#new york mafia
royal-dragon7 · 1 year
Y’all wouldn’t human angel dust have dark skin and dark hair or at least dark hair because he’s Italian? I’ve never met an Italian with that pale blonde hair y’all are giving him and if we was in the Italian mafia in the 1930s where there wasn’t much interracial marriage the odds of having light hair and/or light skin as an Italian were low, especially with a ton of anti-Italian racism.
Also should I post my version of him? Usually the only thing that could counteract the Italian genes would be pure Irish or pure Scottish and stuff, the really pale countries. Or even Spain, but Italians, especially those with the whole “pure blooded” thing that the mafia did at the time, tend to have darker features
I feel like he would look iconic with silky dark-mid colored hair. All the Italians I know at some point in their life have had super Lucius gorgeous hair.
Although the does seem the type to bleach it
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justlulu · 1 year
Peaky Blinders and Narcos would work so good together tho.
A crossover where DEA agents Javier Pēna and Steve Murphy hunt down the Italian/NYC Mafia instead of the Cartel?
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melumimanga · 1 year
Smooth Operator
Inspired by Sade's Song- Smooth Operator- https://youtu.be/4TYv2PhG89A
Diamond chandeliers, ruby lights, a Friday started right. Smooth Jazz night, saxophones playing and tranquilizing the club's atmosphere, bongo’s tapping at a slow rhythmic pace.
He was definitely here.
Jazz was always his favorite. 
The man of her dreams and nightmares, a man who can make hearts beat or break. 
How young and naive she was when he melted her heart.
“Sir, I'm glad you could make it.” a waitress swayed her hips seductively at the gangster who entered the club. All eyes laid on the well dressed man in a black suit and red velvet tie, followed by two black suited men. 
“It’s good to be here darlin’.” his New-yorken flowed deeply like a strong material of silk. 
It still made her spine shiver, like the times he would whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
He stood out like a sore thumb, but the female with piercing blue eyes stood out like a diamond in the rough, her arm wrapped around his. 
Her heart hammers hard in her chest, she can’t help but fall in love with him, and all of the memories resurface. The pain she was feeling wasn’t just heartbreak, it was longing to be held in his arms once more.
Her partner who would be playing the saxophone walked up to her. 
“You look really nice tonight, stunning wouldn’t even begin to describe it.”
He looks at her face to see her discomfort expression.
“Hey Teddy, are you alright.” the nickname slips from his lips with soft concern.
“I can’t do this, I- ju-st can’t” 
He looks at her then to the man in the crowd, her ex lover. 
He looks back at her pained expression of heartache, he caresses her cheek gently and looks at her with kind eyes. 
“Listen Teddy we have to give it our all, this is our first real show” he grabs her face softly to make her stare at him. “I understand your feeling this pain but the crew and I are giving it our all and we need you Teddy.”
Her glossy eyes focused onto his, reflecting the sadness in her heart.
“But how can I when he’s out there watching me.” she tries to hold in the tears from ruining her make-up.
“Then let him watch and let him see what he’s missed out on” her eyes go wide at the me’re statement “you're better than him in every way so don’t let him define or instill fear into you, just sing your heart out.”
He kissed the top of her forehead and left her to think about his words. Loud applause echoed in the club as the present band left the stage.
“I'm so glad that everyones enjoying the show, but the night is not over yet” 
Her stomach turns like a washing machine in high spin mode, as she waits for the sound of her band's name. 
“Give it up for their first show”
She calms her breathing and walks up on the stage, where her band looks at her with widened eyes of amazement. 
“For Teddy and The Suaves!”
The ruby lights hit her vision and she looks at her sax player and nods with the utmost confidence.
The guitar, bongo’s and saxophone start off the song. Its slow and sensual like a smooth silk, she closes her eyes and waits for her part 
~Diamond life–  lover boy~
~We move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy~
She glides around the stage attracting every woman and man with her delicate waving hand and smooth movements.
~City lights~ and~business nights~
~When you require streetcar desire for higher heights~
Her silky voice soothes the air in the club, and romanticizes the dance floor with slow dances.
~No place for beginners or sensitive hearts~
Referring to her naive and innocent heart as a young girl.
~When sentiment is left to chaaaance~
~No place to be ending but somewhere to staaaart~
Her eyes open and she faces the crowd with open eyes.
