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Who killed Jason Blossom? Ms Grundy
Creepy Ms Grundy who is creepy.  She couldn’t be a bigger suspect is she drove around with an ‘I Killed Jason Blossom’ post it stuck on the bridge of her glasses. She’s a paedophile, liar, gun owner, with a false identity who is more concerned with her rep than helping the murder case of a student she knows personally.
Lets back up a bit.
See the photo I used of her? That’s a still of her perving on either A) Archie, her student or B) Two other boys who are both underage.  It’s naaaaasty.  She enters into a sexual relationship with Archie, the summer before his Sophomore year - which puts him at about 15-16 years old.  And later on when her ID is pulled out, it reveals her date of birth is 07-30-1982.  That puts her at 34 years old.
So, best case scenario, a 34 year old school teacher spends a summer being physically intimate with her 16 year old student.  No.  That right there is Statutory Rape, and just ugh.  Ms Grundy is a creepy, creepy lady.
Then she was with Archie on the morning of Jason’s disappearance, and they heard a gunshot.  Archie feels morally obliged to bring this information to the police, but she continually dissuades him out of fear of what would happen to her if the police found out she was taking advantage of a student.  Says a lot about the kind of person she is, doesn’t it?  A student is murdered, a student who it later comes out that she spent a year doing one on one lessons with - so she knows this student well - and she is more concerned about what would happen to her for breaking the law instead of doing everything she can to try and find out what happened to him, and to get justice for him.
When it comes out that Jason was shot, she STILL doesn’t want to admit she heard a gunshot that morning (which, wow.  Really Ms Grundy?), and so leaves the 16 year old student she was abusing to go forward to the police alone, and makes him leave her out of it.  Seriously woman, be more selfish.
Right, so THEN two of the friends of the  student who she continues to take advantage of after all of this investigate her, because they are good friends and she is a creepy, creepy, weird woman, and find a GUN locked in her car (She had a gun, we don’t know where she was a week after Jason went missing and when he was shot, could’ve been her who shot him.) and they find out that she is not, in fact, Ms Grundy.  Ms Grundy is an old woman who died several years before she came to Riverdale.  She is in fact Jennifer Gibson from Minnesota.  (What????? WHAT??????)
OKAY, so she feeds Archie some sob story about being in a domestically abusive relationship, and running away to escape her husband.  Her story is sad, but is it true?  I don’t think so.  I mean, no one has come looking for her so far as we know? Why didn’t she just get a divorce? Why take the identity of a dead old woman? Who is her ex-husband that he’s powerful enough and connected enough that she is driven to abandon everything, even her name, her passport, who she is, everything, and become a music teacher in Riverdale? Hmm.  I don’t know.  Methinks the lady is lyyyyying.
And finally, finally.  When she’s been caught by Archie’s dad and Betty’s mom, and forced to quit her job and leave town - what’s the last thing we see her doing? Checking out two boys with those yacky heart sunglasses (Okay, they’re cool sunglasses.  But now they’re tainted by association, thanks Jennifer Gibson, for taking those from us too) who look like they are probably Archie’s age.  Really Ms Grundy impostor? You literally just got caught.
So: fake identity, owns a gun, abuses a student, looks likely to abuse students again, willing to withhold information for her own gain.  She’s a suspect all right.  And maybe she’s the reason Jason felt the need to run away.  To escape his toxic relationship with his music teacher.  And maybe she killed him out of jealousy, or possessiveness.  We don’t know.
In fact, possibly the only thing that would indicate it WASN’T her so far is that it would be too obvious if she did it.
So, my theory? I don’t think she’s the murderer.  I feel it’d be too obvious if Ms Grundy did it.  BUT! I’m not gonna take her off the list of suspects jusssst yet.  I’ve a feeling that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of her by a long shot.
