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My quote was used in an article with snippets offering money advice!! — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2OeMAyi
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So true ! #money #quotes #wealth #happiness — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2KOGSW7
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Guest Post: Dividend Daze Tells Us How He's Building His Kingdom!
Guest Post: Dividend Daze Tells Us How He’s Building His Kingdom!
[Dukes: we have a new honored guest joining us in the Kingdom this week! Mr. Dividend Daze. He’s an avid dividend investor who shares his portfolio updates each month. Currently working on his masters and blogging for over a year, we asked to share some of his story and lessons learned with us. Let us begin!]
Your Story:
Tell us your story – how did you get to where you are today?
My story begins…
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Our Guest Post on Mustard Seed Money: A Rice & BBQ Sauce Dinner Changed My Life
Our Guest Post on Mustard Seed Money: A Rice & BBQ Sauce Dinner Changed My Life
As you all know, we are huge fans of Rob’s blog over at Mustard Seed Money! He invited us to post on his blog this week and wanted to let our readers! In the post, I decided to share a bit more of my story and introduce one of the most influential money moments to you all.  Here’s a snippet of the post with the official link following!
It was Junior year of college and my bank account was empty…
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Guest Post: Rob @ Mustard Seed Money Shares His Kingdom Story!
Guest Post: Rob @ Mustard Seed Money Shares His Kingdom Story!
[Duke’s we have a new honored guest joining us at the Kingdom’s finest dinner table this week! Our friend Rob, who blogs at Mustard Seed Money. Rob is an accountant for the federal government with a passion for all things personal finance. He created the website Mustard Seed Money and the course Reaching FIRE, both of which emphasize sound financial education and advice. Take it away Rob!]
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Will the PF Community Shun Me For Eating Out in Feb? - Feb 2018 Army Updates - TGWOD
Will the PF Community Shun Me For Eating Out in Feb? – Feb 2018 Army Updates – TGWOD
February – a short month and an opportunity to make a bigger dent than usual in the bad guy army. I was able to do so after a slow start in January! With my net worth growing each month, I thought that this time when visiting home I’d use some of it for the greater good through eating out.  Learn more below in the lessons section!
Planned Army Statistics by Year (Unchanged from July 2017):
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Guest Post: The Green Swan Shares His Story - A Kingdom Roadmap Interview!
Guest Post: The Green Swan Shares His Story – A Kingdom Roadmap Interview!
[Duke’s we have a very honored guest hanging out at the Kingdom’s finest table for dinner this week, JW from over at The Green Swan. Learn from one of the top bloggers on Personal Finance and his journey to reach FIRE by his target date – 2023. Learn more about him and his story below!]
Hi Dukes! Thanks so much for having me in the Kingdom today. It’s a pleasure to introduce myself to your…
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How Red Gerard Inspired Me This Weekend- January 2018 Army Updates - TGWOD
How Red Gerard Inspired Me This Weekend- January 2018 Army Updates – TGWOD
With the first month of the year passing by – I’m ready to ramp up my good guy army to pay off this trifling debt! We’re in for some tough battles this year!
Planned Army Statistics by Year (Unchanged from July 2017):
In July 2017, I posted to officially declare war on debt. Although the battles began discreetly in January, it was time to publically announce the commitment to destroy the greedy…
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Reader Story: How the Financial Kingdom Roadmap Has Helped Tom's FI Journey
Reader Story: How the Financial Kingdom Roadmap Has Helped Tom’s FI Journey
[Today we have a guest post from Tom, over at FIred Up Millennial! He blogs about his relent a blog about his relentless pursuit of Financial Independence so he can Retire Early. He’s new to the PF family, and we thank him for taking time to become one of our Honored Guests! You can stay updated with his latest articles and random thoughts by following him on Twitter.]
My Journey
One of the…
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The Biggest WTF Moment of the Superbowl
Feb 4th, 2018 = the day the Eagles won their first Superbowl. Honestly, I don’t really care THAT much, but do enjoy football and a good game. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy watching an underdog, aka the backup QB Nick Foles, take their team and win against Tom Brady!
Between that and the funny Superbowl commercials, things were feeling pretty good for a Sunday evening before work starts up…
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Go Eagles !! — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2nBQ8iL
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Conquer debt by slashing expenses and grinding out freelancing
I would like to thank Duke of Dollars for providing me such a great platform to feature my interview.
