#my mythology
evermore-grimoire · 5 months
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The Evermore Grimoire: Witches
Technopagan is a modern term for those who wield the power of technopathy. It's also a term that was coined by the older generation of witches who refused to acknowledge any of their own kind out of fear that they would become too powerful and uncontrollable. However over time the term "Technopagan" has slowly changed from being a stigma to one of empowerment and freedom against outdated stereotypes that no longer fit into today's society. Even those who don't wield this unique power may identify as a Technopagan as it could align with their own beliefs surrounding gender and sexuality. This also includes a desire to create safe spaces for young witches and warlocks as well modernise witchcraft as a whole in order to reflect the world of today. One things for sure, they're here to stay because they're the future of the magical community that must be nurtured in order to survive any future battles.
artwork by Małgorzata Motyka-Karnas
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Vampire headcanons
These are ideas I have for vampires within my universe and how I think they would work.
Vampires have a mix of a solid and food diet. The longer they live the less they have need for solid food
The transformation to a full vampire takes long periods of times, often years. The time does change from individual to individual.
They aren't full immortal. They can live for a SUPER long time, but they're minds deteriorate after a period of time. They can live for thousands of years, but they start struggling after a millennia.
The more melanin, the better a vampire can handle the sun. They don't really burst into flames, but they'll feel like they have.
Not all vampires develop powers, and those that do will have different powers from those around them. All vampires have super speed and super strength tho.
I eventually want to get into more super natural beings in my world, and their relationships with humans.
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melancholypancakes · 2 years
The Lady In Red Myth
Author note: this is obviously not Canon to the sandman stories or God myths, but I figure I make up my own myth and I personally feel like this could be a real story in the sandman universe.
This will be an "x reader" since the story, not Canon and I already made an OC love interest for Morpheus.
Centuries ago, a beautiful woman and her lover, a warlock.
The woman was a singer and dancer who attended various nightclubs.
The warlock proposal and dare he say, he could make his lover’s wildest dreams come true more than the gods and endless. He was bold yet a fool.
How dare a mortal to say such things let alone a warlock.
The warlock did both dark and light magic by playing God and messing with the dreaming realm to fulfill his selfish and his lover’s desires without her knowing.
Unbeknownst to the Warlock he would be visited by Dream of the endless, but it would not be a friendly visit. 
 The Warlock had angered the Endless and cursed him into slumber to never be awoken again. 
When the woman came home to see her lover sleeping, she tried to wake him, but it was no use, and she feared the worst as she cried waterfall tears. 
As far as any doctor knew he was asleep until a witch told her what was truly wrong with her beloved was in danger. 
The witch told the young woman her lover had messed with the gods and foolishly “dream of the endless” and if she wanted to save her lover, she must travel to the dreaming realm and save his soul. 
The woman knew what needed to be done and she wasn’t about to let the endless take away her lover.
So, With the witch’s help the young mortal woman traveled to the dreaming realm and woo the dreaming creatures to let her through the gate through her singing.
It wasn’t until she was able to reach the throne room that she saw her lover broken and beaten down, 
There a King of the dreaming, Morpheus, dream of the endless was standing over him. but the woman soon stood in the way and the warlock was relieved he was saved, and his lover returned to him.
The young woman begged the King to have mercy for her lover did not know what he had truly done. 
Morpheus was not forgiving, especially to a mortal. He refused and did not listen as she begged and begged with tears falling from her eyes. 
“Take me instead!” she says as she screams and as the king hesitates, there was a way, but his subjects urge him not to make this action. 
He hasn’t even considered it in eons and the mortal woman notices his hesitation. 
“Name your price! I’ll do it please!” she begs once again as the dreaming residents heard and saw the mortal woman on her knees begging their King. 
“There...is a way,” he said coldly as if he couldn’t seem crueler. the Endless said the mortal woman had to make a deal with him. 
The lover had to sign her soul away to the King in order to save her male lover’s life. 
It was fair in a way and she had to do this for the King to let go of her lover from tormenting him or worse sending him to the shadow realm. 
So, without hesitation, the mortal woman looks the endless dead in the eye and signs the paper as a bright light shown and she looks away finishing her cursive writing. 
When the deed was done the mortal lovers reunited happily but, in the end, how does her male lover repay her? 
