merrixmas · 3 months
Oh, How The Tables Have Turned
Pairing: Agent Leon x Plaga Reader (Fem)
Summary: Leon was assigned to capture what seems to be a powerful creature for experimentations. But he ends up turning into one.
Warning: Mention of Murders, Infecting, Rape, Dubcon, Creampie, Blood, BDSM, Spanking, Kidnap, Reversing of roles. Dom reader to sub, Sub Leon to Dom. Smut, Aggressive lovemaking
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+info: Reader resembles Maria Gomez(RE Movie character) *Not in appearance* but is infected with the dominant plaga. This AU takes place after Re4. Las plagas with a vampire twist, if you see any grammatical errors or change with the pronouns, you didn't.
Word count: 5.4k
Murder reports were increasing during the past few weeks. Some bodies were found bloodless or almost out of blood and this rose the suspicion that the suspect might be a blood sucking monster. And one of the government officials didn't want the public to know what or who caused the murders, as it might be one of those biological threats. And they knew the perfect guy for the job.
"Hunnigan, are you sure this is the way?" leon asked as he looked around in an empty and abandoned building next to a hospital.
"This is the place where most people went missing and murdered. And witnesses report that the suspect is a female.. with supernatural abilities?" She said as looked at the reports.
"When did I put a detective in my resume? Shouldn't the police or actual detectives be handling this?" He asked as he explored the building.
"The government wants this to stay hidden until we find out if it's actually a blood sucking monster or a mentally disabled person. And your mission is to bring her for examination and we'll cover it up." She explained.
"Hey hunnigan, did the reports say what she look like?" He whispered quietly through the speaker.
"Well reports mentioned that she looked like-" As hunnigan spoke through the communication device, it got feedbacks. Until it was just static.
Maybe the signal was weak here he thought. As Leon looked around, he then heard a giggle coming from the high stack of crates.
The sound of a woman's giggle causes him to freeze in place, his eyes narrowing as he scans the shadows "Who's there? Show yourself, now."
"Why would I? Will you hurt me?" I said sarcastically
A small smirk curves his lips "You really think I'd hurt you? Well, perhaps not intentionally. But if you don't show yourself, I may have to take matters into my own hands. And believe me, you wouldn't like that."
"Is that a threat?" I then leaped off the high stack of crates, landing behind Leon
His trained reflexes kick in as soon as he hears the movement behind him. With a swift turn, he raises his arm, ready to defend himself. His eyes widen in surprise when he sees me standing there, smirking at him.
He swiftly got his gun from his holster, pointing it at me. But before he could, I then kicked his gun away. Using my tail, I wrapped it tightly on his leg, making him stumble with ease.
"Please do tell me, why are you here? in my territory? I expected someone else.." I said coldly with disappointment. My eyes narrowing as it glowed. "You shouldn't be here."
Leon smirks slightly as he regains his footing, his hands held up in a gesture of peace. "Now, now. No need for hostility. I'm just here on a mission, nothing personal." He takes a step forward, his gaze locked on my form.
"On a mission to capture me." my eyes narrowed "I'm not dumb"
"Well, I wouldn't put it quite like that." Leon chuckled softly, taking another step towards me. "More like... dealing with a potential threat. And I assure you, my intentions are purely professional." He paused for a moment, studying me closely.
"I'm doing this city a favor.. I kill bad guys in order to feed myself" My voice dripping with annoyance as I spoke to him
Shaking his head, Leon chuckles lightly, running a hand through his hair in amusement. "Fascinating... It's always been assumed that creatures like you had to feast on human life in order to survive. But it seems like you have a more... unique appetite."
"I have no interest on feeding on innocent lives, makes me feel... guilty and pity" My eyes gazing at his as I spoke truly.
"Guilty? Interesting..." Leon murmurs, taking another step closer to me. He can't deny the attraction he feels towards me, even with the knowledge of what I am. He knew there's something wild and alluring about me. "So, you're not here to hurt me?"
"Not at all. Unless you want me to?" I titled my head to the side with curiosity as I crossed my arms.
Leon raises an eyebrow at my response, his gaze flickering over my body once more. "Oh? And what would happen if I did?" He challenges me softly, taking another step closer.
"Oh, you have no idea." My eyes narrowing as he got closer.
Leon smirks slightly, his heart beating faster in anticipation of what I might do. He grabs my wrist gently, pulling me closer to him as he stares deeply into my eyes.
"You wouldn't even last long" I warned as I moved my tail from side to side
Leon watches as my tail moves, a small shiver running down his spine. He doesn't break eye contact with me, his gaze filled with desire and curiosity. "Is that so?" He murmurs, his voice low and seductive.
You then sensed that something was wrong and you needed to act fast. You wrapped your tail around him before injecting something on his neck.
As he feels the tail wrap around him, Leon's heart races even faster. The sensation of being held by something so primal and powerful is intoxicating. He doesn't resist as he feels a small prick on his neck, his mind already starting to cloud from whatever I injected.
A few hours later, Leon woke up. He was laying down on an operating table with his equipments organized on a bigger table beside him. He noticed that I was sitting on a chair beside him, asleep as if I guarded him during his unconsciousness but failed due to sleepiness.
His surroundings were unfamiliar to him. He tried to sit up but found that he was restrained, unable to move. "Wh-where am I?" He manages to say, his voice hoarse and weak.
As soon as I heard his voice, I woke up. Stretching before standing up to examine his body "In my underground lab."
Leon's muscular body tensed up a bit as I examined him, but he tried to maintain his composure. He thought I was more than he had expected—beautiful, deadly, and now holding him captive. His heart rate quickens as he struggles against his restraints again, feeling exposed and vulnerable.
"Your struggles won't be any use, those chains are very sturdy, handsome." My eyes not leaving his body as I examined him
Leon looks around, taking in his surroundings. He swallows hard, his heart racing as he tries to make sense of what's happening. He hates feeling so helpless, but he knows I'm far more powerful than he is.
"What? you thought I would fall into your trap by seducing me? what a fool." my eyes glowing with anticipation
Leon's eyes narrowed as I approached him, my glowing eyes sending chills down his spine. He can't help but feel a mix of fear and arousal at my words, knowing he had underestimated me.
I leaned closer to him, my face close to his. "Want to be free from those chains?"
Leon's breathing hitched slightly at the feel of my warmth so close to him. He gritted his teeth, trying not to show any sign of weakness as he met my gaze. "And what would you have me do in return?"
"Ahh, well you're not what I need so I'll have to let you go. But not until the parasite in you gets rejected by your body. You see, what I injected into you is similar to the las plagas but it's quite weaker than that, so you won't mutate. But if you go out of my range, you might, I'm only keeping your parasite at bay" You explained as your fingers traced one of his darkening veins.
His heart sank at my words, realizing he had been outsmarted. He tried to hide his frustration, knowing he couldn't afford to antagonize me further. "And what about you? Aren't you also infected with the parasite?" He asked, his tone cautious.
"I am infected with the Dominant Plaga, one that controls the subordinate plagas and their own parasite, but mine is quite weaker than the dominant plaga." I explained.
Leon couldn't help but feel a small wave of relief wash over him. The last thing he needed was to be infected with something like that again. He gritted his teeth and tried to remain calm, hoping I would have mercy on him. "So... why did you inject me with that weak parasite in the first place?"
"I sensed that my rival was also in the building, and that means that he'd kill you. But in order to keep you and I safe, I had to take you with me, but not without the parasite in you." A sense of worry flowed through me as I spoke
He narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out my motives. My words rang true, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than I was letting on. "You injected me with a parasite in hopes of keeping me from harming you?"
"I don't trust humans but I'll be rest assured you won't harm me if I injected the weak parasite in you, cause I have control over you. as long as you're in my range."
Leon couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and annoyance at my methods. He had to admit, I had him in a tight spot, but he wasn't going to let me control him like this. "And what happens when I'm no longer in your range?"
"You would be out of control, even you won't have the ability control yourself."
Leon smirked, unphased by my threat. "Is that so? Well, we'll just have to see about that. I've faced much stronger threats than a mere parasite."
"Even if it's just a weak parasite, it can still control you. Don't underestimate it, and don't you dare escape. you'll only make things worse" I warned
Leon chuckled darkly, his eyes locked onto mine. He could see the determination in my gaze and knew I meant business. But he wasn't one to back down easily. "Is that a threat or a promise?" He asked, his voice low and dangerous.
I rolled my eyes "You're hard headed than I thought, handsome."
"Maybe. But I've also got more experience dealing with things like this." He retorted. His eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at me, daring me to make a move.
I chuckled before breaking the chains using telekinesis then mentally controlling Leon to feel slight pain.
Leon felt the chains around his wrists break free, and a sudden pain shot through his body. He gasped in surprise, trying to understand what was happening. His muscles spasmed uncontrollably, and he collapsed to the ground. What... What just happened?
"You wanted to test the waters. I gave you an example of my power over you."
Leon groaned, still trying to catch his breath. He didn't like being controlled, but he had to admit that it was impressive. He slowly got back up, rubbing his wrists where the chains had been. "Alright, you've got my attention.
"Finally, I'll bring you to your quarters, no funny business, got it?"
Leon sighed, frustrated by the situation. But he knew better than to disobey my orders. "Yeah, I got it." He reluctantly followed me out of the room, keeping a wary eye on me.
I then led him to the long hallway to an odd looking door. as I stepped closer towards the door it slided open, I then entered the room, gesturing him to follow.
Leon followed me into the room, trying to stay alert despite his fatigue. The room was well-furnished, with a comfortable bed and even a small kitchenette. He supposed it could be worse. "Not bad... for a cell."
"The bathroom is just on the left, all your needs are in here. now if you excuse me, I have research to do."
Leon nodded and watched as I left the room. He closed the door behind me, then made his way over to the bed. It was soft and inviting, but he knew better than to relax completely. Instead, he sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled out his phone.
And when he pulled out his phone, it seemed to be hacked, only having the ability to search online and not able to call anyone.
"Great. Just great." Leon muttered to himself as he looked at his hacked phone. He knew he had to find a way out of this situation, but it seemed like every move he made was being controlled by me. But then his phone rang.
Leon cursed under his breath as he heard his phone ring. He was sure it was me, trying to keep him on edge. With a sigh, he answered the call. "What do you want?"
"Figured you'd find out that your phone is hacked, I'm not dumb. But hey, atleast I didn't hack your search engine to keep you entertained. Just make sure I don't hear you slap your sausage in the middle of the night, my room is just beside yours."
Leon chuckled as he listened to the me on the other end of the line. I was clearly enjoying this power trip I had on, but he wasn't about to let me get away with it. "You know, I had a feeling you might be behind this,"
"Ofcourse, wouldn't want you to call backup on me, do I, handsome?" I responded
"I can't help but notice you keep calling me handsome. Are you hitting on me or something?" He couldn't help but tease a little.
"Want me to call you ugly instead? I'm just being nice to my guest" I chuckled
"I'll take nice over creepy any day," Leon said with a smirk. He couldn't help but be curious about me, despite my strange behavior.
He then hung up the phone. He needed to come up with a plan, and fast. He couldn't let me continue to keep him here, he needed to capture me. He thought for a moment, then came up with an idea.
He then opened his files, seeing that he still had the info about the dominant plaga and the subordinate plaga that hunnigan provided, he went through it, reading and learning about it's abilities.
He found out that his parasite can become a dominant plaga if he were to mate with a female that is infected with the dominant plaga. Once the female with the dominant plaga senses sexual contact, it'll become vulnerable as it prepares to mate with a male that has the subordinate plaga, Leaving the female host weak and will lose their some of their power to be transferred to the male.
When he finished learning about the two types of plagas, he waited for the perfect moment to make his move.
He had been observing me from afar and knew my routine well enough to time it just right. When he felt the time was right, he charged into action.
It was the middle of the night, I slept in my room peacefully, just wearing my underwear and nightdress. But my peaceful slumber was soon interrupted as Leon silently made his way into my room. His eyes were fixated on me, taking in every detail of my sleeping form as he closed in on the bed.
Slowly and carefully, he climbed onto the bed, his muscular frame looming over my small form. His gaze took in every detail of my sleeping figure, noting the rise and fall of my chest with each breath.
I stirred slightly in my sleep, my parasite sensing his presence but I stayed unaware of it
Leon took advantage of my stirring to slide his hand down under the blanket, feeling the softness of my skin against his rough palm. His fingers traced along my waist before dipping lower, slipping beneath the fabric of my nightdress to explore the curves hidden beneath.
I squirmed slightly from his touch but still remaining unconscious
His touch was firm yet gentle, exploring every inch of my body with practiced ease. Despite my squirming, he continued his assault on my senses, his fingers trailing upwards to cup one of my perky breasts through the fabric of my nightdress. Eliciting a moan from my lips.
He smirked, satisfied by the response he had elicited from me. With a deft movement, he pulled down the straps of my nightdress, exposing more of my skin. "Wake up, doll."
I groaned as I slowly gained consciousness "Don't fight it, doll." His voice was low and menacing as he leaned closer to my ear, his hot breath causing goosebumps on my neck. His hand moved from my wrist up my arm, grabbing hold of the fabric of my nightdress.
I chuckled as I stayed calm, assuming it was just his attempt to kill me. "You can't harm me, Leon. The parasite in you won't like to hurt it's master."
