miabucky · 4 months
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miabucky · 4 months
they. they’re putting bucky in the evil knockoff avengers ? BUCKY. james buchanan barnes. agreed to work for some suspicious ass woman alongside John Goddamn Walker !??.? literally the most ooc shit i’ve seen since steve marrying peggy 💀 if he’s not there as a spy for cap that will be my final fucking straw
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miabucky · 4 months
just read an interview from the director about how we’re apparently supposed to LIKE john walker. THAT was them writing him as likeable. maybe it’s just wyatt’s acting or something but i have never been so put off by a character in my entire life. the villainy just radiates off him. unsettling costume self-righteous attitude violent outbursts literally written like every fascist extremist ever. and they want me to pity him ?? to find him likeable or fucking redeemable?? FFFFHDJNE like i have absolutely no history with that character i have no reason to dislike him other than the fact that he is so deeply unlikable. i know “likeable” is a personal opinion but mostly im concerned for the people that like him. i genuinely cannot comprehend what people saw in him in that show to make them like him. as a person, not as a character. he’s a really cool villain and everything i’m just confused that people are treating him like a victim or a straw man. he used lethal force on civilians. he wanted to use sam and bucky to legitimize his claim to the throne. he sees that shield as a symbol of patriotism to a broken nation, a military, not to people. he feeds into every negative stereotype about captain america that steve refused to bow to. he is the american imperialist that the military wants, that steve would never be because his heart is too full of altruism to have any room for ego. the foundation of captain america is the idea of being a good man. without that, captain america is just another tool for the military industrial complex.
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miabucky · 4 months
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he will literally get into situations for the greater good [x]
(context: the fan also got a selfie with misha but misha changed his mind about the quote being in the pic)
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miabucky · 4 months
trying to find good videos about the mcu on the hellscape known as youtube dot com is truly a herculean task. i forget that most viewers of marvel movies are not cool educated queer people and women, as tumblr led me to believe, but rather musty white boys with no media literacy and thus terrible fucking takes. why are there so many videos worshipping john walker as the “actual protagonist” and “most likeable character” and “misunderstood” as if he’s not the pinnacle of white privilege and male ego, the representation of the neocolonial violence and greed and pride of the us military, the antithesis of everything that steve rogers represented. i guess that’s why they’re praising him.
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miabucky · 4 months
Not gonna say it again
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miabucky · 4 months
Do you ever miss a character from a show but not like in the way that you want to rewatch the whole show because theres so much stuff going on and thats not what youre looking for but you miss your boy
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miabucky · 4 months
Bunch a smooches because I needed practice
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Reference pictures in reblogs
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miabucky · 4 months
What's your take on Steve's dream sequence/hallucination in AoU?
My take on everything that happened in AoU is that AoU stands for A Other Universe because the whole thing was balls from start to finish. The only bit worth putting on screen was Steve moving Mjolnir and Steve tearing that log in half. That film could have been 20 seconds long and it would have been better than the garbage Joss Whedon shat out.
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miabucky · 4 months
What’s up with Steve’s dream?
So in Avengers: Age of Ultron, we see four of our hero’s greatest fears:
Tony sees all his friends dead, asking why he didn’t do enough to save them.
Thor sees Ragnarok, with all his friends in Hel.
Natasha sees the Red Room and relives both an invasive and nonconsensual medical procedure as well as what I assume to be her first murder.
And Steve… Steve’s is fucking weird.
What specifically does he see?
Everyone is celebrating, but they’re still violent: there’s a couple of men brawling in a corner and people with open wounds who are incomprehensibly laughing.
Peggy sees him, and tells him that the war is over and everything is fine.
They get that dance they never got to.
When I first watched the film, I did not understand what was so scary about Steve’s dream - remember, it’s supposed to be his worst fear, not some kind of lotus eater dream to distract him or make him nostalgic. If I were Steve, seeing my long-lost girlfriend would be sad, sure, but it would also be pretty awesome. What exactly is Steve scared of? And he is scared, his conversation with Tony aside. Tony thinks he’s not as freaked out as the others are, but Steve rips a log in half. Steve is incredibly freaked out, though he’s doing his best to hide it. So what is Steve’s greatest fear? The war being over.
