It was meant to end..we just have to accept it. But sometimes, I still think about what would've been if it hadn't.
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i’m sorry i caused you pain when i should have brought you peace
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I’m sorry!!! I’m sorry that we can’t go back!!! And for all the things we can’t remember. But I’m glad we did it!! The love will always be there!
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You haven't loved me in a while. Our relationship meant nothing to you, and yet you say you're the one who's hurt
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i miss the days where we'd stay up talking
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Can you call me like you use to?
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I long to feel your warmth around me. I wish to hear your voice as I use to before. 
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i love you. im glad we exist in the same slice of time and space.
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Do you love me as much as I love you?
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Do you ever ache for someone so bad that it hurts? 
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Don’t think about the ones who hurt you. They’re gone for a reason. You deserve better than how you’ve been treated. Move past them. Prove them all wrong. You will be successful and you will be happy. 
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It hurts when someone accuses you of lying when they don’t even know your story....and won’t bother to hear you out. And so they resort to talking bad about you
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I miss the fun we had when we talked.
I miss the times I got to see your face.
And I wonder if
You still think of me
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I long to feel the warmth again
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Somehow, even though I didn’t do anything wrong, I managed to upset people again...
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I feel trapped by the very people who claim to love me. 
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