meafteryouu · 5 years
Daily reminder: If they wanna talk to you, they will. If they wanna be with you, they will. If they wanna make things work, they will. Don’t let things be one sided. It’s not healthy, and it’s not fair to you.
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meafteryouu · 5 years
miss me.
help me.
3K notes · View notes
meafteryouu · 5 years
Why do we always fall in love with the wrong person?
189 notes · View notes
meafteryouu · 5 years
How do you run from what’s inside your head?
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meafteryouu · 5 years
To me you are like gravity. Whenever I‘m flying too high, you‘re pulling me back onto the ground. And whenever I‘m away for too long you pull me back in.
Out of focus - eye to eye - until the gravity‘s too much.
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meafteryouu · 5 years
“You are so much more than the people who couldn’t love you enough to stay. What is meant for you will always find you. Always.”
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meafteryouu · 5 years
I hadn’t realized how many feelings I had left for you until I finally took the step to end things.
And wished you would start fighting for me so badly.
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meafteryouu · 5 years
How to kick somebody out when you love them with every fibre in your body?
Even though they hurt you.
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meafteryouu · 5 years
When you left, the worst thing wasn’t the cold in my bed. Neither the heat in my heart that you burned down.
When you left, the worst thing wasn’t the need to hear your voice or to talk to you about what’s going on.
When you left, the worst thing wasn’t crying myself to sleep. Neither the screaming in the middle of the night when I realized you wouldn’t come back.
When you left, the worst thing was losing me. You made it look so easy to leave me. Like I was nothing. Like everything you ever told me was a lie. Like you didn’t need me at all. Like nobody could ever need or love me.
And I think that broke me.
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meafteryouu · 5 years
Immature guys can not handle mature girls. Its almost like it threatens their male ego or something. And at the same time they are cowards who lack the guts to face reality. They seek a weak female who isnt sure about what she wants in life. Goal oriented females are a danger to such guys because it will be harder for them to manipulate her. If you are someone who has come across an immature male, run far far away. Dont turn back. For them seeking a ‘life partner’ is just another way of entertaining their bored male ego and boosting those male hormones . Trust me. Wait around for a mature guy who knows how to handle your tough mind and soul.
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meafteryouu · 6 years
I feel so stupid for never getting over you.
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meafteryouu · 6 years
So here’s to you still crossing my mind.
Here’s to us talking again.
Here’s to you and your little twisted games.
Here’s to me and all my hidden feelings.
Here’s to us being more honest than we’ve ever been.
Here’s to you still hurting me.
Here’s to me still letting things happen.
And here’s to him, not knowing what’s going through my mind but trusting me.
Here’s to us - you, me and him.
140 notes · View notes
meafteryouu · 6 years
“now all i’m left with is pictures of us and a playlist of all the songs you dedicated to me.”
747 notes · View notes
meafteryouu · 6 years
I can’t believe we‘re back as friends again. I mean, it‘s just the internet right? We didn’t speak. But weren’t you saying something by sending me that request?
I always thought we would never have a connection again. I thought that you had your life and I had mine. Both living like the other one didn’t exist. Like things never happened.
But suddenly you decided to change your mind. And it‘s like I‘ve been going back in time. I can’t stop thinking. It‘s such a stupid thing.
I can’t stop thinking. Wondering. Wondering what made you act the way you do? What are you up to? What am I supposed to do? And finally... what am I going to do?
I think I‘m out of my mind again.
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meafteryouu · 6 years
And I keep on rereading our old messages. I keep on reminiscing about our little moments together. I remember the clothes you wore on our first date. I remember you dancing around my room just to make me laugh. I remember us walking underneath the stars. But I don’t remember your voice. I don’t remember the way your laughing sounded. I don’t remember the real you. The you, you’ve been when we were together. I just remember my memories.
And they are pretty but they aren’t the truth.
102 notes · View notes
meafteryouu · 6 years
Nobody said it was easy.
Take me back to the start.
112 notes · View notes
meafteryouu · 6 years
It’s not the person that we remember the most. It’s the feeling we’ve had - the positive and the negative- that we remember the most.
Because feelings are what makes a person special.
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