matsucathar · 5 years
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Darth Valorius (Left) and one of his Acolytes (Right). Valorius' Acolytes know as "The Ghouls" are a group of subservient beings taught in the ways of the Dark side of the force. They are guided by the teachings of the current Sith Emperor himself. The Sith Emperor would train the Acolytes personally from time to time to test their overall knowledge of the dark side of the force. Their skills exceeds that of the Emperor's Royal guards and Inquisitors.
The Ghouls are only dispatched when the Emperor's life is in danger or according to his will. The Ghouls only follow the Emperor's commands and answers only to him. As their subservient nature wills it.
The Ghouls are comprised of 55 members with no hierarchy. They are trained for a span of 15 years until the Emperor sees one ready to become an Acolyte.
They can be in charge of a legion of troopers during an attack or battle. But most of the times they are dispatched by 4's.
A single Acolyte can take down 10 Jedi masters. And can also take down 15 Sith Warrior. Only one record of an Acolyte killing two Sith Lords who were hiding within the outer rim.
The Emperor can be accompanied by 15 to the maximum number of Acolyte there are in a mission or on a war. Currently the Acolytes are hidden on a planet called "Corpuli" located in the Outer Rim. The facility has several imperial guards and Royal guards to protect the facility. There are also workers from the empire that maintain the facility for the Acolytes.
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matsucathar · 5 years
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Female Knight
Lady Gertrude and her birthday suit.
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matsucathar · 5 years
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"Hey! Wanna play some UNO? Suck Dragon is on."
AI Dusty from Uno. Featured from Vanossgaming and Friends playthrough.
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matsucathar · 5 years
Fiona Belli. (Uncolored)
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matsucathar · 5 years
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Please support me by leaving a like and comment on my posts. You can also pm me for requests. Thank you! Have a great now!
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matsucathar · 5 years
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Marceline. Short haired version.
"Hey PB. Need a little sucking?"
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matsucathar · 5 years
Inspired by Hana Bunny's Cosplay.
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matsucathar · 5 years
Serana: "What are you looking for Dragonborn?"
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matsucathar · 5 years
Archangel Jhirouel. Which means; "YHWH's Shadow." or "YHWH has spoken." He lead the LII legion of the heavenly hosts. Every single one was trained to inflict YHWH's wrath without mercy. They were the black ops of Heaven. And Jhirouel was their commander. Right after Jhirouel's disappearance, Cassaniel, Jhirouel's right hand, took charge and still did YHWH's commandments in the shadows. Michael, one of Jhirouel's oldest brother, lead a little search team in search of Jhirouel's whereabouts. Some believe that he has disappeared into Earth. If they find him, Michael cannot stop the LII legion for finding their lost commander and taking him back to the shadows of heaven. Cassaniel swore by her life that she will not rest until their commander is found.
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matsucathar · 5 years
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The Elder Goddess of Pleasure and The Ostracized
This Divine being is associated with the element of Pleasure of all shapes and sizes. She is vastly known as to aid lovers in their lives, most of the times she is prayed for comfort and healing. She takes away stress and grants her followers pleasure on a divine scale. The Elder God of War and The Elder God of Plague often times fight for her hand.
She would often sleep with both the elder gods simultaneously. Her father, An Ancient one, would also sleep with her on occasional seasons. Her mother, The Elder Goddess of Lust and Corruption, would cut off her father's Wang and hide it in the underworld. There Irena would always make a "Deal" with the gods and demons of the underworld to help her find her father's joystick. Her act of impurity fuels the Ancient one of Fornication and is often times doing a scissor action with her.
She is also a patron goddess to the ostracized individuals. Aside from her other ways of "comfort". She blesses them with sustenance of different sorts for their survival and well being. She is know for her mother figure when it comes to taking care of the ostracized. Her three daughters; The Goddesses of Air, Fire, and Water. Would aid their mother in helping the ostracized. The Goddess of Water would often times disguise herself as her mother to keep her "chasers" busy like their grandfather.
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matsucathar · 5 years
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Jhirouel. Archangel of Gallantry.