"Oh, but I can do this." With a swift movement, he ripped apart the nightdress, revealing my underwear beneath. His fingers dug into my flesh, causing me to wince in pain.
"So fucking beautiful." He purred, leaning down to capture my lips in a heated kiss. His tongue danced with mine, exploring every corner of my mouth as his hand found its way to my thigh.
"What are you doing-!?" I then tried to cover myself with my hands
"Oh come now, sweetheart. Don't act so surprised. You know what I want." His lips curled into a smirk as he teased the hem of  my panties.
My eyes glowed again but flickered as I lost my composure and became vulnerable to his touch "You little-"
"Oh, you're feisty." He chuckled, pinning me down with a surprisingly strong grip. His other hand moved to cup my panties-clad mound, rubbing teasingly against my sensitive folds.
"You ungrateful bastard.. I sheltered you and kept you in control, and this is how you repay me? Reversing the roles of our parasite?" I groaned as I struggled against him.
"Well, I am here to capture you, and it seems you're quite the catch." His fingers dipped beneath the fabric of my panties, teasingly brushing against my already sensitive clitoris.
"Besides, I intend to do much more than that," he murmured against my skin as his tongue snaked out to trace the shell of my ear. His fingers continued their teasing assault on my sensitive folds, rubbing harder and faster against my clit.
"A-aahh- ngh... You fucking perv..." I moaned as I squirmed
"Much better." He grinned, his lips trailing down my neck to nip at my earlobe. His fingers thrust into my wet panties, filling me completely as he began to move them in and out, setting a relentless pace.
I cried in pleasure as I couldn't do anything because of my vulnerable state "N-not there.. mmh-...."
"Really? How about I fuck you where you're the most vulnerable?" He growled as he pulled his fingers out to slapped my ass
"You thought I wouldn't know, huh?" He smirked, taking advantage of my vulnerability. He grabbed my neck, gently squeezing. My eyes widened in fear as I realized he was not playing around.
The glow from my eyes faded as I became vulnerable, leaving me powerless over him as the master plaga in my body thought I was going to mate
Leon chuckled darkly, his grip tightening slightly around my throat. "Now, now... no need for that," he said mockingly. "I just want to have a little chat with you." His other hand moved down to grope my breast.
Leon smirked as he felt the glow of the creature within him responding to my words. It was like a drug, this power they shared. "You're not the first one to use me for their own gain," he growled lowly, I yelped in pain as his fingers digged deeper in my flesh
He pushed himself off of me, his eyes boring into mine. "Now then," he purred, "let's see what kind of information you have for me." His hand moved to unbutton his pants, revealing the bulge of his erect cock straining against his boxers.
I panted heavily from the release of his grasp on my neck, My eyes widening from fear.
"Oh, don't worry," he said with a wicked grin. "This won't hurt... much." He pushed down his boxers, freeing his throbbing member. It was thick and veiny, the tip glistening with precum.
I then tried to stand up from the bed and run but he caught me before I could even stand up
"Now now," Leon purred, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me back onto the bed. He straddled my hips, his thick cock rubbing against my soaked underwear. "Where were we?"
"Fuck you..." My eyes narrowed in frustration
He chuckled darkly, his hands sliding under my panties to grip my hips. "That can be arranged," he whispered huskily as he yanked them down, exposing me completely to him.
I squirmed as I tried to cover myself
"No need to be shy, darling," he said, smirking. "You're already exposed." He leaned down, his mouth hovering just above my breasts before he flicked his tongue out and circled my nipple, causing it to harden.
"The parasite.. it's controlling you mentally..."
"Oh, is that so?" He taunted. "Then how about I prove to you that I'm in control?" He pinched my other nipple hard, causing a small yelp to escape my lips. "Tell me, who am I thinking about fucking right now?"
"Do you expect me to know when you made me powerless.." I murmured
"Oh, I think you do," he purred, his hands moving down to cup my ass cheeks. "You know exactly who I'm thinking about." He squeezed my ass before giving it a hard smack."
"That's it, darling," he whispered in my ear. "You like that, don't you?" His hands slid down to my thighs, spreading them wider apart. "I can feel the parasite inside you, desperate for release.
"N-no..." I denied as I squirmed against him
"Oh, really?" He chuckled darkly. "Then why are you getting wet for me?" His fingers brushed against my sensitive folds, feeling the moisture that had accumulated there. "Your parasite wants me to fuck you,"
My eyes widen with realization "This can't be.."
"Oh, but it is," he said, his fingers delving into my folds. "And I plan on taking full advantage of that." He thrust a finger inside me, feeling the tightness that clenched around him."
"S-stop-! I c-command you!.." I shouted as I tried to stop him from thrusting another finger in me.
"Such a turn on, hearing you beg like that," he murmured before sliding his tongue out to trace the shell of my ear. "But you can't command me, not when I'm the one holding your leash."
"Looks like the tables had turned" I thought. Before, I was in control over him, but now he controls me..
"Exactly," he whispered, his voice laced with satisfaction. "Now, let's see how well you perform for me." He thrust another finger into me, stretching me further as he continued to tease my sensitive spots. "
I moaned from the pleasure as he teased me, my back arching as he thrusted two fingers in me
"You're so wet, so needy..." His fingers continued their relentless assault, causing a wave of pleasure to wash over me. "I bet you're dying for me to enter you, aren't you?" He positioned himself at my entrance, his large cock teasing my folds.
My legs shook as he teased my folds "N-no... please..."
"Please what?" His voice was low and menacing as he positioned himself between her spread legs, his hard cock throbbing with need. He didn't wait for an answer before and thrusting into her, filling her completely with one powerful stroke.
I gasped as he filled me up, his thickness stretching me impossibly tight. He began to thrust slowly, hitting my deepest spots with each powerful thrust.
shivers ran down my spine as I arched my back
"That's it," he groaned, his hands gripping her hips tightly. He began to pound into her, his cock hitting against her walls with a wet slapping sound.
"P-please..." I whimpered as he pounded in me
"Please what?" He growled again, his hips slamming against hers with brutal force. His cock stretched her to the limits, hitting deep within her core with each thrust. Tears ran down my cheeks as my body shook uncontrollably
Feeling her body shake and quiver beneath him only seemed to fuel his desire. He pulled my legs up over his shoulders, forcing himself even deeper inside of me. His powerful thrusts matched by the loud slaps of skin on skin as he took me roughly. I whimpered as his thrusts became more brutal
"You like that?" he whispered huskily, his lips brushing against my ear. His hand continued to play with my ass, squeezing and slapping it in time with his relentless pounding.
His thrusts becoming even more powerful. He reached down to rub my clit in tight circles, pushing her over the edge as I trembled under him
"Once I'm out of my vulnerable state.. oh I'm gonna make fucking-.. remove that parasite out of you and retrieve my abilities.." I murmured
"And what if I want to keep you around after that?" he growled, picking up the pace as his hips slapped against mine in a rhythm that was both primitive and erotic. "Maybe I'll find a way to tame this wild thing inside me, without your control."
"Your powerless over that parasite in you. You're not even used to it's power yet, only I can control it fully." I contradicted.
"We'll see about that," he snarled, his eyes flashing with determination. He gripped my hips tightly, pulling me closer to him as he began to move faster and harder inside me. "I won't let some pathetic creature take control of my life."
"So, how exactly do you plan on doing that, hmm?" His thrusts hitting a particularly sensitive spot inside me. "You think you can outsmart me? Prove it." His breathing gets ragged as he drives deeper and faster into my wet heat.
I looked away, unable to respond to him as I knew I was powerless right now
He continued to thrust into me, his cock hitting my g-spot with every move. "You're mine now, got it?" His voice was low and menacing as he pounded into me, showing no mercy. "I'll break you if I have to."
A white ring formed around his cock as I got close to orgasm. He smirked as he saw the white ring forming around his cock. He increased his pace, pushing deeper and harder into me with every thrust. "Come on, baby," he growled. "Give it up for Daddy."
My moans got louder as I was on the brink of cumming, and soon enough I cummed, convulsing under him as I gushed out creamy liquids.
Leon let out a low, primal groan as he felt me cum around him. He continued to thrust into me, his own orgasm building rapidly. Finally, with one last powerful thrust, he buried himself deep inside me and released his seed. His body tensed as he came, filling me up completely.
"Good girl," he said, panting heavily. "You gave it up so nicely for Daddy." He pulled out of me slowly, watching as the last drops of his cum dripped from his cock. "Now, don't you go thinking about running off or anything."
I knew I couldn't, the roles of the parasites changed, he now had the master plaga while my parasite now needs his control.
"You're going to be a very naughty girl." His tone was both threatening and aroused. "But that's okay," he said with a smirk, "I can deal with it." I panted heavily as I was laying on the bed, vulnerably.
He smirked, enjoying the sight of me vulnerable and exposed. "Now," He said as he sat on the edge of the bed, "we can do this the easy way or the hard way."
My eyes narrowed as I listened to what he said
He smirked, running a hand through his hair. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you unless you give me a reason to." He paused, his eyes studying your face intently. "Besides, you've got something I need right now.. I need to feed on someone with pure blood. Preferably someone like you."
Feeling a surge of fear and weakness, I grip the sheets tightly Y-you mean... you want to... feed on me?
Leon's smirk widened, revealing a hint of fangs poking out from his upper lip "Is it so hard to believe? I've already made the choice, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."
Trembling, I try to protest "No... I mean, I don't want to... I can't..."
"You can't?" Leon arched an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. "Do you know who you're talking to, doll? I do not take no for an answer. Now be a good girl and sit still.
As much as I hate begging, I didn't want him to feed on me as I might die from it. "P-please-.. isn't there any other way?"
Leon stares at me for a long moment, his icy blue eyes piercing my soul. "You're so fucking cute when you're scared. Just sit still and let me have my way with you."
I felt that there wasn't any other way to convince him otherwise, and so I let him do his thing.
Leon took a moment to appreciate my submission, a rare sight that he savored. He moved in closer, his cold gaze never leaving mine.
"Just make it quick..." I murmured as he slowly, he extended a hand and gently traced it down my body, his touch sending shivers down my spine.
Leon chuckled softly at my plea, his hand trailing a teasing path up my naked form. He leaned closer, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispered, "I can't make any promises... I might take my sweet time."
My body trembling against him as I titled my head to the side, exposing my neck to him
"Good girl." His husky voice was filled with satisfaction. He leaned down, lowering his mouth to my exposed neck. The cold sensation of his lips against my skin was the only warning I got before he sank his fangs into my flesh.
I whimpered in pain as I let him feed on my blood, my hand on his shoulder as the other gripped on the bedsheet
He fed without mercy, drinking my blood while I trembled beneath him. His teeth sinking deeper into my flesh. He savored the taste of my blood. He lets out a low, satisfied hum, his hand gently rubbing my thigh as he continues feeding.
He then lifted me to his lap, facing him as he fed on my blood "P-please, I can't... I can't handle it anymore..."
Leon chuckles softly, wrapping his arms around my waist. He continues feeding, His voice is low, a teasing rumble in his chest. "Shhh... You can handle it. Trust me..."
"H-how much longer d-do you need?" I stuttered as I felt pain flow through me
Leon's grip tightened on my waist as his feeding became more intense, his body pressing against mine as he continued to drink. "I'll stop when I'm satisfied." He murmured against my neck.
"A-ahh-... ngh...." I moaned as I felt his feeding become more intense
He continued to feed, ignoring my moans of pain. Every drop of blood offered to him was savored, his body twitching with pleasure. When he finally pulled away, his lips leaving a bloody trail on my neck, a small satisfied grin played on his face.
I panted heavily as I started recovering from his feed. my head nestling under his neck
His arms wrapped around my slender frame, pulling me into the warmth of his body, his strong heartbeat offering some semblance of comfort amidst the throbbing pain caused by his feeding. His grip was firm yet gentle, a comforting contrast to the primal need that he'd just satisfied.
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merrixmas · 5 months
My Love, You're Mine
DI!Leon x Fem!Reader
Summary: You were Leon's personal assistant for 2 years. You admired him, even love him, but things took a wild turn.
WC: 10.1k
Content/Warning: Fingering, Reader is into it, Squirting, Spanking, Stockholm Syndrome(?), masturbation, Porn with small plot, degrading kink, manipulation, overstimulation, Fem Horny Reader, BDSM, Soft to Rough, Mostly just Leon pleasuring you.
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You were an agent that used to do dangerous missions. But you retired because you thought it maybe better to get a safer job instead, and after waiting for weeks, you were hired as a personal assistant by a rich man named Leon. He had hired you because he needed an assistant that could do many things. You've been his assistant now for 2 years, doing more than just assisting him, you took care of him. You had feelings for him, but you kept it lowkey.
He was single for a very long time and he would give you signs that he liked you. Or maybe it's just you being delusional? So you thought maybe you'd have a chance. Sometimes wearing something revealing but not quite, only did it to tease him, and it seemed to work.
As you were assisting Leon with some paperwork late at night, he had giving you coffee for some boost. Little did you know, it was drugged. You found yourself sleep on his bed, turns out he was one step ahead.
You stirred slowly, waking up from your sleep and taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. "w-where am I?"
With a slight smile, Leon steps closer to you, leaning down slightly. "Ah, good morning, my love. It seems you finally woke up."
"Mr. Kennedy?? What's going on.." You asked, trying to recall what happened.
