mebhz · 4 years
river and matias are just like 👁👁 👁👁 while chai and mc are practically fucking behind them cucuydyddyydydyfdydt
No one’s paying attention to the movie anymore. Kali’s taken her switch out more than a few minutes ago and is playing aggressively. Akira’s sneaking glances towards the other end of the L-shaped couch, a smirk fighting its way to her lips. Zakia’s shaking with anger, only stopping herself from burning the entire living room because they’re already two warnings deep in trouble with the RA.
River is stiff, barely even breathing, as he stares at the screen without absorbing the movie. He’s glancing at the others through the corner of his eyes, wondering why everyone’s so… tense.
Matias, on the other hand, is red all over. Both in embarrassment and annoyance. He’s gonna kill Chai. He’s going to kill Chai Santiago. Tag team with Zakia and pluck all his scales off his dragon form. At first, he wasn’t sure. Then he was praying to be wrong. But after the fifth dirty sound, he knew there was no denying it.
There’s another moan and Akira stifles a laugh at Zakia’s barely concealed groan of frustration. Kali lifts her gaze from her game lazily before dragging it back down.
River, still very confused, forgets his manners. “What is going on?”
Ace freezes in their seat, right next to Chai under a thick blanket. They blink innocently. “We’re watching a movie?”
Kali snorts but doesn’t say anything else. Akira only laughs loudly. Chai lifts his flushed head from the pillows, his eyes half-lidded and sinful. He winks. “Are you not enjoying the show, Riv?”
River only frowns. He looks to Zakia for answers. Zakia rolls her eyes. “River, this might blow your mind so brace yourself… Chai likes doing it in public.”
“Uh, I think we were doing a pretty good job of keeping it quiet? What you don’t know won’t hurt you,” Chai huffs, finally sitting up straight.
“I’m pretty sure our downstairs neighbors could hear you, Cha,” Kali drawls.
River blinks. Twice. He drags his gaze towards Chai and Ace and everyone’s watching them curiously. “That is by far the least princely thing you’ve ever done.” He sniffs haughtily and gathers his blankets and pillows. “There better be a new couch tomorrow morning.”
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mebhz · 4 years
This was going to be a fanfic for @yandere-flower and their yandere Oc Professor Cliff Milano but the brain would not engage and make the words connect so this is more of an extended scenario for a potential story. Definitely something I want to return to and turn into a proper story! NSFW but not explicit, dub-con ends up non-consensual with drugging, one daddy mention, yandere hints, F!reader.  Check out @yandere-flower for proper Cliff content. All their Ocs are just amazing! This does not flow well, definitely needs work and it’s long!
The house looked quiet, that should have been your first clue that something was off but it didn’t dawn on you until Cliff opened the door in a robe and slippers with such a look of surprise on his face that you realised your classmates had lied to you.  
He had laughed much to your chagrin when you blundered through an explanation of why you had turned up to your Professor’s house on a Friday night in formal dress, but his insistence that you come in and have a drink with him so not to waste your journey had you forgiving him almost immediately. He had been in the middle of cooking dinner and despite your awkwardness at gatecrashing his peaceful night he had convinced you to join him to eat. He chats with you easily while the two of you eat, wanting to know all about you and sharing anecdotes about the University, a little about his son, and a couple of passionate rants about ancient Greece that have you trying to hide your smile behind your wine glass. Between the stories and the drink you keep finding refilled in your hand you are feeling relaxed, a warm drowsiness settling over you which makes it harder to keep up with Cliff’s conversation. When you spoke his eyes often than not zeroed in on your lips, and every time you locked eyes it was sending a bolt of heat straight through you. Were you making a fool of yourself? Was he feeling it too or was the alcohol fuelling your attraction to him and making you misread things? As Cliff leans over to fill your glass again you quickly reach out to stop him but he smiles at you and tuts. “There’s only a little left, it’s a shame to waste such a good bottle of wine” You hesitate but eventually nod, letting him fill your glass once more. He raises his glass, “Thank you for a wonderful evening” You can’t help return his grin as you lift your own glass, swallowing the contents before grimacing. It tastes different that the last 3 glasses, slightly bitter. Cliff laughs at your expression, “it’s not the best wine for drinking after dessert granted. It can taste a little bitter after all that sugar” He’s watching you closely again, and you feel yourself blushing under the attention. “How about a night cap before you leave? I have some perfect whiskey to take the taste away” You were just stepping over the line now from tipsy to flat out drunk, swallowing the last gulp of wine had been a bad idea. You head swam as you shook your head.” I should be going” Did he frown? You stand and curse lightly under your breath as the room suddenly tilts, but as you sway Cliff is suddenly beside you, arm wrapped tight around your waist. “Easy now” his breath is hot against the shell of your ear and you shiver. He’s warm against your side and you fight the urge to melt into him, the sudden arousal coursing through you making you blush hard. “Thanks” you mumble, taking a step away from him towards the door.  