melimpostor · 3 hours
Less than a year ago, i did composition studies of AoT's first season. I was on fire and it was all fun and games but i 'm stuck at the final episode since forever and i can't find the motivation to finish it.. XD Haven't done any progress for months now so I guess i'll share some of the best looking ones while i wait for a miracle. (It's scene studies, so pretty drawings are really secondary)
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melimpostor · 9 hours
That little Annie drawing you made for the poll has had me cackling for no reason. She looks so confused! so silly! so innocent! - I love it, those silly little goobers. Minus that, in general your art is always a pleasure to witness appear, it's so well done! Chef's Kiss!
Hello Anon ! Those silly drawings are my bread and butter so i'm very happy it made you laugh ♥ And thank you very much for the compliment, it truly means a lot ! ;u;
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melimpostor · 1 day
May I say how fitting your design for Armin's father is, he looks so gentle and happy with his life and his beautiful son
Hello Anon ! Haha, glad you like my take on Armin's dad ! But really, i just went with Isayma's doodle ! I'm not the mastermind here unfortunately ;v; But yeah he strikes me as a gentle soul, so i tried to depict that !
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aaAAAAAAA NOOooOO DON'T BE MAD Here, an adorable Eren just for you-
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melimpostor · 3 days
Ok ok but what about a middle ground where it was "I dare you to run 5 hours straight like Potato girl, or to kiss Annie!" (bc either way he's fucked : being a weak boi and Annie is scary and everything, surely she'll punch him in the guts right?)
Annie secretly does not mind at all of course...And does her best to hide her blushing cheeks because there's no way Armin chooses to ru-
Armin chooses to run.
What do you mean he's gonna impose himself to Annie like that?? He's pathetic, and meek- Nononono, he wants to spare her the embarrassment. He'd rather run.
And so, he goes...
And Annie just stands there dumbfounded.
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melimpostor · 9 days
it’s opposite day because i said so. name 5 things you hate
Lmaoo welp.. xD
1 Administrative procedures
2 Administrative procedures
3 Administrative procedures are bad enough they can take 3 slots
4 That one neighbor that decides to smoke their mj every night at 10pm right under my window, compelling me to close it even when it's hot
5 My hair. They are very high maintenance, and if i could change for something a bit less curly and a little more manageable to deal with everyday i would
Wait, doesn't that jinx the whole plan of positivity posting-
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melimpostor · 10 days
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity.
Oh hi !! All of a sudden i don't remember what makes me happy ummmmm well... i think i'm a simple person really, so it's gonna be very plain xD
1 Good food I don't like food, i love it. And well prepared meals can easily brighten up my day. It does not have to be fancy either, as long as it's tasty ! I received a rice cooker for my birthday and it is my new best friend ♥
2 Good narratives in general, but especially in games I wasn't very interested in games before and i'm so happy i reconsidered. I never thought you can tell such powerful stories trough them, but it is art... truly... (sometimes- ) But in general, experiencing great stories fills me with soo much joy!
3 Space Space is amazing.... that's it, that's the third point.
4 Brainrotting I tend to hyperfixate on things i love, so yeah... i imagine a lot of scenarios in my head. For Aruani ofc, but with OCs too. Both comfort me a lot and keep me well entertained.
5 This community Cheesy, yes i know- But i felt welcome at a time i questioned my art so much... And it seriously is a breath of fresh air. So thank you. Yeah, you *mwah* Thank you for reacting to my silly stuff ! ♥ (and enabling my brainrot)
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melimpostor · 10 days
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So... the brainrot has been severe after reading @moonspirit 's answered ask so... yeeeaaah... Horny aruani mondays... amirite ?
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melimpostor · 11 days
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Sketch commission done for @wrestlinggod a few months back
Thank you again for commissioning me ♥
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melimpostor · 11 days
Hi there!! I really love your art and the way you draw bodies and people interacting. Do you have any advice for how to achieve that? I struggle to draw people together if that makes sense! Do you usually gather reference? Or just wing it? Thank you!
