midnightvantawings · 4 months
"I'll Follow You" by Shinedown could not remind me more of Dean and Cas. "The first step is the one you believe in. The second one might be profound." I mean, profound, it's totally them, what with their "profound bond." "I don't care if we fall from grace. I'll follow you down." This could easily be added to Cas' confession. "You can have the money and the world. The angels and the pearls. Even trademark the color blue." The first two are totally Cas to Dean, and the last Dean to Cas. Can't convince me otherwise. "I'll follow you down to where forever lies. Without a doubt, I'm on your side. There's nowhere else that I would rather be." He fell for him in more ways than one.
I recommend listening to this song. It's great, and there are even more lyrics that will remind you of them 💙💚
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
Fifteen years ago today, Castiel came into our lives, just as he did Dean's. One of the most iconic episodes, as well as character entrances, was on this day. Thank you, SPN, for giving us our angel and the gift that is Misha Collins 💙
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
I can't believe it has already been eighteen years since this beauty of a show was first released. It has come so far, and the fandom is still going strong. I love you guys, and Supernatural will live on for many more years to come 🖤
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
I just posted my new fic titled, 'Just The Way You Are' I am pleased to share it with you. I made sure to add as much softness as I could and music references 💙💚
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
Happy Birthday, @mishacollins! Today is your special day, and I hope you make the best of it. Today is the oldest you have ever been and the youngest you will ever be again. But no matter your age, you are you, and your fans love you for it. You mentioned not long ago that you understand more about fandom and the experience from the fans' perspective. So you know why people look up to you and say you have helped them. I could say the same. You are an amazing person, very kind, and do some extraordinary things. You have done so much good in this world, and I will say GISH has been a big part of that, and I miss it so, but the memories we made we will always cherish, and the GISH family lives on. You may also be getting a gift soon from fellow gishers... But aside from that, your roles as an actor have made a major impact on this fandom; being relatable and lovable and interesting, and truly, having the opportunity to act them out is a blessing, believe me. You bring those characters to life, and you have done so wonderfully. We are disappointed we will not have the opportunity to see you on Gotham Knights anymore and GK at all, but please know that you are the best Harvey Dent/Two-Face. We loved every second of it, watching you become that character. The roles you take on, you take on so beautifully. And, of course, they are all special in their own way because you made them special. We are excited to see you as Cas again in the feature, by the way. Not that that's surprising, though. Most of us know you because of that role. If you had not been Cas, Supernatural would not have lasted as long as it did. You were a big part of keeping the show alive for so many seasons, making it the longest-running American live-action fantasy TV series. Truly incredible. You have also managed to become a character that became the most written ship on AO3, which, wow, is astonishing. You made history. You have inspired so many of us with your talents and your words, as well. With your poems, your dialogue, your kindness to fans, and so on. The point is, you are an incredible person and have accomplished so much within the 49 years you have been on this Earth, through all of the greatness, as well as the crap it had and still has to offer. Through Heaven and Hell, you managed to be a light for all of us. Thank you, and just keep being you. Keep making the world a better place. Continue being Misha Collins, which we will always love.
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
It has been exactly 1000 days since Cas' confession and since we lost him.
