meeshcraft · 2 years
Candle Magic Omens
If you are doing candle magic, watch for omens that may predict the success of your spell:
Tall, strong flame - your spell is empowered and getting through, it will work very well
Flickering, unsteady flame - your spell is having trouble manifesting your results
Dancing, wild flame - get ready for the roller coaster ride
Normal flame - things are working as expected
Small, blue flame - your spell is not getting through, prepare a backup plan
Crackling, popping flame - your spell may manifest in very unexpected ways
- Tho
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meeshcraft · 2 years
I often see the "How do you know magic works/exists?" question, and here's the thing . . .
As self-absorbed and full of delusions of grandeur as I am, I have no confidence in anything whatsoever because I am a nervous bunny waiting for something to fall out of the sky and kill me. I am anxious and think only the worst will happen and am usually pleasantly surprised because I am all doom all the time.
. . .
But my spells work. Despite me being a complete mess, I perform my spellwork as it is designed and put all of my concentration and focus into the process. And it works out even though I am banshee screeching my doubt and doom song until I see the results.
So . . . there's that.
Keep on keeping on
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meeshcraft · 2 years
Top three components at the end of the poll are the winners and I'll share how/if I think they'd work together, and to what ends
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meeshcraft · 2 years
Square rectangle logic?
All Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccan, or?
But wicca is the religion of witches
1: You're wrong.
2: It's a good thing I'm not a witch then.
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meeshcraft · 2 years
Brigid of Kildare
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Brigid (or Bríd in modern Gaelic) was a 5th century Irish woman who founded a religious community in Kildare, meaning “Chapel of the Oak Groves,” hinting at a pre-Christian, druidic significance to the location. Many scholars posit that Bríd was—before becoming a Christian when she was baptized by St. Patrick—seen as an extension of the Pagan goddess by the same name.
In Pagan Celtic communities, Bríd was associated with the welfare of the tribe in three ways:
She is a banfhile (a female poet) and inspires bards, artists, and communication of all kinds, including that with the Otherworld.
She is a patroness of domestic life, the hearth, and the forge. She’s a consort of smiths, presiding over the making of the weapons that warriors bear and the tools farmers use to work the land.
She is a healer, an herbalist, a purifier of the domestic household, and protector/cleanser in the health-related realm.
In all of Bríd’s roles, fire is one of her main attributes—be it fire of the sun, fire of the forge, or fire of the hearth. Even in her Christian guise at Kildare, she has a perpetual fire burning in her name that is tirelessly watched over by 20 women. Bríd’s fire is life-giving and inspirational, manifesting in two ways: within the land, where it thaws the frozen earth, and within the tribe, fueling all creative endeavors and culture.
Her Correspondences
Bríd’s Domain: Domestic life, the hearth, healing, cleansing, blacksmiths, communication, creativity, bards, and poets.
Bríd’s Plants: The dandelion, a bloom that resembles the sun, has many medicinal properties, with a milky juice in its stalk, representing lactating herd animals, a central theme of Imbolc.
Bríd’s Bird: The Oystercatcher.
Bríd’s Divinatory Animal: The snake, specifically the black adder. In Irish folklore, it is the hedgehog.
Bríd’s Animal: The white cow, which represents her protection of herd animals, one of the most prized possessions in Celtic communities. Ewes, whose milk begins to flow around Imbolc.
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meeshcraft · 2 years
In one of your posts on witchcraft you mentioned being able to identify a legit spell, and forgive me but I'm confused by what that means. Could you elaborate? Apologies if someone's already asked this.
No worries at all! I'm actually going to talk about two different things, because they're related. Thing 1 is recognizing spells that don't work because your craft is different in unreconciliable ways. Thing 2 is recognizing false spells. They're both related to understanding what's "legit", because they tie into identifying what will or won't work, and I want to be clear that just because something won't work for you, doesn't mean it's fake.
Some spells that go into my "wouldn't work" pile are ones that just clash so severely with *my beliefs and practice* that they'd never work *for me*. Not that these arent legit or that they're a fake spell, but it may be written in a way so contrary to your own beliefs that it won't work for you, full stop. A simple example is your culture may associate black with death, and so if you come across a spell to burn a baby blue candle to summon a spirit of a beloved dead, the candle color isn't adding anything to your spell, and if that's the main part of the spell, there's a good chance it won't work for you.
We tend to shy away from saying it but, you can get people posting fake spells too. And obviously even stuff like spells from video games and RPs can serve as influence to create real and functional spells, but not everything labeled a spell is real or functional. If you've seen the "tomato soup sigil" that's the perfect example of how something not even remotely magical can get accepted at face value in occult spaces.
Another example is look for stuff that is 100% impossible. You're not bringing Czar Nicholas back from the dead to reanimate his skeleton and dance to Ra-Ra-Rasputin, and spells saying you can are going in the not legitimate pile. Same for stuff like turning off gravity, making rain fall up, or physically transforming.
This can also extend to unbacked claims against commonly accepted witchcraft practices. If someone says roses are never ever in any tradition to be used for love or beauty magic, I'd put it into the "this person is world building for a story" category.
