#if you make it through this without me mi vida...i would have loved you forever
memoonthemove · 5 months
No More Hiding
The Supreme Worldwide Vampiric Council has Nandor. No point in code names now. It doesn't matter. They're threatening to kill him--or worse--unless I surrender to them.
I am fully aware this is all my fault.
If you're reading this, mis familias de vida y muerte, please stay away. I know I said we would do this together, but I don't want anyone else to get hurt for my stupid mistakes, and I can't risk Nandor. I can't lose any of you, so you will have to lose me. I'm sorry. I know that's selfish, but everyone gets a moment to be selfish once in their life, and I'm choosing my moment.
JD - You've been a good friend. A good co-parent. You've got such a big heart. I hope the centuries are filled with so many people ready to appreciate it that you forget about the stubborn, wayward familiar who was always causing drama in the house.
S Rhubarb - You're the strongest person I've ever known. And underneath that, you're kinder than you want people to know. Thank you for being kind to me and to my other family when you didn't have to be.
TG - I'm sorry. I wish I'd done things differently...made better choices. I wish we got more time to be friends. You've been a good friend. I'll say hello to Abraham for you.
Q&T&L - I don't know if you even check this page anymore. If you do, thank you. You gave me the first real taste of independence and stability I had in my adult life.
LBB - I know we all pretend not to remember it, but you were such a great kid. Being your Uncle Memo was one of the best things I've ever done. I'm sorry I'm going back on everything I said before. I know we had a plan, but I can't risk it. I can't risk him.
Mamá - Eres la mejor madre que un chico extraño podría pedir. Estoy muy orgulloso de ser tu hijo. Por favor, no te desquites con mi familia de muerte. Los amo, no quiero que les pase nada malo.
Nandor - By the time you read this, this will all be over. I feel like I've said goodbye to you so many times already, and I've always hated doing it. So I'm not going to do it again. I will see you soon, mi vida. Te amo.
I love you all. I'm so sorry.
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loorain · 1 year
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - The First of Many
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The time has come for Lakshmi and Tabatha's wedding, and though they aren't doing too much other than the act itself Nyla still wanted to give them a little bit of a treat of relaxation before the big day, so the night before all the pals arrive at Nyla's apartment for a little de-stressing.
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This included some much-needed massaging all thanks to Nyla and her longtime partner Alex, who is actually an aspiring masseuse himself and lent his assistance to the cause!
Everyone was feeling relaxed and ready for a courthouse wedding, and after good company and a good night's rest, that's exactly what happened!
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The following afternoon, all of Laks' closest friends, their partners, and children filed into the local courthouse and witnessed her and Tabatha's marriage ceremony.
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Tabatha: Lakshmi, I know you weren't always certain about me, but I have always been certain about you. From the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you were special. In the time we've been together, we've been inseparable. Every second that I spend with you feels like a dream, and I'm so lucky you came to see what life could be with me by your side. I promise to always do what I can to keep that spark lit inside your heart, and I look forward to my future with you. I love you so much, mi vida.
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Lakshmi: Tabatha, you're right in saying I wasn't always certain about us. Before you, I had a string of failed relationships, with my most recent being the worst of the bunch. My heart was broken and I was uncertain I could ever love again. Moving in with you was a choice made of a need to heal. I never knew it would lead me to my true destiny. Tabby, you have shown me an entirely new world, and you've reminded me that love coexists with all good and bad in the universe. It is our capacity to love others that makes life worth living. You are my reason to live to the fullest, and I vow to always care for you with that in mind. I love you now and forever.
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After an exchange of rings, the two sealed their covenant with a kiss and were officially married! While it was a brief and lowkey wedding, everyone in attendance was filled with joy upon witnessing such a lovely couple commit themselves to one another.
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The group spends a little more time inside the wedding hall area before eventually heading outside for photos.
Tabatha: Laks and I have been trying to guess which of you couples will be joining the married club next.
Alex: Ah, have you? Well, I suppose we're all heading towards that! What's your verdict?
Tabatha: We've been thinking that maybe Sabrina and Beau will be tying the knot sooner rather than later!
Sabrina looks over at Tabatha, mildly surprised by the statement.
Sabrina: Us? Really?
Tabatha: Yeah! You guys have been through a lot and despite losing each other for some time, navigating new roles, and through miscommunication your relationship is stronger than ever! You two are obviously made for each other!
Alex: I'd actually have to agree with that. No hard feelings you didn't choose me and Nyla, haha!
Sabrina hasn't thought too much about marriage up until this point. Sure, Beau has stated his intentions of committing himself to Sabrina and Juno as husband and stepfather respectively, but Beau also expressed there was no need for Sabrina to feel pressured by this. Sabrina took his words to heart, acknowledging and appreciating his devotion without dwelling on their own levels of love beyond what they have with Beau currently. After all, their relationship has been hot and cold, with years of not talking, misunderstandings and rushing too quickly just to pump the brakes when things got too heavy. Sabrina promised when resuming this relationship that they would take things slow, allowing themself to really revel in the moment instead of worrying too much about the future.
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Oddly enough though, while past Sabrina might have chosen to flee before things got too heavy, this declaration from her friend makes them feel... at ease. Beau has been there through thick and thin, and he's proven to be a devoted partner and loving potential parent to Juno. Sabrina can't see their life without him anymore, so why shouldn't they get married and fulfill the ultimate public display of commitment to one another? It's in that moment that Sabrina realizes they want to get engaged to Beau. There's no one else in the world they'd want to spend the rest of their life with.
Sabrina: Hmm, maybe you're onto something there, Tabs.
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After photo-taking with the group and general chit-chat and revelry, the group said goodbye to the newlyweds, leaving them alone for the first time since the wedding.
Lakshmi: Hey there, wifey. Doing okay?
Tabatha: Just taking it all in. We're really married.
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Tabatha turns to her wife, caressing her cheek.
Tabatha: I can't believe I get to love you for the rest of my life.
Lakshmi: We have many years to look forward to. So great to have so many friends by our side, too.
Tabatha: They've been so welcoming to me like I was always part of the gang.
Lakshmi: They're true friends and they saw that you make me happy.
Tabatha: I'm grateful for them and for you. I love you.
Lakshmi: I love you too.
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yaretsblog · 1 month
Mi rey para ti es como el océano, continúa hasta donde alcanza la vista y parece interminable. Eres la única llave de mi corazón. No, no eres mi media naranja; eres mi media naranja porque sacas lo mejor de mí. Solo quiero tres cosas, tú, tú y más de ti.
Te amo, mi rey Gracias por dejarme experimentar este increíble amor. Lo que siento por ti es como un viaje que comienza para siempre y termina en nunca. Dicen que el amor duele, pero estoy dispuesto a correr ese riesgo si eso significa ser con tú. Eres especial, querido. Solo tú puedes hablar en el idioma de mi alma. Me haces sentir este tipo inexplicable de felicidad. Gracias cariño. Todas las canciones de amor han comenzado a tener sentido ahora que te tengo. Quiero que sepas que nos atesoro. Representas el tipo de amor que viene una vez en la vida. Solo tu amor me inspira a crear y vivir en situaciones difíciles.
No puedo ser un super mujer para ti, pero te protegeré de problemas y tribulaciones. Me haces feliz. ¡Solo de ti aprendí a respirar! Me apasiona. ¡Estoy enamorada No puedo soportar estar separado de ti; eres una parte vital de mí. ¿Sabes por qué la luna no brilla hoy? Porque el brillo de eres una parte vital de mí. ¿Sabes por qué la luna no brilla hoy? Porque el brillo de tus hermosos ojos ilumina todo alrededor. Eres increíble. Solo quiero abrazarte fuerte, mantenerte caliente y nunca dejarte ir cuando soy con tú.
Elegiría un momento en la Tierra con que una eternidad en el paraíso sin ti. ¡Pienso en ti ocho días a la semana, 25 horas al día! ¡Soy todo sobre ti! El cautiverio más agradable del mundo es el cautiverio de tus ojos y labios. Cuando me preguntaron por qué mi corazón late por ti, mi respuesta fue simple: en ti, me veo a mí mismo. Esto es amor.
Nunca te lastimaré, tenemos un corazón para dos, y mientras nos amemos, seguirá latiendo. Significas más que este mundo para mí. Quiero abrazarte y sentir cómo nuestros corazones latirán al unísono. Me apasiona, mi dulce amor. @hamdan-fazza @yaretsblog
My king to you is like the ocean, it goes on as far as the eye can see and seems endless. You are the only key to my heart. No, you are not my soulmate; you are my soulmate because you bring out the best in me. I only want three things, you, you and more of you.
I love you, my king. Thank you for letting me experience this amazing love. What I feel for you is like a journey that starts forever and ends in never. They say love hurts, but I am willing to take that risk if it means being with you. You are special, dear. Only you can speak the language of my soul. You make me feel this inexplicable kind of happiness. Thank you, sweetheart. All the love songs have started to make sense now that I have you. I want you to know that I treasure us. You represent the kind of love that comes once in a lifetime. Only your love inspires me to create and live through difficult situations.
I can't be a superwoman for you, but I will protect you from troubles and tribulations. You make me happy. Only from you did I learn to breathe! I am passionate about you. I'm in love. I can't stand to be separated from you; you're a vital part of me. Do you know why the moon doesn't shine today? Because the shine of your beautiful eyes lights up everything around. You're amazing. I just want to hold you tight, keep you warm, and never let you go when I'm with you.
I would choose a moment on Earth with you than an eternity in paradise without you. I think about you eight days a week, 25 hours a day! I'm all about you! The most pleasant captivity in the world is the captivity of your eyes and lips. When I was asked why my heart beats for you, my answer was simple: in you, I see myself. This is love.
I will never hurt you, we have one heart for two, and as long as we love each other, it will keep beating. You mean more than this world to me. I want to hold you and feel how our hearts will beat in unison. I'm passionate about you, my sweet love.
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biographydivider · 2 years
Princesa Bruno is, surely, the best Bruno.
I tried to stay away. But the idea of Bruno in a tiara (plus a slightly flirtier chapter of Nettle & Daisy to come) drew me back in. Bruno is tired of being set up with his ex-girlfriend who thinks he can kill fish with his mind. Luckily, his sobrinas - and a bag of makeup - are close by to help out...
Bruno had done a lot of things wrong in his life. But, apparently, the worst of his crimes was getting into his mid-thirties without having a big wedding and popping out a few more little miracles for the community. Hence, Señora Pezmuerto’s latest visit to La Casita. With Ozma.               He stared into the wardrobe in his vision cave – really, just a hollowed-out wall where the sand couldn’t get to – the brand-new ruana that Mamá had bought for the occasion staring right back at him. “You want Ozma to see you at your best, don’t you?” she’d said, shooting him a pointed look. And that had been his moment; the moment to tell her that he didn’t want Ozma and she very, very much didn’t want him. That he wasn’t a kid anymore and she needed to get over this dumb, romanticised idea that –               “I mean. I mean, it doesn’t really…Mamá, me and Ozma…”               The next thing he knew, his Mamá’s hand was cupping his cheek. “You look so much like your Papa, mi vida.” Her eyes were filled with this…this softness that Bruno barely ever got to see. She smiled, squeezing his cheek beneath her fingers, and Bruno felt is resolve weaken, just a little. Just enough. “He would want to see you happily married. With children by your side. And Ozma is intelligent and beautiful, with a good family behind her – a perfect match for the family.”               “But Mamá…”               “Go get changed. And brush your hair.” Mamá ruffled his curls, tutting. “You’re growing it so long these days, Brunito. It isn’t tidy.”               Bruno groaned, pulling the ruana down from its shelf and slipping it over his head. Ozma and Bruno had a…complicated past. She’d had this inexplicable crush on him all through their childhoods, which Bruno had regarded with a sort of detached confusion. Then, when he got a little older and realised girls were kinda interesting, he and Ozma had, um, let’s call it ‘dated.’ Off and on. Enough that the family took notice. Then The Fish Incident happened.               She’d been grieving. He knew that. He knew what it was like to lose a pet; he had rats, after all. They don’t exactly live forever. But in the middle of her tears, Ozma had told Bruno that it was his fault Triton had died, because of the vision he gave her. And he’d lost his temper. Told her that was the stupidest thing he’d ever heard. She knew that wasn’t how visions worked, and he was sick – sick! – of being blamed for stuff that wasn’t his fault. But she stuck by it. Told the whole town. So now, they barely talked. But Mamá wasn’t buying that; she was convinced that his and Ozma’s grand love story was only one dinner party away. Because, in the Encanto, the only thing stopping True Love must be that there weren’t enough social functions thrown at the problem.               “Tio Bruno? Tio, it’s us!”               Bruno started as three tiny sets of feet pounded up the stone steps to his vision cave. He couldn’t even manage them without feeling like he was dying. Oh, to be young again.               Little Isabela, Dolores and Luisa burst into his cave, out of breath but giggling at each other in their pretty party dresses. The three oldest Madrigal grandkids had formed a little pack, these days, since Mirabel and Camilo came along. Luisa seemed thrilled to not be considered The Baby anymore, getting to tag along with Dolores and Isabela instead of sticking close to her (very preoccupied) Mamá. She was clutching something in her hand – some sort of bag? Bruno couldn’t keep track of all the toys these kids had.               “Hey, girls,” Bruno sighed, straightening out the ruana with a flick of his hands. “You been sent to get me?”               “Mm-hmm,” Isabela nodded. “Abuela says we need to make sure you brush your hair.”               I’m thirty-five years old and the six-year-old gets sent to check up on me. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Mamá. “Well,” he said, spinning around on his tiptoes, arms outstretched, “how do I look? Dashing, I hope.”               Isabela and Dolores looked at each other. “Um…you look…” Isa began, her politest smile plastered over her face.               “You’re very…” Dolores offered, reaching out for her tio’s hand.               “I like your old one better, Tio Bruno.” Luisa went into his wardrobe and pulled out his old, faithful, beloved, barely-fit-for-purpose ruana that he wore day to day. “That one is too small!”               It was true. The new ruana was a better fit. Actually showed off that he had, y’know, a torso. But Bruno liked his old one because it was so huge. It was comfy. “I know, Luisa,” he said, taking it from her and folding it up again. “But your Abuela got this one made special for me. S-so I gotta wear it.”               His newly-anointed second-littlest sobrina pouted. “Thas’ no fair.”               You’re telling me.               Isabela nudged her side with a smile. “Luisa, tell him what we brought.”               Luisa instantly brightened, pushing the bag in her hand up into Bruno’s face. “We brought some stuff to make you feel pretty, Tio Bruno! Look, look!”               Bruno took the bag from her and undid the clasp. Inside there was…               “Makeup?” Bruno asked, taking a lipstick between his fingers and turning it this way and that sceptically.               “Abuela said you need to be pr…pr-presentable for tonight,” Dolores said, picking her way carefully over the big word. “And when we asked what that meant, she said you have to look nice for Señorita Ozma.”                “And then I remembered Tia Pepa gave us some makeup to play with!” Isabela grinned. She had a gap in her teeth where a baby tooth had fallen out last week. She was adorable. “So we brought it up here so we can help.”               “Ah. Um, girls,” Bruno said gently, putting the lipstick away and handing the bag back to Isabela. “That’s…th-that’s a really sweet thought. But I don’t think Abuela would like it if…”               “Bruno!”               Bruno winced as his mother’s voice floated up to him. Hundreds of steps, and yet he could still hear every word she said. This house truly was magic. “I want you downstairs and ready to welcome the Pezmuertos in ten minutes.”               “Yes, Mamá,” Bruno said through gritted teeth.               “Are you wearing the new ruana?”               “Yes, Mamá.”               “And tie your hair back. Tonight must go perfectly, and I will not be embarrassed in front of our neighbours.”               It shouldn’t sting. Not after all this time. But it did. That was almost the worst bit; feeling stupid that it hurt. Bruno’s right hand slipped around to grip his left arm, pads of his fingers digging into the new fabric. So, those were his options; embarrass the family, or get engaged to someone who thought he could kill fish with his mind. Great choices.               Dolores’ hand reached up to unpick his grip around his bicep. “Tio?”               Bruno blinked, looking down at his sobrinas. They were all looking up at him with these big, innocent eyes, but there was a flicker of something in their expression that he recognised from their parents – especially Pepa and Julieta. They were worried about him. They were six and four years old, and they were already worried about Crazy Tio Bruno.               After a long moment, he squatted down to their level. “Y’hear that, girls?” Bruno asked, hugging Dolores close. “We’ve still got ten minutes.”               He sat on the ground with a thump, closed his eyes, and braced himself. “Prettify me.” ... “…Yes, Señora Madrigal; I’m incredibly proud of this year’s breeding program. The Cardinal Tetra will be ready to release into the ornamental pond by next week, and they’ll just be the perfect addition to…”               Are we seriously going to talk about fish all night? Bruno made a face, and Isabela smacked his hand gently. “You’ll smear it,” she whispered.               “Okay, sorry, sorry.”               “Ah, here comes Bruno now. Looking after his sobrinas, I’ve no doubt. He’s so good with the children – which is useful to know, I think…”               “Yes, well; Ozma’s always wanted to have a family. And, as we all know, time waits for no-one – isn’t that right, Ozma? You’re turning thirty-three this year, after all.”               “Yes, Mamá.”               “I’m sure after dinner there will be ample opportunity to…talk…about…”               As Bruno entered the dining room and the girls clambered into their seats, Mamá’s face became a terrible, glorious dawning of horror. Across the table from her, Agustin and Felix simultaneously started to choke on their food, pounding on their chests and shaking each other’s knees in repressed glee. Pepa looked as if she were about to start a hurricane. Julieta just rolled her eyes and left the table. Bruno tucked his hair behind one ear (showing off the clip-on earring of a bright pink flower) and drank it all in.               The girls had done an excellent job. His mouth was a garish, bright red smear of lipstick. His eyes were ringed in purple shadow – Luisa had come at him with an eyeliner stick, but he persuaded her to go in with powder and a brush instead, for the sake of his eyeballs. Isa had drawn a smiley face on his cheek with the eyeliner, instead. Perched in his hair (neatly brushed and tied back with a green ribbon; Bruno was all for malicious compliance) was a sparkly tiara that Luisa had dashed back to the nursery to retrieve, borrowed from her favourite doll. For once in his life, Bruno Madrigal had every set of eyes on him, and it felt absolutely amazing.               He took his seat next to Ozma, nodding politely. “Sorry we’re late,” he said. “Ooh, arepas! Thanks, Juli.”               “Um,” Ozma began, shooting her mother a look. “Um, Bru—I mean, Señor Madrigal…”               “Please,” Bruno said, kicking Agustin under the table to stop him sputtering and giving Ozma his most charming, fakest smile, “Señor Madrigal was my father. Call me Princesa Brunita Elena Glitter-Pants The Fifth.”               Mama’s face darkened. The girls lit up, grinning at each other and squealing. They’d all come up with the name together. Pepa shushed Dolores sharply, and she pretended to focus on her plate for about ten seconds before she started giggling again. Her father wasn’t exactly helping matters; Félix’s shoulders were shaking like he was having a fit. Ozma turned away and focused on her wine glass, drinking deeply. Bruno shrugged, popping an arepa into his mouth. Mamá shot him a venomous look, then returned as best she could to her conversation with Señora Pezmuerto, chatting about this or that event coming up in the Encanto social calendar. But no-one was concentrating anymore, then the babies stated to cry, and the dinner fell apart soon after that, much to Mamá’s chagrin. The girls were sent to bed without dessert, and Bruno was expected to walk Ozma home. Without washing his face first. He supposed that was the beginning of his penance.               “You,” Ozma hissed, taking her hat from the wall hanger and shoving it onto her head, “are an immature, disrespectful idiot.”               “Mmyeh. It wouldn’t have worked out anyway,” Bruno said under his breath, adjusting his tiara, wine glass still in hand.               “It was the same when we were kids. You never –”               “Y-you know José? From church? He’s gonna ask you to go for a walk with him next Sunday. Take him up on it. You’ll thank me.”               Ozma blinked, all the anger dropping away for a moment. “Oh. Oh, Bruno, that’s…you didn’t have to…”               “Well, hey, a-a vision ruined this,” Bruno said, taking a last sip of wine and admiring the lipstick stain he left on the glass. “A vision can fix it. A bit.”               Ozma smiled, and he saw some of that eighteen-year-old kid he’d cared about all those years ago. He did kinda miss her, he had to admit. “Thanks, Bruno. It’s good to know you weren’t my last chance at marriage.”               “Nah. You? You’re too smart for that. You’ll have, like, a million babies and build your aquatic empire.”               “We had fun, though, right? Back then. Before we grew up.”               “Who said I grew up?” Bruno tossed his hair, hands on his hips, and Ozma laughed reluctantly. “But I mean, yeah. Yeah, course we did.” He held out his arm, winking one purple-smeared eye. “So? Can I walk you home?”               Ozma’s smile dropped away. “No. Absolutely not. You look ridiculous.”               “Fair. No, that’s fair.”
