millie4matt · 3 months
2022-2023 is my absolute favorite but i’ll love this dude no matter what
Matt's ever changing looks never ceasing to surprise me even after all these years.
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2024 (so far)
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It's amazing how so many people still manage to recognise him out and about given that you can never know what to expect!
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millie4matt · 3 months
so glad i'm not the only one who saw this. in recent interviews, him and trey seem tired and sad, which breaks my little fangirl heart. i assume its from negative comments on the game, which i know i've talked about myself. i hope they're able to relax after the game's out and in the public, although i'm sure they won't.
I'm just gonna say it, I think Matt looks awful in the new IGN interviews (or clips from the same interview), and I can't believe he showed up to do (what might be the only piece of) press looking like that. Like negative amount of fucks given. Hope he's ok, though.
And where's Trey? His absence also isn't doing any good in selling the game that a lot of the audience is still unsure of.
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millie4matt · 3 months
college matt x fem reader
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note: im back, sorry this is so long i had to get it out of my system, also i feel like this is all over the place idk maybe ive just been staring at it for too long. tell me your thoughts, enjoy
content warnings: 18+ mature content, enemies to lovers, smut—nothing too crazy i dont think, mentions of alcohol, creepy drunk guy, brief mentions of violence/blood/injury, one slap, name calling
word count: 4.8k sorryy
summary: turns out the arrogant guy you sit across from in film class might not be so bad after all
You dreaded film class. Dreaded it. All because of him—the tall, skinny guy with big round glasses that sat across from you. You hadn’t even bothered to learn his name yet because every single time he spoke just the tone of his voice filled you with utter irritation.
You simply could not stand him.
It was a shame really, since you had decided to take film as an elective course and were actually excited for a class for once, yet your expectations were squashed after just a week of dealing with him.
Classic icebreakers during the first class session of the semester had revealed that film was in fact his major, which wasn’t surprising given his arrogance surrounding the subject. He was actually insanely smart and knew a lot about film, but his impressive knowledge was overshadowed by his attitude.
He clearly thought he was the shit and he made sure everyone knew it too.
It was a Friday, which meant today’s class was centered around discussion about the film of the week. You slumped down in your chair, waiting for class to start as you fiddled with the pen in your hand. Time could not have been moving any slower.
He walked in right as class was about to begin, sliding into his seat across the table from you. You glanced up as he sat down, shooting him a slightly annoyed look even though he didn’t notice.
It was a shame he was such a dick because he was honestly quite good looking. You noticed his short curls atop his head were slightly damp, he must’ve taken a shower before class. Maybe that’s why he was almost late… not that you cared anyway—you despised him.
Your attention turned to the professor as class began, and it was actually quite pleasant for a while until you saw his hand go up out of the corner of your eye. The professor acknowledged him.
“Yes, Matthew.”
Matthew. Of course his name was Matthew… prick.
He proceeded to make some arrogant, snarky argument about why he believed the film being discussed was absolute garbage, and as he spoke, you felt the familiar hatred for him starting to burn.
He was such a smartass. If he was too good for this class, why was he even taking it? As he finished speaking you shot your hand into the air.
“Yes, go ahead.”
Here it goes. Class discussion was usually taken up by you and Matthew bickering back and forth over your clashing opinions. You gathered yourself, taking a breath before speaking.
“Thank you professor. I have to disagree with…what was it? Matthew?” you said in an attempt to humble him, “I believe this film had very eloquent storytelling and visually stunning cinematography, to say that it was lackluster is frankly insulting-“
“Are you kidding me? The storyline was shit,” he interrupted you, laughing dryly, his voice dripping with condescension.
“Excuse me?”
“Ahem.” the professor cleared his throat loudly, quickly halting the argument but you could still feel your face burning as you clenched your fists under the table.
You looked down at your lap, still fuming as you felt Matthew’s eyes on you, but you refused to give him the satisfaction of a reaction.
The professor continued with his lecture for the remainder of class until it was time for dismissal. You immediately began to pack your things away, hoping to leave as quickly as possible.
“You can’t actually believe that was a good film,” an unfortunately familiar voice piped up across from you as you shoved your notebook into your bag.
“What is your problem?” you snapped at him harshly, but not loud enough to embarrass yourself in front of the rest of the students lingering in the room.
“I don’t have one, you clearly do,” his voice was flat, his expression darkening slightly as he sensed your anger still boiling.
“Do you always have to be such a smartass?” you huffed as you stood up, slinging your bag over your shoulder. He stood up as well, looking down on you now more literally.
“Are you always this big of a bitch?”
Your jaw dropped slightly as you felt your cheeks burn, frustrated tears threatening to form in your eyes. It took everything in you to not slap him across the face as hard as you could right then and there.
You stomped away still fuming. You didn’t care enough to waste your energy arguing with him any more than you had to for one day. Besides, you wouldn’t have to see him again until the following week.
Later that evening you sat at your dorm room desk, music playing as you got ready for the night. A friend of a friend was hosting a house party not far from your dorm, so you decided to go out for once. It would be fun, plus a great way to blow off some steam after the confrontation you had in class earlier that day…hopefully.
