manurajsr24-blog · 5 years
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📓 🔅
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manurajsr24-blog · 7 years
There are four women in the joke; none of them speak.
Emi Mahmoud - “How to Translate a Joke” (via buttonpoetry)
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manurajsr24-blog · 7 years
What is god ? He is in everything And everything is in him ... He is everywhere and hence nowhere
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manurajsr24-blog · 7 years
how to learn more about a person:
read the things they write
ask their go-to movies
observe the way they treat their pets
check out the songs they listen to
ask them if they prefer tea or coffee
converse with them under the stars
do they like summer over winter?
observe how they act when they’re mad
do they sleep with lights off or on?
when they watch the skies, do they observe the moon or the stars first?
would they rather eat alone?
how do they treat those who are ‘inferior’ to them?
the way they approach strangers when they’re lost
if they like texting better than calling
how they act when they’re scared
if they like rewriting their notes for an exam
during what situation do their eyes shine the brightest?
the things they say when they’re partly intoxicated
how they act when they’re alone and with their friends
how they look at the people they love
what is their most favorite thing about themselves?
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manurajsr24-blog · 7 years
To the Amber flames
His voice is like a drug to me … I stay in trance of it for days .. Let him be death of me, Like a sweet slow knife. To the dark woods, To the amber flames, I've given my heart .. What'll they do to me ? To the cold weapons, To the  pink poison, I have given my heart … What'll they do to me ? To that bewitching brute, To that  Himeros’ heir, I have given my heart .. What'll  they do to me ? Perhaps .. What happens to that Firefly.. To be lit once it tries . Gives all her life .. And dies. let me spend all my love .. Until those blue eyes of his , Melt down to look at me ! That grey heart .. Let me fill red of me ! To the dark woods, To the amber flames, I've given my heart .. What'll it do to  me !                                  -Manuraj SR      
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manurajsr24-blog · 8 years
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Someone sent this to me the other day and I’m unashamed to admit that since I got this, I fist bump with Tom Hiddleston every day. Sometimes more than once. I don’t know who originally made it, but thank you for giving me something to make me smile.
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