mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
Hey.. ummm long time no see 🧍🏼‍♀️
I just didn't have any more interest in creating obey me stuff for a while and now I have more ideas so, expect them soon 💓
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
Look at this! This is actually super cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Mammons and Lucifers I would love to recreate with them 😳💖
Hi, guys, that's my small contribution for the fandom 🤗❤️
I thought about dance clip of demon brothers, and decided to try something. The idea is - maybe dancing with couple would be better for them? 😂 It's joke, they are great either way!
I kept MC neutral, less draw😅
And drawing was fast, so it's messy, I apologize for quality ❤️
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
Forgot to post this here 😳
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
Ummm here is art before I disappear again 😳💕✨
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
Obey me brothers catching gn!mc jamming part 1
Lucifer, Mammon, Levithan, Satan and Asmodeus.
Mc was in the middle of their homework, but it was too quiet for them, surprisingly they got used to brothers being loud so now it's very uneasy for them when nothing is going on. 
So they put on headphones to their favorite song, and without noticing it, they have been singing out loud for a couple of minutes now and didn't realize there is someone who has entered their room.
- Lucifer 
He was passing by to check on his brothers but stopped when he heard Mc singing. He knocked at the door, but there was no answer, so he let himself in.
“Mc?...”  But it was no use in calling them, Mc is now dancing in the sit, and he noticed that they are doing homework... well not anymore,,,
He pulled headphones off from mc “Mc, I have been calling for you-”
And Mc screamed both from fear and embarrassment, but cover their mouth and mumbling quick sorry.
He smirked “ I did not know you liked this song Mc, but next time make sure you are quite, I just managed to calm my brothers and made them go to bed early “
Mc still in embarrassment nodding their head.
“ you can come over to me if you are bored and need some company“
He gave a sweet smile to Mc before leaving... was it an innocent smile tho?
- Mammon
He managed to sneak out from his room to Mc’s 
“Oi human!” he entered grinning, as usual, he is planning to use Mc to help him out with something, and totally not because he wanted to see them!! 
“ Mc?...oi~!” but no answer Mc is still singing their heart out.
He was about to call them out again but stopped himself.
‘They are kinda cute...’ he thought to himself 
He stayed for a while just standing there leaning against the wall, listening to them.
Until Mc noticed and jumped a little out of fear, they asked Mammon how long was he standing there.
“ For quite a while! I have been calling you for hours! how dare you make the great Mammon waiting! “
Mc got a Lille blush from embarrassment and stayed quite.
“Do you have a Youtube channel? I think you should do it! and of course, I will be the manager! to help help you out you know! and since it will take a lot of time I will take 70% of your income. How is that plan to you?”
And with that Mc just turned their back at him to do homework.
“ Hey! don't ignore me now!”
- Levi
This boi was STORMING to your room, he was texting you for the last three minutes! did you found someone else important than him? He won't be surprised since he is yucky otaku... But he had to know what is going on!
“ Hey! I have been-”
He stopped when he heard Mc sinning the op from new anime Crazy world made by witches but one messed up and now they are furries.
“ Wooooooaaaahhhhhhh “
Mc had NO time to be embarrassed or to think he Levi grabbed their hand and rushed out of their room.
“ We are going to karaoke! I had no idea you liked the playlist I sent! we are going to sing all day!”
oh boy, he was not lying when he said that.
- Satan
He was about to knock the door when he heard singing from Mc’s room.
With no plan what to do next, he stood there for a moment before opening the door.
He smiled at Mc, who haven't noticed him yet.
Mc meanwhile having fun, until they felt someone grab their headphones.
“ Mc, sorry to disturb you, but you wanted to go with me to see new cafe library, still up to that, or you having your concert instead?”
He laughed while Mc embarrassingly sat there.
“Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone... maybe”
After that, he would sometimes think about Mc singing while reading a book and it always makes him happy a little bit.
- Asmodeus
“ Mc~, want to have a spa with me?~”
He just walked in, took your headphones, and asked, I mean, is there something more important to hear then him right now?