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Always and Forever
Chapter 6:
At almost the same instant after you fell asleep, your eyes slowly opened. You were surprised to find yourself in the middle of a large flowered field, illuminated by the warm sunlight and contrasting perfectly with the beautiful shade of blue of the sky.
You started to walk among the flowers, careful not to step on any of them, when your watchful eye that was looking at the ground to make sure you wouldn't step on any rose up, when you heard the beautiful voice of your beloved calling your name.
A huge smile of happiness opened on your lips when you saw her. She was wearing a dress you've never seen her wear before, it was blue and very simple but you didn't mind those things, anything she wore looked absolutely beautiful on her.
Her brown hair was loose over her shoulders, the gentle wind blowing across the field made her curls sway. You had never seen anything more stunning in your entire life. You watched her gesture with her hand, beckoning you to come to her.
Without thinking twice, you ran as fast as your legs could to her, you could almost feel the good feeling you felt every time the two of you touched.
However, before you got to Luisa, you felt stuck to the ground where you were stepping, looking down, you saw two chains that appeared in the middle of the field and were attached to your wrists.
You tried pulling free, but they felt like unbreakable chains. You tried to ask Luisa for help, but she disappeared, your mother appeared in her place.
Seeing her slowly walking towards you, you desperately tried in every way to free yourself from those chains to escape getting into her hands again, but it was in vain. She had a smile on her face and looked at you with a smug look as she forcibly wrapped you in a hug.
"I told you you couldn't get rid of me." She said calmly, while you despaired even more, screaming loudly for anyone to get you out of there.
Soon after, you felt as if you were falling, as you awoke from your sleep.
"What happened? Did you had a nightmare?"
You heard Luisa's dismayed voice and scratched your eyes, opening them and slowly your vision returned, while you breathed heavily and your heart was pounding so hard, you could hear your own heartbeats on your ears. 
You turned to Luisa and when you saw her there by your side, you instantly reached out your hands and touched her face to see if she was real or would disappear once you did. She became confused, but most of all she was worried about your remarkable affliction.
Soon after being relieved that you weren't dreaming anymore, you wrapped her in a hug, without saying anything. That nightmare seemed so real, you actually believed for a second that she was gone forever.
"It was, the worst nightmare of my life." You stuttered with a choked voice, starting to cry desesperately.
"Shhhhh it's ok mi cielo, it was just a bad dream, it's ok." Luisa said softly, gently stroking your hair.
You gradually recovered from the scare that the traumatizing nightmare gave you, as you began to realize that was reality and none of what you went through was not real. But that nightmare meant something, that you were afraid your mother would control you again.
"D-do you promise me that you'll never leave me, or let her make me come back to her house?" You asked, between low sobs.
"I promise, I'll always be by your side to protect you and fight against everything that makes you unhappy, never forget that, mi vida. I love you."
A smile broke out on your lips, when you felt again the feeling of peace and security that you started to feel since you arrived there. She always knew what to say to you.
You pulled away from the hug and looked up, she was looking at you with a smile for the joy of seeing you well again and that mild, loving look. You lifted a little and kissed her lips, a short kiss, for the two of you didn't have much time, but it was still full of sweetness, as was your love for each other.
"Hey amor, do you have scissors?" You asked her when you took one of your pants that you only wore to tuck under skirts and dresses so your panties wouldn't show.
You couldn't say you didn't liked to wear skirts, but you always wanted to wear pants like men too, being able to see your own legs inexplicably made you feel freer.
However, your mother never allowed it, as she had the ideal that it was only right when only girls wore skirts and only boys wore pants. She wasn't there to make you go back to your bedroom and put a skirt over it, so this was your big chance.
You took the scissors that Luisa gave you and cut all the cute ruffles on them, turning them from something you just wore under your skirt into regular pants.
"... So you want me to leave so you can change?" She asked, a small embarrassed blush forming on her cheeks as she rubbed her right arm with her hand.
You knew that now that the two of you were in love with each other, a normal habit back in the day like changing clothes while being in the same place, had also changed permanently.
But both she and you couldn't waste time, she had to start the daily workout before her chores, while you had to get ready to go to work, so you had an idea.
"No, it won't be necessary." You answered.
"But then how...?"
"What if we changed clothes back to back?" You interrupted her with your suggestion.
"Hm. Fine with me." She shrugged, grabbed the clothes to change out of her nightgown, and sat on her side of the bed.
"Ready?" You asked with a smile, after sitting down on your side of the bed.
"In 3, 2, 1!" She did the countdown and at the end of it, the two of you turned around at the same time, looking in opposite directions.
You were committed to getting dressed as quickly as possible, for that situation to end soon. When then, you couldn't understand why, but you were curious to imagine if that situation had really changed along with your feelings.
You knew you wouldn't let your curiosity wait long, it was stronger than you.
"Hm. One peek doesn't hurt anyone." You said mentally.
Afterwards, you slowly turned your head back, so that Luisa didn't realize what you were doing. 
Even if only at a glance, you felt your heart skip a beat as your eyes took in the sight of her back, being surprised to see that she wasn't wearing anything under the nightgown she'd slept in the night before.
Quickly regretting what you had done (or not), you turned around and covered your mouth with one hand to stop a loud gasp from escaping your lips, a wave of heat washed over your body at the sudden thought of touching her beautiful brown skin without having any clothes on top.
"It changed, it changed, this definitely changed." You said mentally, deep breathing through your nose.
"Mi amor, are you all right?"
You were slightly startled when you heard her voice, but you didn't wonder, you would also be worried if you were in her place. You tried to act as if nothing had happened and not show your panic sapphic attack.
"U-uhh yeah bebita, everything's all back- I MEAN ALL RIGHT!" You said, ending up coming out louder than you expected when you saw you said something wrong.
Realizing that you were doing anything but acting naturally, you mentally scolded yourself, while Luisa smiled, confirming that it was because you had turned to look at her, when not long before she had the impression that she was being watched.
When you left her room wearing only pants, you were surprised at first, but you were extremely happy to see everyone clapping and congratulating you for the courage to do one more thing that you didn't have the courage to do before.
You smiled and joked, bowing to thank the applause and everyone laughed.
That's when, halfway through, you ended up having the displeasure of meeting the one you least wanted. As usual, she wasn't there to talk, but to complain about others talking about you. You didn't expect anything else, but it still hurt to see that other people's opinions seemed to matter more to her than you did.
"So what? You know very well that the opinion of others is the least worth it to me, by the way why are you complaining about it with me? I left home, you no longer have any right to command me as if I were a puppet." You replied dryly.
"Ay Díos mio, it's worse than I thought." She said, as she placed her palm on her forehead, then placed both her hands on her cheek. "My dear, can't you see that she is influencing you to do all this?"
That made you so furious, that you held back not to leave there at that moment leaving her to talk to herself, she spoke as if her feelings so true and strong for Luisa were nothing more than a mere "bad influence".
Even though you knew she wouldn't listen, you had to say it.
"Yeah, like I'm not big enough to make my own decisions, huh?" You replied, crossing your arms. "If you'll excuse me, she must be waiting for me right now."
Before you started your walk, you were stopped when you felt her nails digging into your wrist, as a way for you to stay.
"This phase will pass soon, let's go home hija..."
"Stop it, you're hurting me!" You raged, as you let go of her hand from yourself. "I'm never going back to that prison you call home!"
After having your last word, you walked back to the Casita, not expecting her to follow you all the way, saying the most absurd things to convince you.
As soon as the two of you set foot inside the magic house, Casita made the tiles separate you from your mother, taking you further inside the house, while others threw her outside, but not in a way that hurt her.
"Are you okay? Did she do something to you?" Luisa asked, looking extremely worried as she helped you up off the ground after you'd fallen.
As she had promised you, she wrapped her arms around you and would only let go once she was 100% sure your mother would leave without you.
"No, not yet." You replied, while resting your hands on her.
In the outside, your mother got up and was confused to see Luisa's parents at one of the windows, with an unfriendly expression on their faces as they looked at her.
"Can we help you?" Julieta asked, she always said that phrase so sweetly to anyone who needed it, but at that moment, her tone towards Consuelo was not at all inviting.
"My daughter is in there, I demand her back!" She requested firmly.
"No way we're going to let her get back into your hands." Your mother-in-law replied, even more firmly and you smiled, seeing that she'd defend you tooth and nail.
"Y/N needed a shelter and we gave her ours, she only leaves this house when she wants to." Agustin said, acting seriously in the face of the situation as his wife.
"So that how it's going to be? Okay, so I'm not leaving here until you give my daughter back!" She said, which made you a little afraid that the next day she would be there, ready to catch you.
"Go ahead, because from here she won't leave!" Isabela said from an upstairs window, joining the family discussion in your favor.
Soon your mother and mother-in-law got involved in a heated argument, where they would almost fight in front of the house, if your father hadn't arrived in time to stop it.
"Consuelo, what are you doing here?" He asked.
"What do you think? Trying to bring our daughter back home!" She replied rudely, already stressed by all the previous arguments.
"I already told you we can't take Y/N by force!" He said impatiently. 
"Listen to your husband, he's smarter than you are." Juliet said.
"Oh, now she's got me mad!" She said, getting ready to attack her girlfriend's mother, but was stopped when her father grabbed her around the waist.
"No insults please, we're going home." Your father said, making an effort to hold his wife.
"Alright, thanks for coming, parcero." Agustin thanked him.
Your mother again reluctantly agreed to return home with her husband, but left the threat that they won the battle but not the war. You smiled, filled with joy at the knowledge that she had left without taking you with her. 
But even after knowing she was gone, your girlfriend wouldn't let you go of her hug.
"Amorcito, not that I want to, but you can release me now, the danger has passed." You said between laughs.
She let go of you but couldn't seem to get her hands off you, holding your smaller hands in hers.
"I told you I wouldn't let her take you away from me." She said softly, looking at you lovingly.
You smiled and returned the look. Before the two of you kissed, you were interrupted by her mother's throat clearing.
"Is it serious that only she'll get all the credit? Didn't we do anything relevant here?" Her father said, feigning outrage, but the smile on his face gave away that he was joking.
"You've all been wonderful, thank you so much." You thanked him as you all walked over and gave a group hug.
"A group hug? I want it too!" Tío Bruno said, running and getting into the hug, along with everyone who saw you all hugging.
It wasn't long ago, that you heard a phrase that said: "Family there are two: The one you were born in and the one you choose". Undoubtedly, you had chosen yours and you couldn't be happier.
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cellophanejpeg · 4 years
‘tis the damn season - part ii
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gif by @pcdrospascals​​
Pairing: Frankie Morales x female!reader
Summary: A year after getting back together with Frankie, you get a lovely surprise.
a/n: requested by anon!! i hope you like it!!!
warnings: pregnancy related topics and food mentions
word count: 1.6k
masterlist | part i
Frankie opens the door to his house and the smell of dinner immediately reaches his nose. He smiles as his daughter runs to his encounter, a Wonder Woman tiara hanging from her head.
“Daddy, come!” She takes his hand and starts pulling him towards the kitchen, “Mommy, he's here! Dad's home!”
You're finishing setting the table when Isabella barges her way to the kitchen, pulling Frankie by the hand.
“Can we have the cookies now?” She asks, lacing her fingers together to beg you.
“How about after dinner?” You suggest, as you walk to Frankie and give him a kiss on the lips. He frowns confused at you as Isabella whines and slumps her shoulders.
