maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
I have been lurking around here, Twitter and Reddit and I noticed a few theories going around regarding when they actually met.
One theory is 2013 before Taylor went on her red tour and she asked the 1975 to tour with her.
the other is that older fans remember when MySpace was a big thing and in 2007 or 2008, the two of them crossed paths on it and may have had a friendship or something at first and at some point before Red came out - they had a thing that was brief and burned out quickly.
then I saw a comment about how similar IKYWT and robbers was - music video wise and I didn’t believe it at first… then I watched both and I was floored.
not to mention that the guy in the video looks a bit like Matty and with the drugs and everything at that time… it fits. You know? And she has had references to heists, robberies and theft many times over. And I learned that about you is the sequel to robbers and that’s clearly about Taylor.
I’ll admit I was very anti Matty through the relationship. I listened to the hate culture and made snap decisions but since researching him more and now finding this - I am mind blown. I’ve been going through her music again and… it’s all just there. So many songs that made no sense to me is just… and songs I swore were about other people are either about Matty or he was a secondary inspiration. I’ve gone down the rabbit hole and nknow you wrote about the my space theory so help lol.
I am one of those OG co-fans and I remember, vaguely, about seeing someone having the screen shots but that was a lifetime ago. Literally. I’ve graduated university and grown a nearly 14 year old since those days so my memory isn’t perfect.
Some would say that fearless / love story was about him based on the MySpace theory which was ehh… maybe but not maybe? in my opinion. Superman… a little more so.
ILYWT… yes. Especially with the video. It also makes the theory that robbers is about Taylor more apparent.
It’s a theory though.
The second theory of meeting before the red tour seems the more likely of the two but I definitely lean towards the MySpace.
I could do a very long deep dive into the lyrics and videos that go hand in hand with each other. Including an entire story that links multiple albums and songs all while connecting the dots in their lives and relating it to a twin flame theory.
I’m in my 30s. I’ve been on the delusional Tatty/Maylor train longer than some fans have been alive or in diapers. You tend to perfect your theories in that time frame.
If I get requests for it… maybe I will write some of it out.
But I definitely think there’s so layer of truth to it. But at the end of the day - we will likely never know the full timeline from day one onwards… ever.
I also agree that some songs that seem clear as day ti be about xyz person could very well be about that person but Matty being her forever muse climbed into her mind while writing and made his way into the lyrics.
And vise versa.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
this is going to sound funny but…
without me by Eminem….
that’s a perfect song to describe how the media and fans see Matty. like he’s the modern day Eminem…. Just a lot more tame. Like a lot.
First I laughed at this.
Then I silently cried at the
Modern day Eminem
I feel old. Really old.
But I also agree completely. I went and listened to it for the millionth time.
First the guess who’s back… back again… part reminds me of how we have all reacted to Truman Black’s return to social media.
I've created a monster
'Cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more
They want Shady, I'm chopped liver
Well, if you want Shady, this is what I'll give ya
A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor
^ is especially funny because of how fans say they want chaotic Matty back lol
They try to shut me down on MTV
But it feels so empty, without me
^ let’s be honest… replace MTV for the web and you have the same meaning.
Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
'Cause we need a little, controversy
'Cause it feels so empty, without me
Just… this.
But let’s be honest - Matty at his absolute most chaotic and worst is absolutely nothing like Eminem is. I also think that’s why so many of the older fans can tell the difference between performance art and real life. The younger kids weren’t able to cancel Eminem… they won’t be able to cancel Matty. Social media has just made bullying and the BS so much worse.
I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like what it would have been like to have social media and the like when Eminem was at the top of the game.
That would’ve been both scary and hilarious because you KNOW the sort of material would’ve been masterful.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
hold up. Hold up.
how can FaceTime cause jet lag? How is that even possible?!
First thing I suggest is listen to a song called “Jet Lag” by Simple Plan. That gives you an interesting look into what it is.
Secondly - there’s relationship jet lag and there’s a type of jet lag that comes from trying to communicate and function on a time schedule that’s similar to your partners.
My partner works in the Netherlands 🇳🇱 8-10 months of the year. I am eastern time zone. Right now that’s a 6 hour difference. It makes it a little easier to figure out times but it’s still an impact.
