mermaidwitch-y · 5 years
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Mabon A super cute tutorial that will leave your home smelling deliciously and with the best autumn vibes! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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mermaidwitch-y · 5 years
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Transitions between the Wheel (For the four seasons)
This is from my personal practice with observing the wheel of the year and my focus on each transition between the sabbats. I honor the current seasons in between. Each transition has it’s importance to self care and managing the home and garden. I will probably add to this later cause some paragraphs I wrote I feel like are a bit vague. Some of these transitions are not meant to be 100% literal and static but I feel like they are good areas to focus on for that moment in the year.
Yule->Imbolc Resting
During the thick of winter when it’s too cold to do anything and always dark, it’s the perfect moment in the year to rest. The focus is on relaxing, taking extra time to sleep and care for the body especially to not get sick. Winter is also ‘spa’ season because the air is so dry and harsh it’s a good time to soak in hot baths and scrub away dead skin and moisturize with protective lotion. Do not try to make new plans, yet sit home, rest and reflect. 
Imbolc -> Ostara Cleansing
When winter thaws it’s a great time to clean the home and prepare for spring. Personally, I also like to do a body cleanse since I tend to eat a lot of processed (yet delicious ;-;) foods all year round. This also makes up for all the heavy foods I’ve been eating since Summer (all the BBQs) to Winter comfort foods. As I clean the home and get rid of stuff that has accumulated over the year, I clean the body. Also the focus is on cleaning the home as well. Breathing in the same air, especially if its full of dust, is really unhealthy and it’s good as the days are getting a little warmer to open up the windows for a few minutes to allow in fresh air to circulate. This is also the time of year I throw out old furniture, accumulated things and rearrange furniture in the room as well.
Ostara -> Beltane Sowing
Spring is a great time to germinate sprouts along with other seeds and clean the backyard or garden to grow plants. If you like to compost it’s a time to start mixing in the vegetable/fruit/plant scraps with the soil. Spring is also a great time to sow bigger changes in life as well. Something about the warm new season brings an air of flirtatiousness and ‘socialness’ that makes it perfect for making new friends or finding a partner. (Probably because people can finally come out of hibernation). It’s also a fantastic time to work on your image and portfolio and apply for long term jobs that begin in the summer or fall. Spring is the season for new beginnings and putting long term plans into action.
Beltane -> Litha Growing
A tradition I like to do on Beltane is repotting of plants and gardening. Repotting plants is a tradition I try to focus on every year because it’s very easy for house plants to die due to dead soil. Plus it makes the inside of the house super vibrant and lively to have fresh new soil in pots. From this point to summer solstice is the point of growth. Growth in the garden but also growth of personal goals. May and June feel like hectic months where there are so many events and opportunities to advance your work or change your social scene, that if I am not personally progressing, I focus all of my attention on my growth.
Litha -> Lughnasadh Thriving
Its the heat of summer! It’s time to get out and feel the intense hot energy and use its power to focus on goals and networking! Where I am there’s usually an exciting event every week where it’s an opportunity to make more connections and meet more friends but also since its warm and nature is so vibrant it’s time to take some days to relax and get away to enjoy the heat and life of nature. Go to the beach, go hiking, swim in a lake, sleep under the stars. Be active since the efforts will pay off. 
Lughnasadh -> Mabon Reaping
This is the time you earn what you’ve sowed both literally and metaphorically. If you have a garden its the time it will start giving back. If you are an active goer of a farmers market you will notice how beautifully abundant the stands are. If in Spring you’ve sent out tons of job applications, and in Summer got the job you’ve wanted and worked hard, then by now you should start seeing some results. If there are no results being seen it’s a time for reflection and re-strategizing. There is a second chance in this time to start again before the cold and the holiday season bulldozes through.
Mabon -> Samhain Harvesting/Gathering
This is the time to gather and harvest. Usually family tends to gather now since it’s the holiday season. There’s not much other than gathering to be done since family and holidays are bombarding you from all sides. Also there is an abundance of food. This is great to store for the next transition which is
Samhain -> Yule Preparation
This is the moment to prepare for winter. My warddrobe completely changes here, I take up knitting projects that were abandoned last Imbolc, and I store food and herbs for the winter to use. Also making preserves from things in the garden or hand knitting clothes make great presents for the winter holidays. This is also a time to prepare the garden for hibernation. Take in potted plants, harvest the last of the herbs and food (that are not potted). Make sure plants you do not want to die have a place to chill in the house.