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
I posted my first #GothamKnights fic! This was made because of #aHunt4Misha for getting me into the right creative headspace to write it. This short fic is about Stephanie and her struggles. I hope you enjoy <3
Item #29
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
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Misha, you have done something truly incredible. We love you Misha! We love our gay angel! CAS IS GAY! 🌈
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
Last night after the season finale, I was balling my eyes out, and I needed to take a break. My voice was in pain, and I got so tired afterward. Wow, that took a lot out of me! That was so good! Phenomenal! Now that I have taken the time not to freak out about the finale so much, here is my post for it. This is to Gotham Knights. I first started watching Gotham Knights because my favorite actor, @mishacollins, would be playing the role of Two-Face, but in the end, I came for them all. I knew near to nothing about the DCU, but I have come to see the greatness of it and really enjoy it. Everyone who worked on this show, I give you huge props and thanks that will never be enough to cover how much this means to me and many others. The cast and crew are amazing and very talented at what they do. This show is so well written, the characters are so lovable and relatable, some very real and very rough and sensitive topics get touched on that should get more attention instead of the usual of being glossed over, and it honestly means the world to me to see such things get brought to life. I am thankful to have watched Gotham Knights and witness the amazingness of this meticulously crafted show, all of the creativity and care that went into it, and especially all of the love that it brought with it and received in return. You have gained my heart and many others. It is astounding how only one season can bring so many emotions to people and attract people as much as they are. I am doleful that this incredible show has been canceled, as this is, truthfully, one of the best shows I have ever seen, in my opinion. I feel that there is so much left to their story that we need to see, and it has so much potential, and the CW just had to ruin that, too, just like many other things. At least you have broken free from the shackles that is the CW. I can not thank you enough for the support you have given me nearly once a week, as life is a pain, and my light has been this show in the seemingly neverending darkness. This fandom cares so much, and I do, too. Saying goodbye is hard, but maybe in the future, even with just the slightest chance, we will see more of you. Here is one of my most favorite quotes: 'No doubt endings are hard, but then again, nothing ever really ends, does it?'. No, it doesn't. I know their story is not over yet, whether we will get another season or not, and all we can do is be loud about it, make our passion and dedication for this show be heard, and have hope. I know I do. But even still, if we do not get another season, I will always cherish the memories this show left us with, as well as the season as a whole. I know, without a doubt, that I will watch it again soon. Again, thank you to everyone who helped create this show and bring the characters and their story to life. We fans love you, and I know you love us, too. This is family. Found family.
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midnightvantawings · 1 year
It's been ten years, guys! Mishapocalypse time!
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midnightvantawings · 2 years
Happy birthday Misha Collins! In the slightest chance you see this, I would like to tell you a few things that mean the world to me. Firstly, thank you so so much for gifting us Castiel, my most favorite character, and always will be. Thank you for making the world a much better place by supporting charities and running GISH for people who want to let their true creative colors and unashamed weirdness shine. I have met so many amazing people because of you. You have sparked my great passion for writing, and I have a dream of pursuing that as a career. Thank you for gifting us poems full of deep meaning and awe-inspiring words that form some of the most memorable quotes and heartfelt messages. Thank you for your smile and laugh that gives me joy during the hardest of times. You have helped me, and I thank you greatly. It feels like a miracle to be alive and in this world while you are. You are this kind, caring, joyful, loving person that accepts the world and all who are different. I look at you as not just a celebrity but a person like us all, who strives to succeed, and you have accomplished so much. I am proud of you. Though I am only fifteen and have much to learn about the world, I continue learning and succeeding, and you have shown me I can. I will not give up and will instead strive for greatness just as you have. You are my role model in my mind. I do not wish to become an actor, but I do wish to publish books after further education and raising my vocabulary outstandingly. Your poems have inspired me. I wish to write stories that will make people feel, just as I have felt your deeply touching poems. Thank you and all that you have done for this world, the people, the community, and the ones who struggle each and every day. You are an amazing person and help many. Though I may never get to meet you at an spn con, as money is always tight in the family, you will still be in my heart. Getting to meet you is my dream, and hopefully, if I go one day, that dream will come true. Tears have come knowing meeting you may never come to be, but I always have a smile on my face knowing that many do, and you make their dreams come true. You have so many gifts and talents, and you should be proud of yourself as so many people are. Please continue making the world a much better place. I hope this day will treat you well and will give you gifts, hugs, and so much love as you deserve it by showing the world so much love in return. All I can say is thank you. Thank you so much, Misha, for everything you have done. Continue succeeding and continue being you because you make people smile, and that is a truly great gift to have.
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