shovel would melt. That's it. That's the only reason.
Ishimaru: What if you bring a second shovel that you put in fridge before hand to make it cold?
Mondo: Yeah, that'll work.
Ishimaru: You know what? Fuck you *eats a Nature Valley in your bed*
Mondo: Nah. Fuck you *throws awful ingredients into your stock and ruins your soup beyond repair*
Ishimaru: You know what? Fuck this, fuck you. *unbrulées your crème*
Ishimaru: Dude
Mondo: I'm busy now, I just ate glass by accident.
Ishimaru: You what?
Mondo: Please leave me alone, I just ate glass.
Ishimaru: My esteemed rival.
Mondo: My beloved nemesis.
Ishimaru: Dearly detested
Chihiro: Fun fact, blueberries are the only fruit named after a color.
Ishimaru & Mondo: Star fruit???
Chihiro: So close! That's a shape!
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This seems like a very Mondo thing for someone to say, so I drew it.
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Murder Swap AU
Where everything is the same, except chapters 2 and 3 are swapped. meaning the money motive came before the secret motive, thus Ishimaru was murdered first.
Instead of the note saying Yameda found a secret exit, it said "Come me me in the Science Lab, I've got something to tell you -Mondo" in an attempt to lure the hall monitor in, and frame the biker.
Ishimaru would quickly go over there and the series of events happens impeccably well. With him being bludgeoned and Yameda faking his death.
Mondo would be the last one to find the body (Looking for his Kiyodai is more important than some body announcement, dammit), leaving everyone to try to calm him down before reaching the scene.
Once there, and after getting over the first shock of seeing his bro dead on the floor, he splinters. He would just sit by Taka emotionless, while looking at him with a pale face and wide eyes silently.
Naegi would somehow be able to convince Oowada to leave the body to go and try to find the murderer, which would work.
The body goes missing once they return. This was the last straw for him, he would start yelling and swearing, shouting things like, "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THE ONE WHO DID THIS, I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU LIKE YOU DID TO HIM!"
It would get so bad that they would have to leave him in a locked room (He is the number one suspect, after all, he could be faking due to the note they found in Ishimaru's hand) until their investigation was finished.
Time would run out, and Mondo would have calmed down considerably. Left as an emotionless shell, longing for his missing half.
The trial would continue as normal beside the few snide remarks to the unknown blackened. The note would be brought up, but quickly debunked for the original writer had far better handwriting than the biker.
Once Celestia was revealed as the grand mastermind behind the killing, Mondo would have grit his teeth and clutched his fist. He wouldn't allow himself of punch, nor do any harm to her since it would go against his brother's philosophy.
After her execution, Mondo would mentally and physically distance himself, snapping at those who came too close.
Chihiro had, sadly, been one of the ones to come too close. Leading to their death.
He became an hypocrite, saying he despised murderers, but became one himself. He didn't even bother to defend himself in the class trial. Every second passing was another closer to seeing his bro.
It would be worth it.
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Ishimondo Songs
• The Bro Duet -George Salazar, Jason Got
• As The World Caves In -Matt Maltese
• Lemon Boy -Cavetown
• Calm Me Down -Mother Mother
• Soulmate Song -Carson James Argenna
• When I Met You -Ethan Nestor
• Mister Loverman -Ricky Montgomery
• Pigeon -Cavetown (Again)
• Talking To The Moon -Bruno Mars
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"How many times do they hafta kill bro before they're happy...? I'll beg, I'll scrape my head across the ground. Just please give him back...!"
-Kiyondo Ishida
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Ishimondo as Incorrect Quotes
Mondo: K-K-Ki
Ishimaru: Take your time babe, it's okay.
Mondo: Ki-i
Ishimaru: You're almost there, babe!
Ishimaru: . . . Well I hoped you were going to say, 'Kiss me' but letting emotions out is good too.
Asahina: Hey, are you free on Friday? Like, around 8pm on Friday?
Mondo: Yes?
Asahina: What about you?
Ishimaru: Yes, I am.
Asahina: Great! Because I'm not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date!
Mondo: Did she just. . .
Chihiro: *sees Ishimaru and Mondo walk into the room, holding hands* So who finally confessed?
Mondo: *with a proud smile* It was me, I made sure to keep it short and sweet.
Ishimaru: You yelled "Listen here you little shit, I have feelings for you and it's about time I've acknowledged them," . . . From the roof.
Mondo: It worked though.
Mondo: *Cool and collected badass, level-headed, ect, ect...* I got this under control.
Ishimaru: *gets a papercut* Ouch
Mondo: *panics, crashes into everything in their haste* omFG ARE YOU OKAY?! YOU'RE BLEEDING! THAT'S IT, WE'RE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL!
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So after many many redraws, I have officially decided that Mondo's pompadour is n o n e x i s t e n t now.
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