maximilian-vega · 9 years
"would you look at that" (vik)
“Oh hey! A mistletoe” he commented, taking note on the Christmasy plant that hang above them. If he were standing underneath it with anyone else that wasn’t his girlfriend, than Max most likely would have gotten embarrassed about the fact that he had to kiss them or even blush and start stuttering. But seeing how it was Vik, the gamer found himself smirking as he leaned close towards the brunette. “You know what that means right?” he rhetorically asked, already slipping his arms around his girlfriends waist, pulling her in close.  “We have to kiss!” Although neither of them needed a reason to kiss one another, they can do that whenever they want, the idea of kissing Vik under a mistletoe was very romantic and with this being their first Christmas as a couple, it was a must. Noticing how she playfully rolled her eyes at his exclamation, Max let out a chuckle as he finally closed the gap between their lips.
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
{Jackie and Myra} "would you look at that"
“Well…this is awkward” was all the gamer could say, once he realized that both he and Jackie were standing under a mistletoe. It was already late when Jackie decided to stop by his shop and visit, but just as Max was about to close up shop, she noticed it hanging above the store’s entrance. How did a mistletoe get hanged up there in the first place? He was sure that he would have remembered putting one up if he did so, but Max knew that it wasn’t him. Oh wait…he left Val in the store yesterday when he decided to go out for break. It was his sister who did it then, wasn’t it? Either way, the nerd couldn’t help but rub the back of his neck as he looked away from Jackie. “You know, we don’t actually have to kiss or anything. Not like there is any rules saying that we have to kiss.” He rambled a bit, knowing how awkward it would be if they were to do so. “Actually, it is tradition” Jackie mentioned, although she nodded in agreement as she wasn’t going to force him to kiss her over a silly mistletoe.  Max couldn’t help but gaze back up at the mistletoe once again. “-I suppose one little kiss won’t hurt” It was tradition after all, and it’s not like he was cheating on Vik if he gave Jackie a quick peck on the lips. “A quick peck, and then we can go” he suddenly stated, hesitantly but surely leaning over and planting a small kiss against Jackie’s lips.
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Max froze. Max completely and utterly froze within his spot, as he didn’t even need to look up and see what it was that Myra was referring to. A mistletoe. She was referring to a mistletoe when she stated those words and the gamer now didn’t know what to do. On one hand, he knew that it was tradition to kiss whoever you were standing under the mistletoe with no matter who it was. But on the other hand, since Vik was his girlfriend and Myra was just his friend, it would feel a bit weird for him to kiss the blonde even though he knew that the kiss wouldn’t mean nothing. Besides, he would always tell Vik about it and since he cared so much about his girlfriend, it wasn’t like he was going to feel guilty about it. But still...noticing how the male didn’t even bother to say anything, Myra rolled her eyes at him. “Oh come on, it’s just a kiss.” she stated, as if them kissing was no big deal. It wasn’t, but for Max it might be. He smiled a crooked smile. “A k-kiss, r-right. A s-small and s-silly k-kiss.” He tried to nod, debating on whether he should just get this over with and kiss the blonde or make up an excuse. But before Max could do anything, it seems like Myra had gotten a bit impatient with him as the blonde rolled her eyes, grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss. To say the least, Max was literally now frozen in place.
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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“That’s why I want some of it. I mean, I’m rich, but imagine the kind of money I could have if I smoked whatever she did and came up with a brilliant story idea. We could move to Thailand or even buy the whole land. I don’t get why you’re so afraid of your sister. She isn’t even that scary. I’d rather not have you dead, so I’ll keep mum, I promise. Though, I doubt I’ll ever have a chance to mention it to her anyway since it isn’t like I would ever go out of my way to speak to her.” Valencia was the last person Vik would intentionally have a conversation with. “I’m offended you would even suggest that I was ever a fan of Twilight. I like real vampires. Like Lestat. He’s a real vampire.” At his next words, all she could do was grin. “Oh, honey, I don’t have to try,” she teased him, fingers dancing along his forearm before she dropped her hand. Her grin simply grew as he continued to speak, once again finding herself wondering how someone like her had gotten so lucky. He was unlike the others she had “involved” herself with, which was one of many reasons she had fallen in love with him. “Maybe in a perfect world they would not exist, but this is the real world and it’s not perfect, but hey, men like you are the bright side.” It was cheesy of her to say, but it was the truth. Laughter filled the space around them at his dramatics and she rolled her eyes affectionately. “You are such an idiot,” was all she said, but it translated to ‘I love you’. “Even if you weren’t, I’d still do it, so you may as well be okay with it to save us the trouble,” she reasoned, despite knowing that she sounded utterly ridiculous.
