Item #: SCP-141
Object Class: Safe Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Each anomalous individual is to be kept in a single cell separate not within 200 ft of another. Each cell is to be outfitted with simple living arrangements and entertainment is to be provided upon request. Each cell is to be made of reinforced concrete with a single titanium locked door leading out of the cell. SCP-141 a-d should be mixed in among other safe or neutralized SCPs in order to prevent attempts to use said SCPs as weapons.
It is recommended that testing requests be made to SCP-141-a, which appears to be the leader of the group. If approval is granted SCP-141 a-d will be removed from their cells and transported to a separate testing chamber of no more than 12x12m. This meeting chamber is to have no outside tools or instruments brought into it or left within at such times as SCP-141 is present within it. Absolutely no weapons are to be within range of SCP-141 a-d, and security personnel is recommended to be in plain clothes.
The individuals which make up SCP-141 are not to be exposed to each other for more than five minutes before the individual needed for testing is removed to a separate chamber and the rest are returned to their rooms.
SCP-141 a-d are generally considered reasonable and will not become violent unless provoked. However, if threatened special containment procedures must be followed to prevent any major destruction from taking place. Specifically, the removal of all weaponry, electronics, and chemicals from the area. All anomalous individuals must be separated and kept under strict containment in blast proof cells until anomalous effects wear off. *
SCP-141 a-d have been outfitted with tracker bands and allowed to resume normal operations under close supervision. **
SCP-141 a-d have been chipped, and are currently being tracked via satellite. They will check in once every ⬛⬛⬛ months with approximate location and will report any other anomalous entities they come into contact with. Do not attempt to apprehend.
Description: SCP-141 is an anomalous gathering of soldiers which, when brought within 50m of each other seems to activate the individuals own anomalous properties. Anomalies disappear within ⬛⬛ hours of separation. Individuals generally appear unaware of their anomalies and report no noticeable changes between entering SCP-141 and leaving it. SCP-141 is made up of 4 5 separate anomalous entities and functions as a military task force. SCP-141 will take on assigned tasks and missions as a military task force if allowed to.
Currently SCP-141 is in ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ attempting to take down the ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ cartel. To date SCP-141 has aided in the capture of ⬛⬛ anomalous individuals/objects.
SCP-141-a: Captain John Price. SCP-141-a is an anomalous individual from Liverpool displaying an the ability to ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛. In testing SCP-141-a was able to ⬛⬛⬛ with both precision and speed. SCP-141-a has demonstrated an secondary anomalous ability to manipulate individuals into giving information and aid. Conversation between SCP-141-a and all personnel is to be closely monitored and aborted should personnel interacting with SCP-141-a be suspected of shifting loyalties or brainwashing.
SCP-141-a seems both aware of the anomalous properties of the group and willing to use them for what he calls "the greater good".
Note: SCP-141-a has demonstrated an increased tension around testing recently, as well as a sharp increase in willingness to subject the other members of SCP-141 to testing. Note 2: SCP-141-a is not to be trusted with information regarding Site ⬛⬛ operating procedures or personnel. Note 2a: Who the fuck is giving SCP-141-a information?
SCP-141-b: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. SCP-141-b is an anomalous individual from London displaying memetic properties which convince anyone talking to him that they've known him for years. D class personnel exposed to SCP-141-b for an extended period of time are able to recall false memories of him from various points in their life, as well as give general descriptions of SCP-141-b's likes and dislikes. SCP-141-b seems unaware but unbothered by this and will simply nod politely when the fictional memories are brought up. When asked about any relation later SCP-141-b will claim he has "never met them in his life," but that they "seemed nice enough."
