meethishab12 · 2 years
My own GC
Here is the link to the GC which I was assigned to create as an assignment. It is a class which caters for the needs of Grade 7 students and which teaches them about our beautiful culture and its history. In my class, you will learn about the History of Kreol from scratch. In other words, you will learn about its origin, its importance and how it is evolving.
I hope that you will enjoy the class and actually understand all of it clearly <3
Here's the code: oen77li
Amiz zot e pa ezite si zot ena kit kestion. Mersi :3 :P
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meethishab12 · 2 years
Personal views on GC
I think that Google Classroom is great and will be of much help to me as a future KRM educator especially if a situation like Covid-19 were to arise again. Nonetheless, it will be convenient up to only a certain extent. I will not be able to use it past Grade 7 or less since some subjects cannot be taught in such a way. It has to have a live and mutual interaction. For example, I cannot teach them literature in KRM because I will not be able to assess how they act out the characters and all.
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meethishab12 · 2 years
Google Classroom
In my BITC module, creating a fun, educational, interesting and which caters for each and everyone’s has been a rollercoaster for me. Google classroom has nonetheless grown to be one of best tools that I have used so far though. This is because it is an online tool which pertains to everything which is needed in teaching: creation of documentation, assignments, engaging students, tracking whether they have been doing their work or not etc…
Advantages of Google Classroom:
It is surprisingly easy to use for someone like me who does not like technological tools and it can be accessed from any device such as my telephone, laptop or tablet.
As an educator, keeping up with all my students is no easy task. Therefore, GC facilitates that for me by already ticking off assignments which have been submitted and not.
Moreover, it consists of great tools such as google slides which can be really helpful in making student learning way more fun as compared to simply handing it out to them.
Lastly, I think that it is a great tool for students who cannot go at the same pace as others. After posting my topics for example, I do not have to rush or pressurise my students into understanding it all at once. They can learn at their own pace which is something that I strive for as an educator. Moreover, the notes, links and everything will be at my students’ disposition anytime they want to which again, does not rush them into writing it all down at once.
Disadvantages of Google Classroom:
It lacks the feature of doing online class through a live interaction (video call). I can only with my students through google documents and all. Moreover, there is no live chat. Therefore, after posting my materials, there is no specific way for me to know whether my students have understood it or not or if they have questions on the spot/need immediate clarification unless they send me an email.
Also, there is no feature of automatic quizzes or examinations/assessments. Therefore, it is up to me as an educator to know how to use other technological tools to assess my students and afterwards paste the link in my GC.
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meethishab12 · 2 years
Kahoot is a game-based learning platform where several types of educational yet fun games are available or which can be created and shared to spice up learning experiences at home, work but especially at school. Indeed, there are options such as puzzles, trivia quizzes, polls, type answer or true/false…
Advantages of Kahoot
Kahoot breaks the monotony of traditional teaching which consequently, creates a positive atmosphere and at the same time, motivate students to actually be in what is being taught and learn.
It also engages everyone which is a great way to connect with my students; from the shy ones to the ones who are never really interested.
Moreover, kahoot creates a sense of competition amongst students which is really nice as it acts as a boost for them to always give their maximum. Also, if they have not made it to the podium (top 3) in the first game, they will be motivated to learn and unleash their potentials to win the first place or at least be in the top 3 the following time. Therefore, students will be motivated to keep on working hard towards their goal.
Since it is based on learning through games, students do not really realise that they are actually grasping the concept of whatever is being taught to them but in an entertaining way. Consequently, kahoot is a great tool to indirectly or at times, directly make students retain information.
Disadvantages of Kahoot:
Kahoot requires internet connection which may not always be available at school. Even if it is the case, playing with a class of 30 to 40 students connected to a single network may make it hard to actually play as it may not work with that many students involved at the same time.
Instead of encouraging students, Kahoot can actually create anger and frustration among students. For example, when they are not winning or are not in the top 3, they may tense or even feel demotivated.
I personally think that Kahoot is a great educational tool which will definitely be of use to me in my field(KRM). It will help me to make my classes less boring (literature in for example) but at the same time engage my whole class which will be very motivating for me as an educator (since students do not really like to interact most of the times). It will also help me test the knowledge of my students and actually follow up with whether they are making progress or not. However, Kahoot can be tricky and unnerving at the same time. Nonetheless, I think that if I know how to keep all the good things and discard the rest, Kahoot can be very beneficial to me in the future.
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meethishab12 · 2 years
OERs are free, licenced and accessible educational materials: text, media, assignments or even textbooks which are available to everyone. What is fun about them is that the materials can be used, changed, shared and modified according to one's specific needs.
Advantages of OERs:
Free and accessible to students, educators or anyone from anywhere around the globe.
Not costly; compared to looking up materials in textbooks or question papers from bookstores and all, OERs alleviate people, especially students from that burden.
Disadvantages of OERs:
May lack materials on certain topics or course.
Most of the materials on there are in English which can be a barrier for students who do not understand the language or who are specifically looking for materials in foreign languages.
My views on OERs:
-Even though OERs are full of educational materials and all, as a future KRM educator, they are of no specific use to me; since KRM has only recently become a standard language, it is obvious that there will not be much information on it there. There is also the factor of it being a language known by only a few people besides Mauritians or Rodriguans themselves. As a result, I personally think that it will not be of any help to me nor my future students for now.
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meethishab12 · 2 years
My Growth
I'm not gonna lie to you, becoming an educator is not as easy as people think it is. Let me tell you that for someone who despises technology, taking the time to ACTUALLY understand it and putting what I've learnt into practice has been an uphill struggle. However, with the predicament which has been going on for years now(Covid-19), it is of utmost importance for me, as a future educator, to know how to properly use technological tools. That is exactly where BITC has swooped in to save the day and I couldn't be more grateful.
When I had first started BITC, I hated this module; I hated it because I couldn't really grasp even the simplest of things which were taught and it frustrated me to my core. However, with baby steps, the help of my friends and determination, plus the never-ending support of my lecturer(who always had the patient to answer ALL of my questions), I slowly started to have a grip on the matter, even if they were the easiest things out of the whole concept. For example, I had a really tough time with the creation of my blog itself and knowing how to change the fonts, backgrounds and everything else. I also struggled with my google classroom: creating the rubric and materials, including files or google sheets...etc, but now, at week 14, I can proudly say that I am MUCH more comfortable with using these technological tools. I am also confident that whether such a situation were to arise or not, I will be able to tackle it no matter what. I know that technology is constantly evolving especially in this modern era, but I'm positive that I'll be able to keep up with it where needed because of the knowledge and skills that I've acquired throughout this module.
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meethishab12 · 2 years
Hi everyone and welcome!! My name is Meethisha Beemana and I am a student at the MIE for the B.Ed in KRM(Kreol Repiblik Moris). I have always been surrounded by different cultures since my childhood. As a result, being constantly exposed to them has contributed to my fascination for languages and has piqued my interest in wanting to learn more about them. This is precisely why learning KRM is fun yet mind-blowing to me and I simply cannot keep it all to myself. I will thus be using this platform to share the knowledge and skills that I have acquired but also, the struggles that I have encountered throughout my learning journey towards becoming a successful, passionate and amiable educator.
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