~No need to ask-~
~He's a smooth operaaatoor~
~Smooth operator~
~Smooth operatoor~
~Smooth operator~
~Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western maaale~
~Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for saaale~
Her eyes lock on everyone in the crowd, other than him. She kept swaying her hips to the music and focused her mind on the lyrics. But unbeknownst to her, he was watching her body sway to the bongo’s. For some reason he was finding himself wondering what she meant by smooth operator and who. He chuckles to himself.
The sax’s player p closes his eyes enjoying the the sweet sounds her was producing along with the bongos
~Face to face - ~each classic case~
~We shadow box and double cross~
The singer does a soft shoulder shimmy, and lifts her head along with the microphone.
~Yet need the chassse~
~A license to love, insurance to hooold~
~Melts all your memories and change into goooold~
She touches her heart like a gentle feather. 
~His eyes are like angels but his heart is cooold~
A swift turn of her head she looks directly at him and sings 
~No need to ask-~
~He's a smooth operaaatoor~
~Smooth operator~
~Smooth operaator~
~Smoooth operaator~
~Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western maaale~
~Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for saale~
The gangster chuckles to himself and his lady looks at him curiously. 
“Honey, are you okay?”
He doesn’t turn to face his lady, but keeps his eyes on the female singer.
“Neva’ better.” he bites his lip seductively 
“Teddy, you're still thinking about me aren't ya.”
Smooth operator
She sings the two words repeatedly like a soft chant, her eyelashes slowly flutter like a butterfly's wings. Her eyes are no longer on the gangster she once loved but now on the sax’s players. She sings the word with a longing sadness, but she smiles knowing that she is going to be alright.
~Smoooth Operaator~
The song ends and the crowd erupts in cheers, whistles and claps. The singer had forgotten about the crowd and was a little shocked. 
“Thank you- um I couldn’t have done it without my crew” she gestures to them to come to her and they all hold each other's hands. She and her band all bow simultaneously, then come up to face the crowd once again. 
The sax’s player then takes her other hand and pulls her unto him. He places a small kiss on her forehead and says “You did a great job Teddy.” 
Sparkles lit up in her heart when he said, “You did amazing as always.” without thinking she places a kiss on his lips making the audience whistles louder.
I know I will be okay.
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thecoparoom · 2 years
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About 7 months after Joey Gallo
Village Voice, 11/2/72
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alfredsonger · 1 year
Albert Anastasia Escaped the Electric Chair to Die in a Barber Chair True Crime | True Crime Podcasts on Youtube | True Crime Documentary Albert Anastasia (born “Anastasio,” the masculine form of the Italian name) was a mobster who came out of the tough streets of Lower Manhattan to run one of the Five Families of La Cosa Nostra through the first half of the 20th century. Along the way, he built a reputation as one of the Mob’s most feared killers. Anastasia was reportedly a member of Murder Incorporated, the kill-for-hire crew that worked for Charlie “Lucky” Luciano and others in the years of Prohibition. Anastasia was, according to reports, one of the four men in 1931 who assassinated Giuseppe “Joe the Boss” Masseria, a powerful Mob boss, in the bloody gang rivalry known as the Castellammarese War. Anastasia was charged in three murders – in 1928, 1932 and 1933 – but in each case, witnesses either disappeared or refused to testify. Two other high-level Mob informants, both under police custody, died before their testimony helped bring Anastasia to trial, in 1941 and 1942. During World War II, Anastasia joined the U.S. Army. He also reportedly helped engineer the deal that eventually allowed Luciano, then ostensibly serving a life sentence for multiple prostitution-related convictions, to get out of prison (and go into exile in Italy) in exchange for keeping the New York City docks free of wartime Nazi infiltration. Anastasia worked for the Army training longshoremen on the East Coast. In 1943, he received U.S. citizenship for his military service, and he was honorably discharged from the Army in 1944. Eventually, Gambino moved against his sometime family boss. Anastasia was gunned down while he was sitting in a barber chair in Manhattan. Gambino assumed the family leadership, which would eventually become known as the Gambino crime family.
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purityarcade · 2 years
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the sopranos advertisements by bbdo new york (2005).