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mermaidwitch-y · 5 years
Any experience with faeries?
As some of you might know, the night between the 23rd and 24th of June was the Sânziene night. To sum it up, it's the Romanian celebration for Summer Solstice and for the faeries that get to roam the earth, as the veil between worlds got thin enough.
I left some offerings for the faeries (aka iele) and just when I was about to fall asleep, I felt a strong smell of strawberries. I didn't dare to open my eyes in case the faeries were there, I know they don't like to be seen.
Does anyone have any experience with fae? Do you think they visited?
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
reblog if your blog is safe for trans witches, non binary witches, bisexual witches, gay witches, pansexual witches, closet witches, mental ill witches and all type of witches 🔮🌿
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
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I uploaded a crystal collection video to my channel! 🙊✨
Instagram angelinnapit / floralsgifts.com
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
let 2k19 be the year the non-native witch/pagan/wicca community stop appropriating the term ‘spirit animal’
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
Important Crystals for Witchcraft
From my Grimoire, here is a list of important crystals I use in my witchcraft. 
✨AMAZONITE ✨Communication, overcome loneliness, protects against electromagnetic pollution, prosperity, dispels negative energy and aggravation, good luck stone.
✨AMETHYST✨Artist’s stone, all healer, protects against psychic attack, paranormal harm or ill wishing, calms and soothes, balances, protection, clarity, cleansing
✨AVENTURINE✨Strong connection to earth, guards against environmental pollution, stone of opportunity, release of old, enhanced creativity, calm and sooth spirit
✨BLACK TOURMALINE✨Protection, purification, grounding, soothes panic attacks, shields against pollutants, cleansing, confidence inspiring, setting boundaries
✨BLOOD STONE✨Vitality, cleansing, courage, transformation, strength, manifestation, healing, good fortune, mood stabilizer, grounding
✨BLUE LACE AGATE✨Support crystal for care givers, loyalty and trustworthiness, calming, overcome common difficulties, tranquility, stress relief, relaxing
✨CARNELIAN✨Vitality, confidence, courage, passion, strength, motivation, excellent aid for training, boosts listless attitude, and stimulates appetite, balances sexual energy
✨CITRINE✨Love, confidence, creativity, passion, intuition, manifestation, happiness, joy, light, increase sexual and creative fertility, clarity, inspiration
✨FLOURITE✨Clarity, insight, focus, peace, calming, healing, cleansing, purifying, order to chaos, gentle healing powers, clear focus, balancing, grounding
✨GARNET✨Creativity, manifestation, passion, grounded and connected to present, love, strength, earthy, shields from the negative
✨HEMATITE✨Grounding, focus, centering, absorb toxic emotions, manifestation, grounding, protection, release self imposed limitations, balance, equilibrium, focus, energy, detoxifying, shields against pollutants
✨KYANITE, BLUE✨Brings chakras into alignment, enhance psychic abilities, releases blocks, encourages higher levels of learning and understanding, insight, communication, intuition
✨LABRADORITE✨Creativity, joy, vitality, enhances mental and intuitive abilities, transformation, strength, enhances psychic abilities, communication with higher self
✨LAPIS LAZULI✨Transformation, calm, insight, encourages self awareness, reveals inner truth, stimulates opportunity, clarity and encourages creativity, wisdom, cures insomnia, emotional healing, confidence, love and joy, expand intellect
✨MALACHITE✨Confidence, creativity, strength, energy, healing and positive transformation, cure emotional negativity and mental disturbances, inner imagery, releases negative experiences and emotional trauma
✨MOONSTONE✨Intuition, dreamwork, insight, more acceptable to change, balances emotions, promotes calm mood, encourages peace, harmony and balance, helps passion, calming, soothing
✨MOSS AGATE✨Prosperity, success, abundance, congeniality, healing, restoration, plant fertility, protection of earth, creativity, confidence, strength, development of new friendship, finding a compatible lover
✨PERIDOT✨Vitality, manifestation, transformation, healing, renewal, purification, rebirth, renewal, purification, healing, growth, relaxation, comfort, intuition, avoid negativity, clarity, deter anxiety, relationship matters, release to receive
✨PYRITE✨Creativity, passion, focus, manifestation, confidence, strength, prosperity, good luck, harness earth, energy, encourages gratitude, intelligence, mental stability, memory, practicality, learning and perception