“But you said when daddy came home…”
“I know, honey, but if you eat them now, you're going to ruin your appetite,” you tell her as you kneel to be on her height, “Remember what I told you what we need nutrients for?”
“To grow big and strong!” She exclaims, trying to flex her muscles, “Like Wonder Woman!”
“Exactly!” You exclaim back and look at Frankie whose adoring eyes are watching you. But as soon as his eyes leave yours, he looks back at his surroundings, eyeing the kitchen with a frown on his face. The counter is filled with batches of your famous sugar cookies, some already decorated, some fresh out of the oven. Some are even missing from the trays.
“Christmas cookies?” He asks you, “In January?
You just sigh, snaking your arms through his shoulders and wrapping them around his neck, “I may have gone overboard, but I wanted to make tonight special.”
“Why?” He smiles at you as you press your body against his.
Shrugging, you let go of him, being as cryptic as you can, “You’ll see.”
The three of you sit down for dinner, Isabella tells about her day in school with excitement and Frankie indulges in the conversation, encouraging her to keep talking as they eat.
“Do you want to try the tomato today?” You ask her, stabbing a slice of tomato with your fork and showing it to her. The little girl pouts and shakes her head.
“I don’t like tomato,” she says matter of factly.
“I know, but… Just one slice?” You insist, “Look, daddy’s eating too!”
Isabella looks at Frankie who’s watching the scene unfold as he nods, showing her the tomatoes on his plate. She seems to think for a moment and then caves in, allowing you to slip a slice of tomato on her plate.
Before you came back to his life, Frankie couldn’t manage his time right. Isabella would stay with a babysitter after school and even then she wouldn’t eat a proper dinner, contenting herself with frozen food every night. When you moved in with them, you started cooking healthy meals and teaching her how to eat healthier. Frankie’s heart warms at the thought, both him and Bella were lost before you. You’re such a great mom to her, it makes him love you even more.
After dinner, Frankie helps you clear the table, putting the dirty plates in the sink and moving to wash them. Your hands come to hold his as soon as he turns the faucet on, making him look at you, confused.
“We have a surprise for you,” you say with a soft voice, turning the faucet off and gently pulling him back to the dinner table. On top of it, there's a package, wrapped up in Christmas wrapping paper.
“Is it my birthday?” He jokes, sitting back down on his seat.
“Well, consider this a late Christmas gift.” You sit beside him as Isabella runs to sit on your lap, sugar cookies already in hands, “Read the card first.”
Frankie chuckles as he takes the card from the top of the box and opens it to read it.
'Tis not the damn season anymore, but Santa has one more present for you.
He smiles, biting his lower lip as he tears the wrapping paper and opens the box without ceremony. Inside, he sees some of your cookies on top of the paper strips that fill the empty space on the box and under all that, there's something wrapped in tissue paper. Frankie takes the plastic stick and unwraps it.
Then, the smile drops from his face. He looks at you with wide eyes and finds you smiling expectantly at him.
“Does this mean–” He chokes out, feeling tears watering his eyes, “You're–” He shows you the pregnancy test with two blue lines on it.
“Yes,” you tell him before he can't finish, “Yes, Frankie, I'm pregnant.”
Frankie lets out a sob, letting the tears roll down his cheeks as he covers his face with his hands. You grab his shoulder with a hand, rubbing your thumb on the fabric of his shirt.
“Daddy?” Isabella's worried voice reaches both of your ears, “What's wrong?”
“Nothing–” He tries to speak, “I’m just–”
“Daddy is just too happy,” you explain, looking at her, “he can't contain himself.”
“Because, peanut,” Frankie chimes in leaning to press his lips on her forehead, “you're going to be a big sister!”
Isabella gasps, her little eyes widening, “What?! Really?!”
You laugh as Frankie gives you a kiss on the lips; you taste the salty tears on his lips, and he stands you evolve his girls in a tight hug.
“Really, honey,” he says, after letting you both go, and taking Bella in his arms, “aren’t you excited?”
“Yes, I am!” She nearly screams, making you both laugh.
Bed time seemed impossible tonight. The excitement and the sugar in Isabella’s system make her stay awake past her usual bedtime and, even when sleep finally hits her, she tries to fight it, playing with her toys until almost midnight. Thankfully, tomorrow is a Saturday and you hope she’ll sleep in for once.
With a sigh, you lay on the bed, beside Frankie after a long night of celebrating. You both stare at the ceiling in silence for a moment, smiles on your faces, hearts beating strongly. When you took the pregnancy test and found out it was positive, you were scared for a moment. You and Frankie have been engaged for three months only and you were afraid he’d freak out with the news. But his reaction made everything better.
And it’s not like it’s too soon to have a baby. You and Frankie might have been separated for ten years, but, deep down, you’ve always known you were meant to be together. You were meant to have a family.
“How do you feel?” He asks, taking your hand in his.
“Excited.” You smile, rolling your head to face him, “How do you feel? Knowing you’ll be a dad of two now?”
“Scared.” He admits with a laugh. You squeeze his hand, lacing your fingers together and bringing it to your lips.
“You’re gonna do great, Frankie. You raised Isabella on your own and she turned out great.” You assure him.
“Yeah, but it’s different now.” His voice is soft, “You’re here now.”
Your heart clutches as you remember what you’ve heard about Isabella’s mom. While you’ve never deeply talked about it with Frankie, you know he’s sensitive about the subject. So you try to change the subject.
“Do you think I’ll be a good mom?” you say quietly, in the dark.
Frankie rolls over to face you, “You’re already a good mom.” He reminds you, “You’re a great mom, what are you talking about?”
When you moved into Morales’ house, Isabella ended up becoming your daughter and you were surprisingly okay with it. You've loved that girl pretty much ever since you met her, she's caring and funny just like her dad. How could you not love a piece of Frankie?
“She told me she loved me today.” Your voice is even quieter than before as you roll to your side to look at him. His eyes widen and his smile grows wider, “When I found out I was pregnant, I started crying and she came to my rescue.” You smile at the memory, “She said, ‘Mommy, don't cry, I love you.’”
Frankie laughs softly and hooks an arm behind your lower back, pulling you against his chest. His lips touch your forehead as you bury your face on his neck, inhaling his scent deeply. You'll never get sick of it, of him. You couldn't be more grateful that you decided to stay.
“I'll never leave you, Francisco,” you tell him, all of a sudden. Your voice is muffled by the skin of his neck, but he feels the vibration of it on him. His heart leaps, beating fast with affection and adoration, “I'll never leave you or Bella or the baby, okay?”
He wasn't thinking about it, he really wasn't. The way Isabella's mother abandoned her, leaving Frankie with a fresh new baby to care all by himself was awful. He felt lost, betrayed, heartbroken. But he healed. He raised Bella to be a wonderful kid and he did his best to make sure she knew she was loved. And then you came into his life again and everything became even better. He knows you, he knows you're not going to leave him again. That's how much he trusts you.
“Okay,” he eventually answers, pressing a kiss on your hair and rubbing your back gently, “I love you so much, mi vida.”
“I love you too, mi alma.”
Eventually, both of your breathings even out as you fall asleep in each other's arms, like it was always meant to be.
please, fill this form if you want to be tagged in any of my stuff!!
general taglist: @huliabitch @mistermiraclee @gooddaykate @forever-rogue @bestintheparsec @hiscyarika @haildoodles-writing @aerynwrites @xserenax-13 @hayley-the-comet @manuphantom @giselatropicana @wonderfulfluffer @justanotherblonde23 @hereforthesunrise @mitchi-c @crossfitjesusinblackskinnyjeans @marvgrrl @nominbalnebula @theocatkov @opheliaelysia @buckysalefty @din-damn-djarin @the-wishmonger @spacenerdpascal @adikaofmandalore @goldafterglow @phoenixhalliwell @heythere80sbaby @petersunderoos96 @dinsbeskar @aerolanya @artsymaddie @rebelliouscat @lou-la-lou @notabotiswear @tatiadventures @aerolanya
Frankie taglist: @murdermewithbooks  @kingpascals  @jedi-mando   @azem-thefourteenth @cyaredindjarin @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @mrsparknuts @autumnleaves1991-blog @astroboots @hugmekenobi @rosiefridayrogersunday @computeringturtle @amethystlily @emzd34 @thedevilwearsbeskar @littlebopper96 @sarahjkl82-blog  @kennedywxlsh
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bellisperennis0 · 4 years
Forever and A Day
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Word Count: 1,461
Warnings: None
A/N: Now that Holidays are over, hoping to get through these last few requests. Thank you for reading and enjoy! 🖤 GIF credit to @thedevilsmoonshine.
Anonymous asked: Angst prompt 6 and fluff prompt 31 for Bishop please?
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“Early start at the scrapyard today?” you ask Bishop as you make your way into the kitchen.
Glancing over his shoulder, he gives you a smile, “Yeah. Got to get some things squared away before Marcus comes by.” he tells you, handing you a mug of coffee.
Lie. He told you just yesterday that Marcus was away with Galindo for a few days.
“Thank you.” you tell him, taking the mug from his hands, giving him a smile.
“So how did the run to Oakland go?” you ask him, taking a sip of your coffee, eyeing his every move.
“Aside from Angel and EZ constantly bickering on back-and-forth about some bullshit, it went smoothly.” he tells you finally turning to face you, still unable to meet your eyes.
Lie again. You ran into EZ at the clubhouse when you went to take Chucky some lunch. You made him spill everything, telling you there was no run to Oakland, and he didn’t know exactly where Bishop was.
“Hmm, well, I’m glad it all went well this time.” you tell him
He gives you a smile and approaches you, giving you a kiss to the cheek. You silently sigh, it’s been weeks since you two have been intimate and you miss him like crazy. Every time you mentioned that he was being distant, or asked if everything was okay, he would get defensive and it always led to an argument with Bishop storming out the house.
“Sorry, I really got to go.” he tells you, grabbing his kutte off the back of the kitchen chair, putting it on.
“Will you be home tonight?” you ask him.
“It’s looking like another long night, sweetheart. Don’t wait up?” he tells you, grabbing his keys, giving you an apologetic smile and walking out the house. No kiss, No goodbye.
You sigh and try your best to fight back the tears. You knew he was hiding something from you, and you were going to get to the bottom of it.
Walking up to the clubhouse, you find the boys out on the porch having a cigarette.
“What brings you here, Reina!” Taza ask you, giving you a hug.
“Was on my way home and decided to stop by and say hi.” you tell them, giving him a smile.
“Boss is inside, had a call to make.” Taza tells you
“Thank you, Che. Now get back to work before I tell your boss?” you giggle as you make your way into the clubhouse.
Walking in, you find Bishop sitting at the bar, finishing up a call.
“Hay baby!” you call to him, making your way towards him
“Hermosa, what are you doing here?” he asks, quickly putting his phone away. You can tell it surprised him to see you.
“I was in town getting some things, decided to stop by here on my way home. Was hoping to see Marcus.” you tell him, taking a seat next to him at the bar.
“Oh, I’m sorry, mi Reina. He actually left not too long ago.” he tells you, reaching for your hand, placing a kiss to your knuckles.
Lie once again. You already knew Marcus wasn’t in town. And the boys were actually working the scrapyard. You knew for a fact that no one works the scrapyard on days Marcus shows up, or there is club business to tend to.
You sigh, pulling your hand from his grasps.
“Everything okay?” he questions
You scoff, “You’re lying to me again. Why can’t you just tell me the truth for once?“
“Can we please talk about this at home?” he asks you, taking a sip of his beer.
“Only if we can go right now. If not, then don’t even bother coming home.” you tell him getting up from your seat. You can instantly tell he didn’t like your tone and what you had just told him.
“What does that mean?” he asks you, finally meeting your eyes.
“Exactly what I said. If you can’t tell me why you have been lying and being secretive these past few weeks, then don’t bother coming home tonight, Obispo.” you tell him crossing your arms across your chest.
“We’ll talk about this when I get home.” he calmly tells you.
“Don’t bother, I won’t be there.” you tell him, storming out before he could even stop you.
Storming into Vicky’s, you walk right into her office, plopping down onto the sofa
“y/n? Is everything okay?” she asks you, concerned.
You just look at her shaking your head, the tears you had fought off the entire drive here, finally running down your face. You put your head in your hands and just cried. Vicky taking a seat next to you, rubbing soft circles on your back.
“Did something happen between you and Bishop?” she softly asks.
“Just so tired of the lies, the secrets, the stupid arguments, lack of intimacy, feeling so fucking alone all the time.” you tell her.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know Bishop, he must have a logical reason for everything.” she tries to reassure you.
“I know. I just really fucking miss him.” you give her a sad smile, “and every time I try to talk to him about it, it ends in an argument and him storming off.”
“Go home. Talk to him, sweetheart.” she tells you
You roll your eyes, “he probably won’t even be there. I told him not to come home.”
“He’s there. He texted me before you got here. Knew when you weren’t home you’d be here.”
“Thank you, Vicky.” You give her a hug.
“Just go talk to him, sweetie. It’ll all work out.” she reassures you as you both make your way to the front door
Pulling up to your home, you find Bishops bike parked out in the driveway. Walking in, you find Bishop sitting outside on the back porch, smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer.
Without saying a word, you take the seat across from him. Taking a drag of his cigarette and exhaling the smoke, he finally speaks.
“I have been hiding something from you, but it’s not what you think.” He admits, taking you by surprise.
“Okay, so then what is it? Why the lies, the secrets, lack of intimacy. It’s like you’re disgusted to even touch me. It’s one thing to keep things from me, to keep me safe, but this isn’t it Obispo.”
“Because I can’t keep anything from you. You always know when I am lying. You know me better than I probably know myself. I was worried you’ll find out my secret.”
Furrowing your brows in confusion, “What secret? You aren’t making any sense, Bishop.” your voice slightly raising in frustration.
“I was trying to plan out a more romantic way to do this, but I can’t keep this from you anymore.” he tells you as he pulls out a small black velvet box out of his kutte pocket. Opening it and placing it on the table in front of you.
You gasped as you see the diamond ring sitting in front of you. Silently kicking yourself for assuming the things you were and acting the way you have been.
“Obispo!” you silently gasp
“I just want you to know, that no matter what, I’m never going to leave, that I promise you.” he tells you
Without a word, you jump out your seat and into Bishop’s arms. He softly chuckles before you crash your lips into his, melting into him.
Finally pulling away, you place your forehead to his, “are you going to get down one one knee and ask me?” you softly ask.
“Is that how people do this?” he asks you, giving you a kiss to your nose.
“Or you can just ask me.”
He gently pushes you off his lap, reaching for the ring on top of the table and getting down on one knee.
“I wanted to give you some elaborate, romantic, straight out of the movies bullshit proposal, like I know you love and always wanted, but this feels right.”
Shaking your head, “this is perfect.” You tell him.
“Will you marry me?” he finally asks
“There’s nothing more I want then to drive you completely insane for the rest of my life.” you tell him giving him a smile
“And that you do very well, mi vida.” he teases back
“But I can’t wait to love you for forever and a day. Of course I’ll marry you, Bishop!”
He smiles up at you before placing the ring in its rightful place on your finger.
Getting up Bishop wraps an arm around your waist pulling you flush against him, the other snaking around the back of your neck, pulling you into a desperate and needy kiss.
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The bed was cold.
It took several minutes to drift from her exhausted slumber, but it was the first thing she noticed, even before her eyes opened. There was always a hand curled over her side that held her close, always the warmth of a body behind her, and always soft, equally warm breaths that tickled her neck while she slept. The absence of that presence, of that face buried in her hair nuzzled close, was jarring. It was enough to wake her, even after a night of overwork to ensure a dreamless, deep sleep.
Her eyes creaked open slow. They were gummed shut, and it took a few brushes with the heel of her palm to clear away the fuzz they left on her vision. She squinted at the digital clock on the nightstand beside her; the face read three twenty in the morning.
Joints protesting her movement, she grunted and turned over. The bed was empty, sheets and blankets disheveled where a body should have been, a space vacant where legs should have tangled with hers. She kicked the covers off and away, only half aware of them falling from the mattress to pool on the floor.
Wiping at her face again to further dispel the fatigue, Mrs. Pepper sat up.