You stumble and this time both his arms wrap around you with a chuckle. “I think you’ve maybe had a little too much to drink, come sit down for a minute and I’ll get you a glass of water”. His arm firm around your waist as he guides you over to a very comfy looking sofa, he squeezes your hip tightly as he helps you sit down and you hope he doesn’t notice the way your breath hitches as he does.Cliff places the glass on the table next to you before sitting down. “Are you all right?” he asks. He rests a warm hand on your shoulder, thumb rubbing gentle circles soothingly over your skin.You try to reply but your head is heavy, and you are dimly aware that you are probably making a fool of yourself, but his voice is soft and gentle as he stands and  encourages you to lie down. His hands running down your shoulders feels good. So you oblige. “Good Girl” The endearment makes you feel a little funny, heat pooling between your legs at the praise. You feel like you should apologise, turning up to his house uninvited and getting drunk and was not the best way to endear yourself to your favorite Professor, but your tongue won’t cooperate and it comes out as an embarrassingly slurred mess. You want to kiss him. Cliff sits down on the edge of the sofa next to you and you are aware that he’s talking to you but the words don’t seem to be making any sense. He strokes the outside of your thigh before letting his fingers slide up, slowly trailing up your body, tracing over your hip and across to your left breast. He bends down to kiss you, tongue swirling into your mouth as his thumb draws small circles around you nipple. You moan and he breaks the kiss, his lips travelling down your jaw and across your throat. You want to go to sleep. You want to touch him. You can’t keep your thoughts coherent. You head is swimming and all you can focus on is Cliff. He’s so close, leaning over you and when his lips finally press against yours again you sigh. It’s getting harder and harder to stay awake, his constant touch and the never ending praise spilling from his lips is overwhelming. You want to say something, but your tongue and mouth won’t cooperate, and you’re not even sure what you want to say. It’s too much, but it feels good. You want him to stop and to give you more. All you can do is let out a quiet moan as his hand leaves your breast to slide up under your skirt.  You can’t stop yourself from spreading your legs a little to encourage him closer and he obliges with a contented hum. “Such a good girl,” he murmurs, “My good girl” Cliff presses his thumb against you, rubbing your clit gently through your panties, making your eyelashes flutter and your eyes roll. You feel him chuckle, his breath warm across your lips. Your hips desperately trying to rock against his hand but you feel so uncoordinated that all you can do is let out a frustrated whimper. “Relax, honey," He whispers against your ear. "Let Daddy take care of you”
When you awake you feel awful. Your head is pounding and you feel queasy. You reluctantly open your eyes, squinting against the too-bright morning sunlight.  You groan loudly as you try to sit up and a familiar chuckle from your left makes you jump. Cliff is watching you with a sleepy smile. Broken memories of the previous night swim through your mind, random disjointed bits and pieces that do nothing to ease the rising confusion and mild panic. What happened last night? The embarrassment increases tenfold as the soreness and ache between your legs makes it abundantly clear what happened last night. You slept with your Professor. You got drunk and you slept with your Professor. The thought echoes round and round your head and Cliff must notice the mild panic on your face as he reaches out to stroke your hair.  “Relax, darling. There’s no need to be ashamed, we got drunk, we had some fun, it happens”.   You take a deep breath, and try to calm the racing of your heart. “It’s all right” He presses a kiss to your temple and moves to leave the bed. “I’ll make you some coffee, all right?  Help with the hangover.” You can’t stop yourself from staring as he gets out of bed. He’s naked and your gaze follows the light dusting of hair across his chest and down his abdomen. Your face heats up and you quickly force yourself to look away before your gaze can wander lower. You can hear the amusement in his voice as he tells you where the bathroom is and you nod in response. Once he is gone you sit up and hug your knees, trying to pull yourself together. You feel confused, embarrassed and incredibly sore. ‘There’s no need to feel ashamed’ Cliff’s voice echoes in your mind and you try to make yourself believe it. You slept with your Professor. You could get kicked out of school for this. He could lose his job. Did he enjoy it? The last thought makes you blush. The ache between your legs makes you a little disappointed that you can’t remember the night clearly.  