You had chosen some high waisted black jeans along with a top that showed a decent amount of cleavage for your outfit, paired with a beat up pair of shoes that were strictly for parties at this point. You did some light makeup, making sure to look nice but not like you were trying too hard. It was tasteful, just a bit of eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss.
The friends you were going with had texted and you planned to just meet them at the party, so once ready you were out the door.
When you arrived at the party it was already packed. The music was booming and there was hardly anyone there that you knew as far as you could tell in the dim lighting. You opted to grab a drink from one of the coolers as you looked around trying to find your friends.
Unbeknownst to you there was someone there that you knew… Matthew. He’d noticed you almost as soon as you walked through the door, and he was standing in the corner of the living room talking with a group of people.
You continued wandering aimlessly through the crowd, trying to find your friends when you were stopped by a guy who was clearly already quite intoxicated and also rather intimidating.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he looked you up and down for an uncomfortably long time as you continued to try and squeeze past him.
“Oh, I’m just trying to find my friends, sorry-“
“I’ll be your friend,” he stepped closer to you, causing you to take a step backwards.
“Um no thanks. Excuse me,” you said with attitude in your tone. The last thing you felt like dealing with right now was another asshole.
“What’s your problem bitch?” he raised his voice slightly as he sensed your attitude. You flinched slightly and instantly felt the heat beginning to rise in your cheeks as tears started to prickle in your eyes. There was that name again, this time from a much more physically threatening source.
Almost as soon as that word left his mouth a tall figure moved between you and the man, swiftly yet carefully pushing you back slightly behind them.
“Don’t talk to her like that.”
The familiar voice caused you to look up. Matthew?
“Why? Is she your bitchy girlfriend or something?” the drunk guy took a step forward towards him.
In what seemed like a fraction of a second, Matthew reached up to his face to remove his glasses, forcing them into your hand as he kept you behind his back, before winding up and punching the man square in the jaw.
You flinched as the fight broke out, scared but mostly confused. Where did he come from? How did he know you were there? And most of all, why would he even stand up for you like that? He hated you, and you definitely hated him.
Amidst all the commotion you managed to slip out the back door of the house and began making your way back to your dorm building, slightly shaken up by what happened. You walked as fast as you could, keeping your head down and trying to avoid people to the best of your ability.
Once you finally made it to the door of your dorm room, you went to reach for the knob when you finally realized you were still clutching Matthew’s glasses in your hand. Shit. You hadn’t even realized you had them before leaving the party.
You rolled your eyes as you walked in, locking the door behind you, and placing his glasses on your desk. You would just give them back to him in class on Monday—if you even remembered, you didn’t really care.
You sat down on your bed, staring off into space for a moment before tears began brimming in your eyes. The weight of the entire day was threatening to come crashing down all at once.
First the argument in class, then another argument with a different asshole at the party which caused asshole #1 to punch asshole #2 all because you are too big of a bitch to everyone apparently.
A few tears slid down your cheeks causing the eye makeup you had put on for the party to get smudged a bit. As more tears threatened to fall, you heard a gentle knock at your door.
You have got to be kidding me.
You sniffled softly, carefully trying to wipe away your tears without smearing your makeup even more than you already had, while simultaneously making your way to the door.
“Hey- Matthew?” You were shocked to see him on the other side of your door, and you diverted your eyes immediately as an attempt to hide that you were crying. Before you could even register what was happening he interjected.
“It’s just Matt. Are you okay?” His jaw was clenched and he looked mad but also there was a glimmer of worry in his eyes. Yet you still refused to look at him.
“I’m fine, Matt. Not that it matters anyway.” your voice wavered slightly as you spoke still with a hint of attitude.
“Don’t be like that.” His voice was deep, almost sincere in a way, but you still had your guard up.
You finally looked up at him, noticing that he had a small gash on his cheek and near his lip as well as some dried blood near his nose. Your eyes widened a bit as you stared at him, and you couldn’t help but feel bad. Just a little bit.
He reached up to scratch his head, revealing the bruising knuckles on his hand as well as he saw the look on your face, “Don’t worry about it.”
You opened your door fully, allowing—more like forcing—him to come inside.
He walked in behind you, rolling his eyes as you went to get your first aid kit from your closet. The least you could do was help him clean up, after all he did just kick the shit out of somebody for you… for some reason.
You remembered the feeling of him tucking you back safely behind him, his hand gently against your hip… just the thought of it sent a wave of heat through your body. You were starting to become conflicted about your feelings toward him to say the least, and it seemed as if he was equally as confused.
“Sit,” you pointed at your bed as you got out some alcohol pads to clean up his small wounds. He was being surprisingly quiet and compliant for once, sitting down on the edge of the bed waiting for your next instruction.
You moved in close to him, practically standing between his legs as you gently cleaned the wounds. He sat silently, staring at your focused face that was only inches away as you worked.
You caught his eye contact for a split second, causing you to blush softly as you moved back. His expression was unreadable like always, of course. He always just has to be so confusing.