✨QUARTZ✨Programmable with intent, can be used in place of any crystal, amplification, amplifies emotions, focus, clarity, resonates with all chakras, energy healing
✨ROSE QUARTZ✨Self love, romance, encourages self esteem, clears anger, jealousy and resentment, healing of heart issues, attract love, heart chakra
✨RED JASPER✨Energy, strength, stamina, spiritual grounding, strong connection to earth, manifest creative ideas, vitality, focus, release shame and guilt associated with sexuality, balancing, protection, stability, positive attitude
✨SELENITE✨Cleaning, protection, light bringing, activation, reaching higher planes, purity, honesty, clears energy blocks, amplification, clarity, motivation
✨SERPENTINE✨Healing, corrects mental and emotional imbalances, vitality, manifestation, transformation, clear blocked energies, brings peace and joy
✨SMOKEY QUARTZ✨Clarity, calm, protection, accept sexuality, increases virility, surrender, amplifies truth, cleansing, creates harmony and balance in home, healing
✨SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN✨Purity, balance for mind body and spirit, release wrong thinking, centering, calms and soothes, grounding, protection, cleanses, brings truths to surface, transformation, fulfillment, manifestation
✨SODALITE✨Insight, intuition, dreamwork, confidence, self esteem, inspiration, peace, tranquility, expanded spiritual awareness, clear electromagnetic pollution, logic, intelligence, clarity, truth, perception
✨SUNSTONE✨Freedom, originality, sensuality, romance, sexuality, independence, luck, leadership, freedom, personal power, expanded consciousness, benevolence, warmth, openness, strength
✨TIGERS EYE✨Protection, clear thinking, personal empowerment, integrity, willpower, practicality, grounding, power, courage, grace, balance, confidence, strength, release fear and anxiety, aids harmony and balance, passion, motivation
✨TURQUOISE✨Balance, communication, strength, purification, serenity, protection, wisdom, friendship, love, positive thinking, sensitivity, dispels negative energy, aligns the chakras, stabilizes mood swings and instills inner calm, self realization, creative problem solving
✨Unakite✨Balances physical emotions, grounding, stone of vision, balances emotions with spirituality, healing, strong harmonious relationships, balance aspects of the heart, lifts spirits, release deep seated emotions, encourages harmonious partnerships
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
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Life Journey Layout
1. Who am I? 2. Where do I come from? 3. What were my latest steps? 4. Where am I now? 5. What is my next step? 6. Where am I going? 7. What will be the outcome?
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
Tarot cards and Magic
I think using tarot cards in your spells is underrated. They are powerful tools full of intention, and can help your magic in so many ways.
Need to do an emergency spell at 10am that would be more powerful at night? Lay out the Moon card on your work space for your spell. 
Trying to do a spell regarding following your heart and seeking your emotional intuition? Lay the fool down.
Use your tarot cards for more than just divination!
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
Trick or treat!
A quick tarot trick:
Find TEMPERANCE in your deck:
The card directly on top of it is something you need to do less of, or an issue you need to relax about.
The card directly below it is something you need to do more of, or an issue that you need to pay more attention to.
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
witch from Vâlcea county, currently in Sibiu!
Witches near Baia Mare, Maramureș county, Romania?
Witches near Baia Mare, Romania Please reblog!!!!!
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
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“We Are Safe”
Protection sigil for a group of people. Can be used on a room to protect people inside. Can be used on yourself and your coven members Or if you’re apart of some other group and wish to protect it’s members. Can also be used on a picture of a group of people (as long as you are also in the picture).
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
Witch Tip #154
Wearing a peach pit around your neck will ward off evil.
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mermaidwitch-y · 6 years
I’ve got another quick and easy tarot trick for y’all! The featured card for this one is The Hermit because I always associate it with taking time to care for yourself. 1. Find The Hermit in your deck. 2. The card below is what’s stressing or draining you. 3. The card above is something you can do for yourself.
hope it helps make somebody’s day a bit better!
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