Embarrassment wells up again and suddenly all you want to do is go home. You quickly get dressed, ignoring the protest of your sore muscles and head down to the kitchen. You freeze as you catch a glimpse of yourself in the hallway mirror. You truly look awful. You look like you just had the fuck of your life. Forgoing the shower had been a bad idea. Desperately trying to smooth your hair down to make yourself a little more respectable you frown as you notice a little line of hickies along the underside of your jaw and the top of your neck. They were going to be a bitch to hide. Cliff appears at your side making you jump again and you don’t miss the way his gaze lingers on the marks on your neck. He presses a hot cup of coffee into your hands and encourages you to come sit down. “We should talk before you leave” The warmth of the coffee seeps through the mug, warming your hands, but you feel awkward and on edge. He smiles “We should keep this between ourselves. One night stands are nothing to be ashamed of but we don’t want anyone thinking you’re top of my class for any other reason than your historical knowledge” He winks at you, but all you can offer him is a small smile in return. The way his eyes keep flicking to the marks on your neck is making you feel uncomfortable. You really want to go home. You nod and take a sip of your coffee before standing. You hesitate, unsure what to say. “Thank you” you blurt before internally berating yourself. He raises an eyebrow and you cringe. “For, um…I..” you stutter, you can feel your cheeks heating up and he laughs, taking pity on you. “You’re welcome. See you in class on Monday?” That had been nearly 2 weeks ago. The embarrassment still hadn’t fully faded, mainly because your memory of the night was still incredibly vague. There were little flashes of memory, him pouring you another glass, the brush of his lips against your ear. His hand warm around your waist as he helped you over to sit on the couch. The blanks in your memory were feeding the lingering embarrassment, all the terrifying possibilities of how you could have been behaving or what you could have been saying. The images of waking up naked next to him, and the sleepy satisfied smile he had given you still plagued your daydreams. You might not remember the night but the memory of the soreness between your legs in the morning had led to you near constantly fantasizing about what it could have been like. After your first class back and realising you couldn’t make eye contact with Cliff without blushing, you had moved from your usual front row seat in his lectures to one as close to the back as you could get. You stopped participating as much as you could in lectures while still keeping your grade high. You avoided the after school office hours and tried your best to muddle through the bits you didn’t understand with long hours in the library. Cliff didn’t seem fazed by your behaviour. He still called on you to answer questions and was still complimentary on your work but every now and then you caught him staring at you. You couldn’t read his expression but it left you feeling uneasy. Had you hurt his feelings? You had slept with him and were now actively trying to avoid him. Were you acting childish?   The guilt of potentially upsetting Cliff battled with the lingering embarrassment and was starting to affect your personal life as well as your grades. You had lost your part time job and were having a hell of a time finding a new one close to campus and you desperately needed one. Your financial aid had been stopped due to an administrative error and had not yet been sorted. You had somehow gone from top of your English and Psychology classes to almost the bottom in the space of a few weeks, and now you were starting to fail in Cliff’s class. Although he was as supportive and encouraging as ever, you could see the hints of disappointment in his eyes when he handed back assignments for you do redo. The threat of genuinely failing your classes and possibly losing your place at the school had eventually forced you to overcome your embarrassment and take up Cliff’s offer of some private tutoring. His offer to even help you with some of your debts while your financial aid was being sorted had almost brought you to tears. His concern and willingness to help you reinforcing the guilt you felt at avoiding him. He calmly sits and listens while you ramble through apologies and thanks. Only when the tears actually start to fall does he get up to place a gentle hand on your knee. He’s so close you can smell his cologne, the distinct smell of sandalwood and mahogany oddly relaxing. “You have a lot of potential, of course I want to help you” His thumb is slowly stroking along the side of your knee and the shiver that goes own your spine when you notice he is staring at the spot on your jaw where he had marked you was not a pleasant one. His other hand reaches up to brush a lock of hair behind your ear, fingers ghosting over your cheek “Just let me take care of you” 
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mebhz · 4 years
War Prize [2]
💌Oni!Endeavor x F!Reader💌
5k words
Part 1 | ❤️Part 2❤️
The cultural differences between onis and humans may be worse than you thought.