"Oh please, just call me Leon." he chuckles softly, his hand reaching out to gently caress your cheek. Surprised by his actions you moved away slowly, using his pillow to cover yourself from him.
Leon watches your reaction with a mix of amusement and desire, his hand moving to lightly hold onto the pillow, not forcing it away from you. "There's no need to be afraid, sweetheart. I only want to protect and care for you."
He releases the tension in his grip, trying to appear less threatening "I just want to shower you with love, darling. You're mine now, and I'll never let you go."
You slowly began to relax from his comforting voice but still keeping your guard up.
Seeing your response, Leon couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. His voice softened further, the sincerity in his words echoing through the room. "That's my girl," he whispered, leaning closer to brush a tender kiss against your forehead.
You touched your forehead, surprised from his kiss, his actions, You never expected that the guy you were inlove with for 2 years would be like this now, why is he doing this?
Feeling your surprise, He couldn't help but smirk softly. "Don't be alarmed, love," he murmured, his lips brushing against your ear. "I'm just expressing my affection for you."
You looked away, thinking if you should escape but a part of you is telling you to just give in to him.
He sensed your hesitation and uncertainty. He gently cupped your cheek, forcing you to meet his gaze. "Trust me, love," he whispered. "I will never harm you. I only want to make you happy."
You put the pillow away upon hearing his comforting voice once more.
"Thank you, my love. Now, let me introduce you to your new life." He guided you to the bathroom, where a luxurious bath was prepared for you. "Soak in this tub," he instructed. "It will help you relax."
You did as he told, covering yourself as you got in the bathtub.
He waited until you were settled before closing the door behind him. He took a moment to observe you from a short distance, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. You looked so beautiful and vulnerable, sitting there in the warm water. He could hardly contain his desire to make love to you.
You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply as you relaxed while he continued to watch you, his gaze roaming over every inch of your exposed skin. His mind filled with thoughts of how he wanted to touch and taste you. He couldn't wait any longer.
You looked at him, still covering your soaked body with your hands.
"There's no need to be shy, my love. Let me take care of you." With those words, Leon slowly approached the tub, his eyes never leaving yours.
He knelt down beside the tub, his hand gently caressing your wet skin. "Allow me to wash away your fears and doubts," he whispered, his voice thick with desire.
He continued to wash you, his hands gentle yet firm on your body "You're quite a catch, you know that? Such lovely curves, delicate scent. I couldn't resist you for long."
"you're so gentle with me.." you murmured, looking into his eyes with wonder.
"I am, aren't I? But then again, you're worth it." He smiled softly at you, his eyes filled with nothing but love and desire. "Now, how about we dry off and move to the bedroom? I have something special planned for us."
You nodded. And with a satisfied smile, Leon finished washing you and reached for a towel to dry you off. He wrapped the warm, soft cloth around your body, gently patting it against your skin.
He assisted you in getting out of the tub, his hands lingering on your body as he dried you off "You're so beautiful, sweetheart. It's a pleasure to be the one taking care of you now."
You got flustered from his compliment, after all, this was all new to you. You never had this treatment before but now that you were having it from Leon, it made you feel special.
Shall we continue this in the bedroom, then?" He held out his hand to you, his eyes full of anticipation.
"mhmm" you hummed, giving him a faint smile as you hold his hand
Good girl." He whispered, leading you out of the bathroom and towards the bedroom. The air was heavy with desire as he closed the door behind them, locking it once more. "Now, lie down on the bed and relax."
You did as you were told, lying on the bed with the towel still wrapped on you.
"Very well," Leon purred, his voice low and seductive. He moved closer, his gaze roaming over your body appreciatively. With gentle hands, he removed the towel from your body, revealing his prize to him.
He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against your collarbone, his fingers trailing across your skin as you press your legs together.
"Beautiful," he whispered, his eyes never leaving your form. His hands traced along your thighs, slowly parting them until they rested on either side of your hips. "You're so exquisite,"
"Please be gentle.. I'm new to this." You pleaded as you were inexperienced with these type of things but you knew about it.
Leon chuckled softly, his warm breath tickling your skin. "I'll be as gentle as you like," he promised, his fingers beginning to explore lower on your body. "But remember, I am quite skilled in these matters."
As you trembled slightly in his embrace, he felt a rush of triumph and desire. His fingers continued their slow dance, seeking out your sensitive spots with unerring precision. "That's it, darling," he whispered, his voice low and seductive.
You squirmed slightly at first but then started grinding on his hand as he fingered you.
Feeling your body respond to his touch, Leon's heart raced with anticipation. His fingers moved in tandem with your movements, their rhythm becoming increasingly sensual. "That's it," he encouraged, his voice thick with lust.
You softly moaned as the pleasure increased. "Mmm, that sound makes me want you even more." He kissed your neck, his lips soft and teasing. "Tell me, are you ready for me?"
You looked into his eyes with certainty, before nodding. When he leaned down, his lips brushed against yours in a slow, passionate kiss. His tongue traced the contours of your mouth, teasing and exploring. One of his hands slid up your leg, caressing your inner thigh as the other continued to stroke between your legs.
You moaned as he kissed you passionately, your hands ran down his chest, feeling his muscular body.
The feel of your hands on him only fueled Leon's desire. His kiss deepened, his tongue dancing with yours as he grew bolder. His fingers found their way inside you, seeking out your sensitive spots as he continued to pleasure you. "You're so responsive,"
With a soft groan, Leon broke the kiss. "You're mine now," he whispered against your skin. "I won't let you go." His fingers found their rhythm again within you, his thumb massaging your clit as his other hand gripped his shaft, leaving your legs trembling as you got closee to climax.
"That's it," he encouraged, his voice low and seductive. "Let go for me." His thumb circled faster, seeking to push you over the edge. His other hand held his cock steady, ready to plunge inside once you reached climax.
Your back arched as you reached your climax, juices gushing out of you. He moaned as he felt the walls of your pussy contract around his thumb. His other hand gripped his shaft tighter, feeling the urge to release building within him. With a deep growl, he slowly pushed inside you, his cock stretching you as he filled you completely.
You gripped the sheets tightly, tears forming around your eyes as he felt your inner walls contract around his shaft, Leon's mind was filled with nothing but lust and possession. "You're mine," he growled, his hips starting to move faster as he took you hard and fast. the pleasure sending shocks down your body, making it tremble as you whimper.
Leon's thrusts became deeper and stronger as he took you, his hips grinding against yours in a rhythm that was both intense and erotic. With a low growl, he pulled out, only to push back in harder, faster, his body trembling with the effort.
"Leon- a-ahh~" His name was a moan on your lips, a testament to the pleasure he was inflicting upon you. Feeling the peak of his climax near, Leon couldn't hold back any longer.
With a primal cry, Leon filled you up, his seed spilling deep inside as his hips bucked wildly against yours. He panted heavily, his chest heaving against yours as he finally came down from the intense high. For now, at least.
You panted, still feeling your mixed liquids come out of your throbbing cunt. "That's right," he breathed against your skin. "You're marked now. Mine forever." He pulled out slowly, his cock slipping out of you with a wet, slippery sound.
Leon chuckled softly, his arms wrapped around you possessively. "You're mine now, sweetheart. And there's nothing you can do about it."
"I'm all yours" you mumbled, slowly closing your eyes.
Leon kissed your forehead tenderly, his hands running through your hair. "That's a good girl," he purred, his voice dripping with dark charm. "Now, why don't you rest while I go to work? I'll have the maids give you something to eat while I'm gone for a day."
You nodded, as you got comfy, covering yourself with a soft comforter
As he spoke, he began to gather his clothes, pulling on his pants and t-shirt. He left the room, locking it behind him. Alone now, you were left to contemplate your new reality. A reality where you belonged to Leon, body and soul. You decided that you would just accept this, after all, you wanted this for a long time.
You spent your whole day just in his room, resting or on your phone, since this was the first vacation you had where you did nothing but relax.
(Next day)
Leon returned with a satisfied smirk, He found you cozily tucked under the soft comforter, looking somewhat vulnerable but also strangely content. His eyes lingering on you.
You haven't noticed Leon's return as you were unconscious, your eyes remained closed as you slept peacefully, unaware of the world around you. Leon watched you carefully, his dark gaze filled with an unyielding possessiveness.
You slowly stirred in your sleep, waking up to see Leon watching you.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" he purred, his voice low and seductive. "Sleep well?" He took a seat on the bed beside you, his arm brushing against yours.
You nodded. "I'm alright" You murmured, slightly tired still.
"I trust you spent your time taking care of yourself without me?" His eyes flickered over you once more, a mix of curiosity and satisfaction playing across his features.
"It was kind of okay? Just felt slightly lonely." You looked down, fidgeting with your hands.
Well, I'm back now," he said with a smirk, running a finger down your arm. "And I plan on keeping you company for a while."
You thanked him for being so kind to you. You didn't even know what you did to deserve this treatment from him.
You're welcome, sweetheart." He leaned in close, his eyes searching yours. "I promise I'll take care of everything."
You nodded with a faint smile, looking at some of the small bruises on your arms and legs.
"You've been through a lot," Leon acknowledged softly, his fingers tracing over a particularly dark one on your thigh. "But you're safe with me now." He leaned back in his chair, watching you carefully.
"I should get dressed now.." you muttered, slightly embarrassed that you had nothing on but a blanket covering you.
He nods, standing up "Of course. I'll have someone bring you some clothes soon." He paused, his expression turning more serious. "But before you go... there's something I need to ask you."
"Will you stay here with me?" His voice was low, laced with an undercurrent of vulnerability that contrasted sharply with his usual dark charm. "I... I want to protect you, and I can't bear the thought of losing you again."
"ofcourse.. I have no one else but you.." You said with sincerity.
"Good," he murmured, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. His fingers brushed against your cheek in a gentle caress.
"do you have anything else for me to wear?" You stood up slowly and he stood up as well, towering over you once more. He noticed that you were wearing one of his t-shirts.
"Of course," he replied, his voice smooth as silk. A servant appeared almost instantly at his summons, carrying an armful of clothing. "These should fit you well," he said, gesturing towards the selection of lingerie and a silk robe. "
He leaned down slightly, his breath brushing against your neck as he spoke softly into your ear. "Remember, I want you to wear these for me."
Leon chuckled softly, the warmth of his breath tickling your ear. "Surprise me," he purred, his voice low and seductive. "Pick something that you think will please me."
"alright" you said with a smile, looking at the beautiful selection of lingerie. You wondered which one would he liked.
"Take your time, sweetheart." He sat back down in his chair, watching you with a predatory glint in his eye. "I'll be right here when you're ready."
You nodded then took the selection of lingerie in the bathroom to try them on and see what looks best before letting Leon see.
looking at the lingeries carefully, you chose the black lingerie set with a dark red lace, you put it on with the silk robe.
"You look stunning." The words slipped from his lips as soon as you emerged from the bathroom, his gaze sweeping over your body appreciatively. "That black lace set off your eyes beautifully." His voice was low, warm and seductive.
"Too bad I have bruises, would be nice if I didn't have any dark spots around my body.." you murmured insecurely.
"You're perfect just the way you are." Leon's tone was firm, leaving no room for argument. "And those bruises only add to your allure." He stood up from his chair and slowly circled around you, taking in every inch of your body.
"Really?" You replied, looking into his eyes to see if he was sincere.
"Yes, really." His voice was soft yet commanding, making it clear that he meant every word. "Now, come here." He extended a hand towards you, his expression a mix of desire and possession. "Let's see if I can make you forget about those bruises."
You took his hand, confused of what he meant. His dark eyes locked onto yours as he led you over to a chair. "Sit down," he commanded, his voice low and resonant. You obeyed without hesitation, your heart pounding in your chest. As you sat down, Leon leaned in close, his gaze never leaving yours.
"So what do you have in mind?" Your gaze following him, curious of what he planned on doing.
"It's simple, actually." His voice was low and seductive, sending shivers down your spine. "I'm going to make love to you. And I have a feeling that once we're done, you'll forget all about your bruises."
He leaned even closer, his warm breath tickling your ear. "I plan on making sure you don't think about anything else but me."
"I will agree to that if you'll love me forever." You replied, hoping he wouldn't be like those other guys that played with your feelings before.
"Oh, darling," he purred, his hand running softly over your cheek. "I will love you forever." He leaned in and kissed you, his tongue demanding entry into your mouth.
You kissed him back, putting your arms around his neck. And as your tongues danced, his other hand found its way down your spine, pressing against the soft flesh of your lower back. His body was hard against yours, an unyielding promise of possession.
As you moaned against his lips, he broke the kiss, his dark eyes searching yours. "You do want this," he whispered, his voice low and seductive. "You want me."
"No, I need you, I need you so badly.." You said softly as you ran your fingers through his hair.
His smile was predatory, yet tender as he heard your confession. "Then consider yourself needed," he breathed, his hand sliding lower still, teasing the hem of your lacy bra "Because I need you too, my love."
"I just wore this lingerie and you already want it off?" I chuckled, tilting your head slightly to the side as you waited for his reply.
"Oh, I want it off," he agreed, his fingers tracing along the lace of your bra, "But I think I'd prefer it to stay on for a little longer."
