mcfat10 · 1 month
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mcfat10 · 2 years
Yandere Toriel Headcannons/Story
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"My child, you are safe now."
I see Toriel fitting numerous yandere traits, obsessives, overly protective, and maybe possessive.
But I think Toriel better fits being a protective yandere than the other traits.
When you fell into Mt Ebott, the first thing that hit her head was how defenseless you were.
She concluded that the reason you fell had something to do with that—You were only human, after all—who knows what somebody could do to you, especially Asgore.
So the first thing she did was obvious—bring you to her home. 
She picked up your unconscious body off the ground, bringing it to her home, eyeing anybody who saw your body, giving them a stern look.
Obviously, it scared off most monsters, anybody who could harm you.
And once you woke up in an unfamiliar home, she was happy to know to inform you are safe now, the reason why you fell doesn't matter now, what matters is you are safe with her.
At first, you were confused, but after a warm welcome and some pie, cinnamon, and butterscotch, you got used to it.
Toriel would blow off any attempt you would induce towards asking about escaping. she wouldn't leave out of frustration and attempt to destroy the door. Instead, she would slowly get more irritated towards your attempts.
"Your safe now, my child; stop asking me such silly questions."
Eventually, you stopped and accepted your fate; you weren't that determined to get out of the mountain anyway. Considering your home life with abusive parents, this is better than in comparison.
Toriel loved when that happened, happily began loving you more, and slowly got more attached. At the same time, however, she began thinking about how feeble and fragile you were.
Sure, you were human, but humans can be weak, sick, fragile, and easily break under pressure; you were only twenty, so young compared to her.
She was fine if you stayed home; the big outside scary world that only she could handle bothered her.
And it continued to bother her, even if you were in a completely safe place, with safety equipment, bicycle, bike, rollerskates, or likewise.
And she freaked out once you got hurt, taking you from the outside world in the safety and comfort of her home.
"My child, I should have never trusted you."
It was then that, over time, she slowly began limiting your venture, don't stay outside past nine and don't hug others without her permission. Don't go away far from home, and the list continues.
You could tolerate such actions that Toriel induced onto you.
After all, better than what your parents did; your father verbally abused you while your mother physically beat you, belt or fist otherwise.
However, Toriel slowly became overbearing, starting to weigh upon you like an anvil increasing in size on your back.
"My child, you were not earlier than I expected you to be here, are you hurt, damaged? Did someone take advantage?"
Even when you confronted Toriel, she would always make up some excuse to justify this behavior. 
"Humans can be weak too, y'know; a good mother cares for their children."
The overbearing continued until one day, she outright banned you from going outside without wearing a full skateboard protective gear ever again.
You had enough of this; she had demanded too much from you, and this was getting ridiculous.
So you confronted her early during the day, letting her know that you had enough of this nonsense and wanted it to stop.
However, she shrugged it off, and when you repeatedly confronted her, she began to become more annoyed and irritated at you.
She lost it for the first time when you gave her a choice, either let the protection off or find a way out of this mountain.
And when she lost it.
She hit you.
At this moment, you realized something; she was verbally abusive when crossed, just like your father, and now becoming physically abusive, just like your mother.
"My child, where are you going!?"
You dashed far from her as possible, exiting the house, dashing around the ruins, seeing everything as a blur, and tried to make some feeble attempt to escape.
And Toriel chased after you in a hurry with tears down her face.
You caused some pillars to fall, some scraps around your body, entering into some water to escape. 
Still, nothing seemed to bash Toriel off, even when she was herself hurt.
Even when monsters came to your service blocking her path, you realized nothing was stopping her, as the dust began to form as you looked back.
Eventually, the monsters that wanted to help disappeared, and your vision was dusty and dirty from the monsters she killed.
That's when you heard her voice, "My child, you should have never left me."
You never did, as she kept you in her house locked up.
After all, it's for your protection.
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