matthewmelange · 7 years
Valentine's Day and Black History Month are sad reminders of how lonely and white I am.
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matthewmelange · 7 years
This is why I hate talking to modern people.
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I’m just trying to say that you shouldn’t be shocked that an anti-progressive group made a terrorist attack on a western pop idol concert. This has nothing to do with her clothing, but more about how the pop idol and their fans do not live by the militant group’s rules and ideologies. It’s not the pop idol’s fault, but it’s not a shock that pop music concerts would be targeted. I’m actually shocked it doesn’t happen more often considering previous attacks have been on night clubs and public spaces. 
Just the disappointing thing is when you try to engage someone on the topic and ask why they’re surprised, they shut down mentally and just say “Bye” completely devoid of thought on the subject matter. 
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matthewmelange · 8 years
Just feeling sad and alone today.
I keep logging onto skype to see if they want to talk to me. I guess not. Today I tried logging on and was informed that it appeared as though someone else was trying to log on as my skype username. I began to go through the process of authenticating myself when I was prompted for the request of verifying through an email account that I no longer have access to. Luckily they allow users to use an alternative email but I must’ve not capitalized the correct letters or given the wrong spacing because I was then informed that I had given too many incorrect attempts and needed to cool down for 24 hours before trying to log on again and was informed that my skype account would be locked for that period. I’m slightly scared because if I don’t get that account re-initialized, it’s highly likely I’ll never talk to that person again. Shame.
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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I’m rather impressed they were able to draw that
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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I’d rather have a bottle infront of me than a frontal lobotomy
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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I like to visit the animal shelter by my house
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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Cheese Cake at Circa 1821
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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I really like to play this game called Prune. If Apple had a feature where the background of the phone would change periodically, I would definitely have the pictures I’ve taken from this game be my background. 
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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I have successfully eaten chicken feet.
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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I feel like this is a scam. It’s an app called Investing Club. I can’t find any information on it, quite possibly due to the common nature of its name. I threw down 10 dollars on it and am currently waiting 90 days to see if it actually pays out or was just a simple scam as I had assumed. 
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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This is the background of my phone. One day while waiting for work to start, my phone malfunctioned and it reset to just a pure black screen. I was so frightened for the thought of losing this forever. 
I actually had gotten it from a woman’s tumblr who I had met rather randomly. She was one of the few women who had sent me a message on okcupid, she initiated the conversation. We met up, saw a movie, both had an affinity for films and hooked up. I still miss her, but she’s moved back home to California, sadly.
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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I wanted to go to this and sit in on an auction. I ended up scheduling an appointment for a new work position instead. Time will tell if it was worth it or not.
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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I had a friend who I used to send this video to a bunch whenever I was bored, I’m actually a supporter of this song, it’s just a diss song which hits its mark pretty well.
I sent this snapchat to a friend who used to want to do me, then they got a boyfriend and stopped talking to me as much. Sadly they didn’t reply to this.
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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Friendly night out for some Korean bbq
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matthewmelange · 8 years
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It took me 11 days to grow that
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matthewmelange · 9 years
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Tomorrow I have 1 day, 4 months and 1 year left on my contract before I can go home. I look forward to it so much even though the place I’ll be going to will be so different. I won’t live in the same home, my friends will be gone. Virtually nothing will be the same but it’ll be nice because I won’t have to be here anymore. That’s what I want most right now.
This picture is symbolic of how I feel about everything right now. Just a sweet goal with a lot of dirty things blocking me from getting to it.
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matthewmelange · 9 years
I haven’t been on this site in a while. I don’t know why, I just don’t have as much pleasure as I used to from about 3 years ago when I would post almost every hour of everyday. Now I”m just constantly at a loss of time and find it impossible to manage everything. I’ve been going through a lot, my work keeps just sucking everything possible out of me, I don’t feel like there’s any reward for what I do and I feel like my management team really doesn’t like me. I have very few people who I can confide in and I feel like most of the time I just don’t know what I’m doing. 
On the bright side though, I feel like this is as great as my life is going to get. Just sitting here in this chair, able to play any video game, think any thought, read any book, watch any movie. I feel like I have everything a human being could want at this moment. And that’s the problem, I just don’t know where to go from here. 
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