When it’s midnight here - it’s 6am there. When it’s lunch time there, it’s 6am here. When it’s midnight there, it’s 6pm here. When it’s lunch time here, it’s 6pm there. You get what I’m saying. 6 hours may not seem like a lot. But it does get to you. But I’ll cover more on that after.
Relationship jet lag… when you have physical jet lag it’s because you went from one time zone into another and your mind and body have a hard time adjusting. This is especially the case when you travel to major time differences.
“I think relationship jet lag can happen when for whatever reason we are not quite ready to be in that new phase,” explains Weber. “Sometimes we want to stay where we are and we don’t want to transition. Sometimes we want to, but there’s a challenge relevant to the current task that is hard to let go.”
It’s like your mentally WITH your partner in their time zone and in their place on earth while you’re over in another.
Since I have a child, I am the one that is less likely to experience the relationship jet lag but… I do. Especially at night. Night is my hard time for relationship jet lag. For him it’s trying to stick to a schedule closer to mine to stay in contact with me but it’s hard as heck. He’s an early to bed, early to rise type. Especially during certain months. Whereas I am a night owl who can stay up until 3am easily. So he’s in bed by 10pm his time. Sometimes 11pm. That’s 4pm-5pm my time which is when I’m getting off work and free to do things more like talking or FaceTiming. He gets up at 5am. Works out. Then calls me. But when we go through those times where we struggle, he abandons his schedule and sleep and he’s staying up with me until I crash or falling asleep on FaceTime. Then his hours get messed up mentally. I’ve done it to myself at times and I feel like I got off a plane and trying to survive on my hours again instead of his and vice versa. That part feels very very much like real, legit, flying jet lag.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
I noticed you’ve spoken very loudly about Joe and his treatment of Taylor. You’ve discussed controversy with Matty. But I’ve never seen you mention the GG issue. Can’t defend him on that one can you? He’s a disgusting human being for that.
I knew this was bound to come up. I was hoping to save it for my blog I’m building on topics like this. But okay. I’ll address it.
Why am I not outraged by Matty and GG 🌽? Well…
My ex that I have mentioned before was a 🌽 addict. We aren’t talking normal levels of consumption here. We are talking hours spent a day looking for the right material. Self pleasuring 6-8 times a day on a good day. Being abusive towards me because of the addiction. Doing and saying things I would never, ever repeat to anyone. Even when he knew my history… it never stopped it. It just made the things he did to me worse.
I also have spent a lot of time working with victims of sex trafficking. I myself was a victim of it - for a few decades at that.
I know the harsh realities of the 🌽 industry. I know that most of what you see on 🌽 hub or any of the millions of sites - including NSFW Reddit or OnlyFans are trafficking. The fact that someone is verified and seemingly willing to do said things - doesn’t mean they are. It’s amazing what you will be forced to make people believe. All the controllers need is some weakness. Need it be a child to threaten to harm or worse, family, loved ones etc or a slew of other things. Or the fact that deep fake technology is used on even the most basic of materials in order to keep things like their bodies completely unrealistic as well as hide the victims identity better.
And I know what you’re thinking - this should make me even more enraged at him and to hate his guts for it. Is it something I necessarily like about him? No. Not at all.
However - Matty is the type of guy that if he knew the deep underbelly of the industry and what it was really like… he would step away from it as a hole or try to be more conscious about what he consumes.
Remember - we also don’t know what his sex life is actually like. There are people all over the world who engage in that sort of degrading and physically brutal sexual acts by choice - and I am not referring to what he may have been consuming. I am referring to the private of one’s home. He has been in a long term relationship with a woman of colour to which he said he was going to marry one day and again - we have no idea what they did behind closed doors. It could have even been curiosity and someone happened to walk in.
The point is - attacking one man and shaming them is not going to fix the problem. It’s a witch hunt. If we go after Matty for this then we have to go to the men and women around you each and every day of your life. Including family members or friends. Most of the world’s populations have watched and used 🌽 to get off. (I’m talking teenagers and adults) and some of those you interact with day to day have seen things that make GG look innocent and it’s far more popular.
The issue isn’t with one man - because there’s 40,000 other people subscribed to that channel in the hub. The views of these videos are multimillion. But we live in a society where we are told it’s normal and you’re a prude or a liar if you don’t watch it.
Me raging and going after Matty about this is not only going to do nothing to solve the problem but shaming someone is going to make them more likely to do so it. Shame is a driving factor in addictions and 🌽 is no different.
