melomani · 4 years
@ambrosefaust​ said:
❝ They’ve gone to the underworld! Down, down, down! And they are no more. ❞
ask meme // accepting in lieu of starters
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write a requiem then, won’t you, composer dear? death is worn like a shroud held tight around the shoulders. no, he doesn’t know or remember every ghost. no, it doesn’t matter.
salieri tilts his head to watch this performer, or whatever he is. the words are too exuberant for it not to be some level of performing, though there’s no telling if it’s directed internally or externally.
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salieri frowns at him nonetheless. “give the ghosts a chance, at least. where’s the hope if everything’s to disappear into some hades or hel somewhere?”
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melomani · 4 years
@lacedwithcharm​ // starter call i SWEAR i havent forgotten
he’s crouched in the grass of one of the parks, gaze fixed intently on a bird hopping around a meter or so away from him. salieri had tossed it some food (a broken off piece of ice cream cone, ssh), and is now in the business of paying far too much attention to minutiae.
he whistles a tune at it. (the first few notes of twinkle, twinkle, little star. incidentally.) the bird looks up, cocks its head at him, and earns the last tiny piece of food for its troubles. salieri whistles another few notes, and --
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ah, damn, it hopped up and flew away. who’s out here scaring away the birds they probably see as a nuisance? salieri glances to both sides before leaning back and offering a frown (midway between pout and scowl) to the stranger now looking down at him. “you scared it off.” even though he understands there’s no reason to be miffed, it’s not like a grackle would have made friends with him anyways.
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melomani · 4 years
@nurotoxin​ said:
❝ Your curiosity is not amusing. ❞
ask meme // accepting in lieu of starters nyohohoho
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“unfortunate, considering i’m not exactly trying to amuse.” he tries not to be biting, really, but sometimes it can’t quite be helped. hair-trigger temper, the fire he’s made of still not completely extinguished. “is it that difficult to believe that i have no baseline understanding of any of this, and have a few questions? i would hope that isn’t an unforgivable transgression.”
he can at least tone down the annoyance for the most part. it’s more than enough if both of them are irritated already, no need to make it evident and exacerbated. 
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melomani · 4 years
My reasons for doing things:
1. Spite 2. The Aesthetic
That’s it.
okay i lied 3. Attention
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melomani · 4 years
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“i already feel rude enough using his name when i’m barely even salieri in the first place.” the real salieri is long dead, after all, so who’s this ghost? “your game feels a little excessive. at least use a series of sounds that have some notes to them, will you?” the first servant he’s seen here as well, but... this about tracks for servants.
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     “salieri, salieri… hey, isn’t your name kind of fun to say?” leave it to musashi to fixate on something like that the moment she’d met another servant. “salieri! salieri! salieri! salieri! if you say it enough it doesn’t even sound like a word!”
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melomani · 4 years
    at first, she says nothing, simply watching and waiting. it was not uncommon for Servants to find her, to stare, and to wonder. sometimes they knew her, sometimes they didn’t. plucked from different points in time, different summonings. heck, even Grail Wars that happened prior to the Incineration of Humanity. she never took it personally, and besides, it’s not like she’d treat them any different whether they remembered her or not.
         of course, this is the first time one has asked her if she remembered them.
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    “ Of course I remember you. Why wouldn’t I? “
 s he almost, almost sounds offended– hands on her hips and one eyebrow raised in question. it didn’t matter how much time had passed here or anything of the like. if there was one thing Ritsuka was marvelous at, it was remembering each person and Heroic Spirit she has met. she hardly forgets – not willingly – and always makes it a point to remember. what they achieved in life was not a factor, nor how strong of a spirit they were. 
          in her eyes, they all deserved to be acknowledged and remembered. and so eventually she relaxes into a smile. “ Did you think I forgot? “
he blinks, a moment of surprise when his assumption of the worst does not actually prove true. ritsuka might be huffy at him, but it’s huffiness at the idea of forgetting, so salieri takes it as a compliment. “hm!”