You looked down at his bruised hand resting in his lap as you spoke quietly, “Why did you do that?”
“Because that guy was a dick.”
“You said the same thing to me earlier today,” you spoke quietly with a hint of sadness in your tone simply for dramatics.
Although you would never admit it to him, it did really hurt a little when he called you that name. But also, something about him being mean like that was oddly attractive. You kept your eyes busy elsewhere while you felt his locked onto you.
“That was different,” his voice stayed calm and low as he spoke.
“How was it fucking different??” you snapped in frustration, starting to raise your voice slightly at him and taking a step closer as your anger began to build again, “You’re lucky I didn’t slap you across the face in front of everyone!”
“Do it.” he egged you on, shrugging, seemingly unbothered.
“Seems like that drunk guy already kicked the shit out of you for me. Pretty pathetic.”
To be honest you had a feeling the other guy was in much worse shape than Matt was, but you couldn’t think of a better comeback.
He stood up off the bed, taking a step closer, practically towering over you as the tension continued to build, “See… that was bitchy.”
Without even thinking twice you reached up, slapping him across the face as hard as you could. To your surprise, he let out a restrained almost girly whine as your hand connected with his cheek, causing you to blush uncontrollably.
What the hell.
He was so confusing… but part of you liked it. A lot.
He loved making you angry, even if you didn’t know it, and you kind of liked pissing him off too. It was like you fed off of each other.
“Do it again, I dare you,” his voice was deep again, eyes dark with desire as he leant down closer towards you.
You thought about it for a second, staring back straight into his eyes. But instead, you reached up carefully, wiping a tiny drop of blood from the small wound near his lip with your thumb.
As he felt your gentle touch he froze for a moment, his eyes flickering across your face, to your lips and back. You noticed, blushing and beginning to back away before you suddenly felt his firm grip on your hips pulling you in flush against him.
It all happened so fast, one hand sliding down over your ass, squeezing harshly as he collided his lips with yours.
You gasped softly against his mouth as you instantly reciprocated the kiss, easily melting into his rough grasp.
He released his grip on your hip, moving his hand up around the back of your neck to deepen the kiss as the other stayed on your ass.
You wrapped your arms up around the back of his neck, parting your lips into the kiss, allowing your tongues to slide together. A soft sigh escaped you as you felt him pull you even tighter against him, still occasionally squeezing your ass.
Your hand traveled up to his hair, tangling the soft curls between your fingers before you felt him pull his lips away.
He kept his hands firmly planted on your hips, your fronts still pressed together, your hands resting on his chest as he just silently stared down at you, his soft breath tickling your face.
All you could do was look back up at him with a big doe-eyed stare, breathing deeply to catch your breath as well as the adrenaline rushed through you.
Any sliver of animosity you still had for him was gone, and you cursed yourself for folding so easily. He had you in the palm of his hand, but you didn’t care. Something had shifted between you… maybe this is what you both wanted all along.
To your surprise he broke the silence first, voice low as if someone might overhear what he’s saying, “I don’t like seeing you cry.” He gently ran his hand across the small of your back and over the swell of your ass as he spoke… he must have a thing for that.
“Sorry,” you whispered back, still a little bit in shock about what was even happening right now. But it would be lying to say you didn’t love it. Matt placed a hand underneath your chin as he continued speaking.
“And I beat the shit out of that guy at the party,” his voice was still low as ever, fucking sexy at that, “because I am the only one who get to talk to you like that. Right?”
You nodded in response, eyes fluttering softly as you continued to stare up at him as if you’d been entranced. A smirk formed on his lips, pleased by your sudden obedience for him.
“Good girl,” he leaned in, rubbing his thumb over your lip before kissing you again, more gentle and deliberate than the first kiss you shared.
He mumbled low between kisses as things began heating up again, “Y’know, I like your attitude, turns me on.”
“Yeah?” you breathed against his lips, voice no louder that a whisper.
“Mm it’s fucking sexy-“ he muttered into your mouth as the moment intensified.
You felt him slowly walk you backwards towards the wall as your lips stayed connected and kisses grew hungrier. Your hands moved back up around the nape of his neck, pulling him down deeper against you as your kisses started to get more desperate.
Your back hit the wall and he pressed his front against yours, by now a bulge had begun to grow in his pants. A soft moan slipped your lips as you felt him press harder against you, his own low groan mixing with yours.
You threaded your fingers into his curls again, tugging slightly at them as his hands quickly moved to start unbuttoning your jeans.
He easily got them undone, breaking his lips away to look at you as he pulled them down.
Your cheeks flushed as he yanked off your pants, the pretty pink thong you had been wearing on full display.
“Cute,” he muttered, another smirk on his face as he quickly pulled his shirt off over his head. You couldn’t help but stare at his toned body, slight muscle visible in his arms, his broad shoulders, the little happy trail that disappeared beneath his belt…
Your thoughts were interrupted as he moved in again, connecting his lips with yours roughly. Both of his hands traveled behind you to your ass again, roughly squeezing the flesh with his large palms—hard, but not hard enough to hurt you. Another delicate whimper escaped your lips.