-SCP-141-b Research Logs-
SCP-141-c: John "Soap" Mactavish. SCP-141-c is an anomalous individual from Glasgow displaying an anomalous understanding of weaponry and physics, which he is unable to replicate outside of the group. When grouped into SCP-141 he is able to disassemble and reassemble weapons into different functions, replacing and substituting parts between weapons. His understanding of physics while within SCP-141 seems to function outside of normal understanding. He appears to make up rules as he goes along, and is able to follow them even when they go against established laws of physics. Researchers attempting to follow steps SCP-141-c outlined are unable to replicate his results. Normal physics and mechanics apply when SCP-141-c is outside of the group.
-SCP-141-c Research Logs-
SCP-141-d: ⬛⬛⬛ "Ghost" ⬛⬛⬛. SCP-141-d is an anomalous individual from Manchester, England. He is unable to be photographed, and will not show up in photos taken of him.
-SCP-141-d Research Logs-
Note: SCP-141-d's inability to show up in photos seems to be a secondary anomalous property. Given the recent break out of SCP-141 from Site ⬛⬛ as well as the observations gained from new containment procedures it is theorized that SCP-141-d is unable to die. SCP-141-d appears to be able to take massive amounts of lethal damage without flinching. Secondary effect SCP-141-d-a allows any member of SCP-141 to heal SCP-141-d using basic first aid. Note 2: How the fuck is this guy still walking. Note 3: Please keep all notes to observations only.
SCP-141-e: SCP-141-e is an unknown anomalous entity which seems to share a psychic link to SCP-141-a and is able to communicate information to SCP-141-a. SCP-141-a refers only to this entity as "Laswell" and cannot be persuaded to share further details. SCP-141-e seems to give SCP-141-a orders, and has an almost omniscient understanding of situations and enemies that SCP-141 may come across.
-SCP-141-e Research Log-
*Following SCP-141's recent escape and the loss of several personnel containment procedures must be revisited.
**Someone bring these assholes in and tell them to stop taking off their fucking arm bands or we're going to chip them.
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the real reason why they don't let Minthara enter the Underdark
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I'm trying to get better at writing. If you want to send a request, I'll do just about anything. I'm open
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I'm supposed to be writing! Not booping people I don't know! Damn you Tumblr!
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For Boop-Badges Collectors
Rough estimate: It's possible to reach 1000 boops in less than 2 hours (took me 1:30h), if you got some people to spam it to.
If you are a blog where people can spam boop's to, reblog this.
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New Book
Why Did I Say Yes… 
Chapter One
A little word of advice, if one of your dumb ass friends invites you to explore an abandoned mansion, tell them to suck it. If I had had the balls to do that, I wouldn't be in this situation. Running from a pissed off, midieval, nobel vampire isn’t how I would like to spend my Tuesdays, but here we are. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, so lets rewind a little
Hello, I’m Catherine Blane, I’m 23 and way to old to be doing dumb shit like this. Or, at least I thought I was. 
Two Hours Ago
“Come on Cath! You never do fun stuff with us anymore!” cried the blond. I glared over at her hard as I picked up the plates on the table.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t consider breaking into someones home fun. Also, Jenna, I’m working. If you could hold down a job for more then a few weeks you would know something about that.” I huffed as I turned from the table with several plates in my hand. Jenna Dunstock was my best friend… well former best friend. Jenna was definitely something special. I stopped hanging out with her after her second D.U.I. but that never stopped her from trying to hang out with me. I never understood why though, we were polar opposites. Jenna was wild and fun-loving, never afraid to go insane and break something... or someone. She was bright, airy, and kind of unbalanced. Everyone in our small town knew that. She did what she wanted when she wanted to, and no one could stop her. And right now she wanted me to drive her up to Witherthorn Manor, a local legend for the kids in the area. It was mostly visited by teenagers looking for a place to smoke.
“C’mon, Catherine! Don’t you want to have some fun? Don't you feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins and the thrill of doing something forbidden?” She exclaimed, with a wide grin on her face. Her bright curls bounced down the edges of her chin as she leaned closer, and her green eyes pleaded with me to listen to her.
"No Jenna! I have work to do, and I don't get off until nine. What, are you seriously expecting me to drive you to an abandoned mansion because you want to 'have some fun?'" I snapped. I glared at Jenna with an unamused expression.