As you asked me to share my story first, I would like to interpret my debt payoff journey:
Here is my $88,000 debt payoff story
I am Amy Nickson, a loving daughter of a single mom. My mother was the only bread earner in our family. She gave me a good life, a shelter, and helped me to become a…
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“The Name’s Bond.”
“James Bond”
These classic words from the debonair 00 British Secret Service agent are known around the world.  Based on Ian Fleming’s 12 novels, the legendary James Bond first appeared on theatre screens in 1963, when the first movie – Dr. No – was released. The franchise has been the longest-running film series in history!
For more than 50 years, this suit wearing MI 6 division commander saved the world ~24 times.
His manners are top notch; coinciding a luxurious lifestyle that’s attributed to his knowledge of top-shelf alcoholic drinks, love of fast European manufactured cars, confident demeanor, and cultured characteristics that have stood the test of time as the standard for being a true gentleman.
Times have changed since Sean Connery took on the now famous James Bond role, so we must ask ourselves the following question:  Is James Bond’s lifestyle still the epitome of an elegant gentleman??
James Bond History and Numbers from the Legacy
Ian Fleming was irked by the inability to live the life he dreamed of. Motivated by his brother being in the military, he authored the ultimate spy stories! Personally, I find the books to be more enjoyable than the action-packed films; but, I feel that both are time well spent!
There is no mistaking that the movies have filled the Eon Production’s money coffers to the brim!!! Let’s look at few stats taken from 007james.com
The numbers are adjusted for inflation and in accordance with the CPI
[table id=12 /]
The James Bond character has been played by 6 different actors; each one making bank!
[table id=13 /]
Now the debate begins – who was the best Bond?
I thoroughly enjoyed Sean Connery’s performances, and the movies back in the early days had a better feel to them in my humble opinion. It felt much less based on action and much more on the plot, let us really see the character of Bond — demonstrating the characteristics so well known today. Pierce Brosnan came in a close second, but the action based movies to me didn’t give enough time to enjoy more punch lines (an example coming later in the post). [Note from Jack: Brosnan is the quintessential Bond.]
Unfortunately, in the bond series, there are various scenes between him and the lovely bond ladies that are a bit too aggressive to us. Maybe this is why I feel pretty strongly that Dukes are the better gentlemen these days.
Who’s your favorite bond? Let us know in the comments!
What Makes James Bond a Gentleman?
Top Shelf Indulgences
“Vodka Martini…….shaken not stirred”
Throughout the movies, 007 orders various top-shelf liquors, sometimes stating preferences for limited edition bottles.
Here are a few examples:
Champagne Bollinger R.D. 2002: ~$300 / 750ml bottle
Belvedere Vodka: $80 /1.75L bottle
2005 Château Angélus Premier Grand Cru Classé Saint-Émilion: $430 / 750ml bottle
Macallan 18-Year: $240 / bottle
Drinks from the movie Spectre, written up by www.eater.com 
Groomed, Tailored, & Irresistible
Tom Ford or Brioni Suits
Even as 007 loses suitcases, changes countries, and continuously escapes imminent danger – he always finds a way to look dapper. His tailored suits from Tom Ford are quite the quality….and price tag: ~$5,500 each!!!
Image from: http://www.jbsuits.com
Manners and Confidence That Always Get the Girl
In each movie, Bond is able to use great manners, confidence, and mysteriousness to woo any girl he encounters. It’s as made up as the Axe Effect. He’s calm and composed. Always the man with the plan, knowing what to do even when the situation looks dire. James Bond never gives up and always, always goes back to save the girl!
M (his manager) gives him the opportunity to take leave on the government’s dime after saving the world, and the movies never show him doing so without a companion along for the adventure.
As stated above, we don’t condone the aggressiveness in some of the interactions he has. We treat our other halves with respect and love at the Duke of Dollars Kingdom.
5-star Only World Traveller
Not only does Mr. Bond stay in beautiful hotels in fabulous places, he does so in the best rooms such as the presidential or VIP suite. Here are a few places he stayed in the different films:
The Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas: ~$500 / night
Hôtel du Cap – Eden Roc in France: unknown
Hotel Danieli in Venice, Italy: ~$500 / night
The Langham in London: ~$700 / night
Drives fast expensive cars
Here are just three of the many cars throughout the bond movies. The prices below are the current price, not the prices from the past. In the books, James Bond actually drove a pre-war Bentley, but Goldfinger made one of the cars below famous: any idea which?