You then gently pushed him away so you could get up from the chair. Walking towards the bed, he followed closely behind, his hands tracing along your body possessively. "On the bed?" He asked, a growl rumbling in his chest as he stood over you, the muscles in his arms tense with barely contained desire.
"mhm, can you sit on the bed for me?" You requested. Planning on doing something for him
"You're a dangerous game, but one I'm more than happy to play." He sat down next to you on the edge of the bed, his gaze never leaving yours as he slowly trailed his hand up your leg, stopping just shy of the lace hem of your thong.
His dark eyes watched as you straddled him, your body grinding against him in a rhythmic motion. His hands found their way to your hips, holding you closer as he moaned against your ear. "God, you're going to drive me crazy."
You smirked as you kissed his neck, leaving hickeys.
You like that, don't you?" he growled into your ear, his hands moving up to hold your waist. "You like being in control."
"Oh I like being in control and being controlled" you confessed.
That's my girl. Now, how about you let me take control for a while?" He grabbed your thong and pulled it gently, forcing you to part your legs slightly. His finger traced along your drenched slit before dipping inside, searching for your entrance.
Teasing and probing until you were soaked in need. "You're ready for me," he murmured, his other hand moving to cup one of your breasts. "And I'm more than ready for you."
With a low, predatory chuckle, Leon leaned in and kissed your neck once more, his finger finally pushing past your tight entrance and into your core.
With a slow, sensual grind against your hip, Leon teased and taunted, refusing to enter you fully. His finger continued to probe and stretch you while his other hand massaged and squeezed your breast. "You want me?" he purred against your skin.
"Mhm, Please.." You plead, begging for pleasure as you lifted your self slightly.
"Very well," he whispered, pulling back slightly before positioning himself at your entrance. He pushed forward, filling you with one thick, hard inch of his length. The sensation was both exquisite and overwhelming, causing you to gasp and clutch at his shoulders.
You whimpered as you grinded on him. "Such a responsive little thing," he groaned, his hips starting to move in a slow, sensual rhythm. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, while his free hand roamed over your body, exploring every inch of skin he could reach.
Leon chuckled darkly against your skin, his hips starting to move in time with yours. His grip on your hips tightened as he took control of the pace, grinding their hips together in a lewd dance. "That's it,"
"Feel free to make as much noise as you want," he breathed against your ear, his voice low and husky. "I'll make sure no one hears." His thrusts grew deeper, harder, matching the intensity of your moans and whimpers.
"Leon..." You panted his name out between moans, your body moving in tandem with his. He felt incredible, and you couldn't help but want more. Your nails dug into his shoulders as you arched your back, pressing your hips against his. "Oh god,"
Leon let out a low, primal growl as you squirted around him, his thrusts becoming even more frenzied. He felt the heat of your body and the sweet nectar on his skin, and it only fueled his desire.
"Such a good girl." he murmured, his voice thick with lust. His hands moved to your hips, holding you still as he took you harder and faster. "You're so beautiful when you come apart like this."
You whimpered even more as he pounded in you. Tears forming around your eyes as your cunt becoming oversensitive.
Leon's thrusts didn't stop, even as he felt you tremble and whimper. He loved the way you responded to him, the way your body seemed to crave his. His hands moved up to grip your shoulders, holding you in place as he took what he wanted.
"W-wait it's too much I-i..," you moaned, your breath becoming more shakily.
"Too much?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. His hips bucked against yours, his cock hitting your G-spot again and again. "You think I'm going to stop now?" He leaned down, his teeth grazing your neck as he nipped gently. "Tell me... who do you belong to?" His other hand slid down to cup your sex, his thumb rubbing against your clit.
"to y-you..." You murmured in-between moans
"That's right. You belong to me." His hips bucked again, his thick cock sliding in and out of your soaked pussy. He felt your walls clenching and releasing around him, and it only made the pleasure more intense.
You soon came again, trembling even more as you felt the pleasure shook you.
"I'm not done yet, sweetheart" His hands gripped your hips tightly, holding you still as he thrust into you harder and faster, feeling the walls of your pussy clenching around him.
You cried as you held on to him. "Shh... it's alright." Leon groaned out, his body shaking with the force of his orgasm. He buried his face in your neck, his cock still throbbing inside you. "We're not done yet."
You panted heavily, your legs still trembling from the orgasm
Leon pulled out of you, lifting you up and laid you on the bed gently before getting on top of you, his cock still hard and leaking pre-cum. He spread your legs wide, revealing your wet and swollen pussy to him. "I want to taste you again."
You looked away shyly. "Look at me," Leon commanded softly, his gaze locked onto yours. He leaned down, his tongue sweeping across your sensitive folds, tasting you on his tongue. One of his hands slid between your legs, spreading you further as he teased your entrance with his thumb.
You bucked your hips from overstimulation. Leon chuckled darkly, his tongue darting out to lick you again. "You're so responsive," he murmured, his hands moving to cup your breasts as he continued to tease your entrance.
"it's s-so sensitive and w-wet mmh~" you purred. Running your fingers on his hair.
"I know," he breathed against your sensitive skin, his roughened tongue delving deeper into your folds. His fingers teased your nipples, rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers, sending shivers down your spine. "You taste so good."
You tried moving away from him, embarrassed to cum all over his face. His hands gripped your hips tightly, holding you in place. His tongue continued to lap at your pussy, driving you mad with need. "Now, now," he growled lowly, his voice vibrating against your skin. "You're not going anywhere." he growled, his other hand sliding down to rub against your clit.
You whimpered as you felt myself getting closer to climax. His tongue darted out to taste you again, his hand moving to grip your thigh as he pushed you closer to the edge of your next orgasm. His other hand still played with your clit, teasing and tormenting you. "Come for me,"
Your back arching as you came for him, your legs struggling on keeping it spread open.
A low, predatory growl rumbled in his chest as you came, your body shuddering beneath him. He held you close, his roughened tongue lapping up every drop of your sweet nectar as he let out a long, slow groan. "Fuck," You grinded on his face as he lapped up your juices.
"That's it," he purred, his hands moving to grip your hips tighter. He continued to lap at your sensitive folds, groaning lowly as he did so. He was going to savor this taste for a long time.
With one swift motion, he lifted himself off you, causing you to pant heavily from the loss of contact.
You must be exhausted," he murmured, running a soothing hand over your stomach. He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Try to get some rest."
"Aren't you?..." You said wearily, looking at him with sleepy eyes.
"Not quite," he chuckled softly, his dark eyes glinting with amusement. "But I'll manage." He pulled the covers up over you and tucked you in, his large hand resting on your stomach comfortingly. "Sleep tight, my love,"
You smiled softly, watching as he sat down on a nearby chair, assuring you that he'd be there if you needed him. And as the hours passed by, you suddenly woke up from a nightmare.
Leon's looks at you, focusing all his attention to you, his chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm. "What's wrong, love?"
"I dreamt of when I was at a dangerous mission again.. It was full of those horrifying bioweapons." You hugged Leon tightly.
Leon wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you close to him. He pressed his chiseled chest against you, feeling your heart race against his. "Shh, it's just a dream. You're safe now."
"I don't want to experience being in that mission again..." You looked at Leon with tearful eyes.
Leon took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. He knew that you were scared and vulnerable, but he also knew that he couldn't let you go through this on your own. He pulled away slightly, looking directly into your tearful eyes.
"much worse, what if I lose you?" You cried. Fearing what might happen in the future.
He narrowed his eyes, the sudden protective instincts flaring up inside him. "You're not going to lose me, love. Not ever." His other hand came to rest on your leg.
He could feel your trembling, and he hated it. He ran a soothing hand over your back, trying to comfort you. "Shh, it's alright. You're safe here with me."
You sobbed as you tried to calm myself down. "Please don't leave me...." You closed your eyes, still holding on to Leon.
Leon couldn't stand the thought of you being scared or alone. His other hand cupped your cheek, forcing you to look at him. "I'm not going anywhere, love."
"I promise." Leon vowed solemnly, looking straight into your tear-filled eyes. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what." He rubbed his thumbs gently over your cheeks, trying to dry your tears.
"please sleep with me? I know you've been awake the entire time I was asleep. You should also get some rest.." You slowly calmed down.
Leon could feel himself starting to grow tired as well. It had been a long night for both of them. He nodded gently, his lips brushing against your forehead in a soft kiss. "Of course, my love. Let's get some rest."
You smiled faintly, lying your head on the pillow again, then cuddling with Leon until you both fell asleep.
(Three days later)
Leon woke up to the sound of the alarm clock buzzing on the nightstand. He groaned softly, his muscles aching from the long night of love-making with you. He slowly opened his eyes, taking in the sight of you curled up next to him.
You slowly stirred, waking up from the sound of the alarm clock. And when you woke up, Leon couldn't help but smile softly. His hand gently caressed your cheek, brushing away any lingering sleep from your eyes. "Morning, my love," he whispered, his voice hoarse from lack of sleep.
"Morning, did you get enough sleep?" You held his hand that was on your cheek.
"As much as I could with you in my arms," he replied, his dark eyes twinkling with amusement and affection. "How about you?" He leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
"It was alright but I still want to cuddle with you.." you looked at him with puppy eyes, wanting more time to cuddle.
"Well, I wouldn't mind a little more cuddling," he admitted, his voice deep and soothing. He scooped you back into his arms, holding you close against his strong chest.
"We still have a few hours before we need to go," he mentioned, his deep voice vibrating gently against your skin as he spoke. "I'd be more than happy to show you around, love."
"let's go later then" you said with a smile, excited to go around his mansion. After all, you haven't seen the interior or exterior of the mansion, only his room. Not to mention, you were newly brought to his mansion unconsciously and only been in his room ever since.
"Sounds like a plan, my love. I'll have the staff prepare everything for us." He gently kissed your forehead before setting you down on the bed. "Why don't you rest a bit more while I go over some paperwork?"
"Alright, but don't overwork yourself okay?" You worried, knowing he didn't get much sleep last night because of work, it would be hard for him to focus on the paperwork. Usually you were the one who doesn't get much sleep because of work or you simply just want to stay awake, guarding him in the office to make sure he was safe. But now he wants to do the same for you.
"I'll try not to," he promised, his dark eyes studying you for a moment longer before he finally turned away and left the room, his footsteps silent on the plush carpet. The door closed behind him with a soft click, leaving you alone once more in the opulent suite.
You sighed, covering yourself with a blanket again, preparing to get more rest until you noticed the bedside drawer open. You stood up to close it until you noticed something inside.
A remote control. You pressed a button out of curiosity, hearing a vibration. You looked to see where it came from then saw a vibrator hidden in the drawer, you pretended like you didn't see it. Hoping Leon wasn't watching you from the CCTV
Unbeknownst to you, Leon had indeed been watching you ever since he left the room. His smirk grew as he watched your reaction on the monitor.
"I'm just gonna pretend it was nothing.. it's just my imagination mhm.." you then went back to bed to get more rest.
Leon watched you from the surveillance camera, smirking at your attempts to play it cool. He had always found your attempts at innocence endearing, and he took great pleasure in pushing your boundaries.
You struggled getting more rest without Leon so you used your phone for a bit. Yes, he trusts you with your phone, he knows you ain't going anywhere anyway.
Leon continued to observe you from the monitor, his dark eyes trailing over your every move. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of man had captured your heart before him. It didn't matter now, they were all gone, and he was here to stay.
He did his paperwork as you used your phone to pass time. He would look at the monitor time to time to check on you.
Two hours later, as you were scrolling through your phone, accidentally coming across a website from twitter, showing a man fingering his girlfriend. You couldn't help but feel wet when you saw it.
You closed the app, trying to just forget about it and wait for Leon. And as time passes, you just couldn't stop thinking about him touching you. His fingers, his voice. You craved for it.
"Hey, I'm back," he replied, stepping back into the room with a smile. He leaned down and kissed you gently on the forehead.
"I missed you~!" You replied in a cheerful tone, relieved that he was back from doing paperworks.
"I missed you too," he replied, his voice softening. "I hope you're feeling better today." He took a seat next to you on the bed and gently brushed your hair away from your face.
"My body still hurts slightly but it's alright." You assured, sitting on his lap to hug him.
"Well, I can help with that," he said with a wicked grin. "You know how much I love seeing you respond to my touch." He leaned in close and whispered in your ear. "I have something special planned for us today."
"what is it?" Your curiosity grew, wondering what he had planned for you.
He chuckled softly, his warm breath tickling your ear. "Now, now, sweetheart. That's for me to know and you to find out." His hand trailed down your arm, brushing against your skin lightly. "
"aww, guess I'll have to wait" quite disappointed that you had to wait.
"That's right," he replied, a mischievous glint in his eye. "And trust me, it will be worth the wait." He leaned in closer, his lips grazing against your cheek as he trailed down to your neck.
You giggled then smirked "Ooh really?"
"Mmmhmm," he hummed, his teeth grazing your skin lightly. "You're going to love it." He leaned back, looking at you with those intense eyes that always seemed to hold secrets. "Now, get dressed, my love."
He then watched as you stood up and began to dress, a knowing smile on his face. "I can't wait to see how much you enjoy this," he murmured to himself.
"Do you like this dress?" You showed him the short fitted halter dress that you're wearing.
Leon nodded appreciatively, a lustful gleam in his eyes. "It looks perfect on you, my love," he purred, reaching out to adjust the strap of your dress. "Now come along."
