maxilife4u · 5 years
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How to retire on your terms
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maxilife4u · 5 years
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maxilife4u · 5 years
Earning a living in a low rate world | Perpetual
Earning a living in a low rate world | Perpetual
required — Read on www.perpetual.com.au/insights/earning-a-living-in-a-low-rate-world
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maxilife4u · 5 years
When will retirees get the respect they deserve
When will retirees get the respect they deserve
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maxilife4u · 6 years
MaxiLife Rental Model
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maxilife4u · 6 years
Sydney's historic real estate subdivision posters
Sydney’s historic real estate subdivision posters
Sydney’s historic real estate subdivision posters are what domain.com.au are to property hunters now. — Read on www.smh.com.au/national/sydneys-historic-real-estate-subdivision-posters-20181123-h188xa.html
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maxilife4u · 6 years
Cost of Living | Service NSW
Cost of Living | Service NSW
Cost of Living | Service NSW — Read on www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/cost-living
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maxilife4u · 6 years
Internet becoming crucial to property valu
Internet becoming crucial to property valu
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maxilife4u · 6 years
Property Developers | Don't make that one mistake!
Property Developers | Don't make that one mistake! Created with WeVideo Video Editor (http://bit.ly/2GFeLqf). Download Android App at http://bit.ly/10xf4Ec
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maxilife4u · 6 years
OPINION: Renting in Australia is a sh*tshow – and real estate agents are the ringleaders | The Feed
OPINION: Renting in Australia is a sh*tshow – and real estate agents are the ringleaders | The Feed
The cost of rent is on the rise. The number of Australians renting is on the rise. The number of disputes between renters and landlords is on the rise –… — Read on www.sbs.com.au/news/the-feed/opinion-renting-in-australia-is-a-sh-tshow-and-real-estate-agents-are-the-ringleaders
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maxilife4u · 6 years
Millions of Australians missing out on superannuation, amid rise of gig economy - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Millions of Australians missing out on superannuation, amid rise of gig economy – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Millions of Australians missing out on superannuation, amid rise of gig economy – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) — Read on mobile.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-26/millions-of-australians-missing-out-on-superannuation/9584736
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maxilife4u · 6 years
The great Australian superannuation swindle
The great Australian superannuation swindle
The great Australian superannuation swindle — Read on amp.smh.com.au/opinion/superannuation-policy-driven-by-antiunion-crusade-20160122-gmc17p.html
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maxilife4u · 6 years
Lowervtax doesn't create jobs | Research
Lowervtax doesn’t create jobs | Research
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maxilife4u · 6 years
Tax concessions to wealthy costing six times the dole: Anglicare - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Tax concessions to wealthy costing six times the dole: Anglicare – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Tax concessions to wealthy costing six times the dole: Anglicare – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) — Read on mobile.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-26/tax-concessions-put-welfare-costs-in-perspective-anglicare/9585930
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maxilife4u · 6 years
Investment Property Design | A TED Talk by Grace Kim
Investment Property Design | A TED Talk by Grace Kim
CoHousing The Next Key In Investment Property Design
Investment property design is becoming more and more important. Property investors are learning that the better design and amenity a property has the higher its return and the less hassles you have.
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maxilife4u · 6 years
Inequality | CEO pay through the roof but nothings trickled down
Inequality | CEO pay through the roof but nothings trickled down
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maxilife4u · 6 years
Watch CEOs admit they won’t actually invest more if tax reform passes - Vox
Watch CEOs admit they won’t actually invest more if tax reform passes – Vox
Watch CEOs admit they won’t actually invest more if tax reform passes – Vox — Read on www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2017/11/15/16653698/ceos-investment-tax-reform
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