melumimanga · 1 year
Smooth Operator
Inspired by Sade's Song- Smooth Operator- https://youtu.be/4TYv2PhG89A
Diamond chandeliers, ruby lights, a Friday started right. Smooth Jazz night, saxophones playing and tranquilizing the club's atmosphere, bongo’s tapping at a slow rhythmic pace.
He was definitely here.
Jazz was always his favorite. 
The man of her dreams and nightmares, a man who can make hearts beat or break. 
How young and naive she was when he melted her heart.
“Sir, I'm glad you could make it.” a waitress swayed her hips seductively at the gangster who entered the club. All eyes laid on the well dressed man in a black suit and red velvet tie, followed by two black suited men. 
“It’s good to be here darlin’.” his New-yorken flowed deeply like a strong material of silk. 
It still made her spine shiver, like the times he would whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
He stood out like a sore thumb, but the female with piercing blue eyes stood out like a diamond in the rough, her arm wrapped around his. 
Her heart hammers hard in her chest, she can’t help but fall in love with him, and all of the memories resurface. The pain she was feeling wasn’t just heartbreak, it was longing to be held in his arms once more.
Her partner who would be playing the saxophone walked up to her. 
“You look really nice tonight, stunning wouldn’t even begin to describe it.”
He looks at her face to see her discomfort expression.
“Hey Teddy, are you alright.” the nickname slips from his lips with soft concern.
“I can’t do this, I- ju-st can’t” 
He looks at her then to the man in the crowd, her ex lover. 
He looks back at her pained expression of heartache, he caresses her cheek gently and looks at her with kind eyes. 
“Listen Teddy we have to give it our all, this is our first real show” he grabs her face softly to make her stare at him. “I understand your feeling this pain but the crew and I are giving it our all and we need you Teddy.”
Her glossy eyes focused onto his, reflecting the sadness in her heart.
“But how can I when he’s out there watching me.” she tries to hold in the tears from ruining her make-up.
“Then let him watch and let him see what he’s missed out on” her eyes go wide at the me’re statement “you're better than him in every way so don’t let him define or instill fear into you, just sing your heart out.”
He kissed the top of her forehead and left her to think about his words. Loud applause echoed in the club as the present band left the stage.
“I'm so glad that everyones enjoying the show, but the night is not over yet” 
Her stomach turns like a washing machine in high spin mode, as she waits for the sound of her band's name. 
“Give it up for their first show”
She calms her breathing and walks up on the stage, where her band looks at her with widened eyes of amazement. 
“For Teddy and The Suaves!”
The ruby lights hit her vision and she looks at her sax player and nods with the utmost confidence.
The guitar, bongo’s and saxophone start off the song. Its slow and sensual like a smooth silk, she closes her eyes and waits for her part 
~Diamond life–  lover boy~
~We move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy~
She glides around the stage attracting every woman and man with her delicate waving hand and smooth movements.
~City lights~ and~business nights~
~When you require streetcar desire for higher heights~
Her silky voice soothes the air in the club, and romanticizes the dance floor with slow dances.
~No place for beginners or sensitive hearts~
Referring to her naive and innocent heart as a young girl.
~When sentiment is left to chaaaance~
~No place to be ending but somewhere to staaaart~
Her eyes open and she faces the crowd with open eyes.
~No need to ask-~
~He's a smooth operaaatoor~
~Smooth operator~
~Smooth operatoor~
~Smooth operator~
~Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western maaale~
~Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for saaale~
Her eyes lock on everyone in the crowd, other than him. She kept swaying her hips to the music and focused her mind on the lyrics. But unbeknownst to her, he was watching her body sway to the bongo’s. For some reason he was finding himself wondering what she meant by smooth operator and who. He chuckles to himself.
The sax’s player p closes his eyes enjoying the the sweet sounds her was producing along with the bongos
~Face to face - ~each classic case~
~We shadow box and double cross~
The singer does a soft shoulder shimmy, and lifts her head along with the microphone.
~Yet need the chassse~
~A license to love, insurance to hooold~
~Melts all your memories and change into goooold~
She touches her heart like a gentle feather. 
~His eyes are like angels but his heart is cooold~
A swift turn of her head she looks directly at him and sings 
~No need to ask-~
~He's a smooth operaaatoor~
~Smooth operator~
~Smooth operaator~
~Smoooth operaator~
~Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western maaale~
~Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for saale~
The gangster chuckles to himself and his lady looks at him curiously. 
