matrixist257 · 5 months
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Just got into digital art and animation. What do we think?
#digitalart #animation #art #krita #procreate #color
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matrixist257 · 8 months
I shift lives then.. no I shift bodies then I contemplate
What the hell was that? Wth!? Was that?
Suddenlies have a force to them (my new word)
Like an explosion throwing your body off normal
Now your body collides with the impact and away but your soul remains in the chaos undone
I replay it over and over. I dream it over and over. I break and unbreak over and over.
Suddenlies stay with you a long time after they collide.
I forget to be present. I forget to be future. I forget to breathe. I forget to look on not in.
My mind goes on leave and I'm meant to feel nothing and all at once.
How naive I've been to think breaking happens all at once. I've shattered glass before but I'm not glass.
I break in sequels. Sequels that seem to have an ending but don't.
I break all at once but theres more. Theres always more.
To introduce my Suddenly, I was caught up in a war.
The bullets and grenades didn't hit me but they buried themselves in me anyway.
And I'm a thousand miles away.
#warzone #poetry #life #violence #war #broken #mystory
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matrixist257 · 10 months
The poet was quite confused. It didn't make sense.
Yet he sat and romantisized it. It came to this.
How humans flow in unison like a body of water hoping onto the trends and the ways of others.
How humans wear away themselves like a river shedding the banks as time goes.
How humans love the rain becoming one. How they enjoy the storms because it resembles them at their lowest.
How they tend to go through phases going through the gaseous, then liquidize then solidify. Hard as a rock. Thick skinned yet still so fragile.
Humans that create wild fires externally and internally, unconsciously aware or sure that it sways and dies down at their command.
The poet surfaced.
"No, I didn't know. Now I know that I drown in myself. Do you perhaps know a swimming coach?"
“Yeah, the human body is like… 70% water. Did… Did you not know that…?”
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matrixist257 · 11 months
My heart took a leap as my toast took a dive
In slow motion it goes up then spin, spin, spin, splat
In fast motion it just went blop
I slowly look down at my precious piece of breakfast
Its toast
My vision goes blurry
My legs wobble like the jam that should've gone ontop
I fall to my knees
The cursed knife in my cursed clumsy, ridiculous hands
How could you let this happen?!
Where did it all go wrong?!
When the knife slid too far off the edge?
Was my hold not too firm?
Did I not cherish the moment we had?
Did it all amount to nothing?
This is why I'm single!!
I slam my fists on a cupboard door and hear a faint crack
Write a dramatic poem about the seething depressing feeling of having your covered toast fall butter side down.
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