1. Aston Martin DB10
2. Aston Martin DB5
3. Toyota 2000 GT
Aston Martin DB10 – ~$500,000
Aston Martin DB5 – $1,000,000+
Toyota 2000 GT – $560,000
The answer is the DB5 – the most famous car in the world thanks to the Bond movies.
Always Completes the Mission
In our culture, the commitment and consistency bias mental model is a staple of being successful. We want to be friends with and trust people who are consistent and do what they commit to.
How many missions has James Bond failed out of the 24 we’ve had the opportunity to watch? 0.
This important trait is very gentleman-like because of how valuable that is with a future partner.
Technologically Sound
One of my favorite scenes that show the relationship between 007 and the quartermaster. It is a challenge to stop laughing after the punch line @~1:20 :
“Just took a few seconds Q…”
The New Age Gentleman – A Master Duke!
In this essay, we’re stating that standards for being a gentleman have changed. It’s time we define a new class of gentlemen; we’ve stated our reasons below.
It Costs too Much to live like Mr. Bond!!
According to CNBC, it would cost $1,500,000 to live like James Bond in the movie Spectre – an $800,000 apartment, $250,000 car, $6,000 watch, $4,000 suit, $2,100 hotel, $850 phone, and that doesn’t even include the plane tickets!
The movie is only 2 hours long! To achieve FIRE using the 4% withdrawal rate, Bond would need more than 5 MILLION dollars invested.
SN – the movies fail to mention that Bond was only able to spend like this while on missions. His focus for most of the year is on paperwork and intelligence. When duty calls for an out of state assignment (once or twice a year),  he uses the unlimited bankroll of the British Government to fund his lifestyle.
On the other side of this lavish spectrum comes the Dukes of the Duke of Dollar Kingdom. Although the opportunity to take on some Extreme Dating does happen within the budget, our life choices are not even close to the luxurious Mr. Bond.
Because Dukes live frugally and live with end goals in mind, we are able to spend much less – reducing the FIRE number we require. Why does this matter? Because instead of fancy vacations, expensive cars and watches, we indulge in our newfound time by building relationships in our lives – increasing our overall happiness!
We want to also note that once we have achieved our kingdoms, saving up and going to extravagant places can be on the bucket list! Tell us in the comments some of the ideas you have for FIRE. What will you do with your new time?
Do Cars and Clothes Matter? Stability is better!
The Financial Independence lifestyle might not create the most extravagant dates or the designer clothes and suits, but it allows for the most important things in your life.
Have you always wanted a classic car or fancy suit but don’t think you can afford it?
Once your kingdom is built, we say go for the gusto! Financial Independence isn’t about withholding from the dreams you have; it’s quite the opposite, leading you to better control your life to get the things you truly want. All it takes is a commitment, some creativity, and lots of hard work!
[Jack: sometimes my wife and I will dress to the 9’s and “play fancy” for a date. This doesn’t always involve a huge dinner bill or ritzy hotel, but we make a point to adopt overly debonair mannerisms for the night. Netflix in PJ’s is just as fun
The best part of being a Duke? You don’t NEED the fancy life. You can hold the door of a Camry for any lucky lady and she will love you just the same!!
In Millionaire Next Door, the fancy clothes and cars that the U.A.W.s (Under Achievers of Wealth) have are not quite so fancy to the bank account. 
Late on a car payment? How about struggling to pay off the car? How about the mortgage? These are things of the past…Dukes use their wealth to rid themselves of the gremlin armies of debt!
By doing so, we open up our lifestyles to focus on passions instead of stressing out to pay those we owe. We budget, we invest, and we prepare for curve-balls. This financial stability leads to knocking out one of the biggest stresses in relationships – finances.
Like the great Bobby McFerrin wrote for us…don’t worry, be happy.
Happy Families Require Commitment
Time with family is an imperative part of your life. You can’t help one of your family’s mini-dukes as they learn the basic multiplication tables if you’re not there when they begin studying them. Dinner at home with the family leads to healthier and happier family members.
Working overtime and long hours once you’re out of the “grind years,” does nothing but take time away from those you care about the most. Our journey to a financial kingdom contests this!
