medicole26 · 4 years
February 11, 2021
In January, I tried drawing for 30 days and I think I semi improved even though I wasn’t completely consistent. In the past, I always felt that being artistic required talent but now I’m coming to see that hard work can play an even bigger role in this. One of my New Years resolutions is to be more artistic and learn how to draw and here’s my progress:)
I tried drawing for 30 days starting as a complete beginner https://youtu.be/SAV5fiInbXQ
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medicole26 · 4 years
I’ve decided to (keep) using my old, primary blog as my main studyblr so new posts can be found there:)
Picking up from @medicole26
I’ll try to post semi regularly:)
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medicole26 · 4 years
I uploaded a video a while back, one’s about the five things I learned since starting my first semester of college - hope u find it interesting/helpful! https://youtu.be/mq1gPhrDOnc
My First Semester of Med School: my grades + lessons from my first semester at CUHK (zooming) | 2020 https://youtu.be/mq1gPhrDOnc
Btw I’m still pretty new to the YouTube thing and I’m totally open to critiques on how to improve my videos so feel free to dm me!🤗
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medicole26 · 4 years
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28 January, 2021 ft. a pretty sunset from a while back
just set up a bullet journal yesterday, i’ve tried bullet journalling a few times and i keep my spreads pretty practical with minimal/no decorations. using a gridded notebook this time instead of a lined notebook liked previous times and i also did everything in black pen. color pens will probably debut in the next spread.
also listening to some educational videos to supplement my lectures on 1.7x speed. really appreciating the applications that let me do this lol
9. how do you keep yourself awake when studying?
listening to music keeps me awake when studying or getting on a voice call with friends, especially when its the night (or the morning of) a deadline. Overall tho, I’ve actually never fallen asleep while studying or reading but that's probably because when i get too tired, i’ll get into bed real quick. 
10. do you / can you study at home? how do you keep yourself focused?
i usually study at home and keeping my phone face down keeps me focused. that plus a nice playlist on spotify played on a low volume.
11. ~winter aesthetic~
lots of scarves, thick jackets, heater at the foot of the bed, leggings, warm cookies and brownies, and seeing my breath in the cold air on new years eve
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medicole26 · 4 years
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27 January, 2021
Spent today attending lectures and tutorials, and catching up on one psych class that i missed. attended a live lecture all the way through instead of listening to the recording this time and i have mixed feelings about doing this.
6. are you an early bird or a night owl?
definitely an early bird - on most days, i can’t even sleep past 8:00am and its the most annoying thing ever, especially when if i slept late the night before. on the bright side, i’ve never struggled with waking up to my alarm:)
7. after you’ve finished using your notes, like after the exam, what do you do with them?
usually, if it’s after an exam that i did bad on, my notes get banished until i find use for them in a possible future. If i did well on my exam, then the notes are nicely organized in the respective subject’s binder or folder. these two scenarios aren’t always the case but its a good generalization for me.
8. opinion on snow??
beautiful from a warm, safe distance; enchanting and evil close up. it really just depends if i’m dressed up warmly enough to face the snow. 
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medicole26 · 4 years
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26 January, 2021
5. why did you choose your major, or if you’re still in the process of choosing (or if you haven’t even started), what’s your thought process in choosing one?
In the past, I wanted to do medicine and become a doctor because it was kinda the default for me (this sounds really bad but I’m gonna be honest). I had the grades and Iiked the stability that medicine would offer since I would know exactly what I needed to do, what checkboxes to tick off, how things would eventually turn out if I put in the work.
But things have changed.
Today, I choose to do medical school because of my previous experiences with doctors (both good and bad), the help and support I’ve received, and I hope to touch my patients lives the same way my doctor has touched mine.
Ft. My school’s medbear
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medicole26 · 4 years
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4. tv shows / movies you’re watching right now?