Matt felt your instant response to his touch, quickly moving his hands down behind your thighs and easily hoisting you up into his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he held you, pressing harder into you. His mouth moved down your neck, nipping at the skin.
You began trying to remove your own shirt as well, but he pulled his lips away almost immediately.
“Why?” you panted out.
He responded by carrying you over to the bed, pushing you down onto your back as he stood over you. You couldn’t help but notice the prominent hardness in his jeans that had been pressing against you moments before.
He moved in closer once again, hovering over you as he spoke close to your ear.
“Let me do it.” the tone of his voice sent shivers down your spine, another blush staining your cheeks.
He placed painfully slow, hot kisses traveling down from your ear, to your jaw, then to your neck. A desperate whine shamefully escaped your lips as he teased you, earning a soft chuckle from Matt.
“Fuck off,” you said quieter than you meant too, but there was still annoyance in your tone.
“No. It’s pretty, do more,” he muttered as his slender fingers slipped below the hem of your top. You instinctively arched your back as his hands explored your skin. He was driving you crazy and he knew it. Dick.
His palms massaged against your chest before pulling your top up over your head, exposing your bra that just so happened to match your panties—pink lace.
“Did you wear these for me?” his hands slid slowly down your sides.
“No.” A part of you wondered if you had actually thought of him while picking out your outfit for the night. He had been on your mind…even though it was because you were furious with him earlier in the day.
“Mm I think you secretly did,” his fingers teased your panty line, causing you to squirm slightly beneath his touch.
His teasing was driving you crazy. His fingertips felt like fire against your skin. So what if you hated him, you needed him now—badly.
“Please,” you sighed slightly under your breath, embarrassed to be begging like this. Especially for him.
Matt could tell how desperate you were for him, and that only fueled his desire for you in return. He leant down over you, connecting your lips once again, easily deepening the kiss and slipping his tongue through your lips as your mouths blended together.
You moaned slightly louder against his lips, begging for him to touch you, anything more than just simply make out with you.
“Tell me what you want,” he panted against your lips, his voice heavy with sensuality. He knew what you wanted, the fucker just wanted to hear you say it out loud.
“You,” you whispered, trying to avoid the obvious answer you knew he wanted to hear.
“More specific.”
You rolled your eyes, attitude in your tone again, “I want you to fuck me. There, happy?”
He responded by flipping you over onto your stomach, pressing your hips down into the mattress. You could hear his belt being undone behind you as he quickly pulled his jeans down, and his strong hands were around your waist again, pulling you towards the edge of the bed.
He reached down between your legs, running his fingers over your soaked underwear, eliciting a stifled whine from your throat.
“So wet,” he leaned over your back to speak close to your ear, his voice a husky whisper. You could feel his hard length pressing against your ass through his boxers.
“Please,” you whined softly, trying to turn to look at him as he placed a few wet kisses along your neck and shoulders which worked you up even more.
“You’re so desperate,” he smirked as his fingers looped into the sides of your thong, starting to slowly peel it off of you. He tossed it onto the floor along with his boxers into the pile of discarded clothes.
You could hear a soft groan behind you as he stroked himself a few times before lining himself up with your entrance.
Matt gripped your hips as he pushed in rather fast, your back arching as you felt the faint sting. You moaned into the mattress as he entered, he was definitely larger than what you were used to, but the feeling was intoxicating. You needed more.
“Matt-” you whined, your hands gripping the sheets as he began to speed up his thrusts.
“Even tighter than I imagined,” he groaned, a low moan leaving his parted lips as his hips slapped against your ass with each thrust.
You let out another whimper as you craned your neck, trying to get a glimpse of him behind you.
“You sound so pretty baby,” he huffed as his hand snaked up around your neck for more leverage. The gentle pressure in combination with him calling you baby caused yet another sound of pleasure to come from you, and you could feel the familiar warmth beginning to pool in your stomach embarrassingly fast.
“Fuck-“ you moaned slightly louder, and Matt could feel your walls starting to tighten around him.
“Wait,” he pulled out, making you cry out softly due to the abrupt lack of stimulation. You felt his large hands around you again, carefully flipping over onto your back.
Matt spread your legs again as he centered himself, leaning in close to whisper against your lips, “I want to see your face when I make you cum.”
He connected his mouth with yours as he swiftly pushed back in. Your lips parted against his as the delicious pleasure ran through your body once again, moaning into his mouth as he resumed his movements.
His lips traveled down your neck as he continued to push in and out at an almost excruciatingly slow pace. You wrapped your arms up around his broad shoulders, nails slightly digging into his skin as he continued his slow and steady movements.
“Faster- please,” you panted desperately in his ear.
“So impatient,” his deep voice sent vibrations through your body. All you could feel was him and your need for more.
He still responded to your request, speeding up his pace, his own warm breaths becoming more ragged against your neck.
Your back arched as he brushed against your sweet spot with each deep thrust. You could feel the edge approaching quickly as you tightened your grip around his shoulders, a series of strangled whines coming from you as he pulled his face back slightly.