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Who Killed Jason Blossom? Betty Cooper
Okay, so what do we know about the relationship between Betty and Jason? We know that he previously dated her older sister Polly, and they went through a painful break-up which resulted in Polly having a mental breakdown and being institutionalised.  We know that Betty has been previously bullied by Jason’s sister Cheryl because of this, called fat and not been allowed on the school cheer-leading squad.  We know Betty’s mother despised Jason, and despises his whole family, stating at the very beginning that she “hope(s) he suffered”, often going off on rants at Betty that she shouldn’t be around someone like Cheryl, and is cruel to Jason’s grieving mother the first time she sees her after Jason has died, pushing the woman to slap her publicly.  And we can be fairly certain that Mrs. Cooper has been spending a lot of time since Polly was institutionalised filling Betty’s ear with how awful the whole Blossom family are, how their poisonous, and how they’re the reason Polly broke down.
And there’s the fact that Betty is not the most sane of people herself, what with how she reacted upon finding Polly’s name in the football team’s Book of Conquests - suddenly deciding that she wants “vengeance”, that she wants to go “full dark, no stars” on the boys, because “these girls (read:Polly) deserve justice”.  And she came up with the full plan, to lure Chuck to a hot tub, tie him up and demand he tells the truth on film.  That seems … okay.  But then she goes a leetle OTT, showing up in a sexy (but creepy) wig, pouring maple syrup all over him, and trying to boil him alive until Veronica stops her.  Even later on Veronica, the V to her B, confronts her on whatever the hell that was.
We also know that she’s been taking Adderall for some reason, and that her mother has been controlling her dosage.  And she pretty much implies that everyone is just waiting for her to snap like Polly, like “mother like daughter” when Mrs. Cooper threatens to expose the affair between Ms Grundy and Archie.
So, she has a motive, and is possibly already insane enough to decide that Jason’s murder and torture is just revenge for how he treated Polly.
But then, why would she be trying to find out the truth behind his murder?  Wy resurrect the long-dead school newspaper and recruit Jughead to help her uncover the truth behind what really happened to Jason if it would only lead to her?  Wouldn’t she pounce on the paedophilic teacher who has a gun, has lied about their identity and whose car was seen at the river on the morning of July fourth and use her as a scapegoat to get away with Jason’s murder if she did it?  I don’t know.  She seems a little unhinged, maybe, but she didn’t even really hurt Chuck, who slut-shamed her best friend.  Why would she kill one boy for a crime, and just get another kicked off the football team for the exact same thing?  Also, by how quickly her mother found Ms Grundy’s gun in her room, I doubt she could have gotten away with hiding any evidence in the same house as her mother, who regularly goes through her room and reads her diary.  Unless they did it together which, looking at their relationship and how Mrs Cooper won’t even let Betty see Polly, doubtful.
Also, she has a sort of alibi.  She was away all summer on an internship, and unless she snook back into town early in the morning without anyone seeing her, kidnapped Jason, hid him somewhere in the woods to torture, eventually shoot in the head, and finally drop off in the river before sneaking away again, it wasn’t her.
So, to summarise: Betty’s slightly unhinged, and may break down by the end of the season, but I don’t think she’s capable of murder.  She’s definitely putting on an innocent girl-next-door facade which I think is really covering up a much darker personality, and there is some seriously weird stuff going on in her family surrounding Polly and her mother, but I actually think that Betty might be clean when it comes to all that.
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Who Killed Jason: Cheryl Blossom
So; Let’s start with the fact that she’s the last person who saw Jason alive.  That when they were going for an ‘early morning boat ride’, she wore high heels and gloves.  That she was willing to lie to her family and the whole town to help Jason run away, although she won’t let on what from.  And why would he run away?  He had an outwardly perfect life: On the football team, loads of girls interested in him, was popular, from a wealthy family, an apparently amazing relationship with his twin sister who described him as her ‘soulmate’ - why would he run away from all that?  And why is the only indication he wants to leave all of this behind for an uncertain future with no money, no apparent plans, no goals, nowhere to go, and no friends who know he’s alive coming from the mouth of the person who was with him last and who only ‘admitted’ his apparent need to escape from it all when she was caught lying red-handed?
Yeah.  It’s pretty sketchy.