I chose too, instead, educate people on the realities of the industry and how real trafficking is when it comes to that kind world. I fight for change and awareness and I do whatever I can for victims getting out and trying to heal and be out in the world again. I also work with victims of trafficking directly as well as partners of those who have sex / 🌽 addiction.
All any of this is - is a witch hunt. And the people who watch these things casually are not bad or horrible people. They believe whatever you see on sites like 🌽 hub or many others is consensual.
If the people ripping him apart took even a 1/10000 of that rage for one man and put it towards awareness… it might be a very different reality.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
I have loved your take on things until now. how can you openly justify Matty with GG? It’s ok because he was curious? He’s getting off to these women being brutalized and tortured. Do you support him because YOU like doing the same thing? Do you watch it too? Because you must if you think it’s okay. It’s disgusting that you could be okay with it.
I’ve walked away from this anon a few times while writing it because I was ready to blow sky high.
Did you actually read my post? Had you actually gone through it you would have seen where I openly said I was a victim of sex trafficking. So how dare you come here and accuse me of getting off to it or enjoying it. I detest that industry with a passion you could never even begin to understand. It robbed me of my childhood and youth. So do NOT get me started on that.
No. I never said that I supported Matty’s enjoyment of it. I said that he is ONE man. ONE. Do you really think he’s the only responsible for the oh I don’t know… 🌽 hub being more popular than say Netflix in daily/monthly views? Do you think he is the only man responsible for dozens and yes I said DOZENS of videos being listed as “brutal” or “ruthless” or “hardcore” videos having multi-million views on hub? Or even worse… videos with things like “forced” or “r*pe” in the title having millions of views on other sites - sites that are even more popular than hub?
Reality check. He’s not. And if you think GG is as bad as you see on screen - you’re ignorant as hell. I can pull up in a matter of minutes, dozens of videos that make GG look innocent. And that’s BEFORE you even consider how many seemingly “tame” videos let alone more violent ones are actually sexual assaults where the girls are being f*cred or beaten on set. Or the reality that one take for half a scene can mean hours and hours and hours of painful filming and refilming like any Hollywood movie? Where women get threatened to go without pay or get beaten anyway and forced to keep going despite being raw, barely able to move with pain and without eating or fluids.
So don’t come in to my anons and act all high and mighty with me. Don’t even try it.
I am saying that going after one man for the choices he made is not the answer. I can empathize with fans feeling disgusted by it and peoples feelings being hurt and that is completely okay. But again - Matty is ONE person. Millions of people watch these same videos. Most of us have fathers, brothers, husbands, boyfriends, friends etc who do this very type of thing and people would rather bury their head in the sand then to do anything about it.
Did you know that trauma from porn addiction is so common now that there is a special kind of PTSD-like diagnosis for it? Look online on Facebook for instance. There are so many support groups for partners or porn addicts and the stories would crush you. The problem isn’t going to be fixed by hating one man. Take that anger and that rage and go for the source. Fight back.
But the reality is - out of every 100 people bashing Matty for this sort of thing… less then 1 of them will actually do anything to even research the realities of the industry let alone make any movement to change anything. And more then you’d expect will rip Matty apart online then go and watch something on one of these 🌽 sites that they think is perfectly normal when it’s not.
Witch hunt. Plain and simple.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
Those headphones he’s been wearing. Do you think it’s possible that his ADHD is part of the reason why he wears them? I’ve been trying to learn more about him (I am a new the 1975 fan) and I am a neurodivergent fan. I have ASD and ADHD. Some of the way he talks and the nervous energy and stimming… I know all of these are common in adhd but he seems to be a little extra with it. (I do not mean that rudely). Do you think it’s possible he is on the ASD spectrum or has sensory processing disorder?
Only so I don’t get attacked by mobs of people for “diagnosing” Matty… that’s not it at all, so please don’t attack me for it. This is very different then the video going around of Taylor “stimming” and that being used as an assumption. This is 100% opinion based formulated by my experiences as someone with AuDHD as well as a mother of son who has the same.
A fellow AuDHD! (Is that right? God, I hope so)
I understand not meaning it in a rude way. No worries there. Honestly….
Yes. I think it’s definitely a possibility. I see it more in interviews then anything else or in the videos we see that they’ve posted or as part of the series. This is also why I believe he created Truman Black.