This page on TVTropes posits that the conflict between Steve and Tony is not only a difference in opinion over the best way to solve conflict, but also personal: Steve is afraid that, without the Avengers, there is nothing for him to do. Which I think is actually spot-on. He says at the end that he might have liked the life he could have had with Peggy, but he doesn’t think he could do that with his life now: as he said to Bruce, he’s “waited too long.”
This isn’t just an Avengers thing. The entirety of CA:TWS is one long “Steve can’t do anything if he’s not fighting” montage. What does Steve do after The Avengers? Join SHIELD. What does he do when Natasha tries to set him up with people? He rebuffs her: he doesn’t think he can be in that kind of relationship. When Sam asks him what he likes to do besides being a soldier? He says he doesn’t know. 
This is a sharp contrast to Tony. Tony’s entire thing, in all three Iron Man movies as well both Avengers films, is that war is something that can be stopped if you have sufficient power: “I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That’s how Dad did it, that’s how America does it, and it’s worked out pretty well so far.” Tony’s response to conflict is to build a robot that can take care of it: wrap the world in a fleet of robots, and no one will want to fight. Tony’s greatest fear is that people will get killed through his inaction, and it’s very important that he relives the Chitauri invasion, which was only stopped by throwing a nuke at them: the only option was to have superior firepower.
Tony was the one to outfit the Helicarriers, not people within SHIELD: Tony, like SHIELD, wants to stop wars before they start. Tony just wants to go home and spend time with Pepper: he’s only Iron Man because that’s how he’s “privatized world peace.” He wants the Avengers to be obsolete, because that means that he’s succeeded.
So we’ve got two wildly different viewpoints here. Tony just wants to go home, be with Pepper, and not have to fight if it’s not abundantly necessary - he’d rather have essentially a Cold War standoff than get a ton of people killed. Steve, on the other hand, needs active war - he’s meaningless without it. He’s never known a time when he hasn’t been fighting: he froze before the war ended and woke up in another war.
Tony’s entire thing is to end war through technology and force. Steve’s entire thing is that war is continuous, and trying to win it before it starts is not only tyranny, but a personal denial of who he is as a person.
I’m willing to bet anything that this is going to be the central conflict for Civil War.
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miabucky · 5 months
Just checking.... We all pronounce Miette like My-TAY in our heads, right?
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miabucky · 5 months
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miabucky · 5 months
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miabucky · 5 months
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Civil War Bucky
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miabucky · 5 months
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DEAN WINCHESTER IN EVERY EPISODE ↳ 4.07 - It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
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miabucky · 5 months
i want so much minutiae about bucky as the winter soldier… i want all of those classified files to be real so i can read them. i wanna know every single thing they documented… how long it took to break him and how long to put him together, how they trained him, how they punished him, what they experimented on him, how they attached the arm, how sensitive it was, what they fed him, how they kept him clean, how much he was allowed to speak, how many missions did he actually have, how much would he remember between missions, how many languages he knew and how he learned them, how much was he even aware of while he was doing it, did he even know he was human or did he think he was something else, how the soviets treated him compared to the americans, how many handlers he had, which one was his favourite, did he have favourites. did he like things and just know not to mention it or was he unable to even access whether he liked or didn’t like something.
i want fake journalism about this. i want medical journals about prosthetics and philosophical debates about agency and history books needing to be revised. whistleblowers exposing decades-old corruption in europe and investigative documentaries exposing the truth about the winter soldier and horror thrillers depicting a young soldier being captured and brainwashed. warring op-eds calling him a monster and a traitor vs those calling him a hero and a tragedy, and bucky thinking he’s probably all of the above. strange stories told by retired military officials from china and civilians from cuba, about a blue-eyed man who spoke their languages perfectly, who didn’t know how to smile but who gave scraps of food to stray dogs. stories their families had chalked up to trauma or old age or exaggeration, that when all pieced together create a very different picture of the man the media was calling a terrorist.
like bucky deserves privacy but the world would not give it to him. the winter soldier being a headline and an academic issue and a medical wonder and a folk tale and a ghost story and then maybe, eventually, a person.