And lets not even start on how creepy their relationship looks.  Who goes on early morning boat rides with their brother at dawn on the fourth of July, gets all dressed up for said boat ride, holds hands with this brother, calls their brother their ‘soulmate’, has a weird hatred for the sibling of one of their brother’s exes simply because this person is the sibling of their brother’s ex (and does some kiiiinda OTT stuff to get some sort of vengeance for how their brother was treated after the break-up), and acts all betrayed upon finding out that their brother was a nasty b*stard who objectified women and wrote about it in a sh*tty book to pass around with his sh*tty friends.
So there are some slightly incestuous undertones, to put it mildly.
But then there are some moments that it seems she really loved him (not gonna comment on what kind of love that may be), and the whole breaking down crying in the locker room, saying “I can’t believe he’s gone … He was supposed to come back” DOES corroborate with her story of her believing he was just running away.  And Dilton Doily said he saw her by the river edge completely dry and alone, before he found her later soaking wet and crying for Jason.  Which also aids the whole ‘trying to cover for Jason’s ‘Big Escape’’ story she’s telling.  
So it seems she did really love him, and the only motive she could have would be jealousy, and that’s only if she was IN love with him, we don’t know, they could have just been disgustingly close. And if it was jealousy, jealousy of who? The only love rival she could potentially have is currently locked up somewhere not even the rival’s sister Betty really knows.  And Jason seemed to care a lot for her too (the whole hand holding and smiley-staring in the car on the way to the river suggests so anyway).
So, to summarise, Cheryl Blossom: My guess is innocent, and probably telling a bit of the truth now, but she’s definitely hiding a few things about what led up to the whole Fourth of July drama.
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Who Killed Jason Blossom?
Seriously, this has spoilers for the first four episodes.  If you haven’t seen the show, STOP READING NOW!
Okay, so my next few blog posts are going to be looking into the list of potential suspects in this crime.  I’m going to start by laying out all the facts that we know so far, and then in each character blog I’ll get into the nitty gritty details.
Here’s what we know:
Just before dawn on the 4th of July, Cheryl and Jason Blossom drove to Sweetwater River for a supposed early morning boat ride.
Dilten Doily and a group of boy scouts found Cheryl later that morning soaking wet by the river edge.
Cheryl claimed that she accidentally dropped a glove in the water, Jason reached to get it, tipped the boat, panicked and drowned.
His death was initially ruled an accident, however several weeks later Kevin Keller and Big Moose find Jason’s body washed up by the waters edge with a bullet hole in his head.
Cheryl Blossom is questioned, and reveals that she and Jason actually staged his death and the details she provided were false, as he wished to run away.  She claims that he planned to contact her within a month, and is shocked by his death.  She also claims to have heard a gunshot on the morning of July fourth.
Archie comes forward and backs up this claim, as he was with Ms Grundy on that morning by the river and they heard the gunshot too.
It is revealed that Jason was actually tortured and not shot until July 11th.
The gunshot on the morning of July 4th was actually Dilton Doily demonstrating to his scouts how to shoot, according to one of his boyscouts.  
Dilton Doily saw Ms Grundy’s car at the river that morning, but never went to the police with this information.
So, they’re the facts on what we know about Jason’s murder.  On with the shady character stuff!
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Who Killed Jason: Cheryl Blossom
So; Let’s start with the fact that she’s the last person who saw Jason alive.  That when they were going for an ‘early morning boat ride’, she wore high heels and gloves.  That she was willing to lie to her family and the whole town to help Jason run away, although she won’t let on what from.  And why would he run away?  He had an outwardly perfect life: On the football team, loads of girls interested in him, was popular, from a wealthy family, an apparently amazing relationship with his twin sister who described him as her ‘soulmate’ - why would he run away from all that?  And why is the only indication he wants to leave all of this behind for an uncertain future with no money, no apparent plans, no goals, nowhere to go, and no friends who know he’s alive coming from the mouth of the person who was with him last and who only ‘admitted’ his apparent need to escape from it all when she was caught lying red-handed?
Yeah.  It’s pretty sketchy.
