memoonthemove · 11 days
A Final Note
My name is Guillermo de la Cruz. I am, by birth and lineage, a vampire killer. That choice was made for me before I was ever born.
When I was nineteen years old I fell in love at first sight with what I thought was my most secret fantasies come to life. I didn’t think it was a choice then, either, what I did that night. For a long time, I told myself that none of my actions were choices. They were simply what I had to do to get what I wanted.
I spent thirteen years learning that reality never lives up to fantasy, that there’s no such thing as ‘simply what I had to do.’ And that love at first sight is the most unrealistic fantasy of them all.
I didn’t love the man I met that night in 2009. I didn’t know all the things there were about him to love, yet. But over those years I learned every quirk, every silly impulse, every ridiculous, capricious defense mechanism, every beautiful, noble, sweet, brilliant little detail. I learned that beneath the cold, aloof exterior was a person as profoundly lonely as I was. Over time, he let me in to alleviate that loneliness.
I used to worry we'd end up like Cathy and Heathcliff. In the end, we were more like Jane and Mr. Rochester.
(No dear reader, I didn't marry him. At least...not yet.)
I learned a lot during those years, even with blinders on, so focused on my goal I couldn't see anything else. We both made mistakes. We hurt and forgave each other. We fought for each other. Less than a week ago, we nearly lost each other for good.
But the most important thing is that through all of it, in every moment, at every crossroads…we chose each other. Over hunger, and instinct, and blood, and destiny, and fear of the unknown, we chose each other.
I love him. I can’t say or write it enough times. I love him, I love him, I love him. I will love him forever.
Turns out happily ever after isn't just a fantasy, not for us.
It's real, and it starts now.
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memoonthemove · 5 months
No More Hiding
The Supreme Worldwide Vampiric Council has Nandor. No point in code names now. It doesn't matter. They're threatening to kill him--or worse--unless I surrender to them.
I am fully aware this is all my fault.
If you're reading this, mis familias de vida y muerte, please stay away. I know I said we would do this together, but I don't want anyone else to get hurt for my stupid mistakes, and I can't risk Nandor. I can't lose any of you, so you will have to lose me. I'm sorry. I know that's selfish, but everyone gets a moment to be selfish once in their life, and I'm choosing my moment.
JD - You've been a good friend. A good co-parent. You've got such a big heart. I hope the centuries are filled with so many people ready to appreciate it that you forget about the stubborn, wayward familiar who was always causing drama in the house.
S Rhubarb - You're the strongest person I've ever known. And underneath that, you're kinder than you want people to know. Thank you for being kind to me and to my other family when you didn't have to be.
TG - I'm sorry. I wish I'd done things differently...made better choices. I wish we got more time to be friends. You've been a good friend. I'll say hello to Abraham for you.
Q&T&L - I don't know if you even check this page anymore. If you do, thank you. You gave me the first real taste of independence and stability I had in my adult life.
LBB - I know we all pretend not to remember it, but you were such a great kid. Being your Uncle Memo was one of the best things I've ever done. I'm sorry I'm going back on everything I said before. I know we had a plan, but I can't risk it. I can't risk him.
Mamá - Eres la mejor madre que un chico extraño podría pedir. Estoy muy orgulloso de ser tu hijo. Por favor, no te desquites con mi familia de muerte. Los amo, no quiero que les pase nada malo.
Nandor - By the time you read this, this will all be over. I feel like I've said goodbye to you so many times already, and I've always hated doing it. So I'm not going to do it again. I will see you soon, mi vida. Te amo.
I love you all. I'm so sorry.
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memoonthemove · 5 months
I told you! I told you not to run off on your own! Why would you do something so reckless and stupid?! I understand why you would leave the others out but ME? You couldn't have called me?! I COULD HAVE HELPED.
You don't know what they will do to him. You don't...you can't imagine what it is to have everything that is You taken away. If they do this he will never get it back, do you understand?! Your eyes...your touch. He will hear your name and feel nothing but a sense of something missing, misplaced forever. Even now, I know what was taken from me, but I can never get it back...
They aren't going to do anything to him, because I'm going to give them exactly what they want. I'm on my way back to Staten Island now.
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memoonthemove · 5 months
Your pet vampire came to try and buy your life with our blood, little slayer. Unfortunate for you, very fortuitous for us. Now we have something you want. If you won't stop hiding from us like a coward for your own dignity, perhaps you will do it to save his life? Or will you leave him to die, and let his last thought be that we were right about you all along? You know where to find us.
