Odysseus: 600 men making our way back home to Ithaca!
*Polyphemus swings his club around*
Odysseus: 593 men making our way back home to Ithaca.
*Poseidon wipes out the other 11 ships in the fleet*
Odysseus: ...43 men making our way back home to Ithaca.
*Elpenor's drunk ass falls off Circe's roof*
Odysseus: 42 men making our way back home to Ithaca, I guess.
*Scylla targets the torch holders*
Odysseus: 36 men making our way back home to Ithaca. Put that sword away, Eurylochus.
*Zeus strikes the ship with lightning*
Odysseus: 1 man making his way back home to Penelope and Telemachus. And by the gods, I will somehow make it.
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Exhaustion from running.
i'm sure it's been done before, but I wanna speak it out. I want to see whumpees with throat burning from running so much, what are they running after? Or from? After a reward, a teammate, Caretaker, from whumper maybe? Me no care. I want to see them fall to the ground with all muscles sore, lungs aching, maybe head throbbing from dehydration, who knows.
And maybe even better if they are literally forced to still go on, to continue to run, until they pass out completely.
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just got back into playing tomodachi life and this is what i was greeted with
i’m not crying, you’re crying /j
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Some things never change
Dust/Murder - Ask-DustTale
Killer - Rahawabas
Horror - Soul-Apple-Studios
Nightmare - Jokublog
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Magic Whump Week Prompts!
In case you haven't heard, I'm doing a little magic/fantasy themed whump event from September 23rd to September 29th (Ventis's birthday).
Here are the prompts:
Day 1 - 9/23: Magic with a price / "It's worth it." Day 2 - 9/24: Cursed / "You'll have to wait this out." Day 3 - 9/25: Human battery / "Give us more." Day 4 - 9/26: Loss of Control / "Leave me alone!" / bonus: emotional powers Day 5 - 9/27: Drugs / "What did [you/I] take?" Day 6 - 9/28: Resurrection / "Welcome back." / bonus: came back wrong 🎂 Day 7 - 9/29: Magic exhaustion / "I can't..." 🎂
I want this to be very chill and relaxed for anyone who participates. You can post anything you want - art, writing, original content, fan content, prompts, singles sentences, full-length novels - I'll just be thrilled to see someone participating!
The idea is to post each prompt fill on the day of the prompt, but feel free to post early or late! If you decide you want to write for any of these prompts in 2027, sure!
As for the content of your prompt fills - be as creative as you want with it! Try to match the vibe of each prompt, but they're really just there to give you ideas. You won't be burned at the stake for not matching them exactly.
If you want me to see what you post, use #MagicWhumpWeek2024 and #MagicWhumpWeek2024Day[insert day here] (ex. #MagicWhumpWeek2024Day3 for 9/25)
Thanks in advance to everyone who participates! (Send me an ask or dm if you have any questions or if I was unclear about anything I've never done this before teehee)
Tagging those who showed interest in this:
@sapphicccici @whumperofworlds @geode-crystal @tildeathiwillwrite
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Thank you all so much for TWO THOUSAND FOLLOWERS!! 🎉🎉
To celebrate, I'd like to start a little something...
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She's He's THEY are offering you a hug of gratitude for all the love and popularity gained over these past few months!! Ain't that wholesome?! Surely you wouldn't refuse...
(Change the background, add your personal designs for them, mess with the colors as you see fit - anything goes!! This is NOT a contest; I'll be reblogging each submission, just make sure to tag me if you post it separately!!)
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petition to call jkjk a he now
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I've rarely seen a more validating sentence in my entire life.
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One of the main reasons you don't see the term pro-ship used in it's actual meaning as often is that nobody wants a target on their back. And given the prevalent harassment through antis... well. It's lower risk to spell out your stances than to be attacked over something you didn't say.
Signed - someone who has been on tumblr for over a decade (and thus is proship)
Ok... So, I may be overreacting, but I think I'll disable anonymous asks. Because even if I don't know exactly who send me that ask, I have few theories. If you have something to say to me, please take full responsibility for your words. Hiding yourself behind anonymity is cowardly. However, I appreciate the nuance put into your words. Honestly, others have not made the same effort.