And lets not even start on how creepy their relationship looks.  Who goes on early morning boat rides with their brother at dawn on the fourth of July, gets all dressed up for said boat ride, holds hands with this brother, calls their brother their ‘soulmate’, has a weird hatred for the sibling of one of their brother’s exes simply because this person is the sibling of their brother’s ex (and does some kiiiinda OTT stuff to get some sort of vengeance for how their brother was treated after the break-up), and acts all betrayed upon finding out that their brother was a nasty b*stard who objectified women and wrote about it in a sh*tty book to pass around with his sh*tty friends.
So there are some slightly incestuous undertones, to put it mildly.
But then there are some moments that it seems she really loved him (not gonna comment on what kind of love that may be), and the whole breaking down crying in the locker room, saying “I can’t believe he’s gone … He was supposed to come back” DOES corroborate with her story of her believing he was just running away.  And Dilton Doily said he saw her by the river edge completely dry and alone, before he found her later soaking wet and crying for Jason.  Which also aids the whole ‘trying to cover for Jason’s ‘Big Escape’’ story she’s telling.  
So it seems she did really love him, and the only motive she could have would be jealousy, and that’s only if she was IN love with him, we don’t know, they could have just been disgustingly close. And if it was jealousy, jealousy of who? The only love rival she could potentially have is currently locked up somewhere not even the rival’s sister Betty really knows.  And Jason seemed to care a lot for her too (the whole hand holding and smiley-staring in the car on the way to the river suggests so anyway).
So, to summarise, Cheryl Blossom: My guess is innocent, and probably telling a bit of the truth now, but she’s definitely hiding a few things about what led up to the whole Fourth of July drama.
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Is it just me, or is anyone else LOVING the Riverdale soundtrack? ‘Mustang Kids’ by Zella is my absolute jam atm
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I am so in love with the Riverdale soundtrack, it’s just, guhh.
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I am so in love with the Riverdale soundtrack, it’s just, guhh.
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Is it just me, or is anyone else LOVING the Riverdale soundtrack? ‘Mustang Kids’ by Zella is my absolute jam atm
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Intro: Both to This Blog, and to Riverdale
Right.  So.  I’d heard of Archie comics, never picked up a single one though, (more of a Marvel girl, myself.  Mainstream, I know.)  and never felt any urge to.  Wasn’t really interested in it to be honest.
For the past two weeks my sister has been harassing me to watch this new Netflix show, which is ‘So addictive, like you wouldn’t believe’.  I put her off for a while, but then on Saturday I finally caved and agreed to watch 10 minutes of the first episode, and if I wasn’t hooked by then she’d leave me alone.
Poor, innocent fool.
Approximately four hours later I ran out of any new Riverdale material to watch.  With a Cole Sprouse obsessed heart, and mind-blown mind, I hit the internet.  Cast interviews, their social network accounts, any leaked spoilers, promo images and trailers, general plots from the comics, I spent the next two days scrambling for anything and everything I could find on the show.
(Yeah, when I binge and obsess, I binge and obsess hard.)
So, here I am.  Starting a blog on this show, and JUST this show.  My plan is to recap what-we-know-so-far before episode five is released, and after that do a week-by-week update on what’s going on in this mysterious town, as well as doing up profiles on the suspects, or just general character profiles, and celeb goss on the cast, and whatever really crosses my mind that relevant to Riverdale.  
So, yup.  Enjoy my ramblings!
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 Riverdale 1x05 Extended Promo “Heart of Darkness” (HD) Season 1 Episode 5 Extended Promo   
Riverdale 1x05 “Heart of Darkness” Season 1 Episode 5 Extended Promo - With Jason’s funeral around the corner, the Blossom family moves forward with last minute preparations – and a secret agenda. Meanwhile, Archie’s (KJ Apa) attempt to refocus his energy on football comes to a halt when an opportunity to work with a new music mentor presents itself. Betty (Lili Reinhart) dives deeper into her investigation of Jason’s death and unearths some dark revelations about her family. Elsewhere, after uncovering secrets about her own family, Veronica (Camila Mendes) forms an unlikely friendship with Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch), who is having a tougher time with Jason’s impending funeral than she lets on. Finally, Hermoine (Marisol Nichols) turns to Fred (Luke Perry) for help after receiving a cryptic message from the Southside Serpents. Cole Sprouse and Madchen Amick also star. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Ross Maxwell (#105). Original airdate 2/23/2017.