The bedroom was still nestled in muted colors this early in the morning, most of the pinks and purples drained to a motley of greys. The alarm clock’s fluorescent numbers (it now read three twenty-five) helped dispel some of the darkness near the bed. The rest of the room was illuminated by thin, slatted beams of moonlight filtering through the blinds over the windows. They reflected off the glass panes of photo frames hanging on the opposite wall, the glare hiding their contents. Most of the little decorations and knickknacks in the room, gifts from her children over the years, were rendered to silhouettes.
She was alone.
There were signs she hadn’t been, now that she looked. Some of the bric-a-brac had been adjusted; the shadows cast by the objects made it hard to tell, but for a few changes were obvious. She could see the lid of the music box had been opened. Could tell the angle of her favorite figurine --one of her family— was different than it was when she saw it each morning. Any cobwebs strung from it had been dusted away, too.
A few of the photo frames had been adjusted too, straightened so perfect they looked strange, no longer at their usual tilt they’d get to fixing when they had time. On the door to the wardrobe across the room, her uniform hung where it had been left after work. The fabric was crisp now, every wrinkle ironed away, and her work-shoes were angled against the wood just under it.
She continued to scan the room, but a frown graced her face, growing deeper every second; the shadows felt darker, deeper, and the silence crept at her skin like the cold did.
Frown more a grimace now, she slipped from the bed and trudged from the room.
Her eyes flicked to the furthest door along the corridor. But the door was the sun, and she looked away quick to keep from going blind. She bit her lip and shook her head, before focusing on the nearest one.
Her husband wasn’t in the bathroom. She would have heard the water running or the hum of the fluorescent bulb over the sink. Or she would have seen the stripe of light beneath the door. He wasn’t in the guest room either; she could see the untouched bed, pristine as ever. If anything, he had made it again.
She checked the girls’ room next, one by one. They’d had enough nightmares since their brother had vanished, waking up in tears screaming for—
He wasn’t here to answer them right now (it had to be right now. It had to be temporary), but she and her husband did their best to offer them comfort. They curled their children close, stroking their hair and kissing their foreheads and their tears away, promising their brother would come home and rocking them until they drifted off again.
But tonight seemed to be a welcome respite from the nightmares. Each of the girls were the only occupants in their rooms, breathing slow and even as they slept. They each wore their own peaceful expression smoothed by sleep, wreathed in their blankets with halos of curled hair consuming their pillows. It brought a smile to her face to see them resting; to see them breathing. To see them okay, even if right now okay was fleeting.
With that small affection in her chest, she tucked a hanging leg from Belle under her horse-print comforter, smoothed the hair away from Cayenne’s forehead, and recovered the alpaca plush Paprika clung to while sleeping from where it had fallen to the floor. When she was sure she’d done what she could for each of her daughters, she graced their temples with the softest kiss, and crept from their room.
But she still had yet to find her husband. He was probably…
Please. Let him be anywhere else.
The carpet audibly swished under her feet as she shuffled along. Where the hall gave way to the stairwell, the carpet turned to floorboards that creaked faintly under the occasional careless step. She kept one hand tucked against her chest and the other on the railing as she leaned over and listened.
Downstairs, the TV was off, which meant he wasn’t in the living room. The light to the study didn’t filter into view either, which meant he wasn’t in there, busying himself with reading books or with his paints and the canvases. And the resounding silence from the kitchen meant he hadn’t decided to occupy himself with busywork, either.
Which left one more room. Of course. She’d known. She just wanted to be wrong.
Her hands shook, but she clasped them together until they didn’t. She swallowed, took enough breaths to slow her heart, and approached the last door in the hallway.
She hardly felt the cold of the knob against her skin. The door swung open silently into the dark room, revealing the mat at the door. A square rug depicting eleven planetary symbols, each in a different color on a black background. Stars hung from the ceiling where they’d been strung up, no longer aglow. The thick curtains over the windows hadn’t been opened to recharge them in months.
There was a form on the bed.
She knew who it was. She knew. But her heart still leapt into her throat until she swallowed it.
Mrs. Pepper drifted over to him, keeping her eyes away from the bookshelves of memories and the dresser armored in stickers. He was laying still, on top of the covers, curled up small as she’d ever seen him. In his hands was a photo-book. She recognized the cover as one of—.
“Mi vida?”
The form shifted at her whisper. Mr. Pepper looked to his wife with glass eyes reflecting the hallway’s light and sparkles sideways on his cheek. “Jagi… Did I wake you?”
“No…” His face said he knew she was lying, but he didn’t protest. “What are you doing awake, amor?”
His fingers crested the cover of the book, finding the ridge of the photo glued on. “I dreamed about him again…”
She seated herself beside him, her hand coasting his on the book, to keep his itching fingers from peeling off the snapshot. To keep herself from seeing his face. Her fingers over the lamination felt like needles. “I’m sorry.”
“I miss him.” He whispered, turning further into her. He abandoned the book to the bed, arms curling around her waist instead. “….Did we fail him? Could we have done better to keep him safe?”
“He is an adult.” She soothed, fingers running through his hair. “We loved him everything we have. We still do. But we...” She swallowed. “...we couldn’t protect him from everything. Not forever.”
“We should be out looking for him.”
“We were told to stay here, in case he comes home. Arthur and Vivi are looking for him.”
Mr. Pepper shook his head in a violent roll against her lap. “Vivi doesn’t even know who he is—Arthur is barely recovered and he’s killing himself. Our children are hurting—our son is missing— and we just sit here and wait.” His voice carried a force his volume didn’t; the girls were sleeping only doors away.
“What should we do?” She asked it with a stern voice, but not one with any heat. “Arthur and Vivi at least know what they are doing. Vivi is far more useful in a fight than you or I will ever hope to be. Arthur is good at maneuvering. The two of them protect each other. And they have Mystery. If something goes wrong for us, we don’t have any of those things. Our daughters would have to mourn alone. Without us.” Maybe hoping they’d come home too.
Her husband made a pained sound. A muted cry into her sleeping pants. She felt the pain echo inside her and bounce off every corner.
She took a deep breath, then nudged him. He complied easily, and after a brief moment of sliding the scrapbook to the nightstand, Mrs. Pepper joined her husband in the bed, laying beside him and facing him. Her legs tangled with his and she cupped his cheeks, framing his face with slender fingers. “Mi vida. I’m... I’m sorry. I wish I had better words. Something to fix this. I know you’re hurting…”
Mr. Pepper sniffed, a warbly, wet noise. He reciprocated her touch, fingers gliding over her cheeks and leaving warm trails in their wake. “…I know you are too….I… I’m sorry. I know you miss him. You can’t even say his name…”
Mrs. Pepper swallowed the thickness burning in her throat. “It…it’s easier.”
“If…If I think about him. I… can’t be strong enough. I’m not strong enough to say his name.” Mrs. Pepper felt the warmth building in her chest. Her eyes were stinging and her throat tightened with each swallow. “You need me. The girls need me. I can’t.”
Mr. Pepper stole himself closer with a shift, looking into her eyes, still teary but a firmness to his expression she didn’t expect. “You don’t have to be strong…. You don’t have to carry us. Jagi, tell me your thoughts. Please.”
The please cracked something she’d hidden beneath a shell, breaking it away like a spoon to tempered chocolate. Her eyes welled further as she looked at her husband, and the breath she took was ragged. “We… we wanted him to be safe, but choose his own way…. He’s an adult. He needed to make his own choices and if he got hurt we could be there if he stumbled and fell, to help him back up. But we would let him make his mistakes his own way and try to help as much as we could. But this one….. I--- I ……”
She buried her face in his shoulder, hands going to his back beneath his arms. “I—why did I let him go?!” She cried into him louder than she thought she had in her, the sound muffled by fabric. The heat in her chest was pouring out her mouth, and she screwed her eyes shut as they watered and burned. “I can’t—I—I’m so angry— why didn’t I tell him it was too dangerous?! What if he doesn’t come home?! What will we do? I don’t care about the restaurant. I don’t care about keeping things going. Every day is working until I can’t think just so I don’t think about him—about where he is and if he’s alone or safe or if he’s even alive—.”
She felt his arms around her, felt herself curled against his chest and the hand in her hair, pressing through the coils to cup her scalp. But it was all so far away, the sensations shapeless, behind glass. “How am I supposed to pretend every time someone asks? Knowing I’m without my son? How are we supposed to live day to day and say everything is fine? How do I say thank you to all those condolences that don’t bring him back!? How do I listen to them?! How do I smile?! How do we tell the girls? How are we supposed to survive if he doesn’t come home?”
It didn’t feel possible. Her heart would break too small to beat. “I just want him home. I want to hold my baby and know he’s here and safe. I want to never let him go again. I want to hear him sing. I want to hear him laugh with his friends at the table in the other room. I want to hear him call me Mamá. I want to hear him talk about Vivi and Arthur and see his eyes so full of love! I want him. I want him back! I would do anything in the world please mijo—please Lewis just come home--.” Her voice continued, but it was a thrumming vibration. The snatches she caught were blended into nothing. She wasn’t even sure what she was trying to say. 
But what was there she could say? She knew he understood more than anyone. And there were no words for this kind of unknowing agony, waiting for better or for worse.
But she could feel Mr. Pepper’s arms squeeze around her, holding her closer and closer. She heard soft murmurings by her ear and felt warm hands along her back, tracing over her spine.
It didn’t make her feel better, didn’t take away the pain, but it helped her breathe. She was half aware when she’d stopped speaking, and the hand in her hair was now at her face, wiping at her eyes. She kept sobbing until there wasn’t air to cry with, until she was dry and used up, everything wrung from her.
“I... I think you needed that.” Mr. Pepper whispered, when she’d stopped shaking and laid limp against him. He kissed at another tear that’d come loose and rolled down to the bridge of her nose. “How do you feel…..?”
“Awful.” Mrs. Pepper swiped at her face. “But… I don’t know. Better. As better as I can feel with everything.”
“You’ve been helping us for months.” Mr. Pepper frowned and took her hand away, keeping her from continuing the rough movements. “The girls. Me… I… I’ve been selfish. Hurting, but selfish. For not seeing if you needed help too. I should’ve knowing it was a brave front for us. You needed support too. An outlet. But I focused on me.”
Mrs. Pepper shook her head. “We’ve all been trying to survive this, however we could. I don’t blame you. We’ve all been...” She didn’t want to say grieving. But it hung in the air unsaid.
He nodded. “I’ll still do better. I’ll still hold you like you hold me.”
She smiled at that. A tired one, but a smile. “I… what are we going to do, amor…?”
Mr. Pepper shook his head. “I… don’t know. Hope for the best, until we can’t. What you’ve told me. We’ll put up more posters. We’ll call further out places for information….we’ll keep our phones charged. So if Arthur or someone else calls, we can be there, the second they find him.”
Mrs. Pepper sniffed and nodded, wiping at her face again. “We’ll keep a candle in the window. Every night.”
“That too.” Mr. Pepper kissed her forehead. “Just like when he found us the first time. The light will lead him home.”
Mrs. Pepper made a noise of agreement, and felt the smallest of smiles when her husband wiped her eyes, thumb stroking over her cheeks. “Thank you.. Thank you. For-- listening. I love you, mi vida.”
“I love you too.” He whispered back. He kissed her gently, their lips drawing together in a brief moment of comfort, a respite for a beat from the rest of the world. It didn’t’ fix anything, but it was something to hold onto for now. Being alone together wasn’t as lonely.
“Do you want to rest now…?” He asked her when the kiss parted. She shook her head.
“I don’t want to dream. I don’t want to sleep.” She grabbed his hand. “But I—I want to stay together a little while.”
“We can do that.” Mr. Pepper nodded. “Here…?”
She shook her head. “No. I… not here.” She was too emotional already. She would break again if she stayed in his room, surrounded by his things but knowing he was gone.
Mr. Pepper didn’t answer, but he gave her another soft kiss. “Our room, then.” He moved to get up, and she followed, grunting and brushing back frazzled hair.
Her eyes drifted to the album, where it rested on the nightstand. She plucked it from its resting place, cradling it to her chest. “Look at these with me…? Not tonight. But….”
Mr. Pepper took her hand. “We can. When you’re ready. I—I’d like to see him again.”
“I would too….” She breathed, squeezing back. “Maybe… maybe with the girls.”
“We could make a collage for the restaurant.” Mr. Pepper offered. “He might like to see that, when he comes back. Seeing we didn’t forget him. And it might help them to feel we’re all going through this together.”
Mrs. Pepper felt like her voice might betray her, the way her throat sealed with a swallow. She nodded her agreement once more and kissed his hand. She followed her husband into the hall, linked together and holding tight. “For when he comes back...”
She had to hold on to the thought. That Vivi or Arthur or someone would find him. He would be okay.
He had to be, or she didn’t know what she’d do.
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qtlibehsun · 4 years
imprisonment [part one]
pairing: quackity x gn!reader [angst]
summary: your boyfriend is a criminal, you had no idea, and now he’s being thrown in prison
warnings: cursing, physical violence against reader and quackity
word count: 1.2k
a.n: hi everyone! i’m back again lol. i’ve been feeling really unmotivated lately and i haven’t been liking what i’ve been posting lately but i wanted to get something out, so here it is ig. not very good but it sets up for the next two parts. hope you like it :)
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The sun was quite possibly in the worst place, you had concluded. No matter whether you crouched to tend to the crops or stand to stretch your cramping knees, it was right there. Right, fucking, there.
You audibly groaned and decided to give the carrots you were watering a break, situating yourself on a stool, as you increasingly became interested in the volume of rich soil under your fingernails.
Your thoughts were invaded with him.
When was he coming home?
Was he okay? God I miss him.
You missed his warmth, his smile, his laugh. His stupid hats.
However it had only been since this morning, when you sent him off with a chaste kiss on the cheek, him retorting with ‘that’s not a proper kiss,.’ You couldn’t help but let the heaviness in your heart from longing consume you and leave a wretchedness in your day.
You retired into the comfort of your shared cabin, the evening breeze slowly becoming too chill for your liking. You occupied yourself with chopping a collection of vegetables for a soup, whilst fantasising that he was just upstairs in your room. A noxious habit bred from detachment issues perhaps, but one that left your lover with a gleaming smile and a swell in his heart.
You were interrupted from your love hankering thoughts to the door being thrown open, cabin rattling.
You nearly squealed from excitement, he was home, but you kept your cool and focused on the task at hand.
Cutting those carrots paysanne style.
Two slender arms wrapped around your middle; a gathering of kisses being placed against your neck.
“Hey, my love,” he had mumbled, voice croaky with exhaustion.
“Hey Alex.” You turned to place your lips against his, the butterflies that erupted never ceasing to fade, only persistently growing with each new time your lips met.
He bounced on the balls of his feet, bringing you with him. “What are we chowing on tonight?”
“Just soup. I could barely get any work done in the garden today. My mind was just so preoccupied with things. Had me zoning out without even realising.” A laugh rumbled against your back, Alex nuzzling his nose into the corner where your neck met your shoulder.
“It’s because you missed my handsome face, isn’t it?”
“No way!” Yes way.
It took you longer to wipe down the table after dinner concluded then it did to cook the actual meal. Alex insisting that he held your hand during the entirety of your meal never got old, but it did make it increasingly difficult to eat with one hand.
After blowing out the candle, you slid into your shared bed, the pastel-yellow winged man instantaneously taking position as big spoon. You wished him goodnight, as he responded with a ‘goodnight mi vida.’
And just like that your consciousness had slipped from you, chest blooming with love and admiration for the man placed behind you.
It was almost terrifying, to the two of you. Just how in love you were with each other. Your world was in the palm of his hands, one inch of movement or pressure, and destruction could occur. However, the intense brown of his eyes, and the sparkle they held, was worth the risk of any merciless, bad phenomenon happening two your relationship.
However, you were not prepared for this.
No. Nothing could prepare you for what was about to happen.
Alex awoke to your scream.
Your bloodcurdling scream of pain followed by a smash that sounded like glass.
Springing out of bed, clothes dishevelled and not even stopping to put a hat on his head, he bounded for the stairs, adrenalin pumping in his head, making him dizzy from fear.
What had got to you? Who found you?
He jumped the last few stairs and was immediately met with two masked men, standing over your crumpled body on the floor, blood gushing from a new wound settled in your hairline.
Swathed with rage Alex stormed over and punched one of the men in the face. Nonetheless both individuals were considerably taller than him, taking him to the ground, hands behind his back.