Did she truly believe that he would not have missed her as much if they had stayed in contact after she left? As absurd as it may have sounded had she said it aloud, yes, she did believe that to be true in some small way. She may not have been there in person, but he would have been speaking to her still and didn’t you miss someone less when you communicated with them? “Yes,” she reluctantly admitted, focusing her gaze on her feet because she could practically feel the frustration that she was sure was showing in his expression. As he went on, she lifted her head to look at him, completely understanding what he meant because talking to him on the phone everyday wouldn’t have come close to seeing his face. Hearing his voice would have never been enough and there was not a single person that could replace him in her life. “I get afraid because I was hurt by my father, but you aren’t him and I keep hurting you because of him and that isn’t fair to you. I wish I could let it go so that I wasn’t scared anymore because it’s hurting you and it’s hurting us and I don’t want to do this anymore.” A sigh escaped from between her lips. She knew he agreed with her. There was no way he couldn’t think that most of this was her fault, but he wouldn’t say so because he was Max and he was too goodhearted to point that out because he didn’t want to hurt her. Another perfect example of why she felt that she did not deserve him. That thought drifted from her mind as soon as it passed through, however, because she refused to repeat those words aloud as she had done many times before. Feeling his grip tighten, she let herself relax into his hold, her heart filling with warmth as he repeated those three words. Three words that were so small, so insignificant when spoken apart, but meant so much when together. Craning her neck to look at him, she swallowed down the lump in her throat. “Stay with me,” she whispered, every syllable dripping with vulnerability. “Just stay and lie here with me and we’ll figure it all out later. I don’t want to be alone right now.”
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“I sure hope that money isn’t everything to you. After all, just like you said, you’re rich. Why want more money when you already have it? Plus just because whatever she smoked may have given her the idea to create Twilight, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’ll work for you. Although living in Thailand would be pretty awesome. Hey! It’s not that I am afraid of Val, it’s just– I would prefer not to argue with her if I don’t need to.” He tried to defend himself. Valencia was scary when she got angry and after the amount of arguments they already had in the past, having none at the moment would be great. “I still stand on my belief that you are only hiding the fact that you like Twilight, but are pretending otherwise.” He as if he was serious about his statement. His smirk widen. “True, you don’t have to at all.” He admitted, feeling no shame whatsoever in doing so. His smirk then warmth into an affectionate smile, reaching over to twirl a strand of her hand before allowing his hand to drop back to his side. “I guess it’s a good thing that not all guys are like that. If they were, than I wouldn’t have you right now” He knew that she didn’t just like him because he was a nice guy, but if every guy around was nice and respected all woman, than whose to say that they would be together? “But I’m your idiot.” he instantly replied, translating it as ‘I love you too.’ “You know, that’s a bit of a double standard! If I hit you like you do with me, that’ll only make me out as being a bad boyfriend.” As if Max would ever hit Vik, but you know.
Maybe it was because he was more of the physical affectionate contact kind of guy, but he would honestly miss Vik if she wasn’t there personally. It didn’t matter to him whether they would have at least been talking to one another through the phone or texting each other or skyping and IMing the other– if she wasn’t there with him in person, than Max was going to miss her just as much as he did when he didn’t have any contact with her at all. Their playful arguments wouldn’t be the same if he wasn’t actually talking to her face to face and trying to give her his reasons onto why he was right even though in the end he would give in and let her win. He wouldn’t be able to hug her whenever he feels like it or annoy her by pulling her away from a serious conversation she was having with another just because he wanted to act a little shellfish and keep her attention towards him. “Then you really don’t realize exactly how much our friendship meant to me” he didn’t know if it may had came off a bit harsh, because that wasn’t his intention at all. But he really would have missed her a great deal, contact or no contact. “You know– it may not be right that you hurt me because of your father, but they do say that you know when you’re actually comfortable with someone if you put all of your frustration, aggression and fear onto them. So I don’t mind you hurting me, because you know that I’ll stay either way.” He would happily deal with everything if in the end it helps her feel just a little bit better. He means it when he tells her he loves her too. There may have been a time in the past where Max thought that he loved another, but he knew that what he felt before was nowhere near in comparison to how he feels now. To how he feels in knowing that they were going to go through a lot more hard times thanks to her alcoholism, that they were most likely going to end up fighting and even screaming at each other again and may even get angry but it won’t last. It won’t ever last, because in the end if he doesn’t come back, then she will. Staring straight back at her, he gently but faintly smiled. Untangling an arm from her waist, he brushed some strands away. “Of course” she didn’t even need to ask. “Just take as much time as you need, but there isn’t any rush. Just– take your time."
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
You have the biggest heart. It is your greatest quality and probably also your biggest flaw.
(via prxttyconfident)
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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Greetings from Canada & you’re welcome, geek! I expect to see your ass online ASAP because I modded the shit out of my game to support co-op. I’ll carry you to level twenty.
Merry Christmas !! Love you lots, bro, and miss you bad.