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miabucky · 5 months
YESSS exactly. marvel greatly underestimates just how many people give a shit about the mcu Because of bucky. we put more care into the depiction of bucky barnes for unpaid fan content than the multi billion dollar corporation does. there have been so many fics that i thought were based on canon material but they’re just… that thoughtful and accurate, while marvel has provided only the vaguest of details.
like in civil war, there was so much coverage about him being a threat, exposing his identity, and then it completely glosses over how his name got cleared. tfatws felt like there had been a massive time jump where they just erased all of the winter soldier/bucky drama that they had created entire movies around. part of it can be blamed in general on the shit show that was endgame, but i don’t think that’s an excuse to throw out the storylines from the previous movies. it’s honestly ridiculous that he wasn’t in jail after endgame, given that the most influential avenger (tony) and the ones who were willing to fight for him (steve, nat) were dead/gone. sam wasn’t exactly in an ideal position to defend his innocence, and bucky wouldn’t have expected him to.
i would’ve loved more of the political/societal drama from civil war, and the public debates like at the end of the first avengers movie. there should’ve been an absolute frenzy. bucky can’t have a phone because he was getting called nonstop by reporters. he has to use his skills more than he expected he would, losing tails and moving around a lot to avoid being found. he can’t even have a regular coffee shop without it getting out to the media somehow, which just makes him more isolated. he talks to a journalist on one occasion, thinking they’re trustworthy, and it ends up even worse than before. hydra fanboys/neonazis using images of his old metal arm like a flag. leftists wearing grey/red cap shield pins to support him. student protesters laughing in the face of people who call them unamerican for not wanting a PoW/american hero behind bars. heated debates on tv by non-experts that people take at face value. bucky being torn between these two images of him that just feel shallow, and knowing that no one on earth cares what he thinks about it. every time people get distracted, there’s some new horror being uncovered from an old commanders most private safe. bucky doesn’t even want to be too honest with his therapist, because this government can pick through his brain as much as they want, too. he’s free from hydra, but he’s not free.
i want so much minutiae about bucky as the winter soldier… i want all of those classified files to be real so i can read them. i wanna know every single thing they documented… how long it took to break him and how long to put him together, how they trained him, how they punished him, what they experimented on him, how they attached the arm, how sensitive it was, what they fed him, how they kept him clean, how much he was allowed to speak, how many missions did he actually have, how much would he remember between missions, how many languages he knew and how he learned them, how much was he even aware of while he was doing it, did he even know he was human or did he think he was something else, how the soviets treated him compared to the americans, how many handlers he had, which one was his favourite, did he have favourites. did he like things and just know not to mention it or was he unable to even access whether he liked or didn’t like something.
i want fake journalism about this. i want medical journals about prosthetics and philosophical debates about agency and history books needing to be revised. whistleblowers exposing decades-old corruption in europe and investigative documentaries exposing the truth about the winter soldier and horror thrillers depicting a young soldier being captured and brainwashed. warring op-eds calling him a monster and a traitor vs those calling him a hero and a tragedy, and bucky thinking he’s probably all of the above. strange stories told by retired military officials from china and civilians from cuba, about a blue-eyed man who spoke their languages perfectly, who didn’t know how to smile but who gave scraps of food to stray dogs. stories their families had chalked up to trauma or old age or exaggeration, that when all pieced together create a very different picture of the man the media was calling a terrorist.
like bucky deserves privacy but the world would not give it to him. the winter soldier being a headline and an academic issue and a medical wonder and a folk tale and a ghost story and then maybe, eventually, a person.
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