megamanheadcanons · 29 days
Dr. Light gives literally the best hugs. Everyone loves his hugs, unless they don’t like him or don’t like being touched in general. His hugs are warm and comfy and feel like safety.
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megamanheadcanons · 29 days
Blues had a lot of whack code and hardware due to being a prototype. He was basically comparable to a first draft: decently recognizable in the final draft, but not as polished and some things just make less sense.
So, he processes things weirdly, acts weirdly, and even moves weirdly at times.
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megamanheadcanons · 29 days
Blues/Proto Man is programmed to be about 13 years old. Dr. Light programmed him to be his kid, so he made him on the young side, but wanted him to be self-sufficient to a degree. What he did not count on was the fact that 13 is the in the teen years, which, as I’m sure many are aware, is often full of rebellion and trying to find one’s own identity and such.
When making Rock and Roll, Light decided to start their mental ages a few years behind Blues (closer to 10 years old) because as much as he loved Blues, he could not imagine having the mental energy enough to parent two more teenagers
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megamanheadcanons · 29 days
I return for more Duo
Duo is really old. Like, really, really old. He doesn't even remember when his birthday is, because at this point all the years have melded together and sometimes he'll just go, "Oh, guess I'm a year older. Anyway,"
The Light family would not let this stand.
Upon learning that Duo has no designated creation date, they made one for him and had a whole party. Duo was pleasantly suprised, if a bit confused, and his confusion was only furthered when they insisted upon doing it next year.
This led to a very long conversation about creation dates and birthday parties and why the hell did they throw around a bunch of multi-colored paper shreds at his face, that scared the living daylights out of him and he could have killed someone--
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megamanheadcanons · 29 days
Zero, X and Axl are playing Minecraft in Zero's bedroom, which is located upstair of his workshop named Nakajima, at 7pm.
*Knock, knock, knock*
Zero:"Lemme see who's coming at this hour."
He opens the door
Zero:"Good evening."
Mail delivery reploid:"I have a package for Mr. Wilhelm Ziegler. Errm... this package is a firearm, so would please show me your ID card and registration paper please?"
Zero:"Here they are."
The reploid's eyes shines beams of laser scanning Zero's ID card and registration paper for the firearm.
Mail delivery reploid:"Hmm, all things seems to be normal and in order, have a good evening sir."
Zero and the mail delivery reploid both exchanged handshake before he closes the door.
X:"What's that?", he points at the package Zero is holding.
Zero:"Ah, It's a new rifle, a carbine to be exact."
X:"What brand and how much?", he paused playing Minecraft and eagerly asks Zero.
Zero:"SIG SG553-CB, and it's only 400 zenny"
X:"What's "SIG"? Never heard about that."
Zero:"It can be translated to English roughly as "Switzerland Industries Group"."
Axl:"Damn, that's carbine must be "Sick"."
Zero:"You and your word playing jokes, Axl."
X:"Why did you ditch the KAZM-157, given to you by the organization?"
Zero:"It's a heavy mf. I now have backache thanks to that mf when we patrol the crowded streets for 6 months. IT'S A 9KG MACHINE GUN X! Don't know how the superiors gave me a machine gun for street patrol."
X:"Hmm, maybe they see you have stromg arms, your servos are better than mine.", he suggests.
Axl:"Any notable feature about this Swiss cheese maker?"
Zero:"First,it's a carbine, a mix between a submachine gun and a rifle. So it's lighter and shorter, compares to our KAZ rifle, which is 3.3 kg, it only weighs 2kg. Second, it has the counterbalance system like the ZAX-175, so it doesn't have any recoil. And finally, it's based on AK platform, which our ZAX-175 is the direct descendant, so it's easier to accomodate with it and repair."
Zero:"Anyways, let's head back to the computers and continue with Minecraft."
Trivial fact: Zero's original name is Wilhelm Wily, but he changed his name to Wilhelm Ziegler to conceal his dark past and ties to the mad scientist and to make people feel safer when they're around him.
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megamanheadcanons · 29 days
if sera and yuna were human i hc they’d be afro-cuban
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megamanheadcanons · 29 days
Nakajima Elektronik-Mekanik Ltd. (formerly Nakajima Mechanical Workshop) - a company owned by X and Zero, specialized in manufacturing plasma, electronic weapon. Employees of the company are mainly Reploids from X and Zero unit, for example: Kalashnikov. He's a reploid in Zero's unit, who is the inventor of the popular KION (stands for Kalashnikov-Ion) automatic rifle. KION rifle is a plasma rifle, in contrast to Busters, which fire a plasma ball at the target, it fires a concentrated plasma projectile. The way it creates plasma is the same as X-buster, but the plasma ball is compressed and superheated in a chamber where a high power laser energizes and compresses the plasma ball into a bullet. This create a projectile with high density plasma, which looses less heat than a plasma ball and can penetrate to 30mm of ceratanium armor. The process seems lengthy but all those stuffs happen in milliseconds. The gun also has an anti-recoil system and full-auto mode, which can fire 800 bullets per second.