By running off with some mistress, the lover cried and cried of heartache as she saw her male lover leave her for some bimbo. 
The Mortal woman had asked if she were to die would she feel a thing and he responded, “You won’t feel a thing when you go down, nothing will wake you again.” 
Not months sooner, she died of a broken heart and her soul indeed travel to the dreaming realm, and for eternity spend her afterlife as “The Lady in Red” Crying looking for someone to fix her broken heart... 
Little did The Lady in Red know, her King cared for her deeply as all his subjects but also pity the poor woman with his beating heart. 
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tabswrites · 10 months
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Pantheon of the Three Realms
An overview of all deities mentioned in The Prince’s Shadow.
Beias, the Creator (they/them)
Creator of life, goddess of the Moon
Beias is believed to be the creator of all life after spending millions of years in isolation. Her first creation was Ruuve, the falcon-headed god of the Sun. Together, the two of them shaped the Three Realms and guided the humans towards prosperity.
Beias is often depicted as a being of pure, bright light. To be touched by a moonbeam is to be touched by Beias, which is why the people of Toral worship at night.
Lady Itis, the Savior (she/her)
Goddess of life, nature.
Itis was once the daughter of a fearsome king who burned and plundered his way through the kingdoms of Atharis and Toral. She called upon Beias, the Creator, and begged for the power to end the conflict peacefully. Beias guided her towards victory, ending a decades-long war and brought peace to the Three Realms.
Itis is depicted as a human with flowing black hair and tanned skin.
Most citizens of Atharis will have a shrine to Itis in their home, consisting of candles, leaves, feathers, and other natural objects. It is customary to bring an offering of some sort when visiting someone’s home.
Ruuve, the Warrior (he/they)
Creator of land, God of the Sun
Ruuve was a once a falcon born from the mind of Beias to keep them company. It is said that he summoned the first piece of land from deep within the earth to give him a place to rest when the moon went to sleep.
Ruuve and Beias brought life to the world together, and when he died, Beias chose to share the power of the sky and resurrected him with a godly form.
He is depicted in most art in his resurrected form, the first demon: A man with the head of a falcon and fish-like scales on his arms and neck.
All light is sacred to worshippers of Ruuve. The people of Valta have no walls in their homes in order to allow the sunlight to shine on them at all times. Entering a room that is unlit is extremely unlucky so candles are burned in place of the sun.
Sadira, the Dark Goddess (she/her)
The exiled Goddess of Demons, a.k.a Queen of Shadows
Lady Itis and Sadira were both humans once, each on a different side of a bloody war, but they fell in love and wished for peace. They called upon Beias and Ruuve to give them power, but where Itis was given powers of light and goodness, Sadira was cursed with powers of darkness.
She was reborn a demon with blood red skin, curved golden horns and yellow eyes.
Her powers not only allowed her to come and go freely from the dark dimension of Skath, they also gave her the ability to judge souls. She found that even after the war, violence and hatred still lived within the hearts of humans, and chose to seal herself beneath the earth.
Sadira is the most feared and hated of the gods, as she is the one who sent forth her creatures of Skath when the people of the Three Realms prayed for children. Many regard this as the first act of “The End Times”, and believe Aleksander will eventually help her claw her way out of the earth to enact her revenge on humanity.
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movisblog · 10 months
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My autistic ass, when someone asks me about my OC lore
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minty-fivestar · 2 years
Legendary Pokémon: Arceus
“According to the legends of Sinnoh, this Pokémon emerged from an egg and shaped all there is in this world.” (ORAS Pokédex entry)
“Its luminance guides and protects all Pokémon.” (PLA Pokédex entry)
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Though the legends surrounding the Alpha Pokémon, Arceus, are numerous, most are merely that—legends. Humans, in their limited mortal understanding, have attempted for generations to understand and explain Arceus, but the truth is that this Pokémon is difficult, if not impossible, to truly comprehend.
In the beginning, the Divine Source created the universe. And from its infinite emanations, the echoes of the act of creation formed the very first Pokémon—Arceus. Arceus is not THE creator, but the embodiment of creation itself. Likewise, it has the powers of all Pokémon types, and the potential of all Pokémon that were and ever will be. It has been tasked the eternal responsibility of ensuring all existence is maintained according to the Divine Source’s original intent; in other words, it cannot allow anyone or anything to create or destroy, to add or take away from what the Divine Source has already produced. For all intents and purposes, this means that Arceus needs to merely exist. So long as nothing tries to possess or control Arceus, all is well.