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lordofdestructionm · 1 year
Young Mordecai cooking the books for New York gangs: if i ever feel romantic attraction to someone i hope it will be someone eloquent, calm, well groomed, tidy, who can help me be my best self
Viktor on the western front chewing barbed wire and pulling German soldiers apart with his bare hands
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theantichrost · 1 year
I think I found a mafia movie that doesn't exist
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I couldn't any information about it, only this YouTube channel and Chazz Palminteri knows it exists. It feels like I'm watching Goncharov or some shit
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Mafia Kitty>:)
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good kitty<3
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0sincerelyella · 1 year
Request: Josh Allen X Wife!Reader. Josh takes his wife shopping after a game (she's very introverted and to herself mostly) and they have a good time along with dinner.
sweet voices - Josh Allen
Summary: Josh is a very emotional person, and his only outlet on those emotions is his beautiful, recent wife, y/n. so after a beautiful football win, he decides to treat his beautiful wife
Notes: despite the HORRIBLE summary, this is going to be good and cute i PROMISE.
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Josh was so giddy and happy, not only because of the game, but today was the first day he got to come home from a win, and he greeted by his newly wed wife, instead of his long term girlfriend
it was his first time going home to see the woman, whom he’s been with for ten years, as his wife, and his forever. and boy did he have an amazing celebration for them.
walking through the door, freshly showered and happily excited. “Princess i’m home!” he said excitedly, finding his wife laying on the couch in an oversized bills hoodie, curtesy of joshes side of the closet. “Hey joshey!” she said, swinging her legs over the couch, smiling at her husband. “hello my wife” he spoke, kissing her forehead. “Congrats on the win my love, you played amazing, i’m so sorry i couldn’t be there” she apologized, y/n didn’t really enjoy the stadium scene, she loved watching the games from home, but actually being there put a pit in her stomach because of the fact she was alone without josh in a group full of people, so she opted with staying home and cheering him on from the couch. she does attend some games, sitting with his parents in the VIP box, but only the games they can attend, to make her feel a bit more comfortable.
“never mind that, you watched that’s all that matters. how is my wife?” he asks, sitting next to her on the couch, draping his arm over her shoulder and kissing her cheek. “i’m great really, enjoying lounging around” josh smiled, standing up. “we’ll too bad, go change i have a surprise” he said with a big goofy grin. y/n looked at him suspiciously, as he grabbed her hand to help her off the couch. “what is it?” josh laughed, pulling her up gently, and rubbing her back. “you wish” he whispered, kissing her cheek and walking toward their bedroom.
after y/n got dressed josh led her to the car, opening the door for his wife. “josh what are we doing?” she asked as he got into the driver seat of his car. “we’re going shopping” he said, pulling out of the driveway. “what for?” josh grabbed y/ns hand in his and rested them on the center console. “whatever your heart desires babe” y/n shook her head. josh interrupted before she could say a word. “before you say anything about celebrating my win, this is how i want to do it. i want to sit down and have a nice dinner with my wife and treat her to whatever she wants to buy” he explained, smiling over at her, she nodded quietly, happy and content with her life.
as the drive went on, y/n watched josh as he drove the car. “i’m proud of you for your win today babe” she spoke, running her fingers across his hand. “i really appreciate that” he said, bringing her hand up to kiss it. “you played really well and you kept your cool” she continued, wanting to make it clear that she watched the game, she felt bad for not being able to attend. “y/n, love, you don’t have to worry about not coming to my games” he promised. “i know you support me and you try every time you can” josh reassured y/n, letting her know that he wasn’t upset at all by her not being there.
once the two got to the mall, josh opened y/ns door and led her into the mall, her hand held tightly in his own. their first stop, one hundred percent josh’s idea, was the lego store. “josh we will never have time to build one of these” y/n laughed, josh shook his head and led her to the lego flower section. “we will reserve a date night for wine, movies, and legos” he said, happily allowing y/n to pick a set. y/n grabbed the roses and josh grabbed the cherry blossom bonzai tree and the husband and wife checked out of the store
through out the store josh was being stopped left and right for pictures, but y/n didn’t mind, she always stepped off to the side and waited for the large crowd to subside from her husband so they could continue their much needed family time. but one crowd in particular did not allow y/n to enjoy her time with josh. it was a group of four girls, all about 14, all wanting pictures with josh. y/n stepped aside, trying to go unseen by the eyes of the public, keeping completely to herself as she walked over and sat on a bench. the girls, after their picture, had continued to ask josh various questions, and crowd him with warnings of facetimes to friends, and autographs, and to make tiktoks, and all josh wanted was to be with his wife
“girls, i really do appreciate the support but my wife-“ the tallest girl cut him off. “josh my dads a big fan can you call him?” josh shook his head. “i really need to get back to my wife” he said, turning towards y/n. the girl crossed her arms. “wow. i thought you were a nice guy, seems to me like your faking it” she said, taking a stab at his attempt to just go shopping with his wife. josh turned around, not noticing y/n walking towards them. “like i said girls, i really appreciate the support, but my whole life isn’t football and pictures and autographs, i have a wife. and she is my whole world, and i will not jeopardize my whole world pictures and tiktoks with 14 year olds” he came off a bit more rude than he wished, but his anger got the best of him as he turned to find his wife grabbing his hand to drag him away from the crowd.