“Hey what’re you doing with them?” Keep your fucking hands off the-,”
A sharp searing pain in his cheek, a split in the skin from a now blood coated ring caused his sentence to stop.
Alex went to wriggle out of their grasp, to escape and bring you into his arms. To wipe away the tears away and hold you forever. Whisper to you how he would never ever let anything, or anybody hurt you again.
Oh, how those words would do nothing.
“Beat him till he loses conscious,” A man with a low, monotone voice ordered.  
“Wait no!” You had screamed but it was futile.
Blow after blow had Alex grunting and groaning in pain. Black particles had started to swarm his vision but all he could think about was you.
Please don’t hurt them. Leave them alone. They did nothing. You want me. Me. Not Them. Leave them please, I love them.
“Fucking hell it’s not working, just break his fucking wings.” White hot searing pain erupted from the two wings on his back. He screeched and cried with every twist and crack he felt in them.
“God please no stop! I’m sorry please! Fucking fuckers please god get the fuck off me.” He swung and wriggled through every last ounce of strength he had, but it wasn’t enough. The darkness slowly began to engulf him, his limbs heavy, and with one last whisper of your name he slipped into the abyss.
Please let them be okay. I’ll do anything. Please.
You felt like your voice was going to give out. The pain settling at the top of your forehead turned into a dull ache from the over-bearing agony you felt emotionally as you saw your lover. So tranquil on the floor, eyelids shut, his back rising with unsteady breaths. Two daffodil wings bent at uneven angles, feathers hanging by string to the bone, scattered on the floor.
“What did he do? Why did you do that?”
The taller of the two turned to you, fists caked with your boyfriend’s blood.
“Quackity will be thrown in prison at dawn tomorrow for the crimes he has committed against this land.”
A lump lurched in your throat. He hadn’t done anything. Had he?
The man picked up on your confused state and barely answered your unspoken question.
“Your boyfriend here has been caught with a multitude of delinquencies that will serve him a life in jail.”
“Like what?” You had snapped.
“Drug dealing. Identity theft. Attempted murder.”
Had that been why he never brought you into town with him? He was a criminal.
Sensing your steps towards Alex the two men picked him up and shoved you back onto the floor.
“If you have half a brain you’ll stay here. We’ll deal from him from now on.”
And with that you let them take him away, the door slamming like it had later last night when he come home.
And as the dawns sun peaked through the slightly ajar curtains you whispered under your breath.
I’ll see you again, my love.
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Peace and Joy
@spot-king-of-brooklyn I’m your secret Santa! @newsies-secretsanta
You said your favorite ships are sprace and/or javid and you’re good with pretty much anything so I’m gonna write two separate vaguely holiday-related oneshots in the reincarnation AU. Don’t worry though nothing heavy, just fluff. No COVID because I’ve had enough of that dude and I say so. Enjoy! Happy Holidays!
Tw: referenced past period-typical homophobia.
Spot couldn’t remember being this happy... ever. Not in the early 1900s or in the early 2000s.
Well, the closest he could think of was 1902, when he and Race moved on from being newsies and from being leaders of their respective boroughs and rented that old apartment in Brooklyn together. But that had been muted by the need to be careful. They couldn’t be normal young people in love because they always had to hide.
And that was fine at the time because it was expected. It was them doing whatever it took to be together not knowing they’d ever get the chance to do it another way.
Now, in the bright, beautiful, forward-thinking 21st century, they could be safe. They could be in love without fear of the consequences. They could go out Christmas shopping together, and Spot didn’t know if that counted as a date, but it kind of felt like one as he watched his boyfriend bop a little to Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas Is You as he looked around.
He ended up having to look away before he started blushing too hard. Even if he wasn’t the King of Brooklyn this time, he still had a bit of a reputation as a stone cold badass. For all he knew, one or more of their more mischievous friends could be spying on them right now. And besides, this thrift store probably had stuff he could get the few Brooklyn kids who’d come back, too.
He was still deciding if Hotshot would think it was funny if he got him a tank top that said ‘hot stuff’ on it. The others would find it funny, but Spot honestly wasn’t sure if it would make his former second uncomfortable.
“Hey, Spottie, ya think my little brother would like this?”
Spot turned back to see Race holding up a bright purple worm on a string, but a giant version of one. One that was big enough to be a scarf.
“Knowin’ your family,” he admitted, “I think any of ‘em would be happy to get one of those.”
It was true. Honestly, the most sensible Larkin brother was the second-oldest, Crutchie, but Spot could still see him proudly wearing a worm-on-a-string-scarf to school after winter break ended.
Besides him, Medda, Race’s mom, tended to embrace whatever unique fashion choice she could find. And Jack, of course, didn’t let being the oldest of four stop him from being a theatrical little shit who liked drawing attention to himself.
And Romeo was somehow even more eccentric than Race, so he would definitely like that thing.
Race grinned, “I’m gonna get Ro a worm scarf for Christmas.”
“Your family is ridiculous.”
“Thank you. So, what’re ya gettin’ for Denton?”
Oh, shit. Spot had completely forgotten about getting anything for Denton.
He really should get something for him. After all, the teacher hadn’t even known Spot when Jack asked if he could stay with him. All he’d needed to know was that Spot needed a place to hide from his terrible parents and couldn’t stay with the Larkins, mostly because Medda had a strict rule about her boys’ partners sleeping over unless it was absolutely necessary. (it was also because Spot couldn’t think of anyone he’d want to live with less than Jack Kelly, but Denton didn’t really need to know that, did he?)
So far, Spot’s parents hadn’t shown any signs of missing him, and Spot couldn’t decide if that hurt or not, but it barely mattered anymore.
Because Denton didn’t really have any rules beyond ‘do your homework’, ‘take a shower occassionally’, and ‘if you leave the house, let me know where you’re going.’ He helped Spot pick out a Halloween costume, let him spend Thanksgiving with Race, and gave him money for Christmas shopping. He was fine with Spot being gay and having a boyfriend, even if there was an added rule with that of ‘you can’t have the door closed if you’re alone in your room with Race.’
He gave Spot space, but also made it clear that he could come to him for anything he needed help with. He never hit him, never pushed when Spot wanted to be alone, never even raised his voice unless they were in an already-loud room and he needed to get his attention.
In short, in only a few months, he’d become the best adult Spot had ever had in his life. He wasn’t his father, but he was closest thing Spot had ever gotten to a dad.
The Denton they’d known in their last life had been kind of like that, too. He’d helped as best he could whenever one of the newsies got into trouble, always being there for anyone who needed him since Kath first introduced her new reporter friend to her newsie friends. Of course, Spot hadn’t been living with Denton then, so he’d never really thought about it.
“What do you even get a middle-aged man for Christmas?”
Race shrugged, “Power tools?”
The idea of getting Denton power tools was so ridiculous that they both laughed.
“Uh... he’s a writer,” Race pointed out, “So... fancy pens?”
“Fancy pens? We’re at a thrift store, Racer.”
“Well we don’t gotta stay here forever. There’s a Barnes and Noble across the street.”
He wasn’t wrong about that, but Spot wasn’t sure about the whole ‘fancy pen’ thing. It seemed a little generic.
“Yooooo! Spot, check this out for Jack!”
He was holding up a bright blue sketchbook that said ‘Sketchy Bitch’ on the cover.
“Oh yeah, ya definitely have to get that for Cowboy.”
Spotting (no pun intended) something else on the shelf behind him, Spot grinned.
He had the perfect thing to get for the man who’d taken him in.
“This is gonna be so fuckin’ awesome.”
Davey snorted, “You’re way too excited ‘bout this, Jackie.”
He loved his boyfriend, but he had a tendency to get overenthusiastic about things.
Well, he loved that about Jack, too. And he loved being able to call him his boyfriend, now. That they didn’t need to hide this time.
He and Sarah had both been a little worried about their parents’ reaction, but it had turned out to be for nothing. They’d each gotten a t-shirt with their respective pride flag for the first night of Hanukkah, and Jack and Kath were always welcome to come over as long as at least one parent was home.
Davey loved Jack just as much in this lifetime as he had in his first, but it was different, not having to hide it. It was good different, but definitely different. Being able to be who they were and be in love and knowing that it was generally frowned upon to be homophobic now, at least where they lived.
And being able to do random shit that was romantic and fun as hell, but not something would even occur to most people to do.
After a sleepy conversation once Crutchie, Race, and Romeo had fallen asleep watching White Christmas (which Davey appreciated for the choreography in the dance numbers) one time about how there weren’t really any Hanukkah movies, Jack had collaborated with Kath to write a lesbian Hanukkah musical romcom to post to YouTube.
Objectively, it wasn’t that great. It was good for a movie made by a bunch of high school juniors, but they couldn’t afford good cameras or microphones or anything. Plus, it was appealing to a very niche audience, so Davey doubted this movie would get more than twenty views.
Still, it meant a lot that Jack was so excited about it, that he was working so hard on props and editing in the lighting and music for it so Kath and Saz could play Jewish lesbians fake-dating at a holiday party who fall in love. It was cute.
“It ain’t gonna win any awards,” Jack admitted, “But I think we’s got somethin’ good here!”
“We do,” Davey agreed.
Was he actually talking about the romcom starring his sister and her girlfriend? Partially. It was a pretty good movie for something produced by teenagers.
But they had something good there that wasn’t on the screen of Jack’s laptop, too.
Jack seemed to share those thoughts, with the way he was smiling.
“What’s with the look, mi amor?”
Davey rolled his eyes as the other boy put his arm around his waist.
“Like you don’t know, love,” he chuckled, “Remember the last time we did somethin’ like this? And by ‘we’ I mean ‘you.’”
“Shh,” Jack shook his head, “Nope. We don’t talk about the latkes incident.”
“You mean when you almost burned down our tiny little kitchen trying to—“
“We don’t talk about it!”
Davey laughed. It was funny, how Jack couldn’t, in any lifetime, cook anything more complicated than like... chili or stew. While he could make something edible, he couldn’t make anything that was really considered good.
“Davey, love, luz de mi vida, it was literally over a hundred years ago, so stop. Bringin’. Up. The. Latkes. Incident!”
He punctuated the sentence by hitting Davey with one of his mom’s throw pillows.
“Okay, Jackie, I get it! Stop hitting me!”
“Fine,” Jack grinned, “I ain’t almost burned down a kitchen in over a century, babe. I thinks that’s a good record to have.”
“Most people never almost burn down a kitchen,” Davey pointed out, “I know I—wait, did you just call me ‘babe’?”
Jack was definitely not meeting his eyes to try to hide how he was blushing, “Uh... is that okay?”
Davey smirked. Jack didn’t get flustered that often, but it was adorable when he did.
And even if he had almost burned down their apartment, it had been cute back then, how he’d tried so hard to try to do something nice for Davey for the holiday season. It was cute now, too.
That was one thing that hadn’t changed through the decades, he guessed.
“It’s definitely okay, babe.”
“Spot, is this a... ‘Best Dad In The World’ mug?”
“...if you cry, I’m outta here.”
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Come Into My Life
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Song Prompt: “Entra en mi vida” by Sin Bandera
Warnings: angst? (still working on that). no fluff (trust me, its not there. i tried, i really did, but no). implied smut ( i also tried here). that’s it??
Author’s Note: This was my poor attempt at smut, I cringed halfway and retreated to my cave of reading-it-not-writing-it
Summary: What else would you call them, when you saw two people that existed so perfectly in sync? She called it diseased. He called her an idiot. But those two hearts couldn’t beat for anyone else.
Part Five: Entra en mi vida, yo te lo ruego
You didn't see it. Thor was sure of it.
You couldn't see the change in yourself, it was so obvious and you couldn't see it.
The fighting had stopped. The tolerating his presence had stopped. The sneaking away had stopped. It didn't stop all at once, of course not, you weren't made to be convenient.
It was slow, snail slow, but gradual. You couldn't see it – which didn't surprise him, you were an idiot after all – but he did. You went from questioning him, to arguing with him, to telling him.
Then you were asking if take-out from that place down the street was fine for lunch, or if he'd seen your other shoe anywhere. And, his personal favourite, you watched yourself choose this and thought it was a good idea, really?
He would have been content with your tolerance. He would have been content with your acceptance of his presence. Honestly. He would have...
But you started sitting a bit closer to him whenever you were in a car, or a plane, or anything really. You started walking a lot slower, prolonging the time it took you to get to your destination. Your eating patterns coincides with his, he eats more but you nibble so you finish at the same time.
On one occasion, you lost each other on a busy sidewalk. The panicked look on your face instantly melted off the moment his eyes met yours, from a few feet away. Without thinking, you had run to him, in those work heels of yours, and clung to his arm for the rest of the walk.
You still cling onto his arm, with both hands still, whenever you leave the apartment.
You leave your bedroom door wide open now, but lock the window, so you can hear him from across the hall. It's not as good as being next to you, but he can still hear your heartbeat before he drifts off.
Which is better than not knowing if you're okay.
"It's been a good fourteen weeks," Thor grinned at Sam, handing him a bottle of water as they overlooked the installation.
Sam narrows his eyes at Thor. "I'd hope so. You seem more awake than usual."
He nods. "I make the beverages now, so she hasn't had a chance."
"Smart move."
You also hadn't mentioned Bucky in months. And when Sam brought him with on one of his visits, you looked more confused at his existence than his presence.
Of course, the confusion was short lived, but it was still there. Regardless of how harmless your flirting with Bucky is, there was something slightly threatening about you wanting to give him children.
"I think my presence around here is having its necessary effect–" Thor goes on. "–there hasn't been any incidents like those before."
"You can't do this forever, though. You know that, right? One of these days, we're gonna really need you–"
He sighs and nods. "I am aware. We'll be ready for that day. I've yet to tell her the proto–"
Thor felt it too late. He knows that. The shift came too late, a shift he hasn't felt in weeks, a shift he knew all too well.
Abandoning Sam without an explanation, Thor marches down the hall to your bedroom – where you said you'll be. Working.
He knows you're gone. He can feel it. So the sight of bag and your wallet still on the floor, by your bed, doesn't settle him down.
Sam is somewhere behind him, calling out, asking if you're okay.
There's no sign that you changed out of your indoor attire, and you'd die before you let yourself be seen in that outfit, so why can't he hear the familiar pace of your heartbeat nearby?
You're gone. And your phone lying on your bed isn't easing his panic.
Because you're the idiot that left without her cellphone and wallet. Or his the idiot that couldn't protect the woman he would die for.
Hope called to let him know you were safe. With her. But the storm didn't stop.
Sam left, not before letting him know that you do stuff like that all time, and the rain didn't stop.
When you walked in, late into the evening, into a dimly lit apartment. The sound of your footsteps, slow and unsure, did nothing to lessen the anger that had formed from his worry.
How could you be such an idiot?
His eyes meet yours from the other side of the living room. The thunder only seems to worsen.
You'd been crying, he can tell, and that just makes everything so much worse.
"You could have died." His tone is even and doesn't give away the anger that is clear on his face.
Your lips tremble. Because, even though Ghost and Hope prepared you for this, you weren't ready.
"I know." You whisper.
"You could have been kidnapped."
You bite your lip to try and keep them still. And nod.
He's in front of you before the first tear embeds itself on your eyelid. You want to stare at his chest, at the ground, any where but at the rage in his eyes.
But he's not having it.
His hands gently cup your face, framing it as he forces you to look at him. It's intense, his stare, and its powerful. It almost reminds you of how it felt whenever Mjölnir of Stormbreaker would wind up in your hands.
"You seem to think that this is something you can hide from," he moves a hand from your face and wraps it around your waist, pulling you closer. "You are so convinced that this, that I am so easy to get rid of."
You press your hands to his chest.
"I don't know who lied to you. I don't know who convinced you of such. But I–" his grip tightens and his face is inches from yours. "–I did not spend centuries looking for you, only to lose you. I won't have it."
You shut your eyes and your forehead presses against his. Tears dampen your cheeks as you fail to reign in your emotions.
"I didn't spend my entire life–fighting to survive–" your voice is hoarse and scratchy and so weak. "–so I could... I can't do this. I can't. I can't. I can't."
"I'm going to protect you–"
You're shaking your head and you don't even know why. You know he isn't lying. This is the safest you've ever felt, ever been. So, he can't be lying.