I'll admit that sometimes, in my own personal and private internal dialog, I'll dismiss a spell as not legit because I recognize it won't work for me, but it is super important to understand the difference between "wouldn't work for me" and "is fake". Especially if you intend to comment on it. Someone working off a different paradigm isn't spreading misinformation or fake spells, they just have a different cultural or personal understanding of how something works in magic.
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meeshcraft · 2 years
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May this manifest wealth, prosperity, and abundance for you.
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meeshcraft · 2 years
are you eating poisons? deadly poisons? and youe didnt share? can i have some of your poisons. Can i have some of your deadly poisons
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meeshcraft · 2 years
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She is magnificent 💜
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meeshcraft · 3 years
January 25th: Burns Night Love-Sweetening Spell
A little Burns for this Valentines Day, anyone?
Ithers seek they ken na what, Features, carriage, and a' that; Gie me love in her I court, Love to love maks a' the sport. Let love sparkle in her e'e; Let her lo'e nae man but me; That's the tocher-gude I prize, There the luver's treasure lies.
Components: Honey, red rose, & jar with a lid.
⋆ Pour honey into the jar.
⋆ Slowly pull petals off of the rose and put them in the jar.
⋆ While you do, say: 
"Our love is sweet, our love is passionate, our love is alive.
 with care and compassion, our love will thrive."
⋆ Once all petals are in, seal and place in your shared space.
[~Quick & Nasty Research under the cut~]
Q&NR -
Honey: earth, feminine; happiness, warmth, heeling, love, encouragement, prosperity, abundance, offering, attraction, sweeten, immortality, binding, fertility, romance, passion, spirituality, stability, cleansing, soothing, purification, communication, community, wisdom.
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Rose: water; feminine; love, friendship, peace, happiness, relationship, secrets, luck, enhancement, protection, romance, healing, growth, security; red rose - love, respect.
Red: fire; passion, courage, creativity, bravery, confidence, health, love, desire, war, power, stability, anger, attraction, burn away, stoppage, blood, life, stamina, summer, protection, energy, happiness, friendship, adventure, ambition, vigor, endurance, violence, purification, joy, luck, fortune, action, birth, change, excitement, celebration, stimulation, will, transformation.
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meeshcraft · 3 years
January 22nd: Banish Your Bad Habits
I want to start with this one, since I did more editing than normal. 
In Wiginton’s original spell, it is suggested that you release helium balloons to rid yourself of your unwanted habits. I can’t have that, so I rewrote it in utilize the similar aspects of fire.
Components: Fire, white chalk, & black paper.
⋆ find a safe place to start a small fire.
⋆ write your habits on pieces of paper
⋆ roll them up and throw them into the fire
⋆ watch them burn away in the power of your will.
⋆ if time permits, allow the fire to burn itself out
⋆ safely put out the fire or embers.
[~Quick & Nasty Research under the cut~]
Q&NR - 
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Fire : change, inner power, reflection, renewal, calming, openness, sharing, relationships, banishing, release, light, warmth, destruction, life. 
Chalk : earth; blessing, success, protection.
Black : banishing, protection, warding, unconsciousness, strength, support, retribution, binding, repelling, reversing, grounding, safety, rebirth, stability, divination. 
White : air, moon, feminine; truth, balance, peace, cleansing, purity, connection, blessing, energy, completeness, unity, grace, forgiveness, healing, soothing, brightness, endings, beginnings, poise, confidence, clarity, inspiration, substitutions. 
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meeshcraft · 3 years
I started working through Wigington’s Daily Spell journal this year.
I am going to start posting my quick and nasty reseach and my spell re-writes.
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meeshcraft · 3 years
Happiness Spell 🍊
Marmalade and magick in a jar that will last throughout winter.
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You'll need:
1.25 kg (Seville) oranges
1.2 kg (normal) sugar
1 lemon
1 l water
jars (the number depends on the size of your jars and how much water evaporates but you probably won't need more than 6 "normal"-sized jars)
(paper and pen)
Before you begin making the marmalade, take a moment to reflect on your intentions (write them down if that is helpful to you).
First, think about some negative aspect that you'd like to avoid. Is it a particular event your not looking forward to? A recent feeling or development? Or something more vague and general, like i.e., the gloominess that often comes with grey winter weather? Why do you perceive it as negative? What is it exactly that is negative/ unpleasant about it?
Then, focus on something positive? Is there any part of the negativity that can be turned into something good? What would that look like? What form would it take? Otherwise, what would be a positive alternative? What is missing to make things go well? What is important for your happiness? What do you wish to bring into your life/ a particular situation?
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Now that your intentions are clear, you can get going...
1. Peel the oranges and lemon and remove the white pith from it. Cut the peels into thin strips - set them aside. Remove the pith from the fruit as well. Over a bowl -to catch the juice - remove the membrane and seeds and set them aside (you'll need them for their pectin). Now you should have three bowls: One with the zest, one with the juice and fruit flesh, and one with the seeds and membrane.