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
I’m sorry for not always being the best person, the best friend, the best girlfriend, and I’m not very good at expressing how I feel, even after everything, but… I love you and I know things aren’t great right now after… But anyway, I bought you these gifts and the last one, I want you to know you can use anytime. Literally. Merry Christmas, Maximilian Vega. With love,          Vik 
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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The tension in the room was making it harder and harder to focus on the playfulness, but she couldn’t bring herself to stray from it completely because didn’t they deserve to be happy? Even if only for a moment? Maybe she didn’t, but he did and the mood was her fault– whatever happiness she could offer him, she was going to let him have. “It’s Stephenie Meyer’s fault and if I ever meet her, I will personally ask her what the hell she was smoking when she thought up the idea because I want some of it. Wait, Valencia was into the Twilight series?  That’s hilarious and something I will be sure to hold over her head if we ever cross paths again.” She was teasing, of course. She may have disliked his sister, but she had made a promise to remain civil with her and planned to keep that promise since she had broken so many already. “Was there ever any doubt about me agreeing with you? Because it should be obvious that I was never the type of woman interested in walking disco balls.” His next words caused her to return his smirk. It still shocked her to hear Max speak in such a way, but it was a pleasant surprise. “Maybe. I might not even wait until the fangs come in,” she gave, smirk deepening. “When a guy thinks that, they’re always in for a rude awakening.” What she didn’t say was that her past reputation didn’t exactly help with the guys following her around, because that was something she didn’t like talking about with Max unless necessary, given how jealous he had gotten when learning about Jake. “Thing is, they don’t really care if I don’t want to deal with them. Those guys aren’t like you, Max. They’re arrogant asshats who think they can have any woman that they want whenever they want her.” She had to admit that hearing Max basically say he would fight someone for her was attractive. “Listen to you, my very own knight in shining armor. All you need is the white stallion and the armor and you could look the part,” she teased him, but there was affection lacing every word. She let herself get lost in the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his fingers in her hair before she pulled away. “Me hitting you is not violence. I hit you with love.”
Just like how she couldn’t convince him that this wasn’t his fault, he would never convince her that she wasn’t entirely to blame for her being unable to come to him with everything. Drunk or sober, happy or sad, she would always feel, deep down, that if she had just done a few things differently, everything would be not only okay with them, but with herself. If she knew how to properly let herself be vulnerable, if she knew how to let someone be a shoulder for her, maybe they wouldn’t be here today because she wouldn’t have a problem that she had needed to tell him about. “Yeah, but you wouldn’t have missed me nearly as much and you would have been spending more time with Anastasia…” She paused, deciding not to finish her thought because merely thinking of him with Anastasia was enough to make her feel unlike herself– bitter, jealous. Hearing him describe how he would have felt had they kept in touch and the thoughts he’d have had, Viktoriya once again felt how deep his love went for her and it only made her love him even more. He was describing how she felt the entire time they hadn’t been talking. Hollow, like something was missing. “Maybe this isn’t,” she eventually relented, “but most of what goes wrong is and you can’t say that isn’t true.” It seemed that they always came back to this and she wondered if there would ever come a day when this wasn’t a topic of conversation, when they could quit playing the blame game with themselves and just be a couple who was happy and had silly arguments that didn’t drain them by the end. She remained quiet as he held her, a wave of relief washing over as the tears slowed before stopping altogether because she didn’t like crying, least of all in front of Max. She opened her mouth in attempt to say something, but the effort to speak was too much for her tired mind, so she pressed her lips together and tried to think of what to say to break the silence, to ease the tension. After another beat of silence, the words “I love you” fell from her lips. She didn’t know why, but they felt like the right thing to say, like the only thing she should say. It was her way of saying that while she may not believe she could be okay, she would do everything in her power, fight with whatever fight she had in her to make sure that they were and if that meant helping herself, she’d try for them. She’d try for him.
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Should they continue on with acting as if nothing was wrong? It was obvious that neither one of them was fooling the other, and yet they keep on– playing ignorant to what the real issue is. “Whatever she was smoking must have been something good, because that helped her come up with a completely ridiculous idea that somehow became a hit…Oh god, why did I mention my sister? If Val finds out that I told you this, than she’ll kill me for sure! So unless you want to have a completely beaten up and dead boyfriend, please don’t mention this to her. We argue enough as it is, I don’t want to have to argue over something as silly as this.” He could tell that she was only messing around with him, knowing that both females agreed to be civil with each other for his sake. But he was serious about not wanting to get into another argument with his sister. It’s been a while since they last fought and Max would very much like to keep it that way. “Hey, I wasn’t around when Twilight first became a thing. Whose to say you were actually a fan but just hiding it from me for the fact that it might be too embarrassing to admit?” he joked. Max was starting to become bolder and bolder as time went on, hardly blushing when he heard her response to his words. “Now you’re just trying to get me excited, aren’t you?” God, he never said things like this before but they just come out so effortlessly. “Guys like that shouldn’t exist then. It doesn’t matter what kind of girl they are hitting on, or how they look or come off, every girl deserves a guy who respects her.” He wasn’t stupid though, he knew how Vik use to be before they began dating and part of the reason why guys would always try to hit on her was because she was a flirt and well, slept around. But he wasn’t going to judge, he had no right to do so. He grinned, puffing up his chest a bit at her words. “I think I know someone who I can rent a stallion from and I’m pretty sure the nearest costume shop has some armor too.” He mused, pretending to think it over. “Huh, I guess I’m fine with you hitting me then.”