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there’s a smile visible -- what a thing to be proud about, that someone’s able to ask why would i remember you. salieri takes what he can get. “thank you.” just a little bit of self-satisfaction is forgivable.
he shakes his head. “i don’t know what time you came from. neither of us are particularly linked to one era -- nor do i know when this is. for me, your venture into russia’s lostbelt was quite recent. for you, perhaps it’s months to come or months in the past.” it is one of the burdens of the avenger class, that he just doesn’t forget past summons. so long as they are in ‘his’ past. 
he’ll avoid saying anything self-disparaging aloud. “still, i appreciate it. i haven’t heard from a grail and it doesn’t feel so far from pan-human history, so i assume you’re not here to ‘fix’ this place... correct?”
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melomani · 4 years
@assumegod​ said:
❝ What are you doing? Eavesdropping? ❞
ask meme // accepting in lieu of starters nyohohoho
he was paying perhaps too much attention, absorbed in watching whatever isn’t in his immediate vicinity. the intent wasn’t eavesdropping, but the result is the same. concentration and his train of thought is interrupted by the question, even if he voice is the quiet sort of skeptical.
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“no --hrm.” a bit too quick to deny the accusation, and only after it’s out of his mouth does he realize that it’s not entirely true. “i was just... watching what sort of people pass by.” does that make it better, or worse? well.
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melomani · 4 years
russian ark ask meme. adjust as needed!
❝ I just can’t remember what happened to me. ❞
❝ I’ve never been so frightened! ❞
❝ Am I expected to play a role? ❞
❝ What kind of play is this? I hope it’s not a tragedy. ❞
❝ Where should we go? ❞
❝ Pardon me for speaking before we’ve been properly introduced, but what language am I speaking? ❞
❝ Your curiosity is not amusing. ❞
❝ I hear delight in your voice. ❞
❝ The more terrible the tyrant, the more his memory is cherished by the people. ❞
❝ We were taught to have fun. So we go to parties. ❞
❝ They’ve gone to the underworld! Down, down, down! And they are no more. ❞
❝ Don’t betray our presence. ❞
❝ Do not forget I brought you here. ❞
❝ You are beautiful. ❞
❝ Never contradict me. ❞
❝ Your authorities are as lazy as the rest of you. ❞
❝ I haven’t spoken for years. ❞
❝ Broaden your horizons! ❞
❝ I’m in a strange situation. ❞
❝ Is this a dream? ❞
❝ I don’t know about you, but I’m wide awake! ❞
❝ My God, how touchy you are! ❞
❝ What are you doing? Eavesdropping? ❞
❝ You need not fear. ❞
❝ Remaining here is forbidden! ❞
❝ I know where we can hide. ❞
❝ There is no one here, only coffins and corpses. ❞
❝ Tea! Would you like tea? ❞
❝ I know, I’m beautiful. Too beautiful. ❞
❝ Let’s proceed with caution. These madmen could eat you. ❞
❝ Of course, I’m a writer, and good writers always have beautiful hair. ❞
❝ Thank you for your advice. ❞
❝ I’m a Gemini, we’re curious by nature. I must move ahead. ❞
❝ Do you recall the taste of food? ❞
❝ Don’t I have the right to dream a little? ❞
❝ You descend from the heavens and no longer know how to behave. ❞
❝ There are so many people that I wasn’t able to help. ❞
❝ You’re completely alone. ❞
❝ Nothing, you know nothing! ❞
❝ I think someone is following us. ❞
❝ Where were you? I lost you! ❞
❝ It’s a pity you weren’t here with me. You would understand everything. ❞
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melomani · 4 years
ah, yes, i’ll probably be making use of the queue function, for my own sanity. forgive me, if you were hoping for quick replies >>
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melomani · 4 years
he leans against the walkway’s railing, arms crossed to balance against, and watches a street performer on the boardwalk playing violin. there is, in face, a fair bit to learn from this (in salieri’s opinion, in terms of what he finds important to learn). risky as it might be for him.