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Name a more iconic duo than the CW and queerbaiting. I’ll wait.
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#tootrue #depressing #marvel
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I’m so bad with procrastination.
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every tv show writer ever: let's make them act as gay as possible then somehow be completely straight. yes, that's perfect.
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#stony #johnlock #drarry 
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Reblog and add your ships
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Fifty Shades Darker: A Soundtrack Review
Quick Summary if you aren’t bothered to read all of this: Fifty Shades Darker soundtrack, listen to ‘No Running from Me’, ‘The Scientist’, and I guess listen to ‘One Woman Man’ if you have time.  But if you aren’t bothered click on it, it really wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Let’s all just be honest, if you’re like me, then you believe that the whole debacle that was the Fifty Shades of Grey film had one lone saving grace: its’ soundtrack.
I fell absolutely in LOVE with that soundtrack. (minus the one unintelligible Sia song on it) I mean, it created a passionate, burning love in me for the Weeknd, which drove me into the waiting arms of ‘Beauty Behind the Madness’.  That was an amazing album. (Shame about ‘Starboy’, but I’m not bitching about that right now.  Stop going off in a tangent, bad Becks)  So yes.  FSOG: Film? Not my thing.  Soundtrack? Very, very much my thing.
So, my love for THAT soundtrack resulted in me being extremely excited for the follow up.  The sequel, if you will, to what I believe may have been the best album of 2015.  Or at least, I believe it was now as not one other album that was released that year comes to mind.
(Minor tangent: I just googled it, and honestly? Not many good albums came out that year.  Sad year for music, then. Tangent over.)
So, yes, sorry, the sequel soundtrack.  The Fifty Shades Darker soundtrack.  Like anything you’ve ever built yourself up too much for, it was a disappointment.
Don’t get me wrong: I think it was great for the film.  Full of cringey lines, and the overall sound was fairly cliche and tune-outtable.  (I know that’s not a word, but I think you get my drift? Hope so, anyway.  Moving on- ) So, I think it's good for what it’s supposed to be - just extremely disappointing considering what it’s following.  I personally wouldn’t recommend just sitting down and listening to the whole thing through, like I did.  But I would recommend skipping through and listening to a few of the songs - in particular Nick Jonas + Nicki Minaj’s ‘Bom Didi Bom’, John Legend’s ‘One Woman Man’ (If you the embarrassing, over-the-top, trademark lovey-dovey John Legendness of it), and would DEFINITELY suggest you give Toulouse ‘No Running from Me’ a go.  Yeah, I love that one.  It just has a great feel, seriously, it’s the highlight of the soundtrack for me.
Riiiiiiight, so, now it’s time for the more in-depth analysis.  Basically what I’ve done is I’ve broken the whole thing down into four categories: 
1. Yup, I like it, I feel the sexiness, ‘tis good. 
Right, so first up, the two Danny Elfman songs.  I like them, they’re nice.  I really get a Carter Burwell Twilight-style vibe from ‘On his Knees’ which is cute, (Don’t be confused by my describing a song called ‘On his Knees’ as cute, the title DOES NOT match what you’re listening to at all) but ‘Making it Real’ is definitely my favourite of the two. (even if it’s slightly reminiscent of that music that people play when you’re put on hold by phone-business people)  So, both cutesy, but let-downs seen as they’re written by DANNY FRIGGING ELFMAN!
Next, ‘The Scientist’.  Franchement, I debated putting this on number two, but in the end I figured if Elfman’s songs made it to number one, then Connie Bailey Rae gets up here too.  I actually like Coldplay - please don’t click away - and this is one of my fave songs by them.  And her cover is good, not as good as the original in my opinion even if she has a better voice then Chris Martin, but good.  So Connie gets up on the good list.
‘Pray’ makes it up here too.  I kinda tune out most of the lyrics, but it’s fun enough to listen to with headphones and when it’s a bit too loud. 