Masking is any neurodivergents secret weapon. I have my own version of a mask that I use in certain situations.
For those who don’t know -
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It’s very very common with those who have adhd or on the autistic spectrum. I believe Matty 100% had a mask with TB. Yet when he’s in interviews, the stimming is more apparent and when he’s with his band mates in a more private setting - he’s very much not masking.
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There’s obvious similarities and differences in ADHD / ASD as seen above.
The first time I really considered he may be on the ASD spectrum was this interview… took me a bit to hunt it down…
Why? It’s like watching my son. Which sort of amazed me. I can also be like that.
The blinking, looking up a lot and the struggle to process his thoughts. These are both things you can find in ADHD / ASD. The sleeves over the hands. Constantly touching his hair. The awkwardness.
He’s also had times when he’s expressed not liking to be touched and struggle with social situations / fame. The video above… the famous suitcase one… he says he hates being touched then spends a while in it. My son… master at this. Even at 13 he still likes to see what spaces he can fit himself into. He LOVES fitting into tight spaces as it’s a comfort thing and he’s one of the only people I know who could tolerate anything like that for extended periods of time.
He struggles with social ques and even practices it. This I found really cute. Like a Sim character lol. I’ve done this so many times it’s scary.
The sorry? I don’t know about other AuDHD individuals but apologies can be so scary and awkward for me. I hate them. I freak out. I generally end up writing a letter or text saying sorry instead. His last verbal apology he tried to give also was used against him and I believe that this was his way of saying sorry for everything without making it worse on himself because that’s connection between the mind and mouth gets messed up. Look at the apology he made that one time about the Taylor thing back in 2014 or 2015…? It was written and it was received well for the most part. But it’s easier to gather thoughts when writing.
He also has this relationship with his band mates that had an edge of - they’re his life line. Which is part of why I think he left the stage yesterday when his ear piece messed up. There was a time last year that George made him mess up during a song because he moaned into the mic that carry’s communication and made Matty laugh and forced him to make the audience sing lol.
That’s a few things. I could probably write a few hours about this but I got a list of things I’m procrastinating on haha. If you guys are curious for more let me know.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
She THOUGHT it was Taylor you dumbass
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Try again, dumbass.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
Why is no one talking about how during Eras Taylor goes from
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
What if I Told You None of This Was Accidental?
The Style Music Video Analysis
This was really interesting for me to do. It’s something that caught me off guard completely.
First, basic things - Taylor is standing in the middle of the woods looking almost like a ghost. This gives the impression that not only is Dominic (Dom) haunted by the ghost of her but she is haunted by the memories as well.
I’m not doing a total and complete analysis of every part of the video but I wanted to point that part out as the haunted thing is a common theme in the video as a whole.
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Forts. The fact the sheets are moving around a bit while they sleep give the idea that she is in a Fort with her lover. I’ll elaborate on this after.
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Broken glass / mirror. Another important part of the imagery and part of what helped me notice something.
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The smoke. Like forts and mirrors, smoke is a common theme in Taylor’s lyrics but the way it’s portrayed in this video seems like it’s too consuming. Also suffocating. The fact the smoke is moving through her suggests that something about her may have been too much to handle.
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In this part of the video - the smoke surrounding Dominic is coming from fire but not all consuming. This indicates that this connection was smouldering and the smoke from it suggests it’s not one that will smoulder for long. Staying with the breakup theme. For the entire part of this particular scene - they eyes… the one in the right side is more hidden while the other is more visible. This will be explained later.
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The way the broken glass manipulates her image is a way of showing the different versions of Taylor. Some are more broken then others.
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He’s coming forward. She’s turning away from him. Runner. Seeker.
Now this is where it gets really interesting.
As we come into the bridge - the smoke is replaced by lighting. An electric charge.
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Then we have Dom. Notice how the lightning is moving up the right side of the face which was different from the smoke when the focus was the left. But here - in this particular image you see Dom’s eyes. They’re blue on one side. Brown on the other.
It was this very shot that made me go OH MY GOD.
Dominic has the long hair, slicked back and a white T-shirt and a bit of a James Dean look in a baby face sort of way. But it’s the eyes that take focus.