I'm going to give you exactly one chance to make a deal. Just one.
I'm coming to you. Let him go, and I surrender. You can cage me, kill me, torture me. I don't care. I won't fight, as long as you let him go unharmed.
But if you hurt him...if you put one single hair on his head out of place? I will kill every last one of you.
Please remember that I'm not making an idle threat here. I don't enjoy killing vampires, but I am very, very good at it. I've killed every vampire you've ever sent after me, and then some, and I barely broke a sweat doing it. And that was with a lot of reluctance on my part.
But if you harm him in any way? Then I'll develop a taste for it. Killing vampires will become my vocation, my purpose, my single favorite thing to do. I will eat, sleep, and breathe killing vampires. And I won't stop. I won't ever fucking stop until every one of you that had a hand in hurting him is dead. There won't be a hole deep and dark enough to hide you from me.
So with that in mind: how this plays out from here is entirely up to you.
I'm on my way.
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memoonthemove · 5 months
You've really done it this time, G-man. He's gone to confront them alone in some misguided attempt to save you from yourself. Before you ask, we did try to stop him. I always forget how powerful he is when he's not playing dumb. They'll put him in the well again, if we're lucky.
You're always saying we're like family. Well, we should have done this as a family. You owe him an apology. I just hope for your sake you don't end up having to deliver it to his ashes.
No. No no no no no FUCK.
I wasn't going off on my own! I swear...I was frustrated, but I made him a promise. I was out of touch for a couple of days because I was dodging some council assassins, but that's happened before! I didn't realize he would think I'd...
Fuck, it doesn't even matter. You're right. I fucked up. I fucked up the second I left. I should never have run in the first place.
I'm coming to you. I'm already in a cab. I'll be there as fast as I can. We'll get him back.
I know you're all ignoring my calls right now for good reason, but I swear to you: I am going to fix this. I'm going to save him. We've gotten him out of the well before and we'll do it again. This is not how this ends.
Will you help me? I know I should have asked sooner. I know I have no right to ask now. But I'm asking. I'll fucking beg if I have to.
Please. Please help me save him.
I'm coming to you either way. I'll text you when I'm ten minutes out. I have another new ask, hopefully it's him!
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memoonthemove · 5 months
I am coming, azizam. I will not stand by while you do this alone. I am sorry, but that is too much to ask of me.
Do not be too angry with me?
No!! No no no no no. Fuck, when did you send this? Answer your phone! I'm safe! I'm fine! I wasn't going to do anything crazy, I swear! I ran into some trouble, but I was on my way back TO YOU!
Please just answer your phone. Please stop whatever you're doing and call me. We'll meet somewhere, anywhere, and we can talk about this and come up with a better plan. Anything you want, just PLEASE stop whatever you're doing and call me back!
Please mi vida.
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memoonthemove · 5 months
Tumblr media
What the hell...
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memoonthemove · 5 months
I am, by birth and lineage, a vampire killer.
But that isn't what I wanted for my life.
I won't lie and say I'm ashamed of who I am, or that I don't enjoy having power for once. For so much of my life, I was made to feel wrong, and strange, and small. Sometimes even by the people who loved me. Now there isn't a single person who could make me feel small, and I'm reasonably confident I could make anyone who tried regret it. What former lonely misfit wouldn't enjoy having that kind of power?
Still. I don't like killing, despite how much of it I do. I've got a lot of blood on my hands for someone who doesn't actually enjoy causing harm. More than most serial killers, probably, which is something I normally cope with by not thinking about it for too long. I guess I can admit that here, finally, before the end.
Because an end is coming, one way or another. I'll finally face down the twitching mess of a council that's so terrified of one little human who could stand up to them if he wanted to that they're willing to risk starting an all-out supernatural war to get rid of him. It's impulsive and stupid, but I didn't expect better. I've had nearly a decade and a half to learn about immortals and their weaknesses. It turns out the greatest one isn't even physical: becoming immortal and nearly all-powerful makes you deal very poorly with any real threat.
The irony is, if they had left me and mine alone I would never have harmed any of them. I'd never have had a reason.
But they didn't, so now I do. Going after me was one thing, but this? This can't go on anymore. I can't hide away staying safe while the SWVC sends assassins after my family--after you, mi vida. I know you're reading this, most likely when you should be sleeping. I want you to know I'm going to put an end to all this soon, one way or another.