Leon led you to the dining room, his hand resting lightly on your lower back. The room was elegantly decorated with candles flickering softly on the table and a delicious smell wafting through the air.
He chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving your face. "For you, my love." He pulled out your chair and watched as you took a seat before sitting down across from you, his gaze lingering on your curves.
"well thank you, I haven't experienced anything like this before, but I'm glad to experience this with you now." You smiled softly, thankful for his kind actions. It even made you forget that you were kidnapped by the handsome man that was sitting Infront of you. But can you call it kidnapping if you wanted it? You dreamt of it but didn't expect it to become true.
"You're welcome, my dear." He leaned forward slightly, his elbows resting on the table. "Now then, shall we eat?" He asked with a smirk, his eyes never leaving your face.
"Well, I am feeling quite hungry now." You replied, smelling the wonderful aroma. It smelled familiar but you forgot what it was.
He nodded, watching as a servant brought over a plate of steaming food. "It's my favorite," he murmured, his voice low and seductive. "I hope you enjoy it as much as I do."
"I'm sure I'll enjoy it." You assured. You weren't a picky eater and the food that was served is actually the kind that you'd usually like.
Leon smirked, his eyes never leaving your face. "I'm glad to hear that, my love." He picked up his fork and took a bite of the food, savoring the taste before looking at you again.
You thanked the servant before picking up a fork and having a small taste before eating it. It felt like home when you tasted it.
"You make everything look so graceful, even eating." He purred, his eyes taking in every movement of your body. "I could watch you all day."
You chuckled at his compliment. "Am I that irresistible?"
You had a small chat with Leon as you both ate your food, just like how you both did when you worked at his office. And as soon as you two were done eating, you let the servants take your plates away, thanking them for the delicious meal.
"Excellent taste," he remarked as he leaned back in his chair. "Now, shall we retire to somewhere more...private?" His voice was soft, almost velvety, as he looked at you with those intense eyes.
"Lead the way, handsome." You stood up from your chair and walked towards Leon with a mischievous smirk.
With a smirk, Leon stood up from his chair and offered you his hand. "Let's go then," he purred, leading you towards one of the many doors in the room. As they closed behind them, he pulled you close against him, his strong arms wrapping around your waist possessively.
"My dearest love, we have so much catching up to do." His lips brushing against your ear as he spoke. His hands slid down to grasp your hips possessively, pulling you closer still.
You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck. And with a soft chuckle, he leaned in to capture your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. His free hand roamed up your back, drawing circles on your skin as he explored every inch of you.
You then dragged your lips down to his neck, leaving hickeys.
He moaned softly, his breath catching in his throat as you left a mark on his neck. His hands slipped from your hips to grasp your hair, pulling you closer still. "So possessive," he murmured against your lips. "I love it."
He released you from his hold, his eyes burning with hunger as he watched you slowly lift your dress. "So beautiful," he breathed, reaching out to trace the curve of your hip with his finger. "I could spend hours worshiping every inch of you."
You chuckled as you lifted your dress but letting it drape on the center to cover your wet pussy, not to mention you weren't wearing anything underneath.
His breath hitched at the sight of you, your curves on full display for him. "You are teasing me," he growled, his voice dark with lust. "I should punish you for that."
"Punish me? Have I been a bad girl Leon?.." You purred as you looked at him with bed eyes. You planned on teasing him to your control but you might've just regretted doing that.
"Oh, you have been a very bad girl," he replied, his eyes glinting with mischief. "But I think I can find ways to discipline you that won't be too painful." He stepped closer, his hardness pressing against your stomach through their clothes.
You let go of your dress, making it drape down again while stepping away from Leon.
Leon's eyes followed the movement of your dress, his heart racing in anticipation. "You're playing with fire," he warned softly. "Don't think I won't take what I want. Now, where do you think you're going?" he purred, grabbing your arm and pulling you back against his chest. His other hand slid down to cup your ass possessively. "I think it's time we continued our little conversation about punishments."
"Probably not the right time, don't you think?" You said as you got cornered. feeling the cold wall against your back and his hand on your ass.
"Oh, but now is the perfect time," he whispered against your ear, his voice heavy with desire. "You're mine to discipline, remember? And I intend to do it thoroughly."
"But I don't like being punished.." you said in a whiny manner.
"Oh, but I love giving punishments," he said, his voice low and gravelly. "It only makes me want you more. Besides," he added with a smirk, "it's not like I'll truly hurt you.
"But I would be trembling and won't be able to walk straight afterwards" you complained, placing your hands on his chest
"And that's exactly what I want, It makes me want to fuck you harder." he growled, his grip on your arm tightening. "I want you to know who's in charge here. Now, are you going to continue being difficult or are you going to submit to me?" he murmured, his hand sliding down to caress your thigh. "Or maybe I'll make you beg for release before we even get to that point." His eyes glinted as he leaned in, his voice dripping with seduction.
"That's not fair..." You pouted at him before looking away with a deceiving sulky look.
"Life isn't fair, my love," he purred, pressing his hips against your backside suggestively. "But I promise to make it more than worth it for you. Now, what's it going to be?"
You looked down, biting your lips as you rubbed your legs together.
"Ah, there you go," he murmured, his fingers finding the hem of your dress and pushing it up slowly. "Now that's more like it." His other hand slid beneath the fabric to cup your bare ass again, squeezing gently. You let out a gasp as you felt his touch.
"You like that?" he purred, his lips brushing against your earlobe. "Just imagine what I could do with my tongue in that pretty little mouth of yours." His fingers trailed up your spine, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
"So beautiful.." he murmured, as he untied the fabric strap of your halter dress, making it drop on the floor. You were left standing there in nothing, exposed and vulnerable before him. His other hand left your ass to slide up between your legs, his fingers finding the damp heat of your core. "So wet for me already..."
Your legs trembled slightly as you felt him teasing you, moans leaving your mouth from the pleasure.
His fingers circling your entrance teasingly. "You're mine to punish and pleasure however I see fit." He leaned in close again, his lips brushing against yours as he whispered those words.
You whimpered, closing your eyes shut.
"You're making this harder than it needs to be," he warned softly before giving a swift smack on your ass. His other hand left your core to slap against your wetness teasingly. "But I can play rough if that's what you want."
You trembled as he slapped your pussy, closing your legs from sensitivity.
His eyes narrowed when you tried to close your legs, but he wasn't about to let that deter him. Instead, he gave another smack to your ass, harder this time, making you yelp in surprise. "Behave yourself,"
"or I'll spank you even harder." His hand slid between your legs again, two fingers slipping into your entrance slowly, stretching you as he began to thrust. "You're so fucking needy, want me to make that pretty cunt of yours squirt?"
You nodded, unable to answer because of your whimpers as he thrusted his fingers in you.
Your moans only made him more determined. He pulled his fingers out and smacked your ass hard, making you yelp again. "I thought I told you to behave, sweetheart."
Leon chuckled darkly, his cock twitching in anticipation. "I think you need some more discipline." He grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, holding them there with one hand while the other trailed down between your legs again.
"N-no-.." you stuttered, struggling to keep your balance.
"No? You're just going to beg for it, aren't you?" He gave your pussy a quick slap, making you cry out. "I think I need to show you who's in charge here."
You looked away, struggling to remove your hands from his tight grip. "You're such a brat." He growled, pulling your wrists harder. His free hand continued to thrust his fingers into you roughly. "I think this will teach you some manners."
You bit your lips to hide your moans but end up failing from such pleasure.
Leon smirked, his fingers finding your G-spot with ease. "See? This is what happens when you resist me." He picked up the pace, his thumb rubbing against your clit in a circular motion as his fingers thrust deeper inside you.
You tossed your head back, eyes rolling back as you grinded on his fingers.
"Oh, you like that, don't you?" He purred, watching as you rode his hand. "You're such a little slut." His degradation only making your pussy wetter.
Leon leaned down, pinching your clit and driving your hips higher. "Come for me then slut."
You moaned shakingly as you shook from him pinching your clit.
He didn't wait any longer, thrusting his fingers in and out of your tight pussy faster, his thumb now rubbing your clit vigorously. "squirt for me," he growled into your ear.
His thrusts soon become sloppy until you squirted on his fingers, but he didn't seem to stop.
Leon groaned as you squirted on his fingers, the taste of your nectar only making him want more. He continued to thrust his fingers in and out of your pussy, his thumb rubbing your clit in circles. "That's it, keep cumming for me."
"F-fuck~! Ahh~!" You squirted even more as he thrusted his fingers in you faster, your legs trembling.
Your cries of pleasure filled the room as you squirted uncontrollably, the wall drenched in your juices. He picked up the pace, his thumb rubbing your clit with brutal intensity. "Come for me, my slut"
"St-stopp~.... Haaa~..." Your juices still gushing out of your cunt
Leon continued to thrust his fingers into you, his thumb rubbing your clit harder than ever. "Don't forget who's in charge sweetheart," he growled, feeling the walls of your pussy tighten around his fingers. He couldn't get enough of the way you squirted and moaned for him.
"P-please... It's too much- Ahh~!" You squirted harder again, struggling to remove your hands from his grip
Leon smirked as he felt you squirm under his touch. "You want me to stop?" He asked, his voice low and dangerous. His thumb pressed harder against your clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. "I'm not sure I can oblige." He pulled his fingers out of you, leaving a wet trail behind, and moved them to his mouth. "You taste so fucking good."
You whimpered, as you struggled to keep your balance, closing your legs.
His chuckle was dark as he watched your reactions. His voice low and dangerous when he spoke, "You don't think I can resist tasting all of that sweet nectar?"
You panted, trying to remove your wrist from his grip again.
"Oh, don't worry, I'll make sure you're nice and clean afterward." He pressed his lips against your neck, his teeth grazing your skin softly. "Now open your legs for me."
"I can't-.." you panted. You were overstimulated and close to fainting at this point.
"You can, and you will." His voice was stern now, his grip tightening slightly. "Or shall I make it easier for you?" He asked with a smirk before giving your clit a light pinch.
"Ahh~!" You moaned, forcing you to spread your legs but not wide enough for him.
"See? It's not so hard to obey when you know what I'm capable of." His words were like a low growl in your ear as he released your wrists and knelt down to pull your legs apart, spreading them wider.
"What are you doing-.." you murmured, leaning against the wall.
"I'm going to make you squirt even more for me, sweetheart." He answered with a predatory smile as he ran his tongue up the inside of your thigh, licking at the wetness that had pool between your legs.
You toss your head back as you felt his warm tongue on your cunt, your back feeling the cold wall as he put your legs around his shoulders, making you ride his face as he pinned you against the wall.
You're a wild one, aren't you? His rough growl filled the air as he continued to lap at your pussy, bringing you to another climax. "Squirt for me, darling. Let me feel your release." He murmured against your slick folds, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he took your offering.
You soon came, feeling your pussy throb and overstimulate even more. "Mmm, that's it. Give it all to me." You felt his strong hands on your hips, holding you in place as you rode his face. His tongue delved deeper into your wetness, and his thumb pressed against your clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
You grinded on his face as you trembled. "That's it, darling. Let go and give in to the pleasure." He growled against your pussy, his tongue flicking against your sensitive nub as he continued to lap at your juices.
"Please take me in bed... I won't be able to stand up properly.." you pleaded, looking at him with teary eyes.
"Very well then, let's do this on the bed." He chuckled, his words echoing off the walls. With a final groan, he pulled away from your quivering folds and stood up straight, holding you against the wall.
You put your arms around him as you let him carry you. "Mmm, you're so soft and warm in my arms." He whispered as he carried you to the bed, he gently laid you down on the bed and crawled over top of you, "Now shall I continue making that pretty cunt of yours squirt?"
I looked away, nodding shyly. He was in control, you couldn't do much even if you were an agent before. He was much stronger than you.
"Good girl." He whispered as he kissed your neck and began to trail kisses downwards, stopping at your breasts. His tongue circled your nipple before he took it into his mouth, sucking on it hard.
"Ah, so you do like that." He grinned, his teeth gleaming in the dim light. His free hand traced circles around your other nipple, causing it to harden and ache for attention.
You whimpered and squirmed against him as he played with your tits.
"Patience, my love." He growled into your ear as he continued to tease your sensitive nipples with his tongue and fingers, gradually heightening the pleasure until you were squirming uncontrollably beneath him.
"Now," he whispered huskily as he trailed kisses down your stomach towards your wetness, "are you ready for more?" His fingers slowly eased apart your folds, teasingly close to his target but not quite there yet.
"Please, let me pleasure you instead..." You offered.
"Oh, sweetheart," he murmured against your folds before finally pressing his tongue against your clit, flicking it expertly, "I think it's more fair that I pleasure you. You assisted and taken care of me for 2 years, why not let me do the same for you now?."
He chuckled softly against your sensitive flesh, his tongue delving deeper into your folds as he lapped at your nectar like a starved man. His fingers found their way inside you, curling and stretching to fit just right.
"Ngh-.. Please?" You looked at him with convincing doe eyes. It didn't even matter anymore if it was unfair.
"Alright, my love." He whispered as he pulled his fingers out of you, coating them in your sweet honey. Then, with a swift motion, he positioned his rock-hard length at your entrance and thrust in deeply.
You hissed as you felt his length in your tight cunt, wrapping your arms around his neck before leaning in to kiss him.