Dominic doesn’t represent one person. But two. Harry Styles and Matty Healy. I know Harry’s eyes are green but Dom has blue and brown so they made do lol
I’ve always seen Harry as a good boy version of how Matty was back then. But Matty in that time frame…
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Well…. Interesting huh?
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So where am I going with this? In these two frames… in one Dom is holding the mirror over his brown eye and while it covers the brown eye it reflects her back in it. The mirror version of himself. Twin flame. In the other image… Taylor is covering just the right side of her face - the same side Dom covers up and his face replaces the image. Giving the illusion of their faces being one and again - twin flames.
Taylor once described the song being like someone who’s narration with you is never truly over. That they always come in and out of your life and it’s easy to think about how this may be about Harry but by the release of the song and video… Matty and Taylor had been in and out of each others lives at least twice despite being no stable relationship to each other.
She loved Harry but she always had feelings for this other guy and she is trying to convince herself that he alone is the inspiration to the song but she knows the truth. She knows the connection she has with the other is powerful but she won’t admit it to herself. But as much as she tries to cover him up - she sees herself reflected in him.
The song - as I said previously, was likely originally inspired by Harry but as she wrote it… someone else came to her mind and the song took on the meaning for two men. Remember the subconscious I mentioned in an early post? Yeah.
That’s what those specific things mean.
Forts for those who don’t know is something that Matty loves doing to escape the real world.
As it is 3am and I need some sleep - I will leave this here for now but I will work on a second part to if all.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
You don’t get back together with someone you write a song like “You’re Losing Me” about…
She was so genuinely smiley through Daylight it made me suspicious. Maybe she and Joe are in contact and working things out? Such a 180 from all her depressing breakup songs a few weeks ago
Well… I don’t wanna ruin your day if you haven’t heard the rumors from this past week but…
Don’t think she’s happy bc of Joe. For any reason.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
There were two accounts of Taylor on June 20th.
One is a one-sentence DM submitted to Deuxmoi with no evidence or details. It simply stated Taylor was in New York. Didn’t give a location, district, what she was doing, what she was wearing, or who she was with. It was also submitted to a gossip page, which creates loads of possible motives for this person.
And the other account is from a random dad, who is not a fan of either Taylor or matty, telling a story abt his daughter. He followed it up the next day with any details people asked for. Nothing in his story contradicts itself. People scoured his entire page. He tweeted abt his daughter getting a job at a pub like last year, so that bit checks out. He also provided all the details he could of what his daughter said to Taylor, where they sat, what time it was, and what they ordered. This guy has zero motivation to lie. His daughter genuinely believes she saw them. So at this point the only two reasonable answers are that she DID see them… or there’s a guy who looks similar to Matty and a girl who looks similar to Taylor out there in the world… and the guy happened to be British, and the girl happened to be American, and they happened to be hanging out with each other, on a day when both Matty and Taylor were not spotted anywhere else (except by the person from Deuxmoi)
One story is definitely more believable than the other.
Garden Dad - the real hero.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
Delete Deuxmoi from the face of the earth and there’s still other evidence for Matty and Taylor being together.
At the end of the day, deuxmoi is just run by like 2-3 random women. They’re a gossip page. They don’t check anything, they just share what people send in. People send in a lot of stuff bc their page is soooo big, so obviously there’s gonna be a lot of times they get stuff right. But also times they don’t
And we have to remember, deuxmoi is not a Taylor swift or 1975 stan. They aren’t researching these two’s behaviors or personalities or history. They have to rely on fan submissions, and they don’t care that much. They’re just there to spread stories.
The person who sent the DM telling them Taylor was “totally single” could be anyone. It could be a friend of Taylor’s who’s covering for her. It could be a famous person who seems reliable, but doesn’t know Taylor well enough to be let in on the secret truth. It could be a 1975 fan who’s lying to protect Matty from hate. It could be someone who thought they saw Taylor, but was mistaken. It could be a swiftie who is angrily trying to deny that she’s still seeing Matty.
There are tons of options. All plausible.
I totally agree.
There’s much more evidence suggesting they’re together. A LOT more.
And with Matty spotted at that airport… yeah. I’ll take the pub story and garden dad over these women. Completely.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
What’s that old saying? Misery loves company?
I’ve noticed it for a while now but i think swifties like taking pleasure in seeing taylor unhappy. The way they were so quick to dismiss her question speech and now they’re saying that she’s lying about moving on from john just because she wrote wcs (if she’s moved on or not is not for us to decide and throwing her songwriting back in her face is gross).