Well, now here's my answer. First of all, even if I may sounded a bit rude in my previous sentences, I do not, in any way, support nor want to be associated with harassment. If I don't like a content, I just block the tag and if needed the user. Harassment is even, to me, worse than proshipping - which I define and use, on this blog, as "problematic shipping", since it's the use I saw the most often ((and yes, this frequency is biased by the circles of Tumblr I am in, I'm aware of that)).
Then, I understand that proshippers doesn't want to be a target of harassment, especially considering the antis doxxing. However, proshippers - in "problematic ship" meaning - they already take that risk in posting proship content. All I would like would that people that define themselves as proshippers define in what meaning they use it, so people uncomfortable with that kind of content - as I am - can block before seeing actual content. About harassment, all I can advice is blocking and report harassers.
And finally, why does proship - same meaning than previously - trigger me : because it romantizes problematic behaviours. I mean, if the problematic ship is shown as problematic and isn't romantizes, I guess it is ok. But no, RAPE ISN'T SEXY, NOR IS PEDOPHILIA, OR INCEST. So, as a reminder of my master post : proshippers, please do not interact. I just ask for the respect of my boundaries.
Here's my point.
I apologize if my English is bad. It isn't my first language. And to the people seeing this, do not harass. If you want to debate, do so respectfully. If you don't want to, just block.
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milesmedraloza-ramble · 2 months
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Transcript: If I see another artist tagging their au art in Undertale tag I will snap. I am sorry it's not them it's me, but god I literally blocked the Undertale AU tag because I just wanna see classic UT art and not Sans number 700 interacting with Sans number 458
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milesmedraloza-ramble · 2 months
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Send in a emoji/prompt listed below and the user will create an AU based on the prompt. 🩷
These prompts are meant to be somewhat vague, so the way they can be interpreted is entirely up to the user's imagination! 🩷
These can be used as art prompts, writing prompts, or just for headcanons. Also, while these were initially made for self shipping, they can be used for ocs or ships in general. 🩷
Please practice reblog karma if reblogging. 🩷
This will be updated as I think of more! If you have any suggestions let me know. Last update: 07/19/24 🩷
Proship & proship-neutral, please do not interact.
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🚻 - Body Swap AU
➕️ - Fusion AU
🔄 - Personality Swap AU
⏏️ - Reverse Selfship AU
🔏 - Role Swap AU
🤖 - Android AU
😈 - Demon AU
🧍‍♀️- Giant/Tiny AU
👻 - Ghost AU
🌟 - Magical Girl AU
🧜‍♀️ - Mermaid AU
🦸‍♂️ - Superhero/Supervillain AU
🧛‍♀️ - Vampire AU
🐺 - Werewolf AU
🪄 - Witch/Wizard AU
🤠 - Cowboy/Western AU
🪮 - Greaser AU
💰 - Mafia AU
🏰 - Medieval AU
🏴‍☠️ - Pirate AU
👑 - Royalty AU
🎩 - Victorian AU
🎤 - Band AU
☕️ - Coffee Shop AU
📒 - College AU
💼 - Coworkers AU
📱 - Modern Day AU
🍄 - Alice in Wonderland AU
💫 - Disney Movie AU
🐲 - Dungeons and Dragons AU (or similar fantasy media)
🔩 - Frankenstein AU
🦄 - My Little Pony AU
⚡️ - Pokemon AU
💞 - Romantic Comedy AU
🔪 - Slasher AU
👰‍♂ - Arranged Marraige AU
🌱 - Childhood Friends AU
💐 - Fake Dating AU
🐶 - Furry AU (or Humanized AU)
🥀 - Hanahaki AU
🏆 - Rivals AU
🪢 - Soulmate AU (String of Fate, Matching Birthmarks, Same Dreams, etc)
🧟‍♂️ - Zombie Apocalypse AU
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milesmedraloza-ramble · 2 months
Time for an intro.
Miles here. This is a sideblog, that I won't use exclusively for whump. It's meant for anything not project-related.
I go by any pronouns, but they/them are my preferred ones on the Internet.
My fav whump tropes are :
- bound and gagged
- non human whumpees
- whumpee turned whumper (*cough* REN HANA MI AMOR)
- used as livestock
- used as bait
- Lady whump.
My main project is a webcomic that I'll start posting about on my main blog ( @unknowntalesbymiles ) and I intend to make it quite whumpy.