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megamanheadcanons · 29 days
Reploids and advanced robots like X normally have 1 weapon on them at a time. For example, X only has his Buster mounted on the right arm and Axl only has pair of Plasma Pistols and they both don't have any secondary weapon. So what if their primary weapon failed? That is a problematic question for the Maverick Hunter. X once fought against a Maverick that was smart enough to shoot his hand to disable his Buster. If X hadn't teleported back to HQ, he would have been dead. In one instance, a Maverick hijacked a Maverick Hunter ridearmor and rampaged around Abel City. Axl was sent to the scene immediately and began to neutralize the target. However, that Maverick used the ridearmor to pick Axl up and slammed him down to the ground. He was fine but until he realized that his pistols were malfunctioned from the earlier slam. In response, Signas - now is the commander of Maverick Hunter - passed an order which required all personnel to have a secondary firearm (rifle, revolver,... but not electronic-related weapon) and a combat knife. The R&D division began to develop a revolver to provide for all members. This revolver is based on the MR73 used by GIGN. It fires a .357 ceratanium bullet, which can penetrate through most of light and medium-class robots and Reploids. The R&D division also designed a pouch to carry the revolver (robots like X has their hips modified to have a mount to hold the pouch).
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megamanheadcanons · 1 year
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is known to have lethal effect on reploids and robots. It causes sudden voltage spikes up to thousands volt in a thousand of a second, enough to fry any circuit board and chip inside a reploid. X was once attacked by EMP causes by a kamikaze-type maverick and hospitalised for 5 days. After he was recovered, Zero asked him how did he feel after being hit by an EMP strike, X simply said: "Imagine your entire body is shredded to piece and recombined back, then shredded again and recombined back while you are still conscious. That's the pain of being hit by an EMP strike."
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megamanheadcanons · 1 year
yaaaay more Duo time
Bass does not like Duo. Duo does not like Bass. Bass avoids Duo because he knows, deep down, that if he angers him too much he will die. He's pretty sure that if Mega Man doesn't at some point get the guts to kill him (or Protoman, but he's an indecisive man), Duo will be the one to do it.
Duo avoids Bass because when he tried to kill him in front of Mega Man, he was like "noooooo, don't kill him Duo he's not that bad he helped me save the world like twice"
Duo was just like "Okay I guess" and then gave Bass the "I'm watching you" gesture.
Bass lives in fear of the day Duo either snaps or he messes up so bad that Duo just forfeits his promise to Mega Man and kills him anyway.
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megamanheadcanons · 1 year
Bass and Megaman once went out to Subway, and it ended with Bass ordering the largest sandwich known to man with every topping, condiment, and sauce on a poor slice of bread. Bass did it to flex on Megaman, but he looked ridiculous trying to eat the massive sandwich.
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megamanheadcanons · 1 year
Duo and Protoman are good friends, sometimes on his downtime Duo will go back to Mega City just to chat with Protoman before going back to his duties. He finds Protoman to be someone who he can hold conversation with, and someone interesting enough that he never finds himself bored talking to Protoman.
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megamanheadcanons · 1 year
Bass and Roll actually get along, since Bass finds Roll to be a suitable sparring partner and Roll finally has another pair of hands to help her with baking. Protoman finds it hilarious and Megaman enjoys watching Bass struggle to make cookies.
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megamanheadcanons · 1 year
Not even Bass has dared to mess with Roll, she’s just that powerful haha. One time when Megaman was in trouble fighting Bass, Roll got so mad watching the battle happen that she appeared with her broom and promptly beat the snot out of Bass (poor Megaman had to hold her back from causing anymore damage to him) 😂
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megamanheadcanons · 1 year
haha lez go more Duo bc he's amazing
Try to roast Duo. I dare you. There is an extremely low chance that he'll get offended at any insults you throw at him (unless he considers you evil, but then you make him mad just by existing so).
Protoman tried insulting Duo once. Rock was like "he's a super powerful robot from space, Blues I don't think you should do that" and nothing Protoman said got to him. He acted like they were having a friendly conversation.
Protoman then dissapeared to parts unknown with his ego destroyed.
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megamanheadcanons · 1 year
Despite Roll's cute and friendly nature, no one even dare to make her mad. She once chased her brother Rock around the house with a broom and forced him to wipe the floor because he walked in the still-wet floor while she was cleaning.
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megamanheadcanons · 2 years
oh no he doesn't have any duo headcanons
Anyways, Duo has no fragging idea what anything on earth is, and when he visits, Rock and Roll are constantly surprised and forced to explain what some of the most mundane things are.
Oh, and he physically cannot get a brain freeze. The panic when he straight up swallowed an entire two-scoop ice cream cone was real
speaking of which (last one i promise) he has a stomach of iron. He can eat literally anything and will eat literally anything if he think it looks good.
I'm actually glad to have Duo headcanons, been wondering about what the most powerful character in the franchise is capable of. He would consume nuclear waste as a dare challenge.
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