I have said time and again that people love seeing Taylor sad because that is how they feel in their own lives and they can relate to Taylor that way.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
Yes. Agreed HOWEVER - a 6/7 hour flight is not that bad at all. In all honesty - she is used to going back and fourth from USA to London. She did it for years.
As for speculation… if she wants to be hidden then she will 99% stay hidden. I wouldn’t put it past her to really go the extra mile when she wants too and put on a wig and dress in a way that’s out of character for her so no one looks over at her twice.
There’s been more than one occasion where celebrities have snuck into concerts or events without being spotted because they dressed like someone who would work there. It works more often than one would think.
I will be super shocked if Taylor goes to Finsbury Park. Someone pointed out on twitter that her show ends at 5 a.m. London time the day of the show. Sure she could hop a jet and sleep the whole way, but that would be quite the effort for two friends who will be performing shows in the U.S. this fall, when she is off and able to see them more easily and without all the speculating it would lead to. I can only imagine she knows the comparisons it would draw to a 20-hour flight from Manila.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
So here’s what I’ve seen online from 1975 fans and why they think Mattys acting “single”
I don’t think he is, so don’t come for me im just the messenger and I spend a lot of time in those fandom circles online.
- he’s been slutty onstage (when is he not tho tbh)
- took his shirt off today on stage for the first time in like 4 months
- the whole… moaning thing during LIIWMI
- the joke he did at Glastonbury yesterday where he told a female fan to call him (clearly a joke)
In all honesty I think he’s been the same as he was in April. In fact, looking back, he mentioned offhandedly the idea of being single several times in April, which led people to believe he still was. However in hindsight we know that’s not entirely true. He was at least talking to Taylor.
I think it’s hard to tell if Mattys acting single or not. I think we shouldn’t use his jokes or stage behavior as any indicator, bc he’s just trying to put on a show. We should rely on other evidence.
Oh no! He took off his shirt 😂
People think he’s single for that? SMH. He did that dating FKA Twigs & Gabriella. What he didn’t do during those relationships- kiss fans.
And even compared to how he was with them on stage vs now… totally different.
Matty acts like an unhinged teenage boy with ADHD on stage a lot because he is to some extent. Maybe not a teenager but the ADHD definitely comes out.
The moaning… I 100% think it’s just something he knows the fans enjoy and it takes things off the whole robbers kiss thing. Fan service if you will. His fans are mainly female and he has a lot of confidence lately. He’s worked hard for the body he’s got now and I can’t blame him for wanting to show it off. I mean Chris Hemsworth is as happily married as can be and can sometimes be very chronically shirtless. It’s also Europe! One of the biggest culture shocks I experienced living in Canada and visiting Europe… North America is completely conservative and almost prudish compared to Europe. My sister who is very conservative was as close to “pearl clutching” as can imagine.
But again - one thing about Matty I can say is that when he is serious about someone certain behaviours stop. But now he’s EXTRA behaved. Like a man who is ready to be serious and be locked down like his band mates.
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maylorscardigan2 · 1 year
I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again -
Since hearing “You’re Losing Me” it has become more obvious that the narration behind folklore and evermore perhaps wasn’t as fictional as she first had us believe. Maybe there’s some truth to that but the subconscious was definitely at work in the lyrics. I think also looking at exile, tolerate it and then you’re losing me… there’s definitely a story there that has a timeline.
It’s also a very real song. I get emotional with music. I blame my severely water sign heavy chart for this. Yet… I have never been as emotional over a song as I was with “You’re Losing Me” and I am a happily married woman!
It brings me back to a horrible time in my life with an ex that was a narcissistic abuser that I never stopped fighting for. But that’s what trauma bonds do, right?
Exile got me through the time when I first found out they cheated on me. Tolerate It was when I finally was like - that’s it, I could leave. But “You’re Losing Me”… that hit everything I had been trying to say for so long that he never heard.
you're losing me really gives a lot of insight onto the problems between taylor and joe that were smoothed over in songs like sweet nothing and new years day, but I think it's also a wonderful contrast to how a relationship can be BOTH. and how difficult it is to navigate the good and bad when a relationship that lasted for more than half a decade is over. the love was there but in the end it still didn't work out.
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