marvels-things · 3 years
Invisible part 5 pls!
Coming soon ;)
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marvels-things · 3 years
Invisible - Part 4
Avengers x teen!OC
When Angelese is moved into the tower she's frightened and closed off. With the ability to turn invisible it's not hard to hide from the things that scare her, but when she starts to bond with the team she starts to realize how nice it feels to have a family.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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It had been a week since Angelese had been moved into the tower with the Avenger officially knowing.
Since then, the team had only seen Angelese a hand full of times each day. Per Steve’s request, she ate with them every meal with them, usually not saying more than a few words during each. 
She did join Tony in his lab to help fix Redwing, the genius took not of how the girl would never come to close to him, but also how she seemed in tune with tech. In a way it seemed liked she was communicating with it. He didn’t want to press since she looked like she’d bolt if he didn’t tread lightly.
Nevertheless, it was a Wednesday afternoon when Angelese exited her room at a non-meal time. 
She poked her head around each corner and slink’d quietly towards the common room with a book in her hand. She took a second before whispering, “Hey, Friday...is there anyone in the common room right now?”
The AI responded with a whisper, “They are currently outside training, Miss.”
The girl nodded to herself before finally walking at a normal pace into the room with her head up. It was rare for her to look the confident, but at the moment she was dressed in a giant over sized sweatshirt, a soft pair of sweatpants, and fizzy socks. She wasn’t really sure where the sweatshirt had even come from, but for now she was comfortable, warm, and she had a good book.
Without even looking towards the couch, Angelese wondered through a second door that lead to the kitchen, “How long do you think they’ll be out for, Friday?” Her voice was still soft but it was louder than her usual mumble. 
“Most likely about another two hours, Miss.“
The girl nodded again, reaching into the freezer to pull out frozen chicken nuggets that Steve had deliberately told her he’d bought at dinner the previous night. She smiled a bit at the dinosaur shapes before placing them in the microwave.
While they defrosted, she snagged one of Tony’s coconut waters, she debated for a minute or so before sliding it bad into the box. He’d be mad if she took one without permission. 
She opted for water before taking out her chicken nuggets and sprayed a bit of ketchup on the side of her plate. 
Angelese focused on not dropping the plate that was balanced on the book she was holding, her other hand carrying her water, as she made her way back to the big couch in the common room.
It was only when she placed everything on the couch that she turned her head to the right and saw none other than James Barnes watching her with a small smile. Every ounce of calm in her body left as she let out a startled shout, immediately turning invisible. 
Bucky instantly felt guilty for not letting the girl know he was there, “Jesus Angel, it’s alright, it’s my bad, I should have said something.”
Angelese didn’t reappear, causing Bucky to frown a bit, “You can sit and read it alright, I didn’t mean to scare you. I can leave if you want.”
The girl thought for a moment. At every meal the soldier seemed to be in a sour mood, not conversing with anyone but Steve and sometime bantering with Sam. He was by far the most intimidating but Fury had told her that these people would never lay a hand on her. 
Making her choice, the girl gathered her things and walked towards the side of the couch farthest from the man. When she laid out all her things and sat down she became visible, casting a shy look at Bucky before picking up a chicken nugget and her book. 
Bucky smiled, she hadn’t asked him to leave. 
Over the next hour and a half, Bucky had slowly inched closer to the girl until he was only about two feet away. She had glanced up a few times, but made no move to get away. Instead, she sat with her book, and he with his, and they read quietly until she had finished.
“Hey, kid?“ Bucky broke the silence.
Angelese looked up from her lap and hummed in response.
“If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?“
That certainly hadn’t been a question she had been expecting, Bucky noticing by the way her eyes widened a bit. He smiled, maybe the bonding Steve was always going on about wasn’t so bad.
“I’d like to see the Fairy Pools in Glenbrittle, Scotland. And Greece, Norway, Italy...Europe...“ Her voice started trailing into a mumble as she fiddled with her sweatshirt sleeves, “Where would you go?“
She didn’t make eye contact, but she was putting in effort. 
“I’ve actually never been to Scotland...Fairy Pools sound cool.“ Bucky gave a boyish smile, watching the corners of the girls eyes crinkle at silent laugh. 
It fell quiet again until it was Angelese who spoke, “So...are you like...really old?”
Bucky let out a laugh.
This is when the Avengers stumbled in, Steve stopping everyone from bursting in, shushing them. Natasha poked her head over Steve’s shoulder, trying to see into the common room.