Oh, and, I like whumping dragons. A lot. Dunno why.
I won't write much, maybe post a few ideas or some art once I get my Ipad.
Have an awesome day, whump community ☆
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milesmedraloza-ramble · 2 months
Intro Post
Hello there!
You can call me Rose, I use she/her, and I'm a whump blog!
I've been bumming around the whump community for a while, migrated from Pinterest to here and have been an outside observer ever since. (If you've seen me, my main is @thorstomp and as this is a sideblog, you'll keep seeing that one around!) Finally decided to cave and make my own whump blog! I don't plan on writing much, but I'm here anyway! >:)
(These upcoming lists are a WIP and I'm just trying to get this out here, don't expect it to be cohesive. Might add more later.)
My favorite tropes include nonhuman whumpees (especially robots, can you tell by my url?), dehumanization, creepy/intimate whumpers, conditioning, servitude and/or pet whump, stockholm syndrome, compliant whumpees, and COLLARS!!!
On the other hand, I'm not a huge fan of any team whump (I'm not talking about multiple whumpees, I'm talking about like, stuff with Leader etc. roles) or hero/villain specific whump, anything in that genre. There's outlier occasions of course, but I just don't find it that interesting.
Finally, I won't write any explicit sex (consensual or not, though implied is fine), and don't expect anything I write to be medically (or mechanically) accurate or... even humanly possible sometimes. Just because I'm a fan of robots doesn't mean I know how they work! I don't know how my laptop works!
Anyway, yeah, I'm here now, and I'm happy to be here and maybe talk with y'all some more!
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milesmedraloza-ramble · 2 months
i have never ever once in my life approached brawl stars because i associate it to a very annoying type of middle schooler boy. though i stay from a distance and see the character designs are nice.
anyway im sharing this because the middle schooler i was talking about called me f#cking Edgar because I got a haircut and apparently act like him wtf
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milesmedraloza-ramble · 2 months
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Bio cards for Pomni and Caine for the Amazing Digital Kingdom AU!
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milesmedraloza-ramble · 2 months
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(The French version is below)
I just realized something.
About Dreamtale. Why we're so touched by this AU, and by the twins.
I just understood why Nightmare is so popular, why he touches us, why he touches ME, even though he's NOT my favorite character compared to Dream, Ace or Error.
Because we identify with his problems?
Because we sympathize with his backstory?
Because we love drama and tentacles?
... Meh, for sure.
Because Dreamtale brings an extremely interesting symbolic theme about feelings?
Because fandom has developed the story of the two siblings in all its forms, and we've been taken on board without really realizing it by the fan creations - comics, drawings, fan fiction - that we discover as we go along?
But that doesn't explain the intensity of this emotional involvement. Why did Nightmare inspire me so much, and still do today? Because very often MAIS CHIOTTE DE SES MORTS QU'IL ME SAOULE BORDEL DE SCROGNEUGNEU?! (Untranslatable in English, sorry QwQ)
And then I realised.
"The two siblings"...
Doesn't this story remind you of another?
I don't know why, but I get the impression that NOBODY makes this obvious parallel. At least I've never seen any comparative fanart or people talking about it.
The majority of Dreamtale fans are first and foremost Undertale fans, who went through the Gameplay, Let's play's, etc. before discovering the AU's. The majority have played or watched the game and discovered the Lore. Listened to the OSTs. Enjoyed the characters.
The majority witnessed the magnificent end of the Pacifist Timeline and the ensuing burst of tears.
And who, for God's sake, has never been touched by Asriel's fate? This child who died far too soon, who never meant any harm to anyone, who died because of a bad decision, then was resurrected as a sadistic, soulless being incapable of love?
Don't you think Night looks a lot like him? And that Dream is a cross between Frisk and Chara?
Not in personality, nor necessarily in the story, but in the way they touche the audience through their shared destiny.
Two siblings who love each other dearly are brutally separated by a quarrel in which one loses his life, transformed into a powerful, emotionless demon. The other sleeps for years before waking up, lost and confused... Then they embark on an adventure with a guide, discover the world that has evolved without them, grow up, meet new people, help, save.