You screwed your eyes shut as you felt the knot in your stomach threatening to come undone. Matt could tell you were close and he placed a warm hand against your cheek.
“Hey, look at me.” His voice was husky, and he continued to rut into you without missing a beat of his quick yet mouthwateringly deep pace. That alone almost threw you over the edge.
You forced your eyes open to look at him hovering over you. You could see the slight sheen of sweat on his forehead, a few of his curls sticking to it as he looked down directly into your eyes
“Matt-“ was all you manage to squeak out as he nodded. You couldn’t hold on any longer, clenching around him as you reached your high. He moved an arm around your back to hold you, continuing to help you ride out your strong orgasm while whispering soft praises.
As you started to come down from the high he felt himself starting to reach his breaking point as well. He pulled out, his own stifled whine coming from his throat just before spilling out into his hand and onto your stomach.
He collapsed down next to you on the bed as you both tried to regain composure. Your mind was reeling, as you took steady breaths while trying to relax your trembling legs.
Matt quietly stood up to clean his hands and grab his shirt off the floor, offering it to you. You wiped yourself off with your blanket, making a mental note to definitely wash it in the morning, before taking his large shirt and putting it on to cover yourself up a bit.
“Thanks,” you spoke softly, your voice slightly dry and raspy from all the panting and such.
He nodded softly, slipping on his boxers before sitting down next to you on the bed again.
“You okay?” his voice was gentle and genuine, his hand softly massaging your thigh to try to sooth your shaking.
“I’m okay,” you whispered, looking up at him.
He gazed down at you for a moment before leaning in and connecting your lips with his again. Except it was different this time, much more soft and gentle…more sweet.
He pulled back after a moment and you blushed softly looking down. Part of you was still hesitant to get too attached. This was probably just an average Friday night for him.
“Oh,” you stood up shakily to grab his glasses off your desk, “here are your glasses. I didn’t mean to take them.”
He chuckled softly, shaking his head, “I don’t need them right now, sweetheart.”
You blushed at the name. Maybe this wasn’t just a one night stand.
“I was planning on staying unless that was your way of kicking me out,” he smiled gently. A small but genuine smile. You couldn’t help but smile back.
You climbed back into bed, carefully laying down next to him to allow him some space but he swiftly wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his warm embrace. You relaxed into him as he ran his hand comfortingly across your back.
“You know…I wanted to do that for a long time,” he whispered softly.
“I think I did too…” you replied equally as soft, “but I’m still going to argue with you every day in film class.”
He laughed softly, placing a soft kiss against your temple.
“I know you will.”
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millie4matt · 4 months
he’s such a dilf, wtf.
Matt's working on deepfakes with Snoop Dogg now?!
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62 notes · View notes
millie4matt · 4 months
even though matt is physically fit, i cannot imagine him going out of his way to work out.
like he’d much rather go rock climbing or mountain biking than lift weights cuz it’s more mentally engaging than just pick up heavy load and put it back down
he’s kinda like those border collie dogs that has infinite energy but also needs a ton of mental stimulation to keep themselves from getting overwhelmed
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millie4matt · 4 months
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Character reference sheets from my M&T Character Sorter
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millie4matt · 5 months
For His Enjoyment
matt stone x fem stripper reader
this is the song referenced, particularly from 1:45 <3
hi its been a while
written in first person though it is still from the readers perspective. let me know what you think of that!! if you don't like it i can switch back to second person, i just liked it this way for once xx
The lights were dim with a crimson glow, illuminating the sea of bodies bursting at the seams to see me. As the song started, I slowly strut onto the long stage, each pointed clack of my heels muted by the bass of the speakers. I have always been a favourite at the club since I started, so the owners wait until peak hour to have me on stage. Tonight was busy, full of gooey eyed drunks with slack jaws. I'm sure I was glistening under the lights, covered in glitter.
I kept a sweet smile on my face as I grabbed onto one of the poles, walking a slow circle around it. I took this time to make my viewers feel important; attempting to give each one a smile or nod. It was a brilliant money making technique. You'd double over laughing if you heard how many men thought they had a connection with me during one of my performances. After gaging my audience for the night, I wrapped one leg around the pole, steadying myself with one hand before arching my back, tipping my head backwards to look around. I gently flung myself around the pole, turning on it slowly. As I spun, I slowly lowered myself to the ground, making an effort to arch my back again and stick my ass out.
I could feel my hair splaying around me, and the bass reverberating from the stage rattled inside my chest. It was always electrifying. This was just the warm up to make sure everyones eyes were on me. I pulled myself up to sit on my knees with my heels tucked under my ass, bending forward to let an older man slip some stripper cash into my bra strap. I blew him a kiss and rocked back onto my heels from my knees. I slowly pushed myself up and prowled over to the other side of the stage. Many familiar faces - it was a Saturday after all.
I swear this never happens to me, but someone caught my eye. Among the men practically drooling over me sat one, manspreading with folded arms - almost unimpressed. Though seemingly uninterested, I watched his eyes follow me across the stage. I made my way over to him specifically, squatting down with my hands on my knees. I was gonna crack him.