Leon groaned into the kiss, his hips meeting yours in a rhythmic motion as he began to thrust deeper and harder inside you.
You then used the combat technique that you used before to flip the opponent to the ground so you'd be on top instead. And now you were ontop of Leon.
"Using your combat techniques on me huh?" He gasped as you sat on his lap, your legs wrapped around his waist. He pulled out of you slowly, then plunged back in with force.
you chuckled as you ran your hands on his chest. "Maybe?" your tone hinting mischief
His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, a wicked grin spread across his face. He pulled you closer and bit your neck gently, "Oh, I love it when you're playful." His thrusts became faster and harder as he took control of the situation once again.
Your moans echoing in the room as he pounded in you. Even though you were on top of him, it didn't really mean you'd be in control.
He smirked at you, a playful glint in his eyes. "You know, my love, I'm starting to like this position a little too much." He growled out before grabbing your hips, taking you even deeper.
Your moans turning into whimpers as the pleasure intensified.
"I knew you'd enjoy it." He growled, his voice deep and full of satisfaction. "I always know what you need, my love." His thrusts became even more powerful, driving deeper and harder into you with each stroke.
You moaned while bouncing on his cock, cupping one of your breasts.
Leon grunted in pleasure as you continued to ride him, his fingers digging into your hips to hold you in place. "That's it," he groaned, "take what you want from me."
"I love you Leon.." you moaned out, hugging him as he fucks you.
"I love you too, my precious." He gasped out between moans as his hips bucked up to meet your downward thrusts. The headboard slammed against the wall with each powerful stroke, echoing through the room.
His growl turned into a passionate moan as he kissed you, his hands roaming over your skin. With one hand, he gripped your thigh and held it tight as he drove deeper into you. "you know, it's not just you who knows combat."
"I've been training my body for combat as well, to protect and please you in every way possible." He pulled out and slammed back into you with a rough force that made you gasp.
"Show me some of your combat techniques then." You said, still keeping a seductive tone as you trembled from the pleasure.
"As you wish, my love." He grinned wickedly before grabbing your hips tightly and pulling you off him. You felt a cold chill run down your spine as he flipped you over onto your stomach, pinning you beneath him.
"Don't worry, this won't hurt." He assured you with a chuckle before wrapping the red rope around your wrists, binding them together behind your back. "Now, let's see how well you can handle being taken from behind."
His voice was a deep rumble that vibrated against your back. "I won't stop until I hear you beg for mercy, my love." His hands gripped your waist tightly, holding you in place as he slid his hard length back into you with a groan.
You moaned loudly, writhing beneath him as his thick cock hit your g-spot. Leon groaned, feeling the pleasure coursing through his veins. His hands gripped your hips tightly, holding you in place as he pounded into you without mercy. His thick shaft filled you completely, stretching your walls.
The pleasure was too much for you, your eyes rolled back as he continued to pound into you without mercy, his heart thundering in his chest with the force of his lust. He growled deeply, his teeth clenched as he felt his climax approaching.
"Cum for me, my love." He groaned, thrusting harder and faster as he felt his own orgasm building up inside him. His cock pounded relentlessly against your g-spot, driving you closer to the edge with each powerful stroke.
You cried out his name as you felt yourself cumming hard around him. Your walls tightened around his shaft, milking him of every last drop of his seed. He groaned deeply in response, feeling the hot liquid coating your insides as he finally released himself into you.
"L-leon.." You moaned as you felt your mixed liquids gush out of your pussy.
"Shh, my love. Just enjoy it." He whispered against your neck as he withdrew from you, his still-hard cock slipping out with a wet, sticky sound.
"Now that wasn't so hard, now was it?" he smirked, his expression turning dark and possessive once again. As you lay panting beneath him, he reached down and gently caress your thighs.
"N-no.." you mumbled as you rest your head down on the pillow, struggling slightly from your hands tied behind your back.
"Good girl." He purred, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your shoulder before pulling back slightly. His hand trailed up your leg until it reached the knot securing your wrists together behind your back.
You squirm slightly, embarrassed to let him see your cunt dripping with creamy juices on full display.
"Shh, don't be ashamed." He whispered against your neck, brushing his lips lightly against your ear. His hand moved from your leg to cup your cunt, gently rubbing the sticky juices between his fingers.
You whimpered, lifting your ass slighty from contact.
He couldn't help but smirk at your reaction. "Such a good girl." He purred, continuing to rub your cunt gently with his fingers. "Do you want more?" He asked, looking down at you expectantly.
You nodded "Yes.. Please, let me suck your cock.."
"So polite, my love." He smirked, pulling away from you just enough to untie the knots binding your wrists.
when you were untied, you sat up, turning to look at Leon with a pleading look. You watched as he stood up from the bed then sat on the nearby chair, gesturing you to follow and sit on the floor to suck him off.
Your eager expression was enough for him to know that you were ready for him. "suck it, then. Without touching yourself." He commanded, his voice hoarse with desire.
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merrixmas · 5 months
Didn't Know I Was Looking For Love
Title from the song Didn't know I was looking for love by everything but the girl.
Colleague Leon x Fem Reader
Summary: You broke up with your boyfriend when you were in police academy and after that you weren't interested on finding love until you met Leon a few years later.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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You haven't seen or talked to Leon in weeks, you wondered where he was, wondering if he was alright. He mentioned that he would be in a mission for a while, guessing that it might take a few weeks, you were sad to hear that.
You craved for him, you just wanted to be surrounded by his embrace. To feel his rough hands all over your body, and hear his comforting voice.
"Hey Y/n! you alright??" Ingrid asked, snapping you back to reality.
"Y-yeah! What was that?" You said, shooking your head to focus, then noticing the documents that Ingrid was holding.
"I need you to take this documents to the white house, make sure you get there early in the morning without losing any of the documents, and you'll be given a huge payment." Ingrid said while handing the important documents to you. You took them carefully, looking at the documents with curiosity of whatever is written in it.
"Alright then" You said with no complains since you weren't doing anything at the moment. Atleast you won't be dealing with those jealous women for a while.
As the sun began to rise over the city, casting a golden glow on the streets, You hurriedly made your way towards the White House. Clutching the folders tightly in your hands, filled with important documents that needed to be delivered to the President. It was a task you had been entrusted with, and you couldn't afford to be late.
As you approached the grand entrance, your heart racing with anticipation. The White House stood tall and majestic, its white pillars gleaming in the morning light. You couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as you stepped inside, the weight of responsibility settling on your shoulders.
Navigating through the corridors, your mind was focused solely on your mission. You had no time for distractions, especially not today. However, fate had other plans in store for you.
As you turned a corner, you collided with someone, causing the folders to scatter across the floor. Flustered, you looked up to see Leon, standing before you. His eyes widened in surprise, mirroring your own.
"I'm so sorry," You stammered, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I didn't see you there Leon."
Leon smiled warmly, his dimples deepening. "No worries, Y/n. Are you okay?"
Bending down, you both began gathering the scattered folders, hands brushing against each other occasionally. You couldn't help but notice the warmth that spread through your fingertips whenever you made contact.
As you worked together, a comfortable silence settled between you two. You couldn't help but steal glances at Leon, admiring his strong jawline and the way his dark blonde hair fell effortlessly over his forehead. There was something about him that made your heart flutter.
Seeing a document out of it's folder, He carefully put it back in the folder before handed it to you, fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary. Your eyes met, and in that instant, you felt a connection that you couldn't explain.
"Thank you, Leon," you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
He smiled, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. "Anytime, Sweetheart. So how have you been?
Your heart skipped a beat, and a smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "I'm doing alright, I missed you.." she replied, her voice filled with coyness.
"I missed you too, it's been a while since I last saw you." Leon admitted, gazing into your mesmerizing eyes then got a quick glance of your rosy soft lips when you looked away for a second.
"Well-" You were cut off when a man suddenly called out for Leon.
"Leon, good to see you there." He then noticed you beside Leon. "Who's this fine babe?" The man smirked, eyeing you up and down.
"My name's Y/n." You said nonchalantly, looking at this mysterious guy's tall and muscular figure.
"What a pretty name for a pretty girl. I'm Chris by the way" He said with a smile, putting his hands on his hips.
"What are you doing here chris?" Leon asked, Showing his slight jealousy. Ofcourse you noticed it, smirking to the idea that he's jealous with chris flirting with you. But there's no time for games, you still have to deliver the documents to the president.
"I better get going now, see you two later." You then walked away from them, heading to the president's office. You felt nervous as you got closer to the office but soon relaxed when you were now at the door of the office. You can't be nervous forever, it'll ruin your first impression to the president as a professional female agent.
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Your meeting with the president went smoothly, none of the documents were missing nor damaged. It soothed you, knowing that you can now get some rest.
You didn't have anything else to do since you were on standby. Some of the agents thought you were probably doing some type of magic to finish a mission that should be impossible to finish early. But you just feel like finishing missions quickly so it doesn't pile up, it's easy for you to do anyway.
As you walked through the hallway, you saw Leon looking at his phone, looking frustrated until he noticed you with his peripheral vision. He puts his phone away as he approached you, giving you a faint smile.
Your face lit up as you saw him approaching. Your cheeks going red as you made eye contact with him, you felt butterflies in your stomach. It's been so long since you felt this feeling, the feeling of finding hope in love.
"Hey Y/n, how did the meeting go?" He asked.
"It went smoothly, thanks to the folders keeping the documents looking clean and all." You said with a warm smile. "I forgot to ask, what are you doing here?"
"Ahh, well I can't really tell much about it since it's top secret. But I assure you it's nothing you should be worried about." He said nonchalantly.
You saw that he had a wound on his arm. Concern flooded your senses as you swiftly grabbed his arm to examine the wound. "This will get infected if left untreated. Come on, I'll treat your wound," you said, gently guiding him towards a nearby health facility.
"I can treat it myself, you know," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of stubbornness, as he sat down on the chair next to a table.
"Correct, but you didn't treat it until I noticed it. You did that on purpose, didn't you?" you questioned, a playful smile tugging at the corners of your lips. You rummaged through the cabinets, searching for gauze bandages and antiseptic.
"Maybe I did. Maybe I just wanted a special someone to treat my wound," he smirked, his eyes lingering on your curvaceous figure as you scanned the cabinets.
You chuckled, amused by his flirtatious nature. "I wonder. The renowned DSO agent, Leon S. Kennedy, has a wound? I know what you're up to, handsome."
As you continued your search, you noticed the gauze and antiseptic on one of the higher shelves, just out of your reach. Frustration crept into your expression, but before you could voice your annoyance, he noticed your struggles and stood up to help you. He pinned you gently against the counter, his body pressing against yours as he reached for the shelf. The proximity sent a rush of warmth through your veins, causing your face to flush a delicate shade of pink.
His towering presence loomed over you, his free hand resting on your waist, providing a sense of security and comfort. "Here you go, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice husky and filled with tenderness, as he handed you the gauze and antiseptic.
You took the supplies from him, feeling a surge of gratitude for his assistance. As you turned to face him, your eyes locked, and a silent understanding passed between you. In that moment, the air crackled with an undeniable chemistry, and the boundaries of professionalism blurred.
With a gentle smile, you began to clean his wound, your touch careful and soothing. The room seemed to fade away as you focused solely on him, your fingers tracing the contours of his arm. His gaze never wavered from yours, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and something deeper, something that hinted at a connection beyond the surface.
As you finished dressing his wound, you couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness, a bond forged through this simple act of care. The room was filled with an unspoken tension, a magnetic pull that neither of you could deny.
"You know, I've been thinking.." He hesitated for a moment.
You looked at him with confusion. Feeling slightly nervous on what he's about to confess.
"How can I say this? It's just.. I can't stop thinking about you, ever since I met you.."
He confessed, looking into your eyes, hoping you would feel the same.
"Leon, I-.. it's been years since I last felt this kind of feeling." You said, remaining eye contact with his. You couldn't believe this was happening but it is.
"I want you, I need you.. Please tell me you feel the same.." He reached for your hand, holding it.
You then sat on his lap, facing him. "I do." You said before pulling him into a passionate kiss. He Returned the kiss with equal passion, he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
"I had no idea that you felt the same, but I'm glad you do." You hugged him tightly, feeling his comforting embrace. It felt safe being close to him, you feel at peace. And knowing that you want to be more than friends. The idea of you becoming his and him becoming yours made your heart skip a beat.
"Did you lock the door?" You asked in a flirty tone.
"Yes, I did. Wouldn't want anyone to disturb us." He chuckled before taking a deep breath and looking into your eyes once more. "So, will you be mine?"
"My heart now belongs to you, Leon." You said with sincerity.
Leaning in, he presses his lips softly against yours, tentatively at first but with growing confidence and passion. His hands find their way to your hair, tangling gently as he deepens the kiss. "Thank you, sweetheart. I promise to cherish and protect you always."
His breath hitches as you trail soft kisses down his neck, the sensation sending shivers of pleasure through him. "Oh, sweetheart... Don't stop." He moans softly, arching his back against you.
"You like that huh?" You whispered on his ear. He nodded eagerly, pulling you closer and wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing his lips against yours again in a deep, passionate kiss.
His hands slide down your back, gently massaging as he deepens the kiss, his tongue teasing yours. When he pulls away for air, he smiles and whispers into your ear. "Let me show you how much I love you."
