medusalet · 6 years
Tired of fuck wits? I hope everything's okay
I'm hoping it'll blow over soon. Im trying not to launch myself into the drama, but it's hurting someone I care about and I'm itching for a fight.
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medusalet · 6 years
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If looks could kill
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medusalet · 6 years
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Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England
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medusalet · 6 years
Stop Eurocentrism In Polytheism 2k18
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medusalet · 6 years
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d e t a c h m e n t 
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medusalet · 6 years
Witchy PSA
Friendly reminder that Austin Spare, credited with developing modern sigil techniques and considered one of the founders of chaos magick, was totally wild and kept a pack of equally-interesting cats and kittens around that he cared for while doing random paintings and studying magicks. 
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medusalet · 6 years
oh man I just want to move away to a cottage in a forest where it rains near-constantly
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medusalet · 6 years
listen, if someone is scared that their protection magic won’t work, telling them “it’s all about intent!” isn’t going to help. protection magic goes directly against other entities’ power — i can intend all i want but if they’re stronger than i am that does fuck all
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medusalet · 6 years
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Sneakily harvested a bunch of lavender from my neighbour. Made a bed of lavender for my sleep poppet, threw in some bay leaves and rose quartz for good measure. Gonna have sweet dreams 😴✨🌿
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medusalet · 6 years
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In anything..
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medusalet · 6 years
Don't know if magick
I was traveling home, made it to my bike. Helmet & high vis on, all the usuals. Key in hand, I attempted to unlock my bike's D-lock. It didn't budge. The key got stuck half way. Small catch of panic in the back of my throat, try again, still not working. Messaging house mates to bitch and figure out what to do, all the while I'm re-positioning the lock and trying to get it to just work already. Turns out housemates are too baked to drive. Anyone watching the security feed probs thinks I'm trying to steal the bike. It's cold, I'm stressed and getting this fucker unlocked is the only way I'm getting home short of an hour walk.
I take a moment to breath. Then whisper, "universe I really need this", and try the lock again fresh. That bitch unlocks smooth and without hesitation. I gratefully make it home without freezing. Shifty eyes at magick or not the whole way.
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medusalet · 6 years
Me, a baby witch, just starting to practice: I have no clue what I’m doing
Me now, having practiced for almost 2 years and having refined my craft to what I want it to be: I still have no clue what I’m doing but I have a bunch of candles and a tarot deck
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medusalet · 6 years
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medusalet · 6 years
Me: *gossips with spirits* witchy
Me: *argues with a deck of cards* witchy
Me: *points aggresively as I enchant something* wiTchY
Me: *downs three cups of tea* WITChy
Me: *screams at the forest* WITCHYFKJSJFKAKFKSKFKA
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medusalet · 6 years
Guess I'm using this full moon eclipse to curse a bike thief.
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medusalet · 6 years
An attempt in ethical love spells
I cast a love spell to encourage the pursuit of mutual desire last week. The sigil has been traveling with me since then but I think I need to end the work for now.
The spell worked, hands down. Most things are going great, I've really felt validated to flirt and chase my whims where they're reciprocated, and gotten great responses.
It's also highlighted where desires are not mutual, and boy has that been hard to acknowledge. Least I know what to stop wasting time on now.
The intent you set is what you get. Even when its not what you had in mind.
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medusalet · 6 years
In a society where naked bodies are sexualized and objectified, ritual nudity wherein the bodies of the participants are not, but held as sacred, becomes a transgressive and countercultural act.
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