They both were a couple of stubborn children, weren’t they? How no matter what the other one says, one of them always finds a way to disagree with the other even if they are being right or wrong. Why can’t they just agree with someone and be done with it? Oh right, because they wouldn’t be Max and Vik if they just agreed and continue on with their lives. But maybe if they were Maximilian Vega and Viktoriya Dragov, than maybe they can do so. But once again, that just wasn’t them. They wouldn’t have became friends if they always agreed on everything and he probably wouldn’t have liked her so much if Vik wasn’t so stubborn and opinionated about everything. Okay– no scratch that, he would like her regardless on whether she was stubborn or not. “Do you really believe that I wouldn’t miss you as much if we kept in contact after you left?” He asked, feeling the need to scoff at her statement but kept himself from doing so. Whether they kept in touch or not, Max would have missed Vik mainly because she wouldn’t be physically there with him. “I’ll be happy to hear your voice every single day, but it wouldn’t be the same…spending a lot of time with Nastia wouldn’t have been the same.” While he couldn’t guarantee that he might develop feelings for his ex again, he was positive that even if he spent a whole year without seeing Vik and every single one of those days he was with Nastia, that Vik would still be the one he truly loved. Anastasia was just a first love– Vik was his true love. Maybe even his soulmate if he wanted to get even cheesier. “You get afraid because you were hurt, how can I blame you for most of the things that goes wrong when I know that the only reason for you causing it is because of that fear?” As much as he wanted to deny her words, he knew that he couldn’t. But that still didn’t mean that he wouldn’t try to bypass to actually admitting to it because he refuses to do so. They continued to hold each other in silence, only this time the silence wasn’t as uncomfortable as it had been before. His mind was still trying to process everything that had happened today while also considering on what to do in the future. He didn’t move from his position, inhaling the sent of her shampoo as he kept on rocking back and forth. He only paused when she broke the silence, a gentle smile easing onto his face as he tighten his grip a little. “I love you too” he kissed the crown of her head once more. “More than anything in the world.” He would do anything for her– anything.
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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She scrutinized his expression, letting her gaze roam his face in attempt to figure out what he was thinking. It was obvious that she was hurting him, and of course she was, she thought, because it had to hurt for him to know that the woman he loved felt she could not share every piece of herself with him and not knowing why had to hurt more. It would hurt anyone to know that and she more than hated herself for hurting him because she seemed to be doing that a lot lately and he was the last person she wanted to hurt. Regardless of everything that she had done that may have proven otherwise, all she had ever wanted– all she would ever want– was for him to be happy. Part of why she had not contacted him when she had left was because she had felt he would be better off if she didn’t get in touch. Yes, the main reason was because she had known that one word from him would have made her come back, but she had also known that getting into contact with him would have made him miss her more. Leaving the way she had was like ripping off a band-aid. Maybe he would have missed her, but he would have stopped eventually. Now knowing everything that she did about how he felt, however, she knew how absurd that thought process had been, but the point was that his happiness was the most important thing to her. Even if she had a selfish way of showing it. “I’m offended that you would even think of that as a possibility, because obviously, sparkling vampires are not a thing and if I were one in a past life, I probably stood in the sun and let myself burn. Hey, you better be nice because if I am a vampire, I will bite you once the fangs come in,” she threatened playfully with a hiss, trying and failing to bite back a laugh. “I thought you might. Though, if I’m being honest, I’m entirely too used to dealing with those types of guys. They’ve followed me around like puppies most of my life and I am more than capable of holding my own against them. Hell, anyone with half a brain knows not to mess with me. Well, you are an idiot, but…” She let her sentence trail off, unable to hold back a smile in response to his laughter. “But I don’t want you to suffocate, because I quite like having you around so you’re sweet, but please don’t hold your breath for me.” She grinned, standing on the tips of her toes to kiss him quickly while the moment lasted. “That would be a dick move and Oli is far from a dick, so I think you’re golden,” she replied after she had pulled away. “Pfft, you haven’t even seen violent. Don’t be such a drama queen,” she stuck her tongue out playfully, merely smirking when he said that she had gotten her way once again.