"Please do" You said with eagerness and desire. And with a low growl of desire, He picks you up and puts you on the table nearby.
His eyes blaze with desire as he leans in to kiss you again, this time with more urgency. He starts unbuttoning your shirt, his fingers trembling slightly with anticipation. "I've wanted this for so long."
With a soft groan, he pulls away from the kiss long enough to remove his shirt, revealing his toned torso. His muscles tense under your touch
A shiver runs down his spine as your hand explores his chest. His lips trail soft kisses along your jawline, down your neck, and back up to your ear. "You feel so good... I want to make love to you right here, on this table."
Leon chuckles softly, his eyes sparkling with amusementand leaned in closer, his lips brushing against yours. "But I think we can move to a more comfortable place, sweetheart." He pulled back with a wicked grin. "How about your place?"
"You already know where I live, don't you?." You guessed. Tilting your head to the side while looking at him.
He chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'm an agent, after all. I know everything about you." He said, putting his shirt on while you buttoned yours.
I giggled, hopping off the table "Alright then, let's see if you know the shortcuts to my place."
He takes your hand and leads you out of the health facility, his steps quick and sure. You feel a sense of excitement and anticipation bubbling up inside you as you follow him.
"We can use my car if you'd like, or did you bring your vehicle?" You asked, scanning the parking lot for his vehicle.
"it'll be more faster if we just use mine," he said as he guided you to his motorcycle, a sleek black one.
"Haven't seen you with this one yet, is it new or did i just not notice?" You said with curiosity, familiarizing the motorcycle.
"it's new," he replied, revving the engine and handing you the helmet. And when you put on your helmet, he helps you get onto the motorcycle behind him, his arm brushing against your waist and sending shivers down your spine. "Hold onto me tight, sweetheart. We're going to have some fun."
You chuckled as you held onto him "What kind of fun?"
He smirked and pressed the accelerator, taking off with a roar. "The kind that involves lots of kissing and touching."
"Can't wait" You giggled, looking at him through the side mirror.
Leon's grin widened as he sped through the streets, weaving in and out of traffic with ease. His free hand reached back to squeeze your thigh, sending another jolt of desire coursing through you.
"So you do know the shortcuts to my place, you really do your research huh?" You smirked, knowing that he's actually interested on knowing you fueled your desire and love for him.
Chuckling, he squeezed your thigh playfully in response. ,"Yes, I do my research well, my darling. I want to know everything about you." His voice was low and seductive, echoing in your ear as the wind rushed past.
"Do you really find me fascinating? I find that hard to believe." You said in curiosity of what his answer may be.
Leon glanced back at you over his shoulder, his eyes locked on yours. "Oh, I find you very fascinating, sweetheart. In fact, I'm quite obsessed with you." He said before looking back at the road again and taking a last turn to your place.
He pulled up in front of your apartment complex and turned off the motorcycle. Taking off his helmet, he turned to face you, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
You took off the helmet then handed to him. Taking it from you and set it down on the seat before turning back to you. "Now, where were we? Ah yes... lots of kissing and touching." He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a soft, teasing kiss.
"We're still outside, handsome" I teased, reaching into my pocket for the keys.
Leon smirked and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His other hand slid down your thigh, brushing against your skin. "Well then, let's go inside where we can really get comfortable."
You agreed, guiding him to the front door. And when you opened the door, he followed you inside, closing the door behind him before locking it. He pulled you close again, his lips finding yours in a passionate kiss. His tongue slid past your lips and danced with yours as he pushed you against the wall.
"Eager now are we?" You murmured as Leon chuckled against your lips before nipping at your lower lip. His hands moved to your hips, holding you in place as he ground his hips against yours. "I've been thinking about this since we met, sweetheart. You're all I can think about."
Leon deepened the kiss, exploring your mouth with his tongue. His other hand found its way to your breast, massaging softly through your shirt.
And when he broke the kiss, he panted heavily. His eyes locked with yours as he reached down to undo your pants. "I need to feel you wrapped around me, love." He smirked and pushed your pants down, slowly sliding his fingers inside your panties, his hands finding their way to your warm, wet folds. Teasingly brushing against your already sensitive clit for a moment before pushing two fingers inside, stretching you slowly. He groaned low in his throat, his other hand still massaging your breast.
His fingers moving in and out of you quickly. He leaned down to capture one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking hard as he continued to finger you. Struggling to keep your balance, You used him for support as your legs trembled.
As you got close to the edge, he stopped, pulling his fingers out of you to carry you to the living room, He sat you down on the couch before getting on his knees Infront of you. "Want me to make this pretty pussy of yours cum?"
"Please do.." You pleaded as you spread your legs for him, revealing your wet and throbbing cunt.
He grinned and leaned forward, taking your clit into his mouth. He sucked gently at first before increasing the pressure, flicking his tongue over it roughly.
Your legs trembled as he flicked his tongue on your sensitive clit. He watched you, loving the way you arched and writhed against his touch. When you were on the edge, he stopped, teasingly nibbling your clit.
"Stop teasing me.." You whined, desperately wanting more. His other hand moved down to finger you again, thrusting deeper and faster.
"You like it, don't you?" He asked with a smirk. "You want me to make you cum?" He teased before pushing two fingers inside of you again, thrusting them in and out as he continued to tease your clit with his tongue.
Leon smiled as he felt you tighten around his fingers, he pulled his fingers out of you. He carried you swiftly, sitting down on the couch as you straddle his lap. Positioning you on his cock, and with one swift thrust, he was buried deep inside you.
You held him close as you adjusted to his length, your eyes locking with his. His hips began to move in a slow, sensual rhythm, fucking you at a pace that made you moan. His other hand found your clit again, teasing and rubbing it as he drove into you.
His fingers dug into your hips, pulling you closer to him. He groaned as you rubbed against him, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. His mouth moved down your neck, biting softly before his tongue flicked over the mark he left.
"Cum for me, love," He growled into your ear as he continued to thrust into you. As you began to shudder beneath him, he picked up his pace, driving deeper into you. He felt your walls clenching around him as you came, his name leaving your lips in a moan. He groaned and followed you over the edge, filling you up with his seed as he climaxed.
He leaned down, kissing you softly as he pulled out of you. Leon's chest rose and fell with his heavy breathing as he held you close. Leaning back against the couch, he smiled down at you, brushing some hair away from your face. "That was amazing, sweetheart. You feel so good wrapped around me."
"Don't think that we're done now, cause we aren't." You said with a smirk, pulling away slightly to look at him.
"Round 2? You might not handle it, I plan on making it different." He teased, caressing your thighs as he looked at your eyes, full of love.
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merrixmas · 6 months
Ngl Steve looks like Leon's long lost brother, imagine them being siblings AAAAAAAAA
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merrixmas · 6 months
Interesting Deal (One shot)
Agent Leon X Agent Reader
Summary: Leon is on an undercover mission to get information from a new suspicious organization, and you made it easier for him by making a deal.
WC: 2.2k
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"Be careful Leon, it looks like the building has top security, I suggest you be more careful." Ingrid suggested, looking at the floorplan in her computer for a safe route.
"Alright." Leon murmured, looking for the perfect spot to park his car in, he settled on parking near the entrance for an easier escape if things didn't go according to plan. When he got out of his car, he noticed a woman walking towards the building. It was you. When he first saw you, he thought maybe he can make a deal with you
You wore a black blazer, white shirt, a short pencil skirt with a black pantyhose and black heels. You just got back from a mission, fought numerous armed men and you didn't even break a sweat. You didn't even look like you just fought earlier.
Leon on the other hand, hid behind a car, staring at you in awe as you swayed your hips while walking, you were irresistible to him.
Your colleagues called you "Agent Glorious" because of your beauty and it became official, since your real name was top secret.
"That's got to be Agent Glorious right?" Leon whispered, walking towards the building.
"Correct, but doesn't the name glorious seem a little off? I did research about her but there's not much info about her, says here that her real name is unknown." Ingrid said, observing Leon in the CCTV cameras as he walked towards the building, pulling out a fake card.
The guard checked the card then let him in. Leon scanned the place familiarizing it. He then saw you, talking to one of your male colleagues, he couldn't help but feel slightly jealous that you're talking to another guy but him.
You noticed that an familiar guy was looking at you through your peripheral vision, you pretended like you didn't see or notice him in the parking lot and inside. Instead you decided to tease him, taking of your blazer, unbuttoning your shirt a little low to show your cleavage as you talked with your male colleague, lying that you feel hot then excusing yourself to go to your office.
Leon followed from afar, hoping that you wouldn't know, but you do. You held your phone as you walked in the hallway, looking at the CCTV cameras to check if he was still following you, and guess what? He still was. You chuckled, smirking to yourself.
You knew he wasn't supposed to be here, but why not have some fun? You just arrived from a mission after all, you needed to release some stress.
As you entered your office, you purposely left the door open for him. Going to one of your drawers to get something, and as Leon entered, you bent down flashing him with your black lacy panties.
He then locked the door behind him without looking away from you. You then turned around to look at him.
"Leon S. Kennedy. You're not supposed to be here, Handsome." You said in a seductive manner.
Eyeing you up and down, Leon flashes a smirk "Agent Glorious. I'm here to get the information I need, and you're standing in my way. But maybe I can make a deal with you."
"What deal?" You asked, crossing your arms as you listen to whatever he has to say.
Leaning closer, Leon whispers "You'll get the information I need, and I'll give you whatever you want in exchange. Meet me tonight at the rooftop of this building, and we'll see if our missions align."
"And if I refuse?" You tilted your head a little to the side.
Then I'll take the information by force," he warns, his tone cold. "But if you meet me tonight, we might be able to help each other out." He smirks again, clearly enjoying the power play.
You agreed to his deal, doing paperwork before going to the rooftop.
Leon arrived at the rooftop a few minutes before you did. He was leaning against the railing, his eyes scanning the area. He saw you approaching and straightened up, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Agent Leon.. so, what information do you want?" I say, putting my hands behind me.
"Oh, just a few tidbits about the organization," Leon replied nonchalantly. "But first, I have a little proposal for you." He paused, watching as you looked at him expectantly.
"Tell me about it" I say with curiosity and interest.
"I have a proposition for you." He took a step closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Let's join forces temporarily," Leon suggested, his gaze intense. "Our skills complement each other, don't they?" He paused, giving you a chance to consider his proposal.
You thought carefully. Considering his proposal, putting a finger on your lips, pretending to think "Hmm, Sure why not?"
Leon's smirk widened at your acceptance. Excellent," Leon smiled, clearly pleased with your answer. "Now, about the information I want... Do you have anything to share with me?" He stepped even closer now, their bodies almost brushing against each other.
"It depends, Leon" You teased, looking at his ocean blue eyes.
"Well, I have a little something that might interest you," Leon murmured, his voice low and seductive. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small flash drive. "I managed to hack into their system and got my hands on this." He held it up between his thumb and forefinger.
"You do know I work for this organization right?" You clarified, looking at the flash drive for a moment then back to his eyes.
Leon chuckled softly. "Of course, my dear. But we both know how easily information can change hands in our line of work, don't we?" He stepped even closer now, their bodies almost touching. "Besides, sharing is caring, isn't it?"
"Mhm, but we haven't talk about what I want and need yet." You say with a sultry look.
"And what might that be, Sweetheart?" Leon asked, his tone teasing. He took the flash drive from between his fingers and held it up between yours, their fingertips brushing against each other.
"Well, I have this habit where-..." You paused, unsure if you should tell or not.
Leon's grin widened, his eyes glinting with amusement. "A habit, hm? Sounds intriguing." He leaned in closer, his lips hovering near your ear. "What is it? Do tell..."
I sighed before continuing. "I have this habit where, after a mission, I would usually pleasure myself somewhere private to release some stress."
Leon's smirk widened as he nodded his head, understanding your little secret. "And are you saying you wouldn't mind a hand?" He ran his thumb across your palm, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"Mhm" You nodded, looking away with a blushing face.
"Well then, let me recall the deal," Leon whispered, his breath hot against your neck. "You give me the information I need, and I'll give you the release you've been craving?" He pressed his body against yours, his arousal clear through his clothes.
"Yes, now after my every mission, you have to be in my office or my house to pleasure me, and after every affair that we have, I'll give you the information you need." You said with lust in your eyes.
Leon chuckled lowly, his breath tickling your ear. "Such an interesting arrangement we've made, Agent Glorious." His hand moved to cup your ass cheek, giving it a firm squeeze. "Now, shall we get started on this affair?"
"Since I just finished my mission earlier, yes. Follow me." I said in a teasing tone.
With pleasure," Leon replied, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He followed you to a private room within the office, locking the door behind them. As you began to undress, he watched you hungrily, his fingers itching to touch you.
You bit your lips as you gestured him to come closer.
Leon stepped closer, his gaze locked onto yours as he reached out to undress you further. His hands were gentle yet firm, revealing your body piece by piece. His eyes roamed over every inch of skin exposed, a mix of lust and admiration clear in his gaze.
You then laid on the bed. "Take your clothes off, I wanna see your body."
With a smirk, Leon obliged. His muscular frame was well-defined, honed from countless hours of training and combat. His hands were quick to undress him, revealing a hardened member eager for release. As he stood before you, naked and powerful. You rubbed your clit while looking at him up and down.