“What’s going on?“ She whispered as everyone systematically tried to get past Steve. 
Wanda and Pietro were being held back by Clint, while Sam and Bruce were slowly trying to see over Steves arm.
“Angelese is talking to Bucky.“ Steve’s response was quick as he tried shoving everyone back the was they came. Tony, however, was having none of it as he flung himself under Steve’s arms, sliding across the floor only to pop up and walk into the room like nothing had happened. 
Steve let out a grunt of protest before he managed to shove the rest of the team into the elevator. 
“Nice to see you two out of your caves.” Tony joked, as he walked into the room. Bucky’s smile left his face and a glare moved into it’s place. Angelese clammed up but at least made the effort to smile at the man. He had given her his credit card to buy books.
Angelese mumbled a ‘hello’ before she looked back towards her lap. Fury’s voice rang in her head. At least try to make an effort. She stood up, giving Bucky a nervous smile, before making her way into the kitchen. The way she saw it, if they ended up not liking her, she would have to go back into foster care. She shuddered at the thought.
While Tony was grabbing two coconut waters, he heard a soft voice from behind him.
“Mr. Tony?”
The man spun around, surprised to see Angelese standing right behind him, “Jesus kid you move quietly. Try that on Rogers or Barnes and they might have a heart attack. What’s up?”
The girl bashfully looked down at her socks, “Fury said that I should talk to you about going to school.”
Tony smiled to himself, “Ah yes, you will be going to school with Wanda and Pietro. It’s a private school about fifteen minutes from here...you might want to ask the twins a few questions about it,” He handed the girl a coconut water, “Tell you what, after dinner, we’ll go over everything, okay? I think Natasha wanted to take you clothes shopping, and Capsicle wanted to handle all the supplies.”
Angelese nodded, taking everything in. 
Maybe these people weren’t that bad.
A/N - This one was personal because my brother ate my whole damn package of dino nuggets and didn’t replace them smh.
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marvels-things · 3 years
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Invisible - Part 3
Avengers x teen!OC
When Angelese is moved into the tower she's frightened and closed off. With the ability to turn invisable it's not hard to hide from the things that scare her, but when she starts to bond with the team she starts to realize how nice it feels to have a family.
Part 1, Part 2
(I promise things will get more interesting in Part 4, but bear with me :)
While Nick Fury talked to the rest of the team, Natasha led Angelese into what looked like the kitchen.
The young girl looked to each exit in the room, something the red head woman took note of. Angelese slightly jumped to sit on one of the three bar stools that occupied the marble island while Natasha rummaged through the freezer.
"So you must be Angelese. You have a beautiful name." Natasha commented, handing the girl a pouch of frozen peas.
Angelese wearily glanced at the woman leaning on the counter next to her, but didn't say a word. She pressed the pouch to the aching spot on her head where Tony had hit her.
Natasha smiled gently at the dark haired girl, "I know this is probably scary, but we're all going to have dinner later. We should all get to know you and vise versa, especially if you're staying here." Her tone was soft. If any of the others heard her speaking in such a way she would never live in down.
A small nod was the only thing Natasha received from the girl but she smiled none the less, it was a start, "Look, I'm going to let you in on a little something. I used to have nothing. Then I got this...this family, and I was better because of it. And I'm still trying to be better."
The corner of Angelese's mouth quirked up just a bit.
"Okay," Natasha started as the two made their way back to the common room, "Angelese, why don't you talk to the rest of the team while Stark fills me in."
Natasha walked over to Tony as Wanda introduced herself to the girl, the billionaire speaking first, "I bet my fortune that she's never lost a game of hide and seek in her life."
Natasha chuckled, "Fill me in. She hasn't said a word and I doubt that's going to change right now."
"Well, apparently Fury got a call from her foster parents telling him that he should come take her. And that girl has been in 14 foster homes in the past six months, she kept getting sent back to the orphanage because she 'wasn't normal'."
Natasha frowned, her eyebrows furrowed, "No wonder she's like a deer in the headlights."
Tony nodded, "That's not all, in one of the homes the kids foster father made her wear a bell when he found out what she could do. Thought it was a fun party trick to show his friends. That's why she has a scar on here neck."
"And the first thing you did was clock her on the side of the head. Unbelievable."
The billionaire gave the woman an exasperated look, "I'll make it up to her! It's not like I did it in purpose." He grumbled.
Natasha stood up straight before heading to the door with a sigh, "Well, we're all having dinner together tonight so, maybe just try not to throw your food or utensils at her."