Mc was shocked and had a small blush on the face and said yeah.
“ oh, are you embarrassed? you have an amazing voice, mine is, of course, is better, but yours is almost as good”
He smiled at them.
When Mc was about to thank him he had to say something else.
“ I wonder how you sound when !@#(!*)!* next to !!@$#@ and then !$%@!”
Right, this is Asmo after all... but he asked you to sing to him every night after he heard you sing, maybe he liked Mc’s voice more after all.
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
Yee itz me 👁👄👁
Btw I will probably won't post obey me on my Instagram for a while, want to draw some other things for now lol
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
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Levi and Belphie plus my mc.
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog! 💖
Oh 👁👄👁 I don't usually like those things honestly, because I don't think there are people that are interested?? Lol
Anyway here ya go
I hate planets, galaxies and anything cosmic, but I really like sci-fi.
I used to hate anime, until in 2014 I watched Attack on titan lol now Im a weeb
I know alot of games but never played them, because I'm broke I just watched alot of lets plays including death stranding, that playthrough was so fucking long but I watched it anyway.
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
wtf... when will that art will come to me T_T
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
Please Reblog This If It’s Okay To:
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
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Instagram and Twitter is @/Jellyfish_Sam 💖 I post this there are well!
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
In case some need to read this 👀
Okay guys, real talk here
I know I haven't been active for ages, but I really wanna address something, because I'm beyond pissed right now.
The Obey me! fandom is getting quite toxic and complains about literally EVERYTHING.
1. "It's impossible to play without paying money!"
No, it's not. I've been playing since January and I haven't payed at all. Sure, I didn't get every UR, but that's how life works. For everyone saying something like "Yeah because at this time you didn't need as much points as now": My boyfriend plays since the animal event. He has as much URs as I have...lucky bastard. I have 5 URs btw
2. "The developers increase the points you need to finish the first page with every event!"
Yes, they do. I get why you're disappointed, but no one forces you to participate in those events, or spend money on them. My advice: Play the event, but don't make a 10 pull or more. Use your free pull and hoard those vouchers. When they release an event you really like, spend those vouchers on cards you wanna have, or just enjoy the story of those events. The developers use a simple marketing tool: The more people play and buy DPs, the more they increase the points. With higher points, people won't spend and play as much as they used to, so they'll decrease the points eventually.
3. "Solmare just wants to make money!"
Uhm, yeah? They're a company. Of course they want to make money. You don't work for free either, right? Other otome, or mobile games in general, are much more expensive than Obey Me!. In fact, you NEED to spend money to play more than 3 minutes. We all should have in mind, that the developers do a lot for us.
4. "It's unfair that Lucifer gets the most content!"
Well, Lucifer is one of the more popular characters. It's only logical that he gets the most content, because they earn more money with him. With this money, they can create content for the other brothers. Riot does the same thing with their League of Legends skins.
5. (regarding the ObeyMAXX challenge) "What's in for us?"
The fun in doing it? Since when do we get something from completing a challenge? Don't be so greedy. If you don't want to participate in it, without getting a reward, then don't do it.
I don't wanna say, that you aren't allowed to complain, but maybe you should think first. Just enjoy the game
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
This is the best thing I have seen today lmao thank you 😭
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what do you think the king of hell looks like
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
Writing a prompt for myself so I won't forget the idea lol
- Diavolo, Lucifer and mc in room
- Mc is clearly upset
- They ( mc ) starts talking about the thing
- Lucifer trys to stop them
- Diavolo seems serious and listens to them
- Lucifer clearly worried about what mc is saying, fearing for their safety.
- Ends with mc apologizing (? might change that) and leaves the room still worried about everything they talked about.
This will be oneshot, I just had this idea in the morning and was like 🤯🤯🤯 so yeah I will write that in free time ✌🏻
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
Leviathan is an anime gate keeper 💯💯💯
Change my mind ☕
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
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mc-needs-sleep · 4 years
Me: omg hahaha the obey me fandom so h o r n y Hhahahaha
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Devs : *season 2*
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