José James ‘I’ve Got You Under My Skin’.  Sweet cover, very similar to the original, woudn’t necessarily go seeking it out, but it’s nice.  Same goes for ‘They Can’t Take That Away from Me’, but I think he does a better job of ‘I’ve Got YOu Under my Skin’, personally.
Nicki obvo makes it to the top.  Gotta love me some Nicki Minaj, even if it’s shoved with Nick Jonas, and tbh he isn’t too bad in this one.  I give it 3.5 stars. Which, considering the rest of the soundtrack, is pretty good.
The penultimate song I’m putting in this category is my personal favourite from the whole soundtrack, ‘No Running from Me’ by Toulouse.  I literally don’t even know why.  It’s just got an amazing, sultry feel to it.  I love the lead guys voice, it’s just great, and jazzy, and smooth, and just ugh.  It makes me feel good to listen to it.  Definite favourite song from this soundtrack, hands down.
John Legend ends the coveted (lol) top category by the skin of his teeth.  Some of his more-cringey lines nearly cost him a place.  But in the end, it IS the soundtrack for a rom film released on Valentine’s Day of all days, so he gets a bit of leeway and makes it to the top. 
2. I can stomach it, not too bad.  Kinda cliche, and I forgot what it sounded like instantly, but not too bad.
Halsey is here with ‘Not Afraid Anymore’.  I like Halsey, ‘New Americana’ and ‘Castle’ are my jam.  She let me down with this, not gonna lie.  It’s not BAD per se, just not what I’d expect from her.  Very sad.
Tove Lo ‘Lies in the Dark’, The-Dream ‘Code Blue’, Joseph Angel ‘Empty Pack of Cigarettes’, The Avener ‘I Need a Good One’, and Rita Ora ‘Kiss Me’.  All forgettable.  So much so that I force them to share one paragraph of description, because I can’t remember anything about them to expand anymore.  So that’s them.
Little Charlie and the Nightcats ‘ Living Hand to Mouth’.  I mean, it’s okay, but nothing to write home about.  Generic, really, for it’s style, but easy to listen to.
JP Cooper ‘Birthday’ is here.  It has a promising start, I won’t tell a lie, but the hell are those appalling lyrics????? I wasn’t able to tune them out.  Narrowly, narrowly missed category three.  Still not 100% it shouldn’t be there if I’m being totally honest.
There just isn’t enough accompanying music to distract from the beyond embarrassing lyrics in ‘What Would it Take’ by Anderson East.  It’s playing right now in the background, and I am physically restraining myself from turning away.  It’s awful, but not so awful that - no, no you know what? I can’t.  It’s category three now.
3. Ah Lord, too much, I feel nauseous.  SKIP!
The Sia song.  ‘Helium’.  It is vomit-inducing.  I really, really, hate it.  “Even Superwoman sometimes needed Superman’s Soul” WHAT??? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??? WHAT??? Ah well.  At least I could actually understand the words that came out of her mouth this time round.  Sorry Sia. If it helps, I liked Chandelier?
‘Cruise’ by Kygo.  I mean, I was gonna put it in the second tier cause it’s poppy and kinda annoying, but pretty meh overall, but then I got to the way he said “Cruuuuuuuise” and that annoyed the shit out of me.  Then the lack bass drop after he said it a few times was frustrating as hell, ‘cause the song is so generic and cliche I was EXPECTING it, and felt cheated when it didn’t deliver.  It actually made me feel something in my stomach it was so frustratingly disappointing, and so, it got pushed into the ‘So bad I felt physically affected’ category.
Frances ‘What is Love’.  Initially was gonna go in category two, okay, but forgetful.  Then I recognised the song and NO.  Just NO.  This? This is BUTCHERY! Of a CLASSIC! I frankly found it offensive.  No.  Move on.
Anderson East ‘What Would it Take’ - see above.
The one Taylor Swift song on the soundtrack.  If you can, save yourself from becoming addicted by burying yourself in a hole, and avoiding any and every form of media.  If you don’t, it will find you.  And it will burn itself into your brain.
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