medicalouisa-blog · 9 years
yourmajestyfish replied to your post:“I’m going to release a plague in this base just...
“Why would you do that.”
“Because I am bored out of my mind and no one comes in for shots or sickness or anything, and I can’t get human organs if no humans come in to my OR.”
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engineerxblu · 9 years
yourmajestyfish replied to your post: “I’ve read they can also suck out souls…huh…” Dell...
“Sounds kinky.”
“That’s th’ point, I guess.”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 9 years
yourmajestyfish replied to your post:yourmajestyfish replied to your post:You are gonna...
“And what if I ordered you to give it to me.”
A sneer from now feminine lips. “You can argue that point when I have a dick again. As it stands, two different bodies.”
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♙ ;v
Outfit headcanons
♙-date night
Tumblr media
//He attempted to comb his ridiculous mane of hair. It only slightly worked.
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exsecutorem · 9 years
yourmajestyfish replied to your post ““Well, that was fun…” He dragged a body along by the length of a...”
"Is that a gift for me?"
“A bit of a messy handiwork, but I hope you like it, darlin’,” he preened at Fish. 
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medicalxmalice-blog · 9 years
yourmajestyfish said: “There are some deep sea fish that can be considered dinosaurs. So you could argue not all of them are extinct.”
"I could. I could also argue that you’re wasting my time and your breath thinking that what you have to contribute is at all warranted or matters. Fancy that.”
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♙ - date night
((Oh my goodness. This is hard since, so far, Nashita has only been on two official dates and they were formal. Now if it was a casual date night, long skirts and a nice blouse, either long sleeved or with a jacket, and comfortable boots would be her choose of wear.))
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somotwrench-blog · 9 years
sneaks my url in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
|| meme source ||
My Opinion on;
Character in general: *deep breath* I love uw–
okok, honestly Fish had me fooled at first. I’m sososo glad you’ve shown this side of him bc it’s so real! Unpopular opinion but I don’t really get characters who are so open to…cross-faction and……relationshipsandbeingsodamnnice AND it’s refreshing to see a man who plays both sides of the looking glass! I love the reasoning for it as well! I need to work on revealing Binh’s hidden side too ugh, I’ve enjoyed the compliments on how he’s a sweet bean baby but they’re MURDERERS and yesss we must show the world what they can do. Bravo!!How they play them: He’s a scheming genius/trash bag and you have the perfect balance for that. I take a lot more notes on this than ppl would think (for my own purposes) and while I know you’ve gotten multiple kudos for that part of him, I want to add onto it and say your development is superb. Keep going! I also have many questions for you about Fish so tell me if it’s okay to ask them…..The Mun: Sin master. We’ve talked a lil but we have similar interests, and I’ve won you over with my dog ;^{)
Do I:
RP with them: ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)Want to RP with them: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
What is my;
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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There's a note shoved under Matthieu's door once he gets back to his room. "Meet with me in person, we need to talk. Make sure you're not followed."
Matthieu read the note over twice before burning it with his lighter, going to have a quick smoke afterwards. Once he was certain that no one’s paying attention to him and no one was on his tail, the taller man went to Fish’s infirmary, no other place was indicated on the note. 
He knocked once, keeping an eye for anyone else around. There was no scent of the nice cigarettes many of the Spies liked, no sound of cloaked feet or breathing. Just him and the closed door.
0 notes
medicalouisa-blog · 9 years
@yourmajestyfish followed
Something about this Medic seemed... different. The way he held himself, she thought. Slight, but... proud. She wished she could look like that.
“Um, afternoon, Doctor,” she greeted with a wave. “I just got transferred, so I thought I’d introduce myself to everyone, so... hello. Heh.”
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engineerxblu · 9 years
//somehow this talk of fusion with @yourmajestyfish on Skype has evolved into Dell and Fish together being a cat God. There would be so many cats around them at all possible times.
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nastypieceofwxrk · 9 years
yourmajestyfish replied to your post:You are gonna get pregnant, with all that sleeping...
“I’ll always take the embryo if you don’t want it.”
A rather tight lipped response, “I’ll pass, Dia.”
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☁ - Childhood headcanon
//Ooooh boy this is so late
As a child, René often enjoyed hiding. He loved finding places in and out of his home where he could hole up and not be found for hours, if at all. He’d take a blanket, a book, perhaps an apple and a lamp and just vanish from his dismal world for a little while, finding sanctuary in solitude. He’s make his nest in a cupboard, under his bed, in the far corner of the attic, in a box or even the large chest at the foot of his bed, or outside in the hollow of a tree or in it’s branches
This grew more challenging as he grew in height. He could reach higher places but was no longer to fit properly in his favorite spots. He still found ways to keep himself hidden and continued to climb up into trees, however, so that he would not lose what small amount of comfort he had in life, especially as it began to spiral downwards.
He has since stopped doing this, but after times of extreme mental or emotional stress, he will still want to me alone.
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macktheknifespy · 9 years
yourmajestyfish said: ((the drunken giraffe imagery is so cute omg. him stumbling around after sitting on a low stool))
[ Mackenzie honestly hates his life when he sits on something low, especially the ground, because he will require help getting up. He needs the assistance of people, furniture, a wall--something--to even manage the feat.
Poor spindly boy. ]
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!!!!! ✘✘✘✘✘✘ have fun friend!!
Send “✘” for a headcanon of my muse.
✘  -  Evette has a very difficult time controling herself around people who are known domestic abusers. Domestic violence in the one thing that Evette will kill--and has killed--for because she has absolutely no tolerance for domestic abusers. It was because of an incident involving a close family friend that got The Industries attention that eventually lead to her gaining employment.
✘  -  Due to her dyscalculia, she keeps measuring spoons and cups with her for the kitchens on base and at home. She has certain sets so, if she is having a difficult time, she can go off by color. For example, say she is doubling a recipe that originally needs 1/4 cup oil and the 1/4 cup measurement is green. She will need 2 greens to double that part of the recipe.
✘  -  She HATES it when people try to pick up the tab when going out. It doesn’t matter if it will make her broke or not, she likes to pick up the tab. Unfortunately most other people take her height into account, take her wallet, and often keeps it above her head so she physically cannot pay the bill.
✘  -  Every time she hears a new bird, she will stop whatever she is doing to cup her ears and listen. If the bird continues and she is in no hurry, she will pinpoint the birds location and find out the species so she could learn how to mimic it’s call.
✘  -  She goes nuts with her Polaroid camera. No one is safe from the contraption and she has at least three photo albums in her room at any given time, often times more.
✘  -  The reason she hates geckos is because at a very young age her Granddad took her to a desert while on a road trip. Looking through a bush for shade, a bunch of small geckos fell onto her and freaked her the hell out and gave her nightmares for weeks.. To this day she has a phobia of geckos.
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somotwrench-blog · 9 years
yourmajestyfish replied to your post: ✘ ✘!
((Ok but does he enjoy tamarind candy? or candied ginger? I must know the thingssss ))
{{ CANDIED GINGER HE LOVES, he tends to pucker his lips when eating sweet things too bc he isn’t very used to them. the ginger’s a lighter sweet taste and if he had it on him, Binh would probably snack on it without realizing. He’s had tamarind candy before as well and will usually save it for special occasions, since he did the same in his youth.
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