"Ugh, come on, you're no fun!" she exclaimed, as she let out a loud groan. "Why can't you just relax a bit? It's not that serious. We're just taking a walk around an abandoned mansion. Like, what's the worst that could happen?"
"No way in hell I'm going! We aren't kids anymore." I hissed. "We have adult responsibilities, and I'm sure as hell not going to spend the evening getting slapped with charges for breaking and entering!" Then, I paused as memories of Daisy flooded back into my mind. She was only 12 when she went missing there. That tragedy shook our community hard, and I'm not going to risk bringing up old trauma, either. "That place is haunted, anyways - remember Daisy?"
Jenna flinched when I mentioned Daisy's name. She wasn't one to show much emotion, usually. But when it came to Daisy’s case, she always took it seriously. Because it's not something you forget. It's not something you can just pretend never happened.
“I remember,” she sighed, looking down at the ground. “But that was years ago. Just because something tragic happened there years ago doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen again.”
"Look..." I sighed, frustrated and impatient. "Just drop it already. There are tons of places in town to hang out, so who cares about that stupid, run-down old house anyway? Besides, I don't even have the gas money to drive all the way out there," I added with an annoyed roll of my eyes.
"Please, Catherine..." Jenna's green eyes pleaded. "Just let me have this. I'm tired of doing nothing in this boring old town. That place is the perfect opportunity for some fun and excitement. Don't you want to relive the glory days? You know, back when we all had fun and weren't so stressed about adult stuff?"
I sat down across from her, irritated and frustrated with the whole situation. "Fine," I snapped, pointing a finger at her. "But you're paying me for gas if I have to take you all the way there. Got it?"
Jenna grinned, satisfied with the compromise. "Hell yeah! Now we're talking!" She exclaimed, her bright energy contagious. "I'll get everyone else. Do you think Nick and Sarah would want to ride along? They've been itching for something exciting too."
"Dude!" I hissed, annoyed and agitated. "Nick is a total creep, and he's not getting in my car. I'll gladly give Sarah a ride, but don't even think about inviting him." I stood up sharply, ready to get back to work and leave this dumb conversation behind.
"Pfft, whatever." Jenna shrugged. "I'll just tell him to meet us there so he doesn't have to bug you during the ride." She smirked mischievously as she started to walk away, waving me off with a dramatic "Later!"
"No, no, no, wait!" I yelled after her, but I watched as she walked out the door. I groaned and turned to finish my shift
An Hour Later
Driving up the steep mountain in a tiny ass Honda Civic wasn’t my idea of a fun night. My head was pounding from the loud music blaring out of the one working speaker as Jenna and Sarah sang along. It was some popular song that always seemed to play on the radio, but I didn’t care enough to learn the name. I winced as Sarah failed to hit a high note in the song
“Okay! No more music!” I yelled over the blaring song as I hit the power button on the radio. Twin groans of disapproval met me and I gripped the steering wheel harder.
“Cathy you really are no fun…” complained Jenna as she slumped back in the passenger seat.
“Jen… Suck my dick. I’m trying to focus on not killing us.” I explained as I leaned forward, trying to see better in the pitch black that my headlights didn’t seem to touch. The road was long and winding, seemingly going on forever. With no warning it would go into hairpin turns with sheer drop offs on one side.
“Thanks for driving us Cath. It really means a lot.” came Sarahs voice from the back of the car. Sarah Conners was a friend of Jenna’s, I didn’t really know a lot about her, but I knew she was polite. And that was enough for me.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome…” I mumbled as I slowed the car to a stop outside of a large, ornate wrought iron gate. I let out a low whistle as I put the car in park. The gate loomed overhead, standing at a colossal twelve feet in height. Instead of looking worn from age, it appeared as strong as the day it was forged. A large "D" had been cast into the center, and it too seemed to have no signs of aging either. I slowly opened the door of my car to get out and inspect it, along with the other two in the car.