Once you have that F-You money, overtime is a thing of the past – allowing you to focus on priority numero uno – your family!
Dukes Build Homes Not Bachelor Pads
There is a huge difference between real, unwavering, and trust-filled love relationships compared to quick, passionate, fly-bys. Builders of a financial kingdom understand the importance a spouse in their life, so they choose carefully. They add to their happiness for years vs minutes or hours.
You may not get every girl you want or have them automatically at the drop of your name. Ladies may not unrealistically fall in love with you after hours stuck on a train, but you will have that very special person in your life who gives you gifts money just can’t buy!
By being a Duke, instead of a 00 womanizer such as Bond, the only thing you chase after are brave, intelligent spouses with longevity as the motivation to build a wonderful life. One of the most important decisions you make in your life is who you marry, not who you hook up with!
Dukes build homes, not bachelor pads.
It’s like the old question to any gentleman goes: “If you had a daughter or son, how would you want them to be treated?” I’d prefer an answer from those who have financial kingdoms and respect in mind.
Are Fancy Dates a thing of the Past?
We’d never suggest such a thing!
Going on a date with your loved one doesn’t require a fancy car or even a fancy dinner. A fancy date with suits and a beautiful dress, make-up, and candles can be an extravagant experience every once in awhile – plus it’s super romantic. We, of course, are fans of the Extreme Dating policy.
Dukes can afford this without having to suffer the consequences due to their overall financial stability mentioned above.
Just as fun, heading to the grocery store in your sweats and buying your favorite foods (and dessert of course!). Getting back home, you turn the Bluetooth speaker volume up, preheat the oven, and let the cooking collaboration begin…adding in some dances to your favorite song with your other half as you wait!
Disclaimer – I can’t do this LOL [Jack: me neither, but I try]
Once the meal has finished and you both have sung too much and danced until your feet hurt, light the candles on your dinner table, dim the lights, and enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Concluding Thoughts
Our responsibility, motive, and passion has been and will continue to be passing on the values to live that successful life so many dream of. Being a gentleman doesn’t require unlimited funds from the British government.
We hope to have convinced you that the new age of being a gentleman has begun, join us as we change the culture to appreciate the truly finer things in life: time, communication, trust, respect, and fun.
Lastly, although the idea of being a gentleman feels like it mostly relates to the behavior of men, in actuality women have the choice of accepting the different traits that men strive for. In other words, it is just as important for women to decide what the definition of a gentleman is because men are incentivized (as in, they want to find a spouse) to acquire the behaviors associated with that definition. If women ever fawn over men in high heels, you won’t be able to hear yourself think over the click-clack of 5″ manpumps. Likewise, a dating culture that frowns upon objectification and womanizing will help to encourage young bucks to max out their respect games. We are hopeful that the cultural winds are blowing in that right direction.
What gentleman traits do you think are most important to exhibit or require? Do you agree or disagree with our case study?
Tell us what you think by leaving a comment – we’d love to discuss it with you!
Image resources:
Header: Deviant Art
DB10: Top Speed
DB 5: Wikipedia
Toyota 200 GT: https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1967-toyota-2000-gt/
Case Study: Who’s the Real Epitome of a Gentleman – James Bond or Master Duke?? "The Name's Bond." "James Bond" These classic words from the debonair 00 British Secret Service agent are known around the world. 
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Could This Little Haircut Doodad Increase Your Net Worth by 100K?
The way you style your hair can drastically upgrade to improve your overall sex appeal, attractiveness, and what I call put-togetherness. What if you could avoid long lines at the barber shop while adding 100K to your net worth over the next 40 years? You can!!
The perspective I have on this is from the male point of view and works best with buzz cuts – it would be wonderful if we…
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Assertiveness is important to success when respectful and professional. Learn how we turned the situation around! #linkinbio #money #personalfinance — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2DeQa9Y
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Have a great day and holiday if you celebrate ! — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2DbdP6H
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Our Christmas Gift To You! Merry Christmas from Duke of Dollars!
Rockstar Finance Community Contribution!
The leadership team over at Rockstar asked if anyone wanted to do a small community engagement for Christmas – although Jack and I didn’t make the official list, we asked to participate with our own money!
The Original Ask
The original ask was to take $100 of mula from the Rockstar coffers and make the most of it by making someone else’s day. There was no…
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