mevine · 2 years
Technology is just a tool in terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teachers is the most important. Bill Gates
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Technology has revolutionized each component of society. The teacher is in the transition phase due to the rapid change in technology and students' changing values.
Technology needs to be integrated to achieve the best quality pedagogy. Teachers should be trained to incorporate technology in a supportive and conducive environment to groom young TSEN learners. Once a teacher understands the teaching content with technology combined, they would never lose that expertise.
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mevine · 2 years
Challenges and impact of technological tools
Teacher of 21st century
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If teachers are not provided effective professional development on new technologies, they will not use them to their full potential. Therefore, the essential step towards effective technology integration is widespread access to the equipment necessary to run educational computer programs. Unfortunately, inconsistent access to a computer makes it extremely difficult for teachers to integrate technology into existing lesson plans.
Routine access to laptops, tablets, and internet connection is a fundamental requirement. However, research demonstrates much progress in school equipment availability and internet access over the last 20 years. Challenges that the school usually faces with technology are:
· Budget limitations
· Lack of professional training
· Poor network infrastructure
· Resistance to change
· Unreliable devices and software.
The advent of technology in special educational needs has made the process of learning and knowledge sharing more interactive. The impacts of technology on education are:
· Easy access to information
· Easy retention of information
· Better presentation of information
· Teaching becomes more interactive
· Easy sharing of knowledge
· More interest in learning.
With the arrival of computers in schools, it has become easier for teachers to impart knowledge and for students to acquire it. Technology is a tool that has made teaching and learning more effective. Both teachers and students find it helpful and exciting to use. Many students can be addressed simultaneously with the help of projectors, screens, microphones, and speakers. In addition, the teaching aids have led to increasing attendance in classes.
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mevine · 2 years
Technology in the classroom
"Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids to work together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.” Bill Gates
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Teaching is full of unlimited opportunities to enrich the academic achievement of students. Some ideas are easy to communicate through verbal instruction, but others require dialogue and active student engagement.
Results of researches( Bligh, 2002) revealed that the introduction of new activities could restore students' attention and enable more students' engagement and give students constructive learning.
Several interactive tools that help teachers to engage students have recently been developed. Increasing students engagement is facilitated by using digital applications
Incorporating technology into your teaching is a great way to actively engage your students, especially as digital media surrounds young people in the 21st century.
Interactive whiteboards/mobile devices/ computers/ projectors, can be used to display images and videos, which helps students visualize new academic concepts. Learning can become more interactive when technology is used as students can physically engage during lessons as well as instantly research their ideas, which develops autonomy.
Animated Videos
Students enjoy watching animated shows and videos on TV, on tablets, and phones. Videos can motivate students to engage with language, thus an excellent resource for teaching and learning. Some solid pedagogical reasons why I bring videos in class is that it brings the language alive. Students can see and hear the language being used in context, fully engaging the students.
Animated videos are ideal for language development with enough context and humor to engage students. In addition, research shows that students respond positively to familiar characters with which students identify themselves and interact with characters they are watching.
Here are some ways I adopt to make the video they are watching fun, interactive and practical are:
Show the video without sound first. Then see what the students can remember about the video; Body/hand movements and gestures, the situation, and any words or phrases they think are in the conversation.
Play the video with sound and have students listen for specific words or phrases.
Ask students a question before playing the video with sound and have them listen for the answer.
Ask students to take a role and act out the video.
The animation, song, and videos make the lesson more memorable and entertaining. Using videos that support the class lessons makes it more exciting and authentic. Choose videos that have pedagogical sound, student-tested, linguistically appropriate, short, understandable, and funny.
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mevine · 2 years
Hello everyone, today in my badminton class with our favourite teacher, my friends and i have learned the different rules that must be followed when playing a duo game in badminton. We have also learned about the differences when a single player is playing and when two players are playing. We also learned how we should be moving when our partner is moving.
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mevine · 2 years
Hi everyone, in my ICT class i learned about Quizizz. It is a gamified student engagement platform that offers multiple features to make a classroom fun, interactive and engaging. As a teacher, you can conduct formative assessments, assign homework, and have other interactions with your students (for all grades) in a captivating way. Quizizz is self-paced so each student gets a chance to answer without feeling rushed. Students also see questions on their own devices, can have questions read-aloud to them or opt for a preferred language so they feel empowered to answer to the best of their ability.
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mevine · 3 years
Hi everyone, in my ICT class, i learned about kahoot. It is an online game based learning platform. It allows teachers, organizations and parents to set up fun web based learning for others. Kahoot is very simple and interesting to use. It makes learning enjoyable for the learners. It also helps in reducing boredom in classes and increases communication between students and their teachers. Kahoot is useful as it also helps the teacher to know whether the students have understand what have been taught in class. Try it, you won't be disappointed!
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mevine · 3 years
Hi, I am Madhaye Mevine and I'm a student of Mauritius Institute of Education(MIE). Through my blog I will share my learning experience as a student of the B.Ed Physical Education program. Sport has always formed part of my daily life and I was introduce to physical education in grade 9 and my teacher made me I fell in love with this subject then I immediately knew that I wanted to be a P.E educator and I'm determined to become one.
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