"I can't lose you," the desperation in his voice weakens you, and you cling onto his shoulders. "I can't."
This is too much. This was all too much for you.
You're trembling, not much to worry him, just enough for him to know. To know how scary this has to be for you.
Far worse things had happened to you, far greater losses you had to go through. But none left you this helpless, this powerless, this lost.
Because that is what it adds up to. All those times you could have escaped but chose his companionship instead, all those nights you fell asleep to the sound of his soft snoring, all those moments you spent wondering what it would feel like to not have to wake up in separate rooms...
They all add up to turning your back on everything you were raised on. You can't half love him. You couldn't if you tried. But you couldn't give someone else that much power, so much power, to easily hurt you.
You couldn't.
His nose brushes against yours and your lips part in anticipation. Your fingers are digging into his shoulders and you can't tell whose heartbeat it is that's beating so violently between you.
"Tell me you don't want this," he whispers. "Say you don't want me. Say you want me to stop and I swear this to you, I wil–"
You cover his lips with yours. Desperate to shut him up. Desperate to make him yours.
You didn't think you were ready. And Thor was ready to accept that. Until he said those words...
Fingers thread into his hair as you pull him closer to you. His hands work frantically between you, tugging at his jeans and shoving at the hem of your leggings. Your legs assist by trying to step out of them, while his try to navigate the way to your room.
You don't make it to the room. The kiss intensifies, tongue and teeth and breathy moans. Moans and gasps that weaken his knees and has him laying you on the tiled floor.
You hiss at the cold but don't stop. You can't. He has to be yours, now.
The lightening worsens as he takes you on the floor, a few feet away from your bedroom. You can see it, your bed, so close but so far, and you don't care.
You can't. Not when he's kissing you like that...
Tags: @nekoannie-chan​, @thorfanficwriter​
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javier-djarin · 4 years
Como Me Duele: Chapter 7
Ship: Javi x Reader
Rating: M
Word Count:  2,291 words
Warnings: Language
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Summary: You and Javi take your relationship a step further. Javi receives a phone call that will start a chain of events between the two of you: one that involves many secrets. They can’t live in bliss forever, guys.
A/N: This chapter is a little shorter, but I wanted to end it with sort of a cliffhanger, because I’m evil that way. Thank you again for all the love and support! Please, please, PLEASE let me know what you think. Please let me know if you want to be on my tag list! Chapter 8 coming soon! Also, translations are at the bottom.
Your POV
With Pablo on the run, Javi was busier than ever. He and Steve were sent to Medellín for several days, leaving you and Connie to your own devices. Baby Olivia was teething, and raising the baby on her own was driving Connie mad. "I just want to go home," she said one afternoon, crying over a glass of wine while Olivia slept.
You reached for her hand and held it in yours. "They're going to be okay," you said, trying to reassure yourself more than her.
Connie wiped her eyes and looked at you. "It's not just that. We aren't safe down here, and this isn't good for Olivia."
You looked behind Connie and saw suitcases lined up against the wall. "My flight leaves tonight."
"Connie...but Steve."
She wiped her eyes again. "I tried to tell him, but he just won't listen. Leaving is the only way I can get him to pay attention."
You sighed. You couldn't imagine leaving Javi, especially now. However, you also didn't go through what Steve and Connie did. Javi wasn't kidnapped and missing for hours on end. A part of you understood where she was coming from, and you did your best to use that part to comfort her. "Do you want me to drive you to the airport?"
She shook her head. "No. I don't want you to get involved. I called a cab." She let out a small sob. "I'll call Steve once I get to the airport."
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Where are you going to go?”
“I’m going to stay with my sister until this is over.”
You nodded and picked up your glasses, placing them in the sink for her. “Well, whatever Steve needs…” you trailed off, “Javi and I will look after him for you.”
She smiled, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes. “Thanks, Y/N.”
“So we need to station people here,” he marked on the map with a red sharpie, “and here. Murphy, you and Trujillo are with me.”
Steve’s phone rang. He walked away to answer, and Peña continued to lay out the plan. “No, Connie, listen…” he heard Steve plead. “Just don’t get on that plane. I’ll be right there.” He quickly hung up the phone and grabbed his jacket. “I gotta go, man,” he said.
Javi felt his heart race. He knew Steve and Connie were arguing over safety. His thoughts immediately turned to Y/N, worried she was getting the same ideas. “We leave in fifteen,” he said.
The surrounding officers nodded and dispersed. He grabbed his phone and quickly dialed her number, waiting for her to pick up. It rang several times and there was no answer. “Hola, I’m not able to come to the phone right now. Leave a message, and I’ll call you back!”
“Fuck,” he whispered. He dialed again. 
“Hola, I’m not able to come to the phone right now. Leave a message, and I’ll call you back!”
“H-hey, mi vida,” he said nervously, “Steve just left here to chase down Connie. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Te quiero.”
He hung up the phone and stood at his desk, worried. She was off today. So, why wasn’t she answering the phone. Javi knew that if she left him, she would have at least called. Unless she left a note. He started to panic, but he needed to focus on the mission. If she was gone, there was nothing he could do about it until he got home that night. He grabbed his jacket and phone and followed Trujillo to the car. “Tu conduces,” Javi said, tossing him the keys. 
His phone rang, and he answered it a little too fast. “Hello?” he said.
“I just got your message,” she said. 
He let out the breath he had been holding when he heard her lyrical voice. “I was just making sure you’re alright,” he said.
She laughed. “You were making sure I didn’t bolt, too. Don’t worry,” she added, “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
He smiled and opened the car door. “You mean I haven’t scared you off, yet?”
“You’re the least scary person I’ve ever met.”
“Then, I have the wrong career.”
She sighed. “Just hurry home. I miss you.”
His heart swelled. “I will. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
He hung up the phone and was able to relax a little more knowing she was still waiting for him when he got home. Trujillo laughed at him as he started the car. “Shut up,” Peña said.
“No digo nada.”
Your POV
Steve was miserable without Connie around. You hardly recognized your old friend these days as he dove deeper into the quest for Pablo. Javi was worried about him too. “He’s getting in too deep with Carrillo,” he said, sitting at the table.
“Did…” you paused, afraid to get the answer to your question, “did Carrillo…”
He looked at you, the answer in his eyes. They were haunted, scared; telling you he was the DEA Agent who witnessed it - witnessed Carrillo allegedly killing a young boy. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling his head into your stomach. “I’m so sorry, Javi.”
“Steve thinks getting in with Carrillo will catch Escobar faster, but…” He buried his face into you, breathing you in. “He’s not going to be Steve when this is all over. Hell, I’m not even Javi anymore. I don’t know how you can stand being in the same room as me.”
“Hey,” you said, forcing him to look at you, “Whatever Javi you leave out there is not the one I see here. You said it yourself, ‘Sometimes you gotta do bad things to catch bad people.’ You may hate yourself for that, so that just means I need to love you that much more. When you’re here, I get to see the real you. The Javi that is out there trying to catch a drug lord isn’t you.”
Javi glanced up at you. “I don’t deserve you,” he said.
“Javi, you deserve the world.”
He pulled you down to sit in his lap as he kissed you deeply. Javi tucked a few loose strands of hair behind your ears and lightly grabbed your chin, rubbing your bottom lip with his thumb. You could see him in deep thought, but you didn’t want to disturb him. Instead, you sat there, letting him look at you as you absorbed him: his scent, his touch, his look in his eyes. “I was thinking,” he said nervously, “I much prefer myself when I’m here with you. And…” he paused. “I was thinking, well, what if I didn’t resign the lease on my place next month?”
You smiled. “It’s about fucking time, Peña,” you leaned down to kiss him. 
“I just figured, you know, I don’t spend much time there and…”
Laughing, you placed a finger on his lips. “You don’t need to explain, Javi. I was worried as to why you were keeping it in the first place.”
You sighed. “A little,” you replied, “worried you’ll wake up one day and be tired of seeing the same face every day, just like…” you stopped yourself. You didn’t want to compare him to Michael, because they were nothing alike. However, his betrayal instilled a specific type of fear in you that frequently haunted your nightmares.
“I may be a moron sometimes, but not that big of one. They’ll have to kill me before I ever leave you.” He scooped you into his arms and carried you into your room, setting you gently down on the bed. He gently placed his hands on either side of your face and kissed you. 
His phone rang in the living room, which caused him to stop for a moment. He growled and closed the door. “I’m not dealing with work now,” he said.
You placed a hand on his chest. “It might be important.”
“They can leave a message,” he tried kissing you again.
“No,” you stopped him, “go answer your phone. I’ll be here when you get back. But, take too long and I will start without you.” He grinned at the little quip, a usual line he’d use on you.
He walked out into the living room and grabbed his phone. “Javi?” a familiar female voice said over the line. “It’s Gabriela.”
“What’s up?” he made it a point to sound annoyed.
“It’s been a while, and I want to see you,” she begged.
He laughed. “I told you, I’m done. Tengo una novia.”
“Javi…” This time the tone of her voice changed from seductive to scared. “Don’t be like that.”
The change did not go unnoticed. “Are you in trouble?”
“Don’t be like that,” she said.
He rested the phone on his forehead, angry with himself. “What do you need?”
He heard her breathing into the phone short, quick breaths. She was in trouble. “All right. Give me…”he looked back into their bedroom. “20 minutes.” He hung up the phone and walked back in. “I need to run to the office, really quick.”
“Is everything alright?” she asked, walking to him, wrapping her arms around him.
His breathing grew quicker. He wanted to tell her, but she wouldn’t understand. She’d been hurt so badly, that she’d be worried the entire time that he wasn't there for just information. “They found a new lead that they want me to check out really quick.”
“Can’t it wait until morning?”
He shook his head. “It’s time sensitive.”
She pouted and kissed him quickly. “I guess I’ll start without you.”
His heart ached. Technically he wasn’t lying to her; he was just withholding information. Then why do I feel like I’m betraying her? He thought to himself. He kissed her deeply. “I shouldn’t be longer than an hour.”
He quickly turned and grabbed his keys to leave. He didn’t bother turning to look at her, because he knew he wouldn’t leave. He hopped in his Jeep and drove as fast as he could across town to the district he hadn’t visited in over a year. Javi parked just across the street from it and sighed. The last thing he wanted to do was walk into a whorehouse. He slammed the Jeep door shut and walked in with purpose. The minute Gabriela saw him, she jumped into his arms to kiss him. “No, Gabriela,” he said, pushing her away just as her lips barely grazed his, “I have a half hour. What do you need?”
Offended, she turned her attention to the girl on her bed. “She’s a friend of a friend. Maritza, meet Javier.”
He felt rage rise in his chest. “Why are you introducing me to a friend of a friend?”
“She’s in trouble. Just hear her out,” Gabriela begged.
“Goddammit, Gabby. You could have told me over the phone, no?” He was angry. He was lying to the love of his life for this. 
“I knew you wouldn’t come!”
“My girl is waiting for me at home. I’m leaving.” He turned to Maritza. “Bye.”
Gabriela grabbed his arms. “Please, hear her out.”
He glared at her and then to Maritza, entertaining the idea she had useful information. “What’s your name? Maritza?” He grabbed a cigarette off Gabby’s dresser and lit it; something he hadn’t done in a long time. “What kind of trouble are you in? Who are you in trouble with?”
“La Quica,” she said, looking him in the eyes.
Your POV
Javi had been gone longer than an hour, and you were a little concerned. Whatever happened on that phone call had upset him. He was stiff and short with her as he was leaving, like he was hiding something. He didn’t look back at you, like he normally does, when he left. Your heart hurt a little, feeling the same dread that you felt when you suspected Michael.
“I may be a moron sometimes, but not that big of one. They’ll have to kill me before I ever leave you.”  He said that to you only moments before, but you couldn’t shake your gut feeling.
You grabbed his favorite concert T-shirt that he lounged around in and put it on. You knew he was going to be running late, and so you might as well go to sleep. You must have been in a deep sleep, because you didn’t hear him stumble into the apartment. You felt him sit down on the bed, removing his boots and clothes before climbing into bed. He wrapped his arms around you, which woke you up completely. “You smell like a bar, Javi,” you complained.
He planted a kiss on the back of your neck. “We’re ccelebrating, Iguess.”
You sat up and turned the light on. “Are you drunk?”
Javi giggled and tried to pull you on top of him, but you weren’t moving. “A little?”
“Is that a statement or a question?”
He tried to clear his throat and look up at you. You could see the glazed over look in his eyes telling you he was drunk. “The leadisgoing to tell uswhere Escobaris, t’morrow.” He burped just a little and laughed. “Sorry. CarrilloandI wereplanning.” He motioned for a kiss, but you stopped him.
“No. You smell like a bar. Either take a shower or sleep on the couch,” you laughed, “I don’t want my sheets to smell like cigarettes and booze. Or you’re buying new sheets for our bed.”
He smiled, succumbing to sleep. “Our bed,” was the last thing he uttered before falling asleep. Little did you know this was the last time you would see Javi smile for a long time.
Tu conduces - You drive.
No diga nada. - I didn’t say anything.
Tengo una novia. - I have a girlfriend.
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@larakasser​ @magneticbucky​ @pedropascalownsmyheart​
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estamos-destinadas · 4 years
Snapshots: Final, First, Forever
Here are 3 interconnected short fics based on items from this list.
Specifically, the prompts are “last kiss” and “first kiss”. The third fic isn’t really based on any prompt, I just wrote it to round out this tiny collection. Although I suppose we can also say it’s a “long kiss” 😁
Fics under cut:
Valentina -- and only Valentina -- is by her side when Juliana finally succumbs to the illness.
She has been attended by a rotating roster of children and grandchildren ever since her condition became terminal, but now, as she feels her hour come up, she asks them all to give her and her wife some time alone. She has already said her goodbyes to her family in one way or another, she doesn’t want them to see her take her last breath. Well, she supposes, she has always been stubbornly adamant about not appearing weak, not even to her nearest and dearest.
Valentina, of course, is a different matter.
Their souls are intertwined, in all the lives they’ve lived and will live. Juliana believes that now. A lifetime of love can do that to a sceptic.
“Mi amor,” Juliana says, reaching out with shaking hands to wipe the tears welling out of her love’s eyes.
Valentina’s hair is short and gray, her skin wrinkled and faintly spotted, and her eyes, turbulent from crying, are a stark, stark blue. She looks even more beautiful than the girl Juliana met on that park bench, when Juliana herself was just a girl of eighteen.
Juliana is ninety-eight now. They’ve loved each other for eighty years.
“Mi corazon, mi alma,” Juliana continues. “Te amo.”
Valentina’s tears fall faster but, after a moment, she seems to rally herself. She wipes at her eyes, then reaches out to wipe the tears Juliana didn’t realise she’s been crying.
“Te amo también, mi amor,” Valentina manages to let out in a shaky voice.
There is no begging for more time now -- they have been through all the stages -- there is only acceptance for their impending separation. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.
“Yo quiero agradecerte,” Juliana says after a moment. “Life has been so beautiful with you by my side.”
She stops as she tries to find the right words to say. How can she describe every good thing that Valentina has brought into her life? The joy, the love, the light?
Valentina saves her then, just as she always has. “I should be the one thanking you, my love,” she says, grabbing Juliana’s hands and bringing them up to her lips. “You have made me so happy… so happy. I’m so happy--”
They both laugh, amused at Valentina’s repeated words.
“--so thankful, that I got to do life with you. It doesn’t feel like enough-- no, please,” she adds quickly as Juliana opens her mouth, “don’t apologise again, my love. You know me… I can never get enough of you. You are my light, you always will be. I understand that you have to go… soon,” she chokes at the word, needing a moment. “It would be a lie to say I’m ready to let you go, but I understand.
“I can’t wait to do this with you again,” Valentina continues. “All of this,” she says, gesturing between and around them in emphasis. “The first meeting, the first kiss,” she singsongs, making Juliana grin from ear to ear, “all of the firsts, and everything that comes after.”
“Yo también, mi amor,” Juliana says, her eyes never leaving Valentina’s. “I can’t wait to do life with you again.”
They gaze at each other quietly for what feels like an age as memories of their lifelong love flashes between them.
Eventually, Juliana breaks the silence. “Please tell the children how much I love them,” she says.