And this co-dependent relationship. The demon is still a child at heart. He wants to play with his sibling, even to the point of committing atrocious acts to make them stay with him, even if it means taking their soul and killing them a million times over. But nostalgia takes hold of him again. Deep in his overpowering heart, he feels all the souls of the world bound together, he feels determination of monsters and humans, the love they have for each other. It's all too much for him. He succumbs to his feelings and bursts into tears. He apologizes. The two siblings reconcile.
It's the kind of story we'd all like to give Dream and Nightmare, isn't it?
We want to save Night.
But like Asriel, it's impossible. We all know by now that Corrupted Nightmare isn't Night, don't we? It's a revelation that hits us when we search a bit on the creator's Tumblr after reading the Prologue. The story leaves us no choice: he died five hundred years ago, and that remains unchanging. There is no hope.
He has to go. Become corrupt again. He has to die again. Because that's how it must be.
Yeah yeah, we love Sans in Undertale, he's pretty cool and the Multiverse revolves around him. But as soon as we play the game, it's Asriel we're crying for. For good reason, Dreamtale, the story that most closely resembles his tragedy, is one of the most popular universes. Is that chance? Or have we all unconsciously drawn the parallel?
Now, when I listen Hopes and Dreams, Save the World, His Theme, one part of me thinks of Asriel and Chara, the other part thinks of Dream and Nightmare.
It was to save Asriel that fans started developing parallel universes. And it's to save Night that we're repeating the process.
It would have been a lot cooler to put Dream and Nightmare in Chara and Asriel's bodies, I think.
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Damn, I would have fan-girled instead of foe-girl on him I guess 🤔
Or for those who love big, ugly monsters, in PHOTOSHOP FLOWEY mode!
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Delightfully nightmarish, I approve 👌✨!
Je viens de comprendre un truc.
À propos de Dreamtale. Pourquoi on est autant touché par cet AU, et par les jumeaux.
Je viens de comprendre pourquoi Nightmare est aussi populaire, pourquoi il nous touche, pourquoi il ME touche alors que POURTANT, ce n'est pas mon personnage préféré comparé à Dream, Ace ou Error.
Parce qu'on s'identifie à ses problèmes ?
Parce qu'on compatie à sa backstory ?
Parce qu'on aime le drama et les tentacules ?
...Meh, à coup sûr.
Parce que Dreamtale apporte une thématique symbolique extrêmement intéressante à propos des sentiments ?
Tout à fait.
Parce que le Fandom a développé l'histoire des deux frères sous toutes les formes et que nous avons été embarqués sans trop s'en rendre compte par les créations des fans, comics, dessins, fanfictions, que nous découvrons au fur et à mesure ?
Mais voilà, tout ça a le bénéfice de me convaincre, mais ça n'explique toujours pas l'intensité de cette implication émotionnelle. Pourquoi Nightmare m'a autant inspirée et m'inspire encore aujourd'hui ? Alors que très souvent MAIS CHIOTTE DE SES MORTS QU'IL ME SÂOULE BORDEL DE SCROGNEUHGNEUH ?!
Et c'est là que j'ai réalisé.
"Les deux frères"...
Cette histoire ne vous en rappelle-t-elle pas une autre ?
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais j'ai l'impression que PERSONNE ne fait ce parallèle pourtant évident. En tout cas je n'ai jamais vu de fanart comparatif ou de gens en parler.
La majorité des fans de Dreamtale est avant tout des fans d'Undertale, qui sont passés par le jeu travers le Gameplay, le Let's play, etc. avant de découvrir les AU's. La majorité a joué ou regardé le jeu et découvert le Lore. Écouté les OST. Apprécié les personnages.
La majorité a été témoin de la magnifique fin de la Timeline Pacifiste et de l'éclat de larmes qui en découle.
Et qui, bon sang mais qui, n'a jamais été touché par le destin d'Asriel ? Cet enfant mort bien trop tôt qui n'a jamais voulu de mal à personne, mort à cause d'une mauvaise décision, puis ressuscité en un être sadique et sans âme, incapable d'aimer ?
Vous ne trouvez pas que Night lui ressemble énormément ? Et que Dream serait le mélange de Frisk et de Chara ?
Pas dans la personnalité, ni dans l'histoire forcément, mais dans la manière dont il touche le public par leur destin commun.