I know you said it was nothing, but it wasn't nothing. An assassin got into the garden. I've been thinking about it non-stop for two days. What if he had gotten into the house? What if they outsourced to someone who could day-walk? A human assassin could walk right through the front door or break in through a window at any time of day, and there'd be nothing to stop them from staking most of my family while they slept because I'm not there to protect you. Like I should be.
Fuck, they wouldn't even have to go that far. Tear down all the curtains. Set the house on fire. There are a dozen ways I can think of just off the top of my head, and it's terrifying. But even if they don't think of anything outside the box...
That assassin was just the beginning. This is 2020 all over again. I know they'll send another, and another, and another. Eventually, one of them will get lucky, and I'll lose someone I love. I can't let that happen.
I have to do something before that happens.
And listen...if this goes very wrong, I need you to know that I don't regret any of it. Meeting you, the years we spent together, even the mistakes and the bad days. I'd take a bad day with you over any kind of day without you. I know you're going to yeesh at me for this and probably say I'm being dramatic. But I need you to know, in case I don't get a chance to tell you later.
Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wouldn't change it.
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memoonthemove · 5 months
Rascal! You were here, I know it. That was a very risky thing to do! And very rude not to wake me.
I know why you didn't. I am okay. You are okay?
I miss you.
- 🖤
I'm okay. I wanted to wake you, but you just looked so peaceful. I couldn't bring myself to disturb you, but I needed to see you.
Something big is coming. I don't have any more details right now, but I will call as soon as I can.
Te amo, mi vida. I love you, my life.
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memoonthemove · 5 months
YEESH I am calling you now! We had to dispose of the remains and then get your witchy friends to fix the wards and secure the house. Fucking guy.
That's better, mi amor. Talk to you soon. ❤️
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memoonthemove · 5 months
No one has been hurt! We are very powerful vampires, remember?
I'll make you a deal. You give me a call in the next 8 hours, facetime or ether, and prove to me you're okay, and I won't do something insane like storm VC HQ singlehandedly and see how many of those bastards I can kill before they take me down.
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memoonthemove · 5 months
Do not come here, azizam! Everything is o-akay, I promise you! There was only a small assassin who got into the garden. We took care of him all by ourselves, please do not worry. Please stay safe where you are.
AN ASSASSIN?! That is not enough information! Was it a vampire? How did they get into the garden?! It's supposed to be warded. Was anyone hurt? WHY ISN'T ANYONE ANSWERING MY CALLS.
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memoonthemove · 5 months
No one is answering my calls or texts. No one is sending me any messages here. I can't initiate a call via the ether. I haven't heard from anyone at all in almost a week.
I've been out of state since the warehouse incident. It just seemed safer for everyone involved to put some distance between me and the VC's hunting grounds, especially with all of them here.
But I'm this close to heading home to check in. I just keep thinking...what if this is a trap? What if this is their plan? Cut off all contact with my family to lure me back in?
At this point, I'm not sure that I care. I'd rather walk into a trap than sit here while the people I love are in danger.
Family...mi vida...if any of you are reading this, please let me know you're all okay. I'm going out of my mind.
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memoonthemove · 6 months
The you-know-what is coming here! I just got word. They should arrive by tomorrow night. I don't know what is going on, usually they would give more notice than this. Look out for yourself!
Thanks, TG. I think I'm pretty well out of their reach at this point, but I'll be extra careful. You, too?
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memoonthemove · 6 months
Oh fuck off. English spelling has changed at least thrice since I was born, it's all a fucking construct.
And not a chance, boy. You know as well as I do, he would never agree to such a plan. Nor, to be clear, would the rest of us.
You will call upon us when you're ready to make your stand. No more running in alone and half-cocked.
Wow. I'm...I'm touched, actually. I know I'm always going on about how we're a family, but I never thought...
You know what? That's not even true. We raised a kid together. We lost one together, too. And then you were there for me when I was dealing with my botched transformation. You kept my secret, did everything you could for me, and even came to say goodbye at the end. I knew then that it wasn't just me that thinks we're a family.
So thanks. Thank you. I...just, thank you.
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memoonthemove · 6 months
Something is, as they say, up. Our misguided friend has been very off and twitchy as of late. Keep a westher eye out, Gizmo.
Nice typo, Jackie. 😅
Thanks for the heads up. I've been noticing more vampire activity over the last week. I'll check with my sources and see what I can find out.
Any chance I can convince you all to go on vacation for a couple of weeks, somewhere far away from the city?
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memoonthemove · 6 months
Why, can they hurt me?
Sorry, couldn't resist the Buffy reference.
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