Vik knew that no matter how many times she told him he wasn’t at fault, he would not believe her. She could speak the words until she went blue in the face, but it would never be enough to force him to quit blaming himself. It was another thing she was angry at herself for, making him think that he was to blame for the decisions that she had made when in reality, it was her own insecurities that held her back from him. It was the voices in her head whispering– screaming– that she didn’t deserve him that prevented her from letting him all the way in, but there was more to it than that. There was a crippling fear holding her back and she hoped that one day she could get to the root of it and crush it before she truly did lose him forever. “True, but you wouldn’t have been confused if I hadn’t left. You couldn’t have possibly have separated your feelings for without me being in some sort of contact with you. I’m responsible for your confusion because I cut off all contact between us. You tried to reach out and I ignored you, so once again, that is on me and not on you.” What she failed to add was that even in the event that she had not left and their feelings had come out sooner, there was still no guarantee that she would have told him immediately about her father having come into contact with her. They would have been as happy as they were on some days and she wouldn’t have wanted to ruin that with whatever she felt over her dad suddenly forcing his way back into her life through her half-sister, or rather, for her half-sister and not so much because he actually regretted ever having dropped out of her life. All she could do was shake her head in reply to him saying that she had never been the problem, because she felt that it wasn’t the truth. Every argument they’d had, every uncomfortable silence, all the bad– it all came back to something she didn’t do or did that she shouldn’t have. As he rocked her, she leaned into him even more, inhaling his scent and trying to find comfort in being in his arms. Despite not one hundred percent buying into his words, she nodded, wiping furiously at the tears that continued to leave her and sucking in a deep breath, trying to calm the quickening pace of her heart. “Okay,” she breathed out, lacking the energy to argue any farther because she didn’t have any fight left in her. Not right now. “I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine,” she repeated his words, hoping that the more times she repeated the words in her head, they would begin to feel more true, and letting him hold her because it was the only thing making her feel a little close to okay.
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Although he was pretending to act as if nothing was wrong happening between them, he couldn’t help but take notice at the way she gazed at him. Her chocolate brown eyes were focused intensely on him, like she was trying to read his mind. She probably realized that he was pretending, just like she was and for that he didn’t bother to hide his thoughts from her. He was always like an open book to her, never once bothering to try and hide himself from her and even if he wanted to, it never lasts because he couldn’t find it within himself to hide for long. Vik may find it hard to reveal all that she is to him, to completely let him in, but Max never had an issue with that. She knew everything about him– all his good, all his bad, his fears, his dreams, everything that makes Max, well Max. What use would he have if he were to pretend? To act like he was fine when deep down he wasn’t? Yes, he may have been pretending now, acting and sounding like everything was actually perfectly fine between them when both knew that wasn’t the case. But the reason why he was pretending was because she was. It wouldn’t do either one of them good if he decided to forcefully open her up when clearly, she still wasn’t ready. “Not my fault that sparkling vampires suddenly became popular throughout these last ten years. How tween girls even found that idea appealing, I’ll never understand especially since my own little sis found herself obsessing over them too. Thankfully, she doesn’t anymore and I am even happier that you agree with me as well. Oh? Is that a promise, Dragov?” With a smirk replacing his grin, he cheekily winked at her rather than going through with his usual, being afraid of her threats nitch. “Those kind of guys most likely think that you are easy, that’s all. But they really should learn that just because you’re beautiful doesn’t mean that you want to spend your time dealing with guys like them. And they should also realize that just because I’m usually a nice guy and I may look and act like a nerd, doesn’t mean that I will be afraid to get my hands dirty if one of them dares to try and touch you inappropriately. I’m a big idiot, Vik, it’s okay I’m aware.” He playfully shrugged. “No promises, babe, no promises.” He allowed his fingers to briefly tangle themselves within her hair the moment her lips pressed against his, sighing contently after she pulled away. “I suppose I will have to try with all my might not to see your violent side, if you constantly hitting me isn’t you being violent.” he laughed.
Max was going to continue to keep blaming himself until Vik realizes that not everything was her fault. Maybe it he was too blinded by his deep affections for her to even think about considering how everything was her fault or maybe he truly was an idiot for thinking that she wasn't at fault. After all, Vik herself would constantly say that everything that happens between them was because of her and while that may be true, he wasn’t ever going to see it that way. It was like the phrase, ’it takes two to tango,’ none of this was completely her fault like how none of this was completely his. A big part of the reason why all of this keeps happening always goes back to her father, to how he messed her up the moment he decided to leave her and her mother. If Vik’s father didn’t leave when she was younger and never kept in contact until now, than she wouldn’t have that fear of being left alone or not wanting to let Max in. If she hadn’t been so affected by what he did, than there wouldn’t have been a reason for Vik to believe that everything would be better if she just left unexpectedly, that she would realize how she does deserve to have him in her life and even if she still thought that she didn’t, he’ll prove to her otherwise. “I would’ve still missed you even if we did keep in contact after you left. Then by missing you, I would have realized how much of my life you actually filled and how hallow it would have been without seeing you everyday and by realizing that, I still would have realized how I felt. My feelings for you were always there, so I would have needed to sorted out my feelings one way or another. Maybe ignoring me helped speed the process, but once again– this is not completely on you.” He just knew that they would keep going back and forth with this, they always did this. But he didn’t care if he had to repeat himself five times or ten or even a hundred times, he didn’t blame her for this and this wasn’t all her fault. Continuing to rock her in his arms, he knew deep down that even while she gave in to his words, she still didn’t believe him. This was something he knew that he needed to show her rather than just say it. Once she sees that she was starting to get better, Max was sure that she’ll believe him then. But as for now, he was going to continue to keep holding her protectively in his arms as he thought of how he was going to deal with this. How they were going to deal with this.