Deux frères qui s'aiment énormément sont brutalement séparés par une dispute où l'un perd la vie, transformé en un démon surpuissant et dénué de sentiments. L'autre dort des années durant avant de se réveiller, perdu, confus... Puis il se lance à l'aventure en compagnie d'un guide, découvre le monde qui a évolué sans lui, grandit rencontre de nouvelles personnes, aide, sauve.
Et cette relation co-dépendante. Le démon est encore un enfant au fond de lui. Il veut jouer avec son frère, au point de commettre des actes atroces pour rester avec lui, même s'il doit s'emparer de son âme et le tuer un million de fois. Mais la nostalgie s'empare à nouveau de lui. Il sent au fond de son cœur trop puissant les âmes liées entres elles, il sent leur détermination, l'amour qu'ils ont les uns pour les autres. C'est beaucoup trop pour lui. Il succombe à ses sentiments et éclate en larmes. Il s'excuse. Les deux frères se réconcilient.
Belle histoire qu'on a tous envie de donner à Dream et Nightmare, pas vrai ?
On a envie de sauver Night.
Mais comme Asriel, c'est impossible. Nous savons tous à présent que Nightmare Corrompu n'est pas Night, n'est-ce pas ? C'est une révélation qui nous percute quand on cherche un peu sur le Tumblr de la créatrice après avoir lu le Prologue. L'histoire ne nous laisse aucun choix, il est mort il y a cinq-cents ans et cela reste immuable. Il n'y a aucun espoir.
Il doit s'en aller. Redevenir corrompu. Il doit mourir à nouveau. Parce que c'est comme ça que ça doit se passer.
Oui, on aime Sans dans Undertale, il est vachement cool et le Multivers tourne autour de lui. Mais dès qu'on joue au jeu, c'est pour Asriel qu'on pleure. Pour cause, Dreamtale, l'histoire qui ressemble le plus à sa tragédie, est l'un des univers des plus populaires. Un hasard ? Ou bien avons-nous tous fait inconsciemment le parallèle ?
Maintenant, quand j'écoute Hopes and Dreams, Save the World, His Theme, une part de moi pense à Asriel et Chara, l'autre part pense à Dream et Nightmare.
C'est pour sauver Asriel que les fans ont commencé à développer des univers parallèles. Et c'est pour sauver Night qu'on réitère le processus.
Ça aurait été vachement plus cool de mettre Dream et Nightmare dans des corps de Chara et Asriel je pense.
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Ah bah j'aurais peut-être fan-girlé au lieu de foe-girler pour le coup 🤔
Ou pour ceux qui aiment les gros monstres pas beaux, en mode PHOTOSHOP FLOWEY !
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Délicieusement cauchemardesque, j'approuve 👌✨!
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milesmedraloza-ramble · 3 months
My brain will not be silenced nor dissuaded from considering what baby Sidon thinks of Revalink
Since we all like to joke that Sidon imprinted on Link like a baby goddamn bird and that is why he is so in love with him later
And Revalink is just Revali and Link doing full enemies to lovers with but a single side speaking aloud
Revali: …. Mipha your little brother keeps bearing his teeth at me
Mipha: hmm? Oh! Yes, young zora can get very possessive of those they become attached to, but don’t worry, his baby teeth have only just come in so they almost certainly won’t break skin
Revali, concerned: so he’s definitely going to bite me then???
Mipha, happy as ever: absolutely! But he’s just a baby, you will be an old man before he gets a growth spurt and it’s anything to worry about
Revali, already fucking worried he has seen her dad: why???
Mipha: probably because he sees the way you… “argue” with Link. Sidon just adores Link, and you take his attention away
Revali: what?! No! Why would I possibly care about that hylian’s attention, Sidon is welcome to him!
Baby Sidon, behind a pillar: 🥹😊
Revali, bird of ultimate denial: ugh imagine thinking I had such awful taste as to care for Link…
Mipha: … so you recall I just said possessive? You should probably not insult Link in front of him
Baby Sidon: ❇️❇️
(Sidon has definitely also bitten Mipha for hanging out with Link and when she was younger she 1000% bit him back so he has learned better because she got her first growth spurt and is much bigger than him now
Also, y’know, adored big sister > bitchy bird)
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