“Oh my God…” I heard Sarah whisper, and I was right there with her. The gate was impressive… and locked. I watched as Jenna tugged on the gate only to come way disappointed. 
“What? This isn’t supposed to be closed!” Jenna cried as she pulled harder. “Nick said that he was already here and he left the gate open!” My eyebrows scrunched as a bad feeling settled in my gut. Nick wasn’t known for playing pranks or making jokes like this, sure he was a perv but he wasn’t a liar.
“Maybe we should go, I don’t even see his car.” I said as I gazed through the bars of the fence. The overgrown grounds were dotted with haunting trees and crumbling statues. Dense vines crawled up the trees, almost as if they were trying to strangle what little life they had left. The statues weren’t in better shape, they were seemingly randomly scattered around the desolate grounds and they to were choked with plant life. I could barely make out the mansion from this distance but there wasn’t a car in sight.
“No, Nick said he was here.” I turned to look at Jenna only to gasp as I watched her climb the fence
“Jenna are you insane! Get down from there! You’re going to break something or get Tetanus!” I hissed at her as she climbed higher. Sarah followed her lead and started to climb aheres well. “Jenna Dunstock get your ass down right this instant or I swear to God I’ll leave you here!”
“If you’re going to be a baby then you can stay here.” Jenna laughed as she topped the gate and started down the other side. Sarah shot me a small smile as she also rounded the top of the fence. I paced back and forth as they dropped to the ground
“Jenna you have done a lot of dumb shit in your life but this one takes the fucking cake! You’re going to get murdered or something in there and I’m not going to feel bad about it at all!” I yelled as I stormed back to my car. I opened the door and slid into the seat as I watched Jenna flip me off from behind the gate. I scowled and flipped her off right back as I started the car… only to have the engine not turn over. “What..? No… No, no, no. no don’t do this to me now.” I pleaded with the car as I tried it again. Nothing. I groaned and dropped my head onto the wheel. When I looked up Jenna was gone but Sarah was still standing at the gate looking concerned.
“Everything okay?” I could barely hear her say before I grabbed my bag and got out of the car
“No, my car won’t start.” I growled as I kicked the tire. No tow truck company would even think about coming all the way out here to tow an almost 13 year old car. I turned to the gate and grabbed the iron to start climbing, only to have it open with a slight push. “Huh… I though Jenna tried to open it and it wouldn’t… strange…” I mumbled as I walked through.
“She did, and so did I. Maybe you’re magic!” She giggled. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and closed the gate behind me
“Whatever. Where did she go anyway?” I asked as I threw my bag over my shoulder. I looked around the creepy grounds and shuddered in the cool fall air. I should have brought a jacket.
“She said she was heading to the house because thats where Nick was.” Sarah replied as she zipped up her coat.
“Damnit. I hate that guy…” I growled lowly as I started walking. I kept my gaze on the ground to keep from tripping and breaking something, that would be the last thing I needed. The loose gravel crunched under my weight as I stepped over some vines. Everything was overgrown and unkempt. Well… I guess I shouldn’t complain, no ones lived here for almost a decade now, so there wasn’t anyone to take care of the place. After almost 15 minutes of walking we finally reached the front porch. The first step was broken but the rest seemed fine. I hesitantly put my weight on the stair and tested it before slowly ascending to the porch. Cobwebs covered almost every surface I looked. I waved my hand to break some of the strands in my way as I got closer to the door.
“Wow… this place is beautiful!” exclaimed Sarah as she looked up. I turned my gaze upwards to look at the building. The mansion loomed over the surrounding landscape like a brooding titan, its Gothic architecture casting long, ominous shadows that stretched across the desolate grounds. The stone exterior, once pristine and imposing, was now worn and weathered by time, its surface marred by cracks that spiderwebbed across its surface like veins of decay.