2. Add the zest and enough water to a pot and boil it two or three times (for a few minutes), changing the water every time. As the boiling water is taking away the bitterness of the zest, bring back to your mind whatever bad thing you thought about earlier. Visualise it being in the pot with the zest, being soaked up by the water. And as you pour out the water, all the negativity leaves with it.
3. Add zest, fruit flesh, juice and sugar to a pot and cover them with water. As you wait for the mixture to start boiling, focus on the positivity you set as your intention. Stir sunwise and visualise the good things and happiness you seek to manifest. You may speak them out loud; naming on aspect and thereby "adding" it to the marmalade, then picturing it in your mind while stirring, and moving on to the next aspect.
4. Put the membrane and seeds in a cheese cloth (or something similar) and tie the ends together to make a bag. Once the ingredients in your pot begin to boil, add your pectin bag to the mix.
5. After fifteen minutes you can start testing whether your marmalade is setting (although it will probably take quite some more time). To do so, take a plate (best put it in the fridge before starting to make the marmalade) and drop some marmalade on it. If, after a moment, you can draw a line through the marmalade without it closing again, it is setting.
6. Let the marmalade cool down for five to ten minutes. Then, pour or spoon it into clean (and sterilised) jars. Put on the lids and let it cool down completely.
(If you store the marmalade in your fridge, it is enough if the jars are properly cleaned. If you plan on storing it outside the fridge, I recommend sterilising the jars by leaving them in boiling waters for a few minutes and then letting them air dry on a dish towel.)
Every time you use your marmalade, take a moment to be mindful and to remind yourself of the intentions you put into those jars of happiness.
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meeshcraft · 3 years
Need to charge your crystals but don’t know if the ones you have can be put in the sun?
Put them in a bowl of salt!!
This acts as a double point system, purifying/cleansing your crystal, as well as giving it a little boost of energy!
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meeshcraft · 3 years
Relationship Sweetening Pinterest Cookies
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300 gr all purpose flour for building a good relationship
1egg for protection
200 gr butter for smoothing any conflicts
100 gr sugar for sweetening the love in between
cherry or berry jam for attracting positive emotions (used as topping)
cut cold butter into small pieces and knead your flour with it. make sure the butter gets completely mixed with the flour. whisk your sugar with the egg and add it to the mixture. knead until the dough is smooth and non-sticky, then store in fridge for 1 hour.
afterwards, roll out the dough and cut small circles. use the back of a spoon to create the hears and fill them with your jam of choice.
bake at 180C in a preheated oven for 15 minutes.
Bon Appétit
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meeshcraft · 3 years
Small Witchy Challenges to Reconnect to Your Practice
Sometimes it can be hard to really feel connected to the actual magickal side of being a witch. Personally I’m involved with my deities or other spiritual/personal things 110% of the time but I don’t always feel connected to my actual witchcraft. So here are a few small magickal challenges I thought up to help anyone in a similar situation.
✨ – Set aside a time once a week to burn a candle. Make it a color that connects to whatever aspect of your life you would like insight or growth in and spend 10 minutes watching the flame and opening yourself to whatever it is you’re seeking.
✨ – If you have any books with pre written simple spells in them (most intro to witchcraft books have a section) flip through it and find a spell that calls to you and do it! As written, just to practice getting out of your head and going through the motions of spell work.
✨ – Send out blessings. To your crush. A new friend. Your best friend. Your mom. Whoever.
✨ – Call up your energy into your palms and then place them on your own heart to send yourself love and healing and to connect yourself to your energy.
✨ – Spend some time picturing the kind of witch you wish you were, your ideal witchsona if you will. Then tell yourself that’s exactly who you already are. Keep reminding yourself whenever you feel disconnected from your craft that you are already an unbelievable witch.
✨ – Go back through your old book of shadows/grimoire and reflect on what’s worked for you in the past.
✨ – Wake up and tell yourself first thing “I am a witch. I am magick. My life is full of magick. I see and feel all the magick around me. I am a witch.”
✨ – Pick out outfits or accessories that make you feel witchy. (Bonus points for intentionally planning a super witchy outfit on the full moon)
✨ – Do a spell for anything that’s coming up in your life that you want to work out a certain way, no matter how trivial it seems. Test this week? Do a spell. About to start a work out routine? Do a spell. First date? Spell. Gotta stay on budget grocery shopping? Spell. Your worth it, it’s good practice, and if it all ends up working even better!
✨ – Write down spell ideas as they come to you. Save them as notes in your phone and then come back and flesh them out in your BOS later.
✨ – Come up with your own challenges! If you’d like to share, tag me on your post or send them to me, I’d love to hear your ideas!
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meeshcraft · 3 years
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Spiced Coffee Magickal Pick-Me-Up
as part of personal prep for spellwork/energywork
coffee (grounding, energizing)
cinnamon (physical and magickal energy)
ginger (attraction)
cloves (protection, purification)
nutmeg (meditation, psychic awareness)
add brewed coffee to your spices and stir with intent
note: a lot of spices and herbs will have many correspondences but it's important to be specific with their properties as well as with your intent
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