- nope, haven’t really been watching anything but a few of my favorite tv series aka Chinese dramas are
1. 知否知否应是绿肥红瘦 (The Story of Minglan)
2. 外科风云 (Surgeons)
3. 传闻中的陈芊芊 (The Romance of Tiger and Rose)
4. And Sherlock of course:)
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medicole26 · 4 years
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3. do you tend to make new year’s resolutions? how well has that gone for you in the past?
I don’t tend to set new year’s resolutions but I’ve tried a few times in the past and failed. This year, I’m trying again and this time, I’m aiming for success.
I find that setting resolutions for the year feel to abstract for me so instead, I’ll focus more on what goals I have for the month. This year I did write down a couple of general goals for the whole year but more importantly, I’ve broken it down into what I want to accomplish in the month of January which makes it easier for me to focus on what I should be doing.
One goal I have for the year is to read 44 books. I’m aiming to read more non fiction and I’ve been mainly listening to audiobooks on walks. I also love using my kindle because it’s convenient and easy on the eyes.
Book recs anyone?
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medicole26 · 4 years
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25 Jan, 2020
Blitzing some psych lectures on 1.5x speed which actually makes me more motivated to watch my recorded lectures because I can tell myself that I’ll make a 90 minute lecture much shorter:)
2. how are you balancing the holidays and your studies?
Usually, I tend to just totally flop on the holidays in terms of studying. Exams are held before holidays so during the holidays, the motivation to study basically evaporated and I just treat myself by taking a nice break during the holidays after that intense period of cramming studying.
However, if it’s the holiday AND I’ve got important exams coming up, I try to carve out chunks of time dedicated to hard core studying in the mornings so that I can enjoy time with family in the afternoon. Alternatively, I’ll end up just chilling in the beginning and procrastinating till there’s two days left of break and then I’ll start focusing a lot on my studies.
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medicole26 · 4 years
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Here is my brand new challenge! I hope that you will all enjoy taking part in this challenge <3
This challenge will begin on the 1st October 2020 and will run for the entire month
HOWEVER! My plan for this challenge is also that it can be done at any time (like the 100 days of productivity challenge for example), so although it will be officially starting then (and that is when I will be doing it) you can start it at any time
There are 31 prompts - one for each day of the month
If you do the challenge, use the tag #studyblr community challenge so i can track the posts and see what you are all posting (and so others can see as well!)
Days 1 -14 are essentially a way to introduce yourself to the community and to find out about the person behind the blog!
Days 15 -28 are what really excite me about this challenge! Essentially, my initial idea was to do an ‘appreciation challenge’ and so these days are essentially this idea within the larger challenge. It is an opportunity to tag studyblrs that you love and let them know that you appreciate them 
The final three days of the challenge are about reflection and looking at yourself positively.  
As the name suggests, I want this challenge to be about community 
Studyblr has personally helped me so much and I’ve met some incredible people and I thought this challenge would be a good way to bring the community closer 
When I was creating this challenge, I tried to keep in mind new studyblrs. I think that it is a good way of introducing yourself and getting involved in the community, as well as having things to post, if you have just started! It could also be a good way for people to find your blog!
That said, if you have been in studyblr for a while (for example, like me!), this challenge is definitely still for you! I think it will be a good way for your followers to find out more about you and to discover some new blogs!
Overall, I hope that this challenge will promote positivity, appreciation and productivity
If you want to do this challenge, please reblog this post
There are daily prompts for 31 days but challenges should never be a burden so you can post as frequently as you like/are able to 
When tagging, please do not spam people. Tag someone different for each day so we can share the love. 
I would suggest only tagging 1 person for each of the days but I understand that it could be a hard choice for some days. Therefore, I would say that a maximum of 3 people can be tagged for each of the days. 
Please be respectful. Some of the prompts are asking about personal opinions and you might disagree, but make sure to remember that everyone has had different experiences and the questions are designed to promote the sharing of ideas. 
Day 1 - Introduce yourself and tell us what you study!
Day 2 - Explain your studyblr URL! 
Day 3 - Why did you create your studyblr?
Day 4 - How long have you had a studyblr?
Day 5 - Have you ever done a challenge before?
Day 6 - Why did you decide to do this challenge and what is your goal?