Hello Anon , thank you for the compliment ! ♥ Yeah i get what you mean, i struggle with it too most of the time... xD I usually wing it, but i use references when i have something very specific in mind (or if i'm inspired by said reference directly). I should use more tho... and i suggest you do too ! I'm not sure if i'm the best person to give advices for something that advanced because i'm crying most of the time when i draw, but i'll do my best haha- So here is how i proceed when i'm winging a pose: I generally start with A, then add B !
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A - The follower is the character that "endure" the action, the character can be squished, dragged in a direction, pinned ,etc. B - The leader is the character that applies a force on A, hugging them, punching them, moving them, etc So let's make them interact !
I start with their torsos
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There is a lot of information to display with just the ribcage and pelvis, and it helps with volumes too ! It's the part of the body entering in contact with the other one most of the time, reason why i start with it. I sometimes add legs if characters need to balance themselves, but no arms or head at this stage yet (except if i'm aiming for a kiss) • I usualy draw the torso of A first. Since it's the one being dragged in the action. This way i have complete control over how flexible their body can be. • The torso of B comes right after , surrounding A
I then add the head and arms
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• The heads are my next step, mainly for eye direction • I then add the arms of B to detail the interaction. I suggest starting with the hands and to complete the junction with the shoulder once you are satisfied with your hands positions
I follow with the arms of A to complete the interaction and the sketch is done !
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(pls tis really quickly done, have mercy-) Profit. That said, i would not be surprised if people find easier to draw B first instead of A (since it's the lead). It just happen to be the opposite for me. I observed my drawings to be more fluid and natural this way. There is no wrong answer !
It's not always as simple as "draw A first, then B", sometimes the pose can be a bit too complex, a lot can happen at the same time or bodies are too entertwined, in those cases...
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And of course, anatomy practice helps a whole lot to have a better grasp on volumes ! Anyway that's how i proceed most of the time, I hope you found it useful
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melimpostor · 11 days
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So... the brainrot has been severe after reading @moonspirit 's answered ask so... yeeeaaah... Horny aruani mondays... amirite ?
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melimpostor · 12 days
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Sketch commission done for @andypoposhi Thank you again for your trust ♥
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melimpostor · 15 days
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I had this one in my draft since february but never posted it. I almost deleted it today, but hey- where will i post this if not here
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melimpostor · 19 days
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Armin according to 50% of the poll
Ok I'm back with my polls
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melimpostor · 20 days
i meet you in that one post about eren being a bloodborne boss and i decided to check your blog because you mixed aot and bloodborne??? my favorite game and my favorite anime???
your art is fantastic ❤️ even if my main ship is eremika i love aruani so much they are so cute together 😭 annie pulled that twink by being emotionally unavailable and i love that
Oh hello ! Thank you very much for visiting my blog ! ♥ Happy to know my cursed crossover dragged you in, hehe ! There is something very mesmerising about outer/old entities messing with the world, so yeah i thought it would be a good fit XD I have a soft spot for Eremika too (actually, i think there is very few ships i don't like...) I'm just not that good at drawing Eren so i tend to avoid him XD Sorry Eren. But yeah Aruani really found each other, one by being emotionnaly (and physically to an extent) unavailable, and the other by being casually nice lol- Anyway, thank you for your message !!
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melimpostor · 21 days
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melimpostor · 21 days
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Super glad you like them Anon, thank you very much !! ♥ ;v;
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melimpostor · 1 month
Alright guys, i can't keep up with the flow of requests, i'll have to stop doing them now. I completed the initial wave just a few weeks ago and now i'm already stacking half a dozen. Getting a new one or two everytime i post , it's... not doable anymore XD So yeah i may or may not complete the remaining ones, sorry about that. At the same time i don't want to close my asks completely so now you've been warned at least.
However, If you really really want something drawn... You know...
✨My commissions are open ✨
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