Valentina can only nod. “They know, my love.”
“And the grandchildren, and the great-grandchildren.”
Valentina nods again.
“Y tu… Yo te amo tanto. Eres mi corazon. Gracias por esta vida. We will see each other again.”
With not a little effort, Valentina gets up from her seat and leans over Juliana on the bed. She closes the distance between them, their lips meeting in a long kiss that speaks of their life together.
“Gracias a ti,” Valentina says when she pulls back. “Y yo te amo, now, and in the next life.”
With the last of her strength, Juliana extends her pinky finger. “Pacto?”
Valentina chains it with hers. “Pacto.”
And so, Juliana takes her last breath with the promise of Valentina’s love. The warmth of Valentina’s arms envelops her, the touch of Valentina’s lips still lingers in hers, and Valentina’s loving eyes is the last thing she sees.
Less than two months later, Valentina goes quietly in the night, holding a framed photo of Juliana, knowing in her very soul that Juliana is waiting for her with open arms, with a kiss, and with that bright, bright smile.
She walks up the middle aisle in the still-docked shuttle, taking careful steps so as not to spill the cup of coffee she’s holding. She’s a few feet away from the seat she’s reserved for herself when she sees that someone has taken over it. She frowns, quickening her strides.
“Excuse me,” she says to the head of dark hair that’s currently blocking the window.
The girl on her seat turns around, revealing bright eyes on a very pretty face.
She falters -- the girl is so beautiful -- but she squares her shoulders after a moment. She’s not about to let a pretty face get away with stealing her window seat. Normally, she wouldn’t mind, but she’s only travelled off-world twice in her life before this. She hasn’t had enough of the view yet, of the Earth falling behind her as the shuttle takes off and increases speed until it reaches escape velocity.
The girl on the seat stares at her, mouth open and eyes wide. She gazes right back, equally dumbstruck, as something like an LED flickers in her mind. It flickers off as someone bumps into her and she almost spills her coffee over the girl.
“Shit-- oops-- sorry--” she lets out in quick succession as the girl’s eyes widen in alarm.
The girl’s expression turns to bemusement when she remains standing in front of her without saying anything else.
“Uh, you’re in my seat,” she says after clearing her throat. “I only left to get a coffee, but I put my tablet on there…” she trails off when she realises that the item in question is no longer in the pocket of the seat in front of the one she’s claimed as hers. “Where’s--?”
The girl reaches over to fish out her tablet, which has apparently fallen into the depths of the seat pocket. “Sorry,” the girl says, putting the tablet back. “I didn’t see it there.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” she finds herself backtracking. “You know what, I’ll take this one,” she motions to the aisle seat next to the girl’s.
“No,” the girl says, jumping up and getting out to the aisle so they’re now standing next to each other. “Please, take it, you had it first.”
She suddenly does not want to take the window seat. What if the girl goes off to find another window seat? “No--”
“I’ll take the aisle seat,” the girl says.
“Oh, well… okay,” she says, finding the suggestion acceptable. “If you insist.”
The girl smiles at her, and all she can do is smile dopily back. They gaze at each other again until someone bumps into the girl this time. Chuckling shyly, the girl motions for her to take her seat; she does so, and the girl takes the aisle seat after her.
After both of them have settled, she turns to the girl, offering her hand, palm-up and open. “I’m Vanessa.”
“June,” the girl offers her own name as she takes Vanessa’s hand.
Suddenly, warmth courses from the point of contact up to her arm then straight to her chest.
On the shuttle flight to the space station in Earth’s orbit, Vanessa learns that, like her, June is headed to the Academy of Physical Sciences in Venus. From the space station around Earth, they will need to take a larger ship to Venus. With Venus at its closest approach to Earth, travel between the two planets would take less than two days.
They decide to share a double cabin, reasoning that it’s much cheaper than getting two singles. On the trip, they learn a little more about each other, like how Vanessa needs at least three cups of coffee a day, or how June has to have chocolate sprinkles on her breakfast toast. They also learn about each other’s chosen field of study, as well as their respective family back on Earth, both of which are very proud and supportive of the paths they have taken.
They arrive in Venus in time for orientation, where they learn that they will be sharing a room. Both of them are too excited to think anything much of the happy coincidence.
Their friendship and affection for each other grow quickly, within their little space that they learn to share so easily, as they trade new knowledge they’ve gained from their separate classes, in each smile they exchange, and in every new thing they learn about each other. And, underneath it all, there is the attraction, mutual but unacknowledged -- as of yet.
That changes as their first semester at the Academy comes to an end.
“I’ll miss you, V,” June whispers in the quiet of their room.
They’re lying on Vanessa’s bed, June’s head resting on her shoulder and Vanessa’s arm wrapped around hers. The Clips they’ve been watching continue playing one after the other on the smart mirror, but both of them have long since stopped paying attention. Instead, They have been enjoying the feel of each other’s solid presence, snuggling ever closer.
“We’ll still see each other over the break,” Vanessa reminds June reassuringly, running a hand up and down her arm. “I’ll visit you at your house, and you’ll come visit me at mine. You’ll teach me how to surf, and I’ll teach you how to ski.” It was a deal they made with each other after they went cloud-sailing in the dense atmosphere of Venus. “And we’ll call each other every day.”
June shifts so her arm is around Vanessa’s waist. “It’s not the same,” she says, almost whining.
Vanessa pouts. “No, it’s not.” She kisses the top of June’s head. “I’ll miss you too.”
Propping herself on an elbow, June puts some distance between them so she can look into Vanessa’s eyes.
They gaze at each other, an eternity flashing between them in the span of a second. Neither of them knows who initiated it, but, finally, their lips are meeting in a kiss. It’s soft, and sweet, and full of promise.
They’ve kissed other people before, in their old lives back on Earth, but this kiss--
It feels like coming home.
Juliana follows Valentina into her room, heading for the day bed by the window while Valentina goes to her study desk. Juliana drops her bag at the foot of the small bed. She fishes her phone out of the bag, opening it to a text from her mother reminding her to come home.
Rolling her eyes, Juliana sends an affirmative reply before throwing her phone on the bed. Apparently, just because Lupé has become accepting of their relationship, it doesn’t mean that Juliana can stay over at Valentina’s house on a weekday. Juliana has only broken that rule once since she started school two months ago, and already Lupé won’t stop sending her reminders every time she doesn’t have dinner at home.
Okay, she’s broken it four times, but still….
Juliana turns her attention to her girlfriend, who is now arranging her school things on the desk: laptop, pens and highlighters, a really expensive dotted notebook, and a very familiar book.
“Is that Camilo’s book?” Juliana observes as she takes a seat on the day bed. “I thought you’ve finished reading that?”
“It’s for my Philosophy class,” Valentina explains with a smile as she waves the book around. “We were assigned to write about a concept that’s common in many cultures around the world, and I’m choosing reincarnation.” She sounds almost shy. “Camilo was very scrupulous about including sources in the footnotes and endnotes, so I’m using his book as a starting point. Also, I can just call him if I have questions,” she adds, attempting to wink.
Juliana chuckles at Valentina’s adorable dorkiness. “I see,” she deadpans.
Valentina shoots her a flirty smile as she takes her seat in front of the desk. The smile turns soft as she puts the book down and looks at its cover.
She glances at Juliana before speaking, “I know… you’re too pragmatic for it, but I really believe in it, you know? In reincarnation, I mean. I think that-- I think that souls are reborn, and that we’re drawn to the same souls in each new lifetime.”
Juliana’s brows furrow. “I didn’t say I didn’t believe in it.”
Valentina turns in her seat to face Juliana fully, her expression almost disbelieving. “You literally said it was crazy when I first told you about this book,” she points out playfully, eyes teasing.
“Well, that was back then. I… might have changed my mind.”
Valentina’s eyes widen. “Since when?” she asks, slapping her hands on her lap with great feeling. “This is the first time I’m hearing about this!”
“Since… I don’t know,” Juliana starts. It was a gradual thing, her skepticism being answered with each new thing they learned, about each other and about the things that have been happening around them. “A while ago?”
Valentina lets out a long breath. “Chiquita,” she says gently, leaning forwards and reaching out to take Juliana’s hand in hers. “You know that just because I believe in it doesn’t mean you have to just to make me happy, right? I know I joke about it, but I don’t-- I don’t want to force a system of belief on you.” Her lips turn up in a cheesy smile. “I can believe enough for the both of us.”
Juliana can’t help but giggle. Only Valentina can get away with saying the cheesiest things while trying to be serious at the same time. But Valentina has it wrong.
“No, Val, that’s not-- it’s not-- of course, I always want to make you happy,” she says, squeezing her girlfriend’s hand, “but that’s not why I believe in it.”
Although, now that they are having this conversation, it occurs to Juliana that she has never really said it outright. She resolves to change that. Valentina has always been so open in her declarations that Juliana is the one for her, Juliana wants her to know that they are on the exact same page.
“I mean,” Juliana continues, “if I just think of reincarnation, it seems so incredible. Like… how do people know? How does Camilo know? But… when I think about you and me, about us knowing each other in a past life, and us being predestined to meet in this one, then it-- it feels right,” she adds. She doesn’t know how else to explain it, other than she feels it in her bones. “It makes sense to me. I believe in that. I believe in us.”
“I didn’t know you were thinking all that,” Valentina says quietly, her grip on Juliana’s hands tightening.
Juliana only gives a shy smile in response. Valentina stands up and moves into Juliana’s space, disentangling their hands only to place hers on Juliana’s cheeks. Juliana reaches up to put her hands on Valentina’s hips, rubbing circles with her thumb. Valentina leans closer. Juliana lets her hands travel up along Valentina’s side to rest on the back of her neck. She draws Valentina to her. Valentina yields.
Their lips meet in a long kiss that speaks of their feelings for each other, too big and heavy for words.
When they draw back, a hair’s breadth of space between them, they gaze into each other’s eyes, seeing stars and galaxies and universes in pools of blue and brown.
“I believe in us, too,” Valentina whispers.
Valentina doesn’t get started on her assignment that day.
Juliana breaks Lupé’s rule for the fifth time… and counting.
1. Please don’t kill me over that "last kiss” fic.
2. I am really sorry for the very white names I chose for the “first kiss” fic. I just wanted to imagine them as looking more or less the same. Otherwise, I would’ve given them other ethnicities. (I’m mostly sorry for myself, really.)
3. I was going to make that third fic cute and fluffy, but it turned out that way... oh well.
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twentytwojuiceboxes · 4 years
Beyond A Promise Playlist
Listen to it here
Ok so I wasn’t really intending to make a playlist but i kept finding the perfect songs for this story and for these two. Each song I had either sonic or shadow or both in mind and I’ll explain each song choice below. @moralitas I hope these songs help capture the feel of the fic for you and for the rest of your readers!
1. i want war (BUT I NEED PEACE) - Kali Uchis
“My mind and my soul is the weapon, and every failure was a lesson, its time to stop blocking these blessings, see i just wanna grow into my greatness, I wish i had the time that you takin”
This song is supposed to be Shadows pov, specifically for these lyrics. I feel like he’s so used to bad things happening in his life that any possibility of anything good happening (having a place to call home, having someone to call a friend) he would just not let it happen. In beyond a promise, you start to see him grow out of that.
2. This Isn't You - Kyle Dixon
No lyrics for this one. I wanted a song for Sonic and Shadows late night runs. They never really spoke during their runs, so I deliberately chose a song with no words.
3. Rose Colored Boy - Paramore
“I want you to stop insisting that I’m not a lost cause, ‘cause i been through a lot, really all I’ve got is just to stay pissed off, if it’s all right by you”
This one is more of a fun one from Shadows pov. Kind of self explanatory, pessimistic protagonist with a optimistic love interest. I like to imagine this song over a montage of Sonic doing things that unintentionally make shadow smile against his will lol
4. Unthinkable (I'm Ready) - Alicia Keys
"You give me a feeling that I never felt before, And I deserve it I think I deserve it, It's becoming something that's impossible to ignore, And I can't take it, I was wondering maybe, Could I make you my baby?, If we do the unthinkable would it make us look crazy, If you ask me I'm ready"
So this song. This song was the one that made me want to make a playlist in the first place. I was listening to it for the first time in years and the emotion and the lyrics of this song are peak sonadow and i just.....hoo buddy just listen.
5. Blue Dream - Jhene Aiko
"We were coastin' on the coast when you opened my eyes, Made me notice where the ocean was holding the sky right, I was blinded, your smile shining behind those green eyes, The horizon so enticing please say you'll be mine"
This is just a sweet song from Shadows pov. More about the feel of it than anything.
6. Enter Galactic - Kid Cudi
"Reaching out to outer space dancing to awesome sounds, This all new to you?, Reaching out to hold your close so I don't slip away, Explore a new approach, A whole new free I say"
Both Sonic and Shadow haven't ever experienced romantic feelings before, so I like this song as them experiencing something new together. (Also space hogs lmao)
7. Overstimulated - Jhene Aiko
"Who's gonna hold my hand when I'm crashing?, Took you without looking now I'm looking up the side effects, Feel like there a fire set, That I should be dying next, my regrets, Oh my regrets"
After having been alone for so long I feel like being in new relationships, whether it be a friendship or a romantic one, can get overwhelming at times for Shadow. This is that. (***Scream Warning starting at 5:00*** the singer does scream at the end of the song I didn't want to catch anyone off guard with that)
8. Je Cherche Un Homme - Eartha Kitt
“Doesn't have to be prince or movie star, A Texas oil man or a french marquis, Doesn't have to be handsome as a picture, An ordinary guy's all right with me”
Obligatory slow dance scene. Picture this: Sonic and Shadow on a warm summer day, surrounded by Shadows plants. They’re swaying side to side, having a silly conversation, just enjoying each others company. (This isn’t in the fic but I couldn’t help myself with this song lol.) Plus, I always pictured Shadow as a Eartha Kitt fan, idk why but I do.
9. Sit Next To Me - Foster The People
“Come over here sit next to me, We can see where things go naturally, Just say the word and I'll part the sea, Just come over here and sit next to me, And I'll take you high, high”
This one is from Sonics pov. He, ironically enough, seems like the kind of person to would want to take things slow in a relationship, to enjoy the process and see where things go.
10. Amor De Siempre - CUCO
“Unos cambios tomaron lugar en mi vida, Amorcito sonriente entraste sin advertirme, Pero no importa ya, tenemos nuevas historias que contar, Amanecimos bien contentos y ahora vamos a dormirnos sin dudar”
Sonic can not only speak Spanish but speaks it fluently. This is A Fact and I have made it true lol. I wanted to reflect that with this song, but also when you listen it you’ll hear in some parts the artist sings some words kinda funny and I’m not saying that this is sonic playfully serenading Shadow but also.....👀 im just sayin lol
11. See You Again - Tyler the Creator
“20/20, 20/20 vision, Cupid hit me cupid hit me with precision, I wonder if you look both ways, When you cross my mind, . . . Can I get a kiss?, And can you make it last forever?, I said I'm 'bout to go to war, I don't know if I'ma see you again”
I love this song for Sonic because it has a lot of cheesy pick up lines which alludes to his playful side but also the main chorus just...oof. Both Sonic and Shadow do a lot of dangerous adventures/missions and at the end of the day, no matter how small, there’s always gonna be that worry if they’re going to see each other again.
12. Make Me Feel - Janelle Monáe
“Baby, don't make me spell it out for you, All of the feelings that I've got for you, Can't be explained but I can try for you, Yeah baby don't make me spell it out for you”
This one is Sonic all the way. It’s fun and playful but also serious in the sense of the artist really trying to convey all these feelings for another person. I absolutely adore the video as well, the colors are just *chefs kiss* delicious darling; can you imagine sonic going crazy to this song bc I certainly can.
That’s it for now, but I’m like 1000% sure I’m gonna update this playlist as the fic updates!!! I hope ya’ll enjoy!!!!
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alyssaiswriting · 5 years
Como Si Nada
Before You Read: this is for @ericks-mala-actitud writing challenge, congrats again!! <333 the song prompt is “y mis ojos se corraron pero no estoy ciego. y anque nunca te lloraron, predimos el juego. ver que tu sigues tu vida y me quitas la mia” - Como Si Nada by Sebastian Yatra
Warning: toxic relationship
Word Count: 1587
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Zabdiel feels your warm body part from his and immediately knows the reason why, irritated he says "don't want to keep the rich boy waiting"
You look over your bare shoulder at him to see him looking at you with a bored expression, with a sigh you slip on your shirt then your underwear that was by your feet before standing from the bed to grab your jeans by the door.