#conversation#viktoriya#dude! you were the one who wanted to write something longer when you first posted this thread#should have realized to put it as a paragraph instead of a mini one lol#but we are both weird and stupid so it's okay#pfft no your reply was perfect#though i think it is time to try and cut these replies down a bit more#maybe the first ph we can cut down since that's in the past#and the second is in the present#they are!#and i really need to see more things with nina in it#since i could never get into vampire dairies!#haha same for max!#he is usually happy and goofy that i never had the need to make him really sad#....okay no wait he was really upset when vik left so never mind that#she is calm because now max knows the truth and he still didn't leave her#lol you just love me and grace so much that short threads isn't a thing#and once again we should really try cutting them down even though it's hard#yep! like with bonnie and how i realized that she has her fear of being alone too#you may have an idea of how your character will turn out#but the longer you play them the more you start to realize how different they truly are from your first intentions#and vik is like me who refuses to let people see the real side of me#even if i don't mean to do so#he will always be there for her i'm telling you#even if these two somehow break up he will still be there for her#lol ill try to do some during the weekend#or sometime next week#lets see how slow this place keeps being after Christmas passes#its okay#i had a problem when i first began doing moodboards too
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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“First of all I have to say I appreciate the level of sassiness within you. Kudos my friend. Secondly, I didn’t even choose to wear this, don’t blame it on me. I was forced to wear it and if I wasn’t so fond to your newly acquired sassiness I would be offended.”
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“Thank you, I didn’t even have to try to be sassy this time, so I’ll consider this as an improvement. But if you didn’t choose to wear this, than who did huh? Because I always thought that you were your own woman and didn’t let anyone tell you want to do, Jo.” 
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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“Everything always has to have pros and cons, and as long as you think your pros outweigh the cons, you should be fine - should still be something worth living for,” she said with a small smile. Jackie was the kind of woman who tended to reevaluate that situation every so often, so, due to the end of the year blues, and the fact that she would probably be spending her holidays either stuck at work or all by herself, this clearly was a time in which the cons seemed to be winning, though she wasn’t gonna give that up so lightly, she had some sort of image to uphold, in her head at the very least, because she was one hundred percent certain that no one would care about it in the end. “You can say that, I guess. Just remember that with great power comes great responsibility, but, really, if people just thought that great responsibility came with just about anything they have to do with their lives, we might have better people out there, though that’s just me musing,” she trailed off with a bit of a shrug. “Yeah, I think she would have originally been thought out for that character, especially considering that, if I’m not mistaken, the actress they’ve picked for it wasn’t someone that had already been in the show, had she? If so, I can’t remember.” she shook her head. “I think if they can think of plots for a fifth season, I would like to keep around Matt Bomer, Francis Conroy, Kathy Bates, Angela Basset, Evan Peters, Finn Wittrock, Alexandra Daddario and Sarah Paulson. Lady Gaga can go, I see no real reason for keeping her around. And, as for Quinn… If I’m not mistaken, when they opened up the possibility of a character dying, she was the first one to volunteer for it. I guess they must’ve decided death was too much and went with that plot instead.”
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Nodding his head side to side, he took in her words once again as he thought for a moment. She was right— once again, which wasn’t a bad thing at all. As long as you have something worth living for, something to keep you going on with your life, than that’s all that matters. Kind of like Vik, despite all of their issues that they have from time to time, she is what keeps him thriving. Especially whenever she is feeling down, all Max would want to do is help her. He’ll want to help anyone really. “Hm, but what if the cons outweighed the pros? Does that mean we should stop altogether?” he felt the need to ask rhetorically. Of course he knew what the answer was, just because the cons may outweigh the pros doesn’t exactly mean that you should stop. Some people may want to quit, but others are just too stubborn to even think about doing so. “I don’t think so, or maybe she has been and we just never realized it until now? I mean, I never noticed that Sarah Paulson was in the first season before until she got a main role in second season, so I wouldn’t put it pass me if the actress who plays the maid was there before. But maybe she wasn’t.” He lazily shrugged. He then let out a small laugh. “Lady Gaga is trying to keep up her popularity since none of her songs as of late has been a big hit. Honestly, besides that it’s like Murphy is trying to find a way to compensate the fact that Jessica Lange wasn’t in this season and thought that Gaga would do a good job at replacing her. Sadly, it didn’t work. Really? Huh, I guess that means that Dianna wanted to leave the show sooner then, which I still wouldn’t be surprised about since her character regardless had been treated horribly. Though death may have been too much, they still went with the idea after Cory Monteith died...then again, his death was unexpected.”
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
If either one of us is bound to get hurt from this, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that it won’t be you.
