meekelnyan · 2 years
Assignment 3 playtesting
For playtesting we have tried out the level ourselves and also let other people to play as well.
one of the problems we first found was that the traps were too hard to dodge. this makes it frustrating to get past a certain area. we have made adjustments to many traps to make sure that it wasn't too hard.
another problem is that it was possible for the player to dash through walls. this made certain areas accesible despite not being intended for access. we have since removed that effect.
more will come soon.
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Assignment 3 Development progress
For assignment 3 we are required to form groups and make a game prototype together. our group has decided to make a game similar to metroidvania.
we agreed that the game should be a medieval style with melee based attacks because the hitboxes are easier to implement than projectiles.
I have designed platforms that moved on their own as well as platforms that would move when the player steps on it
In the coming weeks we will finish the some of the many levels and start playtesting the game
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Racing game postmortem
Redevelop thoughts
Next time I should consider making the camera follow the player character and not constrain myself into a small area
Design thoughts
It is really hard to control the player character without crashing into walls. It’s also hard to get  yourself out of the wall when you crash
This game is bad
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Racing game development post 2 – insights
What I learned
That it is hard to make a small course that can fit into one screen because the physics make the car accelerate too fast
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Racing game development post 1 – progress
This post is a progress report on the development of the prototype racing game
During the development of the racing game I have learned a bit about how to recreate standard gameplay features that most classic racing games have.
Car Acceleration
I looked around the internet and I found a way to code car movements in a certain manner.
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This is made in a way that even the computer enemies can also use for moving in the game
AI movement
To direct the AI around corners I used this:
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This way I don’t need to code for every single turn and can also lead to randomised AI movement.
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Racing game elevator pitch
This is a 2d racing game that you can play either with the AI or your friends. Play on the go or at school
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Asteroids postmortem
Redevelop thoughts
If I could recreate this game I would create my own sprites as well as increase the size of the game map
Design thoughts
The bullets are too small and its hard to tell where your shots are going.
This is a bad game.
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Asteroids development post 2 – insights
what I learned
After further testing I found that the physics of gdevelop is not well suited to games with small play areas in terms of pixels. The ship ends up moving too fast for very little acceleration.
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Asteroids development post 1 – progress
This post is a progress report on the development of the prototype asteroid game
During the development of asteroids I have learned a bit about how to recreate standard gameplay features that most classic asteroid style games have.
Splitting asteroids
Asteroid splitting after shooting at it is one of the most iconic parts of any asteroids game. I managed to recreate the effect in my prototype.
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This is done by spawning smaller asteroids then deleting the bigger asteroids when a bullet collides with it.
Physics movement
I had tested the physics movement with Gdevelop own physics behavior
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It was hard to bring the ship under control and not spinning wildly but I did it.
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Asteroids elevator pitch
You are a miner out in the middle of space. Every day you must mine a certain amount of asteroids in order to make money. Watch out for space debris from your mining actions, as your ship is very fragile.
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Platformer postmortem
Redevelop thoughts
I would have changed the way the player would destroy blocks and enemies by making a dedicated attack button.
Design thoughts
The prototype could be expanded to have multiple levels and I could create more varieties of enemies.
This game is a very rushed game and not very well made despite the interesting plot idea.
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Platformer Development post 2 – insights
What I learned
I found out that there are free use sprites available for me to download after I finished draeing all the sprites. The free sprites may conflict with my drawing style however, so I decided not to change any sprites.
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Platformer Development post 1 - progress
This post is a progress report on the development of the prototype platformer
During the development of the platformer I have learned a bit about how to recreate standard gameplay features that most classic platformers have.
Enemy movement
Enemy movement was done by making the enemy collide with two different sprites. The two sprites are designed differently to differentiate the direction the enemy would move when they collide.
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The sprites can be hidden when the game starts so they won’t show up when playing the game. This method can also be used for moving platforms and items.
Interactive blocks
Blocks that the player can interact with are common within many games, thus I included a special grey coloured block representing concrete that can be destroyed by doing certain actions
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This increases the playability of the game by introducing obstacles and encourages the player to explore.
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Elevator pitch for a platformer
Name: Jumping Jacks
Pitch: You wake up one day and find that you have somehow become a Jackhammer! what's worse, you are surrounded by very angry bricks trying to hurt you! Find a way to escape the mob in this new construction themed platformer!
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meekelnyan · 2 years
Introductory post
Hello. My name is Michael Leung and I am a University student currently studying games design. I have created this account as a way to record my game design adventure throughout my time in university.
I enjoy playing strategy games and sandbox games such as minecraft and fire emblem. I really like how I can take my time and think whilst I play these games.
I'm very excited to see where this will lead me to in the future
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