TWs for: Death (execution), vomit
Enji takes you on a “““date”””, branding, force feeding, injury, size kink, more of my stupid lap sitting kink, piss stuff, marking, scenting
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(A/N) for everyone who wanted piss in my reqs that scene at the end is just 4 u
Enji doesn’t seem to have a good concept on holding you.
There’s a few times where he’s attempted to pick you up by the neck, wrist or even your collar (that would inevitably choke you), much to your displeasure. He quickly realises the error of his ways and then reconciles by picking you up with both arms.
It’s all because he doesn’t really trust you to walk by yourself. Especially not now, when he’s taking you to be branded. It seems that it’s a mix of not trusting you to keep up with his (admittedly massive) footsteps and not trusting you to stay by his side.
Keep reading
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mebhz · 4 years
So attempt at smutty fanfiction again. This time for @rosykingdom IF game The Rosy Ones. I love this demo and love Chai so much. Probably not got his personality right but its pretty much just smutty so hopefully won’t matter too much! A little NSFT Chai x F!reader, mainly just a good old fashioned makeout. Also I still suck at ending so its a little abrupt! It had started with a lazy night in and a movie, which had evolved into a few kisses here and there and eventually devolved completely into a heated makeout session on the couch.
You were currently straddling Chai’s lap, grinding slowly down against him.  He’s kissing you slowly, too slowly for the desire that’s starting to burn through you. He’s taking his time, his teeth softly nibbling at your bottom lip. You can taste the sweetness of the mango icecream he’d had a while ago still lingering on his tongue. Chai’s right hand moves from your waist round to your lower back, trying to pull you closer. His left hand slides into your hair and you can’t stop the shiver and quiet moan as he gently pulls. Your relationship with Chai has bounced pretty quickly from friends to friends with benefits and had recently started feeling like it was evolving into more. Chai pulls back to look at you, and as you gaze back at him, you realise with a feeling almost akin to panic that you are in love him. A fact you had buried and had been desperately trying to ignore, now hitting you so hard it takes your breath away. Suddenly afraid he will be able to read it in your expression you bury your face into his neck and start to leave little kisses along his collarbone, before nipping sharply just under the neckline of his shirt. The hiss he makes as you do so sends another pulse of arousal through you but you smooth your tongue over the forming bruise in apology. “Be careful” he huffs at you, “I have a shoot tomorrow” His voice is hoarse, almost strained and you can tell he is trying to sound reprimanding but you know different. “You’ll just have to be careful” You tease, still peppering his neck with little kisses and licks. “You’re a professional aren’t you? If you stand still they won’t see it” He doesn’t comment but tugs your hair lifting you back up again to claim your lips once more. You are both still slowly grinding against each other. A continuous movement that is almost subconscious at this point. You move your hips a little harder, trying to increase the pleasurable friction, and he groans loudly rocking his hips up in response, his arm tightening around your waist.
