brookepricer · 4 years
Daily Spell: November 1st
Graveyard Purification Spell
You’ll Need:
Tealight candles
The Day of the Dead, el Dia de los Muertos, is observed on November 1st in many Latino communities. It's a time to honor the departed ancestors with flowers, food, and candles, and families make visits to their local cemeteries to clean headstones and speak to the departed. If your loved ones are buried nearby, this is a good day to do a graveyard purification spell. Use saltwater straight from the ocean, if possible, but if you don't live near the coast, you can make your own by blending sea salt with spring water.
Go to the cemetery where your family members are buried. Tidy up the headstones before you begin by trimming back stray weeds and brushing any dirt from the stones. Place the chrysanthemums and candles besides the headstones. As you light the candles, say “Gone but not forgotten, living on in our memories, remembered in our hearts. By purifying this space as sacred ground, made holy by our love for you, and our remembrance of your spirit.”
Walk in a circle, moving clockwise, saltwater on them around the great if you have multiple relatives buried in adjacent plots, you can make a large circle that includes all of them. After you’ve poured the water, extinguish the candles and tell your family members farewell. Promised to return soon.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington
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mystic-soulsista · 4 years
Shower Spell 1
I love finding ways to make my day more magickal and witchy so I try to come up with spells through out my day. And only the ones I'm sure have worked do I share!! The first time I performed this spell, literally two minutes after I stepped out the shower my husband said " You look clean!" That was my confirmation!!
•a shower
It's a simple spell that doesn't require much!
1) While washing body say:
Wash away down the drain, all the negative energy from the day. 
Repeat 5x
Visualize dirt falling off body down the drain
2)While rinsing soap off say;
Keep me fresh, keep me clean
Repeat 5x
Visual the water is light energy cleaning you
3)While drying off
Now I'm nice
Now I'm clean
White light, please protect me
Repeat 5x
Visual pure bright light energy shinning on you
This is where I would put up a psychic shield around myself. Usually a protection bubble. You can use any shield or ask for protection from you Deity, spirit guides or Angels!!
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reverendmaryemicari · 5 years
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MOON WAXING LEO Movement and power. Claiming rights to your own monarchy. Weed out dissenters. Find the loyal. Don't fall for compliments. See your excellence. Share it. Spells: power, money, fame. Blessings on children. Advancement. Attention. #themagicapothecary #themagicapothecaryspellcraft #dailyspells #moonspells #witchesoffacebook #witchesoftwitter #witchesofinstagram #wiccans https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPwXxNB_fM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19eo5cdizutx1
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meeshcraft · 2 years
January 22nd: Banish Your Bad Habits
I want to start with this one, since I did more editing than normal. 
In Wiginton’s original spell, it is suggested that you release helium balloons to rid yourself of your unwanted habits. I can’t have that, so I rewrote it in utilize the similar aspects of fire.
Components: Fire, white chalk, & black paper.
⋆ find a safe place to start a small fire.
⋆ write your habits on pieces of paper
⋆ roll them up and throw them into the fire
⋆ watch them burn away in the power of your will.
⋆ if time permits, allow the fire to burn itself out
⋆ safely put out the fire or embers.
[~Quick & Nasty Research under the cut~]
Q&NR - 
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Fire : change, inner power, reflection, renewal, calming, openness, sharing, relationships, banishing, release, light, warmth, destruction, life. 
Chalk : earth; blessing, success, protection.
Black : banishing, protection, warding, unconsciousness, strength, support, retribution, binding, repelling, reversing, grounding, safety, rebirth, stability, divination. 
White : air, moon, feminine; truth, balance, peace, cleansing, purity, connection, blessing, energy, completeness, unity, grace, forgiveness, healing, soothing, brightness, endings, beginnings, poise, confidence, clarity, inspiration, substitutions. 
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brookepricer · 4 years
Daily Spell: November 4th
Candle Spell To Balance The Chakras
You’ll Need:
7 Candles in the colors of the rainbow
The Hindu celebration of Diwali begins around this time of year, and it is a spectacular festival of lights. Many people believe that the body contains a series of chakras, or energy vortices, that must remain balanced in order to maintain emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. If you are feeling off-kilter, do this spell to realign your chakras. As you light each candle, save the following:
RED: “I welcome stability and security into my life.”