Suddenly, with the odd hundred eyes on me, there were only two I cared about.
I slowly spread my legs as wide as I could, not breaking eye contact with him once. My signature innocent smile was dropped for a mischievous one, though his stone face never faltered. My favourite part in the song played, and I slipped the money from my bra into my panties. I reached behind me and unclipped my bra, slowly shucking it off and dropping it into his lap. A little grin played on his lips. I threw my head back with the music, letting my hands roam my chest, dropping my eyes back to his level, my gaze sharp enough to pierce. His eyes flickered between my breasts and face, taking a swig of his beer.
I stood again, making sure to give some attention to the rest of the sexually frustrated men. They threw their money onto the stage as I blew kisses, walking off. I came back this time, no panties. This always drove them wild. My final hurrah - I climbed the main pole in the centre, locking my knees around the cool metal, my heels facing outward to the crowd. My final spin, as the song reached the end, dropping to the ground once more, bending forward in cat pose. My ass facing right toward him. I stood up again, winking toward some random patron who looked like he was holding himself back from pouncing at me.
I walked toward the unamused man one last time, watching as he placed the fattest wad of money onto the stage before him, my bra still laying across his lap. I picked up the cash, shooting him a smile, that to my surprise was reciprocated. Goddamn. I collected as many of the scattered bills around the stage I possibly could before walking off stage finally.
I got dressed back into backup lingerie, changing my heels to match just for fun. I doused myself in Jimmy Choo perfume, heading out onto the main floor to find someone who wanted a dance. I thought I might get a drink first. Actually, in truth I was hoping to find you know who.
There he was by the bar.
"Big tipper, huh?" I announced my presence with a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Trying to impress me?" He'd left me a $400 tip. I nearly passed out off stage when I counted it.
"I don't know," he chuckled, taking a sip from his drink. His eyes didn't leave mine as he did so. "Are you impressed?"
"You could say that," I grinned, ignoring his friends across from us, smacking each other, making little comments about us like teenagers. "Can I buy you a drink?"
"With my money?" He laughed, though his comment a bit spiky, his tone was soft and inviting. "How about I just buy you one?"
I laughed too, following him up to the bar to order a simple vodka cran. He handed it back to me, and we stood slightly awkwardly away from his group of friends. Now that he was standing, he was much taller than me, having to crane his neck down to hear me.
"You paid my rent, you know," I told him, my free hand rested on his bicep. "How about a private dance? Free of charge."
He thought about it for a moment, shrugging with a nod and an accompanying smile. I grabbed him by the hand and led him through the velvet curtain into a private room.
He took a seat in the cushioned booth and I slid into his lap. "And what might your name be?"
"Matt," he smiled, hands resting on either side of his seat.
"Well, Matt," my hands found their way to his chest, our eyes still locked on one another. "I want to repay you. What can I do for you?"
"Whatever you wanna do." I hadn't realised how close our mouths were until I could feel his soft breaths tickling my lips. He smelt incredible. I picked up my hips and dropped them down softly, grinding against his crotch. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my hips, encouraging him to control my movements. He did, helping me slide back and forth against his jeans.
This was usually just a job for me. I got sloppy, I'd fake moan; really egg it on for them. I didn't want to do that for him. He really pushed my buttons the right way. There was something about him that left me wanting more. I reached back to unclip my bra, tossing it somewhere out of sight. I pulled his hands up to my tits, and finally, he started doing what he wanted. His hands fit my breasts like they were made for them, needing and palming at them like stubborn dough. I continued to grind against him, feeling his cock come to life under my weight.
"Do you tip all your strippers that well?" I asked, arms now slung over his shoulders so I could control my hips a bit better.
"Only the pretty ones," he grinned, skilfully toying with one of my nipples now, the feeling sending shockwaves to my core. "Do you do this for all your paying men?"
"Only the pretty ones," I retorted with a devilish grin of my own. He liked that one, one of his hands travelling down to grip my ass. He locked his fingers into my panties, silently urging me to remove them. If this didn't slow down, I was gonna end up fucking him right there.
I stood and obliged, slipping my panties off. He offered me his hand for support. He looked like he may start salivating like a dog. They now lay discarded somewhere beneath our feet. I didn't care.
He sized me up with his eyes, his lips parting subconsciously.
I danced in front of him; the usual during a lap dance. Swaying my hips, letting him run his hands all over my ass and abdomen. Giggling, bending over in front of him, fully on display for his enjoyment.
I stood back up and sat back in his lap, his hard on prominent now. "Tell me what you want, Matt."
"Can I touch you?" He looked up at me through his lashes, his hand now creeping toward my inner thigh.
I nodded, probably a bit too eagerly, planting both of my knees outside his thighs, pushing myself up by his shoulders to give him access. He slowly slid his hand between my thighs, sliding straight over my slick, coating the tips of his fingers.
He huffed to himself. "Do you always get this excited during a dance?"
"Honestly? Never," I confessed, all of a sudden a bit self conscious.
He looked into my eyes as he slipped two fingers in, causing me to inhale a sharp breath. His fingers were so long and warm and instantly curled up into that spot. It was a shock in all honesty, the way he knew exactly what he was doing. His other arm was wrapped around my waist, holding me close.