It had been fifteen minutes since dinner had started and nobody had said a word. The Avengers sat and ate in silence but they all stole glances at Angelese.
Oh god this is awkward, Angelese thought.
Steve had been the one to make the teenagers plate, making sure that every healthy food group was included. However, despite that, Angelese hadn't taken a bite. She sat with her head down and her arms coiled around her middle.
"Okay, someone needs to start a conversation or I will start throwing food. Get something exciting going, C'mon." Tony muttered the last sentence, but everyone heard it.
Angelese became completely transparent again, causing the hero to sigh in defeat.
"Uh, okay, well Tony and I started working on the upgrades to the suits so any requests should probably be made." Bruce spoke. Angelese listened on.
Bucky shoved a potato in his mouth before shooting the scientist a look, “Can I get more of those knives you put together, the weight was great on those.”
Bruce nodded.
"Redwing could use a tune up. He was flying around a bit funny earlier." Sam commented, shoveling some pasta into his mouth.
Tony scoffed, "I checked that thing two days ago, it's fine."
As Sam went to argue a quiet mumble came from where Angelese was supposedly sitting. It was too quiet for anyone else to hear except for Bucky who was sitting to the girl’s right.
"His sensor is cracked. In the top right corner. It was probably caused by the shortage of wires connected to the side propeller."
Angelese reappeared, the rest of the table to engrossed in Tony and Sam’s argument to realize. She slowly made eye contact with the metal armed man.
Bucky smiled softly before banging his hand on the table. Angeles jumped, receiving an apologetic look from the man before he spoke, Angel knows what’s wrong with Redwing.”
The girls eyes went wide as she stared at the man. He sent her back a reassuring smile, “go ahead, it’s alright.”
The team stared at her as she repeated herself, this time just a little louder. Her voice was quiet and soft. It matched the way she looked perfectly. However, the attention must have made her question herself as she mumbled a quiet sorry after her statement.
Tony sat up in his seat and placed his elbows on the table. He received a sharp look from Steve and rolled his eyes, taking his elbows down, but still speaking.
"Nuh uh, this is good. So how about tomorrow you stop by the lab and help me fix it, Casper?"
The girl whispered an almost inaudible 'Okay'.
The team smiled when the young girl flushed and smiled a little to herself, picking up her fork. Natasha swore she saw Steve beaming with pride as she took a bite of chicken.
"If I may," Vision started, "Do you have control over your abilities, Angelese?"
The girls eyes flickered to meet the android's as she slowly nodded.
Wanda also spoke up, "Do you mind me asking why I can't look into your head?" She asked.
Angelese's eyes snapped to the older girl, "I set up a block. Anyone can do it with some practice." Her voice was still almost inaudible.
Wanda nodded, not wanting to question any further. Clint was about to say something when Angelese felt a cool breeze whip past her. Suddenly a boy appeared, one with a strong build and platinum blonde hair.
Due to his quick appearance, Angelese turned invisible. Despite that, she studied him from her chair.
God he’s handsome.
The boys face held a wide grin, “Raise your hand if you missed me!” He called out, the team shaking their heads as they kept eating. Wanda smiled and reached back to elbow the boy before pulling him into the empty seat beside her, “Pietro, now that you’re back I’d like you to meet Angelese, she’ll be staying here from now on.” She motioned to the chair across from her where Angelese’s invisible form sat.
Pietro raised his eyebrows, glancing around the table, “Are we pulling another prank on Rogers that someone forgot to tell me abou-“
His accented words died off when Angelese became visible her hesitant brown doe eyes slowly rising to meet his striking blue ones.
A smirk grew over the boys face as he took in her features, her long dark hair, her petite figure, her round eyes, and pale rosy lips.
“I’m Pietro, the oldest and most attractive twin. You’re absolutely adorable, Princessa.” His accent was thick and both Bucky and Steve sent the Sokovian a hard look at his flirtatious tone.
Angelese quickly flushed a scarlet red and snapped into invisibility, “It’s nice to meet you.” She muttered.
Natasha was quick to slap a hand over Tony’s mouth before he made a comment.
A/N - Just for the future Wanda and Pietro are 17 and Angelese is 15 but a month from turning 16.
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marvels-things · 3 years
Invisible - Part 2
Avengers x teen!OC
When Angelese is moved into the tower she's frightened and closed off. With the ability to turn invisible it's not hard to hide from the things that scare her, but when she starts to bond with the team she starts to realize how nice it feels to have a family.
