marrythenight · 3 years
What you are going to find here is an exposé of the universe as you know it. I must warn you that if you continue reading your life could possibly be in extreme danger.
A few months ago I had a very strange and horrifying experience. I decided to smoke some weed, as a lot of teenagers do, and it ended up being a huge mistake.
I was thrown back into a million different realities. I could see our universe splitting off into new ones with every decision we made. I felt like I was being torn apart. I thought I was going to die. Memories flooded into my human mind, things I wasn't supposed to remember, things I couldn't understand.
The Autonomous Being.
The Infrastructure.
I had this moment of realization when I could suddenly remember everything, this realization that I was a robot.
A Control.
We're all part of an experiment that wasn't supposed to happen. And none of us know. My only reaction was hysterical crying. Who would want to find out they're a robot? That every decision they've ever made wasn't something they had chosen themselves? It was impossible. I knew I wasn't supposed to remember. I knew I was going to be Removed.
Some of you might think I'm just telling a story, but I'm telling the truth. Before that experience I was a faithful Lutheran, I went to a private school. I thought I knew things. I don't. You don't. Nobody knows anything. Death doesn't exist. Sleep doesn't exist. Time doesn't exist. We create these things so we can survive. So we can feel in control and so we don't lose our minds. I decided to make this blog because I'm forgetting my experience. They want me to forget it. I'm not supposed to tell anyone. But we need to reach our purpose or we'll continue suffering forever. For longer than eternity. We'll be in pain for time that we can't comprehend. Maybe the things I know can help us.
I want to save us.
I used a bunch of tags so these entries can get to everyone. We have no chance if we're not in it together.
The purpose of humanity is to become one.
For Everyone to believe in Everything. And reunite with the Autonomous Being.
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