(via she-kept-going)
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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brucas + nicknames
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maximilian-vega · 9 years
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She didn’t understand it, why it had taken so long for her to gather up the strength and the courage to share with him what was possibly the darkest part of her. He was the one good thing and she kept risking him because of her insecurities and idiotic, selfish decisions. She had almost lost him when she left without saying a word and she risked their relationship within the first forty-eight hours because Valencia had told him about Jake before she had. And now, she felt she was risking everything again because she had waited so long to tell him about the biggest problem of all— herself and though she knew that he would argue if she said this aloud, she was afraid that one day, she was going to screw up by running away or doing something he could never forgive and then there would be no more Max in her life. Yes, she was a strong person at times and she liked to think she could bounce back from practically anything, but losing Max? That she would never bounce back from. “I am a night person. I think I was a vampire in a past life because the sun pisses me off and I stay awake all night and sleep during the day. All I need is a coffin and some fangs and I can be legit,” she joked, and the laugh that left her was genuine and light. It was true that she was a night person, however. That was part of why she had opened a nightclub. Not only did she get to be her own boss, but it also gave her a reason to be up all night. “Hey,” she mock-glared, making a move to smack him again, but retracting her hand at the last second. “Sometimes I hide out back, okay? Though I try not to do that often because then I have to deal with the creeps. My office is safer,” she spoke somewhat dramatically. It was true that she had to deal with creeps when she went out back or even out front, but she was hardly a damsel and knew how to handle herself. The men were more fearful of her half the time than she was of them. All she could do was roll her eyes fondly when he acted out his usual dramatics after she smacked him. “Just don’t hold you breath while you wait because it may take me a while and I don’t want you to suffocate,” she teased him, forcing herself not to comment on how cute he was when he winked because she wasn’t that girl. “True, and he wouldn’t ban you from the apartment because then he’d have no one there to pay half the rent.” She raised a brow at the look he gave her, daring him to argue that she wasn’t adorable and that people could stay mad at her. Mock-glaring, she reached out and smacked him once more, smirking after she did so. “You were saying?” she singsonged, eyebrow still raised. “I thought you’d see it my way.”
When he sighed, all she could do was cringe because her head was starting to ache terribly and every sound was like nails on a chalkboard or the sound of chair legs dragging along the floor. She wished she could have given him a different answer and said that having Khaleesi there had helped, but the last person she wanted to lie to was him. “Right. At least there’s that,” she agreed, her tone lacking any sort of emotion because everything she was feeling was too much and she felt drained. The urge to excuse herself from this conversation and drag herself home so she could down a bottle of bourbon was strong, but her mind screamed at her to fight the urge because she didn’t want to disappoint him. She didn’t want to run to the thing that was the very reason they were having this conversation, even if every part of her craved it. As she listened to his response to her explanation– or lack thereof– for not telling him immediately about her father calling him, she swore that her heart sank further into her chest. It was so easy for Max to blame himself for her actions and no matter how many times she told him something wasn’t his fault, he still seemed to feel like it was, which she supposed she couldn’t comment on because it was similar to her not coming to him anytime she wasn’t okay despite knowing that he would never turn away. Still, she wished he wouldn’t blame himself. Not even because it made her feel worse, but because she didn’t want him to feel worse. At the end of the day, how she felt was the least important thing to her because Max came first with her always. As long as he was happy, she would be okay. “We have spoken about this before, and like I’ve said, it’s not your fault. You asked for space because it was what you needed and yes, it was hard to wake up everyday and know that I wouldn’t get to see you even once, but I wanted to give you what you asked for because I didn’t want to hurt you anymore than I already had. Even if you hadn’t asked for that space, I still would have been afraid. I know it’s a cliche and I hate that I’ve been reduced to it, but it’s me, Max. I’m the problem, not you.” As hard as it was to spit the words out, she felt with everything in her that they were the truth. She knew they were. Everything that had gone wrong between them all came back to her and her fear of losing him had been there long before she had ever left Darlington. When Max moved so that he was on the floor next to her, she did everything she could to avoid looking at him because this was her breaking in a way she had never broken before and she hated herself for letting him see her like this. Feeling his arms wrap around her, she instinctively leaned into him, ignoring the part of her that was hissing at her that she didn’t deserve his comfort. He was so good and she felt so awful. “It’s not.” She shook her head, her eyes closing briefly as his lips touched her forehead. “It’s not,” she repeated, the words muffled against his chest. “I’m not.”
