markkbum · 3 years
no one cares but i have some thoughts after finishing one of us is lying the tv show and i wanna SHARE
i did read the book, but like......2 years ago so my memory was a little hazy lol i didn’t even properly remember the ending except who had killed simon.
shit i liked:
first of all whoever was in charge of making both cooper and kris black i love you so much seeing them as a couple was so wonderful and i’m so glad we got to see more of them than in the book THANK YOU SO MUCH
also glad cooper being gay wasn’t a secret until the end as some sort of “plot twist” and i love that his gf was in on it. also a top tier decision
addy....my love my sweetheart the love of my life she was everything to me. if memory serves me correctly, in the book, she only cuts her hair at the end and i’m soooo glad they moved that up. i like it much better like this
i love bronwyn yall lmao i do love all 4 of them but i saw some hate towards her in the tag and i’m just gonna say i thought the actress did wonderful and really incorporated bronwyn. they all look a little older than i imagined of course but i thought she did great!
now for the biggest surprise of all for me....i did not like the casting choice for nate when they announced it. he is not how i imagined him to be?? he just wasn’t EDGY enough!!!!!! but dude did he prove me wrong.....he was by far the funniest character and he had such nate energy. still not as dark as the book, but he was SOOOOOOOO good i could look past the fact that he was blonde lol. he delivered and i’m so glad
nate and bronwyn were as cute in the books as they were in the show. loooads of chemistry between the actors. their last kiss is literally perfect.
i also saw a lot of hate towards kris cause he was “pushing” cooper to come out and wasn’t as supportive as in the books and i have some hot takes for this: kris in the books always kinda sounded like some fairytale man. he didn’t sound real ever so i like him much better in the tv show. he had real problems and a life outside of cooper. i also don’t think he pushed cooper to come out at all; he just had a conversation with him about how cooper was lying to himself when he said he was in the closet only for baseball lol and he was right!!!! anyway i’ll defend him forever i loved him very much sorry
jake was terrifying <3 thank you for this. he scared the shit out of me in those last 2 episodes.
JANAE!!!!!!!!!!1 JANAE!!! I LOVED HER SO MUCH. the second best decison the show made was having us see more of her and having her be in the group a little bit. i liked her so much.
the acting choice for simon was chef’s kiss. he was exactly how i imagined him to be.
thank you so much for making nate say “fucking rojas” not just once but TWICE. it hit so hard
i loved addy and nate smoking together and talking. it was such a good scene
shit i did not like:
where the fuck was ashton. she was such an important part of addy’s story arc and i’m really disappointed she wasn’t there at all.
maeve........i read somewhere they wrote this maeve before oouin came out which makes sense. i think if i hadn’t read the book, i’d be cool with her, but i really could not stand her i’m sorry. her storyline with simon was soooo weird (i could kinda understand where she was coming from with wanting to show off her body after chemo though) and she betrayed her sister every chance she got! it pissed me off sorry. her and janae kinda hit though lmao
the show didn’t do enough of showing how abusive and controlling jake was until he and addy got back together. if i hadn’t read the books, i’d think he was a fine boyfriend. not a great one, but a fine one. they made him sympathetic even when he found out addy cheated exactly because we hadn’t seen him being controlling and we couldn’t understand where addy was coming from. i wish they’d done a bit more of that. however, in the halloween party they NAILEDDD it.
not nearly enough nate x bronwyn kisses i’m sorry TWO KISSES? ABSOLUTELY NOT! the last episode kiss was worth like 3 i guess cause it was so fucking good but still!
the shift between the halloween party kiss and the break up was sooo weird. i remember it making total sense in the book, but it was a very weird choice here on the show.
vanessa was so annoying but.....it made sense i guess
idk about the ending...however i love that it gives us the possibility for a s2 with the same characters as mains. i like them way more than the oouin main characters so it’d be pretty exciting to see more of them <3
all in all, i did really enjoy the show. way more than i thought i would. i’d change a few things, but i thought they did a good job with what they had.
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markkbum · 3 years
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insp (x, x)
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markkbum · 3 years
i’ve had a good night’s sleep so now i’m just thinking imagine eddie getting married to someone and having to disclose that his good friend buck has full parental rights of his son if he dies
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markkbum · 4 years
it’s not like nolan is my favourite the rookie character but some of you going “he gets too much screentime!!!!!!! it doesn’t make sense!!!!!” ........he’s the main character. the show is literally named after him. how are you saying it doesn’t make sense
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markkbum · 4 years
“my daddy doesn’t work for IA. he runs IA” no cause that was so sexy
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markkbum · 4 years
i feel like everyone has kind of a “safe” album tht like always makes u feel better even when ur super super upset n im curious so rb this and put urs in the tags mine is use your illusion II by gnr
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markkbum · 4 years
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happy birthday lee chaeryeong! ♡
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markkbum · 5 years
some ppl who grew up with siblings didnt rly Grow Up With Siblings. like if you and your brother are 10 yrs apart u just dont get it… if you had siblings within 3yrs of your age you had the genuine experience of primitive undeveloped human brains pummeling the shit out of each other because none of us have developed frontal cortices and the laws of man don’t apply in the confines of this house
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markkbum · 5 years
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👏 👏
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markkbum · 5 years
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markkbum · 5 years
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reach for the skies
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markkbum · 5 years
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same jackson same
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markkbum · 5 years
I'm not mad that BTS won soty (I like BWL), but I feel like MAMA is always gonna be a popularity award and since BTS' popularity is like 50x bigger than any other contender it's obvious they'll win pretty much every award they're nominated for, and it kinda questions what's the point in seeing who'll win. And it's not just BTS (they're just an easy example), other awards go to most popular idols rather than idols or songs that deserve the award more (deserve more, not saying the winners didn't deserve it) Like, voting doesnt ever seem to go to people you think should win but people you want to win and then it's like the awards lose its value in a way. Kinda like how people don't see the Grammys as a prestigious award anymore because there's always people getting snubbed. I prefer watching MAMA for their stages and idol interactions more than the awards now.
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markkbum · 5 years
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This story is a nightmare, I loved you too much. You should’ve been my reason to breathe but instead, you suffocate me. As I’m alone in this dark room, damn.  Why do you try to push me away? Tell me, I know you don’t mean it. Why do you keep pushing me away? I feel it all. Why aren’t you saying anything? — You in Me (2017)
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markkbum · 5 years
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congratulations! #IGOT7_PROUD_OF_GOT7
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markkbum · 5 years
reblog + put the first k-pop song you ever heard in the tags!
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markkbum · 5 years
the funniest thing about the amber thing is that everyone collectively went, “cool, now I can stop pretending her music is good”, and continued on with their business.
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