Before the war in Heaven, YHWEH took a part from Michael, Lucifer and Gabriel. He merged it into one being and created Jhirouel. The one who would balance the three if one were to oppose the other. Jhirouel did everything that their FATHER commanded. He did everything for his love to HIM. He was as loyal and courageous as Michael and strong and fearless like Lucifer. But his love took form because of Gabriel. He sent every command that was given to him without question. Unlike his first siblings. He would even punish and defeat any of them if they would oppose their FATHER. Through a short time, it was proven countles times that he was stronger than the three (Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel). YHWEH blessed Jhirouel an ample amount of HIS wrath to give him even more power. But when the war in heaven broke, Jhirouel wanted to stay out of it. But his FATHER's will made Jhirouel decide to put a stop to their fight. With only his lance and him as an army, he alone took on 35 legions of demons and 3 legions of fallen angels. Along with Lucifer. Yet he stopped when he was about to give the finishing blow, he did not wish to hurt his beloved brother, so as Lucifer was to give a sneak attack, Michael appeared and finished off Lucifer. Then Michael and his army, wiped out all the other rebels and demons down to the Lake of Fire. Michael consoled his brother along with Gabriel. And thus was the seat of Lucifer, once part of the Archangel council, was given to him. Jhirouel was placed alongside with the Chayot Ha Kodesh. And was second in the Archangel council.
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matsucathar · 5 years
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Did a different style for Nezuko Kamado. Did I do good?
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matsucathar · 5 years
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"The Greatest King"
The story is a POV of the King of the North.
"At the time of my youth, I the King of the North. Was given throne at the age of 20. I had been trained in combat, mastered in many arts of fighting since I was 10. At the age of 15 I was taught proper royal etiquette. But at 20, I was lost. I found no reason as to why I should be King. Lest there be any who would be qualified, other than me. My father died when I was 4 and my Mother was murdered when I was 12. I saw the world dark and cruel. It needed to be cleansed. So I found the only reason, as to why I should be King, is to punish the wicked with such cruel methods. I immediately fought in wars and have won hundreds. At the age of 23 I had already won 600 wars. Nations feared me and no one dared attack my Kingdom. I was drunk with power. Until one night, I felt lost. I prayed to the gods to give me an answer. And lo, as if it were a miracle, a star appeared in the night sky. Little do I know that the gods were silent, I only heard the silence of the night. But the world, felt like it was expecting someone great. Greater than me. I thought that this could be my answer. The answer to all the questions that I have. The answer to my lost heart. The answer to why should I be king? I followed the star, with nothing but my steed and some supplies for the journey. I was alone. I left the care of my kingdom to my court martial. And at the end of my journey, it lead me to a quiet little city. They called it Bethlehem. I saw the star in the sky and it was above the city. And it was pointing as to where I should go. But, I stopped when a group of armed soldiers were roaming around and terrorizing people, asking where was the king. I told them I was a King. They said; "We are looking for the one that is in the prophecy. One who will rule all. And we are here to stop that prophecy." I sensed evil and immediately attacked. Fortunately the 60 armed soldiers were mismatched and were easily defeated. I continued my search and was lead to a stable. There, the star's light somewhat went down and entered the stable. I entered and was in awe. In a manger, I found a baby. Sleeping sweetly. I saw the mother and father. And offered them food and refreshments. I then went to the baby, and out of nowhere, I trembled and felt a great weight in my chest. I kneeled and heard a voice; "Who are you looking for?"
"I am seeking the greatest of kings." I answered.
"He is infront of you. Asleep." The voice replied. I the said; "Hail to the King. The gretest of us all." I did not know this child. Nor did I hear of such prophecy. But one thing I learned, that greatnesz comes in the least forms. Every great start, starts in the smallest of steps. I offered the family gifts from steed and headed back home after. One thing's for sure, the Greatest of all Kings has taught me to become least as he is in order to rule as a great king.
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matsucathar · 5 years
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When Eris tried to seduce Fudo Akira into doing her deeds. His Lover appeared and snaps Akira back to normal. Little does the Goddess of Chaos and Discord know that the one she just messed with, is the lord of Darkness himself. Satan.
Eris: "Ugh! No fun. And put some clothes on you perv!"
Satan: "Sister you'd wish you hadn't been around to witness my anger. You revolting pagan!"
Eris: "I am the Goddess of Chaos and Discord! Who are you to insult me?!"
Satan: "They call me, Satan."
The ground around Eris starts to quake and mountains starts to shake. The heavens darken and storm clouds appear. A hail of tornado appears behind Satan and violently makes it's way to Eris. Eris, suddenly realizing who she's facing, braces herself for the B*tch slap of her life.
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matsucathar · 5 years
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Lapu Lapu of the Philippines. (Gender bend)
Some History books say that he is the first National Hero. And how he fought the Spaniards for invading the Philippines.
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matsucathar · 5 years
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Two new minor gods added to my lore; Mesoassahrism.
Sozotl. God of The Afterlife and Truth.
Onnir. God of War and Revenge.
Both of em' are part of the Neutral one's. Deities who only follow what has been laid out as commands by the Primordials.
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matsucathar · 5 years
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Shoebill from Kemono Friends.
Haven't posted in a while.
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