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the presence of someone else stopping nearby attracts salieri’s notice, though he pauses a moment before casting his glance over. of course, not someone he knows, but they’re listening as well. he can’t help but comment. “they’re playing süssmayr. not very well, the taste of it is completely off, but perhaps my standards are too high.” they’re definitely too high. 
“hmmm. hm. he was a good student. do you know concert music, or does the name mean nothing? you seem fairly modern.” who knows what stayed over in the popular culture of whatever century it is.
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melomani · 4 years
     — ❝ Sheesh! And I thought I was having a bad day, ❞ comes the comment of the gym-leader, tucking his hands behind his head as he gives an amused grin at the stranger. While he’s not one to bask in the misery of others, Raihan has to admit that seeing someone dressed like him acting so distressed and angry… Well, it’s a little funny if not entertaining.
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     ❝ Just take a deep breath; things will be alright, ❞ or so he hopes.
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“yes, yes, my apologies for thinking the minute of silence in my head would last.” lesson learned. at least the frustration is quick to ebb down into something manageable. more manageable than usual, actually, which is an improvement he should appreciate.
salieri still grumbles under his breath, though, before dragging his hand down from his face to look over at the other. ... who is this kid? “saying that while you sound like you’re going to laugh next doesn’t do much for your case. ignore it, i’m... fine. stable.” ‘fine’ is a stretch considering who he is as a person, but salieri will take what he can get.
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melomani · 4 years
he stops short in midstep : there’s someone he didn’t expect to see here. perhaps it’s only a surprise because he’s new, still attempting to parse the rules of this place, but it never felt like an incorrect history. only space. there is no tug of the grail at him, ergo nothing for this face to fix, surely?
or, he’s wrong about that. “ritsuka fujimaru.” it could be a question, if he weren’t certain of her face. salieri stares attentively at her for a moment or two (for him, their last meeting was recent, for her -- who knows, manifestations are hardly bound to time).
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he realizes his attention’s unnerving, ducks his head instead in a nod of greeting, acknowledgement. “-- ah. is it presumptuous, to ask if you remember me?”
probably. a third-rate heroic spirit and third rate musician (ha, ha), what need does anyone have to remember that. still, the idea of being remembered... it’s enough to make him ask.
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melomani · 4 years
at least now that he’s fairly manifested, it seems like the various curses he’s overlaid with have dissipated. that’s nice. maybe he can even conceptualize the continued existence of amadeus without--
“ah -- gggggoooootdamnit -- !!”
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nope, there it is. it’s back. cue one frustrated composer kicking whatever wall is nearest.
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melomani · 4 years
at least the culprit isn’t difficult to find in the reference section of the library, sitting flopped in a chair. they look fairly young, too... evidence points to another new resident. salieri stands before him for a moment, debating. alright, may as well. a small noise before he speaks. “i was looking for some information here, but it seems someone’s hoarded everything that isn’t needlessly specific or intolerably dry.”
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“well, it saves me some trouble...” salieri muses to himself. judging by the small pile of reference books about, looks like this guy’s already paged through quite a few. he should know about what salieri came here to figure out. salieri leans against the back of the chair opposite the library’s newfound collector. “if you can tell me if you found anything useful about this city’s music presence, i’ll share some macarons with you. does that count as bribery kids are still into these days? hm.” worked (works) on him, and sweets are the only thing he stopped to obtain on this venture before going here, to try and find shortcuts to knowing what’s here. options are limited !
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melomani · 4 years
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hello hello ! here he is. here i am. Baby is new to group RP, so I’m gonna be easing myself back in slowly. Please like this for a starter, with a soft cap of 4. I’m slowly going thru everyones blogs, so no need to be mutuals with me.
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melomani · 4 years
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aaaah, it’s been a long time since i was in a group rp... pwease be gentle  (to me. you can, and perhaps should, bully sali) hi i’m dez, all my pages should be mobile friendly and in pop ups . sparkles.
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