“Maybe if it wasn’t so run down. But come on, we need to find Jenna. Who knows what trouble shes got herself into.” I huffed as I turned back to the door and tested the knob. Surprisingly the door swung open with hardly any force, the hinges didn’t even creak as it swung open. I blinked before slowly walking inside. Dust covered every surface in thick layers. The carpet was a dark red color and surprisingly cushy as I stepped on it. To my left was a grand marble staircase that spiraled upwards towards the upper levels of the manor, its ornate banisters were coated in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs. To your right, a series of closed doors line the walls, their surfaces adorned with intricate carvings and ornate embellishments. I gave a whistle as I looked up at the far end of the foyer, a massive chandelier hung suspended from the ceiling, its once-gleaming crystals now dull and lifeless, casting feeble shards of light that flicker and dance across the walls.
“Holy shit… this place is amazing,” I heard Sarah say from behind me. I couldn’t help but nod in agreement. This place seemed to have been ripped right out of a novel or something. I couldn’t help but shudder as another feeling of unease settled deep in my stomach. Something wasn’t right here
“Jenna! Jenna where are you?” I called out to the empty room as I moved further into the manor. I opened the door on my right to what looked like a formal sitting room. The air was thick with the smell of dust and old wood. I squinted my eyes as I pulled my phone out and turned on the flashlight. I moved the beam around the room to get a better look at everything. The first thing I came across was a couch set that was draped in cloth that may have been white at one point. In one corner of the room sat a once grand piano. It to was covered in a layer of dust along with several pieces of sheet music that the ink had long faded on. The floor creaked underneath me as I turned to look at the large fireplace that covered a good portion of the wall. The decorations had long since rusted and the ash settled, a slight cool breeze could be felt from the chimney. I glanced over at Sarah who stood next to me.
“Look.” She said as she reached up above the fire place. I pointed my flashlight up just in time to watch her pull a sheet off of something on the wall. I immediately started sneezing and coughing from the large amount of dust that came down with the sheet. It took a few minutes before I was able to look up through watering eyes at the portrait. It had slightly yellowed with age but the painting was still breathtaking. The subjects were a young couple. One was a man with a hauntingly handsome visage, sharp, chiseled features and piercing blue eyes that seem to glimmer with an otherworldly intensity. His dark hair fell in tousled waves around his angular face, framing his pale complexion like a veil of shadows. He was clad in a tailored suit of deep crimson and midnight black. He stood with an air of aristocratic grace, his very portrait exuding an aura of power and mystery. The woman in the painting was sat in an ornate chair that just screamed wealth. Her features were unremarkable at first glance, with a thin face that was framed by a mane of dark chestnut hair that was pulled back in a complex bun. Her steel-gray eyes held a steely determination, but also betrayed traces of the fear that lurked beneath her stoic facade. She was dressing in Victorian mourning dress and held a black hat in her hand.
“Catherine, she looks like you.” Sarah said as she glanced between me and the portrait.
“W-What? No, you’re insane. This painting is at least a hundred years old, its just some freaky coincidence.” I mumbled as I stood on my tip toes to get a better look at the painting. I barely caught sight of the plaque at the bottom of the frame, “Darkwood… I wonder if that’s their name.” I said to myself. I went to step back when suddenly a loud scream erupted from behind us.
“Jenna!” Sarah yelled back as she took off in the direction of the sound, and I wasn’t far behind her.
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This user supports AO3
This user is anti-censorship
This user believes in “don’t like, don’t read”
This user believes in “ship and let ship”
This user believes that fiction tastes and preferences do not dictate moral character
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Sometimes I just wanna be a cat and roll in some chalk
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Author: you can read this in two hours
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my mental health is plummeting so I brought back some old blorbos of mine
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[id: a light green userbox with a pastel green border, and pastel green text that reads “this user’s comfort character is korekiyo shinguji.” on the left is an image of korekiyo shinguji from danganronpa v3 killing harmony. /end id]
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in case it hasn’t been clear, this blog is firmly and unwaveringly pro-choice.
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