You look at Zabdiel as you fiddle with the tough fabric of your jeans "you know I wish things could be different" your voice is small, Zabdiel looks over to you, his eyes soften at your nervous tick.
"I don't know why it's so hard for you to leave him," Zabdiel says, the attitude that was on his face not showing through his voice.
You open your mouth to speak just as your phone rings, Sam's name lights up on your phone making you curse under your breath.
"Hey baby" you answer putting on your best enthusiastic voice making Zabdiel's jaw tighten.
"Where are you? You dad is asking for you" he's annoyed
"I'm on my way right now, I forgot some things at home" you lie, "just hurry," sam says before grumbling a "bye" and hanging up the phone.
You look to Zabdiel who's not glaring at the wall behind you, "I can't just break up with him, Zabdiel" you sigh as you start putting on your jeans.
Zabdiel slides to the end of the bed with a scoff. "Why not?" He says as he picks up his boxers from the floor and slips them up his long legs.
"We've been over this, this is who my family expects me to marry since we were 3 we've been promised to the other family, I'm becoming a Salas next month and there's nothing I can do. The Salas have done so much for my family. "
Zabdiel stands to his feet turning to you "don't marry him" he says likes it's really that simple.
"And go against my family? Against the Salas, the leaders of a drug cartel?" You furrow your eyebrows.
Zabdiel shrugs "I just-" he starts but your phone dings with a text.
Sam 💕 Where are you??? My family is arriving
You curse under your breath as you quickly collect your purse and keys.
"I got to go, I'll see you at the party," you say and just as you're about to walk out of his bedroom he grabs your wrist to pull you back for a kiss.
His lips you're so familiar with feel the best against yours and you've known you want to feel them forever, which only hurts you more that, that can't be the case.
"I love you," Zabdiel says softly when he pulls away.
Your heart simultaneously aches and swells at his words, "I love you too" you say genuinely
It's your uncles birthday, your parents offered him a party at their house, all your cousins, Tias and Tios have made an appearance for the cookout.
"So when's the wedding?" Your tia Meghan looks from you to Sam who's standing by the barbecue pit with your dad and his dad.
"Next month actually" you smile but only out of habit.
"I'm so excited for you two, your mom and I always hoped you and Sam would end up together." You laugh softly, that wasn't news to you, your mom has always been team, Sam.
"I'll be right back" you excuse yourself from the table
You walk over to Sam, your Dad, and Michael(his dad). "Hi" you smile at Sam before turning to your dad. "I'm gonna get myself water from inside, you want one?" Your dad quit drinking about 2 years ago.
"Sure," your dad says enthusiastically.
"You guys want anything from inside?" You ask Sam and Michael.
"I'm good, thank you mija" Michael says.
"I'll come with you," Sam says making you scrunch your eyebrows as to why he wants to go inside with you for two bottles of water but you say nothing as you make your way inside.
Once the door shuts behind you two Sam says lowly "you reek of him" you swallow a lump in your throat "what are you talking about?" You question
"You were with him" you know you were caught but your brain just kept saying 'Deny. Deny. Deny'
"Don't be stupid" you scoff and try to walk off but before you could even take a second step your arm is grabbed and you're pulled back.
"I've ignored it for a few weeks now because let's be honest I'm not the most faithful" he starts making your jaw clench, you'd had your suspicions and though you didn't love Sam like you use to it still stung. "But I can't risk letting this go on and someone finding out" he steps closer to you "so you better stop before I find a way to put a stop to it"
He's threatening you, it causes anger to boil inside as you straighten your back and tilt your head up to appear less small, "are you trying to scare me, Sam?"
"Take it as you wish" he shrugs
"You're really funny if you think that's gonna work on me" you spat out
Sam takes another step forward now blocking you in between his body and the wall behind you, he's so close you can smell the beer on his breath as he says  "I know what will work on you. When I take away everything you have, everything my family has given you and your family" he has a cocking smirk as he looks over your face "I'll ruin your fucking life"
This does scare you because it's exactly what you were afraid of, but you try your best to maintain your composure, only showing a slight switch when the corner of your lip twitches slightly, but Sam catches it making his eyebrow raise.
He steps back, away from you, "think it over muñequita" and with a shake of his head, he walks into the kitchen where your mom, Noemi, and your tias are gossiping as they cook.
You take a few seconds to compose and will yourself not to cry before putting on a fake smile for your family as you walk into the kitchen.
Sam is already trapped in a conversation with your tia chismosa who's asking questions like "when's the wedding?" "When are you bringing babies into the family"
You stand by your mom as she chops up ingredients for her potato salad.
She glanced over at you and you give her a closed-mouth smile. "Que paso? Why do you look bien triste"
You look over at Sam as you say "I'm fine just tired, didn't get more than 3 hours of sleep last night" you say
Your mom is about to reply when the doorbell rings "I'll get it" you say pushing yourself off the counter and walking over to the door.
Swinging it open, you're met with a very put together Zabdiel, which is quite the opposite of how you last saw him.
"Hi" he smiles and steps forward to hug you and kiss your cheek. When he pulls away you look over to the kitchen where Sam is watching the two of you.
"Come in, my mom's in the kitchen with your mom" you say refusing to make eye contact with the Puerto Rican.
"Ok" he drags out and walks past you to the kitchen.
As your mom and tia gush over your tall friend about how handsome he looks and how well his career has been you grab a water bottle from the fridge and slip out with Sam right behind you
You do your best to avoid Zabdiel the rest of the party, afraid of what Sam would do if he saw you even breathe in Zabdiel's direction.
it's only after everyone has eaten when guest slowly start leaving that it gets harder to hide from Zabdiel.
You spot him by the oldest tree in the backyard talking to multiple of your uncles, and your dad beers in hands as they laugh at each other's stories and jokes.
You feel for him so greatly and watching the way his eyes squint as he laughs warms your heart, you find yourself wishing with everything in your body that you and Zabdiel will be able to get together for real one day.
When he feels your gaze on him his eyes meet yours a smile on his face but you can't find the energy to even fake a smile back because no matter how bad you want to be happy with him, you're getting married in two weeks and you'll never be able to see him again.
you quickly look away when you feel a hand on your thigh.
"ya vamonos" Sam says making you nod.
You walk over to your dad, uncles, and zabdiel. give them a hug and a kiss on the cheek goodbye.
Zabdiel tries to keep you in the hug longer then you intended because he knows somethings wrong, but you pull away roughly not even looking up at him as Dam grabs your hand.
"Drive safe, text me when you get home," your dad says
And you leave, without sparing Zabdiel one more glance because you know it'll hurt too much.
He texts you that night at 1:13 am but you don't answer, Zabdiel stares down at the "read 1:15 am" for 2 minutes hoping he'd see that 3 bubbles pop up but they never do.
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danniegeek · 4 years
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                         𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒞𝒶𝓃 𝒞𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 𝒪𝓃 𝑀𝑒 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝟣 𝟤 𝟥
𝒞𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 𝒪𝓃 𝑀𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝓇𝓊𝓃𝑜 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓈 
You can count on me like one two three I'll be there And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two You'll be there 'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah 
𝐿𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝒪𝓃 𝑀𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝒢𝓁𝑒𝑒 𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓉
Lean on me, when you're not strong And I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on For it won't be long 'Til I'm gonna need Somebody to lean on
𝐼´𝓁𝓁 𝐵𝑒 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒷𝓎 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝓂𝒷𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓉𝓈
I'll be there for you (When the rain starts to pour) I'll be there for you (Like I've been there before) I'll be there for you ('Cause you're there for me too)
𝐼𝓂𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓈 𝒷𝓎 𝐹𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒪𝓊𝓉 𝐵𝑜𝓎
They say we are what we are But we don't have to be I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way I'll be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams Oooooooh I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass) Oooooooh I try to picture me without you but I can't 'Cause we could be immortals, immortals Just not for long, for long And live with me forever now You pull the blackout curtains down Just not for long, for long
𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒢𝑜𝓉 𝒜 𝐹𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝐼𝓃 𝑀𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝒯𝑜𝓎 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎
You've got a friend in me You've got a friend in me When the road looks rough ahead And you're miles and miles From your nice warm bed You just remember what your old pal said Boy, you've got a friend in me Yeah, you've got a friend in me
𝒲𝑒´𝓇𝑒 𝒢𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝐹𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝒷𝓎 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒽𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒮𝓉𝓇𝒾𝓅𝑒𝓈
Fall is here, hear the yell Back to school, ring the bell Brand new shoes, walking blues Climb the fence, books and pens I can tell that we are going to be friends I can tell that we are going to be friends
𝒜𝓂𝒾𝑔𝒶𝓈 𝒞𝒽𝑒𝑒𝓉𝒶𝒽𝓈 𝒷𝓎 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝒽𝑒𝑒𝓉𝒶𝒽 𝒢𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓈
No matter where we come from we can be ourselves and still be... one Amigas cheetahs Friends for life The rhythm and each other That's what keeps us tight Amigas cheetahs Livin' the dream Nothing's ever gonna come between us Amigas
𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒞𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒜𝓌𝒶𝓎 𝒷𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓁𝒾𝑒 𝒫𝓊𝓉𝒽
I'm only one call away I'll be there to save the day Superman got nothing on me I'm only one call awayCall me, baby, if you need a friend
𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒟𝑜𝑒𝓈𝓃´𝓉 𝒦𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒴𝑜𝓊 (𝒮𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇)  𝒷𝓎 𝒢𝓁𝑒𝑒 𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓉
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone What doesn't kill you makes a fighter Footsteps even lighter
𝒯𝓇𝓊𝑒 𝒞𝑜𝓁𝑜𝓇𝓈 𝒷𝓎 𝒞𝒾𝓃𝒹𝓎 𝐿𝒶𝓊𝓅𝑒𝓇
But I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful Like a rainbow
𝒢𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓈 𝒥𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒲𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶 𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝐹𝓊𝓃 𝒷𝓎 𝒞𝒾𝓃𝒹𝓎 𝐿𝒶𝓊𝓅𝑒𝓇 
But girls, they wanna have fun Oh girls just want to haveThat's all they really want Some fun When the working day is done Oh girls, they wanna have fun Oh girls just wanna have fun (girls, they wanna, wanna have fun, girls wanna have)
𝟣𝟪 𝒷𝓎 𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒟𝒾𝓇𝑒𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃   
I have loved you since we were 18 Long before we both thought the same thing To be loved, to be in love All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you I wanna love like you made me feel When we were 18
𝒮𝒽𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝐼𝓉 𝒪𝒻𝒻 𝒷𝓎 𝒯𝒶𝓎𝓁𝑜𝓇 𝒮𝓌𝒾𝒻𝓉 
'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off
𝓈𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒷𝓎 𝒯𝒶𝓎𝓁𝑜𝓇 𝒮𝓌𝒾𝒻𝓉    
And I think you should come live with Me and we can be pirates Then you won't have to cry Or hide in the closet And just like a folk song Our love will be passed on
𝐼´𝓁𝓁 𝑅𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝓎 𝒢𝓁𝑒𝑒 𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓉
And I'll remember The strength that you gave me Now that I'm standing on my own I'll remember The way that you saved me I'll remember
𝒮𝓅𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝓉𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒷𝓎 𝒟𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒞𝒶𝓂𝑒𝓇𝑜𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒮𝑜𝒻𝒾𝒶 𝒞𝒶𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃
And you can find me in the space between Where two worlds come to meet I'll never be out of reach 'Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between You'll never be alone No matter where you go We can meet in the space between
𝒲𝒽𝓎 𝒷𝓎 𝒮𝒶𝒷𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒶 𝒞𝒶𝓇𝓅𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇
Tell me how we're not alike But we work so well and we don't even know why Funny how the stars crossed right 'Cause we work so well and we don't even know why You can call it fire and ice But we work so well and we don't even know why We don't even know why, no no We don't even know why, no no no
𝒲𝒽𝑜 𝒮𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒷𝓎 𝒮𝑒𝓁𝑒𝓃𝒶 𝒢𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓏
Who says, who says you're not perfect? Who says you're not worth it? Who says you're the only one that's hurtin'? Trust me, that's the price of beauty Who says you're not pretty? Who says you're not beautiful? Who says?
𝒢𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓈 𝒷𝓎 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝟣𝟫𝟩𝟧
They're just girls breaking hearts Eyes bright, uptight, just girls But she can't be what you need if she's 17 They're just girls They're just girls
𝒢𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝒢𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓈 𝒷𝓎 𝟧 𝒮𝑒𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇
She said to me: "Forget what you thought 'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught So just turn around and forget what you saw 'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught"
𝑀𝓎 𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝒮𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝒢𝓁𝑒𝑒 𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓉
Everybody's got a dark side Do you love me? Can you love mine? Nobody's a picture perfect But we're worth it You know that we're worth it
𝐵𝓇𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝒢𝓁𝑒𝑒 𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓉
You can be amazing You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug You can be the outcast Or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love Or you can start speaking up Nothing's gonna hurt you the way that words do When they settle 'neath your skin Kept on the inside and no sunlight Sometimes a shadow wins But I wonder what would happen if youSay what you wanna say And let the words fall out Honestly I wanna see you be brave
𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒜𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒷𝓎 𝒞𝒾𝓃𝒹𝓎 𝐿𝒶𝓊𝓅𝑒𝓇 
If you're lost you can look and you will find me Time after time If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting Time after time If you're lost, you can look and you will find me Time after time If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting Time after time
𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒪𝓃 𝒜 𝐻𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒷𝓎 𝐸𝒹 𝒮𝒽𝑒𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓃
I'm on my way Driving at ninety down those country lanes Singing to "Tiny Dancer" And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's real We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
𝒪𝓃 𝒪𝓊𝓇 𝒲𝒶𝓎 𝒷𝓎 𝒢𝓁𝑒𝑒 𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓉
We are young, we are one Let us shine for what it's worth To your place, place, place We're on our way, way, way We're on our way, way, way We're on our way somehow Hold me close, close, close We're losing time, time, time We're losing time, time, time We're falling to the ground
𝑀𝒶𝓈 𝒪𝓈𝒸𝓊𝓇𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝐿𝒶 𝐿𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓃𝒹𝒶
Quieres luchar un poco más Pero ese miedo volvio a ganar Tranquila ahí voy a estar Tan solo llama, no escondas nada Confía en mi a cualquier hora nunca estas sola, me tienes a mi En tu momento más oscuro Si algo te duele yo te curo No te preocupes yo te ayudo, te ayudo no hay que sufrir En tu momento más oscuro Aunque el abismo sea profundo No te preocupes yo te ayudo, te ayudo a salir de ahí En tu momento más oscuro No te preocupes yo te ayudo, te ayudo Baby no estés triste tienes quien te cuide, Nadie te vuelve a dañar, nadie te vuelve a dañar
                              𝔽𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕤 𝕍𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕚𝕤 𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕖
¿Sabes que día es hoy? Es 10 DE AGOSTO. Hoy por ejemplo hace muchos años se empezó a esculpir el Monte Rushmore, otro año salió por primera vez el hombre araña en un cómic, Michael Jackson se lanzó como solista, se estrenó el ultimo capitulo de Futurama, y muchas cosas más, pero la mas importante de todas es que el 10 de agosto de 1994 nació una pequeña a la que le pusieron María del Mar. 
Esa niña creció fue a la escuela y a los 17 años decidió que era buena idea unirse a algo llamado un roleplay de glee. Poco sabía de que le esperaba en ese lugar, pero en ese lugar Mar (como todos la conocían), se encontró con una chica y formaron una amistad que ha durado 9 años (dicen los rumores que va a durar toda la vida) 
Mi querida Mannie, hoy es el octavo cumpleaños que puedo pasar a tu lado, y sabes que te deseo lo mejor hoy y siempre, que te amo con todo mi corazón, que agradezco que estes en mi vida, y que aunque tenemos altas y bajas seguimos juntas. 
Es por eso y más que hoy que cumples 26 años he decidido dejarte 9 pequeños obsequios (1 por cada año de amistad).
Este es el primero de ellos, un pequeño mix de 26 canciones, sobre nosotras. Espero te guste mucho 
Con amor 
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