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As much as he might hate to even think about it, something that he was sure if he even mentioned to her that she would right away disagree with him and tell him that it wasn’t true, but the fact that she was still trying to hide this darker side of her— maybe, just maybe she really didn’t trust him completely. Don’t get him wrong, it’s not like he was blaming her or anything, in fact as painful as it is to even think that, maybe she herself didn’t realize that she didn’t trust him as a much as she thought she did. After all, why else would Vik be so reluctant to show him this side? To open up completely to him and let him in. He knew that a big part of the reason for her not trusting him with this side was because of her fear of him one day leaving her, but he wasn’t ever going to. He was going to stay, through all the good, the bad and everything that happens in-between. If Max didn’t already leave her after she had left first, if he didn't allow his confusion for his feelings towards her and his ex to get in the way of them getting together and if he didn’t let his jealousy over the fact that she slept with a guy she only considered as a friend ruin what they were already starting— then was it so hard to believe that he wouldn’t leave once he sees this dark side of her that she was so reluctant to show him? He didn’t think so, and hopefully someday soon she’ll won’t think so as well. “As long as you weren’t a sparkling vampire in your past life, than I can totally agree with you that you were indeed one in the past. Honestly, you probably still are but just haven’t grown into your fangs yet. But don’t worry! They’ll pop up…one day.” he pretended to encourage her, reaching over to pat his girlfriend against her shoulder as he did so. The moment she reached over to smack him again, the gamer instantly lifted his hands up in surrender while a burst of laughter escaped. “Okay, I give! I rather you hide inside your office anyways, than have to deal with those kinds of guys. But frankly, it doesn’t matter whether you hide out or not because in the end, anyone with a brain knows not to mess with you— That’s why I consider myself as an idiot sometimes.” of course he had to try and tease her at least once more before erupting in laughter once again. “For you? I’ll wait until the end of time if I have too, so I can’t make any promises that I won’t suffocate.” he dropped his hands. “Exactly! Unless he already found a new roommate that he never told me about, I’ll say that we’re both good.” He couldn’t keep a straight face any longer, breaking the moment he was hit once again. “Violent, so, so violent.” he shook his head. “But yes, seems like you got your way once again.”
There had been multiple times in where Max was told that he didn’t need to blame himself for something that wasn’t his fault. The fact that more than half those times were Vik herself who had told him that, just goes to show exactly how many times he likes to put the blame upon himself. But it wasn’t that he liked blaming himself for something that he didn’t do, but rather he did it because he disliked it even more when he sees others blaming themselves. It didn’t matter to him whether they were at fault or if it was him, if putting the blame upon himself would help in any single way, than he will do so because that’s what he liked to do— help. Especially when it came to her. It didn’t take a rocket scientist that these two have been having so many problems lately, in fact from the eyes of someone outside their relationship and friendships, they might think that all what they do is have fights all of the time. That the happy times between them wasn’t enough and maybe he should just leave if she was the reason behind all these problems. But she wasn’t, half of this was because of him just as well as it was because of her. He was right when he mentioned that maybe if he didn’t ask for some space, that there would have been a chance that she’ll call. Even with Vik reassuring him that this wasn’t his fault and that she most likely wouldn’t have called even if they weren’t on speaking terms at the time, Max still felt the need to blame himself. “Yeah, but you know as well as I do that the only reason I had asked for some space in the first place was because I was confused. Just because Nastia decided to come back to town, I thought that I still had feelings for her when I knew that in reality, it was you who I was in love with. If I had only separated my past feelings for her to my current feelings for you, than I wouldn’t have asked for any space and then I could have been there for you.” he closed his mouth, pausing for a moment as he took a deep breath. “—You are not the problem, Vik. You have never been the problem and you never will be.” It pained him even more just by hearing her say that, his heart feeling like it was being strangled because of how little she seems to think of herself. Startling to slowly rock back and forth, his jaw tighten as he gritted his teeth together at her retaliation. Whether she wanted to believe it or not, he was going to find a way to help her. Everything was going to be fine, she was going to be fine and then hopefully everything can be alright again. “Vik, listen to me as I say this— it’s going to be okay. I’m going to help you with this in every way I can and you’re going to be fine.” He closed his eyes, burying his face against her hair. “We’re both going to be fine. I promise."
#conversation#viktoriya#yeah like no point in changing it#but paragraph in general should have worked haha#that's what makes these two amazing actors i suppose#i just didn't want to use andrews really sad gifs since max isn't the one crying#but yeah! it works! haha#oh god no!#i actually have been trying to shorten our replies but they seem to get longer than shorter!#though i think this reply was a bit short? idk since it's still two long paragraphs haha#oh yeah it's a big problem she has#like when it happens that's when you see just how messed up vik is like how i realized with bonnie and frankie#even with max i am realizing just how bad him wanting to fix everyones problems is#which is a problem in itself even though that's just him utilizing that big heart of his#max is going to keep her from slipping and if she ever does#than all he has to do is fall right into it with her because he's never letting g#go#ah that would be a cute tag for them!#and thank you! i think i am going to use that line for their next moodboard#which i need to do so#because i haven't done any in a long time#it's probably also because they were friends before actually dating too#like they gotten so use to joking around even during a hard time#that they can't help but act that way when they know that they shouldn't#most likely helps them ease the pain in their own way#no but these two will be the death of me#the death of each other really because of how different they are#but oh so similar too?#ah but they are in love!#tw alchoholism
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