Chai’s right hand moves from the small of your back down your ribs to hook his fingers beneath the hem of your shirt and push it up an inch. As he starts to slide over the bare skin of your hip and travel upwards you shiver before loosely grabbing his wrist to stop him.
“We probably shouldn’t, Chai. We shouldn’t do this here” You start, desperately trying to control your breathing as you glance hesitantly down the hallway towards the bedrooms. “Matias and Akira are still home” “So? The others will probably be back soon as well,” His breath is cool against your skin as he nibbles along your earlobe, “We didn’t get caught last time” That was true, it had been exciting and incredibly hot but having two roommates actually in the apartment where they could walk out any second felt slightly more daunting than having sex over the kitchen table in an empty apartment. The threat of potentially getting caught didn’t feel as intimidating as the almost certain potential of getting caught, but despite the nerves it did nothing to stop the pulse of arousal that surged through you at the thought of being walked in on.
Chai watches you intently before reaching up to stroke his thumb over your bottom lip. “We can stop if you want. Or move. No pressure” Almost on impulse you open your mouth and your tongue darts out to lick him. He lets you take the tip of his thumb inside your mouth, grey eyes locked with yours, his pupils fully blown as he watches you. You let your teeth graze lightly across the pad of his thumb and he moans loudly, his hips snapping up to grind hard against you. He is hard, pressing into you in just the right place for shocks of pleasure to course through you as you grind back. You tease him a little more and slowly slide your tongue around his thumb, sucking hard before letting it go with a pop.
He instantly leans forward, claiming your mouth with his, both of you making more noise than you really should be. The sudden sense of urgency and desire almost overwhelming. His hands are wandering. One slowly dipping back under the hem of your shirt. The other stroking up your thigh and under your skirt to brush against the edge of your panties. You whimper as his fingers brush against the underside of your breast, a whimper that you can’t stop turning into an embarrassingly loud moan when his thumb moves to stroke firmly over your nipple. Just as his fingers start to slip under the elastic of your panties you hear movement from the direction of the bedrooms, making you break away from the kiss with a soft curse, both of you panting hard. Eyes on the hallway you listen for any indications of movement, expecting to hear or see Matias or Akira but you hear nothing else. Chai is still, watching the rapid rise and fall of your chest as your try to catch your breath before removing both his hands from under your clothes to rest casually on your bare thighs with a small smile, the thin gold bracelet on his wrist feeling cool against your flushed skin. “No pressure“  he repeats. You want more, want to continue but you’re not entirely sure you’re ready for fucking on the common room couch so publicly just yet. Especially as it’s your friends and roommates that are so close by, and especially with how loud Chai can get. So you slide back away from him slightly and bite your lip, a move his eyes flicker down to watch intently before he reaches up to tuck a curl of your hair behind your ear. A gesture that feels surprisingly intimate and makes your heart tighten painfully. A feeling you wonder if Chai notices or echoes as you feel him tense and see the tiniest twitch of a frown ever so faintly across his brow before it’s gone and he pulls his hand away with a mischievous grin.
You just know he is going to tease you with some gods-awful joke so you speak up before he has the chance. “Later, your Majesty” You intended to sound teasing, a playful dig at one of his favourite role-plays but it comes out sounding a little more needy than you liked. Although it does have the effect you wanted. Chai half heartedly glares at you, torn between desire at the tease and annoyance at having his chance to tease you interrupted. You smile, biting back a laugh at his pout, and dart forward to press a quick chaste kiss to his cheek, catching him off guard before pushing yourself off his lap to sit down next to him on the couch. “But let’s finish the movie first” desperately trying to ignore the fluttering in your chest as you pretend not to notice the blush staining his cheeks from your surprise kiss.