Thank God for private rooms.
He continued to slip his fingers in and out, head down as he watched himself sink them into me. I gently bounced on them, encouraging him to go deeper. He did, both of his digits entirely disappearing inside of me. I threw my head back and delivered a pitchy moan, screwing my eyes shut. I got that distinct feeling of goosebumps all over my body, the pleasure beyond any other mans fingers I'd ever experienced.
"Fuck," he groaned breathily, our foreheads now touching. Normally, we don't get intimate with our clientele, but it's like he cast a spell on me. "Rub your clit," he instructed.
Completely under his command, I obliged, slipping my fingers between the two of us. The immediate surge of pleasure that rippled through me was insane, like a glorious kick to the chest that knocked me off my feet.
"Yeah, good girl," he practically panted against my collarbone. Everything blurred for me, my ears ringing, but I think I was moaning his name as I approached my peak faster than a live bullet.
"Oh, fuck, Matt," I cried as I lost myself all over his fingers, his praises of encouragement drowned out by my heavy breathing and mewls of ecstasy. He helped me ride out my orgasm, before I practically collapsed into his lap.
"Holy shit," I laughed breathlessly. "Nothing like that has ever happened."
"You've never orgasmed?" He joked cockily, our foreheads pressed together.
"Not like that," I laughed too, sliding off his lap. He looked quite impressed with himself, with good reason, too. "Can I... have your number?"
"Only if you'll come visit me when you finish work," he smirked, pulling out his phone for me to message my number.
a bit rushed, i apologise
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millie4matt · 5 months
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i’m so in love with him i can’t even put it into words. he is so beautiful it hurts
from making of time warped 1995 (?)
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millie4matt · 6 months
i missed so much for absolutely no reason
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Compilation of some of his new pics
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millie4matt · 7 months
“We got to Hollywood with this film (Cannibal! The Musical) when we were about 23, and everyone was so sure that we were all gay. And now that you see it, of course you would think we were all gay. I mean, I think we’re gay, now.”
— Trey Parker (via godsfavoriteblog)
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millie4matt · 8 months
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theres just something about him in this pic… just hear me out
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millie4matt · 8 months
This is pulled straight out of my drafts (didn't feel creative enough to follow through with the idea) but something public with Remer would be hot, but like he's being noisy about it and you have to keep him quiet but he's STILL managing to be loud😁 (love you bae I believe in you)
thanks baby cakes hope i did your idea some justice xx
Be Quiet
doug remer x f!reader
CW: public (ish) unprotected intercourse, consensual slapping (just once), kind of orgasm denial? well, reader is a teeny bit mean but they make up for it
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Remer was known to be obnoxiously loud in bed. Even if meeting him for the first time, you’d instantly pick up on the fact. He was also very secure in his sexuality, many of his most effective psyche outs involving his dick in someway or another, whether he was pretending to jack off on the field, or telling someone from the opposing team that he wanted to “feel them deep inside” him.
He had the tendency to get you all riled up in public spaces; rubbing you through your panties under the table at dinners, sending you unspeakable pictures/texts during important meetings. Tonight, you were out at dinner with the Beers team and their respective plus ones, dining at a high end restaurant to celebrate their success of the Denslow Cup.
Remer was currently running his fingers along your inner thigh, looking up and talking to the group as if nothing was happening under the table. You were growing more frustrated about this apparent kink he had by the day, always trying to get you hot and bothered in public then denying you anything further until you got home.
You'd just about had enough, squeezing your thighs around his hand for some sort of relief. He looked absolutely delicious tonight, an ambiguously patterned shirt, black slacks that were a faux leather material, all complimented by his signature glasses and unruly curls. You felt like a dog on heat, attempting to subtly grind down on his fingers the best you could, him digging his nails into your inner thigh to let you know he understood what you were up to. His fingertips dragged across your panties, applying enough pressure in the right spot to make your breath hitch in your throat. He still looked around the room and joined in conversation, playing the perfect innocent act while you continued to throb beneath his touch.
He slipped a finger under your panties and over your heat, barely touching you, yet collecting a decent amount of your slick, wiping your arousal onto your thigh subtly. He looked down at it with a smirk, seeing it glisten under the lights before drawing his hand from you completely. He grabbed out his phone and shot you a quick text, before pocketing it and turning back to the group.
You frustratedly pulled out your phone, the text reading, "so wet over nothing."
You stood up from the table, grabbing him by the wrist and yanking him up with you. "Excuse us for a minute," you smiled to the table, tugging your inconsiderate boyfriend to the nearest bathroom you could find. He was so surprised that he couldn't even form his usual smart ass comment, just blindly following along wide eyed, before you roughly grabbed him by his shirt and shoved him into a stall.
He stared up at you wide eyed as he sat on the lid of the toilet, almost in shock at how out of character this was for you - well, in public anyway.
