medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
A small oblongish item much resembling a cactus cast in resin rests obtrusively in a nest of buckles and belts. "Oblong cacti dong: for your prickly partner and dry threesomes". It's signage is a tasteful blu cross stamp.
The small, oblongish item–much resembling a small cactus, indeed–with all it’s belts and buckles, bindings, straps, and stitches, remains untouched, in spite of, perhaps, the sender’s better wishes.
Returned ‘home’, the contraption was.
Thrown at and through a window, BLU side.
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
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Instead of doing anything of value, I turn my characters into cats.
fucking beautiful
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
"Your words, how they scathe my poor, fragile ego - I am hurt, sir." His tone of voice did not reflect the flash and melodrama the hand clutching at his chest did, “Are you quite finished? Or have you any other cheap remarks to further lower my opinion of you?”
“I could. I could also argue that you’re wasting my time and your breath thinking that what you have to contribute is at all warranted or matters. Fancy that.”
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
yourmajestyfish said: “There are some deep sea fish that can be considered dinosaurs. So you could argue not all of them are extinct.”
"I could. I could also argue that you’re wasting my time and your breath thinking that what you have to contribute is at all warranted or matters. Fancy that.”
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
Does the carpet match the curtains?
“Of course. Clashing colours are just.. Tacky.”
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
What do extinct dinosaurs and Gingers have in common? Not enough!
“‘Extinct dinosaur’. A bit redundant, isn’t it?”
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
list 3 guilty pleasures!
"That's assuming I harbour guilt or shame about the things I take pleasure in, isn't it? What a sorry state to be in."
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
Anon Hour
Ask a question anonymously and for the next hour it will be answered honestly and with no roundabouts.
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
Finally getting around to these because I'm an asshole. What would you say was your most pleasant memory and why? What emotions made it pleasant for you? What do they illicit now?
“Yes. You are an ‘asshole’ for asking this at all.
Ah, but I can think of many memories of which I cradle fondly - too many to expand upon in great detail.
I have had accomplishments and awards so high in number they have begun to lose my affection - I grow bored of it, I find, with each title and medal pinned to my name.
I have been the world over, and still do catch my mind wandering to the sights I have seen.
Yet-- I have watched a child, whom I at the time of her birth wanted nothing more than to suffocate, grow into a beautiful, cunning woman that I am proud to share blood relation. The entirety of her life--the past twenty-seven years--have been abundant in pleasant memories. Too many to isolate a single one.
 To reflect upon the former bring up feelings of pride, nostalgia, an honest laugh here and there. Even when that damned child made my life hell on earth, to speak, I still feel warmly about those times. 
So, there you have my answer.
Breathe a word of that and I’ll ensure it’ll be your last.”
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
Cats or dogs?
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
Where do you think America will be in 1984? Germany?
“I don’t think that they will be going anywhere in such a short amount of time - their borders appear set where they are, no? Imagine the costs of shipping an entire nation. 
In truth? 
I don’t know, nor do I care to know. Shocking, I’m sure, for one who trails along such vulgar opinion of ignorance, ja?
You can only see the future in hindsight.
If I had to make a guess? My outlook is not some grand utopia–no golden streets, no ‘master-races’, and so on–nor some manner of awful dystopia. The future will be the same as the present, and as the past. The only thing changing will be names. There will always be another war–My money is on America starting something–the economy has days of fortune and failure. 
Thoughts will stay the same on principle, as will prejudices in the same light - as I said, only the names will change. 
Personally? I am hoping for this boxy, angular aesthetic given to automobiles to change. They are becoming such a sore to the eyes.”
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
Are you an ass man, or do you like boobs better?
“I should dare say this is a matter of the ‘whole being greater than the sum of its parts’, to severely disfigure Gestalt principles.”
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
*he did, indeed, take a bow*
Why did your last relationship fail?
“I’d paid only for the hour.”
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
Why did your last relationship fail?
“I’d paid only for the hour.”
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
Anon Hour
Ask a question anonymously and for the next hour it will be answered honestly and with no roundabouts.
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