Part 1
Steve Rogers’ gaze lingered on the door that Natasha lead the girl out through. His eyes shifted back towards the remainder of the group in the common room, most members already throwing questions at the secretive Director. 
 Sam was among the loudest voices (really it was just him and Tony hurling out questions), “So, I vote we start on how the hell did she just turn invisible!” 
The room quieted as Fury took a seat on the nearby chair, “Angelese was found by- Where the hell is Barnes?” He cut himself off. Tony was quick to dramatically roll his eyes, “The Tin Soldier is locked away in his room. Per usual.” 
Steve called out to the AI, “Friday, let Buck know that we’re having a meeting in the common room.” It only took a few seconds for the doors of the stairwell to swing open and the former Winter Soldier.
The blue eyed man took a seat on Steve’s left, a moody look gracing his features, “ If this is an intervention I swear I’ll throw Stark right out the window this time.”
Clint stifled a laugh, quickly chocking it back when Wanda delivered a slap to the back of his head. Vision spoke before anyone else got the chance to speak, “It seems that Director Fury has admitted a child into the team. Mr.Stark slapped her across the head so Natasha is with her getting ice.”
Bucky sent an accusing look towards the billionaire who abruptly let out a groan as he poured himself a drink at the counter, “It wasn’t a slap and I didn’t mean to do it in the first place! Can we all just let Nick explain here?“
Everyone turned to Fury who continued speaking, “Angelese’s foster parents contacted SHIELD and insisted that we come take her. At first we just ignored it, but Agent Hill did some digging and out that that girl has been in 14 foster homes in the past six months, she kept getting sent back to the orphanage because she 'wasn't normal'...That was just a few weeks ago and she hasn’t said more than a few sentences to us. With her specific set of skill, she could be a great addition.”
Bruce had remained quiet for a majority of the interaction, stopping to raise a hand to his throat, “What’s the scar on her neck from? t looks like a burn.”
“In one of the homes the kid’s foster father made her wear a bell when he found out what she could do. Thought it was a fun party trick to show his friends. It cheap rubber and it just kept rubbing into her neck everytime she moved.“
“She’s a kid, Nick.“ Steve said, his tone firm.
Fury cast the super soldier a lazy look, “She’s a girl that can turn invisible and not make a sound. She’s a ghost. Can you even imagine what her skills can help in the field?”
Now Clint spoke, “She’s not a weapon, Boss. She also doesn’t seem like a person that would be comfortable in the field.”
“That’s why I brought her here! Break her out of that shell, train her. Stark, introduce her to the Spider kid, see if he can make friends.“
Tony let out a snort, “Peter tried talking to a girl he bumped into when we were training in the park and I’ve never seen anybody crash and burn that hard in my life.”
It wasn’t long before Natasha entered the room again, Anglese following behind in a timid manner, holding a pouch of frozen peas to the side of her head. 
The team watched in silence, Natasha going to speak to Tony at the other end of the room. Anglese stood like a deer in the headlights, her eyes moving down the line of people staring at her. 
Fury rose up from the couch, stretching before making his way to the elevator, “Well, I came by to check on you, Angelese, and now that you are all actually introduced now, I’ll leave you all to get to know each other.”
The elevator doors closed before Angelese could utter a response, her mouth hanging slightly open. 
Wanda walked forward, “Hello, I’m Wanda Maximoff, It’s nice to meet you.” She offered a kind smile to Angelese, one that was slightly returned in a stifled manner. The older girl carried on with a soft smile, “That is Sam, Clint, Bruce, Steve, James, and Tony is speaking with Natasha. My brother, Pietro, is away at the moment but he should be back today soon.”
The men gave their greeting as Wanda pointed to them, trying to look as uninimidating as they could. 
Angelese lowered the frozen peas from her face as her appearance flickered away. Steve cleared his throat, assuming the girl was still there, “Angelese, we heard about what’s been going on at the foster homes and you should know that you’re safe here. All of us here are a little different.”
With Natasha and Tony still talking in the corner, Wanda held her hand out to the space Angelese was last seen. It took a few seconds before Wanda felt a hand grasp hers.
As Wanda led the girl to the couch, conversations were built back up within the group. Since they figured she wouldn’t like all the attention directed at her. Instead, when Wanda sat to the left of Sam, she left the girl an open between her and Bucky. 
Angelese stayed invisible for a minute or so until her form returned. When she was visible again, the team watched from the corners of their eyes as she examined the soldiers metal arm. 
Bucky peered down at her with a slight look of panic, she must be afraid of it, he thought. 