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mebhz · 4 years
The harsh words he usually loved to say to her were so far absent. It left her feeling tense, something that Valentin noticed as his hands slid gently through her hair to caress down her cheek. “I love you” he murmured against her lips, so quietly that for a second she thought she had imagined them. She was still tense, brain unable to process the fact that Valentin was still gently kissing her and had not yet forced her to her knees with the usual foray of words calling her a needy whore.  He was guiding her slowly backward towards their bed, whispering words of praise against her lips between kisses. It was confusing, almost overwhelming but as Valentin slowly pushed down onto the bed she felt herself beginning to relax against him. “I love you” again the words whispered so quietly against her skin, like he was almost afraid she’d hear them.
ok but now im curious, how would soft sex with val look like? what would he say and how would he act? :'D
it’s not that soft, but probably lots of dirty talk, but not the degrading kind. would actually go down on mc, and is just a lot,,,,softer?? like, he’s not as forceful or domineering as he normally would be, and there’d be a lot more gentle caresses, more praise, and probably an l-bomb or two or five (〃‿〃✿)
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mebhz · 4 years
Ok I’ve never written smut before and it probably shows. But this scenario would not leave my head. It also ends abruptly because I couldn't figure out how to end it! I love this game, and needed to indulge in my trashman fantasies. Characters belong to @locria-writes. You should definitely check out their demo of An Absinthian Ballad.
Attempt at NSFW head, I’m sorry @locria-writes that you had to be guinea pig for my first try at writing! (and for my first ever tumblr post!)
Valentin’s face is nestled in to your neck, licking and sucking along the column of your throat that turn into painful nips along your collar bone. 
His right hand is wrapped painfully in your hair, nails scratching against your scalp, the other is on your hip, helping you to keep a steady rhythm as you grind against his thigh. 
“So needy”, he whispers into your ear, gravelly and low “Rutting against my thigh like a bitch in heat” 
He’s hard, you can feel it pressing against you every time you rock forward. You try to shift, to press against him further but he stops you with a low growl. “Stop” His fingers digging hard into your hips preventing you from rocking. “You’re soaked, I can feel you through my breeches” his words send flashes of arousal through your gut and you make a feeble attempt to move your hips, but his grip tightens. “Brat. I said stop.” You whine in protest before you can stop yourself and Valentin pulls away from your neck with a disappointed sigh. “Such lewd noises” His face is flushed, pupils blown wide, but his words are cold. “There are people walking by on the other side of that door. Do you want them to hear you? Do you want them to know what a filthy desperate whore you truly are?”
His right hand releases your hair and his fingers brush gently over your throat before wrapping lightly around. He moves forward as if about to kiss you and another embarrassingly needy noise escapes your throat “Do you want to cum?” His mouth so close to yours you think you can feel the brush of his lips as he speaks. “Do you want me to fuck you? All you have to do is ask. Beg me, make me feel bad for not fucking you. Beg for my cock” You struggle to respond beyond anything more than a moan as you desperately try to move against him again. Valentin frowns at your response and lets his fingers tighten around your throat. “I asked you question” he repeats, annoyance colouring his words.
Whatever he had asked you was lost in the fuzzy haze of want that was consuming your entire being. The answer was yes, whatever he was offering you wanted it, you needed it right now. Whatever he wanted you would do it. A jumbled almost incoherent babble of please and yes tumbled from your lips.
Valentin hums, a small smile twitching at the corner of his lips, “Please what?” “Please” you echo, you know what he wants to hear. A twinge of embarrassment making your cheeks flush, but you are desperate and aching, the desire to orgasm winning out over the shame. “Please Master”. He smiles fully now, a cruel smirk that sends a small coil of fear through you. No. His reply is sharp and takes you by surprise. You open your mouth to protest but Valentin cuts you off. “On your knees” He pushes you back and you stumble before sitting awkwardly between his legs. Your gaze going to the wet patch over his thigh. He follows your look and tuts. “What a dirty girl you are” He takes your jaw in one hand, titling your head up to meet his eyes. “You should apologize to your Master”. His eyes are dark, pupils fully blown as he stares at you. “Be a good girl and show me how sorry you are”
There’s a few seconds of awkward silence as you fumble with the laces of his breeches. He grunts as your tongue tentatively licks across the top of his cock, his hands sinking in to your hair to guide your mouth further down his shaft. You try not to struggle as he hits the back of your throat, choking and sputtering around his length. He exhales slowly, “Breathe through your nose. Relax” voice strained as he tries to stop himself from just fucking down your throat.