"Take your time, Sweetheart," Leon said in a husky voice. "Enjoy the view." His eyes locked onto yours as he reached out to stroke himself, He then crawled onto the bed next to you, bodies pressing against each other. His hand reached down between your legs, teasingly stroking your folds as his other hand found its way to your breast.
You squirmed as he teased your folds, your wet cunt throbbing for him. His tongue darted out, tracing circles around your sensitive nub. His other hand massaged your breast, teasing and taunting. His other hand reached down, spreading your folds wider to reveal his target.
You moaned softly, mixed with whimpers, his tongue dipped into your folds, circling your sensitive nub as he teased and teased. His other hand massaged your breast, pinching the nipple slightly. "That's it, baby. Let me take care of you."
Your legs shook as he licked your folds. Leon then pulled his tongue away, lapping up your juices as he teased you further. His other hand never stopping, massaging and pinching your nipples. "That's it, sweetheart. You like that? You like your sensitive spots being touched and played with?"
You could only nod as you moan for more
He smirked, lowering his head again, focusing all his attention on your aching clit. His tongue flicked it rapidly, sending shivers down your spine.
"Y-yes, p-please~.." You plead, wanting to release.
"Please what, sweetheart?" Leon asked, his voice low and husky. He continued to tease you with his tongue, driving you crazy with pleasure.
"I-i wanna come, please ngh- m-make me come.." You begged as you toss your head back, your hips bucking against him.
You're so close, baby," Leon growled, his fingers finding their way inside you. He thrust them in and out, stretching you further. His other hand pinched your nipple, hard.
You spread your legs further for him to finger you harder. Leon took advantage of your invitation, thrusting his fingers deep inside you, searching for your G-spot. His tongue teased your clit relentlessly, driving you to the edge.
"I'm gonna come!- ahh~ L-leon!~"
Leaning down, Leon licked your sensitive folds clean before pushing in deep, hitting your G-spot. "Come for me, baby." His voice was low and rough as he pumped his fingers in and out, speeding up his pace. And soon enough you came on his hand, your legs trembled as you orgasmed
Leon groaned, feeling the warmth of your orgasm on his fingers. He continued to thrust them deep inside you, milking every last drop of your climax. His tongue danced around your clit, leaving it swollen and sensitive. "So wet for me."
"I want you Leon.. I n-need you." I whimpered.
Leon smirked against your skin. "I'm here for you, baby," he whispered, pulling his fingers out of you slowly. He stood up and towered over you, his hard length rubbing against your slick entrance. "Now, how about some fun?"
I put my hands on his chest, feeling his abs and muscles. Leon grinned as you touched him. He wrapped one hand around his shaft and guided it to your entrance. "You want this?" He asked, pushing forward slowly.
I nodded, leaning in to kiss him. As the kiss intensified, Leon's grip on your hips tightened. His other hand found its way to your neck, holding you close while he claimed your mouth. The sensation of being taken by him was intoxicating, your body responding eagerly to his rough love.
Leon groaned softly, pushing deeper into you. Your shared secret thrummed between you, your lust for each other and the danger that surrounded you. He began to thrust harder, bodies slapping together in a rhythm of desire, my back arching as Leon's thrusts became deeper and harder, his body slamming into yours with force. The pleasure of being inside you washed over him, his muscles tensing as he neared his climax.
Feeling your body tighten around him, Leon's thrusts turned sloppy and erratic. His moans grew louder, his hips pistoning harder, driven by the impending release. The room echoed with their combined cries of passion and satisfaction. With a final, powerful thrust, Leon released himself inside you, his hot seed filling you up. His body shuddered with pleasure as he groaned, his eyes locked on yours. "You're mine," he breathed heavily.
Your affair went on for weeks, he now knows your real name, and after Leon knew that the suspicious corporation is all good and can be trusted, you both decided to join forces permanently. Helping eachother on missions and more, and after 2 years, you two got married.
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merrixmas · 6 months
Didn't Know I Was Looking For Love
Title from the song Didn't know I was looking for love by everything but the girl.
Colleague Leon x Fem Reader
Summary: You broke up with your boyfriend when you were in police academy and after that you weren't interested on finding love until you met Leon a few years later.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Part 2
- Timeskip -
You got out of Raccoon city before it was destroyed, but your friend Rita got infected when she saved you. When the U.S. government discovered your actions, your survival and combat skills, they forced you to accept the position of becoming a Special Agent, in exchange of finding a vaccine for Rita. You endured the top-secret government program that consisted of intense training missions, you visit Rita every once in a while.
You noticed that she wasn't like those hungry and aggressive zombies, she'd just stay in her bed chained up, and so you'd go inside of her cell, sitting beside her, telling her how your days went. Blaming yourself for letting your guard down, and as time passes, your hope of finding a vaccine for Rita Faded. You had no choice but to let them eliminate Rita.
Years have passed, you recently heard about this Special Agent who saved the president's daughter back in spain. It's the first time you heard of him after so many years and he sounded so familiar. He was the late rookie back in Raccoon City. You haven't actually met him face to face you were sure he was the other rookie. You talked to Ingrid during her break, asking her about Leon.
"So he was the rookie back in Racoon city.." you murmured, taking a sip of your coffee.
"You haven't met him face to face yet?" She asked,
"No.." You and Leon went to the same academy and same department but didn't come across eachother.
"Well Leon's on his way here, why not have a little chat with him? you've been single for so many years already" She said, standing up to pat my shoulder for encouragement. "I'll be right back" You nodded, sitting down on the nearby chair next to Ingrid's, waiting patiently for her to come back.
As you waited, you looked at the papers on Ingrid's desk, examining it out of boredom. After a few minutes, you heard the door behind you open.
"Hey Ingrid, do you know how Leon survived back in Raccoon city?" I asked not looking behind me thinking it's just Ingrid.
"How did you know I was in Raccoon city?" The low male voice sending shivers down your spine.
You turned around to see a tall man standing Infront of you, your jaw about to drop on the floor, admiring his Facial features, His beautiful Ocean blue eyes, his lips, his muscular body, his broad shoulders, his biceps. He was wearing a black suit that hugged his body but doesn't constrict
"Instant panty dropper, the fuck.." I murmured to myself, biting your lip.
"What did you say?" He chuckled running his fingers down his hair.
Remembering your promise back in police academy. "N-nothing! I was just..." You were just wondering where he was cause he looks like an angel sent from heaven, you shook your head, telling yourself to concentrate.
He looked at you with a smirk on his face. Your panties were soaked and he haven't even touch you yet, you'd occasionally squirm and rub your thighs together for friction. Leon of course noticed what you were doing, and it turned him on. His pants were tightening from his bulge. You tried not to look at it, looking everywhere but him.
You turned around to avoid being awkward. You cleared your throat "So.. What brings you here?" You asked, looking at the papers again, holding it.
"I need those papers that you're holding right now" He responded, crossing his shoulders, tilting his head slightly on the side, he couldnt help but look at your curved body, he loved how your low buttoned shirt showed your cleavage and your short pencil skirt hugging your body.
"Oh, I thought these were Ingrid's, speaking of Ingrid. Have you seen her?" You said turning your head to look at him. In response, he shook his head, gesturing that he didn't.
You and Leon were chatting until Ingrid got back. "Looks like you two are getting along" she said while handing the papers to Leon.
"It's nice to meet someone that actually likes my one liners" He chuckled, looking at you up and down then waving goodbye with a wink. You waved goodbye to him, your eyes following him until he left the room. You sighed, then inhaling deeply, taking in the scent of his cologne.
"So, when's the date?" Ingrid teased,
"W-what-! There's no date!" You said, blushing at the thought of going on a date with Leon. You playfully slapped Ingrid's shoulder, giggling.
"Ooohh you sure? Then what's that paper on your shoulder? Looks like someone gave their number to you." You looked down to see a paper taped on your shirt with a phone number written on it. You wondered when did Leon put this on your shoulder.
When you got off work, you couldn't help but touch yourself in your car. You spread your legs, pulling your panties aside, fingering your throbbing wet cunt at the thought of him while moaning his name. You want him. Wait no, you need him. To love you, to the point not even death can make you two part.
Ingrid teased you about Leon after you met him. You text him whenever you had a chance, sometimes calling to tell eachother how your days went. But ever since you met him, you couldn't stop thinking about him and so did he, ever since he met you, he would think of you, he'd ask Ingrid about you when he should be focusing on his missions. Whenever you'd call him on his freetime, he would sometimes stroke himself while listening to you telling how your day went.
You'd hear him groan in call but you didn't think much of it. You were irresistible to him, he didn't really expect that he'd be falling inlove with someone ever again and so did you. Rumors started spreading about you and Leon when an agent heard your convo with Ingrid. Some of the female agents there were jealous of you, everytime you passed by them, they'd glare at you.
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merrixmas · 6 months
Didn't Know I Was Looking For Love
Title from the song Didn't know I was looking for love by everything but the girl.
Colleague Leon x Fem Reader
Summary: You broke up with your boyfriend when you were in police academy and after that you weren't interested on finding love until you met Leon a few years later.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Part 1
(Just to clarify, you haven't really met Leon in this part yet. Though you're familiar with the name because you both trained in the same police academy)
You liked this guy in for a very long time, you two known each other since highschool, you would go study together, pick eachother as partners in projects and stuff. And after finding out you two are going to the same academy, you dated.
Your relationship with your boyfriend wasn't stable after a few months into dating. Before, you would spend time with him, he would take you on dates and even buy you cute stuff. But after a few months you frequently argued, you would apologize even if it was his fault. He even stopped giving you time, saying he is busy with his studies or other reasons.
Your heart aches, knowing he had no time for you, but not just that, he became a cold towards you. You noticed how close him and your best friend was becoming, they would study together and go to eachother's houses. He was only sweet in the beginning. Turns out he was cheating on you with your best friend.
"Y/n, It's not what it looks like!" He said, fixing his shirt. You caught them both making out in a parking lot outside a mall.
"I know what I saw asshole! I'm not blind!" Your blood boiled with anger, slapping him and your so called best friend. "I'm breaking up with you." You stormed off, hearing your ex boyfriend plead for you to stay but you ignored it. After that, you focused on your studies, contented with being alone. You promised to yourself that you wouldn't date anyone ever again.
After graduating the police academy, you requested an assignment to work for the Raccoon City Police Department because of the known murders taking place there. You got there as early as you could. Entering the department, you were greeted by the cold air, you scanned the area, seeing some police officers waving at you.
You waved back with a fainted smile. "Hi there!" You turned around to see a female officer smiling at you
"Oh hello" you responded with a nervous voice, fidgeting with my hands.
"You're the rookie right? I'm Rita, Rita Philips" extending their hand to offer a handshake
"I'm Y/n" You introduced, then taking her hand to a handshake.
"What a beautiful name, C'mon we prepared a little something for you and another rookie!" She said in an excited manner.
You then followed her to the west office while having a small chat, you were surprised of how big the station was. You felt excited yet Anxious. When Rita opened the door, you were greeted by the officers there. You thanked them to express your gratitude.
Looking up you saw a welcome sign saying "Welcome Leon and Y/N". In curiosity, you asked Rita who Leon was.
"Oh he's the other rookie, though he's not here yet." Rita Replied. You were familiar with the name but didn't really pay much attention to it as some of the officers approached you, asking about your story and why you wanted to be a police officer. They were very interested and wanted to know you better.
You were enjoying the party until you heard some screaming and gunshots outside the office. You and the other officers rushed out to see what was going on. You saw people getting bitten, blood was all over the place.
"What the fuck is going on?!" You screamed in terror, seeing the people with missing limbs or parts standing up and attacking other people. Seeing an officer about to get attacked, you looked around then saw a glass shard, using it as a weapon then stabbing the corpse on the heart but it didnt seem to care, acting like it was nothing
"Look out!" Rita warned, you looked behind you to see a bloody looking corpse running towards you. You kicked the corpse that you stabbed then dodged swiftly, staying close to Rita. "it's not safe here, c'mon!" You followed Rita to the 2nd floor armory then locking the door behind you both.
"What is happening.." Rita murmured, confused and shaking in fear.
"I don't know Rita.. Looks like something straight from a horror movie..." You said while looking around for supplies.
"You're right.. do you think it's zombies? I mean, I literally saw someone that got shot then acted like it was nothing until they got shot in the head" Rita said, unlocking the code then getting weapons from the armory.
"Then I guess we have to shoot them in the head" I said while looking through the crack on the door, .
"Take this Y/N you'll need it" Rita said, handing me a combat knife, pistol and ammunition.
"We need to get out of here as soon as possible, and get help.." I went to a locker nearby, having Rita to open it for me then I put on some gear for protection.
"We can only go through the fire escape or the entrance.. It's not gonna be easy" Rita replied with the slightest hope of getting out safely.
"Let's make a run for it to the entrance, it's worth the shot" Rita nodded then got ready to face the zombies. You looked through the crack on the door again to see if the coast is clear, when you were sure that it was clear, you two went out quietly, then saw that there were some zombies at the main hall.
You whispered to Rita that you two just make a run for it than shooting them because it'll attract more zombies. You inhaled deeply, getting ready to sprint down the stairs then out the entrance. After a few seconds you gestured that you go now, you both sprinted down the stairs, dodging the zombies then went out the entrance. You both panted as you got out safely. But looked shocked when you saw what happened outside, crashed cars everywhere with fire all over the buildings and more zombies.
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