Day 7 - What is your goal for your studyblr for the next few months?
Day 8 - What is the best thing about studyblr in your opinion?
Day 9 - What is the worst thing about studyblr in your opinion?
Day 10 - What is one thing you wished you could change about studyblr?
Day 11 - What is something that you have learnt from studyblr?
Day 12 - How much time do you spend on studyblr per day on average?
Day 13 - Do you have an ‘aesthetic’? If yes, what is it?
Day 14 - What are some of your study essentials?
Day 15 - Tag someone you look up to
Day 16 - Tag someone who has beautiful handwriting 
Day 17 - Tag someone who you think is really kind
Day 18 - Tag someone who makes you think more deeply about things
Day 19 - Tag someone you are grateful to have met
Day 20 - Tag someone who has a lovely aesthetic
Day 21 - Tag someone you think works really hard and deserves appreciation
Day 22 - Tag someone who makes you smile
Day 23 - Tag someone whose blog you always check 
Day 24 - Tag someone who posts the best text posts
Day 25 - Tag someone who gives good advice
Day 26 - Tag someone who you would like to get to know
Day 27 - Tag someone who makes you laugh 
Day 28 - Tag someone who you think everyone should follow
Day 29 - What are three things that you are proud of?
Day 30 - What are three things about yourself that you love?
Day 31 - What are three things that inspire you? 
I really hope you will all get involved and if you have any questions, please feel free to send me an ask!
Keep reading
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medicole26 · 4 years
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1. what did you achieve last year? what are you setting out to achieve this month? this year?
Got into my basically dream university and it was totally unexpected. Also survived through some personally and mentally tough times and I think it’s really true that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
On a lighter note, I hope to improve my drawing skills this month (at the time of posting, I’d liked to say that my skills have semi-improved). Also looking to read more, especially non-fiction, so drop me some book recommendations!
This year, my goal is to pick one thing, one activity or hobby or pursuit, and stick to it firmly, working on it consistently to come out the other end feeling like I made 2021 meaningful.
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medicole26 · 4 years
Wish I discovered this earlier so that I start from the beginning of January but better late than never:D
time to cram; I’ve had too much experience with that haha
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hey guys :) as promised, a january study challenge! I’m hoping this time I’ll be able to stick through the whole thing lol. don’t forget to tag it #stu-dna challenge so I can see what you guys post!
what did you achieve last year? what are you setting out to achieve this month? this year?
how are you balancing the holidays and your studies?
do you tend to make new year’s resolutions? how well has that gone for you in the past?
tv shows / movies you’re watching right now?
why did you choose your major, or if you’re still in the process of choosing (or if you haven’t even started), what’s your thought process in choosing one?
are you an early bird or a night owl?
after you’ve finished using your notes, like after the exam, what do you do with them?
opinion on snow??
how do you keep yourself awake when studying?
do you / can you study at home? how do you keep yourself focused?
~winter aesthetic~
do you listen to music when studying? show us your top 3 study songs or favourite study playlist!
how do you deal with stress?
show us how you keep cosy in the cold months!
halfway—did you make any / have you kept up with your new years resolutions?
what’s in your bag / backpack?
what does home mean to you?
food while studying?
show us your planning system!
favourite hot drink? recipe pls ;)
can you play any instruments? how long have you been playing?
do you use colour-coding? explain your system!
if you could travel anywhere, regardless of money or other limitations, where would you go? what would you do?
what’s on your desk? do you function best in a tidy or a messy space?
what’s your go-to study method? are there cases in which you wouldn’t use it?
what’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make?
study in groups or study alone?
do you like the cold? what are your favourite winter activities?
do you have any hobbies?
how do you plan for the next month? anything fun happening in february?
reflect on how it went & what could have gone better. have you improved anything about yourself this month?
have fun :) xxx
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medicole26 · 4 years
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january 10, 2021
throwback to some old photo manipulation, followed a cool youtube tutorial on using photoshop, definitely something I want to do more of this year:)
Link to tutorial
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