“Honey, are you okay?”
He doesn’t turn to face his lady, but keeps his eyes on the female singer.
“Neva’ better.” he bites his lip seductively 
“Teddy, you're still thinking about me aren't ya.”
Smooth operator
She sings the two words repeatedly like a soft chant, her eyelashes slowly flutter like a butterfly's wings. Her eyes are no longer on the gangster she once loved but now on the sax’s players. She sings the word with a longing sadness, but she smiles knowing that she is going to be alright.
~Smoooth Operaator~
The song ends and the crowd erupts in cheers, whistles and claps. The singer had forgotten about the crowd and was a little shocked. 
“Thank you- um I couldn’t have done it without my crew” she gestures to them to come to her and they all hold each other's hands. She and her band all bow simultaneously, then come up to face the crowd once again. 
The sax’s player then takes her other hand and pulls her unto him. He places a small kiss on her forehead and says “You did a great job Teddy.” 
Sparkles lit up in her heart when he said, “You did amazing as always.” without thinking she places a kiss on his lips making the audience whistles louder.
I know I will be okay.
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melumimanga · 2 years
The Night
It was a late night so cold, so quiet, the sun replaced with an illuminating moon. Its light piercing inside an orphanage. All of the children laid asleep on the floor, all except one. The child gazed upon their window looking at the moon in awe. I wonder who’s looking at the moon right now. They thought, touching the dirty cold glass of her window. Getting up, they quietly grabbed their satchel and  tip-toed out to the cramped space filled with sleeping children making their way to the door. Reaching for the knob, they turned it leaving the room. 
Each step they took made the wooden floorboards creak. Internally the child groaned in frustration, quickly trying to get to her next destination silently. A few creaky steps later the small child made it to the main door of the orphanages. Their eyes sparkled at the thought of finally going outside by them self for the first time. Determination coursed through the excited child's body as they reached for the cold copper handle locks, unlocking all three of them. Successfully unlocking the locks their small hands reached for the knob, turning it clockwise. 
As soon as the door was opened a strong gust of wind blew into the child's face. A small gasp arose from the child's lips, they proceeded to take a step into the cold night. Their delicate bare feet touched the soft green grass that blew in the direction of the wind.  The child giggled at the sensation “That tickles.” the child whispered. 
The child proceeded to take small steps away from the orphanage and into the windy night. The wind only got stronger with each step they took. The small child closed their eyes and began to twirl around, the wind and rustling grass being their music. Although the night was chilly, the child didn’t feel a thing, only the feeling of freedom. All their worries left like the very wind that blew.  
The child continued to dance under the moons light ever so beautifully. Her hands gracefully conducted the winds currents moving them to her tune like a conductor guiding an orchestra.
With a flick of her tiny wrist a strong  gust of wind blew her up towards the sky. So close to moon as if she could touch the glowing night rock with  her bare hands. The wind continued to carry her across the sky mischievously. Birds that passed by were absolutely flabbergasted by the sight of a human child flying through the sky.   
The child only got higher do to wind, until she reached the clouds above. The eyes widened reflected the crisp contrast of the blue and black sky, filled with white shining dots of different sizes.  The clouds felt of the coolest fluffiest air as they carried themselves in their own direction, each of them having a different shape giving them uniqueness. 
"Is this what you wanted me to see wind?" The child asked curiously. Looking down at her feet she notices that she was now standing in mid air. "Ahh!"
Backing up from her spot her heart was pounding fast at the very sight of her standing on nothing, but the sky itself. 
Whoa The child whispers ever so quietly to herself as she bravely takes another step in to the sky. Walking a few more steps she ends up standing in front of a glowing source 
"Moon I've never seen you so up close before." The small child tilted her head as if the moon said something she couldn't understand. Clouds that rested beneath were the moon light pierced through shining on a small spot of green grass. 
It didn't take long for the girl to realize the Moons request. "Can I come back tomorrow night to touch the clouds and- FLY THROUGH THE SKY!" 
The moon only stayed still and illuminated its light a little brighter.  To the girl this was a conformation and she slowly floated downwards towards the green grass. The girl didn't reach the ground good before she waved at the moon and clouds.
Her adventure had quickly ended as it had began. Returning to the house she quietly tip toed back to her spot on the floor and looked at the Moon once more before closing her eyes shut.
~The Night~
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