Steve leaned around Bucky with a gentle smile, taking a moment to slip his hand into Bucky’s flesh one and give a soft squeeze. Natasha and Tony rejoined the group, Tony being the first to bombard the girl, “So Casper, is invisibility you move? Got any laser eyes or something?”
Angelese stared at the billionaire before lowering her gaze to her lap, shaking her head no. The Stark didn’t let her silence deter him from speaking, “Alright, well since you’ll be staying here I’m guessing you’ll need some clothes and stuff? And since you’ll be training, Natasha will start training you in a group with the twins.”
The female assassin gave a smile, “And if you need anything son’t be afraid to ask any of us, Friday is also attached to Stark’s credit card so do with that information what you will.” She added a wink with her last statement. 
Angelese nodded before her voice was heard, “Thank you.” It was a very quiet sound, one that would have been missed if they weren’t paying attention. 
The others smiled and continued on with their conversations. 
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marvels-things · 4 years
Invisible - Part 1
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Avengers x teen!OC
When Angelese is moved into the tower she's frightened and closed off. With the ability to turn invisible it's not hard to hide from the things that scare her, but when she starts to bond with the team she starts to realize how nice it feels to have a family.
When Angelese first moved into the Avengers facility, it took three days for the team to even realize she was there. What made it worse was the fact that Nick Fury himself had to point her out to the oblivious heroes.
Fury had been the one to drop the terrified girl off at the door before speeding off to take care of an 'urgent matter'.
"Kid, you'll be fine. Just go in and explain that I said you're staying, ask Friday for anything." And before the girl could utter a response, the Directer sped off.
When he arrived back at the tower three days later it was Tony Stark who welcomed him.
"Nick, just in time!" He shouted, causing the rest of the team to look up from the common room.
Fury scowled at the use of her first name but briskly raised his eyebrow, "And why's that?" He asked, trying to spot the girl he'd dropped off only a dew days prior.
When he didn't find her with the Avengers he cut Tony off from what he was saying, "Where's Angelese?"
The team looked a the Directer in confusion before Steve spoke, "Who's Angelese? I swear if you guys are trying to make me think I'm forgetting things again-"
Natasha shook her head while her fiery hair moved with it, "What are you talking about Nick?" She questioned.
Fury pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head in disbelief, "The fifteen year old kid I dropped off three days ago!"
Tony grabbed a tablet of the side counter and looked over the cameras, "Sorry, Nick, you're just..talking to yourself in this." The billionaire played the tape on a larger screen so the rest of the team could see it.
Bruce squinted when he saw the buildings door slowly open but nobody entering.
Fury frowned and then yelled, loudly, "Angelese!"
Seconds later the team heard the patter off feet hitting the tile. Steve, Vision, and Wanda stood from their spots on the couch when a thin, pale girl poked her head around the corner.
Her long brown hair hung down in slight waves while her big brown doe eyes were wide in fear. Angelese scanned over the expression in the room. Natasha and Steve seemed to be the only ones that noted how petrified and small the young girl was.
Nick gave the girl a disapproving look that made her appearance flicker. Seeing this, the team did a double take.
"You're telling me she's been here for three days?" Tony asked, rubbing his forehead.
Wanda frowned slightly at the young girl, realizing she couldn't look inside her head. Angelese felt it though, her eyes flicking around the room.
Fury didn't answer the Stark but instead turned to scold the girl, "I thought I told you to tell them whats happening?" His strict tone made the girl lower her head. She didn't respond, making the Director sigh.
Steve raised his hand slightly while walking towards the girl, "Hey, kid, are you okay?" He asked, noticing how pale she looked. Before he could place his hand on her shoulder she completely disappeared.
"Oh that's freaky." Sam mumbled, his eyebrows shooting upwards.
Steve stepped back while Bruce and Tony stepped forward. Tony moved to swipe his hand over where Angelese was standing. Apparently he thought she just physically disappeared because he hit her right over her head. His caused the girl to stumble back and become visible again, clutching her head.
Natasha's head whipped to the guilty looking genius, "What the hell, Stark!" She scolded, slowly walking to Angelese. The team glared at the man.
"I thought she completely disappeared! Not my fault!" He defended, "Sorry, kid."
Angelese shot him a weary look and flinched when Natasha placed her hand gently on her shoulder, "Let's ho get you some ice for that, hm?" She asked softly before turning to Wanda and the men, "Fury, you can explain to them what's happening and fill me in later."
All eyes were on Angelese as she and Natasha walked out.
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