“can a guy not have alone time with his woman from time to time?” josh laughed, draping his arm over y/ns shoulder as they walked away. “not when that guy is a famous football player” y/n said, laughing back at him. “i love playing football and i love the fans, but man they gotta understand that i love my wife way more” y/n giggled, kissing joshes hand that rests on her shoulder. “i love you josh” she said, smiling. “i love you sweet girl” he promised.
the next store the couple found themselves in was build a bear, and without any protests, y/n began running through the store like a kid.
she squealed as she came across the nightmare before christmas section “i don’t know which one to choose!” she complained, deciding between getting all three lock shock and barrel, or oogie boogie, or jack. “they are so cute” she complained some more, huffing and puffing over stuffed bears. “how about i get jack, and you get sally and we can do voice memos and i’ll take sally to put in my locker at work, and you take jack” josh suggested, to which y/n almost fell over out of happiness.
y/n grabbed the bear for sally and began to build her, making josh stand on the other side of the store waiting, so that the voice memo could be a surprise. when she was finished it was josh’s turn. the two promised not to play the voice memos until josh went to work the next morning, and y/n was at home.
after the mall, josh had picked a restaurant , because y/n was TERRIBLE at deciding where to eat, and they had finally sat down to relax. josh held both of y/ns hands across the table as they talked. y/n rambled i’m about her day, and how happy she was to watch the game, and josh rambled about all of the things he could’ve improved on and all of the things he had shown signs of already improving on.
y/n loved listening to josh rant about football, something about his voice automatically calmed her down from the world. she loved spending this time with josh.
“thank you for taking me out today” she said, smiling at him. “of course y/n, we deserve to have some time to just us, husband and wife” he said, running his thumb atop her knuckles.
the next day, when josh was at practice, y/n grabbed the jack bear, and sat on her and josh’s bed.
while josh had done the same at the stadium, finding some privacy to listen to the bear
y/n pressed play. “I love you princess, never forget. every single win is for you my wife, mwah!” y/n giggled, hugging the bear to her chest. her smile never faded.
may the stadium, or was josh’s turn to press play. “Remember to stay calm joshy, don’t forget i’m always watching your games no matter what, win or lose, i love you!” josh smiled so bright, with all that love, this bear could win buffalo a super bowl.
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pedroam-bang · 6 months
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The Godfather: Part II (1974)
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gothgleek · 13 days
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Jana Craig
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
In the name of Lawyers, what's your Ace Attorney knowledge?
I know the first game pretty well, so I'd say 5. However, with the combined knowledge of my Ace Attorney loving friends, I'd raise that to 50.
However, if you are looking for some MDZS x AA crossover content, check out these posts by @lazycranberrydoodles! They're an amazing artist!
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billa-billa007 · 1 year
Carmine Persico - FINAL - Mafia Commission Trials, Colombo trials, and the war w Vic Orena
Carmine John Persico Jr. (August 8, 1933 – March 7, 2019) was an American mobster and a longtime leader of the Colombo crime family, one of the Five Families of the Italian-American Mafia in New York City. He was commonly known as "The Snake" due to his cunning and secretive nature.
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jinxed-sinner · 5 months
Alright here's my full (possibly hot) take on redesigning Hazbin Hotel characters and making a video showcasing those redesigns while you criticize the official designs.
First and foremost, you are redesigning someone else's OCs. Hazbin Hotel is, in essence, a passion project for Viv. How she talks about it makes that incredibly clear to me. The only difference between Hazbin Hotel and, for example, the story I'm developing surrounding some of my D&D OCs is that Hazbin Hotel got picked up by a streaming service and is significantly more popular than most passsion projects get.