"Uh, what are you do-" he laughed, cut off by your hand covering his mouth. You slipped your underwear off with one hand, the other keeping Remer quiet as you instructed,
"Take your pants off." You kept your heels on, your panties getting caught around your ankle. Not that you cared though, you needed to feel him inside of you within the next 10 seconds or you'd go insane. He obliged eagerly, a muffled "yes ma'am," vibrating against your palm. You helped him pull them down around his ankles, roughly shoving his back against the wall as to say, 'don't worry about it.'
Without a second of hesitation, you lined him up with your entrance, removing your hand from his mouth to see his typical mischievous grin. You gave him his first and final warning, dark desperate eyes that were so serious about the words to follow;
"Don't. Make. A Sound."
With that, you lowered yourself down onto him, the delicious stretch causing the faintest gasp to escape your lips. He groaned loud, gripping your hips tight as he threw his head back. Your eyes widened as you slapped your hand over his mouth again, moving inches away from his face to shush him, "you need to be quiet or I'll stop." His eyes were apologetic, nodding in understanding as you began picking up your speed. He did his best to be quiet, staring at you with the sluttiest expression you'd ever seen on a man.
"Good boy," you praised quietly, rolling your hips rhythmically, feeling his cock hit your sweet spot with each selfish movement. Satisfied with his behaviour, you began picking up your pace again. Removing your hand from his mouth, your roughly gripped his shoulder, using the advantage of having heels on to push yourself up and down his length. You bit your lip to stifle a moan, the soft sound of the skin of your thighs slapping together and soft breaths echoing through the bathroom.
"God, Remer," you moaned as quiet as you could, both of your pants starting to accelerate.
"Fuck," he groaned, using his thighs to bounce you, hands moving to your ass, digging his nails into your skin hard. He slapped your ass with all his force, a big red welt forming almost instantaneously.
You gasped loud, striking him across the face, ripping a loud, girly moan from him. He always loved when you hit him in the bedroom, though it took some time for you to come around to it.
"Remer, quiet," you tried to warn, but it came out in a strained whimper, your hands pulling his hair roughly.
"Sorry, baby," he laughed breathlessly, brining his thumb down to circle your clit.
"Shit, fuck," you whimpered, Remer now bringing his spare hand up to your mouth this time. You gripped his shoulders harder to stabilise yourself, grinding harder and faster now.
"I'm gonna cum, Doug," you panted against his hand, his pressure on your clit more meaningful now.
He moaned almost pornographically at your admission, the sound causing you to come undone above him, slapping your hand over his mouth to dually shut him up, but also to hold yourself steady as you continued to ride out your high.
It was exhilarating really; bodies coated in a light sheen of sweat, both of you covering the others' mouth as you tried your best not to scream out in pleasure.
Just as you could tell he was about to finish, you lifted yourself off of him. He whimpered at the loss of contact, shocked that you were denying him for the first time... ever.
"What? No, what are you doing?"
"Giving you a taste of your own medicine," you whisper shouted, leaning forward to place a chaste kiss to his lips. You bent down to pick up your panties, only getting them just over your ankles when suddenly, Remer's strong hands pulled you up, flipping you around so roughly that your cheek smacked against the stall door. He grabbed your hips, sliding into you frictionlessly. You gasped at the invasion, your fingers instantly finding his soft curls.
He wrapped his hand around to the front of you, rubbing at your overly sensitive clit again. He breathed heavily in your ear, the heels making it easier for him to fuck you from this position.
His thrusts grew sloppier, your second orgasm approaching as he continued to assault your g-spot. You could tell he was close by his change in breathing pattern and the quiet, pitchy moans falling from his lips.
"Please cum in me," you whimpered pathetically, always ending up putty in his hands, even when you wanted to hold back from him.
And so he did without a word, but rather a loud groan, biting into your shoulder in a poor attempt to suppress the sound. The mix of pleasure and pain, accompanied by those angelic moans of your boyfriend nearly tipped you over for the second time.
"I'm gonna-" you warned again, nearly crying out when he pulled his cock out of you.
"Remer-" you whined, cut off by his lips pressing gently against yours.
"Shhh, someone might hear you." He mocked, bending down to pull you panties up for you before doing up his own pants. You stared at him gobsmacked. He simply opened the stall door, taking your hand and leading you back to the table without a word.
When you sat down, everyone turned to face you both, all conversations dying down.
"What'd we miss?" Remer grinned while you sat there mortified.
"Remer, you moan like a chick," Coop laughed, pulling the same reaction from everybody but you and your boyfriend.
"I told you to be quiet," you whispered to him.
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millie4matt · 8 months
it actually pisses me off that hot topic isn’t completely emo anymore. why is there so much color? why can’t i just go in and dress like it’s 2014?
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millie4matt · 8 months
On October 1, 1999, Baseketball was released on VHS in the United Kingdom.
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millie4matt · 8 months
one of my friends is a very pregnant dog and like 3 times a day i say to her “hello! you are full of several other smaller dogs!” and she wags her entire body at me like “it’s true!!! i contain multitudes”
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millie4matt · 8 months
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Couple costume idea
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millie4matt · 8 months
hohoho!! merry christmas!!
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Why does he look so jolly 😭
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