ORANGE: “I welcome emotional connection into my life.”
YELLOW: “I welcome confidence and power into my life.”
GREEN: “I welcome the ability to give and receive.”
BLUE: “I welcome the ability to communicate effectively.”
INDIGO: “I welcome intuition and wisdom.”
VIOLET: “I welcome my connection to the divine.”
Take a few moments to close your eyes, and think about the significance of these seven aspects of your life. Let the candles burn out on their own, but if you're still feeling out of balance later, repeat the working as often as necessary.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington 
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brookepricer · 4 years
Daily Spell: November 5th
Spell To Eliminate Selfishness
You’ll Need:
A pink candle
An amethyst crystal
Among the Cherokee people, there is a festival held in early November called a Adohuna, which is a time of forming new friendships. It's also a way of celebrating the way the world was before greed and selfishness became so prevalent. If you've been feeling selfish, envious, or greedy lately, and you know you need to make some adjustments, this is a perfect time to do some magic.
Light the candle, then rub the rosemary between your palms, inhaling its fragrance. Hold the amethyst loosely in your hands, saying “Envy and greed, go away, I end my internal strife. Selfishness and jealousy have are no longer in my life.”
Allow the candle to burn out on its own, and carry the amethyst with you as a reminder to be a better person when dealing with others.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington 
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brookepricer · 4 years
Daily Spell: November 3rd
Fall Bulb Spell For New Beginnings  
You’ll Need:
A small trowel
Dried egg shells
Flower bulbs
If you want to see flowers blooming in your yard next spring, late fall is the time to plant the bulbs. Use this simple spell to plan ahead so you have new things to look forward to after winter. Different flowers have different magical associations, so consider carefully what you might like to see. For example, tulips are connected to prosperity and power. Hyacinths represent ongoing love, and irises symbolize our ability to overcome our own self limiting behavior. What do you want to start anew in this spring? 
Did a small hole in the trowel for each bulb. As you did, think of what you're planting, and what it means to you both now and in the future. Place the dried egg shells in the bottom of each hole, and then add the bulbs. Cover it with dirt, and as you do, say “Bulbs to blossom, bulbs to grow, sprouting in the earth below. Warm through the winter, in spring appear, new beginnings always welcome here.”
Once you've planted the bulbs then, be sure to water the soil thoroughly.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington 
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brookepricer · 4 years
Daily Spell: November 2nd
Soul Cake Spell To Honor The Dead
You’ll Need:
Three white candles
A soul cake
November 2nd is the festival of All Souls’ Day, in which we honor and pray for the dead. A popular custom is baking soul cakes as gifts for the spirits of the dead. In many parts of Europe, distributing these cakes was the inspiration for modern trigger treating. You can find several great recipes for soul cakes, so bake the one you like most. Do this spell at night, after sundown.
Light the candles and place the pastry in front of them. Close your eyes, saying “Souls of the dead, I honor you, but now you must move on. The seasons change, and I honor you, but now you must be gone. Souls of the dead, I pray for you, but now you shall move along.”
Eat the soul cake and take a moment to think about the souls those who have passed on this year. When your cake is gone, extinguish the candles.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington 
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brookepricer · 4 years
In November, the old year is beginning to wind down. The harvest has ended, the nights are getting longer, and there is a chill in the air to remind us that winter will be here before we know it. This is also this season in which we start thinking about friends and family, the notions of gratitude and gift giving, and compassion towards those less fortunate than ourselves.
Spell work for this month emphasizes developing our creativity, showing devotion and dedication, and thinking about others. Many of us use this month to consider our connection to the divine, as well as to focus on what inspires us. This is a good time of the year to be thankful for what we have, and sometimes to appreciate what we don't.
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brookepricer · 4 years
hello again...
I feel ashamed that I let stress, school, and my new job take over my life. I thought I had my shit under control, nope. Anyway, instead of trying to catch back up from where I left off (makes me depressed to see how far I have fallen behind), I am just going to start November.
Thank you for sticking with me. Blessed Be dear ones and I hope you are doing well.
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