Personally if someone wanted to redesign my D&D OCs, I wouldn't mind it, in fact I'd probably think it was really cool that someone would want to redesign one of my OCs to be closer to their tastes in terms of what they like to draw. I would, however, be made incredibly uncomfortable if someone made a video redesigning them where they also pointed out everything they thought was wrong with the designs. I didn't design these specific D&D characters to be 1-to-1 accurate to their classes in D&D or to look professionally designed. I designed them how I wanted them to look for the story I'm telling because I don't plan to ever play them in a campaign. The main character Avlan is a paladin, and I can acknowledge that his design might not look exactly like a paladin. One of the tabaxi in the story (Ice) is a bard and the other (Spark) is a ranger, and I acknowledge that their classes might not come across well in their designs. The single tiefling I've designed for this story (Tragedy) is a cleric but might not come off as one in their design. But I specifically designed them to be easy for me to draw because I want to be able to tell this story through my art. Having someone say "oh, Avlan's armor isn't paladin enough!" or "Avlan's fur colors and patterns should be closer to a wild rabbit's because harengon shouldn't be based on domestic rabbit colors!" would fucking hurt (especially because I'm so attached to Avlan, but it would hurt just as much if similar comments were made about Ice, Spark, or Tragedy). I am so passionate about these characters and being told their designs are bad or wrong in some way would be like a stab in the heart, and it would still feel like a stab in the heart if this story ever got a massive fandom behind it. Giving Avlan more complex armor because you think it'd look cool or just want to see what it'd look like? Sure, if I could draw more complex armor I'd give him more complex armor too. Giving him more complex armor but also shitting on the armor I decide to draw him with? My motivation to draw him in his armor, potentially draw him period, would be dead for WEEKS.
Why is it suddenly okay just because someone's passion project was picked up by Amazon Prime? Why is it suddenly okay to be "fixing" someone's character designs just because the project has a much bigger budget than most artists get and is on a popular streaming service? It's not. I don't care if you're a professional character designer, or think a specific character would look better with certain traits, or just don't like the character designs.
Hazbin Hotel is still Vivienne Medrano's passion project, and redesigning her characters and making videos talking about everything you think is "wrong" with them is, honestly, disgusting. You can make videos explaining your choices in your redesigns without putting down the designs that already exist, whether you like them or not. Me thinking Lucifer looks better with his tail not restricted to his full demon form doesn't suddenly mean I don't like his official design, because I fucking love it. If you wouldn't do it to an artist whose passion project is just a webcomic here on Tumblr, don't fucking do it to an artist whose passion project got picked up for a cartoon by a big streaming service (or any company for that matter).
#hazbin hotel#vent#kinda#i just think it's a weird double standard#'yeah don't fix people's art! unless theyre working on a project that was picked up by a big company then it's fine to fix their art'#like???#why is that a mentality that exists?? they're still viv's characters#and you can still redesign them without shitting on the official designs#pretty much all of my redesign notes for hazbin hotel are 'how can i make this character easier and more fun for me to draw'#because i specialize in furry art. i don't usually draw humanoids lol#so giving vox some shark traits for example or making adam more birdlike would make them more fun for me to draw#why can't we redesign them based on that without saying 'i think it's weird that this decision was made for this character's design'#they're still viv's characters. they're still her designs. stop pointing out everything you think is wrong with them for fucks sake#we don't need to talk about hazbin's character designs. we don't need to 'fix' them#just say they aren't for you and move on. there's literally nothing inherently wrong with them#i also feel like not enough people actually do research into the historical contexts of some characters#and i think it'd be really fuckin cool to see people redesign characters more based on headcanons based on that than anything#look into how the mafia operated in new york in the early/mid 1900s for angel. look into radio hosts in the 1920s for alastor.#look into las vegas culture during husk's lifetime for husk. look into the culture surrounding tv hosts in the 1950s for vox.#LOOK INTO THE CULTURE OF THE ELIZABETHAN ERA FOR ZESTIAL.#(i just presented zestial ideas to anyone who wants them on a silver platter. you're welcome)#(also new headcanon that zestial was friends with shakespeare in life because why the fuck not)#(when the tags get wildly out of hand)
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cruelmiracles · 6 months
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Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin for The Mafia Wants Blood (1970)
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