You squirm uncomfortably, his grunts and moans making the need to touch yourself unbearable but you know the punishment for doing so would be worse. Instead you continue to swirl your tongue around Valentin’s cock as he fucks your mouth. His breathing laboured, you feel the muscles in his thigh tense before he cums down your throat with a low groan. Holding himself still in your mouth as he watches you swallow before pushing you slightly away.
“Good girl” his voice is hoarse but the rare praise combined with the soft look he is giving you makes you flush with happiness. He shifts, tucking himself back into his breeches and sliding his foot between your legs. You deserve a reward. You flinch as the tip of his boot presses against your wetness and you can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye as you realise what he want you to do. He raises his foot again, boot grazing against you and this time you rock forward, following his motion with a desperate whimper. It’s not what you want, it’s degrading and embarrassing but as you grind again the burning desire to just cum overrides everything else. Valentin watches you closely, his eyes never leaving your face. His expression a mix of lust and cruel amusement. He’s saying something to you, but you can’t focus on his words, too determined to reach your peak. A peak that seems to slip further away from you the more you move. You whine in frustration, it’s not enough. “Please, I can’t….” “You will.” Valentin interrupts you, “You will cum like this or you won’t come at all” 
The humiliation from his words makes your cheeks burn but you move your hips again despite yourself. It’s uncomfortable, almost painful, but if you angle your hips just right the leather of his boot gives enough friction against your clit to send pleasure coursing through you. His hand slides up through your hair and pulls, making you look up at him. He’s getting hard again, you can see the outline pressing against the front of his breeches. Seeing him so affected by you makes your pulse race. You’re going to cum, You’re going to cum rocking on his boot like a common whore just like he wants you to. 
Valentin leans forward, pushing his boot harder against you, making you cry out. “Cum for me, cum for me you needy slut” His demand is all it takes for you to reach your climax as he watches you with a self satisfied smirk. Your orgasm is quick and feeble, not nearly enough for the effort you have put into it and definitely not enough to satisfy the still burning desire within you and Valentin knows it, can hear it in your frustrated half choked moans.    
“You managed to cum from just that? Such a slut” his words are mocking but the hand carding through your hair is surprisingly gentle. It sends a warm shiver down your spine at yet another rare display of fondness. He notices your reaction, and his eyes narrow as his grip tightens making you yelp in pain “You have made such a mess on your Master’s boot,” His tone is cold. “These are new. Be a good whore and clean them up for me” He watches you closely as you process his command.
You don’t want to, but the desire to please him and the chance to earn some more praise makes you slowly bow down towards the floor. Placing your hands either side of his leg you swipe your tongue carefully across the surface of his boot. Valentin says nothing but you swear you hear him groan softly. Emboldened, you press your tongue a little harder against him, the taste of your juices surprisingly sweet as they mix with the bitter tang of the leather. Valentin is breathing harder above you, but you don’t dare look up. The hissed words under his breath are too quiet for you to hear but the sound of him losing his cool facade makes your lips twitch with the urge to smile. “Enough” He snaps. His voice is thick with arousal. He tugs you up sharply and you stand, supporting yourself against the edge of his desk as he examines his boot, finally giving a terse nod. “I have work to finish” he says, not looking at you. His tone is brisk. No trace of the affection from before remaining, in fact he seems almost angry with you. His tone leaves no room for argument and you take the words for what they are. A dismissal. It stings, and even though there is a sharp knock against his door calling his attention elsewhere, the arousal left over from your disappointing orgasm combined with the gentleness he showed while stroking your hair makes you suddenly desperate for any sign of validation. You give him a tight smile as he looks at you, and you see something flicker in his eyes before he looks away and gestures towards the door. “Show them in as you leave”. “Of course” you say, unable to hide the hurt in your voice. Out the corner of your eye you see Valentin’s mouth open as if about to say something but you quickly step towards the door before he can. The confusing mix of his harsh words and gentle actions making your heart and head hurt and you don’t think you can handle anymore today.
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