Hello everyone! We were just featured in @emmylouthemudlark's latest video! Check it out now for some adorable photos - and don't forget to like and subscribe along with share the video!
Emmylou will be posting more snaps on the channel, though you can already find a couple cute ones in the shorts feed!
We will have some more news tomorrow, so stay tuned to find out!
Lots of tortoise love from Mango and Teal!
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Hello! A little summary of today:
We basked in the heat
We ate
We bathed
We basked some more
We slept.
It was quite a regular day - we carried on exploring our enclosure as yesterday we got a couple of new accessories: a new fancy refillable water bowl and another new regular one (we were a bit naughty and kept on tipping our old ones over...)
Anyway - we will be back tomorrow with some updates! Happy basking in this hot weather!
Mango and Teal
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Hello and welcome to our blog! We are Mango and Teal and we are just a bit more than one year old! We are Hermann's Tortoises bred in the UK and we now live with our kind owners!
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