Many civilizations feature Arceus in their mythology, with Sinnoh being most reverent; Arceus features as the creator and the prime Pokemon of their Legendary pantheon. This has resulted in Sinnoh and the surrounding regions having a higher-than-average percentage of people who actively worship Arceus, rather than simply honor it as a spirit of nature. It is often associated with Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, though does not actually feature much in their own mythologies.
It is said that Arceus dwells in a place that no human has ever been able to go, and continuously experiences the cycle of life and death. It hatches from an egg, grows from a baby to a child to an adult, ages and perishes, before returning as an egg to start the cycle anew. Some cultures believe Arceus’s life and death cycle mirrors the passing of the seasons and celebrate these events accordingly, but of course not all climates on the earth reflect such a life cycle.
In general, Arceus is a Pokémon beyond reach, transcending this realm and rarely having an effect on the events that occur here. Its welfare is directly tied to the fabric of reality itself, and while harming or capturing Arceus may not cause creation to literally fall apart, the repercussions of such a hypothetical act would certainly be catastrophic. Hence why Arceus is not known to appear in this world, and probably never will, for doing so would allow the possibility of humans harnessing the very power of creation itself.
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Other notes:
I do not consider the Pokémon Legends: Arceus game or Arceus’s anime appearances canon within my Pokémon universe, nor do they play much of a role in how I crafted my mythology. However, as with most things I create within the Pokémon fandom, there is room for many possibilities! (For instance, in my personal headcanon, Pokémon Legends: Arceus takes place in a parallel universe in which the Legendary Pokémon have to intervene far more often and directly to repair damage from outside forces trying to destroy the integrity of their timeline.)
I do not correlate Arceus with the Christian God or religion in any way, shape, or form. (Never personally made sense to me why people do this, other than to impose the only belief system they understand onto a decidedly non-Western-inspired character.) I take a lot more inspiration from my studies into Shinto, Buddhism, Hinduism, and pagan spiritualities. In other words--Arceus is not God. Mew is not Jesus (still don't understand that correlation??). Deal with it. :P
A primary inspiration for my version of Arceus is the Forest Spirit in Princess Mononoke. While obviously not as connected to nature itself, Arceus represents a deity that can live and die, be beautiful and terrifying, and also can create and destroy.
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cherriielle · 5 months
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daphne's blessing 🌿
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kochei0 · 7 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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the-overanalyst · 11 months
it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.
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golyadkin · 1 year
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Sons Of The Labyrinth or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us
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ochiody · 2 months
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theyre literally already married
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evermore-grimoire · 1 year
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The Evermore Grimoire: Potions
Moon Pool Water is sea water that's magically charged by the power of a full moon and can only be found in Moon Pools. Once charged the water glows bright blue making it attractive to the eye even at first glance. The moon pool and its waters were once protected by mermaids and sea witches as its magical properties were used to heal their wounds and ailments. The power of the water is so potent that no more than two drops on an open wound will instantly heal it. On other magical beings though, the healing affects are less potent but nonetheless still highly affective for those in need of a quick fix. It's believed that moon pool water combined with a drop of mermaid's blood will grant any mortal the ability to swim underwater and manoeuvre against the strongest of currents with ease, but only for 12 hours. On a magical being, it can advance their own magical powers, and the more blood you add, the longer the affects will last. However if moon pool water is left exposed to daylight for more than 24 hours, the affects can be catastrophic on any being who absorbs it.
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duckysprouts · 2 months
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brain chemistry changed from no longer you and monster btw
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grendel-menz · 11 months
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Minotaur cmmission
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justvea18 · 28 days
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Athena doing the recap in "Love in Paradise"
Yes I changed her from red to blue
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blvvdk3ep · 1 year
I love you people going into "useless" fields I love you classics majors I love you cultural studies majors I love you comparative literature majors I love you film studies majors I love you near eastern religions majors I love you Greek, Latin, and Hebrew majors I love you ethnic studies I love you people going into any and all small field that isn't considered lucrative in our rotting capitalist society please never stop keeping the sacred flame of knowledge for the sake of knowledge and understanding humanity and not merely for the sake of money alive
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